Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees

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  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures


    root is on the top and the leaves are at thebottom

    displays data items in a hierarchical structure

    organize information in database systems

    also work as ordered array and a linked list

    Trees *Property of STI Page 1 of 34

    A tree is composed of nodes connected byedges or lines

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Basic Terminologies


    Root Node

    Edges / lines / paths

    Leaf nodes

    Internal Nodes / Child Nodes




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    Depth of the tree


  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures


    Given the tree below, find the following:

    1. Root node

    2. Depth of the tree

    3. Nodes in level 4

    4. Degree of D5. Child/Children of Z

    6. Total Nodes in the tree

    7. Parent of F

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    8. Leaf Nodes

    9. Child nodes

    10. Maximum degree of the tree

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Binary Tree

    every node in a tree can have at most twochildren

    Left subtree

    Right subtree


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    two applications of binary tree

    binary expression tree

    binary search tree

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Binary Search Tree


    Hierarchical file structure in a computer systemis one of the common trees

    Hierarchical file structure is not a binary tree

    Binary search trees are trees such that any

    node has a key which is no more than the keyin its right child node and no less than the key

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    Figure A – BinarySearch Tree

    Figure B – NOT a BST


  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Operations on Binary Tree

    Node Class

    class Node


    int iData; //data used as key value

    float fData; //other datanode leftChild; //node’s left child 

    node rightChild; //node’s right child 

     public void displayNode()

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    class Node


     person p1; //reference to person object

    node leftChild; //node’s left child 

    node rightChild; //node’s right child 


    class Person{

    int iData;

    float fData;


  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Operations on Binary Tree

    Tree Class

    class Tree


     private Node root; //the only data field

    //in Tree

     public void find(int key)


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     public void insert(int id, double dd)



     public void delete(int id)



    //you may include other methods


  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Operations on Binary Tree

    TreeApp Class

    class TreeApp

    { public static voids main(String[] args)


    Tree theTree = new Tree; //make a tree

    theTree.insert(50, 1.5); //insert 3 nodes


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    theTree.insert(25, 1.7);

    theTree.insert(75, 1.9);

    node found = theTree.find(25); //find

    //node with key 25

    if(found != null)

    System.out.println(″Found the node with

    key 25″);


    System.out.println(″Could not find node

    with key 25″);



  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Operations on Binary Tree

    Finding a Node

     pubic Node find(int key)

    { Node current = root

    while(current.iData != key)



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    current = current.leftChild;


    current = current.rightChild if(current == null)

    return null;


    return current;


  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Inserting a Node

    Operations on Binary Tree

     public void insert(int id, double dd)


     Node newNode = new Node();

    newNode.iData = id;

    newNode.dData = dd;


    root = newNode;else


     Node current = root;

     Node parent;




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     parent = current;

    if(id < current.iData)


    current = current.leftChild;

    if(current == null){

     parent.leftChild = newNode;






    current = current.rightChild;

    if(current == null)


     parent.rightChild = newNode;







  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    a binary tree used in representing arithmeticexpression

    specifically the combinations of operators,

    operands, and order of evaluation

    Binary Expression Tree

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  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Constructing an Expression Tree

    Read the symbols one at a time.

    If the symbol is an operand:

    Create a one-node tree.

    Push a pointer to the node into thestack.

    If the symbol is an operator:

    3.1 Pop two pointers from stack. These

    Binary Expression Tree

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    po n ers represen e a ress o eroot nodes of two trees, T1 and T2.

    3.2 Form a new tree whose root is theoperator and whose left and rightchildren are T1 and T2, respectively.

    3.3 Push the pointer to the new tree intothe stack.

    Repeat steps 1 thru 3 until the last symbol

    has been read and processed.

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Example: AB+CDE+∗∗∗∗/

    “A” pushed into stack

    “B” pushed into stack

    Binary Expression Tree

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    subtree for “+” created

    “+” pushed into stack

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    Data Structures

    “C” pushed into stack

    “D” and “E” pushed into stack

    Binary Expression Tree

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    subtree for “+” created

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    Data Structures

    “+” pushed into stack

    subtree for “*” created

    Binary Expression Tree

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    “*” pushed into stack

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    subtree for “/” created

    “/” ushed into stack

    Binary Expression Tree

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  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Create a binary expression tree for the infixnotation given below.

    1. ( ( A + B ) - ( C / D ) ) + ( E * ( F / D ) )

    2. A + ( B * ( C – D ) ) – ( E – F * ( G + H ) )


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  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Binary Tree Traversal

    to visit all the nodes of the tree in order

    not commonly used as finding, inserting,deleting nodes

    useful in some circumstances and simpler thandeleting of nodes




    Inorder Traversal


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    1.   e no e as a e su ree:

    Traverse the left subtree in inorder

    (recursive call). Once completed,proceed to step 2.

    Otherwise, proceed to step 2.

    2. Read the root node.

    3. If the node has a right subtree:

    Traverse the right subtree in inorder(recursive call).

    The nodes of the tree willbe visited in the order:

    A B C D E F G

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Binary Tree Traversal

    Preorder Traversal

    1. Read the root node.

    2. If the node has a left subtree:

    Traverse the left subtree in preorder

    (recursive call). Once completed,proceed to step 3.

    Otherwise, proceed to step 3.

    3. If the node has a right subtree:


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    raverse e r g su ree n preor er(recursive call).

    The nodes of the treewill be visited in the


    D B A C F E G

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Binary Tree Traversal

    Postorder Traversal

    1. If the node has a left subtree:

    Traverse the left subtree in postorder(recursive call). Once completed,

    proceed to step 2.Otherwise, proceed to step 2.

    2. If the node has a right subtree:

    Traverse the right subtree in postorder

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      . ,proceed to step 3.

    Otherwise, proceed to step 3.

    3. Read the root node.

    The nodes of the tree

    will be visited in the

    order:A C B E G F D

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Generating the given expression tree into thethree traversal methods.

    Inorder Sequence

    Inorder Traversal

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    Data Structures

    Inorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 22 of 34

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Inorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 23 of 34

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    Data Structures

    Inorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 24 of 34

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Preorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 25 of 34

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Preorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 26 of 34

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Preorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 27 of 34

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    Data Structures

    Preorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 28 of 34

  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Postorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 29 of 34

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    Data Structures

    Postorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 30 of 34

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    Data Structures

    Postorder Traversal

    Trees *Property of STI Page 31 of 34

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    Data Structures

    Postorder Traversal

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  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures

    Inorder Traversal Code

     private void inOrder(node localRoot)

    {if(localRoot != null)




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  • 8/21/2019 Meljun Cortes Data Structures Trees


    Data Structures


    Given the expression tree below, generate thethree traversal methods.