Melbourne's Messengers of Deep Time Rachel Fetherston

4 Melbourne’s Messengers of Deep Time March 03, 2015 Rachel Fetherston Imagining the intricacies of a mysterious, lost world within the confines of modern Melbourne living is a difficult feat for many, save for the scientists and passionate locals attempting to protect and discover more about Melbourne’s ancient, natural history. In the scorching sun of Sunday 22nd February, it wasn’t unusual to see a myriad of families, friends and individuals descending upon Ricketts Point Beach for a day in the water. It quickly became apparent though that most of, if not the entire crowd milling about the Beaumaris Lifesaving Club were there for another purpose altogether: to see, touch and learn about the very real fossils to be found at the historic Beaumaris Bay fossil site. With a range of both amateur and professional fossickers prepared to speak later in the afternoon, the event began with fossil collector Richard Casley encouraging children and adults alike to search for some previously-prepared fossils in a large container under the marquee. For both participants and spectators, it was an entertaining and rewarding experience to watch, as kids of all ages attempted to find and then identify the different fossils. Richard was kind enough to help most of them with their identifications, expertly listing what seemed to be some of the more common fossils to be found in these parts: mako shark teeth, whale bones and the beautiful Levinia heart-shaped urchin, to name a few.


Melbourne's Messengers of Deep Time Rachel Fetherston

Transcript of Melbourne's Messengers of Deep Time Rachel Fetherston


    Melbournes Messengers of Deep Time

    March 03, 2015 Rachel Fetherston Imagining the intricacies of a mysterious, lost world within the confines of modern Melbourne living is a difficult feat for many, save for the scientists and passionate locals attempting to protect and discover more about Melbournes ancient, natural history.

    In the scorching sun of Sunday 22nd February, it wasnt unusual to see a myriad of families, friends and individuals descending upon Ricketts Point Beach for a day in the water. It quickly became apparent though that most of, if not the entire crowd milling about the Beaumaris Lifesaving Club were there for another purpose altogether: to see, touch and learn about the very real fossils to be found at the historic Beaumaris Bay fossil site.

    With a range of both amateur and professional fossickers prepared to speak later in the afternoon, the event began with fossil collector Richard Casley encouraging children and adults alike to search for some previously-prepared fossils in a large container under the marquee. For both participants and spectators, it was an entertaining and rewarding experience to watch, as kids of all ages attempted to find and then identify the different fossils. Richard was kind enough to help most of them with their identifications, expertly listing what seemed to be some of the more common fossils to be found in these parts: mako shark teeth, whale bones and the beautiful Levinia heart-shaped urchin, to name a few.

  • Following the enthusiasm shown during this first activity, it wasnt much of a surprise to see kids with display boxes full of fossils making their way to the microphone to discuss their own findings from Beaumaris and other parts of the world. One boy even stumped the visiting palaeontologists with a discovery from the Beaumaris site that was potentially the fossil of an ancient crocodile jaw a significant find for the area if proven to be true. It was amazing to hear that over 5000 fossils from this site alone have been donated to Museum Victoria, including those found by many eager, amateur collectors. The age of Beaumaris fossils generally extends from four million years to as far back as 10 million years ago a mind-boggling figure to grasp when one thinks of the broad scope of human development along the Bayside area over only the past century or so.

    To the average person, however, the activities of the first part of the day may have seemed like a bit of harmless, child-like fun; fossicking, for the most part, appeared to be all about getting sandy at the beach and digging around for a few rocks. It was therefore the latter portion of the event that perhaps demonstrated the true value of this local fossil site and the specimens found

  • there, beginning with Professor Tim Flannery stepping up to tell of his own experiences fossicking in the area.

    Tim himself grew up not far from Beaumaris in Sandringham, and therefore shares a very personal connection with the area beyond his own professional interests. A trained palaeontologist, Tim seemed keen to communicate the importance of defending the Beaumaris fossil site from pollution and development pressures; he also sadly admits that his own generation has not done as much as they could have in attempting to protect the site. Passing on this fact to the many intent children gathered in front of him, Tim encourages each of them to dive into the water of [their] own imagination and to remember that the lost world palaeontologists have discovered via the Beaumaris site is a world that really did exist. His short but memorable speech brought to mind images of the many fossils discussed that day as actual living things, inhabiting the sea floor of our very own Port Philip Bay once upon a time.

    Professor John Buckeridge was next up to speak, enthusiastically launching into a description of the various fossil types to be found in the Beaumaris area, of which he is a local resident. Explaining the significance of the high number of invertebrate fossils found at Beaumaris, John specifically mentioned two types that are of particular paleontological importance: echinoids (sea urchins) and brachiopods (shellfish-like creatures similar to clams and mussels, although unrelated). He also reiterated the importance of protecting the area from inappropriate development that could possibly compromise the site and any yet-to-be-discovered fossils; there is a chance that many specimens could indeed be lost forever if further measures are not taken to preserve the location. For him, development is not really an option here, but a world heritage site is, the latter of which is a classification yet to be implemented.

    However, perhaps the most striking speech was that given by Erich Fitzgerald, doctorand curator of palaeontology at Museum Victoria, who painted an unforgettable picture of life in Port Phillip Bay and the Melbourne area before human habitation. Like Tim, Erich explained how his passion for fossils began at an early age: a common theme demonstrated throughout the event itself, as the crowd seemed to be largely made up of families and children. Erichs professional interests lean more towards vertebrate fossils than those of invertebrates. With this in mind, he was able to portray a slightly more relatable picture of a lost marine world filled with ancient whales, dugongs, seals, penguins larger than the Emperor species, as well as huge sharks, including the largest to ever swim the Earths oceans: the magnificent Megalodon. These creatures existed in a time before the wheel and certainly before Facebook, peak hour and the towering skyscrapers of our modern city. Perhaps most significantly, this ancient time involved a world without us, and is a period that can perhaps only be re-discovered through the fossils found at Beaumaris. With a warmer climate and sea shores at least five kilometres further inland than they are today, Erich paints this world as one that is both awe-inspiring and mysterious.

  • Despite the potential for the Beaumaris site to continue to reveal more about Melbournes amazing past, Erich is the third speaker of the day to emphasise the dire need to protect this area for the sake of future generations, research and indeed the planet. He lovingly describes the fossil site as the jewel in the crown of Bayside andMelbourne, the heritage of which belongs not just to Melbournians, but to the entire world. It is indeed true that the great days of discovering are not yet done when it comes to the many fossils still buried deep in the sands of Beaumaris Bay. Erich also explains that this important site could be providing us with fossils that demonstrate the potential effects of climate change, and is therefore a haven of information that could benefit us in the here and now.

    Finally, it was time for both Vicki Karalis, President of the Sandringham Foreshore Association, and Felicity Frederico, Mayor of Bayside, to close the formal part of the day. Despite the heat, it wasnt difficult to see that it had been an engaging event for both children and adults. As Erich Fitzgerald meaningfully described, we are lucky to have a world-class fossil site so close to our city, yet we must continue to put more and more effort into protecting it from surrounding development or else, sadly, countless messengers of deep time will either be damaged or lost forever in the process.

    If you would like to visit the Beaumaris Bay fossil site, it is located off of Beach Road in the suburb of Beaumaris, not far from Ricketts Point. Refer to here for a more exact location of the fossil site along the beach.