MEL427 AdarshKumar2012meb1084 GauravGupta2012meb1097 TermProject

1 Abstract There are many ways to harness the solar energy which is the most clean and sustainable energy. It can be used to generate electricity and heat at high temperature as per the requirement. Now a days there are many devices like photovoltaics thermal hybrid, concentrated solar technologies, solar furnace and solar fuels. In order to meet the human requirement it is necessary to take an account the cost and efficiency associated with the current per the current demand of the energy consumption, only solar energy has the potential to fulfill the requirement as a renewable resource. From an economic and ecological perspective the devices available can be used accordingly. From the photovoltaic the levelised cost of electricity generation is very close to the cost of thermal electricity thus in future it will prove to be major technological area. Efficiency of photovoltaic is increased by making it a hybrid type power plant. Solar furnace can be used to obtain heat directly in various application where direct heat sources are required. Concentrated solar power plants and solar fuels are currently in developing phase with only minor contribution to the current energy supply. Solar fuels development can led to total dependence on solar energy possible. Introduction With the rapid Industrialization and Globalization the global energy demand has been steadily increasing since the last 40 years. In year 2008, the total global energy consumption reached 474×1018 J (474 exa-joules), out of which 8090% is coming from combustion of fossil fuels only [1]. The steady gradual increase in the consumption of fossil fuel has led to a drastic climate change, with 14 of the 15 most warm years on record occurring since 2000.[2] The International Energy Agency have estimated that the developing countries need to double the installed power generation capacity in order to fulfil the growing energy demand by year 2030 and the world energy consumption is to be increased by 44% up to 2030.[1] By using only 0.1% of the available land on earth earth’s with solar power collectors with the collection efficiency of 20%, we could generate more electrical power than the electrical power demand of all inhabitants of our mother Earth[9]. In recent past due to the rapid increase in the Environmental Pollution level and global warming issue there is huge growth observed in the photovoltaic solar based technology market. Nowadays due to new development of industrial hub the levelized cost of the solar energy has fallen down and is about to meet the cost of commercial electricity, with the current growth rate of technology the solar electricity cost will soon be available with a competitive price for the daily household use.[3]. Nomenclature PV = Photovoltaic P = Maximum Power Generated by PV cell Vos = Open Circuit Voltage Isc = Short Circuit Current FF = Fill Factor (P/(Vos x Isc)) T = Ambiance Temperature Tc = Collector temperature CSP = Concentrated Solar Power COST AND EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT SOLAR BASED DEVICES: A REVIEW Adarsh Kumar, Gaurav Gupta School of Mechanical Materials & Energy Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Rupnagar – 140001, Punjab, INDIA *Corresponding author: Gaurav Gupta Tel: 7814326401; E-mail: [email protected]


solar pv cell

Transcript of MEL427 AdarshKumar2012meb1084 GauravGupta2012meb1097 TermProject

  • 1


    There are many ways to harness the solar energy which is the

    most clean and sustainable energy. It can be used to generate

    electricity and heat at high temperature as per the requirement.

    Now a days there are many devices like photovoltaics thermal

    hybrid, concentrated solar technologies, solar furnace and solar

    fuels. In order to meet the human requirement it is necessary to

    take an account the cost and efficiency associated with the

    current per the current demand of the energy

    consumption, only solar energy has the potential to fulfill the

    requirement as a renewable resource. From an economic and

    ecological perspective the devices available can be used

    accordingly. From the photovoltaic the levelised cost of

    electricity generation is very close to the cost of thermal

    electricity thus in future it will prove to be major technological

    area. Efficiency of photovoltaic is increased by making it a

    hybrid type power plant. Solar furnace can be used to obtain

    heat directly in various application where direct heat sources

    are required. Concentrated solar power plants and solar fuels

    are currently in developing phase with only minor contribution

    to the current energy supply. Solar fuels development can led

    to total dependence on solar energy possible.


    With the rapid Industrialization and Globalization the global

    energy demand has been steadily increasing since the last 40

    years. In year 2008, the total global energy consumption

    reached 4741018 J (474 exa-joules), out of which 8090% is

    coming from combustion of fossil fuels only [1]. The steady

    gradual increase in the consumption of fossil fuel has led to a

    drastic climate change, with 14 of the 15 most warm years on

    record occurring since 2000.[2]

    The International Energy Agency have estimated that the

    developing countries need to double the installed power

    generation capacity in order to fulfil the growing energy

    demand by year 2030 and the world energy consumption is to

    be increased by 44% up to 2030.[1]

    By using only 0.1% of the available land on earth earths with

    solar power collectors with the collection efciency of 20%, we

    could generate more electrical power than the electrical power

    demand of all inhabitants of our mother Earth[9]. In recent

    past due to the rapid increase in the Environmental Pollution

    level and global warming issue there is huge growth observed

    in the photovoltaic solar based technology market. Nowadays

    due to new development of industrial hub the levelized cost of

    the solar energy has fallen down and is about to meet the cost

    of commercial electricity, with the current growth rate of

    technology the solar electricity cost will soon be available with

    a competitive price for the daily household use.[3].


    PV = Photovoltaic

    P = Maximum Power Generated by PV cell

    Vos = Open Circuit Voltage

    Isc = Short Circuit Current

    FF = Fill Factor (P/(Vos x Isc))

    T = Ambiance Temperature

    Tc = Collector temperature

    CSP = Concentrated Solar Power


    Adarsh Kumar, Gaurav Gupta School of Mechanical Materials & Energy Engineering

    Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Rupnagar 140001, Punjab, INDIA

    *Corresponding author: Gaurav GuptaTel: 7814326401; E-mail: [email protected]

  • 2


    Photovoltaics fundamentally are solid semiconductor devices

    which covert the solar Irradiation directly to electrical energy,

    they are made up of either mono crystalline, poly crystalline,

    ribbon crystalline or amorphous (micro crystalline) silicon,

    gallium, copper-indium-selenide and cadmium telluride


    Phovoltaic panels are made up of a laminate structure of series

    wired multiple solar cell as individual cells have very less

    voltage output of 0.5V. [3]

    The operation principles of solar cells is the higher energy

    Photons i.e. with greater energy as compared with the band-

    gap energy of the semiconductor are absorbed and excite the

    valance electrons towards the conduction band thus, leaving

    behind holes in the valence band. The electron and hole pairs

    generate an electric field in the depletion layer of the pn

    junction the electric eld present in the depletion region

    separates them and drives them through an external load. When

    the impedance of the circuit matches the load of device

    maximum power gets delivered.

    The solar conversion efficiency for a solar cell is given by.


    = Vos x Isc x FF/P

    The power and other properties for the solar panels are

    generally rated for STP conditions i.e. 250C at 1atm pressure

    with 1.5 AM Solar Mass and Irradiation of 1000W/sq.m From

    the date of invention of Solar cells, besides that the solar energy

    is being available for free and these Photovoltaics have not been

    considered in past for large scale electricity generation because

    of its high cost. Solar panels have of manufacturing, high cost

    of equipment and installation high levelized cost of electricity.

    Thus, restricting its use but from the recent few years as the

    people all around the globe are becoming more concern about

    the renewable energy consumption because of the

    environmental degradation, the use of solar based technology is

    increasing abruptly, and the photovoltaics are leading the chart

    as it directly converts solar energy into electrical energy. [4][5]

    The Globally installed Photo Voltaic capacity has risen from

    1.8 GW in 2000 towards 177 GW in 2014, on an average it is

    the fasted growing energy sector with a growth rate of 48%. The

    rapid interest in the renewable solar based technology and

    environmental impact along with rapid development in solar

    PV technology has cause a significant rapid cost reduction.

    Nowadays is a wide range of PV available in the market today,

    they uses different technology and different types of material

    they are classified into three generation category on the basis of

    used material and commercial production technology.[4][5]

    First generation Photovoltaics, they are made up of wafer

    based crystalline silicone of two types, single crystal or poly

    crystal. These types of PV have the largest share in the global

    market of nearly 87% up till 2010, although the silicone is one

    of the most abundant element on earth but the cost of these

    photovoltaics are very high. They have efficiency of about 14-

    19%, the wafers of silicon are generally 200-300m.[3][4][9]

    Second generation Photovoltaics, they are made up by thin

    film Photovoltaic technology, it consist of amorphous Silicon,

    Microcrystalline Silicone, Copper-Indium-Gallium-Diselenide

    , (Cu-In-GA-Se), Copper Indium-Selenide (Cu-In-Se),

    Cadmium-Telluride (Cd-Te). They are the result of 20-30 years

    wide extensive research, they need less material for

    manufacturing and they have in principal low levelized cost of

    electricity production. They are made up of successive thin

    layer of just order of 1-4 m.[3][9]

    Amorphous Silicone PV cells and microcrystalline silicone

    have efficiency of the order of 4-8%, and the efficiency even

    drops down by years, thsus the lower cost in production is being

    compensated by the lower efficiency and they generate

    electricity at a higher levelized cost.[3][4]

    Copper-Indium-Gallium-Diselenide and Copper Indium-

    Selenide have the highest efficiency among all thin film solar

    cells of order of nearly 18%. Cadmium-Telluride solar cells

    have efficiency of 16% and they are the most economical thin

    film technology. The only drawback is they are toxic.[3][4][9]

    Third generation Photovoltaics, they are under developing

    phase and not have been commercialized yet, like Organic

    Photovoltaics, Dye based Photovoltaics and Concentrating

    Photovoltaics, they are very inexpensive but are very


    Organic photovoltaics cells are made up of organic or

    polymeric material they having efficiency of only 4-6% they

    are also unstable over time. Dye-sensitized solar cells are made

    up of photo-electrochemical they too have 4-5% efficiency.

    Concentrating PV uses optical devices to concentrate the direct

    solar insolation in a small, efficient multi-junction based solar

    cells made up of semiconductors like Germanium, Gallium

    Arsenic, Indium Gallium Arsenic and Indium Gallium

    Phosphorus. They have very high efficiency of order of 40-

    50%, they have a drawback that the concentrated solar

    irradiance use to increase the temperature of the solar cell and

    they tends to reduce the efficiency of the solar cell.[9]

    To rectify that effect they need a cooling system, and Solar

    Thermal Hybrid energy system is an outcome to use the thermal

    energy by the raised temperature of the solar cells. Cost is the

    prime factor in the production of Photovoltaics, from the time

    of Photovoltaic development the module use to consist of 60-

    70% of the cost of total PV system but since 2008 there is a

    random decline in the module cost and now it is available for

    cheap. [3][4]

    As of now the learning decline rate of the price of Photovoltaic

  • 3

    modules is around 20% which means that for the each time

    photovoltaic cumulative installed capacity has doubled the

    module cost have declined by 20%, one of the possible reason

    for that is the entrance of Chinese companies in the PV

    manufacturing market, despite the rapid growth and easy

    availability the solar energy have only 1% share in the global

    installed capacity.[4][5][6]

    The rapid development in past time, has brought down the cost

    of the high power solar modules INR. 810,000/kW in 1982 to

    INR. 200,000/kW in 2006 the installation cost of a PV system

    has also declined to INR 240,000/kW in 2008 as compared to

    INR 640,000/kW in 1992. It is keeps on decreasing further now

    with a decline rate of 45% since last 5yrs with each 22%

    reduction with doubling of cumulative volume


    The levelized cost of electricity from different types of PV cells

    have fallen down due to increase in its efficiency, life time of

    solar panels and the decrease in the capital investment for the

    Module installation, the levelized cost of Electricity is nearly

    INR 6.64 7.85 for life time of 25yrs with 10% decline in

    performance in first 10yrs than 25% decline in next 15 yrs. The

    point to notice is that the levelized cost of currently available

    amorphous PV cells are more than crystalline PV cell this is due

    to the rapid reduction in the efficiency of amorphous PV cells,

    for the current development scenario the levelized cost of the

    PV cells will beat the cost of thermal based electricity at that

    time it will be further good for utility.[5][6]

    Ecological footprint of the Solar Power is comparable with the

    other PV Technologies. The land required to use construct a

    Hydro Power Plant is quite huge as compared with the solar

    power plant, Thus it have a low Ecological footprint.[7][8]

    Solar Thermal Hybrid

    Another and the most prominent type of Solar Technology is

    Solar Thermal Hybrid Power panels, as the temperature

    increases the efficiency of the solar panel decreases, the solar

    thermal hybrid power collector utilized that thermal energy to

    produce electricity, the cooling system of the panel with

    flowing some fluid uses many technologies have to produce

    sufficient energy for the Rankine Cycle Power Plant, as nano-


    Although the cost of the Solar panel rises due to the installation

    of Cooling mechanisms but the overall efficiency of the system

    tends to increase by rapidly up to 65-80%. Reducing the

    levelized cost of the electricity produced with not much effect

    in the Ecological Footprint. There are also projects on wind-

    solar hybrid and wind-solar-thermal hybrid technology.


    Solar Furnace

    Solar furnace one of the best option to utilize the solar energy

    if we have to use the solar energy in the form of heat. It

    concentrated solar irradiation by heliostats and parabolic

    mirrors on the focal point to produce high very high

    temperatures up to an order of 30000C with concentration factor

    of 5000. Solar furnace is an old technology of back 18th century,

    a French person Antoine Lavoisier made a solar furnace which

    can reach temperature of 17500C which was used to melt copper

    and iron like metals. [10]

    This huge amount of heat can be used for chemical purposes, to

    melt down metals for industrial purposes, to

    generate electricity, and to produce hydrogen fuel for fuel


    The conversion efficiency () is function of Carnot efficiency

    and receiver efficiency [11]

    = reciver x carnot

    = (1 (T4)

    IC) X (1 (



    Image Source[2]

    Small Solar furnace can be used for heating the home, could

    be used as water heater and be used as an cooking equipment,

    for the concentration ratio to be nearly 1000-1500, the

    Levelized cost is INR 6.4/KWh which is less than the

    commercial cost of electricity in India.

    With the recent development of the Optical Cavity Furnace the

    thermal efficiency of the solar furnace will show a gradual

    increase in next few years as it will decrease the .[12]Solar

    furnace can be used to for the production of Hydrogen based

    fuel for Fuel cells[13].

    Ecological footprint the solar furnace is quite low as compared

    with the traditional Thermal and Hydro Power Plant, it

    doesnt emits C02 and other Green House Gases.[14]

  • 4

    Energy payback time of the solar furnaces are used to be

    nearly 4-6 years for large furnaces for small furnaces it is used

    to be 8-10years and the life time are 30 years.[9]

    In India small scale Solar furnace are used for Solar

    Cremation, which will reduce the deforestation and is more

    ecofriendly as compared with the Electrical Cremation, on an

    whole, it save 200-300kg of wood for each cremation . [15]

    Concentrated Solar Power Plant

    The concentrated solar power plant provides a greater

    opportunity for harnessing the solar power. They work in High

    temperature range since no semiconductor device is used

    harness solar energy. Solar radiation is concentrated at a single

    point by the use of multiple mirrors or curved mirrors [17]. The

    high temperature heat generated is harnessed by using a carrier

    fluid which has heat capacity and stability. Occasionally the

    carrier fluid is water itself and thus steam is generated directly

    in the solar concentrator. The steam is used to run the turbine.

    However due to high working temperature, a separate fluid is

    used to generate the steam for rankine cycle. The CSP plant on

    a broadly consists of following hardware: 1. Glass for

    concentrating solar radiation, 2. Solar collector with workingfluid, 3. Heat exchanger for generating steam, 4. Turbine for

    electricity generation, and cooling system. All these component

    require initial manufacturing cost and thus the

    installation/setting up of a CSP plant does not necessarily an

    environmental friendly process.[17] Various resources are used

    to manufacture the component leading to high ecological

    footprint and thus the working life time of the power plant

    should be sufficient to counter the initial environmental impact.

    Mostly impact is on Land resources, water resources and global

    warming emissions.[18]

    By changing the type of concentrator, different types of CSP

    Plant configuration are possible which are 1. Trough collector,

    2. Power tower system and 3. Dish systems [19]. These plant

    configurations can effectively reach different operating

    temperature and thus different output energy is obtained. The

    largest CSP Plant is of tower system type, located in California

    having a capacity of 392MW in an area of 4000 acres [20]. The

    total cost of project is $2.18 billion [20]. The power plant is

    expected to reduce the annual carbon dioxide emissions

    however if the power plant will not operate for long time

    successful recovery of the resource investment will not be

    possible [20]. The efficiency of the CSP is summarized below.

    Type Parabolic







    Efficiency 20% 18% 35% 30%

    High efficiency is obtained for point concentration type CSP in

    which all the solar radiation is concentrated at a single point.

    However high efficiency requires higher resources for the

    construction thus parabolic trough are widely used for power

    generation.[21] The overall efficiency of a CSP is the total

    conversion efficiency of solar collector and thermal power

    station. Currently in India, most of the operational CSP plant

    are of parabolic trough type since cost of production and

    maintenance is considerably lower than tower type plant [22].

    Essentially CSP plant are set up in remote areas where high

    amount of solar irradiance is received. According to NREL data

    for annual average direct solar irradiance for India, some

    regions of Karnataka near the Krishna basins and parts of

    Rajasthan and Gujarat near Bans River are suitable for the

    construction of the concentrated solar power plant.

    Mirrors required may be silver plated for higher reflectance but

    are costlier but aluminum plated mirrors are widely used

    because of corrosion resistance property of aluminum. Carrier

    fluid is generally of mineral salt. Other than this typical rankine

    cycle based power plant construction is needed. For minimizing

    the ecological and environmental impact, construction of bigger

    power plant is generally suggested [23]. Generally for any CSP

    plant, 20-24% of cost is invested in constructing the storage

    facility for the power station. Mirrors take only 12% and heat

    channeling device take 15% of the total cost.[24] Rest of the

    amount is invested in maintenance and construction of power

    generating part of the plant[25]. Mega solar power plant located

    in anantapur city of Andhra Pradesh is a parabolic trough type

    CSP plant with a total investment of INR 8480 million.

    Solar Fuels

    The earth receives a huge amount solar energy which can

    completely satisfy the energy requirement. However the

    dependence on traditional fuels is not yet diminished.

    Continuous consumption of fossil fuels led to an increased

    concentration of carbon dioxide in atmosphere which is

    responsible for many changes in climate. One of the drawback

    of the solar energy is that it is not available throughout the 24

    hrs. So there is a need to store the solar energy for night usage.

    However current technology is only advanced to store the solar

    energy in modern batteries which is not economical and

    environment friendly since battery production require resources

    and many batteries will be required. One of the idea is to utilize

    the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis utilizes the solar

    energy and carbon dioxide to produce glucose [26]. However

    glucose cannot be used as fuel. Thus artificial photosynthesis is

    required using a proper catalyst which can convert atmospheric

    carbon dioxide into appropriate chemical compound which can

    be economically process to produce fuels. The fuels thus

  • 5

    obtained are called solar fuels [26[. These fuel have zero carbon

    content and thus stores solar energy in the form of chemical

    energy effectively [27]. The catalyst required should be occur

    naturally or require little investment as such the higher cost will

    led to non-sustainability. There is direct conversion of the solar

    energy to make solar fuels which can be used for power

    generation however indirect conversion of solar energy to

    intermediate compound is much easier. These intermediate

    compound can be used to make solar fuels although the

    efficiency of conversion is reduced [27].

    Production of hydrogen and methane is essentially a research

    subject [27]. Hydrogen can be produced by the electrolysis of

    water and methane can be produced from the reduction of

    carbon dioxide. Both of these requires energy which can be

    given by solar energy however appropriate catalysts are

    required. Solar energy can also be used indirectly to produce

    solar fuels. The photovoltaic cell can produce electricity to

    electrolyze water and reduce carbon dioxide appropriately

    however since there is a limit on conversion efficiency on solar

    panel the overall efficiency of the process is reduce. The

    economics of second process is quite acceptable. The electrodes

    material is available however prone to corrosion thus require

    periodic replacement. Solar energy in the form of heat can be

    used generate solar fuel with much more efficiency. The

    thermochemical reaction can take place in the collector part of

    any concentrated solar power plants. Hydrogen can be produced

    by boiling water at high temperature.


    With rapid development in photovoltaic technology the

    levelised cost of different solar devices has fallen down with

    improvement in their efficiency. For those places where the

    infrastructure for grid supply is not available small scale solar

    power plant could be built in developing countries like India.

    The levelised cost of solar furnace is minimum but has

    limitations for thermal purpose only. The cost of concentrated

    solar power plant depends on the scale of the CSP to be set up.

    Least investment is required for the hardware corresponding to

    the solar devices and maintenance cost is higher. The solar fuels

    can be sustainable replacement for the traditional batteries and

    has huge potential to fulfill the energy requirement. Although

    the cost of solar thermal hybrid is more but currently it is the

    most efficient technology. If somehow the levelised cost solar

    thermal hybrid energy decreases, it will be a major boost in

    power sector.


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