Meeting of the Board of Directors of...

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Woodsworth College Students’ Association Tuesday, May 23 rd , 2017 119 St. George Street 1. Agenda 2. Previous Executive Meeting Minutes 3. Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 4. Board Reports 5. Appendix a. Orientation Week 2017 Budget i. Budget breakdown ii. Revenue Projections b. Preliminary Executive Budgets i. Vice President of Internal Affairs ii. Vice President of Public Relations iii. Vice President of Athletic Affairs iv. Vice President of Financial Affairs v. Vice President of External Affairs vi. President c. WiNC 2017 Summer Budget i. Budget Motivations

Transcript of Meeting of the Board of Directors of...

Page 1: Meeting of the Board of Directors of · 2017-07-05 · BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies the hiring of Christina Badiola to

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

119 St. George Street

1. Agenda 2. Previous Executive Meeting Minutes 3. Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 4. Board Reports 5. Appendix

a. Orientation Week 2017 Budget i. Budget breakdown

ii. Revenue Projections b. Preliminary Executive Budgets

i. Vice President of Internal Affairs ii. Vice President of Public Relations

iii. Vice President of Athletic Affairs iv. Vice President of Financial Affairs v. Vice President of External Affairs

vi. President c. WiNC 2017 Summer Budget

i. Budget Motivations

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1. Call to Order

Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

2. Approval of the Agenda Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

3. Approval of the Previous Executive Meeting Minutes Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

4. Approval of the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

5. Approval of the Board Reports

Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

6. Chair of the Board of Directors BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies the hiring of Christina Badiola to the role of Chair. Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

7. Secretary of the Board of Directors BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies the hiring of Shreyashi Saha to the role of Secretary. Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

8. Summer office Staff BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies the hiring of Kana Shishikura to the role of Summer Office Staff. Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

9. Elections and Referenda Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint ___________, _____________, _________, _________ to the Elections and Referenda Committee to be chaired by Jeong. Moved: Humby Seconded: ____________

10. Executive Review Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint ________, _________, _________, ________, to the Executive Review Committee to be chaired by ________ Moved: Humby Seconded: ____________

11. External Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint ________, _________, _________, ________, to the External Committee to be chaired by Sheikh Moved: Humby Seconded: ____________

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12. Publications Review Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint ________, _________, _________, ________, to the Editorial Review Committee to be chaired by Sheikh Moved: Humby Seconded: ____________

13. Athletics Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint ________, _________, _________, ________, to the Athletics Committee to be chaired by Dos Santos Moved: Humby Seconded: ____________

14. Policy Review Committee Motion that the WCSA BoD appoint ________, _________, _________, ________, to the Policy Review Committee to be chaired by Jeong Moved: Humby Seconded: ____________

15. Orientation Week Budget Motion that the WCSA BoD approve $85,514.23 for the 2017 Orientation Budget as presented in the appendix Moved: Shah Seconded: Humby

16. Internal Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $7764.75 for the Internal Budget, in accordance with the attached proposal for expenses until the official budget is passed. Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

17. Athletics Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $3,300 for the Athletics Budget, in accordance with the attached proposal for expenses until the official budget is passed. Moved: Dos Santos Seconded: Shah

18. PR Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $4,135 for the PR Budget, in accordance with the attached proposal for expenses until the official budget is passed. Moved: Li Seconded: Shah

19. Finance Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $150 for the Finance Budget, in accordance with the attached proposal for expenses until the official budget is passed. Moved: Shah Seconded: Humby

20. President Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $800 for the President Budget, in accordance with the attached proposal for expenses until the official budget is passed. Moved: Sheikh Seconded: Shah

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21. External Budget BIRT the WCSA BoD approve $1000 for the External Budget, in accordance with the attached proposal for expenses until the official budget is passed. Moved: Sheikh Seconded: Shah

22. Other Business

23. Adjournment

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Previous Executive Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Executive of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

119 St. George Street

In Attendance:

Minki “Ryan” Jeong (President) Daniel Humby (Vice President of Internal Affairs) Rohan Shah (Vice President of Financial Affairs) Haya Sheikh (Vice President of External Affairs) Valerie Dos Santos (Vice President of Athletic Affairs) Amanda Li (Vice President of Public Relations) Julia Cicconi (Vice President of Social Affairs)

1. Call to Order – 6.37 PM

2. Updates

Jeong – I am doing a lot of planning work mostly. I had a meeting with St. George Round Table around the end of April, after exams. Also, working on prelim budget along with the actual budget. I am also working on polices and laws including our constitution and bylaws. I met with both the photography companies that we are considering – Lassman and Paramount which I’ll be talking about later. In terms of a quick note on St. George round table, for the past year they were mostly unestablished and didn’t have a constitution or bylaws and didn’t really know what they were doing for the most part. But this year we’re trying to change that and trying to come in connection with all the colleges and faculties and trying to establish campus wide policies like sexual violence policies. Humby – So first, the office staff, secretary and chair has been hired. I have spent most of the week with our office staff and its going well. We have made locker sales, answering questions, taking phone calls. Also focused on organising – there are a lot of things here. I found a receipt dated to 2001. I also met with the orientation coordinators and discussed the necessary which I’ll talk more about later. Finished the prelim budget for everything we are going to need. Also sent an email for our first board meeting on May 23rd. I also have an idea about what we’ll be ordering for food – more on that later.

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Shah – Just like Dan, things have been pretty busy. I processed and paid all the outstanding payments for 2016/2017 year. I got in touch with our auditor last week and have started the process. He ideally wants to finish it by June but realistically I could maybe get it done before September semester starts. We cleaned up the office. I got in touch with the finance person at U of T to find out how, when and in what instalments we can get our student fees. I had a meeting with the OC’s. I am currently working with everyone on preliminary budgets. So far, I have received them from Dan and WiNC. Waiting for budgets from other members. The budget retreat will probably be between the first and second week of July. Cicconi – I went to the OEC meeting last week. I went through the events and decided against participating for homecoming and let Ally know of that. She is still playing around with the timing of it but regardless, we have decided against it. Other than orientation, I have personally been looking over the budget from 2016/2017, for social events and nothing permanent yet but deciding on events and new ideas. Nothing much right now just preliminary stuff. Dos Santos – I have been finalising the preliminary budget for the year. Working on organising a Blue Jays game. I have been reaching out to students for intramural sports. But due to low interest, I have decided against signing up teams for the summer intramurals. I am working with interested students who are signing up with free agents or joining other teams. Li – Its not been super busy but I made some updates on the website and made it a bit cleaner. I updated the office hours on the website, inventoried a lot of WCSA wear. We have a lot of XL WCSA wear for some reason. We will try to sell them off to get rid of them. I also am looking to get WCSA wear started over summer so they are available for sale during orientation week. Sheikh - I had a busy month, figuring out constitution for WINC, WPS, ASL and HOWL - their constitution from wherever Ryan left of. Just making sure I have everything updated and all the policies regarding room booking for who they have to go through to ensure from the beginning they know what exactly they are supposed to. I am also working with the orientation team and contacted clubs and student life organizations. I have got replies from many and once they give me details about the date and events, we’ll have more interest for the WOLF fair. I am working on prelim budget with Rohan and I am talking to ASL and HOWL – they might need it for the summer. I am hoping for 2 more collaborations – UTSU and a sponsorship program. Just got the information today so I need to go through and see if it’s something we’ll be interested in. Humby – Are we okay for updates? I just want to add that I have gotten everyone their key cards. I think there are only a few people who haven’t received their key cards. We are also still trying to hunt down key cards from the previous board because that’s stopping us from issuing new key cards.

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3. OMC Updates / Orientation 2017 - Sugar Beach Event

Humby – I have tried to break this down into smaller sections. If you scroll down to the appendix there are two documents – the first one is the draft schedule. If you guys could open it. The event that we were questioning is the Sugar Beach event. Its only because they are planning to travel by bus from the college. They want to leave at 9.30 AM sharp and want students be ready at 9.00 AM sharp and no later. They expect to arrive at the beach around 10.15 AM and they have a couple hours at the beach for BBQ and want inflatables, pick-up games and like a typical beach day. They want to be leaving the beach no later than 12.00 PM to be back on campus before Pre-U of T begins which is 1.00 PM. And they cannot schedule any other event at the same time as Pre U of T and that comes from Christina straight from the dean’s office. It’s a cool idea but the problem that we have all noticed is the logistics and travelling by bus through downtown and still having enough time to make it a good beach event. Buses always end up taking a bit more time especially with loading and unloading. The event is questionable logistically and we are looking for an input on this. Shah – Another issue we saw with this is that Monday night is Club night and this is the next morning so we don’t really see students coming at 9.00 and leaving by 9.30. Humby – To be fair they did point out that club night ends an hour earlier and assuming that students don’t go out or go to a fraternity afterwards they’ll still have a good sleep if they want to and then still go to the beach. As much as it seems like it works on paper, it doesn’t work practically. Also, even if they didn’t have club night, it’s hard to expect students to be up and ready to leave at 9 sharp. Sheikh – Isn’t sugar beach really small? It’s really small like it’s not even beach. I am not sure if they have seen the location and are okay with it? At least from what I know, it’s pretty small. Li – How do they plan on BBQ? Not sure if Julia knows the answer as she attended their last meeting. Cicconi – When I attended the last meeting, they still hadn’t discussed on location or time. So, all of this is news to me. But I did bring forward logistics issues. I agree with Dan about 9 AM being an issue. Here it says breakfast provided. If they are planning to leave at 12, I am not sure when they would begin BBQ. Li – That was just one thing. They were planning on bringing inflatables and I don’t think that is legal. We are allowed to do it for Central Islands and we couldn’t do it for our event in High park. I have to agree that time is an issue. They are probably going to be there for only an hour. It takes time to go there and come back. If they have issues or any troubles they don’t have time to fix things and students can’t miss pre-u of t. If for some reason they don’t get back in time, we are never going to hear the end of it from Christina. And I get where Christina is coming from as it’s a very valuable experience. I don’t think it’s a great idea but I think it’s a great concept. Humby – I understand OC’s are trying to fit as much as they for the students to get value for their ticket while still working around the obstacles.

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Jeong – I agree with general consensus. I really like the concept but like Dan and Julia said if they get there, they don’t have much time. For a such a high-risk event, it might not be worth it to really take the effort. There is going to be a lot of traffic given the time of travel. I think we should definitely find an alternative solution. Humby – Does anyone have any other points because this kind of leads to our second agenda item? Li – What is the consensus that we will be telling OC? We can’t tell them what to do as that is not our position. It’s going to cost a lot of money. Humby – We probably have to come up with a formal way of informing them and give them a list of reasons why we don’t think it’s a good idea. And they will have access to these meeting minutes and see our points. Dos Santos – Did the OCs mention any alternative event for the morning? Humby – They didn’t mention any alternatives but I did suggest they plan something on campus and the response wasn’t that overwhelming. They wanted to do something that was worth the cost which makes absolute sense and I totally agree with them there. Li – One suggestion – I don’t know what they want to do. They are getting inflatables and they already have a carnival. So why don’t they do something like that on campus? Humby – Something like outdoor breakfast at Queens Park? Cicconi – They can just do something in the area. Shah – And the block party is on the same day so the events will be too similar. Even if they do the beach party and take the inflatables, it will be very similar.

- Wolf Involvement & A Shorter Week Humby – This is a suggestion that came up during our conversation yesterday – I understand why sugar beach is an issue and that they are trying to squeeze in as much as they can. And it’s because of the way WOLF is structured. So, the idea we had is that WOLF has to follow the E-Mentorship lunch which is after the Pre U of T which takes up all afternoon. So if the E-mentorship lunch is switched to a brunch and moved to the morning and then the WOLF program followed by Pre U of T and then they can have the beach event around 2.30 PM. Then they can have a couple of hours of sunlight and don’t have to rush to get back except for the block party later in the evening. However, WOLF and Christina are being very strict with the times concerning WOLF and Christina raised a valuable concern of returning from sugar beach around 5.30 PM which is rush hour and everyone is trying to get out of downtown. Something I thought which might fix it is taking busses down to the beach and then possibly taking the TTC back which works anyways as a lot of times people leave at separate times. That being said, it would have to be checked with Christina and WOLF. Shah – The only issue with TTC would be that there will be a lot of people. Sheikh – I don’t think it’s very accessible by the TTC Shah – Also walking with so many students is an issue Cicconi – Even walking back from High Park last year, it was hard to keep track of everyone

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Humby – Maybe then it won’t be a feasible option Li – Concerning the WOLF situation, if they don’t agree there is nothing we can do about that. But I am wondering how that would affect the block party after if beach is moved to the afternoon assuming they would need leaders to help with block party. Shah – They would need a lot of leaders in both places Humby – They would definitely need leaders both at the beach and helping out at the block party so they would need to split up not sure if they will look at moving the event Li – Can they do that? Humby – Possibly but I am not sure if even they know if they can do that. But that being said, I am not sure if they would look into moving around the schedule as an option just because of WOLF and the issue Christina pointed out the with traffic. Li - We do have a very good relationship with WOLF even though they are not a part of us, their programming does pose a bit of an issue on our end. And in the nicest way possible, we cannot defy the Deans office in any way, shape or form. Humby – Both the OC’s have been communicating with me about a lot of issues they are having with dealing with WOLF. WOLF has apparently been communicating really poorly. They tried to set up a meetings and WOLF coordinators haven’t been responding. They managed to set up one meeting and the WOLF coordinators showed up 45 minutes late. According to Bamdad, the two WOLF coordinators haven’t been communicating with each other and they are expecting our OC’s to know everything. So that’s what the OC’s have been telling me that WOLF has been an issue and not just the way they have positioned themselves in the schedule but also just trying to work with them in general. I have told them that they have our support with them on this end and I have also told them that we won’t go and talk to WOLF or the Dean’s office without ever consulting them first. As much as we are WCSA, it is the OC’s week. Li – Have they spoken to Christina and Liza about WOLF’s communication? Humby – They have been thinking of communicating with Deans office and I have told them as well but they are still trying to communicate with WOLF and they basically told us not to do anything until they figure it out. Li – They need to talk to Christina and Liza. They might not have a clue about the issues with OC and WOLF and they are essentially the employers of WOLF. Christina and Liza are very supportive of Orientation. The longer the OC’s wait on this the more it will mess with their schedule. Humby – Any further thoughts on WOLF? Jeong – I will be meeting with Liza a lot and maybe be I will briefly discuss the issues with them to make the situation better Humby – That being said, don’t bring up anything without consulting the OC’s.

- Budget matters: Meals, Ticket prices, Add-on Prices, overall cost Humby – The projections and budget is available in the appendix and the second link posted in the appendix.

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Shah – The OC’s provided us a prelim. Their biggest budget is for 27k for meals and that was a bit too much according to all of us here. Last year they budgeted for 13k and only went 300 dollars over the amount. So initially we thought it’s a shorter week so their budget shouldn’t be so high. But after discussing, we realized that move in is on Sunday this year so they are going to have programs for Monday to Wednesday. And they also want to have something for Thursday so that students don’t feel disconnected between that and the boat cruise on Saturday. So, it’s the same number of days as last year. If you refer to the schedule, then you can see they plan to provide 2 meals a day including Monday and Wednesday, 1 meal on Thursday and 3 meals on Tuesday. According to us, 3 meals on Tuesday is definitely not required and we can easily cut down either on the Monday dinner or the Thursday dinner. Dan and I discussed this and we both think that if you look at the schedule, the Monday dinner is at 5.30 pm and there is nothing scheduled after that until Club night. So, we don’t need to plan for dinner as students may just want to go out and have fun with their own friends. Or on Thursday when they don’t have any programs except the bed races, and it is the first day of classes so we don’t expect a lot of turn out. So, we don’t need to particularly budget for 2000 dollars of food. So, I guess the only place we could cut down their budget is the meals. They cut it down from 27k to 17k right now but I still believe that I would want to cap it at 15k so that we have room for inflation and if they want to get high quality food. With their budget of 17k for food, their total budget is around 87022.04 which includes a 4500 dollar buffer. We proposed a 500 honorarium for each of their OEC member as long as they fulfill their contract, given at the end of orientation. Li – Can someone explain the 2700 dollars they are spending on promotion? Humby – Nothing is finalized yet and it’s still in talks but they are trying to collaborate with HOWL to produce a package/magazine and have it in all the orientation packages. It’s going to be targeted at the specific age group. It will include information relevant to orientation. They are meeting tomorrow to discuss all of that and how it’s going to look like. The 2700 is mostly going for the printing of these as they are not cheap to print. There is a talk of HOWL and orientation splitting the cost however I said that its pretty pointless as HOWL’s money and orientation’s money is ultimately WCSA money. Li – It’s a good idea but is it necessary? The Deans office will print all the important information for free. My worry is that yes, they will be putting it in the package but how many of them will actually be read considering the price. My second concern is that HOWL is pretty unregulated – we don’t know what they are going to print in the end. Sometimes the things they print maybe things we don’t want to be projected towards our incoming first year students who are new to U of T. Humby – The OC’s can stop anything they don’t want to be written in there so subsequently we can also control the material. Li – Will the HOWL do that though? Because they have been very adamant in the past Humby – That may happen but if that does that then the cooperation ends there and it doesn’t happen.

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Sheikh – I think they are just going to have some commuter tips and things. I don’t think they will be doing what HOWL does now but just about general on campus things. Li – I am just wondering that it’s a lot of money to spend on just another WOLF guide Rohan – I totally understand your concern about what if people don’t read it and we spend 2000 dollars on it Humby – In terms of whether or not we should spend the money on it, I think we should wait and see what they decide on how it actually looks like and we will probably have a more productive conversation Li – It’s just a lot of money. I know the Deans office prints the important stuff for 400 so do they need to spend 2000? Just for a promotion effect, how much is it actually going to do. Shah – We cannot do anything with the budgets of cruise night, club night. And the OC and OEC honorarium which doesn’t change it’s a huge chunk unless all of you think the 3000 dollars extra is too much. Li – It’s a great idea but I think 500 per person is too much. OEC is a volunteer positon and spending 500 here might just be pushing it. We can reduce this and decrease the ticket price and the cost of orientation for the students. Cicconi – They do a lot of work but it might be a too much to recognize their contribution especially since it’s the first time we are doing it and is a volunteer position. I think it can be increased in the future years but for the first year it’s too much. Humby – Do we have any ideas on what would be a good amount? Cicconi – I think like 100-200 would be good? Shah – Then we save around 1800 Li – I think that’s a good amount and much more appropriate Jeong – I think they should be given at least 200 Shah – I understand since they have never had it, keeping it 200 is a good idea. Also as Amanda said if we have to choose between paying our OECs 500 dollars which would also then make it hard for us to cut down the costs of orientation for incoming students. Cicconi – Especially since it’s a shorter week, I think keeping the prices the same as previous years would be more appropriate. Li – That would make orientation package cheaper by 5 dollars per student. Shah – The current budget without buffer is 82522.04 and if we bring down meals cost from 17k to 15k and also remove the 1800 for OEC honorariums. Then it comes down to 78722. So, with and 7.5% buffer, it would be 84000. And with a 10% buffer it would be 86594.24. Li – How much did we spend last year? Shah – 81k something was your overall spending and your budget was for 89k with buffer Li – I just feel like, I know it’s not a very shortened week but is it as short a week for them to be budgeting more than we spent last year. It just seems like a lot. Shah – Initially even we thought that but looking at the budget some of the major costs like honorariums, packages and boat cruise doesn’t change with the shorter week – it’s still going to be a huge chunk of the budget. And the only difference is that last year you provided one meal a

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day and they are providing more which we are trying to talk to them about. The meals are a changing factor. Humby – With that being said, we were playing around with ticket sales and how much we would need to sell and at what price including add-ons to make x amount of revenue and to run a successful week coupled with how attractive said prices would be for students and what’s fair and what’s not. There’s a couple different breakdowns that we looked at. Shah – To give some context, the prices for last year’s package was – 120 for early bird, 140 for regular and 150 for at the door. The res add-ons was 30 and boat cruise was 20. If we increased boat cruise prices to 30 and res package to 20 and play around with the package prices so its 100 for early, 110 for regular and 125 for at the door or we increased it by 5 then the revenue projections would be between 79610 and 85660. The other concern that Dan has is would we be able to sell all the tickets for boat cruise if we increase the price? Cicconi – Also the boat cruise could be an issue because it’s a couple of days away from orientation week. And I had brought it up in the other OEC meeting that because of the discontinuity, the numbers may drop from previous years. Humby – That’s a good point. Cicconi – So maybe not increasing the boat cruise price would be a good option Humby – Then what I would like is to increase the projections of the regular packages from 500 to 550. As opposed to adding to the boat cruise or making early bird 5 dollars more expensive. We can bring in a lot of money to work with if we increase the projections Shah – So the initial numbers we had was assuming we sold 610 packages – 100 early bird, 500 regular and 10 at the door. And what he is saying is that if we get 50 more regular, then that changes everything. Julia – Is expecting 550 regulars’ practical? Shah – That’s what we need to discuss. Last year 619 packages were sold and most of them were regular. Humby – 100 of them should be early bird Shah – No, 80. You had budgeted for 250 but only 80 were sold. Li – There was an issue with frosh-net so we had hit a 100 but 20 of them had created a profile but didn’t pay so we sold those to them as regular tickets. Shah – What I have is 80 packages for early bird, 512 from regular and 18 at the door. Last year the intake of incoming students was also lower than previous years. But this year we don’t know. The OC’s are trying to find out. Humby – They have been trying to find out from Josh but he said that anything he gives out is not final and is subject to change so he shouldn’t be giving it to us. Shah – June 1st is the deadline for incoming students to accept their offers so we should know by then. But for now, since we need to pass the budget on Tuesday, we need to have a realistic number so we can set it. Another thing is, if we reduce meal budget and the OEC budget then what kind of buffer should we have. A 7.5% buffer is about 6k and the 10% buffer would be 7872. Which buffer is ideal?

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Li – What was the buffer last year? Shah – From what I have here, you had 7450. Li – I think they’ll need 7k for buffer. The costs during the week adds up like taxis and uber. Humby – We were able to save on somethings which they might not be able to. If we didn’t, we probably would have broken our buffer. Li – They need to be meticulous with their budget and have a proper breakdown. We were a lot more meticulous last year like with contingency budgets per event. And its hard to say how much of that they have accounted for. Our priority should be to keep the prices down for students. What happens if we don’t sell the 50 tickets we need? We should be very realistic and our minimum ticket sales should be able to cover all our costs. Jeong – When do we meet the OC’s and finalize the budget? Shah – We need to tell them tonight so we can go back and forth and have everything ready for Tuesday Jeong – If all the execs can have the time to look through the entire budget. Humby – Are we done with budget talks or should we move on? Shah – I think the intake should be increased this year Li – The intake was lower last year Cicconi – I anticipate that intake will be same as last year instead of 2 years ago/ Li – Last year was weird because it took a dip Cicconi – Are these numbers the same as last year? Li – The WW intake a lot of times don’t participate in orientation. So the 1300 intake doesn’t help because they include mature and part-time students who generally don’t participate in orientation. I think we should stick to last year or raise it by 25. Cicconi – We should at least match last years Shah – Then if we have 100 early for 115, 525 regular for 125 and 10 at the door for 140. The regular has to be 525. Res add-on at 15 and boat cruise at 25. Li – Can they cut down their budget anywhere else to lower ticket sales. Some people may see the value of food but the ability to pay for the package is more. And every year people complain about meals. They should find a balance. Humby – Or connecting the price of the package with something that they don’t like Shah – There is a lot of ambiguity as we don’t know about sponsorship which cannot be accounted for. Li – Sponsorship was hard last year so they should assume that they won’t have any Shah – 550 regulars is ideal but we should plan with 525 to be on the safe side. If we can cut down the 3 meals discussed earlier, then the food can come down from 15k to 11k. Li – they should cut down at least the Tuesday meal or feed pizza for one day. Cicconi – Just to let you know, they are very adamant about food this year so I don’t know if they will go with no for an answer.

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Li – While food is important, people will always complain and it isn’t worth it to match it with the number of students who may not be able to participate or be upset over price for one extra meal or because they were fed pizza one day. Humby – Numbers aside, are we all in agreeance that lowering the tickets cost trumps providing better food? Li – I am not saying have pizza everyday but having pizza for one meal that week is very reasonable Shah – or not have 3 meals for Tuesday Humby – There is also the idea that I see food on the schedule but I show up and its not great but I could have gone eaten with my friends but I don’t want to because there is food on the schedule and I am going to enjoy it even less because I am thinking of being with my friends. Shah – Also the two concerns that the OC’s found from Steve’s report was that people didn’t enjoy the food and people found the ticket prices were too high. The OC’s need to compromise on the food to lower the prices. Li – They should prioritize lowering the ticket prices Shah – As of now they have 8 meals for the week. The meal on Thursday is not necessary – their motivation was to use it as an event to connect students between then and the boat cruise. Humby – Then just run a cheaper event Li - Last year we fed one meal and I did that in 1000 dollars Sheikh – What is their idea on meals? Shah – Like Amanda pointed out their budget is very vague. Dos Santos – I know there is the E-mentorship lunch and the breakfast with WCSA - will they be splitting some meal costs with the Deans office? Because I know last year, we paid for the breakfast. Humby – They don’t know what the dean’s office will provide Li – Deans office paid it all – wait no – I think WOLF paid for some of it. We provide some money to WOLF which comes from the orientation budget. Shah – So you’re saying we budgeted 1600 for WOLF and on top of that we paid for the 700 here? Li – No that’s part of the WOLF budget. Humby – Can I just point out that I think Rohan is going to have an aneurysm Li – Because they don’t have a proper breakdown, I am having troubles suggesting them specific places they can cut down money. Humby – We should consider our position when it comes to the orientation budget Shah – They need to cut meals. Li – Cut down 2 meals at least and the budget might change once they reconsider sugar beach but tickets need to be cut down. They can pick whatever meals they want to cut down but that’s up to them. Humby – I think we all agree on that Li – They can move money between their budget but they can’t ask us for more money.

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Humby – with that being said, is there anything else that needs to be discussed? Li – No, I am done. Shah – So we have settled with 525 as a practical estimate for regular ticket sales? Everyone – yes

4. WCSA Wear and Signage Li – I need some ideas for WCSA wear Dos Santos – We can have active wear to promote intramurals Li – I was also thinking about technical wear or spirit jersey. I want to focus on Woodsworth college instead of dean’s office. I need to talk to Barbara Track about copyright issues. How do we feel about more WCSA wear than Woodsworth college wear? Humby – I think it has to have some Woodsworth signage otherwise people won’t know what WCSA is. Li – There were issues with copyright last time. Some people wanted hats but I don’t think it would look great on caps. Humby – What about signage? Li – I wanted to make this door and the directors lounge more official looking. I think we should spend more money on it. Do we feel like there is value of it for doing both places? Humby – I think it just increases more awareness instead of us being mistaken as all the other admin services Woodsworth college offers. Less valuable to have it for 105 but still I think its valuable as it makes directors feel like they have their own space. Shah – I don’t know if people also know about our office hours. Li – I wanted to put the office hours and our names in a better way than just on a piece of paper as that’s sketchy. Sheikh – We should also focus a bit on the inside of the office. Li – I’ll look into the costs for that and speak with admin about that. OC wanted to know if they can take some WCSA wear and give it away as promos. We have a lot of XLs. Shah – Wasn’t there some issue about the wear? If it’s fine then sure why not Humby – We are all in consensus. Let’s hear Amanda talk more.

5. Hard Drive and Cupboard for PR Humby – Haya you now have a drawer as Amanda has the cupboard Sheikh – I cleaned the cupboard!! Li – The cupboard is full of XL WCSA wear Shah – Which Amanda organized beautifully Li – We need a hard drive space for a PR portfolio as my computer is cluttering up. Do we want to have a physical hard drive or buy cloud storage space? Humby – I think external hard drive is better – I am not sure of the stability of cloud storage, it may be subscription based. We can share the hard drive amongst other portfolios as well

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Shah – a 2TB costs 100 dollars could be less as well if we choose a different brand, while 2TB cloud storage is 28 per month. My concern is if the hard drive crashes but Amanda said that it shouldn’t be a problem for PR. So in that case yes to the physical hard drive. Li – Obviously we should have multiple copies for important documents Cicconi – I am not sure if it affects your portfolio but I use dropbox and it automatically uploads to dropbox as you save the documents. So, if it does crash, you will still have access to it from another computer. Li – How much is dropbox? Shah – Dropbox is 17.5 per month 210 per year for 2TB storage Li – I think 2TB should be more than enough space. Also, I can pass it on to the PR board next year. Humby – So which side are we on? I think my vote goes to external hard drive. Shah – I think that makes sense. But like Julia pointed out if your laptop crashes. Will it cause you significant distress if you lose it? Li – I am less concerned about losing it than the clutter on my laptop. Humby – All in favor for the hard drive.

6. Upcoming Woodsworth Welcome Days Jeong – Deans office sets up welcome days for incoming students and it’s a good way of getting recognized and get ourselves known to the incoming students. I asked Christina if we could be a part of this. I will be asking all of you as well as the entire board to help and be there. There are two dates and I think one of them coming up really soon Shah – 27th May Jeong – I would encourage all of us to be there but whoever is available. Humby – What exactly will be doing? Jeong – The 2 main channels I will be focusing on is wearing WCSA wear and two, they have invited us for lunch so we can have lunch with the first-year population. Cicconi – I think it’s a good place to promote orientation week especially to students with protective parents who don’t have a good idea about orientation and also some are not active on social media. Humby – We should include it in the agenda for the board meeting. Shah – I remember Christina saying that we have to let her know. Is there a deadline? Jeong – ASAP would be advisable. Humby – Can we RSVP on people’s behalf I think it’s easier to get everyone to respond to me instead of them all emailing Christina? Jeong – Yeah sure Humby – So are we good on this Li – I won’t be there. Have fun Humby – Thanks Amanda.

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7. Photography Company Jeong – I met with Lassmen and Paramount – we need to make a decision on who to choose. The main difference between the contracts is. Actually, I should give some background on them. We have been choosing Lassmen for the past 30 years but Paramount also gave us a deal that they will film a promo video for us like a hype video. The only difference is that video. My opinion is that since our financial position is good and since we have a tradition of going with Lassmen, personally I think we should go with Lassmen. Humby – What are the details of the contract besides the promo video Jeong – There are a lot of details like the setting fees. Paramount has a higher rate for setting fees. Humby – Paramount is more expensive outside the video promo Li – but we don’t get charged the photo fees right. I do agree with Ryan and choose Lassmen as they have been doing it for so long especially our Gala photos regardless of the fact that they dint do a good job at that. Ryan talk to Gary! Jeong – I spoke to him before leaving for Korea and he did say that if we request he will send it to us. I think he sent the entire file of photos to Novera and if we chose some of the photos, he will polish them up and send it to us. Li – So we are getting the original photos. Shah – So Novera has some but not all of them. Li – Can you speak to him and have him send all of them? Shah – I think we should go with Lassmen, we have been with them for so long and I don’t think one 2000 dollar promotional video is worth value. Li – I can make the video Shah – If we are renewing the contract, can we add a clause that they give us all the unedited photos regardless of the quality. Jeong – They have this thing where they will only give us photos which are high in quality. But I will talk to Gary about this Li – I don’t want to insult them but there editing for the gala photos were beyond subpar. Some people were upset they were airbrushed, they were upset about the missing photos and some had their eyes closed which probably wasn’t the case. Humby – They were more upset about missing photos than the quality Shah – and just the fact that they gave the reason that people had their eyes closed. I am certain I had 10 to 15 photos taken and my eyes cannot be closed in all of them Li – I think they didn’t want to airbrush another 200 photos. Humby – Do tell them that they are doing a disservice to them assuming students know about the photographers and the company. Jeong – Yes definitely I will tell them that majority has to come to us Li – No all of them

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Jeong – So are we agreeing to go with Lassmen? Li – Have fun dealing with Gary he is a peach. Jeong – Last year we signed a 1 year contract but this time we have to sign a 3-year contract Li – I just want to make sure we are not violating any bylaws Jeong – Prior to Olivia’s year they had multi-year contracts

8. Input on Office Organization Humby – This place has been a nightmare. Shah – You also some old document Humby – Yes I found our financial record from 1990’s. There is so much clutter. And it hasn’t been touched since the last board handover. And that that is something I want to change. So I am taking everything that doesn’t belong here and that goes to the basement, same thing happens to 105. I think everyone is in agreement that it will feel more like an office space and not a storage. Once that is done then we can focus on the nightmare that is the basement – but that is something we can think about in the future. One thing we decided that our fire escape is inaccessible. Cicconi – I dint even know there was a fire escape here Humby – That’s a fire hazard Li – I want a wall to promote WCSA wear. Humby – So definitely a wall for that so people know about it Li – A big painting of supreme leader Jeong? Jeong – I was thinking of getting a table for our meetings. I see everyone is just around. Shah – So it’s going to be in the middle Humby – We might be a bit limited on space. We will be playing bumper cars with our chairs Jeong – I know we have been thinking about throwing things out Humby – We are not throwing things we are just moving some units over to have access to the fire escape Jeong – I’ll think about it when I am actually there Humby – Any other input? I’ll work on this as well

9. Board Meeting Food Humby – I was thinking about subway sandwiches instead of pizza. I am getting 2 platters which is around 90 dollars including tax. Are we alright with spending that amount and is it enough food? Cicconi – How many board members do we have? Shah – 20 Humby – I think a lot of people will be skyping. Motion that the executive can pass 100 dollars in regard to food for the board meeting Motioned - Humby Seconded - Shah Motion passes

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10. Other Business - Preliminary Budget Reminder

Shah – Preliminary budget due by 5 pm tomorrow. If you think you can’t do it, then latest is noon on Saturday.

- Budget Retreat Humby – Ideas of budget retreat – if you have no pressing ideas then we can discuss it later. So later it is. Shah – I don’t think there is a set time for it so I think it’s fine if we do it in July after meeting with everyone. Sheikh – I agree last year it was too early. Shah – Do you think if we discuss it on Tuesday and then give them a month to give me a proposal, should be fine? Then I can meet with each portfolio and discuss it. Li – Then if we give them a time they can make a plan accordingly.

- Funds Spent Since May 1st, 2017 Shah – Another thing, we have funds spent since May 1st. We haven’t done any budget or preliminary budget so we shouldn’t have spent any but there were some we had to do. So, OC’s were paid for April and we ran out of printing paper. We paid this without approval as it was inevitable. This will all be in the prelim budget. Dos Santos – Also posters Shah – Yes, we paid the posters for the hiring.

- Business Cards

Li – As per usual we do the business cards for the execs. We can ask if any portfolios need business cards. But once we pass the preliminary budget are we okay to print the business cards? Shah – It won’t be equitable if we give business cards to some and not others. So, it might be cheaper if we order some blank ones for the directors. Li – I’ll do it in June so let me know if there is anything specific you want on your business card. Shah – How many are you planning to buy? Li – Around a 100 or 200. Humby – Each? Li – Yes because that’s the cheapest. I’ll track for cheap deals.

- Summer promotions Li – If you need any promotions for summer let me know, reiterate to every associate. I need to include it in the budget. Shah – Just have a buffer for printing. Li – Yeah, I’ll have a buffer.

- WCSA involvement for orientation

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Jeong – It is in our best interest to use orientation week as a jumpstart to get us known. I am looking it as – Being in Korea for so long is really messing with my English. I wanted to see WCSA getting involved with orientation and be exposed to the incoming years.

- Next Executive Meeting

Daniel – Are we all okay with having the next executive meeting at the same time and day? Li – I will be in Africa. Shah – Just a question, I am not completely sure but Ryan and Amanda do we have to have 2 meetings a month? Because then we’ll go into June. Jeong – Biweekly meetings are mandatory Humby – Do we have to have another executive meeting before June 1st. Shah – Last year you started executive meetings from May 6th so you had more time. Do we have to have another meeting this month? Humby – So do we have to have 2 meetings this month or is it okay to have our next meeting beginning of June? Jeong – This is the last meeting for this month. From next month, we’ll have two executive meetings. Shah – So June 1st, 6.30 PM. Humby – Is everyone okay with that? Everyone – Yes.

11. Adjournment – 8.38 PM

12. Appendix i. Budgets for Orientation 2017 ticket sales

ii. Draft Orientation 2017 schedule iii. Tentative Orientation 2017 budget


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i. Budgets for Orientation 2017 ticket sales

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ii. Draft Schedule

iii. Tentative Budget

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Previous Board of Director Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the

Woodsworth College Students’ Association

Monday, April 24th, 2017

119 St. George Street

In Attendance: Novera Khan (President) Radha Lamba (Vice-President of Internal Affairs) Dylan Forgas (Vice-President of Financial Affairs) Sarah Bear (Vice-President of Public Relations) Ryan Minki Jeong (Vice-President of External Affairs/Incoming President) Miranda Li (Vice-President of Athletics) Kristine Medrero (Vice-President of Social Affairs) Rohan Shah (Associate Director of Financial Affairs/ Incoming Vice-President of Financial Affairs) Julia Standish (Associate Director of Public Relations) via Skype Valerie Dos Santos (Off-Campus Students’ Director/Incoming Vice-President of Athletic Affairs) Bhavroop Kaur Riar (Upper-Year Students’ Director) via Skype Ashley Lall (Upper-Year Students’ Director/Incoming Upper-Year Students’ Director) Akshika Dave (Full-Time Students’ Director) Justin Zelnicker (Full-Time Students’ Director/Incoming UTSU Woodsworth Director) Victoria Mohan (First Year Students’ Director/Incoming Associate Director of Social Affairs) Shekhar Sharma (First Year Students’ Director) Darby Lowe (Community Outreach Director) Erica Jeong (Professional Development Director) Nicole Derricott (Academic Bridging Students’ Director) Zainab Yahya (89 Chestnut Residence Director)

Ex-Officio: Melika Gonelallai (Chair of the Board) Danika Baljak (Secretary of the Board/Orientation Coordinator) Bamdad Attaran (Orientation Coordinator) Mia Dakic (WOLF Coordinator) Pranav Sathish (WOLF Coordinator) Aakanksha John (Equity Chair) Amanda Li (Incoming Vice-President of Public Relations) Daniel Humby (Incoming Vice-President of Internal Affairs) Julia Cicconi (Incoming Vice-President of Social Affairs) Sanya Bhatia (Incoming Associate Director of Public Relations)

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Richelle Haynes (Incoming Upper-Year Students’ Director) Adriana Lucchetta (Incoming Off-Campus Students’ Director) Michael (Mishi) Shakil (Incoming Off-Campus Students’ Director) Anan Guo (Incoming Professional Development Director) David McDaniel (Incoming Mature Students’ Director) Atlanta-Mariana Grant (Incoming Community Outreach and Sustainability Director) Simian Sawhney (Incoming International Students’ Director) Sara Zamani (Incoming UTSU Woodsworth Director) Ali Aghaeinia (Incoming Equity Director)

Regrets: Russell Canceran (Associate Director of Athletics)

Samantha Davis (Associate Director of Social Affairs) Haya Adil Sheikh (Off-Campus Students’ Director/Incoming Vice-President of External Affairs) Asad Jamal (Mature Students’ Director) Prilly Bicknell-Hersco (Mature Students Director) Kerry Munro (Part-Time Students’ Director) Christina Alcena (CRO/Student Life Coordinator - Dean’s Office of Student Life)


1. Call to Order 5:13p 2. Land Acknowledgement 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Approval of the Previous Executive Meeting Minutes 5. Approval of the Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 6. Approval of Board Reports 7. Approval of the CRO Report 8. WCSA Bylaws 9. WCSA Financial Policy 10. WCSA Election Policies 11. WCSA Community Guidelines Policy 12. Ratification of the 2017 Spring General Elections Results 13. Dissolution of the 2016-2017 WCSA Board of Directors 14. 2017 Orientation and WOLF Coordinators 15. Orientation Executive Committee 16. Steer Heading Committee 17. Summer Hiring Committee 18. Other Business 19. Adjournment

1. Call to Order 5:13p

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Motion passes.

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2. Land Acknowledgement

3. Approval of Agenda Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Motion passes.

4. Approval of the Previous Executive Meeting Minutes Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Motion passes.

5. Approval of the Previous Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Motion passes.

6. Approval of Board Reports Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Khan: This month has been less busy and we had our new meeting with SGRT. This month as you will see I have amended all the governing documents. We have increased the number of articles. On behalf of the outgoing board, we are very optimistic and good luck. You all ran good campaigns. This man beside has been a part of WCSA since first year. Please support him and help him throughout the year; he will be the best President that WCSA will have. Lamba: I remember this day last year. We have had a very fruitful and fun year.. We all stuck together and ensured that we all worked together. We have been working on honorariums, helping the OCs in their capacity and finishing up gala roles. I know the great internal will be great, I have seen him in different capacities so I look forward to what you all do. Again, goodluck and congratulations. Dave: We really wanted puppy therapy to work out but it couldn’t I hope another portfolio uses this event. Also, I would like to say thank you to the board and to my co-director. Bear: transition report, newsletter Sharma: We had a great year. We would like to say that we are really grateful for all of the support and help we got this year. We just want to say a big thank you to everyone from the board! Zelnicker: It was a pleasure working with Akshika. I took a bit more initiative this year and I am happy to see new faces at our events. It is nice to see more Woodsworth students are getting involved. Forgas: an amazing year. Moving everything to my associate so i am very proud and confident in him. Finishing up my transition report and such.

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Li: no updates but congrats and a special one to Valerie. You were an amazing captain and I know you will fill the role amazing. A big thank you to the outgoing board and especially the executives. Motion passes

7. Approval of the CRO Report BIRT the WCSA BoD approve the Chief Returning Officer’s report on the 2017 WCSA Spring General Elections. See appendix section a. Moved: Alcena Seconded: Lamba

Khan: Any questions? I will go over the recommendations in the next agenda. Motion passes.

8. WCSA Bylaws BIRT the WCSA BoD approve the WCSA Bylaws as presented. See appendix section b. Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Khan: added descriptions for associate finances. Added descriptions . added descriptions to community outreach and sustainability. further incompass the sustainability aspect of the event. We added the utsu directors. Otherwise, everything is the same. We amended the position of WOLF coordinators. Land acknowledges. Super important to include into our by-laws. A denial of service clause; there were some incidents this year that were not fair to the board so this is to protect us.

Motion passes.

9. WCSA Financial Policy BIRT the WCSA BoD approve the WCSA Financial Policy as presented. See appendix section c.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Khan: I mended this after consulting Dylan and Rohan. Changed from 1 week to 10 business days. Motion passes.

10. WCSA Election Policies BIRT the WCSA BoD approve the WCSA Election Policies as presented. See appendix section d.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Khan: major things that affect your board is Munro: Does the poll clerk pick a date or is it assigned? Khan: the poll clerk gets to select all the times they are available. Christina slots them base on their availability. Motion passes.

11. WCSA Community Guidelines Policy BIRT the WCSA BoD approve the WCSA Community Guidelines Policy as presented. See appendix section e.

Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

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Khan: this was a very unclear document. So it has the same essence but has some more concrete clauses and Motion passes.

12. Ratification of the 2017 Spring General Elections Results BIRT the WCSA BoD ratify the results from the 2017 WCSA Spring General Elections as outlined in the CRO report. Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba

Lamba: For new people, this is just to ratify you on your position and makes it concrete. Motion passes.

13. Dissolution of the 2016-2017 WCSA Board of Directors Motion to dissolve the 2016-2017 WCSA Board of Directors. Moved: Khan Seconded: Lamba Jeong: I just want to say that we have been so lucky to have such amazing leaders. I have been on the board for 3 years and the support this year was amazing. Thank you to the old board. A special thank you to all the executives as well. I cannot wait to see Motion passes.

14. 2017 Orientation and WOLF Coordinators BIRT the WCSA BoD re-ratify the hiring of Bamdad Attaran and Danika Baljak as the 2017 Orientation Coordinators and Mia Dakic and Pranav Sathish as the 2017 WOLF Coordinators.

Moved: Humby Seconded: Jeong Motion passes.

15. Orientation Executive Committee Motion that the WCSA BoD appoint Attaran, Baljak, Dave, Rosales, Vayalinkal, Tartakovsky-Gilels, Presutto, and Lucchetta to the Orientation Executive Committee to be chaired by Cicconi. Moved: Cicconi Seconded: Shah Motion passes.

16. Steer Heading Committee Motion that the WCSA BoD appoint Jeong, Shah, Humby, Baljak, and Attaran to the Steer Heading Committee to be chaired by Jeong.

Moved: Jeong Seconded: Li Jeong: also known as the orientation management committee. We are responsible for responsible for the week for overseeing everything any dealing with any internal or external factors. If you have any questions, please do ask. Motion passes.

17. Summer Hiring Committee BIRT the WCSA BoD appoint Shah and Zelnicker to the summer hiring committee, to be chaired by Humby.

Moved: Humby Seconded: Shah

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Humby: We just need 1 director to join the committee to hire office summer staff, chair and the secretary. Shah: For the summer, since ryan is away, I will be stepping in his place. Zelnicker and McDaniel both volunteered. Zelnicker: practicing communication on the other side. McDaniel: Zelnicker will be appointed to the summer hiring committee. Motion passes.

18. Other Business Shah: all incoming speak to outgoing about budget related questions. I will be sitting down with each portfolio separately. Jeong: First board meeting will be in late May.

19. Adjournment 5:58p Moved: Shah Seconded: Humby

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Board Reports President No Report Submitted Vice President of Internal Affairs No Report Submitted Vice President of Financial Affairs No Report Submitted Vice President of Social Affairs No Report Submitted Vice President of External Affairs No Report Submitted Vice President of Athletic Affairs No Report Submitted Vice President of Public Relations No Report Submitted Associate Director of Public Relations No Report Submitted Associate Director of Social Affairs No Report Submitted Community Outreach and Sustainability Director No Report Submitted Equity Director No Report Submitted International Students’ Director No Report Submitted Mature Students’ Director No Report Submitted

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Off-Campus Students’ Director No Report Submitted Professional Development Director No Report Submitted Upper Year Students’ Director No Report Submitted UTSU Woodsworth Students Director No Report Submitted

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a. Orientation Week 2017 Budget

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i. Budget breakdown

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ii. Revenue Projections

b. Preliminary Executive Budgets

iii. Vice President of Internal Affairs

iv. Vice President of Public Relations

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v. Vice President of Athletics

vi. Vice President of Finance

vii. Vice President of External

viii. President

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c. WiNC 2017 Summer Budget

i. WiNC Summer Budget Motivations

1. Pride1.1 U of T Pride Picnic Contribution: Contribution based of 2016 cost (invoiced to WCSA last year - we figured we'd add it to our budget this year instead)1.2 Pride Parade Supplies: WiNC will be organizing Woodsworth students to march in the Pride Parade with U of T; this cost is for supplies such as glitter, pride flags, etc. that Woodsworth students can use to prepare themselves for the Parade

2. Marketing2.1 & 2.2 Website Domain & Website Hosting: A website has been requested this past year so WiNC can centralize resources for marginalized students, publish minutes, etc. These requests have been made by the wider student body.2.3 WiNC Banner: This banner will be carried by WiNC in the Pride March to represent Woodsworth College's allyship and LGBTQ+ Pride; this banner will be re-used in the future for tabling at Orientation, and will be featured at all of our events. 2.4 Stickers: The stickers are for promotional materials to let LGBTQ+ students know that they are not alone, and that they have their community right here in Woodsworth. The sticker is for them to stick onto their belongings and always feel like they are in the right place.

3. Anti-Homophobia Campaign3.1 Campaign Materials: Materials such as printing costs, etc. to facilitate our anti-homophobia campaign

4. Woodsworth Orientation4.1 Resource Cards: Resource cards centralizing LGBTQ+ resources and community in

Page 37: Meeting of the Board of Directors of · 2017-07-05 · BIRT the WCSA BoD ratifies the hiring of Christina Badiola to

Woodsworth College will be in all Orientation Kits to provide easily accessible resources to all students so LGBTQ+ students don't have to out themselves to attain them. This initiative is in response to the significant sense of alienation felt by LGBTQ+ students in Woodsworth, that is more than that of heterosexual students, as well as the post-Orientation suicide attempt of a first year LGBTQ+ student in Woodsworth College within the past few years (known to WiNC through informal reporting, however, there is a general increase in poor mental health of LGBTQ+ students during the University transition, which is what this initiative strives to help). This has already been approved by the OCs.4.2 WOLF Session: WiNC will be doing a WOLF session again, and last year we realized it would've been better if we had funds to offer incentives for participation (i.e. candy, prizes), and generally to be able to do an activity in the session.4.3 Club’s Fair: WiNC will be participating in club's fair and requires funds for recruitment and outreach, such as candy and fliers, so students are drawn towards learning about how they can be involved or be an ally.