Meet dory slide show

MEET DORY (DORYCTOBRACON) Final Project…Art 74 Future Insect By: Kendra McNeil

Transcript of Meet dory slide show


Final Project…Art 74

Future InsectBy: Kendra McNeil


MEET DORY… The Mediterranean fruit fly or medfly is one of the most destructive

agricultural insects in the world.

The medfly can affect over 250 species of fruits, vegetables, and other crops. The medfly prefers fleshy fruits, but may infest virtually any fruit, particularly citrus, as well as most vegetables raised in California.

The United States is eager to see medfly populations reduced because the potential costs per year due to export sanctions, lost markets, treatment costs and crop losses are in the billions.

MEET DORY… The medfly has been a plague to California for over 70 years. Eradication

efforts have never been totally successful, so continued control is essential.

Current control procedures involve placing traps in trees to identify medfly infestations.

In the past, aerial and ground bait spaying of Malathion was the standard control.

The continued use of Malathion has taken its toll. People who have been exposed to Malathion experienced problems in their nervous and respiratory systems.

The chemical spraying also caused considerable environmental pollution and the medfly was developing resistance.

Due to these problems the California State Assembly has banned the use of Malathion.

MEET DORY… McNeil Enterprises has developed an economic and

environmentally friendly alternative to chemical spraying in residential areas.

Meet Dory (Doryctobraon) a natural predator of the medfly.

Dory is being bred commercially by McNeil Enterprises and has been approved by the USDA as an acceptable alternative to chemical spraying in residential areas.

Dory is sterile so it will not become another pest to be dealt with.

MEDFLY… Once I had my idea I started to research

the medfly. http:// I learned that it originated in Africa, how

it spread, and that its hosts were over 250 different fruits, flowers, vegetables and nuts.

The medfly causes major damage to its hosts, and has a major impact on growers both through damaged and quarantined crops.

Control of the medfly included: Traps to identify infestation. Aerial and ground bait spraying with

Malathion. Introducing sterile medflies to reduce

insect population.

PROBLEMS WITH MALATHION… There were problems with Malathion spraying

Some people who were exposed experienced problems in their nervous and respiratory systems.

Repeated spraying also caused considerable environmental pollution.

In 1990, under considerable public pressure, the California State Assembly banned the use of Malathion.

NATURAL PREDATORS… Natural predators of the medfly seemed like a good way to

control them.


Research showed the medfly has many natural predators: Microorganisms like bacteria Parasites Natural predators

I picked Doryctobracon because it was native to both North and South America and had already been introduced to the United States.


I researched Doryctobracon

It had been successfully introduced in Florida and Texas.

I realized that it should be sterilized before being introduced so it wouldn’t just create a new problem.


Made the body out of styrofoam balls.

Used pipe cleaners for the legs and mouth pinchers.

Step #2 (major challenge) Made the wing out of

Elmer's Glue Wire Plastic