Medieval Universities. Erik Who could be educated during the early Middle Ages? – education was...

Medieval Universities

Transcript of Medieval Universities. Erik Who could be educated during the early Middle Ages? – education was...

Medieval Universities


• Who could be educated during the early Middle Ages?

– education was offered primarily to the clergy and to a few members of the ruling classes.


• Where did the earliest forms of higher education emerge?

–The early part of the middle ages were those in eastern Europe.

David Rivera

• Who was a key figure in the rise of medieval universities? What did he do?

• Pope Gregory VII, he issued a papal decree mandating the creation of cathedral schools that would be responsible for educating the clergy.


• What were some of the earliest colleges?

• In England different colleges where established in oxford between 11167-1185 and the in 1209 the first college of the university of Cambridge was established.


The 2nd table squad

Victor Flores

• When did scholasticism dominate Western European schools?

• From about 1100 until 1600

Andy Chan

• What does scholasticism mean?• a method of teaching

Luigi Chavez

• What modern day fields did philosophy give birth to?

• Theology, law, and medicine.

Dante Stoke Jr. 2nd • What about scholasticism were students

taught?• Students were taught to argue from reason,

experience, and authority.

Medieval Science


• Where were the best doctors and scientists during the Middle ages? How might this have been a threat to Europe?

• The best Doctors and Scientist were in the Islamic Empire to the south and East. This could have been a threat to Europe because some Europeans left Europe to live in West Asia for while.


• What cultures did the Europeans learn a lot of from scientific observation? Provide 2 examples.

• Some cultures that the Europeans learned from scientific observation consists of plants, and astronomy.


• What is alchemy? What was the original purpose of alchemy?

• Alchemy is what we call chemistry today.• Originally wanted to turn lead into gold to be



• What was introduced into mathematics during the Middle Ages?

• The first use of arabic numbers 0-9 were used which led to interests in algebra an geometry


How did people of the Middle Ages use engineering for farming?

• Farmers invented new tools such as the horseshoe and a ne type of horse harness that was better then what the Romans had.`



MARI How were women educated in the early

middle ages?Wealthier classes were sometimes educated

either privately, or in the home schools that were established for male members of the family.

EDGAR Why were women of the upper class

expected to know how to read and write?

For those wishing to become nuns, is was an important factor.

JUDITH What was St. Thomas of Aquinas’ view

on women and education? That women Is to listen to men since

they’re weak, that man is the beginning of women and her end, and that children need to love their father more than they love their mother.

MILLY What was the purpose of women being

educated?So they keep busy so they can get can

escape harmful thoughts, the pleasures and vanities of the flesh.

DESIREE What were women expected to be

devoted to? Women were expected to live religious

life(prayer) and be devoted to female chores. Such as: cooking, cleaning, catering to men, and etc.


JASMINE What is Romanesque Architecture? What

similarities are most notable between this style of architecture and buildings found in the Roman Empire?

The term used to describe the building styles.

The roman ‘Barrel Vault’ or tunnel .

SEMAJ What are 2 features from Romanesque

architecture?Roman barrel vault and

roman arch.

EMILY What is Gothic Architecture? Why do

you think people were upset by the fact that Romanesque lines and proportions were abandoned?

Gothic Architecture is a French style of decorating houses. They were upset because Rome was fallen.

KARINA What are two features of Gothic

Architecture? The use of the Gothic arch led to

the construction of light and airy structures- lightening and heightening of Gothic structures

Gothic Rose Windows

Why was the Gothic Arch such a major feature of Middle Ages architecture?

Allowed structures to become larger and stronger because the had good support.

Medieval Literature

By: Heidi, Mathie-poo, Erick, Maria



How was paper made in the Middle Ages? How were early medieval books created?› Paper was made by lamb’s skin, calf’s skin and

with vellum. Medieval books were created by plain wood

boards, or with simple tooled leather for more expensive volume.


What writing styles did poets and scholars take on while traveling during the Crusades?

They took on romantic prose, epic battles, social commentary, and poetic fiction.

The Erick Amaya

Why do you think it was such a privilege to be able to check out a book during this time period?

Because paper was rarity, and books were considered a luxury


What does Dante Alighieri’s famous three part story tell about? Why do you think so many people from the Middle Ages were interested in this work?

Dante Alighieri’s tells you about the afterlife for the wicked, where hell is comprised of nine descending circles and there is no forgiveness.

many people were interested because it gave you a preview of what you are going to expect after you die.