Medicinal Plants in BANGLADESH

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  • 7/27/2019 Medicinal Plants in BANGLADESH


    Medicinal Plants In BANGLADESH

  • 7/27/2019 Medicinal Plants in BANGLADESH


    plant of Tulsi is cultivated in almost every house and is also worshipped. Usually the plant is 1-2 ft high with

    fragrant small oval shaped leaves, flat seeds red in colour, flowers blossoming on inflorescence (manjari).

    White Tulsi and Black Tulsi are most commonly found although there are also Vanatulsi, Rama-tulsi &

    Kappori Tulsi and Black Tulsi is the best as regards its properties. Tulsi is mildly Pungent. It acts as an

    appetizer and helps digestion. It is beneficial to heart, suppresses excessive bile, cough and flatulence, and

    removes blood impurities. All the parts of the plants i.e. seeds, leaves, shoots, flowers, stems and even the

    roots have medicinal value and are helpful in eradicating diseases.

    Chemical Composition

    Its leaves are particularly rich in fragrant volatile oil, from which Basil Camphor is made. It also contains very

    minute quantity of Mercury and has been reported to be useful in cancer patients in early stages.

    Curative Properties of Tulsi

    Malaria: Tulsi has been universally recognized as specific cure for Malaria and also acts as a preventive in

    checking Malaria.

    1. Taking 1 tsp. Tulsi juice with little black pepper and honey taken 4 times a day cures Malaria.

    2. Decoction made from roots of Tulsi mixed with sugar taken 3 to 4 times a day also cures Malaria.

    3.Decoction made of 6-8 Tulsi leaves, one cardamom and little ginger taken regularly acts as a preventiveagainst Malaria.

    Cold & Cough:

    1. Drinking Ten Tulsi leaves and 5 seed of black-pepper to be boiled in one cup full of water till it is reduced

    to half cup and mixed with little Gur or Pure Ghee or Sendha Salt help in curing cold and cough.

    2. 3 or 4 cups of Tulsi juice mixed with mothers milk helps in curing diarrhoea, cough, vomiting, and

    indigestion of an infant.

    3. Smelling of Powder of Tulsi leaves dried in shade helps in curing the running nose.

    4. Heat 5 cloves and chew it with Tulsi leaves. It helps in relieving cough and cold.

    5. Taking 1 teaspoon of Tulsi juice mixed with little Pipal powder relieves dry cough, fever and pain in chest.

    6. Taking juice of ginger and Tulsi in equal quantity mixed with honey cures cold and coughs and acts as a

    general tonic.

    Problems of Digestion:

    1. Eating Tulsi leaves with sugar or decoction of Tulsi leaves helps in curing diarrhoea.

    2. Taking 1 teaspoon of juice of Tulsi leaves or Tulsi juice mixed with powdered cardamom and honey

    relieves nausea and vomiting.

    3. Taking a juice of Tulsi, onion and ginger in equal proportion relieves biliary problems (excessive bile).

    4. Taking 1 teaspoon of Tulsi juice 3 times a day kills worms in the intestines.

    5. Taking Tulsi juice with ginger, black pepper powders and Sendha Namak relieves flatulence and


    Headache: Applying Tulsi juice mixed with Camphor on forehead relieves headache.

    Hysteria: Tulsi Juice with little pepper kept in bottle and smelt everyday relieves attacks of hysteria and

    rejuvenates the brain.

    Insomnia: Tulsi leaves and Ajwayan kept under the pillow induces sleep.

    Unconsciousness: Drop of Tulsi juice mixed with a pinch of salt put in the nose helps regaining consciousness.

    cinal Plants In BANGLADESH

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    Ear Problems: Drop of juice of Vana Tulsi put in ear helps in extracting of worms from the ear.

    Uterine Problems: 1. In case of excessive bleeding eat powder (Churna) made of Tulsi root with betal (Pan).

    2. Tulsi seeds taken at the time of menopause relieve disturbances due to menopause. 3. For ensuring

    conception chew Tulsi seeds, or take powdered seeds with water or a decoction during periods. 4. Tulsi juice

    reduces labour pain.

    Cholera: Taking tablets made of Tulsi juice with black pepper helps in cholera.

    Skin-diseases: Applying Tulsi juice mixed with lemon juice in equal proportion on the affected skin cures

    itching, pimples, blackspots, acnes and other skin diseases.

    Asthma: Tulsi juice, ginger juice, and onion juice mixed with honey helps in taking out phlegm and relieves


    Leucoderma: Applying of Tulsi oil (Boil the ground Tulsi and its roots in kg water and kg oil on slow fire

    till whole of water evaporates. Mesh it thoroughly and filter it) thrice a day helps in curing boils, wounds and

    spots of leucoderma.

    Rheumatic Pain: Boil Tulsi leaves in water and pouring it on the affected part relieves rheumatic pain. Taking

    ground Tulsi leaves with black pepper and pure ghee helps in curing the disease.

    Hair-fall and Grey Hair: Tulsi leaves and Amla Powder made into a paste with water applied on hair helps in

    strengthening the roots and darkening the hair. Apart from its curative properties Tulsi is a highly beneficial

    and useful source of energy and general tonic for all. Swallowing five leaves with water early in the morning

    increases physical strength, mental faculties and imparts glow on the face. 8 drops of Tulsi juice taken with

    water strengthens muscles and bones. Tulsi seeds boiled in milk impart vigour and vitality. Tulsi leaves put in

    water purify and makes it germ free. Deep breathing (Pranayam) in the vicinity of Tulsi prevents many

    diseases. Tulsi Plant purifies the polluted atmosphere. Followers of Vaishnava sect wear Tulsi rosary (mala)

    for physical and spiritual up liftment. In short Tulsi acts as a Panacea and Preventive in many diseases.

    doKhin Haowa:

    doKhin Haowa:


    cinal Plants In BANGLADESH

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    Source: Prothom-Alo


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