Medications that Cause Hair Loss

Medications that Cause Hair Loss It’s not unusual for older people to notice that their hair is not as abundant and full at it once was. Although hair loss is often a feature of natural aging, it can also be a side effect from a number of different medications that individuals routinely take for various medical problems. If you are noticing increased hair loss, here are a few facts to consider and to discuss with your doctor:

Transcript of Medications that Cause Hair Loss

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Medications that Cause HairLoss

It’s not unusual for older people to notice that their hair is not as abundant and full at it once was.

Although hair loss is often a feature of natural aging, it can also be a side effect from a number of different medications that individuals routinely take for various medical problems.

If you are noticing increased hair loss, here are a few facts to consider and to discuss with your doctor:

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Normal Hair Growth Cycles

Under normal conditions, hair grows in a series of phases. In the firstphase, called the anagen phase, the hair will go through an extended period of growth that last from 2 to 6 years.

This period is followed by the telogen phase, in which hair rests. This phase lasts about 3 months.

After this resting phase, hair begins to fall out and be replaced by new hair. A medication that interrupts any of these phases of growth and replacement can result in hair loss.

How Medications Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss problems generally arise when drugs interfere with the normal growth cycle. These problems are categorized as telogen effluvium or anagen effluvium.

Telogen effluvium is the most common effect that leads to hair loss. It occurs 2 to 4 months after beginning the drug regimen. The medication causes hair follicles to go into the resting phase too early,and the hair begins to fall out, usually about 100 to 150 hairs each day.

Anagen effluvium occurs during the active growing phase of hair. It prevents the dividing of matrix cells that produce new hairs. The hair

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loss begins a few days or a few weeks after beginning the drug.

This type of hair loss usually occurs during chemotherapy treatment and can cause the loss of hair all over the body.

Medications Associated With Hair Loss

Unfortunately, some of the medications that are so critical for managing medical conditions or preventing more severe issues can also cause hair loss in some people.

• Antibiotics

• Antifungal drugs

• High blood pressure drugs

• Cholesterol-lowering drugs

• Birth control pills

• Hormone replacement therapy

• Mood stabilizer drugs

• Anti-convulsant medications

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• Antidepressants

• Weight loss drugs

• Thyroid medications

• Steroids to reduce inflammation

• Immune system suppressor drugs

• Parkinson’s disease drugs

• Chemotherapy drugs

Treating Medication-Related Hair Loss

If you are experiencing noticeable hair loss from the medications you take, discuss the matter frankly with your physician. In some cases, the doctor may be able to change your medication to one that produces less of this side effect.

In other cases, you may be taking a drug for a short period of time. Once the period of treatment is over, the hair will often re-grow normally.

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If you are receiving chemotherapy, placing ice packs on the scalp before treatment can help to reduce the amount of drugs that are reaching hair follicles.

This measure can often can slow down or prevent hair loss.

Hair loss can be a troubling problem, but it is one that you can do something about. Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking and their side effects.

Your doctor can also advise you on ways to stimulate new growth to return your hair to a more normal condition.

Turmeric can also provide a natural solution to thinning or dull hair by reducing inflammation in the hair follicle.

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