Media twilight essay

Mollie Constable How are camera shots and mise-en-scene used in Twilight to create meaning for the audience? Meaning is created in a variety of ways with the use of camera shots and mise-en-scene throughout the clip from the movie Twilight. By using range of camera shots and mise-en-scene attributes the audience is made to grasp the effect of real emotion and relationships as well as a real insight of how characters are supposed to be perceived; For example a shot reverse shot presents Edward talking to Bella, his facial expression suggests that he is concerned for her. In this scene he softly says "I'm just trying to figure you out" with a gentle shake of his head; I believe that this is done to encourage the audience to foreshadow a intimate relationship between the two characters as he is already showing a caring nature towards her. Furthermore as Edward is taller than Bella which gives a character importance; this shot shows him in a state of dominance. This means to the audience that Edward is the more dominant character in this relationship and that he may take some control over Bella.

Transcript of Media twilight essay

Page 1: Media twilight essay

Mollie Constable How are camera shots and mise-en-scene used in Twilight to create meaning for the audience?

Meaning is created in a variety of ways with the use of camera shots and mise-en-scene throughout the clip from the movie Twilight. By using range of camera shots and mise-en-scene attributes the audience is made to grasp the effect of real emotion and relationships as well as a real insight of how characters are supposed to be perceived; For example a shot reverse shot presents Edward talking to Bella, his facial expression suggests that he is concerned for her. In this scene he softly says "I'm just trying to figure you out" with a gentle shake of his head; I believe that this is done to encourage the audience to foreshadow a intimate relationship between the two characters as he is already showing a caring nature towards her. Furthermore as Edward is taller than Bella which gives a character importance; this shot shows him in a state of dominance. This means to the audience that Edward is the more dominant character in this relationship and that he may take some control over Bella.

This close-up shot of Edward suggests to the audience that he is quite a cold character- this is well depicted by the blue tone lighting used in the shot. It highlights the paleness of his white skin and brings out the sparkle in this glazed eyes; encouraging the audience to feel cold through him and sense there is more to him hidden, than shown. The out of focus background of rainy cold weather portrays as a symbol of Edwards personality, meaning to the audience that he is not to be warmed to- As this is his introductory scene to Bella the background could also be symbolic to a warning signal for her and the audience, that Edward is dangerous, he is like a storm.

Page 2: Media twilight essay

Mollie Constable How are camera shots and mise-en-scene used in Twilight to create meaning for the audience?

In this extreme close- up of Edwards golden eyes the lighting was used again to create a meaning to the audience, this time the lighting portrays that there are two sides to Edward; one noticeably darker than the other. By using the lightning to highlight only one side of his face suggests that Edward lives two lives- a split personality. Molding the audience into not trusting Edward straight away. This ECU emphasizes the vibrant colour of Edward's glazed, almost golden eyes. This shot screams mystery! Giving the audience a feeling that Edward has seen a lot of anger and judgment In his lifetime- however the audience fails to sympathize with him as the lighting used is so harsh and sends such a strong message of mistrust and uncertainties.

In this close-up of Bella in her biology classroom her facial expression shows that she is not happy about what she is seeing, making the audience feel that Bella is uncomfortable in her surroundings also it highlights that she is new to this environment. The use of cool blue tone lighting portrays Bella as a vulnerable yet calm character- this encourages the audience to warm to her. Also in this MS

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Mollie Constable How are camera shots and mise-en-scene used in Twilight to create meaning for the audience?

Bella's make-up is very minimal, portraying a natural innocent look- this could suggest to the audience that she is pure and honest compared to Edward who conveys mystery.

Throughout this scene from Twilight Edward and Bella are rarely both in focus, this could suggest to the audience that they are two completely different people- foreshadowing the Edwards secret. In this shot Edward is staring directly at Bella whereas she is looking away from him, this is quite a contradicting shot as Edward is portrayed as being open towards Bella however she is keeping herself to herself which is the opposite of what is actually happening in the film as he is the one with the secret. Also in this establishing shot, the surroundings of these two characters is highlighted, despite not being alone with Edward, Bella is conveyed to be feeling uncomfortable. This is emphasized by the distance between them at their desk and also how she has her jumper pulled over her hands tightly like she is nervous.

Page 4: Media twilight essay

Mollie Constable How are camera shots and mise-en-scene used in Twilight to create meaning for the audience?

Overall I think that camera shots and mise-en-scene were used very effectively in twilight to create meaning for the audience. An attribute of mise-en-scene that was used especially well was lighting as I believe it emphasized ideas of how Bella and Edward are meant to be perceived by the audience. Also I believe that camera shots were used well as they conveyed the relationship between Edward and Bella quite blatantly, particularly in a low angle shot that suggested Edward was the more dominant character out of the two.