Media studies

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  1. 1. MMeeddiiaa ssttuuddiieess{{BByy AAlleexx BBrriiddggeewwooooddTask 1
  2. 2. The way that pdiddy is reallyserious abut music.Colours:Blue, pink and yellowthe colours are verybite and vibrantmeaning that thiscould be a differentgenre of the mag.The way that flix isposing means that it ismore a silly magazineand he has a duke box.The font of tis is boldthis will be to attractthe reader into buyingthe magazine and notbuying any of thecompetitors of mixmag.Genre rating:Boy / girlBuzz words have been usedto make the FC look moreexiting and this will alsoattract the reader as theywill see them and beinterested.The mix mag has a range of terminologyused to make it stand out if it was to benext to its main competes and I think thatthey all work as they all stand out with thebite colours.
  3. 3. This makes it look likethey do not care andthey play by there ownrules by the way thatthey are standing.Big bold fontattracting people to it.Colours:Black, white and redmeaning they all stand out.Listing bandscalloutsI think that this is mixgenre as they havemale and females onthe frontGenre rating:Boy / girlThis is a graphic features and they will be usedto show the story's inside of the mag and this isused as it will also attract the reader as theymay like to read about the star how is on theFC
  4. 4. ttaasskk 22
  5. 5. Ipc mediaaa.. WWhhoo aarree tthhee ccoommppaannyy??IIPPCC MMeeddiiaa iiss mmaaddee bbyy ttiimmee iinncc UUKK aanndd tthheeyy pprroodduuccee mmaannyyddiiffffeerreenntt mmaaggaazziinneess ffoorrmm ggoollff ttoo ffaasshhiioonn tthhiiss mmeeaannss tthhaatt tthheeyywwiillll hhaavvee aa vveerryy wwiiddee aauuddiieennccee ffoorr aallll ooff tthhee ddiiffffeerreennttmmaaggaazziinneess aanndd aa bbiitt ffoorr WWhhaatt iiss tthheeiirr ccoommppaannyy hhiissttoorryy??::IIPPCC MMeeddiiaa wwaass ffoouunnddeedd 11995588tthhee hheeaadd qquuaarrtteerrss ooff iippcc iiss iinn LLoonnddoonn bbuutt tthhee mmaaggaazziinnee wwiillll bbeessoolldd aallll aarroouunndd tthhee UUKK aanndd iitt iiss vveerryy wwhhaatt ppuubblliiccaattiioonnss ddoo tthheeyy mmaannaaggee??TThhee IIppcc ccoovveerr aa lloooott ooff ppuubblliiccaattiioonnss iinncclluuddiinngg yyaacchhttiinngg wwoorrlldd,,wwoorrlldd ssoocccceerr aanndd eevveenn ccaammeerraa aanndd aallll ooff tthhee ddiiffffeerreenntt mmaaggsswwiillll hhaavvee ddiiffffeerreenntt aauuddiieennccee ffoorr aallll ooff tthhee ddiiffffeerreenntt mmaaggaazziinneess..
  6. 6. BBBBCC wwoorrllddwwiiddeea. Who are the company?-The company is the BBC witch Is a big well knowncompany. This company will have lots of differentmagazines that they will manage and they will be allabout the different problems in different country's.b. What is their company history?:-founded 1995 in London by the BBC-They have to broadcast abroad to different countriesthat will not have this servicec. what publications do they manage?-they have a loot of blogs and columns and worldheadline stories around the world.
  7. 7. Ipc has a music magazine and it is called NNMMEE aanndd iitt hhaass oonnee 11mmiilllliioonn ffaannss ooff iitt wwiitthh tthhee bbeesstt ooff nneeww mmuussiicc tthhaatt pprroommiisseess ttooddeelliivveerr.. II tthhiinnkk tthhaatt tthhiiss mmaaggaazziinnee wwoouulldd bbee ffoorr tthhee aaggee rraannggeeooff:: 1155--3300 tthhiiss iiss bbeeccaauussee iitt iiss hhaass ssmmaalllleerr ssttoorryy''ss tthhaatt tthhaatt tthheeyywwoouulldd rreeaadd aanndd iitt aallssoo hhaavvee aabboouutt tthhee RReeaaddiinngg aanndd LLeeaaddssffeessttiivvaall aanndd tthhiiss wwoouulldd bbee iinn tthhee ssaammee aaggee ggrrooppee aass tthheeyy wwoouullddwwaanntt ttoo ggoo ttoo tthhiiss..Auer has two magazines one is Q and the other one is mojowith a big audience its shore to deliver. I think the age rangewould be: 15-40 and this is because Q and Mojo have artistessuch as the food fighters and kings of Leon and the people ofthis age grope would be in to stuff.Future music is a smart magazine that has a lot of electricmusic witch may mean that the target age range will start at ayounger age as this is what younger people would prefer tolisten to. So I think that the audience will be around: 12-25 asthis would be in clubs with the DJs playing this type of music.