Media script draft 2

Script There will be Montage shots of hypersexualised food below is the voice over of what will be said while this is being shown. Throughout this voiceover we will cut to a point of view shot within a supermarket. Before the break we saw what foods have the connotations of many emotions such as happy, sad and everything in between. Lately all food is being sexualised from the aero chocolate which is seen as sexy and sensual as the bubbles melt in your mouth to the special k cereal which provides you with the sexiest figure. Now I want to know why food is becoming so heavily sexualised and whether this is good or bad for our society? We all eat food everyday, its something we cant escape but why is it that food is now becoming more sexualised by things such as advertising and even the packaging. Now there is one food supermarket which is becoming extremely popular due to its ‘food porn’. Shahna will be standing outside Marks and Spencer’s with hopefully customers coming in and out of the shop Mark’s and spencer’s is a supermarket which has been open for over 125 years. It a household name in the supermarket business and known for its excellent service and good quality from clothes to food. Dine in for £10 is one of many cost effective campaigns that the store runs periodically throughout the year. Shahna outside in oxford street asking the following to members of the public. Describe the Marks and Spencer’s adverts in three words. How would you describe Marks and Spencer advert? Mark’s and spencers don’t just advertise sweet treats but also ‘normal’ food such as chicken and fruits. Advertising places a huge part in what us as a society buy and the increase of sexualisation with products gains company’s such as roundtree a large amount of profit as the society we live in is all about sex.

Transcript of Media script draft 2

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There will be Montage shots of hypersexualised food below is the voice over of what will be said while this is being shown. Throughout this voiceover we will cut to a point of view shot within a supermarket.

Before the break we saw what foods have the connotations of many emotions such as happy, sad and everything in between. Lately all food is being sexualised from the aero chocolate which is seen as sexy and sensual as the bubbles melt in your mouth to the special k cereal which provides you with the sexiest figure. Now I want to know why food is becoming so heavily sexualised and whether this is good or bad for our society? We all eat food everyday, its something we cant escape but why is it that food is now becoming more sexualised by things such as advertising and even the packaging. Now there is one food supermarket which is becoming extremely popular due to its ‘food porn’.

Shahna will be standing outside Marks and Spencer’s with hopefully customers coming in and out of the shop

Mark’s and spencer’s is a supermarket which has been open for over 125 years. It a household name in the supermarket business and known for its excellent service and good quality from clothes to food. Dine in for £10 is one of many cost effective campaigns that the store runs periodically throughout the year.

Shahna outside in oxford street asking the following to members of the public.

Describe the Marks and Spencer’s adverts in three words.

How would you describe Marks and Spencer advert?

Mark’s and spencers don’t just advertise sweet treats but also ‘normal’ food such as chicken and fruits. Advertising places a huge part in what us as a society buy and the increase of sexualisation with products gains company’s such as roundtree a large amount of profit as the society we live in is all about sex.

According to our statistics we are now buying more of this [lifts up affordable treats, close up] and less of this [camera pans to expensive food]. From rich to poor the recession has hit us all. Statistics show that we are how now spending x% less and the average household spend is down b x £’s per week. But why? [Fast forwards clips of people shopping]. A big high street retailer boasted 6.2% gross national product increase so we are clearly still out on the

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streets shopping for food, so what’s this down to? Advertising sexual images of food maybe?

Cut to opinion of marks and spencer possible negative one.

Interview of professional (m&s worker/manager)

Let’s see how the public really react to the food porn

Various clips of people’s reactions when watching the adverts (mostly close ups and mid shots)

We want to know has this rapid growth of the sexualisation of food new or is it just made to be more obvious in todays society?

Archival footage of women in the kitchen baking a cake

In the 1960s women’s role was considered to be in the kitchen where she would provide for her family. It was a very patriarchal society and many men found watching their wives in the kitchen attractive. Ingredients such as flour, milk, sugar and cupcakes had many ideologies and symbolisms of something all men have. These ideologies are still about today. Chocolate, lollipops and many other foods including bread are seen as sexy when eaten by women. Many adverts such as round tree galaxy emphasis on this. Cakes are now being associated with certain women body parts such as their bums and breasts. Sociologists like the feminists believe we are all living in a patriarchal society and these ideologies were created by men. (voiceover)

Interview (a sociologist)

The sexualisation affects many people in different ways whether this is increasing the food they buy or their perception on the certain food. But a milkshake can’t be as sexy as it is shown to be can it?

Next week we will be investigating the contrasts of images with unhealthy food and its effect on the public. Why do skinny models advertise chocolates, sweets and ice-cream? Watch tomorrow to find out

Images of next episode