Media Presnetation Final Products Studio 64

Christina Sukar’s Media Presentation

Transcript of Media Presnetation Final Products Studio 64

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Christina Sukar’s Media Presentation

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Main cover line

Editorial pillars

Main image



Bar code and price

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For this front cover I used a medium shot as I wanted to show the artist as well as still include a mise-en-scene.

The background of this picture allows the reader to establish a setting. From

the setting we are able to relate the picture with the masthead.

I increased the size of my main cover line as I wanted it to stand out of the

page which is why I also used a different style of font.

I used two different colours for the text and made the pink match with the

glasses that Tyrone had on his head, so that it would compliment each other.

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•I chose to use a picture as part of the background instead of using a plain.• I found it difficult to make it work at first as I felt that there was too much happening on the page and this did not compliment the other pictures well. •However in the end I believe that I was able to make It work well to give it the overall affect I was aiming for.

I used an extreme close up as the picture in the background (using macro on my camera), this helps

create the mood of this page.

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Again I used the same font for “contents” as I used for my masthead this is because I believe that it compliments each other well and links both pages together. This clearly shows

that both pages are from the same magazine.

For my contents page I choose to put the text and with pages

numbers in a box this also challenges the usual format of

music magazines table of contents.

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The photo’s used

I chose to do four different photo shoots for this, as I wanted each picture to be individual and in different locations to show a difference. used

I used another model to show differentiation in artists features

in the magazine. I choose to have her play the drums a good

mise-en scene.

I took a picture of three guitars to elate to the prise the

consumer would win in the competition.

I used CD’s I had at home and took the picture in a plain

background and cropped out the background so that only the CD’s

would be visible.

This picture was taken on the same photo shoot that I had for the front cover of the magazine.

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Types of shots

This is long distance shot taken from a high angle. This allows the reader to establish the mise-en-scene

This is an extreme close up, as all that is visible are the CD’s and there is no background present. up

This is a close up of the guitars, we cam hardly see the background and the most visible thing which grabs the reader’s attention are the guitars.

I used a medium close up, as Tyrone is visible from the waist up and we can still establish some mise-en scene.

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Double page spread

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I choose to use this pull quote because I felt it would attract the reader’s attention. It is

also personal his opinion which is what people want to read about when reading


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I choose to make a side bar as part of my double page spread because I thought it would be a good feature. I decided to challenge the conventions of sidebars and kept mine related to the same topic.

I used a close up shot of the artist in action, this picture

connects to the other picture used in the double page


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The article

I used the same font for “Studio 64” as I used for

my masthead this is good for continuity.

By line saying who the article was

written by.

I increased the size of “Inclusive Interview

"to make it stand out n the article.

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Target audience My product was aimed at mainly teenagers and the age range of 14-25.

This is because I believe that they are like to be the main consumerism of my magazine. My product hasn’t got dense editorial content and I know that this will appeal to the younger consumerism. Young people who enjoy their music,

many different styles and approaches. For those who want to find out more about new sounds coming out in the industry.

Mixed gender target audience

Woman target audience

Mostly male target audience

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Editorial content

I used quite a limited editorial content as that is what I believe that my target audience will want to have. I tried to make my media product dominated by pictures as I think that the main consumerism of this product would like more picture than text. This will be more appealing to my target audience.

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•In the article the language used is quite laid back and informal. •It is used as a conversational tone to appeal to my target audience.•There is no colloquial language used either, as this does not exclude any readers.

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Colors used•For my Double Page Spread, Front Cover and Table Of Contents I used a colour theme of pink, black, white and grey. •I chose to use similar colours on all three pages as I thought this would compliment each other well and this would make it clear that all the pages are part of the same product.

On my double page spread I chose to another colour theme as I though the page looked to dark and dull. I matched the colours on the slug with the colours on the side bar.

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DistributionI would expect my media product to be distributed in

newsagents and places such as WHSmith.

IPC media:

•Boats •Planes •Homes •Style/fashion• aeroplanes

Emap:•Cars •Environment •Fashion •Education •Government •Health •Media •Retail

Out of those two I would choose IPC media as I think they would be the best to advertise my music magazine they

seem to have a wider variation of genres.

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PhotoshopBefore After

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What have I learnt?•I have learnt many new skills as I have had to increasingly use Photoshop so my editing and cropping has improved. I have also had to download many fonts from and used my camera to take my pictures included in my media product.• I’ve had the experience of planning a magazine cover before so it was much easier to repeat this a second time as I felt more in control and confident this time

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Thank you for listening THE END

Any questions?