Media presentation camera

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Transcript of Media presentation camera

Camera shots, camera angles, camera movement and composition.

Rosalin Zein

Assignment 4

Camera Shots

Establishing Shot

Wide shot

Long Shot

Mid/ medium shot

Close up shot

Extreme close up shot

Over the shoulder shot

Two shot

POV (Point Of View)

Establishing shot

This establishes the setting of a scene, giving the viewer information about where the scene is set.

Wide shot

This shot is wide and shows a large amount of information, like a panoramic photo.

Long shot

This shot is used to frame a character /subject and it would include their whole body.It is normally used during action to show a characters movement.

Mid shot (medium)

Framing of a character from the torso.This is used to body language, facial expression, gesture and is mostly used during dialogue.

Close up shot

This is when the camera frames the character/subjects face and is usually used to show emotion.

Extreme close up shot.

Framing a part of the body/face/subject showing extreme detail.

Over the shoulder shot

A shot which is filmed as if it is from the back of a characters shoulder.

Two shot

A shot showing two characters, usually to show a relationship.

POV (Point Of View) shot

This is where the camera shows a view from the characters perspective, so what the character sees.

This is hugely dependent on the imitation of body movement and the placement of the camera to make it look realistic.

Camera Angles




Low angle

From the ground looking up towards the character or subject, often used to show a character as being dominant.

High angle

An angle taken from above the character making them seem small/ vulnerable / weak.

Canted / oblique

Camera angle that makes the shot seem tilted.

Camera Movement





Reverse zoom


When a camera pivots horizontally to show a panoramic view.

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This is the opposite to pan as it moves vertically rather than horizontally.

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When the camera zooms in.

Reverse zoom

When the camera zooms out so the opposite to zoom.


Balance Symmetry Asymmetry Rule Of ThirdsDepth of field Shallow focus Deep focus


The way in which we place objects so that they are equal in the frame, so that one does not overpower the other.

Balance of land and sky.

Balance : symmetry

Symmetry is used to show order/ organization/ normalness.

Balance : Asymmetry

When it is not balanced or equal.

Rule of thirds

When the shot has a grid with 9 sections. This enables better tension, energy and interest in a composition.

Depth of field

The distance of what is in focus in a shot.

Shallow focus

This has a small depth of field, it emphasizes on one part of an image. The focus is on one part.

Deep focus

Everything is in focus so we can see the entire image the background, middle ground and foreground

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