Media Post 3

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Instagram, brianstorm

Transcript of Media Post 3


Instagrampossible topic choiceThe objective of this specific topic is that we wanted to find out why so many people use Instagram and what the big fascination is to it. AlthoughInstagram has only been around for a little over 2 years, you all must have heard of it, if not used it. Just nine months after hitting 200 million users, Instagram now says 300 million people use its photo app every month, with 70% of them coming from outside the US. That makes Instagram officially bigger than Twitter, which had 284 million active users as of 6 weeks ago.For some young teenagers they feel that social media in particular Instagram gives them a sense of escapism from the real life world, sitting behind a phone screen lurking other peoples life's specifically celebrities gives them a satisfying sensation. 60% of Instagram users would rather sit in bed on Instagram then actually be productive, does this say something about todays generation? Yes It does, since social media sites have come in to concept the idea of being productive and achieving well in life has decreased rapidly. Instagram is a big disruption for young teenagers especially during summer when they are finalising towards there exams. People will upload posts were you can see what there doing, it is almost like a competition where everyone is trying to prove they have better life's than others. For example, people will post new clothes they have brought, cars, houses and other personal things, which engages the target audience in to using the app more often. I feel as if some people live a lie on Instagram and make out that their life's are better than to what they actually are in real life. This uses the hypodermic needle because when the users see these posts it injects them with ideas that people are living fantasy life's, they begin to believe it which makes them want to have the things other people have because they make it look so easy. However the pictures that they post is it really them? A narrative is the way in which the media text talks to its audience and influences the way the audience will respond to the text. We have come to a conclusion that we are going to use Levi Strausss single strand narrative, this is where we are going to keep one story line, which is simple yet; effective engaging the audience in because it focuses on only one area of topic, instead of a variety area of story lines which can begin to bore and uninterested the audience, which will not be satisfactory for us because we want our documentary to be a success. Further more, we have decided to use uses Roland Barthes theory of Enigma codes because it leaves them left in confusion and asking questions for example how did they get a car, who brought them there new car, how can they afford it when there only 17-20? This means something is hidden from the audience, because they believe that user is from a working class background, however is uploading pictures of expensive cars. Which creates curiousness , engaging and encouraging them to use the social media site even more to keep up to date with everyone's posts , because if they dont they will feel as if they are being left out. Who is to blame for this? The representation of celebrities is one of the main reasons in which teenagers and adults use Instagram, they are intrigued in to their life's, so they use it to keep up to date with them and the latest trends. Instagram Film location Location is one of the many important aspects of filming, just as finding the right actors to portray a role, and just as important as the choice of music used in the film. Finding an easily accessible location is not enoughsecuring permissions to shoot a film would prove disastrous, if location permissions remain are not obtained. We have clinched as a group that we are going to film in college, the reason for this is because the majority of our target audience is for the younger generation 16-18 year olds, this age range is the age in which the mainstream of people use Instagram, therefore the questions that we will be asking will be ideal for asking people within the college. This suggests that we will have valid and reliable data.Strengths

Communication with family/ friends who are far awayKeep up to date with people who you cant see as often as you would like to for example, to see how they are doing/ if they are okay. Eg, people post photos of new born babies to show Instagram and its users what's new in their life'sFor being nosey, you can see what people are up toRestrictions too who and who can not see your post.Keep up to date with the latest fashions and gossipKeep up to date with celebritiesFind out about upcoming events You can direct message people, if you need to ask them something WeaknessesPopularity contest: people are in competition to have more followers . Instead of having aspirations to get better grades they aspire to have more followers than there friends. Which is a huge disadvantage. This clearly demonstrates that people log in to Instagram and get high of this false sense of security and appreciation. As individuals in todays society we value our worth based on comments and inbox messages filled with colourful words that have no depth. Jealousy: A big topic I harped on was that they need to be emotionally secure when they see what their friends are up to. They may see two of their friends hanging out and doing something fun which may make them jealous. Flaming, Judgment and Internet bullies: When bullies are behind a screen or keyboard they become very brave. You cant change that about them but you just have to prepare yourself for it. People get hate comments. We discussed how some people create fake Instagram or Facebook accounts just to make fun of someone. They will steal their pictures and write hurtful captions. They will use what has been put out there already to make someone feel terrible.Inappropriate Behaviour: people will leave nasty comments on your pictures, giving you a low self esteem, increasing your chances of becoming less confident which could effect you in the long run.