media music analysis

Media music magazine analysis Beckie carter


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Transcript of media music analysis

Page 1: media music analysis

Media music magazine analysis

Beckie carter

Page 2: media music analysis

Main image: For this main image they have used sweedish house mafia who are also featured in the double page spread. They are a popular act at the moment so are pictured looking very cool it connotes that they are cool people. Full body shot to show laid back clothes which are showing Ibiza style.

Lead article: edited with “drop shadow” on the layer to make it stand out even more.

Cover lines: given block colour background to make it bolder and stand out

Hasn’t taken in left third rule, it’s gone more for the right third.

Masthead: In a bold bright colour against the white. Fancy font although sans serif. Pink isn't threatening, it’s mainstream.

Slogan is above the masthead in the skyline, sums out what it’s all about.

The gender of this cover is unknown because although its got the guys being very cool and relaxed men its all in pink which is very feminine. So read by both genders.

Page 3: media music analysis

By the use of the picture, it gives off an idea that there’s a theme of darkness involved. The pictures colours have been muted into a green haze and the backgrounds all black, reversed-out with black background and white writing.

Contents pages are particularly attractive to advertisers because most readers will turn to them. The fact this page is only on one page suggests the other page (left) will be used by an advertisement.

The numbers of the page are in a different colour to make it easier for the reader to navigate through the magazine

The contents page varies to the front cover because they show the different sides of clubbing. While the cover shows the Ibiza side for the younger audience, here it shows the seedy underground side for exclusive adult clubbers.

More pictorial to suit the house style of Mixmag.

Page 4: media music analysis

The lead image encapsulates the attitude and representational codes of the band, here it shows the band looking very relaxed and easy. It’s showing them living the high life, in a hot island with a pretty woman. The readers of this magazine seem to be a very into club music, to do with Ibiza, so here they’ve got the band looking as if “this is what life is like when you get to Ibiza”

The tone of the article is very optimistic and positive of the band. The journalist uses phrases such as “worked their way up to the top of dance music’s premier league” He is well and truly promoting them to the readers.

The font is sans serif, showing it’s a serious article.

The pull quote has been given a block background to standout against the picture. The colours and theme all match together with the main image.

Page 5: media music analysis

This cover is very masculine. Its got a a guy interviewer in a leather jacket being poked around by a couple of ghoulish creatures holding needles and poison. Its defiantly not feminine.

Here the skyline has been used for short and sweet use of the names of bands and sounds it will feature in it, but without lengthy detail. The fact its written on the skyline means the reader will see it in the rack and if they like that person, they will pick it up.

The black red colouring for the lead article and masthead makes it stand out further. I like the way for “NME” it uses a double stroke.

The cover is very young looking as it looks almost like a cartoon by using the Gorillaz in their animation form. This also relates to the masculinity of the magazine and boys generally like comics.

Page 6: media music analysis

Here the use of “super massive Big Apple show” is relating to the article for the contents which instantly lets you know its about muse which will draw fans in.

Here in this magazine they’ve combined their contents page with an article to draw in readers as to say there’s more where that came from inside.

Also here this contents varies widely from the mixmag magazine as its all small and sticks to one side. They’ve also put it in alphabetical order to help the reader search instantly what they are looking for. NME’s audience are music-fans, so here the contents is listed by band.

Id say this contents page is quite masculine as it uses a lot of black red and white, which also connects with the emblem for NME, as its symbol is created from red white and black (on front cover) house style relates.

This contents page is both pictorial and textual, as it features an article.

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This article is hard to summarise as to whether its pro-Gorillaz or against, as it doesn’t really big them up or put them down, it talks mainly of what they are doing throughout the duration of the interview. But to me it does seem as if they are promoting the band as the article connotes them as weird and a little strange which is exactly what the band promote themselves to be.

The colour scheme used in this article of blank and green are masculine colours which is fitting for the band, dark and goulish.

There isn't too much to say about this double spread. It shows Damon facing his alter-ago; as Gorillaz is all about a virtual world. But apart from that it’s a standard drop double column page each.

Drop cap used.

Page 8: media music analysis

Here this cover denotes a woman posing on the beach, but it connotes that shes a sexy party girl ready for the lead article “Ibiza 08”.

The colour scheme for this cover is fitting for the lead article of Ibiza 08 as they’ve used blues which connotes the thought of clear skies and lush seas, then the white resembles the clouds and the yellow for the sun. Even her bikini matches.

It has generally stuck to the left third rule, as its main article is on the left third otherwise they’ve placed a lot of cover lines on the right.

Sans serif font.

For gender representation, the colour scheme would make it appeal more for females as its bright and light. But as its got a half naked woman posing on it, that would draw in a lot of male readers. So its read by both genders.

Page 9: media music analysis

Here like the other Mixmag contents page, there is a big image promoting “don’t stay in” which is a big thing for clubbers.

Also once again, on one page. Which attracts advertisers for the other half because readers are always likely to turn to the contents.

Numbers in a different colour to make it easier for readers to locate what they’re looking for quicker.

The picture is fitting for the audience as it shows a clubber. It varies from the front cover, as the cover is all bright, showing the Ibiza side of clubbing. But this image is dark and shows the other side, the darker dirtier side, well so it connotes.

More pictorial to suit the house style of Mixmag.

Page 10: media music analysis

Here this article speaks of the reputation of the island. It speaks of the people from Ibiza who have worked heard for their lives there, and don’t want the island just to be known for partying. So in all its quite a negative article. It is also more of serious article as its talking about a more serious issue.

Here the main image relates straight to the article. As the article talks about people wishing the island would be more known for the beauty, so they’ve added a beautiful picture of the island at sunset.


Here I cant tell whether its san serif or serif, either way its quite a funky font, for the clubber side of the article.

Uses a drop cap. The pull quote is underlined to make it out stand,