Media Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation : Question 2 Oliver Beard


media Evaluation question 2

Transcript of Media Evaluation Question 2

  • 1. Evaluation :Question 2 Oliver Beard

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Synergy The oxford dictionary definition for synergy is :The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects This could apply to my individual products coming together to make a complete media product. 3. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Example of synergy An example of synergy that is quite prevalent to my set of products is one from high school musical as the film promotes the sound track the soundtrack promotes the calendar the calendar promotes all the other merchandise and all the other merchandise promote the film. 4. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts How I created synergy With the use of all three products together it creates a synergy of self promotion.This is very important to have several products which promote each other as they will create revenue for each other which keep sales driven. Magazine covers Main trailer / film Poster 5. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Characters In my product there are three main characters which consist of two bad guys and one semi good guy who is trying to break free of the mob so you can say that there are 2 villains and a good guy. So when doing my media products I have to consider who to put on covers etc so I could take one of several routes which could be one of the following- Good guy on cover Villain on cover Both on cover fighting Both villains on cover 6. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Example of characters Here are few examples of stereotypical gangsters from film compared to mine 7. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Fonts I had to be very careful when picking fonts as I wanted all 3 of my media products to tie together but I felt that it wasnt massively important to get them all to look the same as long as they all felt the same. In my trailer my main font wasTrojan pro this was because it was a more elegant font which showed off the class behind the trailer. But in my magazine I used Basic sans heavy sf as it fitted with the conventions of a magazine with more of a glossy text. IN my Poster I used Hitchcock as this font was the best representation of a Saul Bass poster or the Saul Bass style. 8. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Questionnaire backing up choice Here you can see the screen shot which shows that my audience had an input into what they wanted my magazine to look like and how I reacted using there feed back. I found it very important to listen to what my audience had to say and what they thought of my products. 9. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts How I would improve the product if I were to do it again. There are a few things that I would improve such as the photo on the magazine as I felt that this could of used a bit more tweaking or a different photo which might of made a bigger impact. On the poster I would of maybe made a couple adjustments to the figure but other wise I was quite happy with it, one thing that I could of done was to of made a second Saul bass styled poster to see which one was preferred by the audience.With my trailer I was extremely happy as I felt that there wasnt much I would change expect that I would of possibly had a bit more action and a couple of different shot framings but other wise it thought that it was a good trailer. 10. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts The use of colour In my 3 media products colour was a very strong influence on how the individual product works. For example I really wanted a strong representation from my magazine so what I did was to add some striking colours and themes such as the red around the outside of the cover, this really gave it the edge it needed. Whereas with my trailer I used a black and white filter on every shot not only did this help shift into a semi film noire but it also helped me to move the audiences mind set to get the right feel for my trailer. Finally the colour that I used in my poster was very simple but purposely so as I wanted my poster to be more artistic than garish and for people to view It more than once so I used more submissive colour but ones that could become brand synonymous with the red green and white of the Italian flag. 11. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Quote from target audience Here is a quote from the target audience which had an effect which the way I made my product as it helped me to adapt my product to fit the audience the best. The comment shown was me asking about which trailer they would prefer a long or a short one which I couldnt decide between so I asked my audience which one they would prefer. 12. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Use of lighting Lighting was a key aspect in my trailer as my trailer was in all black and white I really had to show off the mood with the harsh lighting and deep shadows. Here is an example of how I used this to my advantage. As you can see in the shot I have a villain who turns his head into the light. I did this not only to build the character but to also show that it was a deep place that they came from. And are wanting not to necessarily improve but aren't fully happy with them self's. 13. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Actor names I made it quite clear to avoid character and actor names as I felt that it was more important to build the story and the pace instead of getting caught up with putting names of people on the screen. But with this I felt that I needed to keep this up over all three media products so I would have a constant thought. I also think that its not an essential part of the products as my trailer. Also I didnt want my trailer to be full of star actors as it doesnt conform with the genre necessarily. 14. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Reviews and awards I thought it was important to have awards however and with this I found a perfect gap in my trailer to put them . So I did some research into which would be the best for my genre and I came up with two awards. One was from the Sundance film festival and the other was from the Oscars as breakthrough performance but I felt it would be better to only have the one as I didnt want to encourage the stardom that I had previously ignored. 15. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Saul Bass style of work Here are some screen shot of how I went about researching his iconic style of work and how I intended to replicate his work. 16. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Examples of Saul Bass work 17. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Overall thoughts I think that all together that my products promote synergy quite well as they all help to self promote each other as they all tie in. the poster links very well to the film as they share a very similar art style as each other and it also works well with the magazine as they have a similar colour scheme as stated earlier. Also the magazine and trailer work well as the main actor from the trailer is the cover model which really gets in your face and shows off where the others dont which really helps the three products combine together. 18. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Trailer 19. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Poster 20. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts Magazine