Media Evaluation

Stephanie Woods AS Media Music Magazine Evaluation



Transcript of Media Evaluation

  • 1. Stephanie Woods
    AS Media Music Magazine Evaluation

2. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My media product demonstrates my knowledge about music magazine conventions because I have bent and broken the rules just like any other music magazine would.
I have done this by using similar layouts to magazines such as NME or Q magazine. Their house style always remains the same throughout and therefore I have tried to keep this rule going by using it in my own magazine.My magazine contains a front cover, contents page and inside cover.
3. Front cover some key rules which I have used to develop and challenge forms of real media products..
Ihave used a masthead just like any other music magazine. It is short and striking and most importantly it is bold.Not only the word Amplified stands out but the font in which I have created it in plays an important part in grabbing the customers attention.I used this idea from looking at various music magazines.
I have used a clever selling line Where music matters. This selling line helps to promote the magazine because it is catchy and its one of the first things customers see when buying a magazine, so you want them to be able to remember it (clever slogan). It is a short, sharp description of the magazines main marketing point. (E.g. where music matters number one resource for music).
4. Contents page some key rules which I have used to develop and challenge forms of real media products..
I have included a clear list of pages which the full magazine would include.To produce a magazine you have to have a contents page so the reader knows what is inside the magazine and what page his or hers preferred page is on. I have made sure that this was the main priority on the contents page, just like any other music magazine.
I have also included an editors note, which many other music magazines tend to use. An editors note is basically a quick overview of what the particular issue has inside. All written by the editor, in which this case was me.
5. Inside cover some key rules which I have used to develop and challenge forms of real media products..
On the inside cover I have included photographs of my featured artist Jasmine Day just like any other music magazine would. The pictures are eye catching and draw readers in to reading the article, they are key parts to the page.
The magazine article is obviously the main part to this page because it all about the featured artist and includes and interview. This proves that I have obeyed the same rules as any other media product would.
6. Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The social groups that my media product has represented would be young breakthrough artists of the year. For example the artist which I have featured on my magazine would be the equivalent to someone like Florence and the machine or another young indie artist who has broke out on to the scene this year.
Jasmine day speaks out as though she is totally shocked at her new fame like any other new young artist would. The particular social group that i have represented throughout the magazine would be new (young) indie music. Meaning this magazine probably wouldnt interest (old school) heavy rock lovers.
7. Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I would like my media product to be distributed by someone like NME or Q. They are indie music based companies that distribute not only music magazines but charts and downloads etc.
For instance NME have a large fan base, therefore if that fan base were to find out they were producing a new music magazine (Amplified for instance) they would be keen and interested. They are a very well established company and are known in many other countries aside from the U.K. If NME were going to distribute my magazine there would be lots of bonus advertising involved. Things like advertisements in their existing magazines, websites and television. Overall I think NME is the most suitable company, and is what my kind of magazine is looking for in an institution/distributing company.
8. Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
The most suitable type of audience for my magazine would have to be young readers (young adults) who are interested in reading about the latest indie music. This includes things like, new releases, new artists, interviews, pictures/photos and various articles.
The content in the magazine has to be easy reading so readers arent bored, up to date language and slang should be used to appeal to young readers. For instance if the magazine was for older middle aged woman then there would have to be lots of information on lifestyle and health. Whereas young adults and teenagers arent really interested in health, if anything they are more interested in abusing their bodies then looking after them.
Overall I think my magazine meets the aims of young readers and when or if it was sold on a news stand this is the type of magazine they would be buying.
9. Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?
Bold masthead
My media product attracts and addresses the audience by meeting the aims of jumping out at the stand, by being easy on the eye and not too attention seeking and overall an easy read upon closer inspection.
It meets these aims because the front cover (as well as all the other pages of my magazine meets the aims, I am just using front cover for an example) conveys the concept of jumping out and grabbing someone's attention because the font used is bold yet basic so it is easy to read and the word amplified is the first thing that hits you once you scan your eyes across the front cover. This is good because this means the first thing people see is the name of the magazine, so that they will always remember it. The front cover in general is extremely eye catching due to the use of Photoshop and enhancementit makes the photo stand out. The front cover is just an example of how my magazine is eye catching.
Main image stands out
Bright headlines
10. My contents page looks impressive andis easy on the eye because it is not a complicated layout and therefore the reader doesnt get bored of it because they cant be bothered reading it. It is simple yet effective. The different contents are clear to read and stand out this is exactly why I have used a black background and white writing so the contents can be clearly red and stand out. I have included an editors note to make the magazine look professional and so readers will be impressed.
Layout easy on the eye and easy to read.
Impressive editors note.
11. My inside cover is easy to read upon closer inspection becausethe articles appeals to young readers. It should interest them because it is about a new artist appearing on the scene. This draws readers in because it is an obvious easy read, meaning it is not hard to read. Therefore when readers take a closer look towards the article they wont turn away they will carry on reading because the cover story is such a simple and easy as well as interesting article to read about.
Easy on the eye, and simple article to read (easy to read).
Effective and simple pop out texts.
12. Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt from using Photoshop the different ways in which to edit and manipulate an image .
I have learnt things like red eye, colour matching, contrast editing, cropping, colour editing and the paintbrush tool to get rid of eye bags, scratches and spots.
Overall I have learnt that to produce a magazine at this level you need to thoroughly know about the technologies for the process of constructing the whole magazine, and overall I thin I did this extremely well and I am happy to say that I am familiar with the Photoshop programme.
13. Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product.
Looking back at my preliminary task. I feel I have progressed a lot since then, especially with the use of Photoshop. At the start I didnt really understand the concept of it or how to use it even though we were given tutorials at the start. But through discovering and trying things out myself on the programme I almost taught myself how to use it.
I am pleased with my final outcome because it is definitely more complex compared to my preliminary task. My preliminary was basic and there was nothing eye catching about it. Whereas my magazine that I have developed for my coursework piece meets all the aims of the evaluation, things like, challenges real media products, it represents social groups, what media institution would produce my magazine, how it attracts my audience and what I have learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product.
Overall I feel I have learnt a lot about my media product and media products in general.