Media a2 evaluation questions


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Media A2 evaluation questions

By Katie Stubbs

Page 2: Media a2 evaluation questions

How did you use technologies to create your product?

Digital Camera

In order to take the pictures for my summer animation, I had to have a camera. I used the different settings on the camera to see which ones looked better and which ones would make my animation look more real.

Once I had taken my pictures, I could view them by pressing this button and I could choose which ones looked good and which ones I had to delete.

By using these four buttons, I could change the settings on my camera from dark to light and I also could turn

the flash on and off when I needed to.

By using this button I could twist it and zoom in and out of the picture and get close up shots and long shots.

I used this screen to see the full image I was taking a picture of and I could see where I zoomed in, and after the picture was taken I could view it and delete or keep it if I needed to.

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Uploading to Slideshare and Youtube

In order to get my animations up onto my Blog, I had to go through the process of uploading my pictures onto the website. This is how I used the website:

The first thing I did after creating my account was go straight onto upload.

After clicking on upload I scrolled down the screen and clicked on upload publicly and it then let me pick from my files what I wanted to upload.

After I clicked on the open button it took me to a page where it was uploading my photos and I could name it and tag some details into it. Then after it was complete it was put straight onto my profile and comes right up when I click it.

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Embedding into my Blog

In order for me to get my animation embedded onto my blog i had to take the following steps:

Above my animation it had the button Embed, in which I clicked and it came up with a code I had to copy. To copy it I clicked at the beginning and dragged until it was the end of the code and copied it.

I then signed into my blog and went onto new post then pasted the information in and then clicked on publish post.