
How did you attract your audience?

Transcript of Media

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How did you attract your audience?

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Front cover:

For my front cover I used a great photo to attract my audience. I think this because in my audience research I found that most indie magazine front covers had a main image model to have no emotion or doing something strange. I think that my photo is good because the model gives a good vibe to the reader. I think that the photo looks like a front cover photo and this is vital because the wrong image would be giving the wrong impression to the reader. It fits perfectly with the indie target audience. 

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Front cover

• Colours: I think that the colours I have used for my front page are really good because they fit perfectly with the theme. I also really like the fact that there's a subtle brightness to it. I think the yellow isn't too bright but it is bright enough to catch the eye. I thin that the grey goes really well with the yellow along with the white and black. I thin that the scheme doesnt clash on the front cover and this is something that is key as I found in my audience research. I think that the colours don't look too complicated and this simplicity makes the front cover loo really good. 

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Front cover:• Fonts: I think the fonts I have used for my front cover looks good because if

isn't too many different fonts nor does it look too simple. I think that the "in music" don't looks really good because the simple bold doesn't make it look rock so it keeps it within the indie genre. The masthead had to be simple as all indie magazines go for this look too. I also got social media feedback to have this font so it showed that most people agree with the conventions of the magazine. If I had used a thicker one then I think that it would have looked too rock and gone against the conventions of the indie magazines. 

• I have used a thicker font for my cover line because it had to stand out a little more and be more bold from the main image. I only have one cover line so I think that it was key to have something bold as the font and this was where I wanted to use it for. The colours I used for the cover line also stick out to me because they fit perfectly with ye theme and don't clash. These colours are used through my magazine so it was important for me to add these colours onto the front cover to keep the coherence. 

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Front cover:• Layout: the layout of my front cover is really good because it's simple.

I thought that sticking to the simple look that it would look really good because this way it didn't look like there was too much on the plate and that way it would stick to the conventions of indie magazines. I didn't want to make it look complicated because typical rock magazines such KERRANG have this complicated full magazine look and this wasn't what I was going for. In my research I discovered that to get a good indie magazine, there had to be one main image and one main story then a few other features. Having a complicated looking layout would mean that it would look too much to the eye and the indie audience are quite precise so sticking to these conventions made my magazine look more fitted to the audience I was trying to reach out to.

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Front cover

• Text: the text on my front cover looks good because it didn't let the audience know too much about what is in the inside but instead had one main cover line and a few others text boxes which highlighted other singers and bands whom are featured in the magazine. The text looks good because it covers what is inside the magazine but doesn't give everything away. 

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Contents page

• Photo: the photo I used for my contents page looks good because it attracts just the right amount of attention to the reader. It also highlights where the main part of the magazine is at. It has coherence as my main model, Megan, is featured in all my pages I have created. I think that the image is good because it looks really indie. In my research into photos, I found that having something like this would be a good idea so I had added this into my magazine. 

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Contents pageColours: the colours I have used for my contents page are effective are they are the same colours I have used for my front cover. This was important to do so then it keeps with the coherence. I think that my contents pages colours are good because they don't make it look too rock and are still really eye catching. Fonts: I have used again the same fonts as my frog cover to keep it the same. I thought that this was important because in my research I found that all magazines have a limit of three different fonts throughout so I needed to stick to this rule too. I thought that having a simple bold font for my main body would be important because this way it was easy to read just like most other magazines have. The don't had also needed to be something simple because f it wasn't then it wouldn't be fitting with the theme through your and it wouldn't work well with the theme. I used the same three colours in my contents page because this was important to stick with the theme. I thought that the grey, yellow and white and black was the colours that needed to run all the way because in my research I found that most magazines have three or four colours running all the way through the magazine.

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Contents Layout. The layout of my contest page was important because as most magazines they have different layouts so I did my research into the indie magazine contents pages and I found that most have a side bar and all the content is placed here then there is usually a large image and something added onto it. I used this layout for my magazine because this way it would be coherent. I added a editors more because this way it was something of my own and then it would also make it personal to the reader. I thought that the side bar layout was meant to be simple because most indie magazines have it simple like this and this is what I used. I attracted y audience with the layout as they will already have seen something like this so they will be interested into something like this as they are already familiar with it Text: the text I have used in my contents page is effective because I have literally just put the content on it. I did this because it doesn't give everything away and then it doesn't look like there's too much on the contents page. I also thought that the consents page needed something like this because of my research I did into the magazine texts. Most cowboys pages don't have much on them but the simple text which I have illuminated into my one too,

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Double page spread:• For my double page spread I used the same three colours and this was the main part so

it was important to do this or else's you wouldn't have been able to tell that it was apart of the magazine. Coherence had ran all the way through my magazine already so putting it to this was obvious. I also used a simple layout which most magazine have already used with the large image on one half as then the main body on the other half. I thought that the layout was key for my target audience because they will already be aware of what is normal to them and what isn't. I thought that having the text something simple would also be really key because this way it was easy to read and not really complicated. It looks appealing to the eye too so this way it doesn't look like it's too much. Indie usually use something simple then add effectiveness to it so this is what I used for my magazine also. I thought that having a large image would be a good idea because this way there wasn't too much writing and didn't look boring. I thought that it would also then be obvious that it would be about Megan. I