med ical e-Le a rning - · Retain...

medical e -Learning This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Transcript of med ical e-Le a rning - · Retain...

med ical e-Le a rn ing

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannotbe held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Bachelor Degr ee of M edicine Professional degr ee (M.D)

com pet en cy test




Failu re rate of med ical students > 52%Low quality teach ers/tutor s

M ed ical teach ing tools

Professional degr ee (M.D) Retain his/ her cer tificate of r egistr ation

Need Points

(m in 50 SKP from

Cont inuing Professional

Developm ent )

Ever y 5 year s


Lack of semin ar s/ workshop s

med ical e-Le a rn ing

Au d io+Visual

(1.000+ minutesvideo)

Can b eaccessedan yt ime &anywher e

Trusted content



stud entsFK

Tan pa Batas

Other online

cour ses

Offline courses

Comp lete mod ules Yes No Yes (some)

Visually-attr active conten t delivery Yes No O nsite


Online simulation test Yes Yes Some

Can b e accessed anyt ime &anywhere

Yes Yes No

Self-p aced lear ning Yes Yes No

Students dependence on teach er No No Yes

Price Startsfrom $40

Starts from $7

$14 0-$550

For med ical professionals

FKTan pa Batas

Other on lin

eseminar s

O f f lin e seminar s

Comp lete mod ules Yes No No

Visually-attr active conten t delivery

Yes, as vid eo M ostly text

O nsite speakers

Online simulation test Yes Yes No

Can b e accessed anyt ime &anywhere

Yes Yes No

Self-p aced lear ning Yes Yes No

Travel an d/ oraccommod ation cost

No No Yes


3 mon ths 1year 3 year s

Mod ules Limited Comp lete Comp lete Comp lete

Simulation test

20 Q A 200+ QA 200+ QA 200+ QA

FREE up to IDR 589k

($ 40)

up to IDR 1178k

($ 83)

up to IDR 2356k

($ 168)







O UR NEXT DEVELO PMENT[Yes, we’r e going to extend our p r od uct for nur sing & mid wifery]


MEDICALstud ents &

p rofessionals

NU RSINGstud ents &

p rofessionals

MIDWIFERYstud ents &

p rofessionals

We ar e here now!

4+ yr s as a comp any d irect or

Mar ket ing Management, Univer sitas Ind onesia

Risk M anagement ,Glasgow Caled onian Univer sit y, UK

12+ yr s in med ical med ia ind ust r y

1st med ical illust rat or in Ind onesia

Facult y of M ed icine, UI Grad uat ed wit h Cum Laud e

Med ical Visualisat ion, Univ. of Glasgow

Grad uat ed wit h Dist inct ion awar d


3+ yr s as IT p roject manager

Comp ut er Science, Univer sitas Ind onesia

Uti N. Sar i, M D, M .Sc CEO

A M ajid H amid, S.KomCTO

Moch . Auditya Br illiant, S.E., M .Sc.CM O




TOR dr. Yordan Khaedir K, PhD | dr. Putri Nugraheni, Sp.KJ | dr. Ihsan, Sp.An | dr. Ahmad Jamaluddin, M.Kes | dr. Maulana Rosyady | dr. Alfi Fajar A | dr. Bramantya W | dr. Sheila Rizky | Tazkya

Amani, S.Ked | dr. Aldisa Ayu Pratiwi | dr. Aprilia dwi iriani | dr. Aqsha Azhary Nur | dr. Dianita Susilo Saputri | dr. Dinarda Ulf Nadobudskaya | dr. Dss Gan | dr. Eli Novi | dr. Fahmi Kurniawan | dr. Fia Afifah Mutiksa | dr. Fildzah | dr. Fitriana Nur R | dr. Ghina Khairunnisa | dr. Gunawan Adhiguna | dr. Hafiz Yusaryahya | dr. Ika Julianti | dr. Kiwah Andanni | dr. Kms. Rakhmat Notariza | dr.Laksmi Bestari | dr. Lily Raudah Putri | dr. Luh Gede Laksmi Rahayu Handayani | dr. Muhammad Fakhri Zahir | dr. Muhammad Insan Kharis | dr. Muhammad Reynald Aditya | dr. Muhammad Wildan Rabbani K | dr. Nur Banin | dr. Nurfathonah Aryana | dr. Rina Diana Nurfitri | dr. Sarah Shafa Marwadhani | dr. Sheila Rizky Melati | dr. Shofa Nisrina Luthfiyani | dr. Siti Sarah Ayunda | dr. Surya Wartati | dr. Vanya Utami Tedhy | dr. ZahrotulHabibah

Spread ing M ed ical Knowled ge Acr oss Indonesia