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    : 567C6 8he need to ensre minimm acceptable standards and ality in crricla of 6ngineeringColleges spread across the contry and recent technological adances hae necessitated deelopment of9odel Crriclm for arios disciplines of first degree corse in 6ngineering by 7ll ndia Concil for8echnical 6dcation. 8he planning of engineering crricla is a comple; e;ercise since it inolesintegration of not only the crrent edcational needs of the profession bt also the anticipated needsarising ot of the fast changing national and international technological scene. 8o ma!e the crricla bothdynamic< to meet the eoling needs of the profession and fle;ible to ad*st to nforeseen deelopments the 7C86 initiated a program to pgrade the syllabi for ndergradate edcation intechnical instittions in ndia. 7n e;ercise to deelop detailed crricla which will sere as . a model forthe instittions was ta!en p. 8he emergence< on the national scene< of seeral new engineering collegesadded a sense of rgency to this effort. ?ince @ Centres were already intimately inoled with thecrriclm deelopment actiities sponsored by 7C86< they were reested to nderta!e this important

    tas!. am glad that 9odel Crricla for arios disciplines which are both dynamic and fle;ible andproide a proper balance in the teaching of basic sciences< social sciences and management< engineeringsciences< technologies and their applications hae been finalised. am sre that this wor! will sere as asefl gide to the niersities and instittions in framing their crricla. ta!e this opportnity toe;press my deep appreciation for the alable wor! done by the arios members of the 6;pertCommittees and the persons entrsted with the responsibility of co-ordinating the wor! in the respectiedisciplines. Chairman 7ll ndia Concil for 8echnical 6dcation

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    A85BDC8BA 7ll ndia Concil for 8echnical 6dcation (7C86) has been entrsted with theresponsibility of co-ordinated deelopment of technical edcation system throghot the contry.Dniform growth of technical edcation reires continos p-gradation of Crricla for corses at allleels in 8echnical 6dcation. 8his need is frther accentated by the emergence of a large nmber ofself-financing instittions in technical edcation where faclty does not hae sfficient e;pertise. nprsance of clase 0() of 7C86 7ct and with an ob*ectie of bringing abot niformity in thecrriclm of 6ngineering< 7C86 has initiated a programme to come p with the syllabi forndergradate edcation in technical instittions. 8he broad strategies for framing the crricla inclded

    the stdy and analysis of the e;isting crricla followed in arios instittions within the contry and alsothe feedbac! receied in arios wor!shops inoling faclty from different instittions. 8he draft 9odelCrriclm was discssed in a wide form before coming p with the present ersion. Eased on theinteraction and discssion with a nmber of e;perts the following recommendations were finalised. 8hedration of a degree leel corse shold be limited to F years/ G semesters of abot 0 wor!ing days each.7 common first year syllabs with sfficient emphasis on 4m. H ?cience and 9anagement sb*ectsshall be adopted for all branches of engineering. 8he contact hors per wee! shold normally be !ept atabot #0 hors. =eightage of $-20% shall be gien to non-professional (Easic ?ciences and 4manities)sb*ects and abot 0% to 9anagement sb*ects. Aormally the crriclm shold inclde a 9a*or ro*ectof minimm G credits in inal Iear (2 credits in Jth semester and > credits in Gth semester). 6mphasisshold be gien to indstry sponsored pro*ects. =hereer possible the stdents in #rd H Fth year shold

    be inoled in grop discssions on topics of crrent trends in 6ngineering H 8echnology. (Ao credit)8here shold be a continos ealation system. Karios components of ealation sggested are8eachers 7ssessment (87)< Class 8ests (C8) also called minors in some of the instittions and 6nd?emester 6;amination (6?6). 8o ma!e the ealation more ob*ectie< teachers assessment cold bebro!en into arios components li!e assignments< izes< attendance< grop discssions. 8torials etc.?imilarly mar!s of class 8ests can be awarded by haing at least two to three tests. 8hese two componentsi.e. 8 7 H C8 pt together wold form the sessional components. 6nd ?emester 6;amination will hae tobe condcted by the nstitte throgh concerned affiliating Dniersity< as per its reglations. Bn the basisof total mar!s (87 LC8 L6?6) in each sb*ect obtained< a letter grade shold be awarded where 7 M 0< EM G< C M >< M F< M B. Aormally top $ - 0% shold be awarded N7N Orade and last $-0% NN Orade. norder to ealate grade point aerage for a semester the same cold be done sing the following

    illstration: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ?b*ects P 8 Credit MQ P L ( 8 L)/2ROrade 7warded 2 0 # 7 # 2 $ E # 0 F 7 K # 0 F E K 0 0 # 2 C?emester Orade oint 7erage M # 7 L $ E L F 7 L F E L 2 C #L$LFLFL2 M (#0LF0LF0L#2L 2)/G MG.$$ P : Pectre 8 : 8torial : ractical n order to meet the demand of changing trends and emergingareas a stdent be gien a choice to choose sb*ects offered as electies which consist of a professionalelectie (6) of N2N Credits and an open electie (non departmental electie) ofN GN Credits. Eased on therecommendations a 9odel Crriclm has been framed. 7 model strctre of the total corses to benderta!en by a stdent dring his ndergradate program me :in 7gricltre 6ngineering is shown in thesbseent tables. 8he institte may assign the corse nmbers depending pon the gidelines of therespectie affiliating niersity. 8his deelopmental e;ercise is nderpinned by the philosophy thatcrriclm shold transcend traditional instrctional modes< embrace noel methods of teaching andenhance and embellish the learning process to prodce ality engineers for the ftre. 8he sccess of thecrriclm lies in its implementation. t is sggested that adantage be ta!en of modem technology byagmenting the role of a teacher with innoatie adio-isal and digital teaching and learning aids. 8hiscrriclm is only a base line and instittions shold aspire to deelop oer and aboe this. 8hedeelopment of this model crriclm has been possible only throgh the sstained and dedicated effortsof a large nmber of faclty members from arios instittions. 8he 7C86 e;presses its gratitde tothem for contribting their time and e;pertise in this important national tas!. ?ggestions to improe theality of contents of this crriclm will be highly appreciated. (rof. 5.?. Air*ar) 9ember ?ecretary 7llndia Concil for 8echnical 6dcation

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    Corse strctre

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    E57AC4: 9echanical 6ngineering I675 : ?696?865: (Common to all branches) ?l. Ao.CorseAo.?DES6C865B?6K7PD78BA ?C4696Credits (846B5I)P8?6??BA7P 6T796?6?DE8B87P87C88B8Pangage (professional Comm. in 6nglish2-$02$$0J$#2.6ngineeringChemistry2-$02$$0J$##.6ngineering hysics #-#020$000$0FF.9athematics #-#020$000$0F$6ngineering 9echanics#-#020$000$0F>.Easic 6lectrical 6ngineering#-#020$000$0F (57C8C7P/57=AO/6?OA) J.Chemistry/hysics Pab. (8o be ta!en in alternatewee!s)--#2$-2$2$$02G.6ngineering 9echanics/ 6lectrical Paboratory--#2$-2$2$$02.6ngineeringOraphic --#2$-2$2$$020.=or!shop ractice --#2$-2$2$$02O-O6A657P 5BC6ACI$0-

    $028otal>>2000#287- 8eachers 7ssessment< C8- Class 8est< 6?6 6nd ?emester 6;amination< 8otal9ar!s: 000< 8otal eriods: #F< 8otal Credits: #2

  • 7/21/2019 mechnical engineering.doc


    E57AC4: 9echanical 6ngineering I675 : ?696?865: (Common to all branches) ?l. Ao.CorseAo.?DES6C865B?6K7PD78BA ?C4696Credits (846B5I)P8?6??BA7P 6T796?6?DE8B87P87C88B8ntrodction to Compting2-$02$$0J$#2.6ngineering Chemistry2-$02$$0J$##.6ngineering hysics #-#020$000$0FF.9athematics #-#020$000$0F$6ngineering 8hermodynamics#-#020$000$0F>.Easic 6lectronics#-#020$000$0F(57C8C7P/57=AO/6?OA) J.Easic 6lectronics Pab.--#2$-2$2$$02G.Compter rogrammingPab.--#2$-2$2$$02.6ngineering Oraphics (9/C rawing)--#2$-2$2$$020.=or!shop ractice --#2$-2$2$$02O-O6A657P 5BC6ACI$0-$028otal>>2000#287- 8eachers 7ssessment< C8-

    Class 8est< 6?6 6nd ?emester 6;amination< 8otal 9ar!s: 000< 8otal eriods: #F< 8otal Credits: #2

  • 7/21/2019 mechnical engineering.doc


    E57AC4: 9echanical 6ngineering I675 : ?696?865: ?l. Ao.CorseAo.?DES6C865B?6K7PD78BA ?C4696Credits (846B5I)P8?6??BA7P 6T796?6?DE8B87P87C88B8Americal 7nalysis H Compter rogramming (C< CLL)2-$02$$0J$#2.9aterial?cience2-$02$$0J$##.?trength of 9aterials#-#020$000$0FF.lid 9echanics #-#020$000$0F$7pplied 8hermodynamics#-#020$000$0F>.9athematics- #-#020$000$0F(57C8C7P/57=AO/6?OA) J.Americal 7nalysis H Compter rogramming (C< CLL)--#2$-2$2$$02G.9aterial ?cience --#2$-2$2$$02.lid 9echanics --#2$-2$2$$020.7pplied8hermodynamics--#2$-2$2$$02O-O6A657P 5BC6ACI$0-$028otal>>2000#287-

    8eachers 7ssessment< C8- Class 8est< 6?6 6nd ?emester 6;amination< 8otal 9ar!s: 000< 8otaleriods: #F< 8otal Credits: #2

  • 7/21/2019 mechnical engineering.doc


    E57AC4: 9echanical 6ngineering I675 : ?696?865: K ?l. Ao.CorseAo.?DES6C865B?6K7PD78BA ?C4696Credits (846B5I)P8?6??BA7P 6T796?6?DE8B87P87C88B89echanical 9easrement H 9etrology2-$02$$0J$#2.ndstrial 6ngineering2-$02$$0J$##.7dance ?trength of 9aterials#-#020$000$0FF.Uinematics of 9achine#-#020$000$0F$9anfactre ?cience-#-#020$000$0F>.6lectrical 9achine#-#020$000$0F(57C8C7P/57=AO/6?OA) J.9echanical 9easrement H 9etrology--#2$-2$2$$02G.Uinematics of 9achine--#2$-2$2$$02.9anfactre ?cience---#2$-2$2$$020.6lectrical9achine--#2$-2$2$$02O-KO6A657P 5BC6ACI$0-$028otal>>2000#287- 8eachers

    7ssessment< C8- Class 8est< 6?6 6nd ?emester 6;amination< 8otal 9ar!s: 000< 8otal eriods: #F.4eat H 9ass 8ransformation#-#020$000$0F (57C8C7P/57=AO/6?OA) J.9achine esign --#2$-2$2$$02G.4eat H 9ass8ransfer/ ynamics of 9achine--#2$-2$2$$02.9anfactre ?cience --#2$-2$2$$020.Compter7ided rafting--#2$-2$2$$02O-KO6A657P 5BC6ACI$0-$028otal>>2000#287- 8eachers

    7ssessment< C8- Class 8est< 6?6 6nd ?emester 6;amination< 8otal 9ar!s: 000< 8otal eriods: #F.5efrigeration H 7ir-conditioning#-#020$000$0F(57C8C7P/57=AO/6?OA) J.C 6ngine--#2$-2$2$$02G.9achine esign --#2$-2$2$$02.lid 9achinery--#2$-2$2$$020.5efrigeration H 7ir-conditioning--#2$-2$2$$02O-KO6A657P 5BC6ACI$0-$028otal>>2000#287- 8eachers 7ssessment< C8- Class 8est< 6?6

    6nd ?emester 6;amination< 8otal 9ar!s: 000< 8otal eriods: #F< 8otal Credits: #2

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    E57AC4: 9echanical 6ngineering I675 : K ?696?865: K ?l. Ao.CorseAo.?DES6C865B?6K7PD78BA ?C4696Credits (846B5I)P8?6??BA7P 6T796?6?DE8B87P87C88B8Compter 7ided esign2-$02$$0J$#2.Americ Control of 9achine 8ools and5obotics#-#020$000$0F#.7tomobile 6ngg.#-#020$000$0FF.Bpen 6lectie #-#020$000$0F$rofessional 6lectie -#-#020$000$0F (57C8C7P/57=AO/6?OA)J.Compter 7ided esign--#2$--2$$02G.Americ Control of 9achine tools and 5obotics--#2$--2$$02.7tomobile 6ngg.--#2$--2$$*ect - --#2$--2$$02O-KO6A657P 5BC6ACI$0-$028otal>>2000#287- 8eachers 7ssessment< C8- Class 8est< 6?6 6nd ?emester 6;amination< 8otal

    9ar!s: 000< 8otal eriods: #< 8otal Credits: 2

  • 7/21/2019 mechnical engineering.doc


    E57AC4: 9echanical 6ngineering I675 : K ?696?865: K ?l. Ao.CorseAo.?DES6C865B?6K7PD78BA ?C4696Credits (846B5I)P8?6??BA7P 6T796?6?DE8B87P87C88B8ower lant 6ngg.#-#020$000$0F2.9echanical ?ystem esign#-#020$000$0F#.rofessional 6lectie -#-#020$000$0FF.Bpen 6lectie #-#020$000$0F$rofessional 6lectie #-#020$000$0F (57C8C7P/57=AO/6?OA)>.ro*ect --200-0000200>O-KO6A657P 5BC6ACI$0-$028otal$$2F00>000002G87- 8eachers 7ssessment< C8- Class 8est< 6?6 6nd ?emester6;amination< 8otal 9ar!s: 000< 8otal eriods: #2< 8otal Credits: 2G 8otal Credit of 7ll the or Iear :


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    9B6P CD55CDPD9 7O5CDP8D57P 6AOA665AO CBA86A8? age Ao. 6nglish forrofessional Commnication 6ngineering Chemistry 2 6ngineering hysics- $ 9athematics- >6ngineering 9echanics J Easic 6lectrical 6ngineering G 6ngineering Oraphics- 0 =or!shop ractice H 0 ntrodction to Compting 2 6nironment and 6cology # 6ngineering hysics - F9athematics - $ 6ngineering 8hermodynamics > Easic 6lectronics J Americal 7nalysis andCompter rogramming CCLL G 9aterial ?cience . - ?trength of 9aterials 20 lid 9echanics 22?oil ?cience 2# 9athematics- 2F 4ydrology 2$ ?oil 9echanics 2J .C. 6ngine 2G Uinematics andynamics #0 6lectrical 9achines # Crop rodction ## 9anagement ?cience #F ?reying and

    Peelling #$ 7gricltral 6ngineering ?trctre and 5ral 6ngineering #J ost 4arest 6ngineering #?oil and =ater Conseration 6ngineering F0 Eilding 9aterials and ?trctral esign F mp6ngineering and 4ydralic Control F2 Orond =ater and =ell 6ngineering F# rrigation 6ngineering FFarm 9achinery F> N5efrigeration and 7irconditioning FG 9achine esign $0 7gricltre and6nironmental 6ngineering $ 8ractors and ower Dnits $# airy and ood rocessing Bperations $Frainage 6ngineering $> ood rodcts and rocess 8echnology $J nstrmentation and Control6ngineering in 7gricltre $J 6P6C8K6 CBD5?6? 5enewable 6nergy >0 4man actors 6ngineering> Elowers and Compressors >2 arm 9achinery esign ># 8illage and 8raction 6ngineering >F 4eatand 9ass 8ransfer >$ 5emote ?ensing and Oeographic nformation ?ystem >J 6nironmental6ngineering >G 7acltral 6ngineering > Command 7rea eelopment J0 rrigation and rainage6ipments esign J 6cology and 6nironmental olltion J2 9edical and 7romatic lants rodction

    and rocessing JF =atershed 9anagement JF rocess 6ipment esign J$ ?eed 8echnology andprocessing J> 4orticltral and lantation rodct rocessing JJ Eioprocess 6ngineering JGConcentration and ehydration of oods J ats and Bil rocessing G0 ish reseration and rocessing8echnology G2 Conenices oods Eeerages G# hysical roperties of ood and Eio-9aterials G# oodlant Dtilities and ?anitation G$ 7nimal ?cience G$ atabase 9anagement and 9icroprocessor7pplications G> 9ar!eting 9anagement GJ 6ngineering 6conomy and ro*ect lanning G Dtilization of6lectrical 6nergy in 7gricltre 0 Bperation 9anagement ood ?cience # B6A 6P6C8K6?Bperations 5esearch $ Bperation 5esearch 8echnie > Bptimization 9ethods J 5eliability6ngineering J ?tatistical 9ethods in 6ngineering G 7danced 6ngineering ?ystems 4man Kales ?cience 8echnology and ?ociety 00

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    6AOP?4 B5 5B6??BA7P CB99DAC78BA Bb*ectie of the Corse 8o impart basic s!illsof commnication in 6nglish throgh intensie practice to the first year DO stdents of engineering so asto enable them to fnction confidently and effectiely in that langage in the professional sphere of theirlife. esired 6ntry Eehaior 8he stdent mst hae some basic command of 6nglish that is mst be ableto: write reasonably grammatically nderstand (if not se) at least some 2$00 general prpose words of6nglish se some 2000 (at least $00) general prpose words of 6nglish to e;press himself in writing and$00 sch words to tal! abot day-to-day eents and e;periences of life. nderstand slowly-delieredspo!en material in ?tandard ndian 6nglish< and spea! reasonably clearly (if not flently) on rotine

    matters with his fellow stdents. 8eaching 9ethod 8he topics mst be coered essentially throgh plentyof e;amples. Pectre classes mst be condcted as lectre-cm-ttorial classes. t is a corse that aims todeelop s!ills. t is therefore VpracticalV in orientation. lenty of e;ercises of arios !inds mst be doneby the stdents both inside and otside the class-room. 8he teacher mst not depend on a single or a set oftwo or three te;t boo!s. 4e mst choose his materials from dierse sorces. Ueeping in iew thereirements of his stdents< the teacher may hae to prepare some teaching and e;ercise materials. orpractice in listening< good tape recorders can be sed if the more adanced facilities (for e;ample