Mechanical Equipment Interface

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  • 8/12/2019 Mechanical Equipment Interface



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    First published June 2009

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  • 8/12/2019 Mechanical Equipment Interface


  • 8/12/2019 Mechanical Equipment Interface



    Mechanical Equipment Interface


  • 8/12/2019 Mechanical Equipment Interface


    Mechanical Equipment Interface



    1 Introduction

    The Mechanical Equipment Interface - Import allows for the importing of models from

    STEP AP203 files into 3D models in Design.

    Mechanical Equipment Interface- Export allows the user to extract 3D geometric models,

    from the DESIGN databases using the Export utility and output them in STEP format. The

    resulting files can then be used to import 3D geometry into the systems that can read that


    1.1 Assumptions

    It is assumed that the user is familiar with the following:

    At least one of the Design modules.

    For general information on using the Export facilities in the host application, refer to the

    DESIGN Reference Manual: Utilities.

    1.2 Guide Structure

    Import Model how to import models from STEP AP203 files into 3D Models in


    Export Model how to transfer information from a database into a STEP AP203.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface


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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model


    2 Import Model

    The Mechanical Equipment Interface import utility enables the user to import geometric

    models of mechanical equipment into 3D models within Design.

    STEP AP203 is a standard neutral file format for the exchange of product model data

    between CAD systems. AP203 files containing solid models of mechanical parts and

    assemblies can be produced by various Mechanical CAD systems. The imported data can

    be used to model Equipment and Volume Model items in Design.

    The imported models may be individual components that can be used to model Equipment

    items in Design, or they may represent part of the overall design model that has been

    produced in another CAD system and needs to be combined with the Design model for

    visualisation, clash checking, drawing and other operations.

    The input to Import utility consists of STEP AP203 files that normally have the file extension.stp. Geometrical data is read from the input AP203 files and converted into Equipment or

    Volume Model elements in a Design database. Several AP203 files can be loaded in one

    process, each file generating an Equipment or Volume Model element.

    AP203 models can be imported directly into the Design model or they can be imported intoa storage area in a Design database where they can be stored and organised ready to use

    in the main Design model. Models stored in an imported model storage area are not

    considered to be part of the Design model.

    The system automatically produces a log file into the PDMSUSER directory, detailing the

    history of the translation from the AP203 format, and reporting the number of translated,

    failed and ignored instances. The log file will be named the same as the imported .stp file

    with the file extension .txt.

    The Import utility can be accessed by using the Graphical User Interface (GUI), or by using

    commands and command scripts to import data directly into the Design model.

    2.1 Model Storage AreaModels imported from STEP AP203 files can be stored in Design Database Application

    Data World element hierarchies. Typically, one or more Application Data World (APPDWL)

    elements with Purpose attribute set to MIMPwill be created in a Design database separate

    from other Design data elements. This is the holding area for imported models. Here the

    imported models will be organised into logical groups, for example by engineering function,

    and they may be modified to include additional geometry that may be required in the Design

    model, such as connection points for Drafting dimensions and Design Associations;

    primitives representing reserved space for clash checking and nozzles for piping

    connections. The imported primitives may themselves be modified to change the name,

    drawing level and obstruction level attributes to conform to company standards.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model

    If required, imported models can be shared between projects by putting databases

    containing imported data storage areas into shared foreign projects.

    A utility is provided to manage imported model storage areas.

    2.2 Graphical User Interface

    To access the Import utility GUI the user must select Design > Equipmentfrom the main

    menu bar to enter the Equipmentapplication.

    To start the AP203 Import utility, select Utilities > Mechanical Equipment Interface from

    the main menu bar to display the Mechanical Equipment Interfacewindow.

    The Mechanical Equipment Interface window consists of two tabs, Importand Modify.

    2.2.1 Import

    The Import tab allows the user to either import models beneath an existing element in the

    hierarchy or to import into a storage area by clicking either the Import Beneath Current

    Elementor the Import Into Storage Worldradio button.

    Import Beneath Current Element

    To import beneath an existing element the user must set the Import Location radio button

    to Import beneath current element and in the Design Explorer select the Site, Zone,

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model


    Equipment or Volume to import beneath and click CE. The selected element will be

    displayed in the Select Elementfield.

    To select the file to be imported click Browseto display a file browser which allows the user

    to navigate to and select a .stp file. The selected file will be displayed in the Import File


    Once the Select Elementand Import File field have been populated, the Importbutton

    becomes active.

    Note: If either theSelect Elementor Import Filefields are blank the Import button will be

    greyed out and inactive.

    The user can choose how the model data is imported by selecting either Equipment (EQUI)

    or Volume Model(VOLM) from the Import model asdrop-down menu.

    When re-importing the same model into the same area, the user has the option to save any

    existing nozzles in that area by checking the Save existing nozzles on import box. If the

    Save existing nozzles on importbox is not checked, then any nozzles that exist will be

    deleted. A warning message will be displayed to confirm this.

    Click Importto begin the import process.

    Note: The importing operation can take a long time if the models are particularly large and


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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model

    Import Into Storage World

    To import into an Application Data World (APPDWL) hierarchy, the user must set the Import

    Locationradio button to Import into storage world. If the project contains existing storage

    worlds, these will be displayed in the Select Storage World pane.

    Clicking on a storage world shows its hierarchy in the tree below. If the user has write

    access to a storage world in the list, it can be modified by clicking on the storage world and

    using the tasks beneath.

    Clicking the right mouse button on elements in the tree displays functions that can be

    performed at that element.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model


    Clicking Create New World creates a new model import storage world (an APPLDW

    element with purpose attribute = MIMP), an Application Data Area (APPDAR) and

    Application Data Group (APPLDA) which is the basic structure needed to import into.

    To modify the model import storage world's attributes, select from the Select Storage

    World list and click Modify World Attributes.

    Note: If the storage world is new the Modify Attributesfields will be blank.

    The user can change the values in the fields and click on Applyto store the new values in

    the database. The new values are displayed in the Select Storage Worldlist. Click Backto

    cancel the changes and return to the original window.

    To delete a storage world and all the imported models in that world, select the storage world

    from the Select Storage World list and click Delete World. A confirmation window is

    displayed requesting the user to confirm the deletion.

    Select Yesto confirm the deletion or Noto cancel the deletion and return to the Mechanical

    Equipment Interfacewindow.

    Clicking Modify Hierarchydisplays a list of tasks to modify the hierarchy of the storage


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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model

    Tasks in the list are active depending on what is selected in the tree. To return to the Import

    filepanel, press the Backbutton.

    To select the file to be imported click Browseto display a file browser which allows the user

    to navigate to and select a .stp file. The selected file will be displayed in the Import File


    Once the location where the file is to be imported is highlighted in the tree and Import File

    field have been populated, the Importbutton becomes active.

    Note: If either the location or the Import File field are blank the Import button will be

    greyed out and inactive.

    Create Model Import Area Creates a new model import area (an APPDAR


    Create Model Import Group Creates a new model import group (an APPLDA

    element owned by the selected APPDAR element)

    Modify Attributes Shows input fields to modify attributes of the selected


    Delete Item Delete the selected item and any items that it owns.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model


    The user can choose how the model data is imported by selecting either Equipment (EQUI)

    or Volume Model(VOLM) from the Import modelasdrop-down menu.

    When re-importing the same model into the same area, the user has the option to save any

    existing nozzles in that area by checking the Save existing nozzles on import box. If the

    Save existing nozzles on importbox is not checked, then any nozzles that exist will be

    deleted. A warning message will be displayed to confirm this.

    Click Importto begin the import process.

    Note: The importing operation can take a long time if the models are particularly large and


    2.2.2 Modify

    Imported VOLM and EQUI elements contain GENPRI and GENCUR elements. These are

    the imported solid and curve objects. GENPRI and GENCUR elements can be moved,

    rotated and deleted by using the same menu and Model Editor functions as other

    Equipment primitives. However, the geometry of the shape cannot be modified in Outfitting/

    Design. GENPRI and GENCUR elements cannot be modified with the Modify > Primitivesutility.

    The Modifytab allows the user to find and modify GENPRI and GENCUR elements.

    The Find Elements to Modifypane gives the search criteria to find GENPRI and GENCUR

    elements to modify.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model

    The In volume radio button allows the user to find all the elements (of type GENPRI,

    GENCUR, NOZZ, SUBE, BOX and CYLI) within a volume. Select an element in the Design

    Explorer, for example, the owning Equipment of an imported model, then press the CE

    button. A bounding box is placed around the current element in the 3D graphical view. Thebox's position and size and can be modified by using the Centreand Extentsliders. When

    the Findbutton is pressed, any elements found within the volume that belong to the current

    element are displayed in the grid.

    Note: Elements that are within Application Data Worlds (APPDWL) will not be found by this

    method as they are not part of the spatial map.

    The Beneath elementradio button allows the user to find all elements (of type GENPRI,

    GENCUR, NOZZ, SUBE, BOX and CYLI) beneath the specified element. Select an element

    in the Design Explorer, for example, the owning Equipment of an imported model, then

    press theCEbutton. When the Findbutton is pressed, any elements that are members of

    the specified element are displayed in the grid.

    Items in the grid can be selected by clicking on them with the left mouse button. Items can

    be multi-selected by using the Ctrl key and left mouse button or by clicking on an item with

    the left mouse button and then dragging down. Select A llselects all items in the grid and

    Deselect alldeselects all items in the grid. The pop-up menu on the grid allows the user to

    Highlight, Unhighlightand Navigate Toselected elements.

    No Number of the element. The total number of elements found is

    displayed at the bottom left of the grid.

    Name Name of the element.

    Type Type of the element. GENPRI, GENCUR, NOZZ, SUBE, BOX or


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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model


    The Display leveland Obstructionlevel attributes displayed on the Representationpane

    are set to default values when the model is loaded. By selecting items in the grid the user

    can modify the displayed obstruction and display level values. Click on Applyto store the

    new values in the database.

    Boxand Cylinderprimitives can be generated from items in the grid. The user can select

    items from the grid and then choose the Primitiveby selecting Boxor Cylinderfrom the

    drop-down menu. Click Createto create either the boxes or cylinders.

    GENPRI and GENCUR elements do not have P-points. Some facilities, such as

    dimensioning in Draft and Associations in Design, rely on having connection points to

    reference. Design points can be added to Equipment by using the Create > Points

    Equipment menu command. These behave like P-points belonging to the Equipment


    Equipment elements and Volume Model elements containing GENPRI and GENCUR

    elements can be used to create Design Templates. GENPRI and GENCUR geometry

    cannot be changed, so it is not possible to parameterise these elements, or create Repeat

    Rules for these elements in a Design Template.

    Standard Design primitives can be added to imported models by using the Create >

    Primitives menu command.

    Nozzles and electrical components can be added to imported Equipment by using the

    Create Nozzles... and Create Electrical Component... options on the Create

    Connections pane. These will display the standard forms for creating nozzles and electrical


    X,Y,Z Lengths Size of the bounding box around the element.

    Obstruction Obstruction value of the element (if it has one), which can either be

    Hard, Soft or None.

    Display Level Display level of the element (if it has one).

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model

    2.2.3 Command Line

    AP203 files can be imported to Design by using the IMPcommand. The IMPcommand can

    be used in command macro files to automate the loading of AP203 files.

    The IMPcommand has the following options:

    I MP [ TO ] [ AS ]

    [ VALI DATE] [ LOG ]Note: The command options shown inside square brackets [] are optional.

    The root directory in a file system that contains STEP AP203

    files to be imported. An Equipment (EQUI) or Volume Model

    (VOLM) element will be created for each AP203 file successfully

    imported from the hierarchy.

    Filename within "" (may include spaces), or starting /. An

    Equipment (EQUI) or Volume Model (VOLM) element will be

    created for an AP203 file successfully imported.

    TO Design element identity. The name or reference number of a

    SITE or APPLDA element that will contain the imported models.

    ZONE elements are created automatically when models are

    imported. These ZONE elements will be owned by the given

    SITE or APPLDA, and each ZONE will contain one or more

    EQUI of VOLM elements.

    If the TO command option is omitted the Current Element (CE) is


    AS EQUI Defines the type of element created for each imported STEP file.

    AS VOLM If the AS command option is omitted, imported models are

    created as VOLM elements.

    VALIDATE Creates a file for each imported model that can be used to help

    validate the import. This option is normally omitted unless there

    is a specific need to inspect the information written to this file.

    LOG This command option specifies the filename of the log file

    produced that details the history of the translation from the

    AP203 format file.

    If the LOG command option is omitted, a file called translator.log

    is created in the root directory.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model



    I MP / C: \ AP203Model s\ model . st p TO / I MPORTAREA AS VOLM

    Imports model.stp found under the directory C:\AP203Models to a SITE or APPLDAelement called /IMPORTAREA. A ZONEelement is created and a VOLMelement is created

    for the *.stpfile.

    I MP / C: \ AP203Model s\ model . st p

    Imports model.stp found under the directory C:\AP203Models to the current element, which

    must be a SITE or APPLDA type element. A ZONE element is created and a VOLM

    element is created for the *.stpfile.

    I MP / C: \ AP203Equi pment AS EQUI

    Import all .stpfiles found under root directory C:\AP203Equipment to the current element. A

    ZONEelement is created for each folder in the C:\ AP203Equipment hierarchy. Within each

    ZONE, an EQUIelement is created for each .stpfile in the corresponding folder.


    When models are imported, the ZONE and EQUI or VOLM elements are named

    automatically. The name used is based on the folder name and the .stpfilename. If a model

    is imported more than once, a suffix is added to the filename so that the names of new

    elements remain unique.

    2.2.4 Using Imported Models in the Design Model

    Imported Equipment and Volume Model elements stored in an Application Data World are

    not considered to be part of the Design model. Application Data Worlds are a repository for

    models that can be copied into the Design Model where they can be positioned and

    modified to meet Design requirements. Application Data Worlds differ from DesignTemplates because models stored in an Application Data World are not selected using a

    catalogue Specification or Selection Table, and consequently no link is maintained between

    the original imported model and copies of that model in the Design world.

    Imported models can be copied from an Application Data World into the Design model by

    using standard copy commands found in the Create > Copymenu. Imported models can be

    found using the standard search tool found in menu command Display > Search Utility.

    A utility has been provided for navigating imported models and copying selected models to

    Equipment elements in the Design model. This is accessed by using Equipment menu

    command Create > Copy Mechanical Equipment Model.

    If the user wants to name the equipment, either enter a Name explicitly, or (if autonaming

    rules have been set up) use the Autoname option.

    If the project has been configured with User Defined Element Types based on Equipment,

    they will appear in the User Defined Type list. When the equipment element is created, it will

    be created as the User Defined Type selected from this list.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Import Model

    From the Model Import Storage Area options, select the storage area from which you want

    to select an imported model. This shows the storage area hierarchy in the explorer view.

    Navigate to the required import model using the Explorer and click Apply. You will now see

    a Positioning Control window, showing that you are in event-driven graphics mode: use the

    facilities provided by this window to pick the position of the equipment's origin and complete

    the creation process.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Export Model


    3 Export Model

    The Mechanical Equipment Interface Export utility can be used to export 3D geometric

    models from a DESIGN database into the STEP AP203 format.

    To export a 3D geometric model into a STEP AP203 file the user must use the Export utility

    from within a Design module. To load the Export driver refer to Command Line.

    Note: Much of the non-geometric information will be lost. It is not recommended that users

    export and re-import, although this will work for the geometry only.

    3.1 Target Directory

    Exported design data is written as a hierarchy of files to a given target directory. The created

    directory hierarchy replicates the database structure of the exported models.

    To specify the name of the target directory, use the command:

    EXPORT FILEdirectoryName

    For example,

    EXPORT FI LE / c: \ Expor t edModel s\ Bl ock1025

    To query the name of the current target directory, use the command:


    3.2 Log File

    Whenever the Export utility is run, a new log file is written to the target directory and named


    If a message or warning is displayed by the Design module, further details will usually be

    available in the log file.

    The log file is plain text, and may be viewed with more in a command window, or any text

    editor such as Notepad.

    3.3 Set the Representation

    The Exportcommand was designed as a what-you-see-is-what-you-get system, where the

    visibility and representation settings in Design control is what is exported. This enables the

    user to select certain elements of the DESIGN database for export, and to choose an

    appropriate level of detail for their needs.

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Export Model

    If the user is operating in a graphical mode, and working with a relatively small volume of

    data this is ideal. When exporting large models the close integration with the graphical

    display can result in slow performance.

    In this case the user can speed up the export significantly by running a Design module

    without graphics. It is then very important to make sure that the visual representation is set

    to what they require, as the Design modules default settings are different when running

    without graphics.

    In case of difficulty, AVEVA suggests that the user does the following:

    1. Read section 4.2 Element Representation of the DESIGN Reference Manual: GeneralCommands, which discusses the options available.

    2. Using Design with graphics enabled, set the representation to your requirements, usingeither the menus or commands.

    3. Activate the Command Linewindow. Menu Display > Command Line.

    4. Type the command: Q REPR5. Note the results.

    6. Leave the Design module, and re-enter, but without graphics (by typing dev tty toMONITOR).

    7. Type Q REPRagain, and note any differences.

    8. Either include all of these representation commands in the macro file, or select thoseneeded using the DESIGN Reference Manualas a guide.

    3.4 Command Line

    To export models into files the user must be in one of the Design modules.

    If the models that you are going to export is large, then it will be a lot quicker to output thefiles if you enter the device tty mode rather than the graphics mode of the Design module.

    The EXPORTcommands can be stored in a macro file.

    For example, use the following commands to export the equipments and the pipes in STEP


    Full details of more powerful element selection techniques refer to DESIGN Reference

    Manual: Utilities.

    repre level 6 Set drawing representation level

    repre level pipe 6 Set drawing representation level for pipes

    repre level nozz 6 Set drawing representation level for nozzles.

    repre level stru 6 Set drawing representation level for structures.export system /explantmcad Load the export driver.

    export fi le /c:\Expor tedModels Specify the target directory for the exported files.

    export /EQUIP Select names of the elements that are to be


    export /PIPES Select names of the elements that are to be


    export finish Do the export of the selected elements

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Export Model


    3.5 Limitations

    The following limitations affect the transfer of information from a Design module to a STEP

    AP203 format.

    1. The interface translates 3D geometric elements only.

    2. BOUN and DRAW elements are not translated.

    3. Element names are not translated.

    4. Element attributes are not translated.

    5. Primitives are translated in millimetre units only.

    6. Hull items that are modelled (drawn) by generic primitives, will be exported as facetedprimitives. For example, curved plate parts are currently exported as faceted solids.

    A general cylinder (Extrusion) that intersects or touches itself will not be exported. For

    example, some types of flanges in holes.

    3.6 Error Messages

    When an error occurs the program will output a message to the standard error stream

    (usually the screen).

    A more detailed error message may often be found in the log file.

    Less serious problems will cause a warning to be output to the log file.

    The following message is output by the Design module if there is a problem with the

    software licence for the Export utility. If this problem occurs you may need to contact AVEVA

    Customer Support for assistance.

    ***** FATAL SI TEFI LE ERROR *****The following error messages may be output during translation:

    Fai l ed t o creat e a di r ectory

    Fai l ed t o expor t some of t he model s

    I nval i d f i l e name

    i s not a val i d opt i on

    Pl ease speci f y I GES, STEP or SAT as t he export f ormat

    Unknown er r or f r om expor t dr i ver

    Unsuppor t ed expor t f ormat

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface

    Export Model

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    Mechanical Equipment Interface


    Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1


    Export . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:2Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:3

    Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:3Log File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1Target Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1


    Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10

    Examples 2:11Graphic User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . 2:2Model Storage Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1

    Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:11Using Imported Models . . . . . . . . . 2:11

    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1