Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites

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  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites




    A Composite Material is a macroscopic combination of two or more

    distinct materials, having a recognizable interface between them . Composites

    are used not only for their structural properties, but also for electrical, thermal,

    tribological, and environmental applications. It consists of reinforcing stiffer 

     phase and the matrix phase. The resulting composite material has a balance of 

    structural properties that is superior to either constituent material alone.

    Composites typically have a fiber or particle phase that is stiffer and stronger 

    than the continuous matrix phase and serve as the principal load carrying

    members. The matrix acts as a load transfer medium between fibers, and in less

    ideal cases where the loads are complex, the matrix may even have to bear loads

    transverse to the fiber axis. The matrix is more ductile than the fibers and thus

    acts as a source of composite toughness. The matrix also serves to protect the

    fibers from environmental damage before, during and after composite processing. A hybrid composite is a !" composite which has more than one

    fiber as a reinforcement phase embedded into a single matrix phase.

    #ybridization provides the designers with an added degree of freedom in

    manufacturing composites to achieve high specific stiffness, high specific

    strength, enhanced dimensional stability, energy absorption, increased failure

    strain, corrosive resistance as well as reduced cost during fabrication

    Composites made of a single reinforcing material system may not be suitable if 

    it undergoes different loading conditions during the service life. #ybrid

    composites may be the best solution for such applications.$ormally, one of the

    fibers in a hybrid composite is a high% modulus and high%cost fiber and the other 

    is usually a low%modulus fiber. The high%modulus fiber provides the stiffness

    and load bearing &ualities, whereas the low%modulus fiber ma'es the composite


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    more damage tolerant and 'eeps the material cost low. The mechanical

     properties of a hybrid composite can be varied by changing volume ratio and

    stac'ing se&uence of different plies. #igh%modulus fibers are widely used in

    many aerospace applications because of their high specific modulus. #owever,

    the impact strength of composites made of such high%modulus fibers is

    generally lower than conventional steel alloys or glass reinforced composites.

    An effective method of improving the impact properties of high%modulus fiber 

    composites is to add some percentage of low%modulus fibers. Most composite

    materials experience time varying internal disturbance of moisture and

    temperature during their service life time which can cause swelling and

     plasticization of the resin, distortion of laminate, deterioration of fiber(resin

     bond etc. )ecause of the high performance laminates and composites especially

    in aerospace, the effect of moisture(temperature environment has become an

    important aspect of composite material behavior. In this pro*ect wor' the

     behavior of sisal and banana hybrid composites with epoxy resin was described.


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    The basic reason for wor'ing on such a topic arises from the fact that

    composites are vulnerable to environmental degradation. A moist environment,

    coupled with high or low temperature conditions is extremely detrimental for 

    composites. There have been several efforts made by researchers in the last few

    years to establish the much needed correlation between the mechanical

     properties of the material and the moist environment or similar hydrothermal

    conditions, sub*ected to thermal shoc's, spi'es, ambient + sub ambient

    temperatures. )ut most research has been on the mechanical aspects rather than

    the physical + chemical interface and how this brings in change in the internal

    mechanical properties and affects a variety of other morphological changes.

    The focus of our research has been to understand the physical changes

    that ta'e place at the bonding interface between the fibers and the matrix, as it is

    of prime importance due to its lin' to the stress transfer, distribution of load, and

    it also governs the damage accumulation + propagation. This has wide

    significance in aerospace applications, because the aircraft components are

    exposed to harsh moist environment.

    #ence our pro*ect wor' aims at the mechanical characterization of the

    sisal and banana fiber reinforced hybrid composites.


    A composite material is defined as a material system which consists of 

    two or more distinctly differing materials which are insoluble in each other and

    differ in chemical composition.

    The ancient gyptians manufactured composites. -attle and daub is one

    of the oldest man%made composite materials, at over /// years old.


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    -ood is a good example of a natural composite, combination of 

    cellulose fiber and lignin. The cellulose fiber provides strength andthe lignin is the 0glue0 that bonds and stabilizes the fiber.

    Adobe bric's are a good example for ancient composite. The

    combination of mud and straw forms a composite that is stronger 

    than either the mud or the straw by itself.

    Concrete reinforced with steel rebar.


      Composites are combinations of two phases.

    Matrix phase.

    !einforcement phase.

    "#$ 1.1 P%ases &' (&mp&s#)e ma)e*#als


    It is primary phase, having continuous character.

    It holds the reinforcement phase.

    More ductile.

    2ess hard.


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    It also called dispersed phase.

    3tronger than matrix phase. 






    Composites can be very strong and stiff, yet very light in -eight,

    so ratios of strength%to%weight and stiffness%to%weight are several

    times greater than steel or aluminum.

    atigue properties are generally better than for common

    engineering metals.

    Toughness is often greater than most of the metals.

    Composites can be designed that do not corrode li'e steel.

    "ossible to achieve combinations of properties not attainable with

    metals, ceramics, or polymers alone.



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    3tronger and stiffer than metals on a density basis for the same

    strength, lighter than steel by 4/5 and aluminum by /5. #ence

    3uperior stiffness%to%weight ratios.

    ssentially inert in most corrosive environments. )enefits include

    lower maintenance and replacement costs.

    It can be compounded to closely match surrounding structures to

    minimize thermal stresses.

    Composites can be formed into many complex shapes during

    fabrication, even providing finished, styled surfaces in the process.

    The inherent characteristics of composites typically allow

     production to be established for a small fraction of the cost that

    would be re&uired in metallic fabrication.

    6ood dimensional stability 7extremely low coefficient of thermal




    Metal Matrix Composites 7MMC8

    Ceramic Matrix Composites 7CMC8

    "olymer Matrix Composites 7"MC8

    a+ Me)al ma)*#x (&mp&s#)es MMC+

    The matrix in these composites is a ductile material. These composites can

     be used at higher service temperature than their base metal counter parts. This

    reinforcement in these materials may improve specific stuffiness, specific

    strength, abrasion resistance, creep resistance and dimensional stability. The


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    MMCs is light in weight and resist wear and thermal distortion, so it mainly

    used in automobile industry. Metal matrix composites are much more

    expensive those "MCs and therefore, their use are somewhat restricted.

    -+ Ce*am#(3ma)*#x (&mp&s#)es CMC+

    9ne of the main ob*ectives in producing CMCs is to increase the

    toughness. Ceramics materials are inherent resistants to oxidation and

    deterioration at elevated temperature: were it not for their disposition to brittle

    racture, some of these materials would be idea candidates for use in higher 

    temperature and serve%stress applications, specifically for components in

    automobile an air craft gas turbine engines. The developments of CMCs has

    aged behind mostly for remain reason, most processing route involve higher 

    temperature and only employed with high temperature reinforcements.

    (+ P&l4me* ma)*#x (&mp&s#)es PMC+

    The most common matrix materials for composites are polymeric.

    "olyester and vinyl esters are the most widely used and least expensive polymer 

    resins. These matrix materials are basically used for fiber glass reinforced

    composites. or mutations of a large number resin provide a wide range of 

     properties for these materials. The epoxies are more expensive and in addition

    to wide range of ranging commercials applications, also find use in "MCs for 

    aerospace applications. The main disadvantages of "MCs are their low

    maximum wor'ing temperature high coefficients of thermal expansion and

    hence dimensional instability and sensitivity to radiation and moisture. The

    strength and stuffiness are low compared with metals and ceramics.


    "articulate reinforcement composites 7"!C8


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    iber  reinforcement composites 7!C8

    2aminar composites 72C8

    a+ Pa*)#(5la)e *e#6'&*(eme6) (&mp&s#)es PRC+

    "articulate reinforcements have dimensions that are approximately e&ual

    in all directions. The shape of the reinforcing particles may be spherical, cubic,

     platelet or any regular or irregular geometry. These composites can be classified

    as two sub groups; i8 2arge particle composites ii8

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    a reasonable price8. #ybrid composites are usually used when a combination of 

     properties of different types of fiber wants to be achieved, or when longitudinal

    as well as lateral mechanical performances are re&uired.

    #ybrid composites are more advanced composites as compared to

    conventional !" composites. #ybrids can have more than one reinforcing

     phase and a single matrix phase or single reinforcing phase with multiple matrix

     phases or multiple reinforcing and multiple matrix phases. They have better 

    flexibility as compared to other fiber reinforced composites. $ormally it

    contains a high modulus fiber with low modulus fiber.The high%modulus fiber 

     provides the stiffness and load bearing &ualities, whereas the low%modulus fiber 

    ma'es the composite more damage tolerant and 'eeps the material cost low. The

    mechanical properties of a hybrid composite can be varied by changing volume

    ratio and stac'ing se&uence of different plies.


    They offer better flexibility in the selection of fiber and matrix materials,

    which helps in better tailoring of the mechanical properties. or example

    the modulus, strength,fatigue performance etc of glass reinforced

    composites can be enhanced by inclusion of carbon fibers.

    )etter wear resistance

    2ow thermal expansion coefficient

    Combination of high tensile strength and high failure strain

    )etter impact and flexural properties

    !educed overall cost of the composite

    2ow notch sensitivity

     $on catastrophic


    There are several types of hybrid composites characterized as;


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    Interply or tow%by%tow, in which tows of the two or more constituent

    types of fiber are mixed in a regular or random manner:

    3andwich hybrids, also 'nown as cor%shell, in which one material is

    sandwiched between two layers of another:

    Interply or laminated, where alternate layers of the two 7ormore8

    materials are stac'ed in a regular manner:

    Intimately mixed hybrids, where the constituent fibers are made to mix as

    randomly as possible so that no over%concentration of any one type is

     present in the material: other 'inds, such as those reinforced with ribs,

     pultruded wires, thin veils of fiber or combinations of the above.


    #elicopter rotor blades and drive shafts.

    Ailerons and floor panels of aircrafts.

    In automobile sector they are used in transmission units, chassis

    members,3uspensions, and structural body parts of cars and lorries.

    C!"(A!" hybrids are used for ma'ing bicycle frames.

    In sports industries Tennis rac&uets, fishing rods, s'is, golf club shafts,

    yacht hulls,#oc'ey stic's and paddles

    In medical world they are used for ma'ing orthoses.


    iber%reinforced polymer composites have played a dominant role for along time in a variety of applications for their high specific strength and

    modulus. The manufacture, use and removal of traditional fiber=reinforced

     plastic, usually made of glass, carbon or aramid fibers=reinforced thermoplastic

    and thermoset resins are considered critically because of environmental

     problems. )y natural fiber composites we mean a composite material that is

    reinforced with fibers, particles or platelets from natural or renewable resources,


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    in contrast to for example carbon or aramide fibers that have to be synthesized.

     $atural fibers include those made from plant, animal and mineral sources.

     $atural fibers can be classified according to their origin. The detailed


      A6#mal "#-e*s M#6e*al "#-e*s Pla6) "#-e*s

     Animal hair 

     3il' fiber 

     Avian fiber 


     Ceramic fibers

     Metal fibers

     3eed fiber 

     2eaf fiber 

     3'in fiber 

     ruit fiber 

     3tal' fiber 

      Ta-le 1.1 Class#'#(a)#&6 &' 6a)5*al '#-e*s

    A6#mal "#-e*

      Animal fiber generally comprise proteins: examples mohair, wool, sil',

    alpaca, angora. Animal hair 7wool or hair8 are the fibers ta'en from animals or 

    hairy mammals. .g. 3heep>s wool, goat hair 7cashmere, mohair8, alpaca hair,

    horse hair, etc. 3il' fiber are the fibers collected from dried saliva of bugs or 

    insects during the preparation of cocoons. xamples include sil' from sil' 

    worms. Avian fiber are the fibers from birds, e.g. feathers and feather fiber.

    M#6e*al '#-e*

      Mineral fibers are naturally occurring fiber or slightly modified fiber 

     procured from minerals. These can be categorized into the following categories;

    Asbestos is the only naturally occurring mineral fiber. ?ariations are serpentine

    and amphiboles, anthophyllite. Ceramic fibers includes glass fibers 76lass wood

    and @uartz8, aluminium oxide, silicon carbide, and boron carbide. Metal fibers

    includes aluminium fibers

    Pla6) '#-e*


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    "lant fibers are generally comprised mainly of cellulose; examples

    include cotton, *ute, flax, ramie, sisal and hemp. Cellulose fibers serve in the

    manufacture of paper and cloth. This fiber can be further categorizes into

    following as ; 3eed fiber are the fibers collected from the seed and seed case

    e.g. cotton and 'apo'. 2eaf fibe are the fibers collected from the leaves e.g. sisal

    and agave. 3'in fiber are the fibers are collected from the s'in or bast

    surrounding the stem of their respective plant. These fibers have higher tensile

    strength than other fibers. Therefore, these fibers are used for durable yarn,

    fabric, pac'aging, and paper. 3ome examples are flax, *ute, banana, hemp, and

    soybean. ruit fiber are the fibers are collected from the fruit of the plant, e.g.

    coconut 7coir8 fiber. 3tal' fiber are the fibers are actually the stal's of the plant.

    .g. straws of wheat, rice, barley, and other crops including bamboo and grass.

    Tree wood is also such a fiber. $atural fiber composites are by no means new to

    man'ind. Already the ancient gyptians used clay that was reinforced by straw

    to build walls. In the beginning of the /th century wood% or cotton fiber 

    reinforced phenol% or melamine formaldehyde resins were fabricated and used

    in electrical applications for their non%conductive and heat%resistant properties.

    At present day natural fiber composites are mainly found in automotive and

     building industry and then mostly in applications where load bearing capacity

    and dimensional stability under moist and high thermal conditions are of second

    order importance. or example, flax fiber reinforced polyolefins are extensively

    used today in the automotive industry, but the fiber acts mainly as filler materialin non%structural interior panels $atural fiber composites used for structural

     purposes do exist, but then usually with synthetic thermoset matrices which of 

    course limit the environmental benefits.

    The natural fiber composites can be very cost effective material for 

    following applications;

    • )uilding and construction industry; panels for partition and false ceiling,


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     partition boards, wall, floor, window and door frames, roof tiles, mobile

    or pre%fabricated buildings which can be used in times of natural

    calamities such as floods, cyclones, earth&ua'es, etc.

    • 3torage devices; post%boxes, grain storage silos, bio%gas containers, etc.

    • urniture; chair, table, shower, bath units, etc.

    • lectric devices; electrical appliances, pipes, etc.

    • veryday applications; lampshades, suitcases, helmets, etc.

    • Transportation; automobile and railway coach interior, boat, etc.

     $atural fibers are generally lignocellulosic in nature, consisting of helically wound cellulose micro fibrils in a matrix of lignin and hemicellulose.

    According to a ood and Agricultural 9rganization survey, Tanzania and )razil

     produce the largest amount of sisal. #ene&uen is grown in Mexico. Abaca and

    hemp are grown in the "hilippines. The largest producers of *ute are India,

    China, and )angladesh. "resently, the annual production of natural fibers in

    India is about million tons as compared to worldwide production of about B

    million tons. The detail information of fibers and the countries of origin are

     presented in table 1.


    lax )orneo

    #emp ugoslavia, china



     $igeria, 6uyana, 3iera 2eone, India

    !amie #ondurus, Mauritius

    Dute India, gypt, 6uyana, Damaica, 6hana, Malawi, 3udan, Tanzania

    Eneaf  Ira&, Tanzania, Damaica, 3outh Africa, Cuba, Togo

    3isal ast Africa, )ahamas, Anti&ua, Eenya,


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    )anana India

    Ta-le.1.2 "#-e*s a68 (&56)*#es &' &*#$#6

     $atural fibres such as *ute, sisal, pineapple, abaca and coir have been

    studied as a reinforcement and filler in composites. 6rowing attention is

    nowadays being paid to sisal and banana fiber due to its availability and its

    enhanced properties . #ence, research and development efforts have been

    underway to find new use areas for sisal and banana, including utilization of 

    sisal and banana as reinforcement in polymer composites . Although there are

    several reports in the literature which discuss the mechanical behavior of natural

    fiber reinforced polymer composites. #owever, very limited wor' has been

    done on mechanical behavior of sisal and banana fiber reinforced epoxy

    composites. Against this bac'ground, the present research wor' has been

    underta'en, with an ob*ective to explore the potential of sisal ans banana fiber 

    as a reinforcing material in hybrid composites and to investigate its effect on the

    mechanical behavior of the resulting composites. The present wor' thus aims to

    develop this new class of natural fiber based hybrid composites and to analyze

    their mechanical behavior by experimentation.


    Man%made fibres may come from natural raw materials or synthetic

    chemicals. Many types of fibres are manufactured from natural cellulose,

    including rayon: modal and the more recently developed 2yocell. Cellulose

     based fibres are of two types, regenerated or pure cellulose such as from the

    cupro%ammonium process and modified cellulose such as cellulose acetates.


    6lass fibres


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      Carbon fibres

      Aramid fibres

    The most common types of fibers used in advanced composites for 

    structural applications are the fiberglass, aramid, and carbon. The fiberglass is

    the least expensive and carbon being the most expensive. The cost of aramid

    fibers is about the same as the lower grades of the carbon fiber. 9ther high%

    strength high%modulus fibers such as boron are at the present time considered to

     be economically prohibitive.

    Ca*-&6 "#-e*s

    The graphite or carbon fiber is made from three types of polymer 

     precursors polyacrylonitrile 7"A$8 fiber, rayon fiber, and pitch. The tensile

    stress%strain curve is linear to the point of rupture. Although there are many

    carbon fibers available on the open mar'et, they can be arbitrarily divided into

    three grades as shown in Table F. They have lower thermal expansion

    coefficients than both the glass and aramid fibers. The carbon fiber is ananisotropic material, and its transverse modulus are an order of magnitude less

    than its longitudinal modulus. The material has a very high fatigue and creep


    3ince its tensile strength decreases with increasing modulus, its strain at

    rupture will also be much lower. )ecause of the material brittleness at higher 

    modulus, it becomes critical in *oint and connection details, which can have

    high stress concentrations. As a result of this phenomenon, carbon composite

    laminates are more effective with adhesive bonding that eliminates mechanical


    A*am#8 '#-e*s


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    These are synthetic organic fibers consisting of aromatic polyamides.

    The aramid fibers have excellent fatigue and creep resistance. Although there

    are several commercial grades of aramid fibers available, the two most common

    ones used in structural applications are EevlarG H and EevlarG H. The oungs

    Modulus curve for EevlarG H is linear to a value of 4F 6"a but then becomes

    slightly concave upward to a value of 1// 6"a at rupture: whereas, for EevlarG

    H the curve is linear to a value of 1 6"a at rupture. As an anisotropic

    material, its transverse and shear modulus are an order of magnitude less than

    those in the longitudinal direction. The fibers can have difficulty achieving a

    chemical or mechanical bond with the resin

    0lass "#-e*s

    The glass fibers are divided into three classes , %glass, 3%glass and C%

    glass. The %glass is designated for electrical use and the 3%glass for high

    strength. The C%glass is for high corrosion resistance, and it is uncommon for 

    civil engineering application. 9f the three fibers, the %glass is the most

    common reinforcement material used in civil structures. It is produced from

    lime%alumina%borosilicate which can be easily obtained from abundance of raw

    materials li'e sand. The fibers are drawn into very fine filaments with

    diameters ranging from to1FJ1/% m. The glass fiber strength and modulus

    can degrade with increasing temperature. Although the glass material creeps

    under a sustained load, it can be designed to perform satisfactorily. The fiber 

    itself is regarded as an isotropic material and has a lower thermal expansion

    coefficient than that of steel.Among these synthetic fibers, the fiberglass is the

    least expensive and carbon being the most expensive. 3o the glass fiber uses in

    most of the applications due its economic factor and its enhanced properties.



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    The resin is another important constituents in composites. The two

    classes of resins are the thermoplastics and thermosets. A thermoplastic resin

    remains a solid at room temperature. It melts when heated and solidifies when

    cooled. The long%chain polymers do not chemically cross lin'. )ecause they

    do not cure permanently, they are undesirable for structural application.

    Conversely, a thermosetting resin will cure permanently by irreversible cross

    lin'ing at elevated temperatures. This characteristic ma'es the thermoset resin

    composites very desirable for structural applications. The most common resins

    used in composites are the unsaturated polyesters, epoxies, and vinyl esters: the

    least common ones are the polyurethanes and phenolics.

    a+ Ep&x#es

    The epoxies used in composites are mainly the glycidyl ethers and

    amines. The material properties and cure rates can be formulated to meet the

    re&uired performance. poxies are generally found in marine, automotive,

    electrical and appliance applications. The high viscosity in epoxy resins limits

    it use to certain processes such as molding, filament winding, and hand lay%up.

    The right curing agent should be carefully selected because it will affect the

    type of chemical reaction, pot life and final material properties. Although

    epoxies can be expensive, it may be worth the cost when high performance is


    -+ V#64l Es)e*s

    The vinyl ester resins were developed to ta'e advantage of both the

    wor'ability of the epoxy resins and the fast curing of the polyesters. The vinyl

    ester has higher physical properties than polyesters but costs less than epoxies.

    The acrylic esters are dissolved in a styrene monomer to produce vinyl ester 

    resins which are cured with organic peroxides. A composite product containing


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    a vinyl ester resin can withstand high toughness demand and offer excellent

    corrosion resistance.

    (+ P&l45*e)%a6es

    "olyurethanes are produced by combining polyisocyanate and polyol in a

    reaction in*ection molding process or in a reinforced reaction in*ection molding

     process. They are cured into very tough and high corrosion resistance materials

    which are found in many high performance paint coatings.

    8+ P%e6&l#(s

    The phenolic resins are made from phenols and formaldehyde, and theyare divided into resole and novolac resins. The resoles are prepared under 

    al'aline conditions with formaldehyde(phenol 7("8 ratios greater than one. 9n

    the contrary, novolacs are prepared under acidic conditions with (" ratios less

    than one. !esoles are cured by applying heat and(or by adding acids. $ovolacs

    are cured when reacting chemically with methylene groups in the hardener. The

     phenolics are rated for good resistance to high temperature, good thermal

    stability, and low smo'e generation.

    e+ P&l4es)e*s

    It is produced by the condensation polymerization of dicarboxylic acids

    and dihydric alcohols. The formulation contains an unsaturated material such as

    maleic anhydride or fumaric acid which is a part of the dicarboxylic acid

    component. The formulation affects the viscosity, reactivity, resiliency and heat

    deflection temperature 7#

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    modulus, and #

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    . The filament winding process can be automated to wrap resin%wetted

    fibers around a mandrel to produce circular or polygonal shapes.

    F. The layup process engages a hand or machine buildup of mats of fibers

    that are held together permanently by a resin system. This method

    enables numerous layers of different fiber orientations to be built up to a

    desired sheet thic'ness and product shape. The hand lay%up method is

    simple one, easy to handle and low cost to manufacturing.

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    "#$5*e 1.2 Des#$6 p%#l&s&p%4

    or instance, using this integrated design philosophy, a composite

    chassis%less trailer is manufactured with a F/ 5 weight reduction compared to aconventional trailer provided with a steel chassis.

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    A polymeric composite materials is made up of at least two materials; a

    fiber and a matrix. These are combined to exploit the individual characteristics,

    thereby providing additional &ualities that they are unable to provide

    individually .They differ mar'edly from metals in the following ways

    Composites are mostly orthotropic and inhomogeneous.

    6enerally stiffness is less than that of steels leading to greater 

    attention to local and overall structural stability.

    Materials properties are influenced by the manufacturing process,

    temperature and the environment.

    urthermore, when comparing composite materials to metals it is found that;

    They are lighter, leading to excellent specific strength and stiffness


    They have very good environmental resistance and do not corrode

    li'e many metals.

    They have readily formed into complex shapes.

    They have low thermal conductivity.

    A composite material can ta'e a number of different forms. The material

    may be orthotropic, such as unidirectional reinforced polymer, where thestrength and stiffness in the fiber direction considerably exceeds that at H/ °  to

    the fiber. It may be planer%isotropic, such as random chopped strand glass mat

    reinforced polymer.

    1.1; RE

  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    "olymer composite materials consists of laminate of resin impregnated

    fibers which are unidirectional or orthogonally aligned angle%ply or randomly

    orientated systems. It is also possible to provide a mixture of fiber arrays in

    laminate when fabricating a composite material to meet the re&uired loading

    situation .This freedom to tailor%ma'e composite materials with specific

    re&uired properties introduces an additional complexity in the design analyses

    of these systems over those of the conventional ones.

    "#-e* sele()#&6

    The fiber reinforcement provides the structural performance re&uired of the final part. The fibers or filaments come in many chemical types and forms

    and are the primary contributor to the stiffness, strength and other properties of 

    the composite.

    Res#6 sele()#&6

    They are viscous li&uids that are capable of hardening permanently. The

    resins that are used in fiber%reinforced composites are sometimes referred to as

    ′ polymers′. "olymers can be classified under two types, according to the effect

    of heat on their properties.

    Thermoplastic !esins.

    Thermosetting !esins 7"olyester and epoxy%#igh elastic model8.

    Thermoplastics soften with heating and eventually melt, hardening again

    with cooling. Typical thermoplastics include nylon, polypropylene, and A)3,

    and these can be reinforcement, although usually only with short, chopped

    fibers such as glass.


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    Thermosetting materials, or ′thermosets′, formed from a chemical

    reaction, where the resin and hardener or resin and catalyst are mixed and then

    undergo a non%reversible chemical reaction to form a hard, infusible product.

    The determination of whether to use a thermoplastic or thermosetting

    resin depends largely on the application. Thermosetting resins are preferred

     because of their increased ability to withstand elevated temperatures. It is

    expected that the composite spring will be at a wor'ing temperature of 1// ° to

    1///° and hence thermosetting resins are chosen as thermoplastic wor's well

    only for cold and ambient wor'ing conditions.


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites




    =Me(%a6#(al a68 >a)e* a-s&*p)#&6 -e%a#&* &' 

    s#sal@-a6a6a '#-e* *e#6'&*(e8 p&l4es)e* %4-*#8 (&mp&s#)es -4

    N.Ve6a)es%>a*a6 a68 A.Ela4ape*5malB  presented that the

    tensile, flexural, impact and water absorption tests were carried out

    using banana(epoxy composite material. Initially, optimum fiber 

    length and weight percentage were determined. To improve the

    mechanical properties, banana fiber was hybridised with sisal fiber.

    This study showed that addition of sisal fiber in banana(epoxycomposites of up to B/5 by weight results in increasing the

    mechanical properties and decreasing the moisture absorption

     property. Morphological analysis was carried out to observe

    fracture behaviour and fiber pull%out of the samples using scanning

    electron microscope.

    =S)584 &6 Me(%a6#(al C%a*a()e*#s)#(s &' U6#8#*e()#&6al

    S#sal@0lass "#-e* Re#6'&*(e8 P&l4es)e* H4-*#8 C&mp&s#)es -4

    Sa6a4.M.RB  presented that this paper presents the mechanical

     behavior of sisal(glass fiber reinforced polyester hybrid

    composites. 3isal fiber has been hybridized with glass fiber 

    reinforced polyester using hand lay%up process to improve the

    mechanical properties. Test specimens were prepared using glass

    fiber768(sisal fiber of F/(G/, B/(B/ and G/(F/ weight fraction

    ratios as per A3TM standards and mechanical properties li'e

    tensile, impact and flexural strength of sisal (glass fiber reinforced

     polyester are evaluated and compared. The results shows that

    tensile strength of F/56%G/5sisal composition and flexural

    strength of G/56%F/5sisal composition and impact 3trength of B/56%B/5sisal composition is found to be better than the

    remaining two compositions .=Me(%a6#(al P*&pe*)#es &' Ep&x4 ase8 H4-*#8 C&mp&s#)es Re#6'&*(e8

    >#)% S#sal@SIC@0lass "#-e*s -4 A*p#)%a.0.RB presented that development of

    the "olymer Composites with natural fibers and fillers as a sustainable

    alternative material for some engineering applications, particularly in aerospace

    applications and automobile applications are being investigated. $atural fiber


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    composites such as sisal, *ute, hemp and coir polymer composites appear more

    attractive due to their higher specific strength, lightweight and biodegradability

    and low cost. In this study, sisal(glass(3ic fiber reinforced epoxy composites are

     prepared and their mechanical properties such as tensile strength, flexural

    strength and impact strength are evaluated. Composites of silicon carbide filler

    7without filler, F, + H-t 58 sisal fiber and glass fiber are investigated and

    results show that the composites without filler better results compared to the

    composites with silicon carbide filler.


    The ob*ectives of the pro*ect are outlined below.

    To develop a new class of hybrid polymer composites to explore the

     potential of sisal and banana fiber.

    valuation of mechanical properties such as; tensile strength, flexural

    strength, tensile modulus, impact strength and water 

    absorption test.


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites





    This chapter describes the details of processing of the composites and the

    experimental procedures followed for their mechanical characterization. The

    raw materials used in this wor' are

    1. 3isal fiber 

    . )anana fiber fiber 

    F. poxy resin

    . Alumina as filler 

    !.1 SISAL "IER 

    3isal fibre is derived from the leaves of the plant. It is

    usually obtained by machine decortications in which the leaf is

    crushed between rollers and then mechanically scraped. The fibre

    is then washed and dried by mechanical or natural means. The

    dried fibre represents only 5 of the total weight of the leaf. 9nce

    it is dried the fibre is mechanically double brushed. The lustrous

    strands, usually creamy white, average from 4/ to 1/ cm in length

    and /. to /. mm in diameter. Then we have collected this sisal

    fiber from 6opichettyplayam, rode. 3isal fibre is fairly coarse and

    inflexible. It is valued for cordage use because of its strength,


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    durability, ability to stretch, affinity for certain dyestuffs, and

    resistance to deterioration in saltwater. 3isal fiber  is fully

     biodegradable, green composites were fabricated with soy protein

    resin modified with gelatin. 3isal fiber, modified soy protein resins,

    and composites were characterized for their mechanical and

    thermal properties. It is highly renewable resource of energy. 3isal

    fibre is exceptionally durable and a low maintenancewith minimal

    wear and tear.

    Chemical Composition of 3isal iber;

    Kses of sisal fibre;

      #igh grade sisal

    fibres are long andare made into yarns

    7either on their own

    or in blends with wool

    or acrylic8 and used in

    carpets. Medium

    grade fibres are made into cordage, ropes and twine, for agricultural and

    industrial use: they are particular useful in a marine environment as they are

    resistant to deterioration by salt water. 2ow grade shorter fibres are valued in

    the paper industry because of the high content of cellulose and hemicellulose:

    they help to strengthen recycled paper.

      9ne of the traditional uses for sisal is baler twine, as the fibre is long

    lasting and flexible. This use, however, has greatly decreased as the twine is


    Cellulose B5

    #emicelluloses 15

    2ignin H.H5

    -axes 5

    Total 1//5

  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


     being replaced by polypropylene and at the same time new harvesting

    technology uses much less twine. 3isal is still the best material for ma'ing

    dartboards. 3isal is used commonly in the shipping industry for mooring small

    craft, lashing, and handling cargo.

      3isal is being used in composites instead of fibreglass to reinforce

    components if the automotive and aircraft industry. 3isal is also being used in

    the construction industry as cement reinforcement for low cost housing, as

     plaster reinforcement and for roofing materials, as well as insulation. 3isal is

    also great as a buffing cloth as it is strong enough to polish steel, and soft

    enough not to scratch it. Another use for sisal is as a geotextile in land

    reclamation, stabilisation of slopes and road construction. It also ma'es good

    cat scratching posts.

    !.2 a6a6a '#-e*

    )anana fiber, a ligno%cellulosic fiber, obtained from the

     pseudo%stem of banana plant 7Musa sepientum8, is a bast fiber with

    relatively good mechanical properties. )anana plant is a large

     perennial herb with leaf sheaths that form pseudo stem. Its height

    can be 1/%/ feet 7F./%1. meters8 surrounding with 4%1 large

    leaves. The leaves are up to H feet long and feet wide 7.G meters

    and /.1 meter8. )anana plant is available throughout Thailand and

    3outheast Asian, India, )angladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia,

    "hilippines, #awaii, and some "acific islands. Then we have

    collected banana fiber from 6opichettypalayam, rode for this

    research wor'.

    C%a*a()e*#s)#(s &' a6a6a "#-e*

    )anana fiber is a natural bast fiber. It has its own physical and chemical


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    characteristics and many other properties that ma'e it a fine &uality fiber.

    • Appearance of banana fiber is similar to that of bamboo fiber  and ramie

    fiber, but its fineness and spinnability is better than the two.

    • The chemical composition of banana fiber is cellulose, hemicellulose, and


    • It is highly strong fiber.

    • It has smaller elongation.

    • It has somewhat shiny appearance depending upon the extraction +

    spinning process.

    • It is light weight.

    • It has strong moisture absorption &uality. It absorbs as well as releases

    moisture very fast.

    • It is bio% degradable and has no negative effect on environment and thus

    can be categorized as eco%friendly fiber.

    • Its average fineness is //$m.

    It can be spun through almost all the methods of spinning including ring

    spinning, open%end spinning, bast fiber spinning, and semi%worsted spinning

    among others.


      In the recent past, banana fiber had a very limited application and was

     primarily used for ma'ing items li'e ropes, mats, and some other composite


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    materials. -ith the increasing environmental awareness and growing

    importance of eco%friendly fabrics, banana fiber has also been recognized for all

    its good &ualities and now its application is increasing in other fields too such as

    apparel garments and home furnishings. 



    !.! Ep&x4 *es#6

    poxy resins are the most commonly used thermoset plastic

    in polymer matrix composites. poxy resins are a family of 

    thermoset plastic materials which do not give off reaction products

    when they cure and so have low cure shrin'age. They also have

    good adhesion to other materials, good chemical and

    environmental resistance, good chemical properties and good

    insulating properties. The epoxy resins are generally manufactured by reacting epichlorohydrin with bisphenol.

  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites



    illers are particles added to composite material to lower the

    consumption of more expensive binder  material or to better some

     properties of the mixtured material. Then the filler is used to

    reduce the coefficient of thermal expansion and polymerization

    shrin'age. It helps to improve the mechanical property of the

    composite. In this connection, Alumina is used as filler. Then the

    Alumina properties includes hard, wear resistant, xcellent size

    and shape capability, high strength and stiffness.


    The full methodology of this pro*ect wor' is shown

    in figure F.F.

      abrication by compression molding method

      Testing of abricated iber composites

      Testing of mechanical properties

    "#$ !.! Me)%&8&l&$4










  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites



    This topic deals with the fabrication stages carried out to obtain

    the composite material. The materials used in our fabrication

     process are as follows;

    3isal fiber fiber

    )anana fiber 

    poxy resin


    Alumina 7Al/F8


    The composite laminate is fabricated using compression

    mouding method. It is simple and mostly used method. The

    compression moulding process is shown in figure

    "#$ !. C&mp*ess#&6 m&5l8#6$ p*&(ess

    The process of composite fabrication using hand lay%up process is listed below,

    Initially, the sisal fiber and banana fiber are chopped in the size of F mm.


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    The fiber and Alumina is weighed to the re&uired &uantity and it also

    mixed well.

    Then, prepare the matrix by mixing the poxy resin and #ardener in the

    ratio of 1/;1

    Then the wax is applied in the die and the prepared matrix and fiber are

    mixed well using glass rod.

    Then the re&uired amount of fiber matrix is placed in the s&uare shaped

    die of dimension F//xF//xF mm.

    Then the die is closed and loaded with the pressure of 1B// psi at a

    temperature of H/C

    After hour, the die is opened and the hybrid laminate of sisal fiber and

     banana fiber is ta'en out.

    Ktmost care has been ta'en to maintain uniformity and homogeneity of 

    the composite. The fabricated specimen is shown in figure F..

    "#$ !.; C&mp&s#)e Lam#6a)es

    The composite laminate is fabricated for different fiber 

    weight 758, that is shown in table.

    S.N& Samples "#-e*F+ "#lle*



    F+S#sal a6a6a

    1 S1

    2 S2


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    ! S!


    ; S;

    Ta-le !.2 C&mp&s#)#&6 O' C&mp&s#)es



    A -I! #ACE3A- blade was used to cut each laminate

    into smaller pieces, for various experiments and the sized

    specimens are shown in the following figures.

    T$3I2 T3T% 3ample was cut into the size of 7B/xBxF8mm in accordance

    with A3TM standards

  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    -AT! A)39!"TI9$ T3T%3ample was cut into flat shape 7F/xF/xF8mm.

      "#$ !.9 Wa)e* a-s&*p)#&6 )es) spe(#me6

    T$3I2 T3T -IT# )92T D9I$T% 3ample was cut into the size of 

    71/xBxF8mm in accordance with A3TM standard

  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    !./.2 TENSILE TEST

    The tensile strength of a material is the maximum amount of 

    tensile stress that it can ta'e before faliure.

  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    lexural strength is defined as a materials ability to resist

    deformation under load. The short beam shear 73)38 tests are

     performed on the composites samples to evaluate the value of inter%

    laminar shear strength 7I2338. It is a F%point bend test, which

    generally promotes failure by inter%laminar shear. This test is

    conductedas per A3TM standard using KTM. The dimension of the

    specimen is 71Bx1FxF8mm. It is measured by loading desired

    shape specimen7x%inch8 with a span length at least three times

    the depth. The flexural strength is expressed as 7M"a8 . lexural

    strength is about 1/ to / percent of compressive strength

    depending on the type, size and volume of coarse aggregate used.

    #owever the best correlation for specific materials is obtained by

    laboratory tests for given materials and mix design.

    "#$ !.12 Expe*#me6)al se)5p '&* 'lex5*al )es)

    !./. IMPACT TEST

    Impact energy is the energy which is absorbed by the

    specimen when the impact load is applied. #ere, the Izod impact

    test is carried out. Izod impact testing is an A3TM standard method


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    of determining the impact resistance of materials. An arm held at a

    specific height 7constant potential energy8 is released. The arm hits

    the sample and brea's it. rom the energy absorbed by the sample,

    its impact energy is determined. A notched sample is generally

    used to determine impact energy and notch sensitivity. The test is

    similar to the Charpy impact test but uses a different arrangement

    of the specimen under test.1N The Izod impact test differs from

    the Charpy impact test in that the sample is held in a cantilevered

     beam configuration as opposed to a three%point bending

    configuration. The impact specimen size is 7Bx1FxF8mm.

    "#$ !.1! I&8 #mpa() )es)#6$ ma(%#6e


    The water absorption test is used to find the water absorption rate.  The effect of 

    water absorption on *ute and glass reinforced hybrid composites were

    investigated . The specimens were dried in an oven at B/ /C and then they were

    allowed to cool till they reached room temperature. The specimens were

    weighed to an accuracy of /.1mg. -ater absorption tests were conducted by

    immersing the composite specimens in distilled water in plastic tub at room


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    temperature for hours duration. 9nce in hours, the specimens were ta'en

    out from the water and all surface water was removed with a clean dry cloth and

    the specimens were reweighed to the nearest /.1 mg. rom these two readings,

    the water absorption rate 758 was calculated. The specimen size is 7F/JF/JF8




    This chapter presents the mechanical properties of the sisal

    and banana fiber reinforced epoxy composites prepared for this

     present investigation.

  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    Ta-le .1 Me(%a6#(al p*&pe*)#es &' )%e (&mp&s#)es



    The test results for tensile strength are shown in igures .1.

    The sample 1 and B shows the pure sisal and pure banana

    reinforced composites and in this composites, pure banana shows

    high tensile strength. The sample ,F and shows the tensile

    strength of hybrid composites and in this hybrid composites, the

    sample 7 i.e 1B5 of sisal and F/5 of banana fiber8 shows the

     better tensile strength. rom the results it is seen that the tensile

    strength of the composite increases with increase in banana fiber 


    S1 S2 S3 S4 S0







    Laminate samples

    Tensile strength (N/mm2)

    "#$5*e .1 E''e() &' '#-e* >e#$%) F+ &6 )e6s#le s)*e6$)%

    &' (&mp&s#)es




  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    The test results for tensile strength are shown in igures .1. The sample 1 and B

    shows the pure sisal and pure banana reinforced composites and in this

    composites, pure banana shows high tensile strength. The sample ,F and

    shows the tensile strength of hybrid composites and in this hybrid composites,

    the sample 7 i.e F/55 of sisal and 1B5 of banana fiber8 shows the better 

    tensile strength. rom the results it is seen that the tensile strength of the

    composite increases with increase in sisal fiber weight758.









    Laminate samples

    Tensile strength (N/mm2)

    "#$5*e .! E''e() &' '#-e* >e#$%) F+ &6 )e6s#le s)*e6$)%

    &' (&mp&s#)es

    .1.!. E""ECT O" "IER WEI0HT F+ ON "LE,URAL


    The test results for flexural strength are shown in igures

    .1. The sample 1 and B shows the pure sisal and pure banana

    reinforced composites and in this composites, pure banana shows

    high flexural strength. The sample ,F and shows the flexural

    strength of hybrid composites and in this hybrid composites, the

    sample F7 i.e 1B5 of sisal and F/5 of banana fiber8 shows the

     better flexural strength. rom the results it is seen that the flexural


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    strength of the composite increases with increase in banana fiber 


    S1 S2 S3 S4 S5








    Laminate samples

    Flexural Strength (N/mm2)

    "#$5*e .! E''e() &' '#-e* le6$)% &6 'lex5*al s)*e6$)% &' 



    ENER0YThe test results for impact energy are shown in igures .1.

    The sample 1 and B shows the pure sisal and pure banana

    reinforced composites and in this composites, pure sisal shows

    high impact energy. The sample ,F. and shows the impact

    energy of hybrid composites and in this hybrid composites, the

    sample 7 i.e F/55 of sisal and 1B5 of banana fiber 8 shows the

     better impact energy. rom the results it is seen that the impact

    energy of the composite increases with increase in sisal fiber 



  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    S1 S2 S3 S4 S50









    Laminate samples

    Impact energy (J)

    "#$5*e . E''e() &' '#-e* le6$)% &6 #mpa() e6e*$4 &' 


    .1.; E""ECT O" "IER WEI0HTF+ ON WATER 


    The test results for water absorption rate are shown in

    igures .1. The sample 1 and B shows the pure sisal and pure banana reinforced composites and in this composites, pure banana

    shows less water absorption rate. The sample ,F and shows the

    water absorption rate of hybrid composites and in this hybrid

    composites, the sample F7 i.e .B5 of sisal and .B5 of banana

    fiber 8 shows the less water absorption rate. rom the results it is

    seen that the water absorption rate of the composite is less in

    sample F.


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    S1 S2 S3 S4 S50






    Laminated samples

    Water absrptin rate (!)

    "#$ .; E''e() &' '#-e* >e#$%)F+ &6 >a)e*

    a-s&*p)#&6 *a)e


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites




    This chapter presents the total cost of the pro*ect. The

     process of cost estimation includes materials cost, fabrication cost

    and cost of testing. The cost estimation is listed in table .1


  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites




    This experimental investigation of mechanical behavior of sisal and banana

    fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid composites leads to the following conclusions;

    1. This wor' shows that successful fabrication of a sisal and banana fiber 

    reinforced epoxy hybrid composites with different fiber weight758 is

     possible by compression molding techni&ue.

    . It has been noticed that the mechanical properties of the composites such

    as tensile strength, flexural strength, flexural modulus, impact strength

    and water absorption rate of the composites are also greatly influenced by

    the fibre weight758.



  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    1. Eaw A.E.: Mechanics of composite materials, Chapter 1, C!C "ress; Taylor 

    + rancis 6roup, K3A, //, nd ed. I3)$; /%4HF%1FF%/

    . 6hassemieh, .: $assehi, ?. "olymer Composites. //1, , B4.

  • 8/19/2019 Mechanical and Water Absorption Behavior of Sisal and Banana Fiber Composites


    1.Ohang, .: Lia, O. CMC, //B, , 1F.