Meanderings of a Man Seeking the True Church of God - By Bernard Cox

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4,000 differing Christian institutions including hundreds of denominations all claim to be the chosen church representing the Bride of Jesus Christ... yet they all differ in doctrine. God's word declares that He has been ousted from the churches as a result of men muscling their way into leadership of the church. Rev. 3: 14-22 and 2 Thess. 2: 3-4 and Rev. 18: 4-5. This tract tells of a life-long struggle to find the presence of God in the office of the Holy Spirit and then exposes the works of Satan to attempt to destroy the work that God did in this final age before the translation, (rapture) of the church.

Transcript of Meanderings of a Man Seeking the True Church of God - By Bernard Cox

  • Meanderings of a Man Seeking the True Church of God


    Bernard Cox

    My heart remains burdened. I continue to seek a church, which repudiated the unadulterated Word of

    our Lord, and clings to His revealed truth. I so long to sit under the ministering of the fresh manna from

    heaven for this moment in time instead of being fed carrion from yesteryear! Why my brother, does man

    refuse to wait on the Lord? The Word of restoration has been spoken. The age of the third pull is upon us; yet there still is no revival among the Bride. The prophet said there would be one before the

    coming of the Lord. I still feel as empty and unfulfilled as I did when I was among the denominations.

    The unity we expected is not prevalent. The world, under the rule of Satan has united with the mind of

    Satan; yet, the Bride, as a whole, or even in part, ought to have received the mind of Jesus but I fail to

    recognize it among the assemblies; for should they have, they would be in one faith, and demonstrating

    the love one for another without reservation and unconditionally. But, alas it is not so. It would seem

    that the sifting is still in full swing. The Word has been choked and the power of separation from

    worldliness has been quenched. Dogma and false teachings abound.

    Its no wonder Br. Branham stated that there will maybe be one from Chicago, one from New York, one from Jeffersonville, and one from Africa who will live to see the body change. Twenty years ago,

    (before I was introduced to this wonderful message) I said unto the Lord that I wasnt prepared to pay my tithes to a church which was not 100% led by Him. I acknowledged the fact to Him that there was

    over 4,000 Christian churches, all claiming to be His Bride, and on the Word and/or being the one true church; yet they all preached different doctrines. The maths didnt equate!

    I withheld my tithes and refused to enter in with them. Then He showed me where His Holy Spirit was

    working and I began fellowshipping and paying my tithes. I had found a home. Within the 20 years, I

    have noticed and perceived the work, which Satan has achieved. I have watched as the called have

    become lethargic, disenchanted, bogged down with things of the world and have had their faith attacked

    by the infiltration of wolves in sheep clothing. Satan is so subtly deceptive; it is no wonder that the

    Bible declares that the Lord asks, Shall the Son of man find faith on the earth when He returns? Luke 18; 8

    I wait on the Lord, even now, to reveal to me what His perfect will is in my life. He knows the promise I

    made to Him at deaths door. I wait patiently for His season to become manifest that I may pursue His

    work according to His perfect will as per Acts 8; 29. Until then, I avail myself unto Him that I may

    receive instruction in His Word in preparation for that time when He calls me.

    Following is an excerpt of a study, which is still in progress. It encompasses the book, THE EXPOSITION OF THE SEVEN CHURCH AGES. You may well be aware that many pastors are packing the message and/or the Bible under the one arm, and this book under the other. There are many

    who are placing their salvation on what is written in that book as though it is THUS SAITH THE LORD; irrespective of the contradictions contained therein. That statement may just shake you if you didnt know of them, but relax my dear brother. I am well aware that we will one day have to give account for the things we say and do. I cannot help or control what is revealed to me. I just take it to the

    Lord in prayer and ask Him to lead me unto His perfect understanding. I often wonder, Why me Lord? When I do, I immediately feel that I have been placed in a situation where I have been given the time and capacity, by His grace, to lay and wait on the Lord for His leading and guidance in this matter.

    He knows my heart! He knows that I refuse to be influenced by men and He knows I refuse to

    compromise on His Word, and He also knows that I accept that He does not reveal everything to His

    prophets, and that they do err, and that they are not infallible. I know that to rightly divide the Word is

  • to patiently wait on God to fully reveal it; (knowing full well that Satan will inspire understanding); to receive all, judge everything by the Word and the message, and take it back to the Lord in prayer and

    await revelation.

    I insist that man wait on the Lord for a message for the minute with which to feed His Bride. This is

    where man is failing. Satan knows that and capitalizes thereon. Satan can read, he hears and knows that

    man has a blabbermouth and seeks popularity, money or woman. I seek none of the above. I have

    sought for the truth since I was a little boy of 10 years and I remain that way.

    I would like, my dear brother, for you to read the following and meditate thereon, and offer it to the

    Lord and ask for His council regarding the two issues, which I present to you. Both relate to quotes from the previously mentioned book, both of which are quotes, which cannot be traced back to the

    mouth of the prophet; yet, men are hanging their destiny on them. I would like to highlight the fact that

    the prophet is on record stating that Dr. Lee Vayle had been given the tapes of the sermons in question

    and was commissioned to correct the grammar because of the prophets Kentucky way of speech and his accent.


    32 Now, does anyone in here know Doctor Lee Vayle? I don't think... maybe not. He was a Baptist

    preacher, Doctor of Divinity, and he has got his degrees. He was a high school teacher, to begin with,

    and he is a very fine, scholarly man. And my tapes of The Seven Church Ages, I sent them to him, to

    grammarize them. Because, my old Kentucky "hit, hain't, and tote, and carry, and fetch," that

    don't go good for people who reads the books, so he was going to grammarize it for

    me. And then, after he got through, sent it back a couple times, for more statements. Which, the book is going to press now, after about three or four years.

    The main issue relates to the current teaching that Revelations 10; 1-6 was manifest in 1963 with the

    appearing of the cloud. The other issue revolves around the confusion around the teachings of the new birth versus the Baptism of the Holy Ghost This is where we begin.

    Please note that where the term you, or we etc, etc. are used in the following excerpts, there should not be consideration of personal attack or accusation or personal complicity. The terms are used very

    loosely and are to be applied in a general sense of their meaning

    In view of the immense division, dissension, (Disagreement among those expected to cooperate; or A

    conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters) controversy, and lack of unity within the church, which claims to be the Bride of Jesus Christ, one wonders how that church will, (as a collective) make it into the rapture. It also gives rise to the question as to how it got into the state that it has got into in the

    first place.

    We cannot blame God, for He is faithful unto His Word and to His promises. I might just add here that

    God isnt a respecter of persons and even if he calls someone to the ministry, that does not confirm or guarantee that God will forcefully, hold the man on the Word. Man has his free will and Satan knows

    that; and capitalizes on that very fact.

    Lets look at the perfect scenario. God raised up a prophet in this last day to restore the Word that man had perverted by the very manner explained above. The perfect scenario would be that the prophet

    surrender and yield himself to the unction of the Holy Ghost and allow God to use him unconditionally,

    and thereby, bring the church to a perfect unity in faith. But, it didnt and doesnt happen that way. That wasnt Gods plan. He set in the church the five-fold ministry for to bring the church unto perfection. God also provided types throughout history by which we can determine Gods Word and His will.

    One of these types was to lead the five-fold ministry by the Holy Ghost unto the perfection and into the rapture. Im referring to the type of Joshua who led the church into the Promised Land after their prophet; Moses was removed from the scene. Just as the ecclesiastical church members, the Levites

  • failed in that day, so, to much the same extent, if not worse, the five-fold ministry to this Gentile age has

    failed dismally. As time went on, so the denominations sprung up causing death in the camp because of

    the idolatry, worldliness, creeds, dogmas, and most of all, the misconstruing of the pure, revealed Word

    of God for each season. Then also, need we be reminded that Israel, in the Promised Land, failed God


    It is this aspect of the failure, which I want to focus your attention on. Lets again look at that perfect scenario we looked at earlier. We have the prophet to whom the Word came. He spoke the Word and

    God vindicated it. Being Gentiles in an age where we are not used to the idea of a prophet being on the

    scene, most rejected him outright. Some rejected the Word he preached because it cut deep. Others

    recognized the man as a prophet and exalted him unto a status unbefitting him and it nearly destroyed

    his ministry. Some simply believed every word that he spoke was THUS SAITH THE LORD; which it wasnt. Some believed that he was infallible; which he wasnt. Be that as it may, had the prophet performed like a robot of Gods, all should have been well and we could have believed what he said in all instances and we would have come unto the perfect unity of faith without all this contention and


    But, the fact is that the situation is far from the desired unity and it will never get there until all the

    believers stop and take diligent account of what is going on around them and what they are teaching.

    Allow me to use a typical example for explanatory and for purpose of exposing the devils wicked and

    perverse ways in the hope that some, who do diligently seek to experience the body change, will be

    enlightened to a subtle deception which the devil has pulled on the church and most are not aware of it.

    Let us look at the simple statement of Jesus in the Bible as He explained to Nicodemus of the need to be born again. Jesus again said, JOHN 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth, (understands) my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into

    condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. Now, we have the prophet of God come on the scene and God anoints him to explain the experience explicitly so that even children can understand it. The

    prophet said in the sermon COUNTDOWN_ JEFF.IN V-11 N-3 SUNDAY_ 62-0909M

    37...........And the New Birth, as people say that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the new birth...

    now, that's wrong! Just think back to Asuza Street, Los Angeles in 1906; the souls there had been

    born again but yet they were united in the faith that they still required the Baptism of the Holy

    Spirit hence their fasting continually therefore. Worship at 312 Azusa Street was frequent and spontaneous with services going almost around the clock. Among those attracted to the revival

    were not only members of the Holiness Movement, but also Baptists, Mennonites, Quakers, and

    Presbyterians. An observer at one of the services wrote these words: No instruments of music are used. None are needed. No choir- the angels have been heard by some in the spirit. No collections

    are taken. No bills have been posted to advertise the meetings. No church organization is back of

    it. All who are in touch with God realize as soon as they enter the meetings that the Holy Ghost is

    the leader.

    The baptism of the Holy Ghost is different from the New Birth. The new birth is when you're

    born again. But the Holy Ghost is when power comes into that birth, sealing the soul unto the day

    of its redemption; providing the power to do the works that Jesus did... it brings with it... power

    for service. John 14:12. The candidate is justified by accepting the sacrifice of the slain Lamb, but

    then has to first be sanctified, (cleansed in thought and deed) and also have his faith tested.

    COUNTDOWN_ JEFF.IN V-11 N-3 SUNDAY_ 62-0909M



    YOU'VE PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE. Now, if you want to back that up, take St. John

    5:24, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life." See,

  • he's got Life because he believes. And that same group had to go to Pentecost to be baptized with

    the Holy Ghost. THE HOLY GHOST PRESENTS POWER FOR SERVICE. So when people talk

    such that you have to be born again, and apply that to receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost,

    many of the denominations, the Baptists, even the modern Methodists and so forth ARE WRONG


    HERE. You get the thing sideways. It's got to dove-tail with ALL the Scriptures.

    Im now referring to Acts 1:8... Does the scripture read... "You shall receive the NEW BIRTH after..."? What? No. "YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER AFTER THIS THE HOLY GHOST IS


    THEY HAD TO HAVE THE HOLY GHOST FOR POWER. "You shall be witnesses unto Me

    AFTER the Holy Ghost is come upon you," - because the Holy Ghost is a witness of the resurrection, showing that you have become an adult in Christ.

    Continues in the next comment

    Continued from the previous comment!

    You come to the Christian faith because you have been warned of God; you've accepted it. And







    words, believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life," right then. Now! By the

    omniscience, omnipresence of God, Who knows the end from the beginning, and had written the










    269-363 But just trying to make it just a briefly, plain as I know how to make it...

    No, when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you then have the new birth. When

    you believe on the Lord, you receive a new thought, a new life, but it isn't the

    baptism of the Holy Ghost. See? You've got the new birth when you believe; you've

    got Eternal Life. It's a gift of God that's give to you through sovereign grace by

    accepting the gift that God is giving to you. See? "He that heareth My Words and

    believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, has Everlasting Life"; that's the

    new birth. You're converted; it means you're turned around.

    But the baptism of the Holy Spirit puts you into the body of Christ, subject to the

    gifts for service. It doesn't make you any more of a Christian; it just puts you into

    the body of gifts. See? "Now, by one Spirit (I Corinthians 12) we're all baptized into

    one body. Now," says Paul, "there are different gifts, and in this body is nine

  • spiritual gifts." And in this body... You have to be baptized into the body to possess

    one of these gifts. They come with the body.


    270-365 But now, as far as having Eternal Life and being a Christian, you are a

    Christian the moment you believe. Now, that's not make-believe; that's truly believe

    on the Lord Jesus and accept Him as your personal Saviour, you're borned again

    right there, and have Eternal Life. God comes into you.

    Now, watch. Eternal Life... Jesus said, "He that heareth My Word and believeth on

    Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life, and shall not come into the judgment, but's

    passed from death unto Life." You're a new creature right then.

    Then Paul had met some of those people up in Acts 19. They had them a preacher

    up there which was a converted lawyer by the name of Apollos. And Apollos was a

    mighty man in the Scriptures, and he was proving by the Scriptures that Jesus was

    the Christ. See?


    270-367 Now, watch. Apollos, through the Word, was proving by the Word. "Faith

    cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word. He that heareth My Word, and believeth

    on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting Life." Get it? Apollos, by the Word, was

    proving... And these were Christians; they were followers, disciples. And Apollos

    was proving by the Word, that Jesus was the Christ. And they had great joy and

    received the Word, yet knowing only the baptism of John.

    And when Paul passed through the upper coasts of Ephesus, he finds these disciples,

    and he said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost SINCE you have believed?" See? Now, when you believe, Jesus said, "You have Eternal Life." That's the new birth.

    That's your conversion, changing. But the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the power of

    God that you're baptized into and are subject to these nine spiritual gifts to work

    through you; such as, preaching, evangelists, apostles, pastors, prophets... And all

    the gifts of the body come into this, when you're baptized into this body. And that's-

    -doesn't make you any more a Christian; it just sets you positionally in a place to be

    a ministering spirit in the church of the living God. Now, you get it? See? Now, that is perfectly as per the scripture and as per the anointing of the Author and the revealer or

    interpreter of the Word; the Holy Ghost. Anyone who cannot see that hasnt any light within them and must go to the cross and be converted and accept the atonement which was offered for their unbelief for

    without the Holy Spirit, no-one can call Jesus; God. In other words, he will never be able to understand

    the Word except the Holy Ghost reveals it to them until then; they have nothing but an intellectual perception of the subject and can be swayed to believe differently.

    So, you ask, What am I on about? What is my point? My point is this. Keep in mind that I have your focus on the church being brought to a unity of the one faith by the five-fold ministry. We have the

    Lord speaking the Word. We have the scribes recording the Word under the anointing of the Holy

    Ghost. So, therefore, up to that point in time there should be no error or contention. Then we have the

    prophet who comes on the scene and he preaches the Word for our day, which encompasses all the

    restored Word, (which naturally the denominations the day will reject) and He explains that new birth experience perfectly. Is it too much to ask, that the church of today be united in faith on this subject based upon what He said? But wait! Satan is a roaring, and devouring whomsoever he will as he makes

    war with the called out.

    What about those who declare that every word that he, (the prophet) spoke was, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Do you believe the above statement from the COUNTDOWN sermon to be THUS SAITH

  • THE LORD and scripturally correct? I ask the question especially to those who believe that the prophet was infallible. Does that statement stand? Ok! Let me make it easier for you, and go to the very last

    sermon that he preached, and we will confirm that statement. We will look at the moment when the

    prophet himself was born again. Need I announce that this is what the prophet believed regarding the

    new birth at the time of his accident? Of course not! The accident which led to his death occurred shortly after this sermon was preached on December 18, 1965 just six days later COMMUNION_ TUCSON.AZ V-8 N-4 SUNDAY_ 65-1212

    49 What was it? There was another William Branham. See? A little spot of Eternal Life down

    there, from the--the--the genes of God, the Word of God that was placed in there. Each one of you

    can think of similar things. See, It was working. 50 Then look up to the trees, and I think, "Leaf, I seen you fall off last year, and why are you

    back there again? Where'd you come from? What brought you here?" See, It was that Eternal

    Life working in the body.

    51 Now, then one day as I walked on, that Voice talking, "Don't never smoke, drink, so forth."

    And the young fellows and all got older. See, there was Something moving. 52 But yet all at once I looked up, and I said, "I'm not the son of Charles and Ella Branham.

    There's Something calling." Like my little eagle, "I'm not a chicken. There's Something up

    yonder, somewhere. O Great Jehovah, Whoever You are, open up! I want to come home. There's

    Something in me, calling."

    53 Then I was born again. That little Life was laying there, the life of water was poured upon It, then It begin to grow. Now, that old life was forgiven, put in the sea of God's forgetfulness, to never be remembered against me no more. See? Now we stand justified (as

    though we never had sinned) in the Presence of God.

    Let me assure you that the prophet wasnt speaking of the moment in time when he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. So, is it fair to say that the prophet believed that the born again experience is an

    experience in time when a soul accepts the shed blood of the slain sacrifice as his or her atonement for

    sin; believing unto everlasting life and at that moment, (God having called the soul) receives a measure

    of the eternal Spirit of God into their being, and that it is this newness of life which leads and guides

    him or her unto all truth and shows them things to come; and once the Lord has sanctified the body in

    question, and tried the faith to His satisfaction, bringing the person into obedience, then accepts the faith

    of the once repentant, (now born again) sinner, He then seals their soul with the baptism of the Holy

    Ghost; setting the vessel aside for service with power? Is that right? A simple yes or no will suffice.



    E-17 Now, the Holy Spirit is the Seal of God. Now, if you say you believe and haven't received

    the Holy Ghost, then God's never recognized your faith yet. That's right. Because the Seal is the

    recognition that God has completed and finished His work in you (That's right.), that He

    recognized, sure. Someone said, "Why do you make it so loose, Brother Branham, saying, Saint

    John 5:24?" That's the beginning of the Spirit. That's right. I believe that a man, as soon as

    you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, it's a portion of the Holy Spirit. When you're sanctified, another part of the Holy Spirit cleans you. Then you're filled with the Holy Ghost.

    Right. Now, "But he that heareth My words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal

    Life." There's only one type of it; that's God's life.

    If you agreed with the teaching as the prophet taught it, and I might add, this subject is examined a little

    more in depth later, and with many more quotes confirming what I said; to be the truth, I now ask you to

    explain something which has caused so much contention and disunity. I remind you that the Lord God is

    not the author of confusion; but the devil is, and I remind you also that the devil is hardly able, all by

    himself, to cause this complexity of confusion, disunity and discrepancy within a world-wide church;

    (when all they have to do is believe what the prophet said) if it were not for man, members of the five-

    fold ministry, offering Satan their services... be it willingly or unwillingly.

  • Allow me now to bring to your attention something of the contradiction. Need I spell out the vital

    importance of the understanding of the born again experience? I believe it will benefit all who read the document if I do. But first, read carefully the following excerpt of text taken from the so-called grammarized printed version of the sermons of the prophet which led to the published book entitled,

    THE EXPOSITION OF THE SEVEN CHURCH AGES. I would like to point out from the outset, and

    you will see below, that I changed the colour of the font of the word myself for a very important reason, which will become evident later, so keep it in mind. In addition, do not allow these following

    words to escape your mind for they too become most relevant... It is not according to me, and

    It has to be according to "Thus saith the Lord,"


    Now before we leave this subject I want to make myself very clear on what the Baptism with the

    Holy Ghost is according to the Word. It is not according to me, and it is not

    according to you. It has to be according to "Thus saith the Lord," or

    we are falsely led. Amen.


    To begin with you will notice that in my meetings when I have finished preaching an evangelistic

    service, or some teaching message, I cast the net and invite a response from the people. I ask them to

    come forward and receive the Holy Spirit. My Pentecostal friends, upon hearing me say this believe that

    I am inviting people to come forward to be baptized with the Holy Ghost because they are already born

    again. So when I invite those who are Spirit-filled to come and deal with those who have answered the

    invitation to receive the Spirit, these dear ones surge forward and deal with the people in such manner as

    to encourage them to yield to God and believe to speak in tongues. This has caused a great deal of

    confusion and I want to tell you exactly what I mean. I mean for the sinner to come

    forward and be born again, which is to be baptized into the body

    of Christ by the Holy Ghost which is exactly what took place at

    Pentecost when the church was launched. In other words, to be

    born of the Spirit is to be truly baptized with the Holy Ghost. It

    is one and the same.


    Now I realize that it is going to be confusing for a moment here, as most people know that I was

    ordained a Baptist preacher and I have steadfastly declared that the Baptists have missed it for

    saying you receive the Holy Ghost WHEN you believe, for that is not so. You receive Him "SINCE

    you believed."

    Acts 19:2-6.

    "He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We

    have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

    And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.

    Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people, that they

    should believe on Him Which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.

    When they heard this, they were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

    And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came upon them: and they spake with

    tongues, and prophesied."

    There it is. Paul asked, "Have you received SINCE, NOT WHEN you believed." And there is a

    great difference there, for it is AFTER we believe that we receive. Ephesians 1:13 is an exact word

    repeat of what happened in Ephesus according to Acts 19,

  • "In Whom ye also trusted, AFTER that ye heard the Word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation; in

    Whom also AFTER that ye believed (not when ye believed), ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of


    Now here is my point. Too many of our modernists and even our fundamentalists (so-called)

    believe unto salvation at a certain specific time which in many cases is called "making a decision,"

    and that has been called receiving Christ or being born again. Now to receive Christ is to receive

    His Spirit. To receive His Spirit is to be born again. To receive His Spirit is to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Amen. These folks believe. That is wonderful. But they stop there. You receive the

    Holy Ghost AFTER you believe. It has always been that way and always will be.

    Now, analyse those statements made in the book The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages. Read it again and then page back to the previous quote taken from the sermon entitled Countdown and try to make sense of the two as far as unity in the faith is concerned. Are both statements conducive to unity of

    one doctrinal faith? Do what you like, you cannot have a drunk-sober man and insomuch, you cannot

    have a true-false teaching come from the same mouth except the speaker was in error, or he was

    anointed of a false spirit, or his revelation was changed and then changed again towards the end of his

    ministry. If that is the case, then I would like to know why God, Who is an unchanging God and His

    truth never changes, would do such a thing?

    Now, many who read this will be taken aback, and I invite you to check me up, but, I put it to you that

    the quotes above, taken from the book The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages are not the

    words of the prophet. He never said these words or anything of the like in the sermons from which the book was complied. These are the dogmatic injections of the man, Doctor Lee Vayle who saw fit to insert his dogmatic denominational beliefs into the book. Does that not reduce the

    book to Thus saith the Lord, the prophet and Dr. Lee Vayle; and be careful, they do not all agree? Yes it does. Some of it is of the Lord, some of the Prophet and some of Dr. Lee Vayle and I have made it my

    business, the Lord willing, to expose the dogmatic injections of the doctor, who was placed in a position

    of trust, for the purpose of correcting grammatical errors and nothing else.

    That may just hurt a little but; so far, my suspicions of the fact have been verified in several other

    serious topics; another we will tackle later. And on the note of serious, let me explain something, which

    has been key in prompting me to make this investigative study and to present it (even) to the world if it

    be the will of the Lord.

    Lets play out a couple of scenarios. Lets say we have a person called by God from sin. The atonement is revealed to him. He accepts it and receives it inviting the Holy Ghost into his life. The Word, the very

    Lamb Who was slain has said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from

    death unto life. He believes it! Then he finds that Dr. Lee Vayle has declared that what he has read in the Bible is a lie. That shakes him and his faith in Christianity is hindered. When he dies the next day,

    we have to wonder of his faith; by which we are saved.

    Then we have the next man who also goes through the motions as described above and believes that the

    experience, which he had at the cross, was It is one and the same and thinking now that he already has the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, doesnt go on to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. The rapture comes and he is left with the mark of the beast to pay with his own blood for his


    Both the above have missed the opportunity to have been elected as Bride from the foundations of the

    world because God had seen that they didnt overcome unto the end because of a deception.

    The point Im making is that Satan will do what he can to pervert the Word of the Lord and today, we have Pastors who have become dogmatic and swearing that this book The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, is THUS SAITH THE LORD. I want to tell those who are so convinced, and are

  • teaching the dogmas that the Doctor injected into the book, to be warned of the consequences, which I

    neednt go into. I will reveal the errors and prove, where ever I can, the injections, which were not the words of the prophet as he spoke the sermons.

    I strongly suggest that everyone who reads that book be diligent in taking the advice of the prophet you

    claim to follow, and to take everything back to the Bible and to prove all things making sure that it all

    dove-tails with the unadulterated Word of God; THE BIBLE. Rather place your faith in what the

    prophet said in the sermons for they are the anointed Word delivered to Gods Bride on the subject and they differ greatly from the book you so cherish. You have been warned.

    As a result of this discovery, and some other disturbing statements found in the book in question, some

    which blatantly contradict the beliefs and the teachings of the prophet; I was led to investigate, a little

    deeper, the topics which I simply couldnt firmly establish solid grounding on, because of uncertainties which, I found, even the prophet was alluding to in later sermons. I had found that the prophet was

    steadfast and solid on some teachings of vital importance early in his ministry, but was later swayed in a

    subtle, if not uncanny way, to embrace teachings which leaned to cause dissension, and/or discrepancy

    in his belief and his teaching, which always led to conjecture by some, and eventually to contentions

    which have even led to the separating of fellowships and the disunity, if not; the breaking up of


    Naturally Satan enjoys this situation and capitalized on the play of words since he saw the opportunity

    to cause great discontentment among the called out, and thereby orchestrate a severe and destructive

    initiative, knowing that to add a word to, or take away a word, or to even put a private interpretation to

    the Word; spells death. Needless to say, the true believer tends to believe every word that proceeds from

    the mouth of God and based upon, Amos 3; 7 the Word for this age came to the prophet William Branham.

    You may consider me disrespectful to the man who the prophet respected but, I will refer you to Paul

    and the other believers who saw fit to name and shame and to reject as heretic those who deviated from

    the vindicated Word of their hour. I have no choice but to name the editor since it is a well-known fact

    that he was commissioned to edited the book. I seek not to shame him but to warn the believers of a

    series of injections of teachings, which the prophet did not agree with yet they found their way into the

    book. I further believe that the prophet would have taken more care in his proofreading had he been

    aware that the Doctor had done more than simply address the issue of correcting the grammatical errors

    of the original transcripts. I remind you that the exercise of the prophet proofreading the edited

    manuscripts was to peruse the grammatical enhancement and not necessarily the doctrine and least of all

    to determined whether the editor had deviated from the audio text and more so the doctrine which were


    My prayer is that the good Doctor will acknowledge the fact that he laboured beyond the call of his duty

    and that he repent thereof; for I personally was stumbled by the sway from original Gospel teaching as

    taught by Jesus, the apostles, Paul and the prophet; who spoke the Word under the anointing in the

    series of sermons from which this book is derived. This book should have resulted in a THUS SAITH THE LORD history, and doctrinal foundation of the original church of Jesus Christ over the past 2000 years... BUT IT ISNT! It is corrupt thanks to the doctor. Had the book been left unabridged as was the Revelation of the Seven Seals was, we would have had THUS SAITH THE LORD on the seven church ages. It is a pity that the prophet allowed this to occur. I thank God that we still have the audio

    sermons and the original unabridged transcripts.

    So, having said that, I admonish all who have placed absolute trust in what was written in that published

    book to seriously consider what you are about to read in this document and go back to the original

    sermons to determine what in the book is anointed truth and what is adulterated dogma.

    The scripture and the prophet warned that in the last days they would depart from the true faith. Do you

    think that Satan didnt see a brilliant opportunity to corrupt the very book, which the prophet was to

  • endorse and thereby cause millions to stumble? If you cannot see that, then you have yet to get to know

    your enemy. Talking of organized religion, the prophet said the following...


    209 Notice, the Bible said she is a cage, and has caught hateful, unclean birds, not eagles, now:

    no, no, no, no: vultures. Unclean, hateful birds, that's what she's caged up around her. She is a

    cage full of them, a whole cage full with what? "Blasphemous names," contrary to the Scripture.

    II Timothy 3 said, the Holy Spirit speaking, "In the last days they will depart from the faith and

    give heed to seducing spirits." It also said, the Holy Spirit spoke that in the last days they'd be

    heady, high-minded, hateful: "Bless God, you belong to us, or you don't have your name on our

    book, you're lost." Hateful, unclean... I hope I'm not hurting; I hope I'm doing good. Hateful, unclean

    birds, she caged them.

    This is where the good doctor learned his vast intellectual knowledge. Paul was the same but he was

    taken aside and corrected by the Pillar of Fire and the Holy Ghost tutored him. I have to ask how

    sincerely the good doctor repented of his institutional taught theories, and how willingly did he die to

    his dogmas of men. Lets face it; it is on record that he contested the prophet when corrected.

    ONENESS_ JEFF.IN V-10 N-2 SUNDAY_ 62-0211

    194 Like in past times, in past times when man done this, it brought God's judgment to the world.

    The tower of Babel, the union of Cain's children with Seth's children brought judgment. It always brings

    God's judgment to the world. See? Oh, the true oneness with Him will rise in the judgment, above it,

    like Noah did in that judgment with his family. Righteous Noah and his family went above the

    judgments. What did they do? They went...

    Brother Lee Vayle, if you get ahold of this, here it is. That's the only question we disagree on; he

    believes the church will go through the judgment. I don't see it. I don't believe it.

    Noah never went through no judgments; he went above the judgment. Abraham never had no fire; he

    was out of the fire. Israel wasn't in the judgments of Israel; it was separated out of the fire, out of the

    judgments. The church will ride above the judgment in the Ark of the Holy Ghost, raised up from the


    Now, having established as a fact, that Dr. Lee Vayle somewhat perused his agenda regarding the book,

    THE EXPOSITION OF THE SEVEN CHURCH AGES, allow me to address the issue which brought me to write to you; the issue of the mighty Angel of Rev. 10; 1-6 and the advent and manifestation of

    the seven unwritten thunders. Above all, notice the date of this quote. It is well after the advent of the cloud and well after the revealing of the seven seals. It is in 1964 and we find that the prophet was still awaiting the coming of the mighty Angel of Rev. 10; 1-6.

    SHALOM_ PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64-0119 243 Sometimes you say, "Oh, heartaches and trials..."

    Didn't God say, "All things work together for good to them that love Him, while I'm beating out

    My Symphony"? And you find that then you're afflicted, and struck down, and persecuted, made

    fun of. Remember, that's the part that goes that way. If that isn't like that, then the Symphony is

    out of tune.

    The great Composer knows exactly what's in it. He knows. He knowed you from the beginning. He put

    your name on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. You believe that? He knows

    what you're supposed to do. No matter how low it goes, and how dark it looks, it's got to be that way.

    But remember, if it goes plumb into the shadows of death, "I am the Resurrection and Life; I'll raise him

    up again." And when the great Director comes down and beats that stick down, then

    time shall be no more. When that Angel of Revelation the 10th chapter puts one foot on land and one on the sea, and a rainbow over His head, He

    swore time shall be no more. When that time comes, you'll rise up from

    among the dead. While the rest of them lay there, you'll go in.

  • SHALOM_ PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64-0119

    246 Stay in the Symphony. Stay in God's Word. No matter how hard it is, stay right with It, wherever

    God's beating.

    Sometimes He causes trouble to break the bands and set you free. He does that. You say, "Well, I don't

    know what I'd do." He does. What difference? You're just--you're just playing the part. He's the One

    that's got you in His hand. He directs you.

    Remember, it's all done by a sign. We see the time we're living in by the sign we're living in,

    so we know what the Symphony does today. It's a separating time, taking the Light from the

    darkness. Let's say it together so you won't forget it, because I feel to say this. [Brother Branham and congregation

    speak in unison--Ed.]: "It's taking the Light from the darkness." Let's say it

    again. "It's taking the Light from the darkness."

    Below, in mid-1964 we find the prophet still in expectation of the mighty Angel of Rev. 10; 1-6


    19-5 Notice Revelations 10:1 to 7, all the mysteries are to be revealed to the Bride by the messenger

    of the Laodicea church. Has anybody got a Revised Version Bible? If you have, you'll notice there

    where it said, the angel, it's in parenthesis, it says, the eagle (Huh? See?), the messenger to the--the

    Laodicea church (See?), Revelations 10:1 to 7.

    And he said that this--in that day that he see Him come down, and he eat up the little book. And there


    He put one foot on land and one on the sea and swore by Him that lives and ever and ever, that

    time shall be no more. And when He did, Seven Thunders uttered their voices. And when

    the Seven Thunders uttered their voices, John said he was about to write; and He said, "Don't

    write it." See? And he sealed it.


    20-2 Now, someone said, "Well that's Seven Seals then, Brother

    Branham, that'll be revealed in the last days, some great mystery

    how we get closer to God..." No, sir, it can't be. "Whosoever shall

    take one word from this Bible or add one word to It, his part will

    be taken... the Book of Life." What it is, is a revelation on what has been missed back there, to bring to... It's already wrote here; it's in here; it's to reveal what already's

    been written (See?), 'cause you can't add one thing to It or take one word from It.

    Let me ask you a question. How many of the seven written seals have been physically opened to date?

    You say all of them! Wrong! You say brother Branham opened them in 1963. Wrong! The Lamb opens

    the seals. The Holy Ghost revealed all the mysteries of all written seven seals to brother Branham in

    1963; yet the mystery of the seventh seal is the physical, corporal coming of the Lord; the time of which

    no man, no angel and not even Jesus knows. We know that the sixth seal is the ministry of the Holy

    Ghost to the 144,000 Jews in the tribulation period and that hasnt happened yet so therefore, the sixth seal has not been opened yet. The fifth seal is the revelation of the souls under the altar. That is where we are now. So, the fourth and the fifth seals, as the prophet taught, over-lap. The martyred Jews,

    throughout the Gentile dispensation are crying out for retribution for being martyred throughout the past

    two thousand years but the cup of the iniquity of the Gentiles is not yet full and the last elected member

    of the Bride is not yet ready for the rapture.

    What I am seeing is the most common error made by believers of this message. I am referring to the misunderstanding of the terminology used by the prophet regarding distinguishing between the physical

  • breaking open of the individual seven seals which were written in the Bible and the literal revealing, by the angels who brought the revelations of these seven seals to the prophet, who were evidenced in the

    manifestation of the cloud which was a presentation of a sign in the sky depicting the face of the Lord.

    Br. Braham sometimes uses the word broke for revealed or opened the seal to us, when he should be saying revealed or interpreted the seal to us. The understanding of the manner in which he used these terms is critical to understanding, especially; the mystery of the seventh seal, and therefore the

    mysteries surrounding the secret utterances of the coming mighty Angel of Rev. 10; 1-6 which manifest

    in the seven thunder mysteries; which by the way, were never written, and were sealed on the back-side

    of the Bible. We also find that the pro-porters of these errors are compelled to manufacture dogmas, and

    to inject things which the prophet never did say; implying that they are called with a divine revelation

    which supercedes the words of admonition of the prophet, and the revealed word; which was delivered

    to him as the prophet of this age.

    Allow me to define correctly these terms, which have caused so much error and confusion. Dont take this lightly; it may pertain to your election: for you only receive that which you expect.

    1. Reveal(ed) the seal

    2. Break/broke /breaks the seal

    3. Open (s) (ed) the seal.

    4. Manifest (ed) (ation of) the seal

    5. Unfold(s) / (ed) the seal

    Let us look at the first one; Reveal(ed) the seal. What happened when the first seal was revealed in 1963? In heaven, nothing happened. On the earth, the first of the seven angels who held the mystery of

    the seal met with the prophet and explained or interpreted the meaning of the symbol to the prophet, and the Holy Ghost opened his understanding; thus he received a revelation of the mysterious symbol.

    He understood that the antichrist had gone about the earth deceiving and persecuting the called Christians. Now, this event of the angel, in conjunction with the Holy Ghost revealing the mystery to the

    prophet, occurred in March of 1963. Did the antichrist commence his work in the office of the white

    horse rider, as of 1963? No! He had already gone forth in about 65AD; but the mystery was hidden in a

    symbol in the Bible until this age. It was to be revealed to the church in the last days of time as part of the shout. The very next day after the revealing of the first seal, the prophet received the revelation of the second seal, and for the next two consecutive days, the third and forth mysteries were revealed to him. When did the antichrist change his offices of ministry? Back in 1963? No! He changed his

    ministerial offices three more times during the past 2000 years.

    Let us look at the second one; Break/broke /breaks the seal. So, what happened in heaven when the

    first seal was broken? What happened when the first seal was broken... not revealed now, but broken. Jesus, in heaven had taken the book; He opened the book and tore the first seal asunder thus initiating a dispensation of wickedness and deceit on the earth, orchestrated by Satan. He had, before the

    foundations of the world, depicted this event in a symbol form and sealed it in the book of Revelations,

    which was predestinated to become part of the compilation or canon of books, which would eventually

    be used as the Bible; the Word of God manifested in writing. So, what happened on the earth when

    Jesus broke this and the next three seals? Satan manifested his wicked plan through the four offices of the symbolic horse riders in real time.

    Let us look at the third one; Manifest (ed) (ation) the seal. So! What happened in heaven when the first

    seal was manifested? Nothing more than Jesus had broken the first seal! What happened on earth when the first seal was manifested? The Antichrist went forth conquering the called of God on the symbolic white horse. That dispensation was followed by the manifestation of the second, third and forth seal in like manner; each of which brought forth a different manifestation of the same devil in different, yet subsequent dispensational offices. Were the mysteries, of the written symbols, revealed

  • to anyone at the time of the first three seals being manifested? No! Was the mystery of the written symbol of the fourth horse rider revealed at the time of its manifestation? Not at the time of it being broken in heaven by Jesus, which initiated the manifestation on the earth, but later; yes, it was: it was revealed to Br. Branham and the Bride back in 1963! Is the manifestation of the fourth seal over, or is it still being manifested even though the revelation has been given? No! It is still in progress! It is still in its manifestation.

    Let us look at the forth one; Open (s) (ed) the seal. Now, this is where much of the confusion enters in.

    Why do I say that? I say it because the prophet haphazardly uses this term and Satan has capitalized on

    it. Br. Branham sometimes used this term when referring to the breaking of the seal in heaven which issued forth the manifestation of the seal on the earth and then he also used it referring to the opening of revelation of the seals to the prophet and to the Bride.

    Jesus ascended into heaven 2000 years ago and sent the Holy Ghost back to inaugurate the church. Then

    Jesus tore the first seal open and the White horse ride rode out to conquer the church. That was the beginning. The second, third and fourth and the fifth has also been torn open. The sixth and the seventh, just as the fourth and the fifth, occur simultaneously. The one is the coming of the Lord to fetch

    His Bride and the other is the ministry of the Holy Ghost under the auspices or title of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, manifesting the prophesized Elijah and Moses ministries during the tribulation.

    But, just before those seals are physically opened in heaven, the mighty Angel of the Lord of Rev. 10; 1-6 must descend with the cry and the first of the manifestations of the seven thunder utterances, which

    are to give the Bride body and rapturing faith are manifested; and this ends her time on the earth while

    the balance of the other thunders manifest for the benefit of the balance of Gods will unto the advent of eternity again. That is how Br. Branham taught the written seals within the Bible, and the unwritten,

    Spoken seals that were sealed on the back-side of the Bible.

    Im aware that some people believe that the seven thundering seals are the mysteries, which were hidden in the seven written seals but the prophet didnt believe or teach that. See following... THE.BREACH.BETWEEN.THE.SEVEN.CHURCH.AGES.AND.THE.SEVEN.SEALS_ JEFF.IN

    SUNDAY_ 63-0317E

    74-4 {44} Now, we see that this seven-sealed Book now, is the mystery of redemption. It's a

    Book of Redemption from God. Now, all the mysteries at this time should be finished at the

    sounding of this messenger. Now, here's the angel on earth, and another Angel, mighty Messenger

    come down. See, this angel was a earthly angel, messenger. But here comes One down from

    heaven: a rainbow, covenant. See? Only Christ, it could be; just exactly like it was in Revelations 1st chapter, standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks with a rainbow to look upon as

    jasper and sardius stone.


    SUNDAY_ 63-0317E

    75-1 {47} And here He returns back in the 10th chapter after the coming time, that all the mysteries is to be finished, (the shout of the seventh earthly angel) and the Seals are to be broke,

    (Referring to the seven seals attached to the back-side of the book are to be opened...Not just revealed)

    and proclaiming that its time is no more. And he (John) said, "When the seventh angel has begin to

    sound, then the mysteries should be finished (the shout) and time for the Angel to appear. We're close,

    somewhere. That's right.


    SUNDAY_ 63-0317E

    75-3 {49} Notice, Seven Seals on the Book has the... These Seven Seals has the Book sealed. See? The Book is absolutely sealed. Do you see it? The Book is absolutely a sealed Book until the

    Seven Seals is broken. It is sealed up with Seven Seals. (The restoration message of the seventh

    angel...The shout)

  • Now, that's a different from the Seven Thunders. See? This is Seven Seals on the Book, and the Book will not--the Seals will not be released until the message of the seventh

    angel. See? So we--we are presuming, but the genuine revelation of God will be made perfect in

    that sounding and vindicated Truth. Now, that's exactly what the Word said. The mysteries

    should be finished at that time. (The shout) And this seven-sealed Book, remember, it was closed

    here in Revelations the 5th chapter, and in Revelations the 10th chapter it is opened.


    207 The seven and last one (silence in heaven) of these seals, when they're

    opened, (Not revealed; but torn open) is found in Revelations the 10th chapter; there was a mighty Angel (which was Christ) came down and put one foot on the

    land and one on the sea, and raised up His hand, and says, "The day is finished.

    Time is run out. It's all over. Time shall be no more." And He said at the sounding of the... At this time the mystery of God should be finished: (The shout)

    Who God is, and how He was made manifest; how when that seal was

    opened, how we begin to understand now how that He was the Son of

    God; He was God Himself made flesh; and the revelation of Who He is;

    that should be finished before this Angel can put His feet upon the land and sea and swear that there'll be time no more when this time comes.

    We're right in that front yard of it right now. See?

    The last one of them is Revelations 10, foot on land and on sea; time had

    run out; redemption is over; now He comes in as the Lion. He was a

    Lamb then; now He comes in as Lion of the tribe of Juda.

    SEVENTH SEAL, "A TOTAL SECRET" (taken from footprints in the sands of time)

    Revelation, the 10th chapter, and 1 to the 7th verse. Time runs out. The angel said,

    "Time will be no more," when that... in the days of this great thing to happen.

    Everything runs out in this time, the end of the... at the end of this Seventh Seal.

    Notice, it's the end of the church age. It's the end of the Seventh Seal. It's the

    end of the trumpets. It's the end of the vials, and even ends the

    ushering in of the Millennium, that's on the Seventh Seal. It's just like firing a rocket into the air, and that rocket explodes here and it goes up, and

    then it explodes again. It puts out five stars. One of those stars explodes and blows out five stars

    from it; and then one of them stars explodes and blows out five stars from it, see; it fades on out.

    That's what this Seventh Seal--it just ends the time for the world. It ends the time for this. It ends the time for that. It ends the time for this. It ends the time, everything

    just ended up on that Seventh Seal.

    Now, how is He going to do it? That's what we don't know, isn't it? We don't

    know. It's even time for all these things, and the ushering in of the Millennium. Notice, the breaking of this Seal was so great that Heaven was hushed by it in silence for the space of a half

    hour. Now, is it great? What is it? It was hushed--Heaven, There wasn't a thing moved for a half


    Notice that Br. Branham believed that the manifestation of these seven thunders was not only to the

    Bride. The first utterances were. Yes, but the balance are for the 144,000 Jews in the tribulation, and

  • also for the people in the millennium; and that they usher in eternity just like the sky rocket manifestation the prophet spoke of.

    Foot Prints Book - Page 435

    Now, none of us know, but I'm going to tell you my revelation of it. And now, I am not

    prone to be a fanatic. If I am, I'm ignorant of it, see. I'm not given away to such as "leerious"

    carry-ons and imaginary things. I have said some things that might have been kind of strange to

    some people, but when God comes around behind it and vindicates it and says it's the Truth, then

    that's God's Word. It may seem strange that way.

    And now, as certain as I stand in the platform tonight, I had the revelation that revealed--it's

    in a threefold manner. That, I will speak to you by God's help of a fold of it. And then you... Let's go

    over there first. Here's the revelation to being that... I want to tell you what it is. What happens is that

    those seven thunders that he heard thunder and was forbidden to write, that's what the mystery is

    laying behind those seven consecutive thunders rolling out. Now, why? Let us prove it. Why? It is the secret that no one knows about. John was

    forbidden to write about it--even write a symbol about it. Why? This is why. There was no activity

    in Heaven--it might give away the secret. Do you see it now? If it is so great it must be included

    because it's got to happen, but when the seven thunders...

    Now notice, when the seven angels come forth to sound their trumpets--there was one

    thunder. When Israel was gathered--there was a trumpet. When time shall be no more, the last

    trumpet. One thunder--but here is seven straight thunders in a row: one, two,

    three, four, five, six, seven. Now, why? If Satan should get a hold of it, he might do a great damage. There's one thing he don't know. Now he can interpret anything

    he wants to, and impersonate any kind of a gift (I hope you are learning) but he

    can't know this. It's not even written in the Word! It's a total secret! The angels, everything shut up! If they made one move it might give something away, so they just shut up,

    quit harping; everything stopped. (ED. Bernard; if the seven thunders have been uttering throughout

    the seven ages that would mean that the angels have been shut up, as Br. Branham says it, for the past 2000 years. Heaven has been silent all this time and we are in eternity since Br. Branham states and the

    Bible does too, that time will be no more. It would mean that nothing of the effects of the seven thunder

    manifestations were for the Jews which is contrary to what the prophet taught. It would imply that the

    millennium has already been ushered in. Im not saying that. Im re-iterating what the Bible said and what Br. Branham said; and he agrees that we should stay with the Bible. Ask yourself, Are we still in time? Yes! Or are we in eternity? Look at your watch! Do we still feel pain? I do! Do people still die?

    Of course! Do we cry and have heartache? All the time! Are you in a glorified immortal body? Didnt think so! Do you still bleed? Immortal bodies do not bleed! The rapture has still to happen. Jesus is still

    on the mercy seat and will one day, rise from there and close the book of the names of His redeemed

    Bride and come to fetch her. John saw Him do it in the vision but the manifestation of that vision must

    still come to pass.)

    Seven, God's perfect number. Seven, [Brother Branham knocks seven times on pulpit--Ed.] just

    right down the row! Seven thunders uttered straight together like they were spelling out something.

    Notice, at that time, John started to write, and He said, "Don't write it." Jesus never spoke of it. John

    couldn't write it. Angels knew nothing about it.

    What is it? It's the thing that Jesus said even the Angels of Heaven didn't know nothing

    about it, see. He didn't know it Himself. He said only God (ED. Bernard; the Logos, the

    mighty Angel of Rev. 10;1-6.) would know it, but He told us when we begin to see these signs coming up... (Now, are you getting somewhere? All right.) Notice, we begin to see these signs

    coming up, see. If Satan could get a hold of it...

    There is no secret that the prophet spent the last two years of his life expecting the mighty Angel of Rev.

    10; 1-6 to descend and to deliver the cry, which produces the seven thunders. He suspected that it would

    occur in the fulfilling of the tent vision. You can find many places where the prophet states that he was seeking a place where they could set up a place or a tent where they could just relax and spend as much

  • time as is necessary to preach on the vials, the trumpets and the frogs and the SEVEN THUNDERS IF THE LORD WILLS? The prophet died without that wish being manifest.


    16 Now, in doing this, I have come here for the purpose of teaching the last Vials, last Seven

    Vials, and the last Seven Trumpets, and the last Seven Thunders, of the Book of Revelation, tying

    them together in this hour that we're now living; to follow the opening of the Seven Seals, the

    Seven Church Ages. So, we couldn't get room to do it. So I--I hope that, soon as I can, we'll... can

    get a place sufficient for that, either here or in Louisville, New Albany, or either put up a tent, so

    we can just stay as long as the Lord leads us to do.


    169 And he stretched forth his rod, at the command of God, and said, "Let frogs come up and cover

    the earth." And the frogs come till they heaped them up, piles, and stink was everywhere, maybe forty

    or fifty feet high, of frogs. They were in the cupboard of--of Pharaoh. They were in the... turn down the

    sheet, and there would be a five hundred frogs under the sheet, under the bed, in the grub. Everywhere

    they went, was frogs, frogs, frogs. Where did they come from? God, the Creator, is sovereign. What He

    says, He'll do!

    170 And He said there'll be hideous sights upon the earth. "Locusts with hair like women," long hair,

    to haunt them women that cut their hair. "Teeth like lion; stingers in their tails, like scorpions; they

    would torment men, months." Just wait till we get in to opening them Plagues and Seals, and them

    Seven Thunders, watch what takes place. Oh, brother, you better get to Goshen while

    there's time to get to Goshen. Don't pay any attention to this outside.


    19 And last week's tapes, I think, will reveal to you the great hideous things that we're going

    to speak on one of these days when we can get a place sufficient, of the opening of those last

    plagues to be poured out upon the earth, those Vials, rather, pouring out of the Vials, and the Seven Thunders, and those hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. Man now, and people today,

    are in such a neurotic condition; the whole world!

    You may ask what made the prophet come to believe, contrary to his original revelation that he would

    be on the earth when this mighty Angel descends. It was the teaching that was injected in the book

    under discussion, that he had to be here at the time because Amos 3; 7 teaches that the Word of the Lord

    comes to His servants the prophets. Brother Branham earlier believed that these spoken words of the

    mighty angel were creative Words of the Lord such as, A virgin shall conceive. He knew that such Words from God didnt need the services and interpretation of a prophet. These Words, when spoken will produce the interpretation by manifestation of the spoken Word by the dynamics of the life giving

    power of God. The Words will not contradict the already written Word of God; it will compliment the

    Word, which is already written. See the following


    It was in the end-time period that the seven thunders of Jesus came forth.

    Revelation 10:3-4,

    "And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered

    their voices.

    And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from

    heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not."

    What was in those thunders no one knows. But we need to know. And it will take a prophet to get

    the revelation because God has no other way of bringing out His Scriptural revelations except by

    a prophet. The Word always came by a prophet and always will. That this is the law of God is

    evident by even a casual search of Scripture. The unchanging God with unchanging ways

    invariably sent His prophet in every age where the people had strayed from Divine order. With

    both the theologians and the people having departed from the Word, God always sent His servant

  • to these people (but apart from the theologians) in order to correct false teaching and lead the

    people back to God.

    Search as much as you like, but you will not find the prophet stating the above in the sermons on The Seven Church Ages or anywhere else. None of this is the words of the prophet. I am under the impression that it is statements like this in the book, 'An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages'; and

    what was certainly in the transcripts which Br. Branham read, that eventually made him believe that He

    would be on the earth at the time of the coming of the Mighty Angel of the Lord (Rev. 10; 1-6) because

    he began to believe that these thunderous 'revelations' would have to be delivered to God's prophet first

    according to Amos 3; 7. In fact, the only mention of Amos 3 made throughout 1960 and the transcript of

    the published book on The Exposition of the Seven Church Ages is in the said book. Notice the following statement, which the prophet made which goes a long way to explain what the

    prophet thought before he started receiving the edited manuscripts of the book in question...


    SUNDAY_ 63-0317E

    72-1 {29} This seven-sealed Book is revealed at the time of the Seven Thunders of Revelations

    10. If you're marking it down... Let's turn to Revelations 10 just a moment, so you'll get a understanding

    before we get into it. Now, this is at the end time, for listen.

    ... I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow... upon his


    If you notice that's Christ (See?), 'cause He in the Old Testament was called the Angel of the

    Covenant, and He's directly coming to the Jews now, for the Church is finished. See? All right.

    ... and his face... as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

    You remember that Angel in Revelations 1? Same thing. Angel is a messenger, and He's a

    Messenger to Israel. See? The Church has been raptured. See? Now, or fixing to be raptured. He

    comes for His Church.


    283-5 {35} And now, notice that there's something wrong somewhere in the churches. And I think

    it's the denominational systems that's twisted the people's minds and so forth until they don't know how

    to do it. That's right. But we're promised that it would be revealed.

    And now, these Seven Seals that this Book is sealed with, and those Seven Seals... Now... And then

    after these Seven Seals are completed, we find in Revelations 10 there was seven mysterious thunders that John was commissioned to write but then forbidden to write those. And at the time

    of those thunders, we find Christ, or the Angel come down with a rainbow, and put His feet on the

    land and sea and swore that time had run out at that time.

    My dearest brother, I pray and hope that what you have just read will be of comfort to you and will

    explain, to some degree, why there is such confusion and disunity. What you have just read is the tip of

    the iceberg so-to-speak, regarding these and other topics, which I believe have led to the state that we find the Christian church in. This is not strange or unusual. This is the continued manifestation of the work that Satan has done throughout the ages. It is his job to scatter the flocks and cause them to

    denominate. He has done it for thousands of years. This is his strategy since the Word teaches that two

    cannot walk together lest they agree, so what would you do in Satans shoes? Id cause confusion around the truth. The Word also teaches that we should separate ourselves from unbelief. Again, Satans strategy is to sow discrepancy, (A difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions) among the


    Why is it that the modern message folk believes that they are immune from this satanic onslaught? The reason is that the prophet said the Bride will not denominate and I agree, but the Bride is only a

    fraction of those who were once called out with the multitudes. The rest were deceived in one way or

    another just like it was in the first exodus. It is these who God saw, in His minds eye, overcome unto the end. You may ask, Overcome what? The answer is the deception of the devil, for he seeks to deceive the called out into disbelieving even one Word the revealed Word of God. He therefore casts before us counterfeit after counterfeit in his attempt to distract and mislead us from Gods unadulterated

  • truth for this hour. We are at war and the battleground is in our minds where our belief and faith rests. God is simply asking, Do you believe? The question relates to what we believe. Cain and Judas believed and they were called, (and were both) sons of perdition from before the foundations of the

    world. If Eve failed and caused all of mankind to die as a result of listening and accepting the

    misconstruction of one single Word of Gods instruction; how be it that some think that they will not be judged in the same way while they invite dogmas and creeds onto their altar of offering. It is true, the

    tables of the Lord are full of vomit.

    Now is the time for soul-searching. Now is the time that all believers scrutinize their faith and put the

    Word that they believe to the Bible test. How well have we rightly discerned the Word of Gods truth? Do the gemstones of the urim and thummim light up EVERY TIME?

    God bless you my dear brother and all those with you. May the Lord have mercy on our souls!

    Do not hesitate to correct me where I perhaps err, for I do not desire to fail my Lord through error. My

    heart is soft and pliable and open to correction.