Meal Management Learning Kit - Weebly

Meal Management Learning Kit The Project: This project will serve as the focal point for our course, with the challenge being for the class to provide excellent meal service to patrons who have purchased our meals. As a group, you will essentially be planning, preparing, and presenting a series of meals for patrons on a bi-weekly schedule. The Groups: The groups will be determined through observation of student interaction at the beginning of the course. The groups will remain the same for the duration of the semester, so if you foresee issues when groups are announced, please let me know ASAP. Once groups have been announced, students will be asked to complete and submit a group contract (see attached). Should problems arise throughout the semester, please be professional in how you handle them and see me if needed. Your group should decide upon a name which reflects the group. The Meals: The meals will consist of six different components (management, bread, side 1, side 2, main, and dessert), and will be served six times over the course of the semester. Each group will have the opportunity to plan and supervise one of the six meals as you take your turn as the Managing group. In this role you will determine the menu, portions, packaging, package labels, as well as troubleshoot and supervise other groups. When you aren’t the managing group, your group will be preparing the other components of the meal. Each group will prepare each component as some point. In an attempt to keep the meals varied, there will be a lottery to determine what type of protein and what cuisine you will have to base your meal around. You are free to switch with another group, but please let me know if any “switcheroos” happen.

Transcript of Meal Management Learning Kit - Weebly

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Meal Management Learning Kit The Project:

This project will serve as the focal point for our course, with the challenge being for the class to provide excellent meal service to patrons who

have purchased our meals. As a group, you will essentially be planning, preparing, and presenting a series of meals for patrons on a bi-weekly


The Groups:

The groups will be determined through observation of student interaction at the beginning of the course. The groups will remain the same

for the duration of the semester, so if you foresee issues when groups are announced, please let me know ASAP. Once groups have been announced,

students will be asked to complete and submit a group contract (see attached). Should problems arise throughout the semester, please be

professional in how you handle them and see me if needed. Your group should decide upon a name which reflects the group.

The Meals:

The meals will consist of six different components (management, bread, side 1, side 2, main, and dessert), and will be served six times over

the course of the semester. Each group will have the opportunity to plan and supervise one of the six meals as you take your turn as the Managing

group. In this role you will determine the menu, portions, packaging, package labels, as well as troubleshoot and supervise other groups. When you

aren’t the managing group, your group will be preparing the other components of the meal. Each group will prepare each component as some point.

In an attempt to keep the meals varied, there will be a lottery to determine what type of protein and what cuisine you will have to base your

meal around. You are free to switch with another group, but please let me know if any “switcheroos” happen.

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The Planning Process:

Following the lottery you will have time to work in the computer lab to plan out your group’s meal. You will be responsible for preparing a

proposal of that meal (Google Slides or other format) to present to your class for feedback. During the presentations, other groups will be asked to

provide feedback to the group regarding their proposed meal. You will have time to then go back and make changes to your meal as needed.

Presentations will be evaluated using the attached Presentation rubric.

On the due date, I will need a plan submitted from each group. That plan must include (see attached Pre-Meal Checklist):

● A menu

o Name and brief description of each item

o Creative

o Professional looking

o Don’t forget to include any special dietary needs

● Recipes

o In standard form

o Be sure to include: source, yield, cooking time, and any other pertinent information

o Please be sure consider cooking times, skill level, ingredient availability, etc.

● Sample of packaging label

● Presentation/garnish ideas

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Meal Week

Computer Lab Planning

Before each meal, we will have a day in the computer lab to do any final planning. At this time, the managing group will hand out the

recipes and groups will complete a grocery requisition form and time work plans (see attached). The managing group will travel around to ensure

that all groups are well informed on their recipes and are ready to complete the meal.

Prep Day

You are encouraged to prepare as much as possible on the day before meal service. This will ensure that you are able to complete your

tasks on meal day on time! The managing group may want to use this time to set prepare and organize containers for delivery.

Meal Day

The big day has arrived! Do whatever you have to do to make sure that everything is ready to be delivered 15 minutes prior to the end of

the class! The management team will be monitoring overall procedures, especially as food is packed and prepared for delivery. When ready,

management team will deliver orders to patron while final cleanup is taking place.

*Note – Patrons will be receiving a comment card with their meals where they will provide a mark and feedback (see attached Meal-Service

Evaluation form)!

Clean Up & Evaluation Day

We will begin this day by discussing the meal. Each group should be prepared to explain what they did for this meal. You will be asked to


● self-evaluation (see attached)

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● peer-evaluation (see attached)

● managing group evaluations (see attached)

Meal Service Follow Up – The Managing Group

Following your group’s meal service, you will have two days to complete and submit an individual follow up. I will expect each person to

complete the reflection including: (see Meal Service Follow-up attached):


1. What was your role in your meal service?

2. What strengths did you bring to this meal?

3. Identify and describe a strength that each member of your team brought to this project.

4. How successful would you say your meal was? Why?

5. How could your meal have been improved?


Using cookkeepbook, each group will be responsible for costing the entire meal to determine a profit/loss.


Management Mark (1 x / semester) Meal Mark (each meal = 6 x / semester) The Plan 40% Self-Assessment 10%

Presentation 10% Peer Assessment 10% Class Evaluation 15% Final Product 30%

Teacher Evaluation 15% Lab Observation (see rubric)


Individual Follow Up 20%

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Group Contract Complete this contract, providing as much detail as possible. Consider the terms of your contract carefully, ensuring that each member of your group agrees before signing the

document. Clearly describing, and understanding, what everyone is required to do will be important when misunderstandings occur during the activity—and they will occur!

Establish the details right from the start. Each person in the team is expected to contribute to the best of his or her ability. How you decide who will do what is up to you and is

to be recorded on this contract.

Remember, you will assess how well each member of your team lives up to this contract, and your team will assess you as well, so it is important to divide the work equally as

much as possible.

Group Name:

Team Members






By signing below, we agree that (use back of sheet, if necessary):

1. If any team member is absent, then _________________________ __________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2. If any team member does not do the work they agreed to do, first we will ______________ ___ ____________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

If there is no improvement, then we will ______________ _______ ___ _______________

3. Other conditions:


1. I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract. ______________________________________ 2. I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract. _______________________________________ 3. I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract. _______________________________________ 4. I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract. _______________________________________

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Guidelines for High-Performance Teams

1. Each person in the team is responsible for his or her own behaviour and learning.

2. Each member of the team should be willing to help any other member who asks for help.

3. You may only ask your teacher for help when all members of the team have the same question. Remember to self problem solve by asking at least 3 people prior to the teacher.

4. It is critical to think about and engage in the work that you are asked to do.

5. You will often be asked to work quietly by yourself on a problem in preparation for working with your team. This will enable you to develop confidence in your ability to tackle problems alone. Whenever possible, this will be followed by an opportunity to share your work with your teammates and to get help from them where you need it.

6. The secret of success in teamwork is to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. 7.

Words we can use to make sure everyone on our team feels valued and involved:

● “Can we make a plan so everybody has something to do?”

● “__________ has a good idea.”

● “What do you think, _________?”

● “Does everybody agree with that?”

● “___________, we need your help.”

● “I don’t think we heard _____________’s idea.”

How you say something is every bit as important as what you say. Did you say it with a smile?

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Pre-Meal Checklist (GROUP)

Meal #: Due Date: Group Name and Members:

Task Initials of group members on completion

Menu is attached o Name and description of items

o Creative

o Professional looking

o Dietary needs considered

Recipes are attached in standard form (including source, yield, cook time):

o Bread: ____________________

o Side 1: ____________________

o Side 2: ____________________

o Main: _____________________

o Dessert: ___________________

Sample of package label included. Describe any special garnishes you will use:

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Presentation Rubric

Group Name and Members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Individual Mark


Information presented in

logical, interesting


Information in logical


Difficult to follow


jumps around

Cannot understand


sequence of








Demonstrates full

knowledge by answering

all class questions with

explanations and


At ease with expected

answers to questions but

does not elaborate

Uncomfortable with

information and is able to

answer only rudimentary


Does not have a grasp

of the information.

Cannot answer

questions about







Explain and reinforce

screen text and

Relate to text and


Occasionally uses graphics

that rarely support text and

Uses superfluous

graphics or no graphics




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presentation presentation 4.



Maintains eye contact

and pronounces all terms

precisely. All audience

members can hear

Maintains eye contact

most of the time and

pronounces most words

correctly. Most

audience members can

hear presentation

Occasionally uses eye

contact, mostly reading

presentation, and

incorrectly pronounces

terms. Audience members

have difficulty hearing

Reads with no eye

contact and incorrectly

pronounces terms.

Speaks too quietly





Mark Tally:

Student Name: Final Presentation Mark:





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Meal Management Planning Sheet

Meal #: __________ Product you are making: __________________

Grocery Requisition (Ensure you are specific with quantity as sold and specifics)




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Time Work Plan – Prep Day

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Time Work Plan – Meal Day

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Practical Skills Assessment: Kitchen Lab Observation Student:


Consistently 3

Almost Always 2

Occasionally 1

Rarely Score

Working with Others

Communicates very well and makes efforts to work

cohesively with the group. Displays respect and solid

leadership skills.

Communicates very well and makes efforts to work

cohesively with the group. Displays respect and solid

leadership skills.

Communicates very well and makes efforts to work cohesively with the group. Displays respect and solid

leadership skills.

Communicates very well and makes efforts to work cohesively with the group. Displays respect and solid

leadership skills.

Pride and Attitude

Displays a sense of pride, tolerance, excitement and a

genuine interest in the culinary field.

Displays a sense of pride, tolerance, excitement and a

genuine interest in the culinary field.

Displays a sense of pride, tolerance, excitement and a genuine interest in the

culinary field.

Displays a sense of pride, tolerance, excitement and a genuine interest in the

culinary field.

Time Management

Records and utilizes information to make good plans. Pays attention to

details. Displays a sense of urgencies and concern for the group’s goals and objectives.

Records and utilizes information to make good plans. Pays attention to

details. Displays a sense of urgencies and concern for

the group’s goals and objectives.

Records and utilizes information to make good plans. Pays attention to

details. Displays a sense of urgencies and concern for

the group’s goals and objectives.

Records and utilizes information to make good plans. Pays attention to

details. Displays a sense of urgencies and concern for

the group’s goals and objectives.


Takes initiative and displays a proactive attitude. Utilizes

acquired skills, learned policies and procedures.

Takes initiative and displays a proactive attitude. Utilizes

acquired skills, learned policies and procedures. .

Takes initiative and displays a proactive attitude.

Utilizes acquired skills, learned policies and


Takes initiative and displays a proactive attitude.

Utilizes acquired skills, learned policies and


Uniform and Appearance

Displays a consistent high standard and adheres to class


Displays an average standard and adheres to class policy.

Displays an acceptable standard and occasionally does not adhere to class


Displays a poor standard and regularly does not adhere to class policy.


Maintains a clean and functional workstation. Deals with all sanitary concerns and helps in the end of day clean

up procedures.

Maintains a clean and functional workstation. Deals with all sanitary

concerns and helps in the end of day clean up


Maintains a clean and functional workstation. Deals with all sanitary

concerns and helps in the end of day clean up


Maintains a clean and functional workstation. Deals with all sanitary

concerns and helps in the end of day clean up


Score /24

Less Attendance


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Meal-Service Evaluation

Thank you so much for supporting our Culinary program. Our Meal Management project provides our students with a truly

“hands on” opportunity to practice and showcase a variety of their skills in the culinary field. The planning, preparation, and

execution of this event has been an invaluable learning experience, and we thank you very much for sharing it with us. We

hope you ate well and enjoyed yourself!

Please take a few minutes to provide feedback on our meal service:


How would you rate the menu based on variety, attention to dietary restrictions, overall cohesiveness, etc.? 1 2 3 4 5 Terrible Fine Excellent


How would you rate the presentation of this meal? 1 2 3 4 5 Terrible Fine Excellent

Food Quality

How would you rate the overall quality of the food with respect to taste, temperature, texture, etc.? 1 2 3 4 5 Terrible Fine Excellent


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Self-Evaluation Your Name: __________________________ Meal #: ________________________

Please reflect upon your participation within your group and complete this rubic, as well as the questions. CATEGORY 4 3 2 1


I routinely provided useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. I was a definite leader who contributed a

lot of effort.

I usually provided useful ideas when participating in the

group and in classroom discussion. I was a strong group member who tried


I sometimes provided useful ideas when participating in the

group and in classroom discussion. I

was a satisfactory group member who did

what is required.

I rarely provided useful ideas when

participating in the group and in

classroom discussion. I sometimes refused to


Working with Others

I almost always listened to, shared with, and supported the efforts of others. I tried

to keep people working well together.

I usually listened to, shared with, and

supported the efforts of others. I did not cause "waves" in the group.

I often listened to, shared with, and

supported the efforts of others, but sometimes was not a good team


I rarely listened to, shared with, and

supported the efforts of others. I often was

not a good team player.


I actively looked for and suggested solutions to


I refined solutions suggested by others.

I did not suggest or refine solutions, but was willing to try out

solutions suggested by others.

I did not try to solve problems or help

others solve problems. I let others do the


Focus on the task

I consistently stayed focused on the task and

what needed to be done. I was very self-directed.

I focused on the task and what needed to be done most of the time. Other group members

could count on me.

I focused on the task and what needed to be done some of the time.

The other group members sometimes

had to prod and remind me to keep on-task.

I rarely focused on the task and what needed to be done. I let others

do the work.


I was never publicly critical of the project or the work of

others. I always had a positive attitude about the


I was rarely publicly critical of the project or

the work of others. I usually had a positive attitude about the task.

I was sometimes publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. I often had a

positive attitude about

I was often publicly critical of the project or

the work of other members of the group. I often had a negative

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the task. attitude about the task.


I had 0 unexcused absences during the meal, and my group could count

on me to work hard and get the job done.

I had 0 unexcused absences, and my group could mostly

count on me to get the job done.

I had 0 unexcused absences, but was not

a reliable group member.

I had at least 1 unexcused absence.

1. What roles or responsibilities did you assume throughout this task? What was your job in the group?

2. What things do you believe you and your group did well?

3. How could you and your group have worked together more effectively?

4. Please color in the circle graph to the right to represent the amount of work each member of your group did while working together on this project.

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Please label each section with the name of the member to whom you are referring.

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Peer Evaluation

Your Name: __________________________ Meal #: ________________________ Using the rubric below, please evaluate each of your group members.

Group Member Names

Contribution to Group Goals

Consideration of Others

Contribution of Knowledge

Working and Sharing with Others

Total /16

1 2 3 4

Contribution to Group Goals

Works toward group goals

only when prompted.

Works toward group goals with occasional prompting.

Works towards group goals without occasional

prompting; accepts and fulfills individual role within

the group.

Consistently and actively works toward group goals; willingly accepts and fulfills individual role within group.

Consideration of Others

Needs occasional reminders to be sensitive to the feelings

of others.

Shows sensitivity to the feelings of others.

Shows and expresses

sensitivity to the feelings of others; encourages the participation of others.

Shows sensitivity to the feelings and learning needs of others; values the knowledge, opinion, and skills of all group

members and encourages their contribution.

Contribution of Knowledge

Contributes info to the group only when prompted.

Contributes info to the group with occasional prompting or


Contributes knowledge, opinions, and skills without

prompting or reminding.

Consistently and actively contributes knowledge,

opinions, and skills without prompting or reminding.

Working and Sharing with Others

Participates in needed changes when prompted and encouraged; always or often

relies on others to do the work.

Participates in need changes with occasional prompting;

often needs reminding to do the work.

Willingly participates in

needed changes; usually does the work assigned and rarely

needs reminding.

Helps the group identify necessary changes and

encourages group action for change; always does the

assigned work without having to be reminded.

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Managing Group Evaluation

Your Name: __________________________ Meal #: ________________________ Using the rubric below, please evaluate each member of the managing group.

Group Member Names

Planning & Preparation

Leadership Attitude & Demeanor

Collaboration Meal Total /20

Getting Started On Their Way Arrived

Planning and Preparation

Student shows little evidence of having done prior preparation in areas such as

menu planning, napkin folds, tray labels, plating, and portioning.

Student shows some evidence of having done prior preparation in areas such as menu

planning, napkin folds, tray labels, plating, and portioning.

Student shows strong evidence of having done prior preparation in areas such as menu

planning, napkin folds, tray labels, plating, and portioning.


Student plays a passive role, generates very few new ideas, tends to do only

what they are told to do by others.

Student plays an active role in generating new ideas, takes initiative in getting tasks organized, delegates responsibilities when needed, keeps

group on task and on schedule.

In addition to meeting criteria for “On Their Way,” student monitors progress towards

group goals and adapts easily to changes in the task or group.

Attitude and Demeanor

Student does not display positive attitude in words, expression or body language. Does not provide positive


Student displays positive attitude toward individual and group tasks in words, expression, and body language. Provides positive feedback.

In addition to meeting criteria for “On Their Way,” student goes out of their way to

encourage positive behaviour.


Student participates minimally, rarely utilizes contributions of others, rarely

interacts with other groups.

Student works well with all groups, asking for input and utilizing the contributions of others.

In addition to meeting criteria for “On Their Way,” student initiates opportunities for

collaboration, manages and resolves conflicts to achieve consensus.


Meal was completed, however, several problems occurred and overall management was poor.

Meal was completed to satisfaction. Few problems occurred and overall management was good.

Meal was completed with a high degree of satisfaction. Very few problems occurred and overall management was superb!

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Meal Service Follow Up (Individual)

Group Name

Meal #:


What was your role in your meal service?

What strengths did you bring to this meal?

Identify and describe a strength that each member of your team brought to this project.

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How successful would you say your meal was? Why?

How could your meal have been improved?

Costing Menu Item Name of Dish Cost Per Person

Bread Side #1 Side #2

Main Dessert