QUESTION 5 The table below shows the marginal utility of good A, good B and good C for Betty. Unit of goods Marginal Utility for good A (MUA) Marginal Utility for good B (MUB) Marginal Utility for good C (MUC) 1 18 39 12 2 16 36 10 3 14 33 9 4 12 30 8 5 10 27 7 6 8 24 6



Transcript of ME

  • QUESTION 5The table below shows the marginal utility of good A, good B and good C for Betty.

    Unit of goodsMarginal Utility for good A (MUA)Marginal Utility for good B (MUB)Marginal Utility for good C (MUC)1183912216361031433941230851027768246

  • (a) Suppose Betty has RM26 to spend on these three goods. The prices of good A, good B and good C are RM2, RM3 and RM1 respectively. What combination of three goods should be purchased in order to maximise utility?To maximize utility, we use the Utility Maximizing Rule :MUA/ PA= MUB/ PB = MUC/PC

    STEP 1 Calculate the MU/P = Marginal Utility per dollar

    Price : A = RM2, B = RM3, C = RM1



    16 utils/RM2 = 24 utils/RM3 = 8 utils/RM1

    So betty should purchase 2 units of good A, 6 units of good B and 4 units of good C to maximise her utility.

    2PA + 6PB + 4PC = 2(RM2) + 6(RM3) + 4(RM1) = RM26

  • What will she buy first?

    The first B gives you 13 units of satisfaction per dollar which is more than the first A or C. So buy 1 B

    What will she buy next?

    The second B and the first C both give 12 units of satisfaction per dollar, so buy them.

    What will she buy next? The third B since it gives 11 units of satisfaction per dollar than the others.

    What is next?Keep shopping until you have spent all of your money.

  • (b) Based on the answer above, what is the total utility derived by Betty?

    2 units of good A, 6 units of good B and 4 units of good C

    TUA + TUB+ TUC = 34 + 189 + 39

    = 262

    Conclusion : Betty will get a total of 262 units of satisfaction.

    Unit of goodsMUATUAMUBTUBMUCTUC0-0-0-011818393912122163436751022314483310893141260301388395107027165746687824189652