ME2L Step-By-step GUIDE - Display a List of POs

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ME2L Step-By-step GUIDE - Display a List of POs

Transcript of ME2L Step-By-step GUIDE - Display a List of POs

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    SAP reporting ME2L - Display a list of POs with Outstanding GR or IR step-by-step guide.

    Prepared by Wojciech Adamski Consultant SAP at Valeant Pharmaceuticals International | PharmaSwiss Poland Sp. z o.o. Address: Przemysowa 2, 35-959 Rzeszw, POLAND Phone: Desk +48 75 643-3257 | Mobile +48 691 501 352 Mail: [email protected]

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    Table of content 1. When to Use .................................................................................................................................... 3

    2. How to perform ME2L report in ALV Grid ....................................................................................... 3

    Result/Example of report .................................................................................................................... 4

    3. ME2L layout information .............................................................................................................. 5

    3.1. Function bar and layout modification ......................................................................................... 5

    3.1.1. Object navigation .............................................................................................................. 5

    3.1.2. Modifying columns ............................................................................................... 6

    Resize Columns .................................................................................................................................... 6

    Move Columns ..................................................................................................................................... 6

    Freeze Columns ................................................................................................................................... 6

    Sort Columns ....................................................................................................................................... 6

    Hide Columns ...................................................................................................................................... 6

    Calculate Columns ............................................................................................................................... 6

    3.1.3. Navigating Totals and Subtotals ................................................................................. 7

    Totals ................................................................................................................................................... 7

    Subtotals .............................................................................................................................................. 7

    3.1.4. Manage Report Layout ....................................................................................... 8

    Change Column Order ......................................................................................................................... 8

    Change Sort Order ............................................................................................................................... 8

    Apply Filter .......................................................................................................................................... 9

    Change Display Options ....................................................................................................................... 9

    Save a Report Layout ......................................................................................................................... 10

    Select a Layout................................................................................................................................... 10

    Delete a Layout .................................................................................................................................. 10

    3.1.5. Report Integration with Microsoft Office ......................................................... 11

    Save to Local File ............................................................................................................................... 11

    Exporting to Microsoft Excel ............................................................................................................. 12

    3.1.6. Send report via e-mail .................................................................................................... 12

    3.1.7. Information ..................................................................................................................... 13

    3.2. Results of reports - data Grid ..................................................................................... 14

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    1. When to Use

    To display a list of Purchase Orders with outstanding goods receipts (goods still be delivered) or

    invoice receipts (invoices to be paid). This list is to be reviewed to determine if the purchase order

    item(s) should remain active or if it should be cancelled/finalized.

    2. How to perform ME2L report in ALV Grid

    Type ME2L transaction code in command field

    and press ENTER

    On selection screen, You can enter a lot of information to narrow down the scope of displaying


    Obligatory for You are 2 fields:

    Plant = SL01 Slovenia Plant

    Scope of List (default is BEST, but chose ALV)

    If You set cursor on any field, and click on buton or press F4, then search help for this field will

    appear (this concerns to all fields in SAP).


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    If You press F1 button to any field then help for this field will apear.

    ALV is special SAP layout used for flexible screen changes and prepare analysis. After a report has

    been generated, there are many options available for customizing the data within the ALV grid. The

    sections below give more information for using the available options.

    Result/Example of report

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    3. ME2L layout information

    3.1. Function bar and layout modification

    Report ME2L is equipped in function bar with lets user to create very flexible analysis .

    3.1.1. Object navigation

    According to report coded as ALV Grid user can navigate directly to display source transaction

    connected to the object. For ME2L report programmer provide a lot of direct links with are very

    useful for quick navigation on SAP objects.

    Note: To use direct link You have only to double click on specified fields on ALV Grid report layout, or

    choose field and click .

    Column name (direct linkage) Source transaction

    Purchase document ME23N Display Purchase Order (header data)

    Info Record ME13 Display Info Record

    Material MM03 Display Material master

    Vendor/Supplying Plant MK03 Display Vendor Master

    Item ME23N Display Purchase Order (position data)

    POH - Purchase order


    This linkage shows separate window with all PO related


    Material document

    Incoming invoice

    Purchase requisition


    Purch.Req. Me53N Display Purchase Requisition

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    3.1.2. Modifying columns

    There are many options for manually modifying columns, including resizing, moving, freezing, sorting,

    hiding, and calculating.

    Resize Columns

    To resize a column, place your cursor over the line between column headers. When it turns into a

    cross, click and drag the edge of the column.

    Move Columns

    To move a column, click the column header once to select it. Then click and drag the column header

    to a new location.

    Freeze Columns

    To freeze a column, right-click the column header and select Freeze to Column. The column will not

    move when you scroll. To unfreeze the column, right-click the column header and select Unfreeze


    Sort Columns

    To sort a column, select a column header then click the appropriate sort icon. The icon sorts a

    column in ascending order. The icon sorts a column in descending order.

    Hide Columns

    To hide a column, right-click the column header and select Hide.

    Calculate Columns

    If a column is totaled, the mean, minimum, or maximum value can be determined by following the

    menu path Edit > Calculate and then selecting the desired option. The calculated value replaces the

    total at the end of the report.

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    3.1.3. Navigating Totals and Subtotals


    To make total in specified colum, right-click on column header and chose Total, or choose column

    header then click icon . Then column header label will change to small total sign. ,

    and total value of column will appear at the bottom of column ( it is configurable where

    total value should be displayed).


    To make subtotal, You have made Total in any column then right-click on non-value column and

    choose Subtotals, or choose column header then click icon . Then chosen column will be sorted

    and blanked lines for subtotaled column will be added to layout with small icon on right


    To expand or collapse the lines included in a single subtotal, click the expand or collapse icon next to

    the field being subtotaled. To expand or collapse all subtotals, click the expand/collapse icon in the

    lower left-hand corner of the total line.

    Expand or collapse all subtotals Expand or collapse individual subtotals



    Expand/Collapse - All

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    3.1.4. Manage Report Layout

    While many individual modifications can be made to a report using icons and dragging columns,

    multiple modifications can be made at once using the change layout function. The Change Layout icon

    provides an interface for changing the column order and the sort order. It allows you to apply filters

    and display options to the report. Below are directions for each of these functions. After making

    changes, click (Transfer) to apply your changes.

    Change Column Order

    The Columns tab is used to select and order the columns you want to appear on your report. The

    names on the left indicate the columns included in the order they will appear. The names on the right

    are the available fields that can be added. Double-click on a column name to move it from one area to

    the other. To reorder the columns, select a column name and click the arrows at the top of the tab to

    move the column up or down a position. Ctrl + alt choose all fields, You can also can use search help

    for quick find a field.

    Change Sort Order

    The Sort Order tab is used to define the sort order and subtotaling by column. The names on the left

    indicate the columns to be sorted in the order they will be sorted. The names on the right are the

    available columns. Double-click on a column name to move it from one area to the other. To reorder

    the columns, select a column name and click the arrows at the top of the tab to move the column up or

    down a position.

    There are three fields to the left of each included column. The first radio button indicates ascending

    order. The second radio button indicates descending order. The check box determines if the column is


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    Apply Filter

    The Filter tab is used to set criteria for including or excluding specific items in a report.

    In the first step You have to define Filter Criteria. The names on the left indicate the columns to be

    filtered in the order they will be filtered. The names on the right are the available columns. Double-click

    on a column name to move it from one area to the other. To reorder the columns, select a column

    name and click the arrows at the top of the tab to move the column up or down a position.

    In the second step You have to determine Values for filter Criteria

    You can use the multiple selection icon to enter multiple values or ranges. You can also use dynamic

    selections to apply operators to the criteria.

    When you are finished entering values, click (Copy) to apply the filter.

    Change Display Options

    The Display tab is used to change the way a reportis displayed. The following table provides an

    explanation of each option.

    Display Option Description

    Without horizontal gridlines Removes horizontal lines

    Without vertical gridlines Removes vertical lines

    Without column headings Removes column headers

    Without cell merging during sorts during


    Places a horizontal line between each entry.

    If not checked, horizontal lines are removed

    between identical values.

    Optimize columns

    Set each column to the width of its largest

    value With striped pattern

    Display totals lines above the entries

    Moves totals and subtotals above the lines

    they summarize

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    Save a Report Layout

    1. Click (Save Layout).

    2. Enter a name in the Save Layout field. The name must begin with a letter.

    3. Type in a description for the layout in the Name field.

    4. Select the Default Setting check box if you want this layout to be the default layout every time

    you run the report.

    5. Click (Continue).

    Note: A warning message will appear if you are trying to save over an existing layout. Close the box

    by selecting the X in the upper right hand corner or choose Yes to overwrite the layout.

    Select a Layout

    1. Click (Select Layout).

    2. Select a layout from list and click (Enter). Your report will display in the layout you have


    Delete a Layout

    If a layout you created is no longer useful, it can be deleted using the following process.

    1. Follow the menu path Settings > Layout > Manage.

    2. Select the layout(s) to be deleted by clicking on the gray box on the left side of the layout


    3. Click (Delete layout). The layout is removed.

    4. Click (Back). A pop-up box displays asking you to save your changes. Click Yes.

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    3.1.5. Report Integration with Microsoft Office

    After generating a report, it is possible to export it into Microsoft Excel and/or Microsoft Word using

    three different options. Each of these options saves the file in a slightly different format. Before using

    any of these options, you have to set the macro security in your Office products to medium. Within

    your Office program, follow the menu path Tools > Macro > Security. Select the Medium security

    setting. Then click the Trusted Sources tab and ensure all the check boxes are selected. Click OK to

    save the changes. For the best results, ensure your Office program is closed before performing any of

    the following actions.

    Save to Local File

    Using this export option will retain all of the formatting that you may have done to

    the report in SAP, such as moving columns, setting filters and sorts, etc., but w

    ill not retain any of the color or font formatting in SAP, unless you choose the HTML option.

    1. Click (Local file). The Save list in file... box will open.

    2. Choose the desired file type in which to save the file.

    unconverted - tab-delimited file not associated with a program

    Spreadsheet - Microsoft Excel file

    Rich text format - Microsoft Word file

    HTML format - HTML file. This option adds some formatting,which will make it display

    similiar to the report in SAP.

    3. Click (Continue). The Transfer DAT to a Local File box will open.

    4. The default location in which to save the file is your "SAPWorkDir" folder. Click (Search) to

    choose another location.

    5. Enter your file name at the end of the path and use the proper extension associated with the

    file type you chose in step 2.

    unconverted - none

    Spreadsheet - .xls

    Rich text format - .rtf

    HTML format - .html

    6. Click . The message "XXX Bytes transferred" will display, indicating that your file was

    successful exported.

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    Exporting to Microsoft Excel

    Using this export option will not retain any of the formatting that you applied in SAP, such as moving

    columns, setting filters and sorts, etc. However, it does add a colored background and heading and

    retains the proper column width.

    1. Click (Spreadsheet...). An Information box will open advising you that any formatting you

    have applied in SAP will not be exported with the data.

    2. Click (Continue). The Export list object to XXL box will open.

    3. Choose Table and click (Continue).

    4. Click (Continue) again.

    5. Excel will open with the report displayed. You can now format the report and save it as

    necessary in external xls file.

    6. In SAP, an Information box opens stating that you should save the data in the spreadsheet. As

    soon as you click (Continue), the report in Excel closes, so be sure you have saved it if

    necessary before doing so.

    3.1.6. Send report via e-mail

    If You have report on screen prepared You can then send it to directly from SAP to any person by

    click on .

    On tab You can see report included to message

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    Type message title and description

    then choose recipient, or type e-mail address

    in appropriate fields

    then click on .

    Document is dispatched to mail-box as a html web page.

    3.1.7. Information

    You can use this function in any case to get more information about ALV Grid control, and ME@*

    reports. After click on button SAP re-direct You to web page where this information are


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    3.2. Results of reports - data Grid

    ME2L report gives two connected ranges of data witch You can choose from function bar.

    1. Purchase orders basic data

    2. Delivery schedule

    According to those two list, further information are available.

    Purchase orders basic view Delivery schedule

    Purchasing Document Number ALL FIELDS FROM BASIC VIEW

    Item Number of Purchasing Document Delivery Schedule Line Counter

    Purchasing Document Type Item Delivery Date

    Purchasing Document Delivery Date Time-Spot

    Category Statistics-Relevant Delivery Date

    Vendor/Supplying Plant Scheduled Quantity

    Purchasing Organization Previous Quantity (Delivery Schedule Lines)

    Purchasing Group Quantity of Goods Received

    Purchasing Document Date Issued Quantity

    Material Number Quantity Delivered (Stock Transfer)

    Short Text Purchase Requisition Number

    Material Group Item Number of Purchase Requisition

    Purchase Order History/Release Documentation Creation Indicator (Purchase Requisition/Schedule Lines)

    Component Consumption History

    Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document

    Item Category in Purchasing Document

    Item Category in Purchasing Document

    Account Assignment Category

    Requirement Tracking Number


    Storage Location

    Purchase Order Quantity

    Purchase Order Unit of Measure

    Purchase Order Quantity in Stockkeeping Unit

    Stockkeeping Unit

    Net price

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    Currency Key

    Price Unit

    Number of Principal Purchase Agreement

    Item Number of Principal Purchase Agreement

    Target Value for Header Area per Distribution

    Total Open Value

    Open value

    Released Value

    Target Quantity

    Open Target Quantity in the Case of Outline


    Quantity Released to Date

    Start of Validity Period

    End of Validity Period

    Still to be Delivered (Quantity)

    Still to be Delivered (Value)

    Still to be Invoiced (Quantity)

    Still to be Invoiced (Value)

    Deadline for Submission of Bid/Quotation

    RFQ status

    Collective Number

    No. of Positions

    Control indicator for purchasing document type

    Number of Purchasing Info Record

    Package number

    Release group

    Release Strategy

    Release status

    Release Indicator: Purchasing Document

    Issuing Storage Location for Stock Transport


    Name of Vendor

    Order Price Unit (Purchasing)

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    Sales Tax Code

    Tax Jurisdiction

    Net Order Value in PO Currency

    Purchase order not yet complete

    Category of Incompleteness

    Notified Quantity

    SRM Fields in Purchase Order Item

    Item Number Length

    External Sorting

    External Hierarchy Category

    DFPS Append for Output Structure for List

    Displays in Purch.

    Append for ALV output table purchasing


    Smart Number

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    Purchase orders basic data view example

    Delivery schedule view example