MDLF Media Forum Sigal


Transcript of MDLF Media Forum Sigal

We aggregate, curate and amplify global conversations online - shining light on places and people other media often ignore

We develop tools, networks and initiatives to ensure that people have the capacity to find and create the information they need to improve their lives and participate more fully in their communities

We are a platform for experimentation in global citizen media - supporting networks of innovators in the developing world

image by: d r o ïd

Much information that we need already exists. The challenges are who has access to it, and how to organize it.

In a world of information abundance, a key goal of media is to contextualize and explain, using storytelling and data analysis.

Information creation continues to be a need. The hard work of creating information/news is still labor-intensive and costly, regardless of distribution platform.


You don’t need a lot of money to start. 

Tools are abundant; building communities of use and practice is difficult.

Treat users as peers, citizens, collaborators, and potential investors.

Build measures into the project from the beginning.

Accept failure as a possible outcome – as long as there’s learning.

Recommendations for community-driven citizen media

Iv a n S ig a l G lo b a l Vo ic e s

w e b. .w w w g lo b a lv o ic e s o n lin e o r g

e m a il. .i s ig a l@g lo b a lv o ic e s o n lin e o r g