MDA JOURNAL 2016 Author/Title Index to the …...“2016 Author/Title Index to the Journal of the...

2016 Author/Title Index to the Journal of the Michigan Dental Association MDA JOURNAL By Jackie Hammond A “A Peri-Radicular Radiolucency of the Mandible: A Diagnostic Challenge of an Incidental Finding” Satishchandran, BS, Sruthi, Varge, DMD, Richard, Potluri, BDSA, DMD, MDS, ANitha, and Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd, Elizabeth Ann, December, 38 “Access to Care: 12 Tips to Help You Treat Healthy Michigan Plan Patients” Knowles, DDS, Lisa, May, 34 “Access to Care: Why I’m A Mission of Mercy Volunteer” Verhagen, DDS, MS, Connie, March, 56 Aksu, DDS, JD, MHSA, Mert N. “Reflecting on the Year and Looking Forward,” September, 28 “Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management” Ismail, Renee; Munz, DDS, Stephanie M.; Persico, DMD, Jeffrey E.; Ward, DDS, MD, Brent B.; Benavides, DDS, PhD, Erika; and Danciu, DMD, DMSc, Theodora E., April, 48 “An Interview with Dr. Larry DeGroat 2016-17 MDA President” May, 28 “An Unbelievable Volunteer Experience in the Prisons of Bolivia” Zelazny, DDS, Donald, and Hegedus, DDS, Theresa, October, 46 “Angioedema of the Uvula” Brown, MD, Ryan; and Pasquali, MS, Paigel, August, 42 Annual Session Preview February, 26 March, 22 B Benavides, DDS, PhD, Erika “Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management,” April, 48 Bhattacharyya, Dr. Indraneel “Diagnostic Discussion,” July, 36 Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd, Elizabeth Ann “A Peri-Radicular Radiolucency of the Mandible: A Diagnostic Challenge of an Incidental Finding,” December, 38 Bland, DDS, Paul S. “Surgical Management of Implant-Associated Gingival Fenestrations,” November, 40 Borucki, CPA, Gary “Win-Win Compensation Strategies for a Happy Staff and Healthy Bottom Line,” August, 44 Boynton, DDS, MS, James R. “Etiology, Classification and Management of Ectopic Eruption of Permanent First Molars,” January, 26 Brown, MD, Ryan “Angioedema of the Uvula,” August, 42 Burgess, MBA, CAE, Karen “Member Get a Member: No ‘Sales Personality’ Required,” June, 28 “Membership: Your Connection to Success,” November, 26 “New MDA Digital Advertising Is Showing Results,” September, 26 “Reflections: Awesome 2015, Even Better 2016,” February, 20 “Thanks to You, a Solid List of MDA Accomplishments During the Past Year,” May, 26 C “Can Dentists Have Their Cake and Eat It Too?” Nalliah, DDS, MS, Romesh P., July, 44 Casamassimo, DDS, MS, Paul S. “Do Early Dental Visits Reduce Treatment and Treatment Costs for Children?” January, 36 Cheng, DDS, MS, PhD, Yi-Shing Lisa “Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month,” May, 42 Childs, DMD, Sarah Harding “Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month,” May, 42 Christensen, DDS, Louis “Necrotizing Fasciitis: Case Presentation and Literature Review,” September, 36 Committee on Peer Review/Ethics “Dentistry and the Principles of Ethics,” December, 24 “Common Barriers to Financial Success — And How to Overcome Them” Schumann, CPA, CFP, Theodore C., and Schumann II, MBA, MSF, CRP, AIF, Theodore C., January, 46 “Common Oral Gingival Lesions” FOCUS: PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Plus: National Children’s Dental Health Month Preview SPECIAL SECTION MDA ANNUAL SESSION REGISTRATION OPENS THIS MONTH See Page 6 JANUARY 2016 MARCH 2016 WHY I’M A MOM VOLUNTEER By Connie Verhagen, DDS, MS N O V I A P R I L 1 3 - 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL SESSION DETAILS INSIDE See these speakers and many more in Novi next month! Dr. George Bruder Dr. Marc Geissberger Dr. Sahar Alrayyes Dr. Roy Shelburne Dr. CarolAnne Murdoch-Kinch Dr. Parag Kachalia Karen Baker Dr. John Molinari Debra Engelhardt-Nash Dr. George Bruder MAY 2016 12 TIPS TO HELP YOU TREAT HEALTHY MICHIGAN PLAN PATIENTS Dr. Larry DeGroat An Interview with 2016-17 MDA President FOUR GREAT DAYS TO REMEMBER! ANNUAL SESSION 2016: Photos & More Inside JUNE 2016 2016-17 MDA CONTINUING DENTAL EDUCATION CATALOG IN THIS ISSUE N O V I A P R I L 1 3 - 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 43 JOURNAL OF THE MICHIGAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION • DECEMBER 2016

Transcript of MDA JOURNAL 2016 Author/Title Index to the …...“2016 Author/Title Index to the Journal of the...

2016 Author/Title Index to the Journal of the Michigan Dental Association


By Jackie Hammond

A“A Peri-Radicular Radiolucency of the Mandible: A Diagnostic Challenge of an Incidental Finding”

Satishchandran, BS, Sruthi, Varge, DMD, Richard, Potluri, BDSA, DMD, MDS, ANitha, and Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd, Elizabeth Ann, December, 38

“Access to Care: 12 Tips to Help You Treat Healthy Michigan Plan Patients”

Knowles, DDS, Lisa, May, 34“Access to Care: Why I’m A Mission of Mercy Volunteer”

Verhagen, DDS, MS, Connie, March, 56Aksu, DDS, JD, MHSA, Mert N.

“Reflecting on the Year and Looking Forward,” September, 28

“Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management”

Ismail, Renee; Munz, DDS, Stephanie M.; Persico, DMD, Jeffrey E.; Ward, DDS, MD, Brent B.; Benavides, DDS, PhD, Erika; and Danciu, DMD, DMSc, Theodora E., April, 48

“An Interview with Dr. Larry DeGroat 2016-17 MDA President”

May, 28“An Unbelievable Volunteer Experience in the Prisons of Bolivia”

Zelazny, DDS, Donald, and Hegedus, DDS, Theresa, October, 46

“Angioedema of the Uvula”Brown, MD, Ryan; and Pasquali, MS, Paigel, August, 42

Annual Session PreviewFebruary, 26March, 22

BBenavides, DDS, PhD, Erika

“Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management,” April, 48

Bhattacharyya, Dr. Indraneel “Diagnostic Discussion,” July, 36

Bilodeau, DMD, MD, MSEd, Elizabeth Ann “A Peri-Radicular Radiolucency of the Mandible: A Diagnostic Challenge of an Incidental Finding,” December, 38

Bland, DDS, Paul S. “Surgical Management of Implant-Associated Gingival Fenestrations,” November, 40

Borucki, CPA, Gary “Win-Win Compensation Strategies for a Happy Staff and Healthy Bottom Line,” August, 44

Boynton, DDS, MS, James R. “Etiology, Classification and Management of Ectopic Eruption of Permanent First Molars,” January, 26

Brown, MD, Ryan “Angioedema of the Uvula,” August, 42

Burgess, MBA, CAE, Karen “Member Get a Member: No ‘Sales Personality’ Required,” June, 28“Membership: Your Connection to Success,” November, 26

“New MDA Digital Advertising Is Showing Results,” September, 26“Reflections: Awesome 2015, Even Better 2016,” February, 20“Thanks to You, a Solid List of MDA Accomplishments During the Past Year,” May, 26

C“Can Dentists Have Their Cake and Eat It Too?”

Nalliah, DDS, MS, Romesh P., July, 44Casamassimo, DDS, MS, Paul S.

“Do Early Dental Visits Reduce Treatment and Treatment Costs for Children?” January, 36

Cheng, DDS, MS, PhD, Yi-Shing Lisa “Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month,” May, 42

Childs, DMD, Sarah Harding “Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month,” May, 42

Christensen, DDS, Louis “Necrotizing Fasciitis: Case Presentation and Literature Review,” September, 36

Committee on Peer Review/Ethics “Dentistry and the Principles of Ethics,” December, 24

“Common Barriers to Financial Success — And How to Overcome Them”

Schumann, CPA, CFP, Theodore C., and Schumann II, MBA, MSF, CRP, AIF, Theodore C., January, 46

“Common Oral Gingival Lesions”


National Children’s Dental Health Month Preview







I • APRIL 13-1

6, 2



See these speakers and many more in Novi next month!

Dr. George Bruder Dr. Marc Geissberger Dr. Sahar Alrayyes Dr. Roy Shelburne Dr. CarolAnne Murdoch-Kinch

Dr. Parag Kachalia Karen Baker Dr. John Molinari Debra Engelhardt-Nash Dr. George Bruder

MAY 2016


Dr. Larry DeGroatAn Interview with

2016-17 MDA President

Four Great Days to remember!


Photos & More Inside

JUNE 2016










Gadalla, BDS, Hana; Lamble, DDS, Monica; Ojha, BDS, Junu; Mammo, DDS, Sohayla; and Kinaia, DDS, MS, Bassam, April, 44

Conlon, DDS, Steven“A Greater Need for Political Advocacy in Michigan,” May, 16“Access to Care Success Requires Your Involvement,” August, 16“Dental Office Embezzlement: A Cautionary Tale,” December, 14“Get the Most out of Your MDA Membership . . . Become an MDA Volunteer Leader,” October, 20“MDA Rebranding and New Logo Ready to Launch,” August, 16“What an Honor . . .,” June, 18“Who Represents the House of Delegates on the MDA Board?” November, 16 “Will the Cost of Dental Education Soon Outweigh the Benefit?” July, 14

Cundick, DDS, David “Necrotizing Fasciitis: Case Presentation and Literature Review,” September, 36

DDanciu, DMD, DMSc, Theodora E.

“Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management,” April, 48

DeGroat, DDS, Larry“Diversity, Branding Come into Sharp Focus at June Meeting,” August, 76 “Outgoing, Incoming Boards Meet Following April’s House of Delegates,” June, 92“If You’re Looking for a Better MDA — Be a Better Member,” November, 76

“Dental Treatment Considerations for Children with Complex Medical Histories: A Case of Townes-Brock Syndrome”

Elkaiali, DMD, MPH, Lujayn, Ratliff, DDS, Katelin, and Oueis, DDS, PhD, Hassan, January, 32

Dentistry and the Law (column)“Watch Out for Objectionable ‘Insecurity Clauses’ in Practice Loan Documentation,” January, 18“Credit Report and Interest Questions,” March, 16“What You Should Know about Unpaid Internships in Your Office,” April, 18“Troubles with Obtaining a Copy of Dental Records,” May, 18“Why Reading and Understanding Your Contracts Is So Important,” June, 20“Does a Refusal to Obtain Necessary Treatment Constitute Child Abuse?” July, 16“Dental Records Questions and Answers,” August, 18“Hearing-impaired Patients: Your Legal Obligations” September, 18“Preventing the Use of a Stolen Patient List” October, 22

“Is Encryption of Email with Dental Record Information Required?” November, 18“Increased Public Access to State Disciplinary Actions,” December, 16

“Dentistry and the Principles of Ethics”Committee on Peer Review/Ethics, December, 24

“Dentistry Should Adopt Strategies from Large Hospital Networks”

Nalliah, DDS, MS, Romesh P., February, 69“Diagnostic Discussion”

Bhattacharyya, Dr. Indraneel; Schlott, Dr. B.J.; and Islam, Dr. Nadim M., July, 36

“Do Early Dental Visits Reduce Treatment and Treatment Costs for Children?”

Nowak, DMD, MA, Arthur J., Casamassimo, DDS, MS, Paul S., Scott, PhD, JoAnna, and Moulton, Richard, January, 36

EElkaiali, DMD, MPH, Lujayn

“Dental Treatment Considerations for Children with Complex Medical Histories: A Case of Townes-Brock Syndrome,” January, 32

“Employee Embezzlement”Weber, Thomas J. and Howlett, Camille A., December, 34

“Etilogy, Classification and Management of Ectopic Eruption of Permanent First Molars”

Hsiao, DDS, Chu-Chun, and Boynton, DDS, MS, James R., January, 26

Evans, DDS, Heath “Necrotizing Fasciitis: Case Presentation and Literature Review,” September, 36

“Exclusive MDA Health Plan Delivers Value: Learn How to Join for 2017”

Start, MBA, Craig, September, 40

F“Focus on Children’s Dental Health”

Malcheff, DDS, Sam, January, 24Foe, MA, David

“New Smiles, New Hope at the 2016 Mission of Mercy,” August, 26

From the Editor (column)“Thoughts on National Children’s Dental Health Month,” January, 16“The Choosing Wisely Initiative,” March, 14“My Last Editorial,” April, 16“A Greater Need for Political Advocacy in Michigan,” May, 16“What an Honor . . .,” June, 18“Will the Cost of Dental Education Soon Outweigh the Benefit?” July, 14“Access to Care Success Requires Your Involvement,” August, 16“MDA Rebranding and New Logo Ready to Launch,” September, 16“Who Represents the House of Delegates on the MDA Board?” November, 16“Dental Office Embezzlement: A Cautionary Tale,” December, 14

From the MDA Executive Director“Thanks to You, a Solid List of MDA Accomplishments During the Past Year,” May, 26

“Member Get a Member: No ‘Sales Personality’ Required,” June, 28“New MDA Digital Advertising Is Showing Results,” September, 26“Get the Most out of Your MDA Membership . . . Become an MDA Volunteer Leader,” October, 20

G Gadalla, BDS, Hana

“Common Oral Gingival Lesions,” April, 44

HHammond, Jackie

“2016 Author/Title Index to the Journal of the Michigan Dental Association,” December, 43

Headquarters Report (column)“Reflections: Awesome 2015, Even Better 2016,” February, 20

Hegedus, DDS, Theresa “An Unbelievable Volunteer Experience in the Prisons of Bolivia,” October, 46

Hoogasian, Cindy “Add Bank of America to Your Practice’s Financial Toolkit,” April, 26“Automated Patient Communication, Reputation Management Can Help Your Practice Thrive,” October, 28“How Using MDA Services Gloves and Supplies Can Improve Your Bottom Line,” April, 36“Make them Love Going to the Dentist, with eScapes,” December, 22“MDA-endorsed Payment Solutions Make It Easy for Patients to Pay,” June, 26“New Products, Special Savings and a Mobile App Now Available,” February, 24“Then vs. Now: How to Build a Modern Practice Website,” August, 24

Houlihan, DDS, Patrick “Will Your Practice Be Ready if Death or Illness Strikes?” February, 60

“How to Properly Manage Debt”Schumann, CPA, CFP, Theodore C., and Schumann II, MBA, MSF, CFP, AIR, Theodore C., February, 66

“How Using MDA Services Gloves and Supplies Can Improve Your Bottom Line”

Hoogasian, Cindy, April, 36Howlett, Camille A.

“Employee Embezzlement,” December, 34Hsiao, DDS, Chu-Chun

“Etilogy, Classification and Management of Ectopic Eruption of Permanent First Molars,” January, 26

I“In Your Practice, Behaviors Drive Results!”

Murphy, DDS, Mark, July, 40“Introducing LEAD 2.0: The MDA Leadership Exploration and Development Program”

Lord, MBA, Josh, November, 46Ismail, Renee

“Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management,” April, 48

Islam, Dr. Nadim M.

2016 Title Author Index(Continued from Page 43)

(Continued on Page 46)


January, 24Mammo, DDS, Sohayla

“Common Oral Gingival Lesions,” April, 44Masters, DDS, Lisa

“Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month,” February, 56

McCauley, DDS, MS, PhD, Laurie “U-M School of Dentistry: Committed to Excellence,” September, 32

McShane, DDS, Matt “Necrotizing Fasciitis: Case Presentation and Literature Review,” September, 36

MDA Foundation (column)“How You Can Benefit by Giving to the MDA Foundation,” April, 22

MDA Insurance (column)“Keep Your Dental Practice Safe from a Cyber Attack,” January, 22“HIPAA Compliance: Know Your Potential Vulnerabilities,” March, 20“Safeguard Against Financial Ruin with an Income Protection Safety Net,” May, 24“MDA Insurance & Financial Group Marks 30 Years of Service,” July, 22“Insuring Your Life — Protecting What Matters Now,” September, 24“2017 Health Insurance Open Enrollment Going on Now,” November, 24

“MDA Public Education Campaign”April, 34

MDA Services (column)“New Products, Special Savings and a Mobile App Now Available,” February, 24“Add Bank of America to Your Practice’s Financial Toolkit,” April, 26“MDA-endorsed Payment Solutions Make It Easy for Patients to Pay,” June, 26“Then vs. Now: How to Build a Modern Practice Website,” August, 24“Automated Patient Communication, Reputation Management Can Help Your Practice Thrive,” October, 28“Make them Love Going to the Dentist, with eScapes,” December, 22

“Medicare, Delta Dental’s New Contract Requirements, and Section 1557 Compliance”

September, 48Melot, Derek

“The Michigan Donated Dental Services (DDS) Program: ‘Tears of Sorrow . . . Tears of Happiness,’” December, 30“Up Close and Personal at the Michigan Mission of Mercy,” August, 32

“Membership: Your Connection to Success”Burgess, MBA, CAE, Karen, November, 26

Merchant, DMD, CDE, Virginia“My Last Editorial,” April, 16“The Choosing Wisely Initiative,” March, 14 “Thoughts on National Children’s Dental Health Month,” January, 16

Moulton, Richard “Do Early Dental Visits Reduce Treatment and Treatment Costs for Children?” January, 36

Munz, DDS, Stephanie M. “Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management,” April, 48

Mupparapu, DMD, MDS, Mel

“Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in the Oral Cavity,” April, 40

Murphy, DDS, Mark “In Your Practice, Behaviours Drive Results!” July, 40

“My Patient Gave Me a Second Chance at Life”Magulak, DDS, George, August, 36

NNalliah, DDS, MS, Romesh P.

“Can Dentists Have Their Cake and Eat It Too?” July, 44“Dentistry Should Adopt Strategies from Large Hospital Networks,” February, 69“One Dentist’s Experience Working with Dental Therapists,” October 38

“Necrotizing Fasciitis: Case Presentation and Literature Review”

Christensen, DDS, Louis; Evans, DDS, Heath; Cundick, DDS, David; McShane, DDS, Matt; Penna, DDS, Kevin; and Sadoff, DDS, Rory, September, 36

“New Smiles, New Hope at the 2016 Mission of Mercy,”

Foe, David, August, 26“Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in the Oral Cavity”

Syed, BDS, MS(HA), MS(OMFR), Ali Z.; Singer, DDS, Steven R.; and Mupparapu, DMD, MDS, Mel, April, 40

Nowak, DMD, MA, Arthur J. “Do Early Dental Visits Reduce Treatment and Treatment Costs for Children?” January, 36

OOjha, BDS, Junu

“Common Oral Gingival Lesions,” April, 44“One Dentist’s Experience Working with Dental Therapists”

Nalliah, DDS, Romesh P., October, 38“Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month”

Robledo, DDS, Juliana, and Masters, DDS, Lisa, February, 56

“Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month”

Childs, DMD, Sarah Harding; Kang, DDS, MD, MS, David R.; and Cheng, DDS, MS, PhD, Yi-Shing Lisa, May, 42

Oueis, DDS, PhD, Hassan “Dental Treatment Considerations for Children with Complex Medical Histories: A Case of Townes-Brock Syndrome,” January, 32

PPasquali, MS, Paige

“Angioedema of the Uvula,” August, 42Peer Review Ethics (column)

“An Unethical Way to Compensate for Lower Insurance Plan Fees,” April, 24“Dismissing a Handicapped Patient,” May, 22“Introducing a New, Non-disciplinary Option for Peer Review,” June, 24“Who’s Marketing You?” July, 20“What Happens When Patient Records Are Withheld,” August, 22“An Interesting Questions about Impaired

“Diagnostic Discussion,” July, 36

JJohnston, DDS, Mark M.

“Public Education, Strategic Plan, Think Tank Report Highlight Meeting,” February, 16

KKang DDS, MD, MS, David R.

“Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month,” May, 42

Kaysserian, DDS, Kerry “Why Every Dentist Should Support MDA Dental PAC,” July, 25

Kinaia, DDS, MS, Bassam “Common Oral Gingival Lesions,” April, 44

Kluzak, Josh “Special Report: 2016 Legislative Session Wrap-Up,” October, 30

Knowles, DDS, Lisa “Access to Care: 12 Tips to Help You Treat Healthy Michigan Plan Patients,” May, 34

Konvalinka, DDS, Keith “When Is It Time to Hang Up the Handpiece?” March, 60

LLamble, DDS, Monica

“Common Oral Gingival Lesions,” April, 44“Life After Dentistry: 10 Personal Questions to Consider”

Schumann, CPA, CFP, Theordore C., April, 28Livada, DDS, MS, Rania

“Surgical Management of Implant-Associated Gingival Fenestrations,” November, 40

Lord, Josh“Introducing LEAD 2.0: The MDA Leadership Exploration and Development Program,” November, 46 “LEAD Program Graduates First Class,” July, 72

MMagulak, DDS, George

“My Patient Gave Me a Second Chance at Life,” August, 36

Maier, Nancy“How You Can Benefit by Giving to the MDA Foundation,” April, 22

Maihofer, DDS, Michael“A New Orthodontist Faces a Continuing Care Dilemma,”, December, 20“An Interesting Questions about Impaired Consent,” September, 22“An Unethical Way to Compensate for Lower Insurance Plan Fees,” April, 24“Bartering Gone Wrong,” October, 26“Dismissing a Handicapped Patient,” May, 22“Ethical Implications of Auxiliary Practice Outside of Scope,” November, 22“Introducing a New, Non-disciplinary Option for Peer Review,” June, 24 “What Happens When Patient Records Are Withheld,” August, 22“Who’s Marketing You?” July, 20

Malcheff, DDS, Sam “Focus on Children’s Dental Health,”


2016 Title Author Index(Continued from Page 45)

Consent,” September, 22“Bartering Gone Wrong,” October, 26“Ethical Implications of Auxiliary Practice Outside of Scope,” November, 22“A New Orthodontist Faces a Continuing Care Dilemma,”, December, 20

Penna, DDS, Kevin “Necrotizing Fasciitis: Case Presentation and Literature Review,” September, 36

Persico, DMD, Jeffrey E. “Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management,” April, 48

Potluri, BDS, DMD, MDS, Anitha “A Peri-Radicular Radiolucency of the Mandible: A Diagnostic Challenge of an Incidental Finding,” December, 38

President’s Report“Public Education, Strategic Plan, Think Tank Report Highlight Meeting,” February, 16“Diversity, Branding Come into Sharp Focus at June Meeting,” August, 76“If You’re Looking for a Better MDA — Be a Better Member,” November, 76

RRatliff, DDS, Katelin

“Dental Treatment Considerations for Children with Complex Medical Histories: A Case of Townes-Brock Syndrome,” January, 32

“Reflecting on the Year and Looking Forward”Aksu, DDS, JD, MHSA, Mert N., September, 28

“Registered Dental Assistants Are in Demand!”Weber, CDA, RDA, BAS, Kathleen, June, 39

Reiss, DDS, Stacey “Risk Factors in the Development of Oral Bisphosphonate-induced Osteonecrosis,” October, 42

“Risk Factors in the Development of Oral Bisphosphonate-induced Osteonecrosis”

Reiss, DDS, Stacey, and Sultan, DDS, Daniel, October, 42

Robledo, DDS, Juliana “Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Case of the Month,” February, 56

SSadoff, DDS, Rory

“Necrotizing Fasciitis: Case Presentation and Literature Review,” September, 36

Satishchandran, BS, Sruthi “A Peri-Radicular Radiolucency of the Mandible: A Diagnostic Challenge of an Incidental Finding,” December, 38

Schafer, SPHR, Jodi“Coaching vs. Managing: What’s the Difference?” September, 20“Communication and Its Role in Team Building,” March, 18“Does Success Have an Age Limit?” May, 20

“Healthy Debate or Risky Territory: Discussing Politics in the Workplace,” June, 22“How to Establish Fair Wage Ranges for Your Employees,” November, 20“It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want to!” January, 20“It’s Not You, It’s Me: The Power of Exit Interviews,” February, 22“Revised Overtime Provisions May Have a Big Impact on Your Office,” August, 20“Should My Employees Help Write Our Employee Handbook?” April, 20“Telling Isn’t Training: Here’s How to Do It Right,” October, 24“The Key to Developing Successful Employee Incentive Plans,” July, 18“Eight Ways an Office Handbook Can Protect You,” December, 18

Schlott, Dr. B.J.“Diagnostic Discussion,” July, 36

Schulte, JD, Daniel J. “Credit Report and Interest Questions,” March, 16“Dental Records Questions and Answers,” August, 18“Does a Refusal to Obtain Necessary Treatment Constitute Child Abuse?” July, 16“Hearing-impaired Patients: Your Legal Obligations” September, 18“Increased Public Access to State Disciplinary Actions,” December, 16“Is Encryption of Email with Dental Record Information Required?” November, 18“Preventing the Use of a Stolen Patient List” October, 22“Troubles with Obtaining a Copy of Dental Records,” May, 18“Watch Out for Objectionable ‘Insecurity Clauses’ in Practice Loan Documentation,” January, 18 “What You Should Know about Unpaid Internships in Your Office,” April, 18“Why Reading and Understanding Your Contracts Is So Important,” June, 20

Schumann, CPA, CFP, Theodore C. “Common Barriers to Financial Success — And How to Overcome Them,” January, 46“How to Properly Manage Debt,” February, 66“Life After Dentistry: 10 Personal Questions to Consider,” April, 28“Student Loan Strategies for New Dentists,” March, 64

Schumann II, MBA, MSF, CRP, AIF, Theodore C. “Common Barriers to Financial Success — And How to Overcome Them,” January, 46“How to Properly Manage Debt,” February, 66“Student Loan Strategies for New Dentists,” March, 64

Scott, PhD, JoAnna “Do Early Dental Visits Reduce Treatment and Treatment Costs for Children?” January, 36

Shetter, DDS, North “Why Dental Therapists Are Not the Answer to the Access Issue,” October, 39

Shiloah, DMD, Jacob “Surgical Management of Implant-Associated Gingival Fenestrations,” November, 40

Singer, DDS, Steven R.“Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in the Oral Cavity,” April, 40

“Special Report: 2016 Legislative Session Wrap-Up”

Kluzak, Josh, October, 30Spindler, Jeff

“Take the Guesswork Out of Worker’s Comp Insurance,” October, 52

Staff Matters (column)“It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want to!” January, 20“It’s Not You, It’s Me: The Power of Exit Interviews,” February, 22“Communication and Its Role in Team Building,” March, 18“Should My Employees Help Write Our Employee Handbook?” April, 20“Does Success Have an Age Limit?” May, 20“Healthy Debate or Risky Territory: Discussing Politics in the Workplace,” June, 22“The Key to Developing Successful Employee Incentive Plans,” July, 18“Revised Overtime Provisions May Have a Big Impact on Your Office,” August, 20“Coaching vs. Managing: What’s the Difference?” September, 20“Telling Isn’t Training: Here’s How to Do It Right,” October, 24“How to Establish Fair Wage Ranges for Your Employees,” November, 20“Eight Ways an Office Handbook Can Protect You,” December, 18

Start, MBA, Craig “Exclusive MDA Health Plan Delivers Value: Learn How to Join for 2017,” September, 40 “HIPAA Compliance: Know Your Potential Vulnerabilities,” March, 20“Insuring Your Life — Protecting What Matters Now,” September, 24“Keep Your Dental Practice Safe from a Cyber Attack,” January, 22“MDA Insurance & Financial Group Marks 30 Years of Service,” July, 22“Safeguard Against Financial Ruin with an Income Protection Safety Net,” May, 24“2017 Health Insurance Open Enrollment Going on Now,” November, 24

“Student Loan Strategies for New Dentists”Schumann, CPA, CFP, Theodore C.; and Schumann II, MBA, MSF, CFP, AIF, Theodore C., March, 64

Sultan, DDS, Daniel “Risk Factors in the Development of Oral Bisphosphonate-induced Osteonecrosis,” October, 42

“Surgical Management of Implant-Associated Gingival Fenestrations”

Livada, DDS, MS, Rania, Bland, DDS, Paul S., and Shiloah, DMD, Jacob, November, 40

Syed, BDS, MS(HA), MS(OMFR), Ali Z.“Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in the Oral Cavity,” April, 40

T“Take the Guesswork Out of Worker’s Comp Insurance”

Spindler, Jeff, October, 52The Back Page (column)

“A Dental Leader Receives a High Honor,” February, 92“Dentistry’s Future: A Dental Student’s Perspective,” April, 72“Outgoing, Incoming Boards Meet Following April’s House of Delegates,” June, 92“LEAD Program Graduates First Class,” July, 72“Michigan Donated Dental Services (DDS) Receives $7,500 Grant” October, 84“Presenting the 2016 Life Members,” December, 72

“The Michigan Donated Dental Services (DDS) Program: ‘Tears of Sorrow . . . Tears of Happiness’”

Melot, Derek, December, 30“The Pregnant Patient”

May, 39“The Spirit of Michigan Meeting: Four Great Days to Remember”

June, 30”“2016 Author/Title Index to the Journal of the Michigan Dental Association,”

Hammond, Jackie, December, 43

Weber, Thomas J.“Employee Embezzlement,” December, 34

“When Is It Time to Hang Up the Handpiece?”Konvalinka, DDS, Keith, March, 60

“Why Dental Therapists Are Not the Answer to the Access Issue”

Shetter, DDS, North, October, 39“Why Every Dentist Should Support MDA Dental PAC”

Kaysserian, DDS, Kerry, July, 25“Will Your Practice Be Ready if Death or Illness Strikes?”

Houlihan, DDS, Patrick, February, 60“Win-Win Compensation Strategies for a Happy Staff and Healthy Bottom Line”

Borucki, CPA, Gary, August, 44

ZZelazny, DDS, Donald

“An Unbelievable Volunteer Experience in the Prisons of Bolivia,” October, 46

“2016-17 Continuing Education Catalog”June, 43

UU-M School of Dentistry: Committed to Excellence”

McCauley, DDS, MS, PhD, Laurie, September, 32

“Up Close and Personal at the Michigan Mission of Mercy”

Melot, Derek, August, 32

VVargo, DMD, Richard

“A Peri-Radicular Radiolucency of the Mandible: A Diagnostic Challenge of an Incidental Finding,” December, 38

Verhagen, DDS, MS, Connie “Access to Care: Why I’m A Mission of Mercy Volunteer,” March, 56

WWard, DDS, MD, Brent B.

“Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible: Comprehensive Patient Management,” April, 48

Weber, CDA, RDA, BAS, Kathleen “Registered Dental Assistants Are in Demand!” June, 39