McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

\\ 1 itness statement of: Michele M· cHugh No. of statement: 1 Ex hibits: l Date of statement: 8 Feb ruary 2019 GR · NFELL TOWER INQUIRY WITNESS STATEMENT 0 MlClfELE MCH UGH I Miehclc McHugh say as follows: 1 . My full name is Michele McHugh 2. I mak this . tatement following a req u 't to London Pi re Brigade ("LFB') from the Grenfell Tow r Inquiry dated 5 June 2Q] 8. Preliminaries 3. l was taken on by the London Fire Brigade (LFB) on 21/09/2007 as the Library Manager as r was a hmtered Librarian and they need somebody with my expt.Tience. Prior to working for the LFB I had worked for 20 years or more as a technical li.brarian, library manag t and technical editor working in and managing l.ibraries in the construction employed by companies such as Davics Langdon vere ·t (Quantity Surveyors), John Laing PLC Laing O'RoLtrke and Anshen & AUen ( archi tccts) . 4. [ \ as nade redundant from the role of LFB Library Manager in March 2013 and r deployed into the Westminster Fire Safety team on 01/ 04/2013. As I had been redeployed I had to go through a recruitment process for the role of Fire Safety Inspecting OH1ce and was successful. in my application, receiving a letter dated l41! 0120] 3 confirming my appointment with effect from l l I 11 /2013 . S. My fire safe ty training wnsisted of: M ichele M c H ugh LFB00032761_0001 LFB00032761/1

Transcript of McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

Page 1: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

\\1itness statement of: Michele M·cHugh

No. of statement: 1 Exhibits: l

Date of statement: 8 February 2019



I Miehclc McHugh say as follows:

1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

2. I mak this . tatement following a req u 't to London Pi re Brigade ("LFB') from the

Grenfell Tow r Inquiry dated 5 June 2Q] 8.


3. l was taken on by the London Fire Brigade (LFB) on 21/09/2007 as the Library

Manager as r was a hmtered Librarian and they need somebody with my expt.Tience.

Prior to working for the LFB I had worked for 20 years or more as a technical

li.brarian, library manag t and technical editor working in and managing l.ibraries in

the construction industry~ employed by companies such as Davics Langdon vere ·t

(Quantity Surveyors), John Laing PLC Laing O'RoLtrke and Anshen & AUen

( archi tccts) .

4. [ \ as nade redundant from the role of LFB Library Manager in March 2013 and

r deployed into the Westminster Fire Safety team on 01 /04/2013. As I had been

redeployed I had to go through a recruitment process for the role of Fire Safety

Inspecting OH1ce and was successful. in my application, receiving a letter dated

l41! 0120] 3 confirming my appointment with effect from l l I 11 /2013 .

S. My fire safety training wnsisted of:

M ichele M c H ugh

LFB00032761_0001 LFB00032761/1

Page 2: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

• (llA}.:!{,,U}; When I JOIIl(.;d th · w~~lrnin'lh .. 'r tire sut~ty team lln 0 I · 4 2t l3 l was

to I I by th~ le m l ·adcr to . 5k the !.: rcricncctl ; I\!> pC · nil." •rs i r I (.;Ould shad~ lW

them nn their .~udits and \\ b ·n thal W<L'- nut r~~~s1hk [ wao;; t )ld Lo rcud lh' variou"' fire

·alcty lit~r:llurc tln~umcflt'i av••ilahlc e.g. Ul.:p<lr nu.:nt tbr Conunumtil:t; &

G~) · ~:mmcnt ( tJC LG) pllhl i s!l~c.l g.uitianct' nn !ire "\' fcl in • riou~ p cmi~c-;,

Appwvcd D 'llm ·ut H and LFB !in: s;.~l' ·t gllltlan · t,; do ·umcnts :lnd puhclc:-. .. ) wus

not g_lv ·n a mt•nl \1'. ll I il rminln£ ~ ·hL'ilu !c wns n\ll dr .. \Vn ur.

• . 1ost nt'thc '.XI~.:"ricn ·t:d i nsrecun~ \1 'ti ·c s wcn.: vc:r) "vllling tn !akl! me with th1:111

, nd alh.:r I e audtl 'ihuw~.:d m~: how tP l.:lHnplctc th~.; ulllllll: 'll.luil form t~n lh~: moh[l ~

J~d-.::c usod hl rc~.:ord audit.'. l'hc • Hi-.:cr' f ·h;H.l(w,•cd 1 1 1k m~ tu a varil!lY lf

prl:m isc · wh ..:h i ndudj,;d hnu · ·: ·unve11L:d lo l1a1s. rurpo~c !'lui It t1a1s ~~r v;u-) i ng

heights tinclmhng h•gJHJ'> •). hulds, hn!'otds uml sh •lt ·rL't.l hou · ia~g. r~~lauranh; and

tl~ st tl.•od !itJlkl ·, ~.Jm:mional prcmis~..:s anJ si udcnt hall: l lf re•>~ den cc, lh<..:atrcs, shops.

1 nd olf1t..:c.:"'· A.; I had not yc1 been gi vcn u Jcvdopm ·nt lllldcr I kept my ('\Vn word

th . .:umcnl hlg or \•bn:.

• [)[jring t hi~ milial pcnod I was abtl askt.::d b on~.C n l lhe Wah:h M•1nagcr B":-: 11 lh •

l ·nm m help rcc n.l th~: rcl·cipl lll" the Bui Id i ng Consultation JUO" ( D jnhs) lhal

am cJ inlh ofl1cc. 1\1 dn th1s mv\11\.c l u~ing FarYJ 1r, the tin.' sa "et_ (h tahasc

whcrc nH (}t' thc ;1udit. b~11lding !.!onsuhatiun r~:que . ts. re, ·i\· ·d Ji· m. Appr n cd

In p<.lt:tm:-. ami nth ~r li re sa ll: ty J •bs are rec lrdc L Tll i ' ga v c rru.: a g.n 1d und crsl u nu in g

o !"lmw th datahiJHt..: work., and th~ Ill h1nnalinn 1t con tai ns.

• Ounng thl" pcnod r was ill~n ' h'"l\A. n hD~\ lo ·arry ''lll si m plc D j h: by ~ pc.'!ri~n ·~tl

in~p~t:tmg t1fli~,;c;r-; , T'hi: ~:nhanccd m. km\' h;Jg~.: f' rcading plans.

• _9:0H..'2013 l.FB aucndcd J ligh Rise TlJ!: !rain ing

• !. h (N:20 I J mm \ cck cnmmcnc1 ng 16109'20 I J my new team lcadc1· dcchk:d I w

t:nmpctcnt enough to ·arr mll si m pit; audit~ •md al lm:atoo me 5 s'mplc ilU<.hl:->.

Alth 1ugh [>vas the lead l•tli · ·r on lhc~c au<.hh r ·wa · ae~ulllpi.lni ·d hy c~pcnenccd

oHil:cr~ whu · I 'iO W) !~h .. ·-d me in ("Olllplcting 01c unlinc auJ i l [t)rm i I' ! had any

di niculti :.

• 11 t l I /20 1.1 ~1tlcndcd 6 u Cl.!k I Fl:J ~.:oursl: de!~ ... 'red h J nh~ Amdbury and vannus

per. on-. ~1th rdi.!\>~101 !in.· saf·ty xpcncnce.

W1tness stafem nt of Akhel /1; er lugh


LFB00032761_0002 LFB00032761/2

Page 3: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

• 1 h ·we all~tl(kd \ mou'l lrainmg CtlUN.:S ~A hi ·h h<Wl! hccn l~llh,wcli hy wri lien

a~;scs ·mi."Lil · 10 achieve:

11. [() l.cvd 4 Dipl0t11<t i il Fire Salety ( Fm.: [ ns~ ccto1 ·) (VC I· ) _ 01h J unc 2.0 16

6. '1 hi.· course~ 1 ;.ltll.'ndctl ~tlv~:md many fin;: ~-:tli:ly subj~ ·1~ in ·ll~tllng tires· fcty p i iiVI. IOns

, peel lie t~l a high ri:c rcsiJ~nliiJI pi'Cin i:-~:-. e.g.. smn~c vcnl i htl i~• ·rl, dry wet nscr. , lire­

ligiH tng ldh und th~ ~L;hhy rrutlTtlon of c c••pc r utc..:. 'I h~J cours~~ alsu c 1v~red th..: \ ari~1us

types of dct·' ·tion :mJ early arning ~}'"'lc , ns ;,nd evacuation strategies appruprialc tu high

ns~.: rn:mis~: .

7. l'hc knp\\.Jcdg ' ~i1i 11:Cd frmn I he traini f\g ·t~ur~ ., Wa~ cnhano ~~ Hlti r 'Ill fi1rcctl h. ·.orH i nu m g.

per:><• nul d· '\'clopmenl (('[)D), db~.:us"\inns ""ith t:t,l lcagucs . F lllLlLan ·ing myscl r with k .

dth:umcr'lls sw:h ~v; ;

• "lrc Sut'i.:ty, ,.\ppnncd I tlCllmclil H. Hu1lding,. nth ·r !han dwelling hnuo.;eo;

• U · 5 39 l-'irc d •tt::cli ) 1 ·m l ;1larm , ysl ~ms f( r bui IJm •s

• RS 9Y9Q: _o 1 7 F1re so.l t'cty In lh · dc'iign. rnanagcrncnt ·•nd u~c (ar buLhJ [ng:.., · ~~O!..'

of prat.:tJcc

• 8~ 9991:20 1 Fm; sulcl ' m the de ·ign, management and u. · uf r ·siu~.:ntial

htlldtngs. Cotlc of p a ·tit;·

• I [~,using Fire . al'cty: Gludancc l)n t1rc ~alcty pruvis[ons f,r c ·rtmn 1ypc:-; uf

cx1:-ttng I ou:[ng, P\Jhlr:-;11 ·d h · I. (" )lt

• h n~ Sat' ·t . U1 pUrJ {,,. ·&hut h hl~lcks of tlats . Publ1 ·het! by T he Local Ciovcrl'lllll:m

Assuc1: lltltl

8. Jn atkl11um r l tile ~:nurse~ I ha ~.oc ath:nded I hatllo keep internal d ·vdupm~nl I OGs on

audit~ I~· ITicd out llnl il i had pao,se~l nil nf1lw rdc ant C"~ums and a ·hie\ ~:d ~~lrnpctl.!m:y ,

9. Dn tU 1 Ol _O l - , as pan ,fa rL; tructu.ring nftll · , 'uulh Wc!>t al'e fire afcty t '<.1ms I \\.' :.t!>

transfcrrcJ fmm the \Vc•ammslcr Fire Silfct · Team intn the HdlllrllCr;;milh & Fulharn.

K •man~lnn & Chci~C<I 1-'in.: 'afct_, Team.

GrenfeiJ 1 owcr

LFB00032761_0003 LFB00032761/3

Page 4: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

Ul. 0:0:/09/ ~0!6 a prugmmm ·J !ire safety ~n'<p{.;dH.>n t 1· rrcnlcfl Tower' •a , cntert.xl { n ll ~ th~.:: lire

. nfct dataha~c 1-'.1 ynN \"''Jl h a begin late ofOX .'09 201 h.

11. I ~ /0<) ·2 116 ( ppn1 i rnatdy 1 my I cam leader a ·ked me to carry out Ul aud i I tlf the p \:llli.l\cs. I

hu' ~.: w rk ·J this nut fr un ;,m old .. 11 :cl sprcad . ..;hcct I keep Mjub I have completed. I f\111 rwt

·urc ( l f the cxal..'.l dal~.

12. .~( 09/:::!1 I (l cm~ulctl Janicc Wra; (.1 \\'' ). ileal! h •. afl!l y and 1:aciJ illl.:~ :'vhmag •r, Ken si ngt(lll &

Ch ·Jsca ·1 cnatHs .\tanagl.:Jl1Cn1 Organi<;atit n ~ K TMO) inhmning tha1 I had tn Larry nut audh:.

nn R;mlmln11 Walk nnd m .. 'tlfd I [' lW ·rand a l111g 1ur I he: !'ire ri ~k us~ . ..;smcnt ( F R, l for bnth

buitdmg~ and 11. h1 ·c nn how to gam :.11.:ccss In t building.

U. On 0"11 0.· 201 (, JW n.:ph :d [O my e1nw l, :ma ·hmg 1hc FRA and nd\'~Sing m tnat thcP · wa~ a

Lm1~a:h:r \ csl usl<H 'ntl"i c but lhat !t would he dm;ed t(H· n:furbl shm4o.:nt umil 24/ I 0/_0 I h an i

rhal ii' r w<mlcJ UI.:LC~s hc01r ' th.! d~tl c I sl1ould ., nta..:t her and ~he would u rang. fpr

.... omcbmi~ le meet m· l)n si te.

14. On 06. I 0' _0 16 I r ' l'lliL~d tu he maillilCHin' 1h11ll would wait until t1 c ollin.: rt:~upcncd bcftlrc

l!tll'ryi og uul my insp •~.:li~~n.

I , I ~:nt~n.:d. the in!'p · 'lnm date nf _7 ' 1 !12016 amJ detail:-; in rn Uutlc )k c;,1kJHhn.

6. 13 ·fore lhc nspcction 1 read tJm)ugh FRt\, not ~i !hat rh ·rev ere no signlti ':U t ti11din •s (1.\.!.

lirt: snfcty d •fil"icrlch~. ) o action plan ln remedy an · n ·'cty d ·ficJIJil~Jc ·. The ~ 1 R

appeared 1 1 b~.J ->ui tallc ~md sullica:ut i .c. it ~.:olll\ldcr4..:d ,ill risks eo •p ·d by th gcgulalory

Rcfuml ~ :m.: Safely) Order .?.0 l . At this tlll'll' r wa~ u11a ur~.; lh<.~t fir~ ri.;;k as.s~ssm(;nls carried

nut nn K '"ll\10 properties LJ."ually came in tv.n part~ i. •. th ·a ·lion plan anJ ..,,gmlicnnt

lindjngs wcf1C c\lntai ncd in a sL.!parat • dm:um~.:nt und 1 h. t it was nonnal prac1 kc H1r I he TMO

manager h 1 nl , 'i ·nd lhc lire risk as:cssmcnl. rlw itcuon plan and sig.nalkam llnJn1gs haJ l11

h~ rcquc.~lcd. s pc~.:L!!~ally. Bt.:cause I oni y he ·amu <Iw·art.! td.thi. some time .tftcr I he, ~1d it um.l

my follt '~ upl.lclipns. had been cnmplct~;d. th · S1gnllkant findlflgs • nd a~lion plm1 w ·re nor

comLdcr~ I during th1: audit pm~I.!S ·.

i7. On 26/ 101101 (1 tl1 • (ircnfcll · m: er joh \'as re •t,rd~.; ~111 h J)lnor LJS bl.ling allu..:atc...'<.llu nly

\~urkhmd by cam r.cudcr Rdx.-cea Burtun (RB}.

LFB00032761_0004 LFB00032761/4

Page 5: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

[8. \ ·ncn I w ·n1 on th~o: in~pcc1ion I h ,,~ with me u rap ·r Jh)\ ·huuk anJ m_ hri •adc phnn~: . I

cx.h1bit the nntchuok I U~l)f.l I'm tht: Orcntdl ·.1 m :er authl as M .f:' I. \ c tlad br.:cn is-:u ·d with ;1

moh1 lc tl<:vk~.: which \\>'as ex ln:mdy heavy an I ·mrracti ·•.d to u:c when a t li ting •• n.:~id~n11 il

premise::. where then; '~a~ 11l where 1u :>il and write note<; . !think rny noh: · \ ··l ·rt.: rnllc ; ~ J wtts

u. ing p n rmd pap ·'r rat he tiMn lh • muhilc Jc KC we ha I J[ thalli me. From convc;rsalit"'l1S

w ilh m · colleague~ ~ I ~li~vc this wn. ~.:onmwn pr11clic~ am011gst tuny i m•r ' ·ti ng n fll.ccrs at

th tl ttrnc. ·~cially those no1 usiil,} a ~ar.

I Q. )n 27 'H): _f) 16 I 1ra \'Cl le J tn Grcni'd I hy puhl i~: tnm~pmt to m eel with n coli •ague, 1'" SI<HI

Kcc Y coh (. K Y). whll wa" 1o shadm\ my insrcctiun a:-. ~hi.' \\" IS on tkvclopm~!nl llS ;111

i11sp. 'ling urnccr On oli'I'h·al .lt tlw l.nncnst~r \.Vc ·t F.;!.ttl:";;. nt1h:e WC\ ·cri.! lakl.!n ltl Urenfe\1

r Wt:r o. the H1 1 111 lr.: 1Hlll~C mao;,lg. Ir ~· C:lmu~ lJunlea \Vh~~ S<IVC u.- (I 'CO.:S!'i lo the hui l l in g. I

nolcd thl• cludJing, whi ·b "''"' attrac:t1v..:, and wou ld rruliahl) hav ·· ·umm ·nh.:d nn it bLtL lllu

11n1 rc~nnl itl1j nut~. , s W4.! ;uc nnl rcrwirc~ lu insp ·et ll unJc t h~: ~:mrcnl li::gl.'l::~tion.

20. Mr Dun lea o fTcrcd the follmving m h) mall, n '1-Vhtch 1 no li.xl tlnv. n 111 ln)o notcbunk :vi I,ll : the

oui ldmg, \\11;-. llriginally cnn~t U\.'1 ·tl in the I 1)60~ with,, Oats p ·r n or hut n.:cntl refurbish ·d

nnd new tlats sloHcc.l i l lrom . «l lloor down tu I': ; the building W<lS li.ttl;d \l.:ith autL mati · ope 1

\'Cnts ( (Vs) f()r smoke c:\tmcriun on ea-.:h !lour; lh ·re 'vCr · ury n~cr., on cm:h fltlu m1<.lth~.:

t" o lills v.·..:rc llr ·-lighting li I -; i ~ . t.:1H1hl JC ~:ontn llcJ by fi cli.g.htcr: in a tir ·. lie tll d nul

m:~ mp ny u.· nn !he 111. pcct1on \ c: t:ntcrcd h~ hlli I ding al gr~1lmd noor l vd <H

IIPI Wi'<.tmat ·ly 9:45 and trav · lied lu the lop tlour ( _]"1).

2 E. I ins.p ·clc i I onv 11 of the nm mon rart. or I he hu i 11 ing from tup down \lS thi.'io is m. ~ISual

appma..:h. I a l ·~, m1dircd 11 tln~1rs rather th.w sampled, as I am "·r • thowug,h. \:Vhen inspt: ·t a

high-rise hui IJmg I I m I nu fu lh~ n lllnwing:

• Aulnlll<lll!..: np ·mnf! 1. Ctlt o,;; ( AO\' s ) an cl <!llY l!lll tml~

• Dry ' wer r1~cr.s 111 pbcc \\ 1th adcquutl.! u.ct:c. s doors and no ohvious damage

• An. darnagc to \\"{Ill r ~Ciling. i:OVering~ that \\l t! Uld aid the ' pr. d or flam.

• An)' dcwctinn or early warning i11 th' cmnmnn pnrls fth ~lobby arctts}. I' ould nnl

u~ua l l. ~·'(p ·et to · c lire alann system in th' common parts~ ll purp · huill hlm.::k

of tlm · c msrruc te I rrom ~f.mcrctc a~ rh· n.: ·u•mm::ndetl c •acu Ltlun strategy would

no rnallr he "dcf ·nd in plucc '<>lay pur· bu ·cd nn the prcrni.c that each Uat .<;nould he a


LFB00032761_0005 LFB00032761/5

Page 6: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

hU mi nu!c ~nmp<Jrt J- ow~.::\·cr there .m: sometime:; dctt: ·tor h ~ad~ lilt ·llto , ·ti \. ak the.:


• \Vh.ll d!.ll · · t i~ 111 ·mJ ~\lrl~ w mi ng is ins id..:: lltl~ as. although we lla' ~ n~l J uris.t.hdion

in -m glc.: pri \ :rk· dw(:Hmg:. w,; can st r~.11 gly rc~C mm1\!nd tn th • Res 1nsihlc Pcn.;L 1n 1 ht.·

mstal l aliun 1lf. appropriate dctectmn in • 11 llat I would <h.:qui re thi~ i ntbrmatinn by

s;m1pl mg :->UillC llato; 1 .C. k t\UCk ll"'g t (rulll donr;; amJ J'>kmg rl!Sit lcntJ. \'hat dckt,;llOl

uru;l t.:<lrly \ nmn g lh ·y huH: in pla~;e and \:ho tiled it .

• An adt-'q uah: escape mull: \\ i th nu nhstru ·til ns, tn r hn1mds or combus.tihk ih.!m:-;.

• 'I hat t!H.:rc ar~: no uhslru ·tiuns, trip hanrd~ ur cumbmuihk item~ slnr ·d in the LOmmo 1


• A tl~ iJa;ing on tl ·eo; ·ape n utc is lire re. i ' l<mt i.~.:. dthcr mar cd \'<·ith the rdc\'ant

Briti.-h .·· lamlanll,r a I ma Georgian '\Vir ·I

• 1-\n ·breach·~ 111 compitrlm ·ntatJOn nr ti r · scp~uahon ~.: . g. c ccs.:;i\c gtlp · tmund fin.1

duun;or hole~ 1n thL.: t'~lli g~ l)r llnm"i of:s.·rv i ·cri-. r ·uphnar Is . Th1· cnuld •• llow ~ire

:..mJ ~mokt.: t11 ~pr ml.

• fir · do~lr s.ct:s · n.' li tied to ·a~h tlut (at [ ~.msl 30 m mm •) \ •ith scl f.dmcn: nd whet he

ur nol cold -;mukc seal anti intumcs~cnl strips (strips u.n I se· I-.) urc liti L.:CI. Tlu~ ·an

gcllCnllly <mly be I.JSlablishcd hy S<Hllpling-.; 'me na ts i. •, !· 111g 11n dm r~ and

a. k111g th~ n:si lc11l ft)r pc 11 i !oo.!ii r1lu chcd thc1r t.lo1r. E t.:n 11 pcrmis ' IOn i: g,1vcn tl L:--

11\11 ab.vays pns~i h! 'lo hl.! l 00u.ll ~cri .tin th;H 4.1 UV r i ' ' I lire dtl )f as ~Ill. lth:nti fym •

marks or lah •llmg an.: usually nol vislhk. I WU LI Id make an as~cssm~:nl hm !\I on lh •

th i ·k m:..;'i ( \Yh ich w~ uld h~: at I ·as.l 4'-lmm for (.1 J ) minute uu(n of lht;" dum und the

numl er o["hin~I.JS llht.:"r~.: \A ylu normal ly he three) and ,,,..hcthcr or not ·tnps and st.'-als

ha\'c ccn l1t1cd .

• J lntlln.: J nm: protc ·llttg the csc<tpc statrc· ·c nrc littt:d \\ ith :ciC~.:lo"'C s. cl 1sing

qui ·k~. enough. lil fully mlo thdt f ·unc 11 hell dos~d anJ arc.::: not uhstructcd Lf1 ar y


• ll"wt ~erv i c · ~.:uptluan.l doors are 1irc duMs. ·lgncd "'Fire Dnor Keep Lud ... ~oxl Shut"' lit

o.;nug.l_ i nh tl ·ir frames and ar · amllo..:kcd shul

• That doo ro.; lt• hin dlUit; rooms lln:l ti re dnt iL, 'lgncd ·'Fin: Duo1' K ·cp . hL1t"' littcd with

sdf dos,;r'i and lif fully m to their r:nnn ·

• t\<.kqu·u~ ,.mcq,;t:n y eva uali m hghtmg ami thn it ts in w rk'n~ order. 1cc ,...,_. .. h

tt~S I 'l [ll!fSU m CV al.: llal lrl g,

Wltn se <;laWmen! of~ IChele McHugh 6

LFB00032761_0006 LFB00032761/6

Page 7: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

.. 2.

• G 1 H.l lire brigatl ' :..~cccss

• I'h ·re wcr~ nt' ~~uink l·..:r~ I \~kHJid no! hav~.: •.·pc ·tt;d lh ·m tu he in plac~

I ,ludll I nol~d und re ·o <.k:d I[ I my notd•ook ,\1 Mi I (

ll'l<lJ~lrity n r \ ·hid1 \.\ c c fire : tf..:ty licfkicndcs :

l th • r, •U wmg, the

• 23'!.1 11111 .. )1"- buggy UUbiJ1: ltll 20 : WLJlHkn ·h~llr OUtSide 11at ;2(l(l (com/JII.'ilibfr

ntL114 ' rm/,· and~~ por ·ntiallnp h I::w ·d oh.~rnu ... ·tw11)

• ~~ !1d lluor !>hOC1-i OLltsldt: !hH 194 ([JOIL'~!tta/ lrlf~ /w ;:;arJ, ohslructirm)

• 2 I 1 ill1llr ~c~lotcr nulsid • llat I !\. (pm .. -'Miultrir Jw:cmi,Jhstru tum)

• 19Lh l11 Hll' l ite ~cu·- c]m; or till th · lobhy tour pwt~cung the e~car slam:c.tse w<.~~ n<ll

fun ·tinni rtg C:lHTc ·Ll y a.nJ the donr wu~ n1 1 dosing fully tnt( I he fhl !'tiC thrc(lc/z in


• 1 Hl ~l Hllor various ·i tern . UlllSid • lul I - r (CfJftlbl~.>tih!c fll(l(t'n~tl.~ Will fJO(t.!illiu/ frt{J


• l Hlh nllM • li·unt uuor of flat l 3 l:hc~.:kcti and l~lUHlll1 ~~ tilled with :;.eif-d l.'l:r, the;;

lobb) J~,m prnh.'din ~ the c~capc ' ll.lirca.s~;; wa~ ncH ~..· los1ng fully intt' 1is tram<..·

fhteach in t.'fllrJpurmwnW!ion)

• I i" n(10r - the lohby door prntc ting the c. t,;~lpc stai rca~c \ViiS not do ·in!,!. fu!l I Jnll}

its framc- ( i'1 ('omp(lrlm!'!lflllllln)

• 16111 tluur arti iid . l nn,.,·cr h~H.i been pia ~cd behind th dr · ri11cr pi pc ( comhusttMe

JIJ(jf! ' l"itd ' l

• I s !ll llt M J)il lCIS uut~adc fla! 12( ; shoes and ruhlw;h dum red nn the no~w of the hm

r< mn ( l'omlm~t;hh· trullcnu/,· 1111d po( 'filial frit' Jw;:ard·uhstrucflons)

• 1·~11 lo 1.:11 stain.:al{~; ~:mergcncy ·va 'tuthon l i~,thtm~ did nn·lappcar tn he wnrk•n'

• ! 4111 tlu )r _ huggic'i ~md a hobby hM'iC oul u.h: llat · I ! anJ ll(l ( ptl ·: j hi

bc lu1gLng ~~~ llat I l o.l J. (<:mrrlmsrrMt· materials and a rmtt•twat trr'r

he ear, I/~ 1h.~ f rm ·t ion) ,

•; 141h lllt r · th~ lobby d\,(lf" prot 'Cling th 'l:S ·ape · was m't ~.:lnl'iing futly tnlo lb.

frame (/m .. •udl in cumpw·fmt'llltllhm)

• 13'" floN ·the lobby du<.Jr prok ·ting tho.: ~.:scapc stair~asc \V<J'> nut do:sing flllly mt • 1t~

fram·~.: Vm:ach in wmrwrtnu•ntaliml)

I ,}h llom CI11L:rg.~:m.:y csc(.lpc hgl ting on the stai ca">c W' s ·h•m~ing h ll the bulb was

mis-;ing I his wa'l rc1; orlLxl ln the nainli..:tl<'lll:t' manage i1 Iter the i nspt:clum

Wllne s.s statemenr of M1cf~ele Mc;J-Iugh


LFB00032761_0007 LFB00032761/7

Page 8: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

• 11 111 thHlr lhl!' l~)l r hJ llat 6 !.vas IIN the ~mnc <IS the nmjorit · o!' <.luor:-. unJ wa~ IHH

ti llcd \\ 11 h a ~cl f doscr (polc'l'liWI fwt•udl m compurlmi'Tilalhm) I ·anm11 n.:nl mbl:r

bflw I kn{ w lhi:-. 11 l'i r~ ss iol ' tililt I s. llke hl lhc resident but I h; \'l! ll(ll111ad~.: ~ llOIC

of th is .

• I 0 1 ~ 1 flnnr - lh ' lol n) d< ~ lr pn HC ·c ill g. I he l:SLapc "tairca:..L' \\ a:'i not dt1Si ng full 1 into

its 1\uuc (hrt·a~:h i;1 compo,·tuh'n/alltm)

• Mlh tln(\r t h~.; panels rm1cd m g. th · ')t.•r ice tlu ts wen.: hrokcn (hre rd1 m

Cfllllf'(ll"(fll{'ll/11 t i(lfl)

• lh tloN 1 1'\nl:" ~m th~ dry ri'\ "I' calli ·t: ·nl! nu CS OlllstJC flat 44 ,·onrhU.\'liMt•

mate dais and c• prJicrtliclill'lp lla::ard 'ubstnu:timl) . I spulo.:c tn a fair hair~ whit '

\Hmlall an I i.l man \ ·i £h d .. ll'k h 1ir who li vcd there , n I I lnl.d. lh •m lo rcm~)H! I hi.!

~ardhu< rd noxcs Jnd cxplamc~lthc n.:~ . on \\•h : they comphl·d . I eh ·•.:hJ th • lh m

d }nr and flmnd il \\ 11s not r.n~l with n sclf·dns ·r rput ' lllitll breach m

·um1 artmerllatic n). l'hc.: r ·::;idcnl~ mf'unmxlul\ !hat a '\nwkc Jct~lur \Vs till ·d Ill lh~

hall 1.1ntJ a h~al dct 'd{lr \~.:tl~ tined in the kitd1cn. They did no I stat'-= wh l had. fi ucd

rh ·m as ·umcd KC'!' MO. J hey !llso tu ld u ,f is. . . \ ith p :·orlc parking cars u\ rhe

~•m:r~ n y vchi ·le hatching \''hich lhcy "ilUtcd had bl!~..:ll n::puncJ tn the KCTMO. the

lohhy door pmlcctin~ 1hc cs~apc st· i1 ·asc \ ••· nut ·lo.,lng fully irH) its frame fh, .. ·w.:h

ifl t·umJJW'tmclllotinll ), I intt:t1d..: hl l(llltlw up the i ssuc of h · vchidcs parking tm 1hc

I.!TIH.'rgcn~ v~h• ·le butd1!11g w[lh a sta tit)r\ r\tHIIkalion hul I ~::mn01 find an C\ idc111...C

that I tlidthi)>.l hu,ca.vagu·rec lle~.:!'ml llfm kingJ phun~.:c.::all<m.l hcmgtoll th·• l

thi · had alrcatl been rcporto.:d

• - I ll ilOM HJbh1sh. ,;h~,;SI 0 ["drawer,.; and LJnlbJ'dla OLltSiUC llal !4 (COmhwaihf~,!

l~~tllerwl., onJ polcraial ohsmwtwn) . I ha\o l! no led th1:11 the n:~idcn1 s stat~'{l that th(.;')

had nnl hcc11 infom1cd nt' the 1,)'\'[h;ualinn -;tnucgy.

• 511' flo " ' ~ t!lc lL hb}" door pwt •clmg ihc 'SCtipc 1\HllrC< C ~~o.: a:-. Ill t ·h ;:;mg full) in to lb

ral"'tll: (h;-L•.twh irl Ctl/tlf'Cj rfrtWIIWfivrP)

• 41h tloor pti.l-.l i(.; phu 1 nut :ml~ l1u1 ! I: b l11~k shck-on ktrting. ddau1rnatmg.

tcumbu. ·iibtL" mm ·rialsJ

• 41h f1,111r - lhc lnhny du 'r prul·dmg the e:>•.:apl,)'~tain:nsl' was not dc)·ing fully into it-;

lh trn · ( brctJCh in "·,mparrm<'lllutum)

• ~ "1 nom IOHgC rug, plan!, cloth~,: ·· lmr ' t: \VHh laundry drying 011 it hh~ding lhc dry

riser piu~ rea l 'hri. 111\ilS lrCL" outside ilal ~~ larg · pi I~ uf p~1st uulsidc tht 7; shoppmg

Wt nes star,..meot o to. 1cnde Mcl-lugh 8

LFB00032761_0008 LFB00032761/8

Page 9: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

lru lk 1 uul:1Jc flat 10: muhtlity . ~ooh.'T uut~l i ' tlat 9. hcing ·hargcd vi· a l ~.:n I

thruuph the lctlc ho. (cvm&u ubh· mtJtaw/ mr I ulr!ructhmltrip ha~w·d) The

rcsn.knt of tla t 9. \ ·{rs Manko ·1 oyo.shim.L- L~:\' i (a yP n • Jisah l cd wmnan \Vi th J

chi ldr~;n und~r the age of ), c. plail1 ·d that although eh~ n ... r \ ··~ s 11 po~ctl to h.

d~.lilgllcd to rmv1dc tl ' ll lrnodalHHI !C)f U 4hsahleJ r 'Sldc11t Sht" Cl uld n<ll get her

rn1 1bil it)' "~o:tuH ·r 1.nt th · tlat ant! \VIth<HJt 1t , he would ne \,.:ompli.!lc l h lu:chu~Jnd.

I h.;J l1<11 \~ · :Js fitted w1th dct 'l:t iun m every mum Tlw.: ·as a l rcm.l~ iincJ wh ·n sb(!

mo\.c I m a,;;swn~;d K T iMO.

• rh .. ~ smglc means of ' ·cape hlln:asc l'mle I I the -'1' 1 iloor ;:tnu fr 1111 thiS pt mt

rcsi Jt."nt· WOlJIJ c1 lh ·r have In u..;~,; the lili or !.!xi! via a l;onll'ol lcd ·c ' LLrc c.x•t ciOf"~ l'

lc;1 lmg [il <1 huflA1ny/m-=:zt.aninc Jloor und .:.1. st· ir ·a ·c d1 1Wrl to th~ gn u1H.I t111or and

linal ~:dt

• Nu Fire 1\ •tion . ~, j ·cs in lormmg r ·siJcnt-; of th~ i.l~llun tln:y should take 111 llu: ~\· cnt

.. ..~r ' lire w~.:r di:playL"d any\lthl!rc m the hui lding

• \Jn Dti I · ~) l L ~ ' l.i n 111 I h~; l:vi.:lH \) t' Fire si 'l'lS wr.: r . thspktycd by th ' li fls

• Outside i l was noted I hi 1 the hm rtl(lll1 doe r \\as nM I J<.;kcd thi · \vas not indudcd in

my I ·\11H.:e \)fD~t1cL ·n1.:u~s l <H1111)l n:mcmbcr ~ovhy. [l ts 1 Ml'ibk lhul [ di s~usscd

tlns wHh lh · nminlcnan ·c nwn<~gcr, Mr Dunlc , a I ha"· al.;<, r 'l.:l'lrded th

'SCapc hut~h fi-t m lh ' ba~cmcnt Wf.l" n l \ '\,rking. I thd nnt msped th~ huscm~.:n t so I

muo,;l ha c tx.'l.;n tnld h1s by ~\'11' I unll:a .

. ZJ. The inspcdion ook appm irnutdy I and a half hours ami wa.s ~..:omplcte'\1 at I I : I. "I. ill. ~>\• hen

v. t.' went ll !1 ml fl.·1r Dunka agmn L) gain n ·~:uss tll tht: sc~:und hlock we: w~:r~: in:;p~.-'1;ti n~ .

ia.randun Wall.. 011 uur w ~ry tl~ the next hu1ldlng I nH.mlioncd lo Mr Dunlca that the ll t lr ult

d ~or'i \\Chad it :;pc ·1cd were n~)t tiltl!d w!tl :clf-dosmg Jcvicl!~ . I h.; tlfT·r d lhe.: lc)lll~ ing

in1( nnalh rl \\'lm:h I p;~ 1ial!y n.·l~ord<.:d Ill my m1tc~ M 111( ) <U1tllm my audH

fi.u1n - he . tuh.:d that KCII\-1 ) had H~tcd nc\'v' doors. lo the majority of the O;u~ npflrl from

'b<1sc ut:t.:ltpi~.:-d by I as~ho lJc rs. anJ the. c h d original!.> had hd f'-t:lo-;~:r b l thc~L: tMd b4.:~n

removed a: lhcy \VCI'c tlR1 '>ln ng am.J w •r · damagmg th~,;· dt•ur r.amcs. Fn~m he way lhts was

·aid I · s~liiHL'd that th • KC'Lv1 J had rem\ vcd the scl (: ku..:rs.

24. I ~:nlere(! rny J olcs onttl my mu hi h.: dcvi~l! on 41 I I /20 1 6. f3cfhrc nn audi t is i nally . Llbmitu.:d

\ c I~ l.low a pruc 'S'> ~.:ull ·d the Enlbrccmcnl tanagL:menl Model (EM , 1 ). lh is ·n.LI le · lb ln

en:lm~ \A4..: an: ~er ing th(; ,.: . n-cc1 lcv ~~ l tlfno!k~.o:. l n thio; o ·c. s ·m, lhc E tM ~~.:~.m.: wus 2

Witne ss statement of M rchel M cHugh 9

LFB00032761_0009 LFB00032761/9

Page 10: McHugh 1 .. My full name is Michele McHugh

mnbcr .:111d 4 grc"n '> hich I ·d to a ~~)lieu o · D ·li~•cn~ICi' r'M1r ··) rath ·r !han an ~. n1!~r~ ·mcnt

, ~ ~ ~~~c . t\S tht:r ·had hccu u prcviou.., f\u lkc on lhis rn.:mi-; :-s the n~.:w N< D could ha\\! hccn

tncrcu:cd lt Enf()rccm~ru bul a.· LFB policy. t thl.!' 1~m' l.~' <l.' t · work wilh r.:. T ·tO to h lp

lb ·rn impm l: th~::ir fir • . afcty rm visiuns Ln !h~ir rrcmio;cs ll \'ll.IS. agr. ·I wilh 11"1Y tcurn l..:adcr

(RA~ to i~ . u ~a '\OD.

25 J'hc tinh.: ~iv ·n h ad res· lh ·lire saf(:ty d ·fki nci~:~ wa:-:. _6 c .. b . l'hc lt 11T'i \\a · .:;uhnlitlct!

lo my team leatlt:r tilr vctllng 1 · hc~king lc) r m:io:urac ) on~ ]1 120 1 h. This part nfllle p •h.: ·~..; i ·

camc~l oul hcl(m:: :.~ny kttt.:r ~a he . en! oul.

'o. l l at~r ·he· cJ lhe ·kctnmk· lile and it :-ho,.,cd lhc d<Ltc ~~r t\OIJ nnd l l · '-"O\umg lctlcr w<1s

17 J 1121) 1 6. I Ill' date sl V~,;l'l w I.:Ull'lph.:lc the act ion,· oy \\ ' ~l'i I g,.· (J5 /20 I 7' As a ~OD \! •as issued

am.J not <In En for ·cmcnt Notk~ ~ Jiu no! return tn ·arry ~'ut a folhnv up in~lll!dion this wat­

L B practi ·c at lh · ti ml!.

Statement of truth

I bdi~:vc I hat th~.: facts o;tat d 10 lhi~ \\ itll~o.:% slulemcnt ar · 1ru~. I ;un will in~ f,,r hi · :t<tlcm ·nl tn

form part n f 1 h~~ ''r' lden~..:c hdi1rc l h · j nqui ry and h~.:: publi :s hcd O il th · ln~Llll y' s wt:b "I le

( IL'i/IWSS signu/W't• )

;\I u.:hdc Md lug]!

Wrme.H .>Mtem nt of M1chefe McHugh 10

LFB00032761_0010 LFB00032761/10