McCallie Magazine, Summer 2009

SUMMER 2009 2009 Distinguished Alumnus 1940s Five-Sport Star Extracurricular Excursions Charting a Course for College


A Magazine for Alumni and Friends of McCallie School

Transcript of McCallie Magazine, Summer 2009

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2009 Distinguished Alumnus 1940s Five-Sport Star Extracurricular Excursions

Charting a Course for College

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The McCallie School MissionThe McCallie School's mission is to prepare its students for college and for life. The school is dedicated to the academic, physical, spiritual, and emotional growth of boys. It seeks to inspire and motivate them:

to pursue excellence and take pride in one's »work and achievements;to lead lives of personal honor; »to be responsible in family and personal »relationships; and to manifest concern for the welfare of others. »

what ’s new

“Long Blue Lineof McCallie Men”

The solemn yet celebratory ceremony that is McCallie Commencement took place May 17.

With every footstep across the stage, every meaningful handshake and every de-livered diploma, another McCallie Man joined the brotherhood that is McCallie Alumni. This is a cherished label that can-not be borrowed or taken away.

As the graduates prepared for the next significant stage in their lives, they were reminded by Headmaster Kirk Walker of the responsibility each one now carries with him:

“As you shook my hand, you officially became alumni, ready I trust to take your place in the long blue line of McCallie Men. I hope that, like your predecessors, you will be men of character and cour-age, that you will set high standards for yourself, and that you will hold fast to the words Honor, Truth and Duty.” g


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The McCallie Magazine is published by McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | [email protected] | | The name “McCallie School,” the McCallie School logo and the McCallie School seal are all trademarks/namemarks of McCallie School. All materials appearing in the McCallie Magazine, including photography, are ©1996–2009 by McCallie School. Reprint or electronic reproduction of any such material for commercial purposes is prohibited without the written permission of McCallie School. Permission to use written material (not photographs) is granted for non-commercial purposes as long as McCallie is credited. | For information about McCallie Magazine and to obtain permission to reproduce trademarked and copyrighted material, contact the McCallie School Public Affairs Office at [email protected] (423.624.8300) or by writing the Public Affairs Office, McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | McCallie School fully supports all anti-discrimination laws and does not engage in any unlawful discrimination.


4 Forty Years and CountingJohn McCall ’61 reflects on his 40-plus years on The Ridge as a student and teacher


5 2009 Distinguished alumnusDirector of Development Curtis Baggett ’65 receives this year’s esteemed honor

5 Meacham Pockets PulitzerJon Meacham ’87 is awarded a Pulitzer Prize for “American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House”

6 McCallie’s ‘Prime time’Talbot Trammell ’48 excelled at five sports during his McCallie School days

7 Coal hard FactsGeologist Peter Taylor ’77 has a unique understanding of the role of coal in our society and its future





14 extracurricular excursionsSome students bypass the beach during Spring Break to broaden their world views

17 Duck Day DifferenceThe annual Duck Day event welcomed some special guests for the first time in school history

18 Reunion weekend ’09Get an early jump on your Reunion Weekend plans with the October 2-3 event schedule


20 Births/weddings/newsRead the latest updates from your classmates


23 Guiding LightsAlumni share anecdotes of McCallie staffers who aided them during the college selection process


FeatuRe 8

Charting a Course for CollegeMcCallie’s college guidance office is exceptionally equipped to assist each student in finding the college or university which best fits him.

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Forty-plus Years and CountingLet teRs F iRst PeRsOn

My first visit to McCallie Day Camp in 1950 was a very positive experi-ence. My counselor was an excellent role model: Alvin (“Bunny”) Perkinson, Grayson Medalist in 1953. My father graduated from McCallie in 1928, his older brother in 1924 and my older brother enrolled two years ahead of me. There was never any doubt as to which school I would attend.

If I fell in love with McCallie in the early 1950s, I had mixed emo-tions toward the school in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades. I spent many Saturday mornings in Backwork and many Saturday afternoons walking laps around the track (“Bull Ring”) for too many day marks or military demerits. But sometime during the ninth grade, I desired to have a more positive image. I quit trying to wear loafers and white socks with the uniform. I started doing better in the military. I stayed active in athletics and got involved in other school activities. Because of my change of direction and new-found involve-ment, I now look back on my experi-ences as a student with fond memories.

Certain teachers and coaches shaped my McCallie experience and drew me toward the teaching profession. I joined the McCallie faculty in the sum-mer of 1969 to teach Spanish and coach wrestling. McCallie was a very different place from my student days. That first summer I was assigned to the Boarding Camp, but my duties were never clearly

g After reading the Winter/Spring issue, in particular the story on McCallie graduates who have served in Congress, Mr. Beach was kind enough to draw our attention to Mr. Smith. A 1989 graduate, Mr. Smith has also worked for the government in significant supporting roles.

Dear Editor:An interesting article in the 2009 Winter/

Spring issue of McCallie Magazine, “From the Ridge to the Hill,” noted the careers of four distinguished McCallie graduates who have served in Congress. These four have put to-gether an impressive streak of 46 consecutive years serving the American people; certainly a record of outstanding public service we can all take pride in as McCallie alumni.

Each of these members of Congress relied on a capable staff to successfully accomplish their agendas and to competently serve their constituents.

I felt a friend from Beattyville, Ky., was worthy of note in this group as well. His re-cord of public service in Washington has been as a member of the staff of two senior mem-bers of our Kentucky delegation.

Will Smith ’89 has served a variety of sup-port roles on the Hill since choosing govern-ment as his career path.

Beginning in 1994 with Senator Mitch Mc-Connell, Will has served in different capaci-ties – intern, staff assistant, correspondent director, political director for the 1996 re-elec-tion campaign, and as professional staff mem-ber on the Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee of which Senator McConnell was Chairman.

In 1998, Will joined Kentucky Congress-man Hal Rogers, a 29-year veteran of the House. He served in several roles before be-coming Rogers’ Chief of Staff in 2002, a posi-tion he holds today.

There may be other McCallie graduates currently serving as staffers to members of Congress. I have identified one who helps Congressman Rogers serve Kentucky well. g

– Charles Beach III ’64

The McCallie Magazine welcomes your feedback and memories. Send your thoughts to [email protected]

g First Person allows a teacher, administrator or student to present a unique perspective on life at McCallie.

Will Smith ’89

Public Servant

The 2009-10 school year will be John McCall’s 41st year as a faculty member at McCallie. McCall ’61 has published the book “On This Day in McCallie’s History” and is currently working on a second book about McCallie athletics. Here he reflects on his long tenure as a McCallie student and faculty member.

defined so I did a lot of reading. My sum-mer roommate in Maclellan Hall was Bill Eiselstein. We were both still bachelors so there was a lot of social activity.

When school started that September, I was loaded up with my share of duties. I was a member of the military staff, and because I was the last person in the school to learn that 1970 was to be the last year of the military program, I took those duties seriously. We had drill four days a week for about 40 minutes, and I would often conduct the inspections in a certain company. I even wore my old army uniform to drill until I noticed none of the other tactical officers were still doing that.

Another duty was to preside over the Hop Committee, which today is the Campus Entertainment Committee. I was in charge of every McCallie School dance and even had to assign chaperone duties to the faculty. During the second and third years, I told the guys on the committee to elect some girls from GPS to help us, and each year they selected the five best-look-ing girls – so that job was more fun for the young bachelor.

Coaching assignments were multi-level and every season. In the fall, I was head ju-nior school/junior high and B team/varsity assistant coach for cross country. In winter, I did the same with wrestling, and in spring with track and field. I took these jobs seri-ously, and we had winning seasons in every sport. My first track team smashed nearly all the existing records, about half of them by Steve Hearn ’74, one of my best ath-letes ever. During the next two decades, the coaching assignments were reduced to about one level per sport, and I gave up track to take over the management of the Lake. I also retired from wrestling, but my interest in that sport is still intense so I continue to be involved as a scorekeeper. Today, I just coach cross country, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Forty years of working at McCallie have been both a busy and an interesting time. There is almost never a dull day on this campus. g

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aLuMni news

Curtis Baggett ’65 received McCallie’s Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2009 in a March 19 ceremony on campus.

Mr. Baggett was honored for his lifelong career at McCallie and his outstanding ser-vice to the school.

Following a tour with the U.S. Navy, Mr. Baggett returned to campus in 1972 to teach science, environmental studies and mechanical drawing. He has also coached several athletic teams, worked as the school’s Director of Admission and as a development officer and is currently serving his sixth year as McCallie’s Director of Development.

“I have been privileged to spend a ca-reer in such a life-changing endeavor for so many boys like me,” Mr. Baggett said

Curtis Baggett Named2009 Distinguished Alumnus

at the ceremony. “The good news is that McCallie is even stronger, even more in-fluential today than it was for me in the 1960s. There are countless young facul-ty members roaming the campus today, reaching out to boys, helping them and in-spiring them to become McCallie Men of Honor, Truth and Duty.”

Upon accepting the award, Mr. Baggett thanked his family and singled out several individuals whom he said challenged, en-couraged and inspired him during his years as a boarding student and later as an em-ployee, including Major Burns, W.O.E.A. Humphreys, Warren James, Chalmers McIlwaine, Sack Milligan, Houston Pat-terson and John Strang and contemporaries Mel Cooper and Spencer McCallie. g

Former math teacher and coach John Pataky ’49 was inducted into the Greater Chattanooga Sports Hall of Fame in a Feb. 23 ceremony.

Mr. Pataky coached McCallie cross country teams for 40 years and swimming teams for 11. He guided his runners to 12 individual titles, eight Mid-South champi-onships, five regional championships and four league titles. His swimming and div-ing teams captured nine state championships in the 11 years under his tutelage.

Additionally, Josh Wheeler ’06 was honored as the Comeback Athlete of the Year at the same ceremony. Mr. Wheeler, currently competing in triathlons and Ironman competitions, has overcome multiple surgeries for a brain tumor. g

After making a name for himself in Nashville, singer/musician Justin Thompson ’88 has moved to New York City to see if he can keep the buzz buzzing.

An accomplished jazz guitarist with a smooth, mellow crooner’s voice to match his musical sound, Mr. Thompson has released his second CD, “Brand New Same Old Obsessions,” which can be heard on his website,

Prior to relocating to New York, Mr. Thompson won Nashville’s Starving Artist Award for best male artist in 2002 and 2003. He also debuted his first CD, “Tasty Puddin’,” which received critical acclaim.

This summer, his new CD and three songs received nominations for the Just Plain Folks Music Awards for Best Vocal Jazz Album and Best Vocal Jazz Songs respectively. Billed as the largest music contest in history, over 50,000 CDs and 500,000 songs were submitted to be judged in many different genres.

New York City Troubadour

while Jon Meacham ’87 and his new book were mentioned in this space in the last issue, it is hard to ignore his recent accomplishment.

Mr. Meacham, editor of Newsweek since 2006, was awarded a Pulitzer Prize on April 20 for his biography on our seventh President, “American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the white House.”

“American Lion is an unlikely portrait of a not always admirable democrat, but a pivotal President, written with an agile prose that brings the Jackson saga to life,” the Pulitzer committee said of the book.

Mr. Meacham was a writer for the Chattanooga Times before starting his Newsweek career in 1995.

Headmaster Kirk Walker ’69 (left) presents Curtis Baggett ’65 (right) with the Distinguished Alumnus Award.

Pataky in Chattanooga Sports Hall of Fame

Pulitzer Prizefor Meacham

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aLuMni news

Deion Sanders may be our nation’s most cel-ebrated multiple-sport athlete in the modern era. The former Major

League Baseball and Na-tional Football League player is the only pro-fessional athlete to have

competed in both a baseball World Series and an NFL Super Bowl, accomplishing the feat for

the Atlanta Braves in 1992 and the San Francisco 49ers (1994) and Dallas Cowboys (1995).

Legend says that, while attending Florida State University, the football All-American, later known as

“Prime Time,” was excused during a Seminoles’ home

baseball game to run a sprint event at an FSU track meet and then returned to the baseball lineup.

McCallie had its own multi-sport star over 60 years ago. Tal-bot Trammell ’48 is believed to be the last five-sport athlete in Blue Tornado history. A boarding student from Miami, Fla., he played baseball, basketball, football and golf and competed in the high jump on the track team in the same school year.

“I was blessed to be at McCallie with very good athletes and great coaches in a re-ally good athletic program,” Mr. Trammell says. “We won an awful lot of games and championships and had so much fun be-cause we were so successful.”

Mr. Trammell received the Stephens Ath-letic Medal in 1948 as McCallie’s best over-

all athlete. He led two Mid-South champi-onship basketball teams and was a member of Mid-South champions in baseball (1947), football (1947), golf (1947) and track (1948).

During his two years on the Ridge, the football team lost only two games. Mr. Trammell earned All-City and All-Mid-South honors in football and basketball and was the top hoops scorer as a senior. He set a school record in the high jump at 6-0 ¾, simply with a body-length leap over the bar.

In addition to the normal academic de-mands and expectations of attending Mc-Callie, Mr. Trammell had to contend with the daily military training and drills on top of his athletic pursuits.

“Athletics didn’t interfere with my school work,” he says. “Everyone had to play a sport in the afternoon and study at night. In my case, I played football, basketball and baseball in the afternoon and used the study hall at night. I practiced golf on the weekends and spent very little time work-ing on the high jump. I had as much study time as anybody.”

Seems the McCallie-Baylor sports rivalry was just as intense during that era.

“My happiest sports memory is playing Baylor for the Mid-South Basketball Tour-

nament championship,” Mr. Trammell says. “In the second overtime, I remember be-ing so tired I could hardly run. We were all worn out. Harry Stowers (’48) made a hook shot from the foul line to win the game.

“Our class had the neatest bunch of guys. I can name 30 great athletes who just hap-pened to come along at the same time. I’m sure McCallie has had groups like that since, but I was lucky to be a part of one while I was there.”

Mr. Trammell continued his education at Washington & Lee University on a football scholarship and also competed in baseball, basketball and golf for the Generals. In his junior year, the Generals won the Southern Conference football title and played Wyo-ming in the Gator Bowl.

He was drafted by the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles in 1952.

According to McCallie records, only six McCallie graduates have played in the NFL. Mr. Trammell was not one of those, opting to begin a career in law. Recently re-tired from his firm of Trammell & Trammell in Tallahassee, Fla., he says he will always treasure the school spirit and proud McCal-lie tradition shared on campus.

“When I think about the background I received at McCallie, I don’t think about sports,” he says. “I think about the spiritual values I received. Of course I appreciated the scholastics. It equipped me for life. The education I received was outstanding.

“When I got to college, I had less trouble coping than my friends did. My freshman Algebra class used the same book McCal-lie used. McCallie had some great teachers who challenged each student to work hard.”

Ten placards hang on the wall in McCal-lie’s Sports and Activities Center listing Mc-Callie’s three-sport athletes since 1998-99. Athletes have become increasingly more specialized over the last 20 years, and the days of competing in five sports have likely expired. Mr. Trammell admits it would be quite a challenge for him to match his five-sport accomplishments in this era, let alone remain competitive in one.

“There is no way I could manage five sports if I were at McCallie today,” he says. “Athletes are much better now than they were then. Each generation gets so much bigger and stronger, and techniques get bet-ter. I’m not even sure how many of us could make a team today. It’s all relative. Back then, we were able to get it done.” g

Talbot Trammell ’48:McCallie’s ‘Prime Time’ Talbot Trammell ’48

excelled at five sportswhile at McCallie.

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aLuMni news

The three films “The Molly Maguires,” “October Sky” and “Out of the Black” cast a gray shadow over the honorable occupation that is coal mining. The profession itself is depicted in these movies as undesirable and undignified; the miners themselves forever covered in soot and black dust.

McCallie graduate Peter Taylor ’77 ob-serves otherwise. He values coal as a regal rock; a necessary source of energy.

Mr. Taylor is an expert in the coal indus-try. A career geologist, he possesses a unique understanding of the magnitude coal plays in our society and its future.

“Coal is going to remain a key factor in the success of the United States economy,” Mr. Taylor says. “Besides China, it is esti-mated that North America has more poten-tial coal energy than the rest of the world has in oil energy. It is too early to abandon coal for alternative fuels. Over 50 percent of U.S. electricity generated comes from coal.”

Mr. Taylor specializes in coal as Vice Pres-ident of Geology at Marshall Miller and Associates, a highly-respected engineer-ing and geological consulting firm in Blue-field, Va. What began as a company with a concentration on the coal industry has branched out to oil, gas and environmental work. MM&A has projects throughout the U.S. and across the globe, projects which fo-cus on fossil fuels, transportation and land and mineral development industries. It also strives to work with government agencies to achieve environmental responsibility and preservation of natural resources.

Some environmentalists point out the negatives to coal-generated energy, partic-ularly that it is a major contributor to our planet’s climate crisis and global warming.

With Mr. Taylor’s expertise comes an acute understanding of the pros and cons of this valuable yet controversial energy source. He believes that humans impact the Earth and its environment on a daily basis. But he also feels we should be stewards of the abundant resources available to us.

“The politics of energy does have an im-pact on my profession,” he says. “It impacts the lives of many people in our country. It is my opinion that the coal industry, coal pro-duction and coal consumption will remain very important to our economy for at least another 50 years; probably a lot longer.

“There is a tradeoff. If you like your com-puter, if you like your air conditioner, you are going to have to accept the fact that we

are going to have to burn coal in order for you to enjoy those benefits.”

The U.S. Department of Energy backs up these claims. “Coal is one of the true mea-sures of the energy strength of the United States,” the agency states. “Coal is also the workhorse of the nation’s electric power industry, supplying more than half the elec-tricity consumed by Americans.”

After 27 years at MM&A, Mr. Taylor is qualified in his belief that the coal business is as concerned about the environment as anybody, maybe moreso. During his career, he says, many changes have come about within the industry to mitigate environ-mental damage.

MM&A is currently at the forefront of new technology to produce clean coal and reduce the discarded pollutants from burning it. Mr. Taylor says his company is working closely with the Environmental Protection Agency, Virginia Tech and other agencies to develop the technology for carbon sequestration, a process which captures carbon at coal-burning power plants and pumps it back into the ground or into old abandoned mines, keeping the carbon dioxide from polluting the atmosphere.

Before studying geology at Washington and Lee University, Mr. Taylor was a four-year boarding student at McCallie. A geolo-gy class wasn’t offered, but an environmen-tal club caught his interest. What McCal-lie did offer was more than he could glean from books and classes and clubs.

“McCallie gave me a great academic background,” he says. “It provided me with the ability to learn and to deal with people of all walks of life and personalities. By the time I went to college, I was already accus-tomed to dorm life.

“I met some wonderful role models like Houston Patterson and Steve Bartlett. And certainly the honor system has been a major influence on my entire life.”

Among the many leaders of business and industry McCallie has produced, few have gone on to become geologists. As an expert in his field, Mr. Taylor is in a distinctive po-sition to assess the Earth’s coal resources for fuel-burning purposes while directing the effect of science and technology on the environment.

His position increases in importance as our planet’s resources diminish and the pro-tection of the environment continues to concern the population. g


Peter Taylor ’77

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COVeR FeatuRe

Charting a Course

for College

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Charting a Course

for College

ping. That term means there is a disparity, sometimes a wide one, between the fam-ily’s expected financial contribution and the amount of financial aid available. That issue is exacerbated by the fact that student loans are more difficult to obtain, and federal aid for disadvantaged students has not kept up with rising educational costs.”

Mr. Rogers cites Vanderbilt University as a close-to-home example of the increased selectivity occurring at many institutions. In 2003, Mr. Rogers says, Vanderbilt ac-cepted almost half of its applicants – 46 percent. In 2007, that percentage fell to 33 percent. Last year, the rate dropped sharply to 25 percent. This past academic year, Van-derbilt accepted just 19 percent of its appli-cants, and it received well over 19,000 ap-plications, an increase of almost 2,500 over the previous year.

McCALLIE’S PHILOSOPHYThe college guidance staff is charged with the responsibility of assisting each student in his search to find the college or universi-ty which best fits him – academically, social-ly and financially. While college counseling is not an exact science, Mr. Rogers and his staff – associate director Steve Bartlett, as-sistant director Jeff Kurtzman and adminis-trative assistant Sandra Carter – have a de-tailed, developmental plan in place; a plan which begins for the students in the ninth grade.

McCallie’s college guidance philoso-phy seeks to offer comprehensive guid-ance to all Upper School students, to keep the students involved in every facet of the decision-making process and to encourage them to explore a wide variety of options in terms of selectivity, affordability, setting, size and generic type. Ultimately, according to this strategy, the student’s college choice should maximize his growth potential in all components of his personality.

COVeR FeatuRe

Jackson, a boarding student from Athens, Ala., who graduated in May, came to Mc-Callie four years ago to be challenged in the classroom and to improve his options for college. A McCallie diploma opened many doors for him, including those at Yale where he will be attending this fall.

“If I had gone to high school back home, going to Yale would have been a dream,” he says. “My reach school would have been Vanderbilt. At McCallie, Vanderbilt was one of my safer schools, and my reaches were Harvard, Yale and Princeton. I was able to get into all of those schools.”

The college admissions process has changed dramatically over the past few years for our nation’s high school juniors and seniors. Some have called the 2008-09 college search season the most competitive year in history. The primary reasons may be the increased number of high school gradu-ates and the rate at which they are choosing to enter college, the graduates’ increased selectivity and the country’s economic downturn.

Kevin Carey of the Education Sector re-ported that about 3.2 million students grad-uated from American high schools in 2007, a nine percent increase from the 2.9 mil-lion who graduated in 2002. Other statis-tics show that the number of college appli-cations tends to increase as unemployment and recession rates rise, while the current economic situation has created a squeeze on financial aid and housing assistance at many institutions.

“If I were to narrow down the two most significant challenges on the secondary side of college admission, the first would be in-creased selectivity, especially at the high-er end of competition,” says John “Buck” Rogers, Director of College Guidance at McCallie. “Second would be less availabil-ity of financial aid for needy families and a widespread use of a practice known as gap-

Boyd Jackson forced everyone from his McCallie dorm room. Nerves had overtaken him, and he had to end the suspense. It was time to peek online to learn if he had been accepted to his dream college, Yale University, and he wanted to be alone to either celebrate or sulk.

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list that can include 20 to 30 schools. The counselors’ recommendation to the juniors is to conduct research to be able to trim the number to about a dozen as they return to campus for their senior years.

Seniors are expected to turn in their re-spective application lists by early Decem-ber, preferably diverse lists which would include a handful of target schools, at least one which is almost certain to offer admis-sion, and usually one or two which both students and counselors consider a reach school, a category that varies quite widely depending on the credentials of each indi-vidual applicant.

The staff tries to assist each student in assessing his individual strengths and weak-nesses based on the admission criteria at the schools to which he is applying. As stu-dents come to terms with these issues, they are in a better position to determine what their admission chances may be. Since many selective colleges now consider the qual-ity and reputation of the student’s second-ary school, as well as personal qualities and unique talents, McCallie students frequent-ly gain admission to a reach institution.

“We work with the philosophy that there are no bad colleges, just bad matches,” Mr. Rogers says. “College is a match to be made, not a prize to be won. We try to edu-cate our students and parents that our job is to help the boys find the colleges that will be the best possible choice for them. For some, it may be Ivy League schools, but it is important to realize that it is not primar-ily about gaining admission and selecting a name brand. It’s all about maximizing each student’s opportunities.

“We do encourage them to apply to at least one reach school. Having confidence or even overconfidence is better than not believing in oneself. If you are offered ad-mission to a school that typically takes stu-dents with more elite credentials than the

COVeR FeatuRe

Students and their parents are intro-duced to the search process in January of their freshmen years. Tenth graders be-gin the year with a kickoff meeting which encourages them to engage in school and community activities and provides informa-tion on upcoming college nights.

The process intensifies during the junior year. The students and staff meet and work together to compile a college exploration

ones you seem to possess, it can result in a surge of valuable self-esteem and a healthy desire to prove your worthiness. If you hap-pen not to make the cut, it can still be a worthy life lesson.”

CHOOSING WISELYThe college opportunities for McCallie students are plentiful. From 2004 to 2008, McCallie placed graduates at 168 different institutions.

Tate Ball, a Class of 2009 day student, has a passion for acting. His college choices were based upon acting programs and op-portunities. He spent six summer weeks in 2008 at UCLA in an acting program and au-ditioned for colleges in January 2009.

“I hadn’t even looked at a few of my schools before I sat down with Mr. Bartlett late in my sophomore year and discussed schools known for acting,” Ball says. “He helped me locate acting scholarships. He pointed me in the right direction and tried to help me find what I liked.”

Ball narrowed his choices to New York University and Northwestern University but chose NYU upon learning he had been accepted to the Tisch School of the Arts and placed in the Stella Adler Studio of Act-ing. Adler alumni include acting legends Marlon Brando and Robert DeNiro.

Boyd Jackson completed a clean sweep with his applications. He applied to and was accepted by Duke University, Harvard Uni-versity, the University of Oklahoma, Princ-eton University, Vanderbilt, Washington University in St. Louis and Yale. Many of his classmates chose to stay closer to home and attend the University of Tennessee or the University of Georgia, two of the three most popular choices for McCallie seniors since 2004.

Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship (Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally) awards financial assistance to Georgia high school graduates who have maintained a B aver-age and chosen to enroll in a Georgia pub-lic or private institution. The program is funded by the Georgia Lottery for Educa-tion which began in 1993. The State of Ten-nessee has a similar program, the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program.

But Tennessee and Georgia have crossed over into the more selective range of col-lege admission. Tennessee, for example, is now using a holistic admission process with more requirements and restrictions. In-stead of using grade point average and class

“We work with the philosophy that there are no bad colleges; just bad matches. College is a match to be made; not a prize to be won. We try to educate our students and parents that our job is to help the boys find the colleges that will be the best possible choice for them.”

John “Buck” Rogers

Director of College Guidance

Steve Bartlett, Associate Director of College Guidance

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rank as the only barometers for admission, it now looks for recommendations, well-written essays, and impressive lists of extra-curricular activities from its applicants. If a McCallie student hasn’t challenged him-self with several of the most difficult cours-es, Rogers says, admission to Tennessee or Georgia can be unpredictable.

Wake Forest University, one of the na-tion’s more selective universities, recently surprised the admission world by dropping the ACT and SAT standardized testing re-quirements from its admission guidelines. It is the only school among the U.S. News & World Report’s top 30 national universities without these criteria. Wake holds the view that these tests are not the best predictor of a student’s success in college.

Mr. Rogers believes McCallie students will benefit from this approach as they all tend to be fairly active and involved and ac-customed to writing essays.

“Those of us in college guidance were ex-ceptionally proud of how well these seniors gained admission into a wonderfully diverse group of nationally-recognized colleges and universities,” Mr. Rogers says. “More im-portantly, they seemed to have made their college choices for all the right reasons. Their impressive placement is even more noteworthy when one considers this was probably the most competitive year in the history of college admissions, and it cor-responded with the most challenging eco-nomic era in decades.”

GOLDEN GUIDANCEThe shelves in the guidance office library are overrun with publications – books to assist students with admissions, college choices and test taking, college guide books and undergraduate course catalogs and even a corner for the 2,924-page Peterson’s Four-Year College handbook.

Also available online is the Naviance soft-ware system which organizes and enhances a student’s search process. Naviance allows the user to research any college, set up cam-pus visits, seek financial aid possibilities and submit applications. It allows the guidance staff to communicate with students and par-ents throughout the process and keep them informed of testing dates and college repre-sentatives visiting McCallie.

McCallie students are encouraged to at-tend college fairs and embark on school-sponsored or self-initiated college tours and visits. The guidance office has also set up an

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extensive photo gallery of near-ly 80 college campuses for stu-dents to view. These archived photos display campus land-marks, class buildings, hous-ing, even student hangouts and green spaces and give poten-tial applicants a quick campus glance. The counselors have vis-ited and photographed campus-es from all corners of the map, including out-of-the-way locales such as the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Wash., and St. John’s College in Santa Fe, N.M.

This summer, Mr. Kurtzman toured and visited universities in Western Canada.

But it is the personal atten-tion and interest of each stu-dent taken by McCallie’s college guidance staff which helps to set each individual course like a compass.

This year’s class Salutato-rian, Jackson plans to major in Spanish and either bio-medical or chemical engineering. Yale presents opportunities for un-dergraduate research which will assist him in his goal of advanc-ing to an M.D./Ph.D. program.

John “Buck” Rogers, Director of College Guidance,with Tate Ball (left) and Boyd Jackson (right).

Jeff Kurtzman,Assistant Director of College Guidance

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“The first time I sat down with Mr. Rogers, his goals were to get an idea of who I was, what I liked to do, and what I was interested in studying,” Jackson says. “He had my transcripts and test scores and knew where I was academi-cally. He directed me to some scholar-ship opportunities. I felt like he really cared about who I was; he was con-cerned about making me happy and ca-tering to what I wanted to do.”

EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONSMcCallie parents hold reasonable as-sumptions that their sons will be of-fered appropriate college preparatory coursework, receive solid advice on choosing and applying to their best college options and be in a position to compete effectively for college schol-arships. Of the 152 graduates of the Class of 2009, 58 percent were awarded scholarship dollars.

Many factors can contribute to high school seniors’ stress levels during the college decision process. McCallie’s college guidance staff has the expertise to provide the rudder through the oc-casional choppy waters students must navigate when deciding upon their next educational step. Mr. Rogers himself has 32 years of experience in both the college and secondary environments.

One of Boyd Jackson’s hometown friends had practical aspirations of go-ing to the University of North Caro-lina. Her high school counselor shat-tered those thoughts, however, telling her she had no chance and need not apply.

“A lot of the guys here think they may not have a chance to get into their top choices,” Jackson says. “But they are encouraged to apply. At McCallie, they want you to put yourself out there and reach higher than you think you can go. I would say ‘Never sell yourself short.’ You never know what you are going to be able to achieve.” g

Stephen AntalisPresidential ScholarshipMercer University

Arun AugustineDean’s and Renaissance ScholarshipsDuke University

David Bailey, Presidential Scholarship and a University Fellow AwardUniversity of Alabama

Chase BrookshireAthletic grant-in-aid for BaseballBelmont University

David ClarkAuburn Spirit Foundation ScholarshipAuburn University

Blake CoddingtonChattanooga YES ScholarshipUniversity of Tennessee Chattanooga

James CupoAthletic Grant-in-Aid for Lacrosse and Southeastern ScholarshipPresbyterian College

Brad DavenportPresident’s Scholarship andMerit AwardUniversity of Puget Sound

Mac Dean, UT Volunteer ScholarshipUniversity of Tennessee

Jake Dorris, UT Volunteer ScholarshipUniversity of Tennessee

Thomas Dugger, Tuition ScholarshipFranklin W. Olin College of Engineering

Ethan EngelJack Kent Cook College Scholar and Luxottica Retail ScholarshipVassar College

Jacob EvertsAthletic grant-in-aid for GolfVirginia Tech

Hardy FarrowBoard of Trustees’ Scholarship and University Alumni AwardGeorge Washington University

James FergusonBoard of Trustees Scholarship and the University Alumni AwardGeorge Washington University

Gavin Fox, Achiever ScholarshipFurman University

Jay FullamAthletic grant-in-aid for FootballVanderbilt University

Chris GlascockLiberal Studies Program ScholarshipNew York University

Rico Henderson, Pledge ScholarshipUniversity of Tennessee

Jeremy HermanPresidential Fellowship andBonner Service ScholarshipRhodes College

Scott Hughes, AppointmentUnited States Air Force Academy

Ben Jacoway, Chancellor’s Honors and UT Volunteer ScholarshipsUniversity of Tennessee

Chase JolanderBoard of Trustees ScholarshipAuburn University

John KlosinskiLeadership ScholarshipPresbyterian College

Daniel LapihuskaAcademic Merit AwardClemson University

Andrew LarkinFoote Fellowship and University and Gables ScholarshipsUniversity of Miami

Alex Lemons, The Bishop AwardUniversity of Puget Sound

Jim MakepeaceArmy ROTC ScholarshipUniversity of Mississippi

Peter McCall, Scholar’s AwardWashington & Jefferson College

James MoretonSMU Distinguished Scholar, Engineering Fellows Scholar and Veritas ScholarshipSouthern Methodist University

Tyler Newman, Founder’s ScholarshipSamford University

Stewart NorwoodMerit and Community Service AwardsSouthern Methodist University

Ryan O’BoyleDean’s Merit ScholarshipUniversity of Dayton

Ethan OttSpirit of Auburn ScholarshipAuburn University

Michael Parhamthe Joseph C. Gordon Scholarship and the Presidential Scholarship for Distinguished AchievementWake Forest University

Rob Peterson, Legacy AwardUniversity of Southern California

Tony PetrozzaWoodrow Wilson ScholarshipUniversity of South Carolina

David PrichardVice-Chancellor’s ScholarshipSewanee

Clay ShepherdVeritas Scholar Award, Distinguished Scholar and Distinguished BBA ScholarshipsSouthern Methodist University

Aaron Sloan, Merit AwardEastern Mennonite University

Will SnipesAthletic grant-in-aid for GolfVanderbilt University

Ethan SpeicherBerry College Academic Scholarship and Competitive AwardBerry College

Drew TaylorNational Merit ScholarshipVanderbilt University

Jimmy TobinSam Walton Community, Ronald McDonald House and Comcast Leaders & Achievers ScholarshipsStanford University

Mitchner TurnipseedAcademic Excellence AwardUniversity of Mississippi

MacRae ValleryUniversity ScholarshipBoston University

Alex VeyBernard Ramsey Honors ScholarshipUniversity of Georgia

Kenny WareMerit ScholarshipHampton University

Thompson WellsThe President’s AwardSewanee

Steele WrightFounders and AcademicMerit ScholarshipsSamford University

Riley YoungAcademic Excellence Awardand Book ScholarshipUniversity of Mississippi

L-R; Jeff Kurtzman, Buck Rogers, Sandra Carter and Steve Bartlett

2009 sChOLaRshiP aCCePtanCes (Does not include Georgia [7] and Tennessee [38] HOPE Scholarships)

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A job announcement in the Chronicle of Higher Education attracted more than interested applicants.

The listing for Dean of Admissions at Warren Wilson College detailed the usual duties and qualifications for an admissions position. But it also listed some supernatu-ral credentials which would aid this person should he or she take the job.

“The candidate should be able to leap tall buildings, outrun speeding bullets and be able not only to see the future but control it,” the announcement went on to say.

That sentence, while written in jest, made such an impact on Doyle Bickers ’65 that he keeps it as a reference in his office.

Mr. Bickers can relate to the bit of comic relief. A college admissions officer for near-ly 35 years, including 29 at Auburn Universi-ty, he is in tune with the highly-competitive, ever-changing world of college recruiting.

He compares the college admissions pro-fession to marketing, and high school stu-dents and their parents to marketing tar-gets. Colleges and universities today, he says, have developed marketing tactics and strategies that are as skillful as those of ma-jor corporations.

“The primary goals of admissions at al-most every institution today are more ap-plicants, better applicants and more diverse applicants,” the McCallie graduate says. “Everybody is trying to build marketing and recruiting programs that are focused on those three goals.

“Parents and students need to realize that they are being courted. These institu-tions are attempting to persuade them to come to their school, and they are going to use the best marketing tools possible. It is absolutely critical for students and par-ents to be good consumers; that they look through the hype to discover each school’s real core values, the local culture, the mis-sion, the academic quality and what the stu-dent development programs are really like.”

As stated in the previous article “Chart-ing a Course for College,” McCallie’s phi-losophy is to help a student find the college or university which best fits him – academi-cally, socially and financially. The objectives of a high school guidance counselor and that of a college administrator are parallel when it comes to the college selection pro-

cess. Mr. Bickers echoes the opinions of McCallie’s Director of College Guid-ance, Buck Rogers and his staff.

“The keys to success in college are three things: fit, fit and fit,” says Mr. Bickers, whose father, Kenneth Doyle Bickers ’31, is also a McCallie alumnus. “Do you fit with the institution you de-sire to attend? If the student is happy and comfortable, if he likes the campus, if he likes the faculty, if he likes the other students – that is where he is going to be successful. Parents have to let the stu-dent find his way and find the fit that is right for him.”

Now serving Auburn as its registrar, Mr. Bickers plans to retire in October of this year. He credits his two years at Mc-Callie as key to the success he has found in his life and his career as an administra-tor in higher education.

Throughout his tenure at Auburn, Mr. Bickers has had a hand in bringing a fair share of McCallie men to the east Alabama land-grant university. But he is also aware that McCallie educates and prepares each student with the opportunity to extend his goals and expand his dreams.

“McCallie has historically always had a dual focus,” Bickers says. “The emphasis is

Finding the Right Fit

first and foremost on the academic growth of the student. Secondly, the focus is on the development of the total person; his per-sonal growth, his physical athletic growth and his spiritual growth. The second part is what gives one the foundation of being a healthy person and makes one successful in life.” g

It is a planning process that, from »a student standpoint, has to begin early.

Pick out three distinctively different »types of institutions when starting the search process.

Studies have shown that » fit is the key to student success.

Parents need to let the student »learn, let the student make his/her own mistakes and let the student pick his/her own college.

Parents should not let themselves »get out of touch with the student.

Ask questions of the student. Nice »questions. Talk to him/her openly. You are not probing into his/her life.

Parents have to develop a balance between holding on and letting go. »

Parents should be there for the student, even if things go wrong. »

If it is not fun and doesn’t feel good, it is probably not the right place. »

College should be fun. Students should have a good time as well as learn and grow. »

Doy le Bicker s ’ t ips f o r t he College selec t ion Process

Doyle Bickers ’65

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McCallie challenges boys to take bold

steps, to leave their comfort zone. During

school breaks, many students spend time at home, find jobs or vacation with family.

Several McCallie students, however,

have used this time away from their

studies to better themselves or to lend

a hand to those in other countries who

are less fortunate.

A LIfE-CHANGING EXPErIENCE During Spring Break 2009, rising seniors

Richard Lindeman, Hudson Magee and Dan Wharton eschewed the beach in favor of a trip to poverty-stricken villages in Hai-ti. They worked with contacts from their local church and helped with construction and repairs and spent time with the Haitian children.

“We were completely immersed in the culture,” Dan says. “We played soccer with the kids. They didn’t speak English, and we didn’t speak Creole, but soccer was a uni-versal medium.”

One important task for the group was to restore a water supply by repairing two wells. They replaced rusty, non-functioning pipes with PVC. They also repainted a run-down hospital, helped build a dormitory for missionaries, hiked up to a remote moun-tain village and made new friends.

“The people in the village were by far the most accepting people we encountered,” Richard says. “We provided many people on the mountain with food and a water fil-tration system. That day really made me feel like we were making a difference.”

“I would go back if I had the opportuni-ty,” Dan added. “It’s a life-changing experi-ence; something everyone should try.”

EMBrACING DIvErSITY Jason Cha spent a portion of his most

recent Christmas break working with chil-dren halfway across the world.

A rising senior, Jason traveled to Cairo, Egypt, with 15 others from Lookout Moun-tain Presbyterian Church, including Mc-Callie seventh-grader Hamilton Heald and alumnus Marshall Teague ’03. While in Cai-ro, the group worked with poor and disad-vantaged children in several venues, includ-ing a school for deaf children.

“Though communication was limited with them, we were able to communicate through love and caring,” Jason says. “It was worthwhile to see the joy it brought them. We also played soccer with them, Egypt versus USA, and we lost.”

A visit to a home for disabled children turned out to be difficult for the group.

“This was challenging spiritually and emotionally,” Jason says. “Seeing these chil-dren in such poor living conditions as we fed, played, prayed and sang for them was extremely difficult.”

The group also spent time with residents of Cairo’s “garbage village,” an encampment in a garbage dump. They worked along-side an Egyptian ministry and conducted a sports camp for children living in the dump.

Extracurricular E x C U R S I O N S

Elliott Fisher ’09 at the summit of Snowmass Mountain, Colorado

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“These trips aren’t only fun and adventurous; they are opportunities to learn about the world and its diversity. It’s a great way for McCallie students to see other cultures and broaden their world views.”Jason Cha ’10

“I got to wash the feet of several children whose feet were so covered in dirt that it took several minutes of scrubbing to get to the sole,” Jason says.

The Egyptian journey made such an im-pact that Jason encourages other students to seek out similar experiences.

“These trips aren’t only fun and adven-turous; they are opportunities to learn about the world and its diversity,” he says. “It’s a great way for McCallie students to see other cultures and broaden their world views.”

WILDErNESS EXPEDITION For Elliott Fisher ’09, the summer of

2008 was far from ordinary. He trekked through the Rocky Mountains with a 50-pound pack, slid down walls of ice and spent days alone in the wilderness.

Elliott was participating in an Outward Bound mountaineering course, a youth pro-gram designed to teach life lessons, leader-ship and survival skills in the outdoors.

Elliott, 10 fellow participants and three instructors spent more than three weeks hiking, climbing and glissading, which is sliding down an icy mountain with the help of an ice pick.

“I will always remember the trip because of the bonds I formed with others,” he says. “We had to work together or we wouldn’t complete the task at hand.”

One of the most challenging segments of the trip, Elliott recalled, was enduring three days of required solitude. The campers were not allowed to have a watch, books or games and had to create their own shelters.

“I didn’t even see my instructors when they brought us food,” Elliott says. “We were instructed to leave our bowls and wa-ter bottles near our spot, but far enough away so as not to come into contact with anyone else.”

While solitude was challenging, some sit-uations he encountered struck fear.

“We had a frightening experience on top of a mountain,” he says. “A storm broke right above us with lightning, rain and thun-der. We raced across the mountain to a spot we could glissade down.”

The group’s “final exam” was to summit Snowmass Mountain, a daunting 14,092 feet above sea level. It took a day of in-tense hiking just to get close enough to the mountain to begin the ascent.

“We had to use rope to climb because of the drop surrounding us,” Elliott says. “That was my most memorable experi-

ence, overcoming the chal-lenges required of us physi-cally and mentally. I was proud of myself and the group for our effort and determination.

“I certainly have grown to respect the environ-ment and appreciate nature when I see it untouched by man. Courses like Outward Bound also enforce some of McCallie’s traditions – hon-oring each other and the group’s materials, showing determination and demon-strating character.”

GIvING BACkJordan Ridge worked this summer at

an orphanage in the Dominican Repub-lic. He found out about the opportunity through his church, which has an ongoing ministry at the orphanage.

“We worked with the orphans, show-ing children who don’t have parents that God loves them,” Jordan says.

A rising senior, Jordan used the Span-ish skills he has gained at McCallie to communicate with the kids in the Dominican.

“I love Spanish,” he says. “I am looking to do something beneficial with it, to be able to use something I’ve learned toward a real-life situation.

“I also want to use my abilities to bring someone closer to Christ, which is a re-ally great opportunity for me. My hope is to bring a smile to some of those kids’ faces.” g

Jason Cha, left and below

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Senior leadership for the 2009-10 school year began a few months early for leaders of the Class of 2010.

McCallie held a Leader-to-Leader Lun-cheon May 19 for 20 rising senior mem-bers of several campus leadership or-ganizations including Honor Society, Keo-Kio, Senate, Student Council and S.P.I.R.I.T.U.A.L.S.

An alumni panel addressed the students on traits of leadership and answered ques-tions ranging from ‘Why do leaders suc-ceed or fail?’ to ‘How does one stand firm when making an unpopular choice?’

The alumni panel – including Dr. Frank A. Brock ’60, Paul K. Brock ’50, Samuel H. Campbell IV ’77, Dr. David P. McCal-lie ’40, Ward Petty ’80 and Richard W. Spencer ’51 – served up several nuggets of knowledge.

The most-discussed topic was when the panel was asked to share an instance when they had to make a tough, ethical decision in their respective careers.

“It goes back to Honor, Truth, Duty and Man’s Chief End,” Mr. Petty said, referring to the school’s guiding prin-ciples and motto respectively. “Doing what’s right is never going to change. A lot of people want to be led.”

Student representatives includ-ed Alex Ankar, Hudson Brock, Jay Brooks, Jason Cha, Lee Cotton, Pierce DeRico, Waters Faulkner, John Gwin, Matt Harris, Stuart King, Nick Mall-chok, Davis Mastin, Davis Mooney, Nihar Patel, Tyler Petty, Tyler Rich-ard, Keenon Rush, Henry Self, Pranav Singh and Hayden Sloan. g

The annual Awards Day honors boys who have excelled in all areas of school life at McCallie. The Grayson Medal is considered the school’s highest honor. The winner is selected by a vote of the Upper School student body and faculty and the Senate and Student Council. The Campbell Award is presented to the Grayson runnerup.

whitaker Brown ’09, a boarding student from Charlotte, N.C., received the Grayson Medal, and Jay Fullam ’09, a day student from Rising Fawn, Ga., was presented the Campbell Award.

The Distinguished Teacher Award went to Dr. Michael woodward, the Howard H. Baker Jr. Chair of American History and Chair of the History Department.

Andy Brown ’09, a boarder from winston-Salem, N.C., was honored with the walker Casey Award. This award, one of the school’s most prestigious honors, is voted upon by faculty and fellow seniors.

The debate team of sophomores Austen Smith (left) and John Arnold (right) claimed a state title at the High School Speech and Drama League State Tournament, going undefeated in eight matches.

Of McCallie’s five Public Forum teams, four advanced to the quarterfinals and two were semifinalists. The debate topic concerned the pros and cons of the Employee Free Choice Act.

The freshman duo of Daniel Caballero and Christian Talley earned a 5-2 mark and competed in the semifinals. Juniors Vishnu Chander and Brian Keller went 4-2, as did the team of sophomore Carter ward and junior Danny Lewis. Freshmen will Anderson and Stuart Bryant competed in five matches.

The varsity crew team won its second consecutive Southeastern Regional Championship in May.

The Lightweight 8+ boat consisting of Jake Dorris, Ian Easterling, walker Flythe, Henry Francis, Curtis Kachline, Richard Lindeman, Chris Ryan, James winford and coxswain Jack Morrow brought home the trophy from the Oak Ridge race and qualified for the U.S. Rowing Youth National Championships

McCallie’s boat placed ninth overall at the Nationals in June in Cincinnati but third among all high school teams. The crew team is coached by Prentice Stabler ’02 and Peterson Hostetler ’02.





For full coverage of events around campus, visit

CaMPus news

(L-R) Dr. Kirk Walker, Headmaster, Whitaker Brown,Jay Fullam, Kenny Sholl, Upper School Head

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It started like any other Duck Day. The eating contests. The

crazy games. Boys running around shirtless on a wet, winter-like April morning.

And then, in came . . . the girls. And Duck Day became a whole

new animal.

Top: Despite rain and abnormally-cold temperatures, students played on inflatable games for much of the morning. Right: The Krystal® eating

contest is a perennial favorite. Bottom right: Alex Goss attempts to defend

his title as belly flop champion. Below and bottom left: GPS upper-school

girls joined in the day’s festivities for the first time in Duck Day history.

Left: Thompson wells weighs the painful price of victory in the

jalapeño-eating contest.

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Duck Day DiΩerence

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8:30 am/Reunion Golf outinG (advance reservations required) Lookout Mountain Golf Club

10 am/lula lake outinG enjoy the hiking trails at Lula Lake Land trust on Lookout Mountain.

2 pm/Bike touR of ChattanooGa Ride on a low-traffic, urban two-hour route featuring the south side and the north shore.

5 pm/Downtown Bus piCk up From the sheraton Read house and the Chattanoogan hotels to at&t Field for the Big Blue tailgate.

5:15 pm/BiG Blue tailGate (advance reservations required)

at&t Field Picnic Pavilion.

6:45 pm/Bus tRanspoRtation From at&t Field to Baylor for the football game.

7:30 pm/mCCallie/BayloR footBall Game heywood stadium, Baylor school.

9 am/haBitat foR humanity BuilD work with students from McCallie and Girls Preparatory school on the 13th house build.

9:45 am/Reunion alumni memoRial seRviCe

Chapel - Led by Josh Deitrick, Chaplain.



10 am - 1 pm/CheCk in at the Reunion hospitality Center, located in the lobby of the Dining hall.

10 am/Reunion tennis RounD RoBin strang tennis Center

9:30-11:30 am/Campus touRs student-led tours begin at the Dining hall at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m.

10:30-11:15 am/“the Civil waR Battle of missionaRy RiDGe” Presentation in Brock-Lazenby Room, Dining hall by steve Bartlett, College Guidance.

11:30 am-12:30 pm/“faith, ethiCs & ChaRaCteR” Faculty panel discussion in the Dining hall with Chaplain Josh Deitrick, edward snodgrass ’73 and ed snow.

12-1 pm/faCulty ReCeption Dining hall Patio

1-2:30 pm/heaDmasteR’s lunCheon (advance reservations required)

Dining hall - induction of Golden M society members, presentation of awards to outstanding reunion alumni and reunion classes, and “state of the school” remarks from headmaster Kirk walker ’69.

satuRDay eveninG/Class paRties For the Classes of ’49, ’54, ’59, ’64, ’69, ’74, ’79, ’84, ’89, ’94, ’99 and ’04. a class photograph will be taken at each class party, so don’t miss it!

McCallie Reunion Weekend • October 2-3, 2009

ReuniOnWeekend ’09

Come Home to the RidgeMcCallie wants you back at school. Only this time without the books. If this is your reunion year, McCallie invites you to take advantage of this opportunity to reconnect with your school, renew old friendships and revisit former teachers and mentors.

Reunion Weekend is October 2-3. The Reunion Program has provided the framework for thousands of alumni to stay connected by coming back to The Ridge on a five-year cycle. The McCallie/Baylor football rivalry anchors Reunion Weekend, and the Blue Tornado will be playing for its 12th straight victory over the Red Raiders.

Many enjoyable on- and off-campus activities are scheduled for the weekend which is capped off Saturday evening with unique class parties.

Please make plans to join us for Reunion Weekend ’09. Stop by campus to peek at the renovated Chapel, the new dormitory under construction or your old dorm. Come home to The Ridge.

2009 Reunion Classes1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004

For additional information about Reunion Weekend, please contact the Alumni Office at 423-493-5722.


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George “speights” Ballard Jr. ’36 of Atlanta, Ga., died May 16, 2007. The Navy captain, World War II veteran and Vice President of West Lumber Co. in Atlanta is survived by his wife Marguerite.

william winfield Grier iii ’38 of Danville, Va., died September 7, 2008. The World War II veteran and longtime businessman for Dan River, Inc. is survived by his wife Anne, two daughters and three grandchildren.

edward Claywell McGimsey ’39 of Morganton, N.C., died April 2, 2009. The World War II fighter pilot and Morganton Hardware Store owner is survived by four children, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

william Clarence hudlow ’40 of Chattanooga, died May 3, 2009. The World War II veteran and longtime Chattanooga businessman is survived by his wife JoAnn, two children, two grandchildren and one brother.

Oscar thomas Buffalow Jr. ’41 of San Mateo, California, died March 27, 2009. The retired Chevron and Standard Oil Company engineer is survived by his wife Marie and two sons.

Charles webber Palmer ’45 of Forest, Miss., died April 19, 2009. The Army veteran, insurance and real estate agent, church organist and composer is survived by his wife Jean, two children and two grandchildren.

Melvin edward Keith ’46 of Flintstone, Ga., died May 2, 2009. The founder of Georgia Supply Co. hardware store is survived by his wife Eloise, two children, four grandchildren and one great-grandson.

thomas Boulding Perkins ’48 of Gallatin, Tenn., died June 3, 2009. The Korean War veteran, pharmacist, and longtime community volunteer is survived by his wife Annie, one daughter, one son, six grandchildren and one sister.

norman Clark schlemmer ’48 of Huntsville, Ala., died February 5, 2009. The Air Force pilot and branch chief of structural analysis for NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is survived by his wife Peggy,

four children, 18 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

James L. Fowler ’50 of Bowling Green, Ky., died October 31, 2008. The owner of Fowler Sod Farm, Inc., is survived by two sons, a daughter and one brother, Sam F. Fowler, Jr. ’46.

william Frank hutcheson ’51 of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., died April 3, 2009. The CEO and director of many farm companies and board member of the Southeastern Beefmaster Breeders Association is

survived by his wife Nancy, three daughters, two stepdaughters, 13 grandchildren and one sister.

John harris white Jr. ’53 of McComb, Miss., died April 7, 2009. The Korean War veteran, attorney, and Mississippi judge is survived by his wife Sue, two daughters and four grandchildren.

David Straker Bowman ’57 of Montgomery, Ala., died October 4, 2008. The retired Associate Professor of Music and Organ at Alabama State University, philanthropist and church music

director is survived by two brothers, Don Bowman ’54 and Bill Bowman ’64.

wilbur Koontz ‘Buddy’ newman Jr. ’57 of Dalton, Ga., died February 5, 2009. The Army veteran and retired Systems Coordinator for West Point Pepperell is survived by two children, five grandchildren and one sister.

harold stephen Rash ’63 of The Villages, Fla., died January 24, 2009. The lawyer, teacher and avid fisherman is survived by his wife Carol.

Robert scott howard ’66 of Knoxville, Tenn., died March 29, 2009. The orthodontist is survived by his mother, one sister and two brothers, Edwin B. Howard II ’72 and G. Turner Howard III ’65.

David william scarborough ’69 of Glennville, Ga., died February 18, 2009. The family physician is survived by one brother and one sister.

Foster Dickerson ’74 of Lenoir City, Tenn., died July 7, 2008. The outdoor enthusiast is survived by his wife Stevie, five children, a stepson, one grandson, his parents and one brother, Andrew Dickerson ’86.

Jimmy Moore ’78 of Fernandina Beach, Fla., died April 27, 2009. The District General Manager of Cort Furniture is survived by three sons and one brother, Ricky Moore ’82. g

In Memoriam

Bernard talmage hurley Jr. of Chattanooga, died May 24, 2009. The World War II veteran and former life insurance

executive taught English and history at McCallie from 1947-48. He is survived by his wife Mai Bell, son Tal Hurley III ’72, one daughter and two granddaughters.

helen Maywhort of Bowling Green, Ky., died June 21, 2009. She served as librarian at McCallie from 1959 to 1983. Helen is survived by her son, Bill Maywhort ’64, one daughter, five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

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Eric Balfour ’94, wife Lynda and daughter Lauren Alana (age 4, pictured), welcomed new baby Michael Seth in January.

Summer 2009

BIrThS&WEDDIngSBirths80sTo Marcus Rafiee ’80 and Jill, a daughter, Theresa Caroline, on October 28, 2008. n

Births90sTo howard “trip” tayloe iii ’90 and Jana, a son, Howard Kreider IV on June 9, 2008. n To terry “Roc” evans Jr. ’91 and Sarah, a son, Blaize Michael, on April 7, 2009. n To Kevin tugman ’91 and Kipton, a daughter, Rylan Elizabeth. n To Charles anderson ’93 and Susie, a daughter, Margaret Esley, on May 2, 2009. n To Rob sullivan ’93 and Robin, a son, Braden Thomas, on May 6, 2009. n To eric Balfour ’94 and Lynda, a son, Michael Seth, on January 16, 2009. n To Cooper J. hill ’94 and Kathy, a son, Spencer Robert, on March 20, 2009. n To william nickel ’94 and Wendy, a daughter, Harper Cassidy, on September 7, 2008. n To Jeffrey Rader ’94 and Kate, a son, Jack Andrew, on April 22, 2009. n To John Michael Barclay ’95 and Vicki, a daughter, Mary Edith “Edie,” on October 14, 2008. n To thomas hinton iii ’95 and Brevard, a daughter, Jane Campbell, on August 9, 2008. n To william Phillips ii ’95 and Erika, a son, William E. III, on March 1, 2009. n To Corey Provine ’95 and Thanya, a daughter, Ayla Antonia, on May 6, 2009. n To Joseph white ’95 and Jilian, a son, Finnegan George, on April 7, 2009. n To Philip self ’96 and Meg, a son, Murphy James, on November 17, 2008. n To Joshua Jenne ’97 and Kendal, a son, Connor Allen Jenne, on September 4, 2008. n To John evans seward iii ’97 and Wendi a son, John Evans IV, on August 30, 2008. n To Ben hazlewood ’99 and Jenny, a son, Sawyer Henry, on November 14, 2008. n

Rylan Elizabeth was born to Kevin Tugman ’91 and his wife, Kipton. Rylan joins three big sisters in the Tugman household: Mary Kenley, Liliana and Kennedy.

Robert Bush ’97 married Emma Hollon on April 19, 2008. In attendance were several members of the Class of ’97, left to right, Tripp Grant, Travis Schievelhud, David McMahan, Danny Jacobs, the bride and groom, Zach Strickland, Robbie Page, Craig Fuller, and Richard Martin.

Births00s To Knox McCoy ’01 and Ashley, a son, Hampton “Rowe,” on November 5, 2008. n

Weddings90s Kaivalya Young ’97 to Delane Young on November 8, 2008. n Robert Bush ’97 to Emma Hollon on April 19, 2008. n sandip Patel ’97 to Komal Amrutbhai on March 15, 2009. n alex wood ’99 to Tamara Shafer on May 31, 2008. n

Weddings00s adam Pollock ’00 to Lauren Dunton on September 13, 2008. n tyler Ray ’00 to Ann Upchurch Collier on December 13, 2008. n Zach Monroe ’03 to Emily White on June 23, 2007. n

Jack Andrew was born to Jeffrey Rader ’94 and his wife Kate on April 22.

Harper Cassidy Nickel is the daughter of William Nickel ’94 and the granddaughter of Lance Nickel, McCallie’s Alumni Chair for Mathematics.

Rob Sullivan ’93 with new baby Braden Thomas.

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1940sholton harris ’40 just celebrated his 46th wedding anniversary and 50th year of his business. He writes that he’s still living in Westport, Conn., and would love to hear from classmates.

Dick thomson ’41 lives with his son Harlan and daughter-in-law Sandy in Inman, S.C.

elliot Blaydes Jr. ’45 has written a second book, released in January 2009, called “Dogs, Fields, and Friends.”

1950sBob huffaker ’53 has published his second book, “Prison Island.”

Jeff helms Jr. ’54 retired from his internal medicine practice with the Forsythe Internal Medicine Group in June 2006.

Phil skidmore ’59 is chairman of Belray Asset Management. He manages money for individuals.

1960sRobert Michaels ’64 is engaged to Dr. Mary C. Hammock, and currently serves as Vice President of the Remodelers Council and is Vice President of the Ft. Wood Historic Homeowners Association in Chattanooga.

Michael Finney ’65 writes, “MGFORCE, the business my wife Glenda and I formed in 2000, is more than nine years old. Our company is focused on natural chemistry for industry.”

Gib Vestal ’66 leads the non-profit Memphis Athletic Ministries, a program that combines academic tutoring with sports practice in an effort to improve study skills. The program recently received a $120,000 grant from the Memphis Grizzlies, the NBA and Toyota Motor Corp.

hal winn iii ’67 practices dentistry in Greenville, Miss. He also works with the Honduran Medical Mission Organization which is based in Santa Barbara, Calif.

David Muhlendorf ’68 was named 2009 Shoals Citizen of the Year. His grandfather, Sam Israel, was named the first Shoals Citizen of the Year back in 1964. Their family business will celebrate 60 years in business this year.


Alex Wood ’99 married Tamara Shafer at Bloomsbury Farm in Atkins, Iowa, in May.

Jud Roberts ’69 is the author of an historical fiction series of novels called “the strongbow saga.”

1970sCarl horn ’70 has stepped down from his position as a U.S. Magistrate Judge after 16 years. He plans to practice law with a firm in Charlotte, N.C.

allen Morris ’70, Chairman and CEO of the Allen Morris Company, is the 2009 Real Estate Business Leader of the Year as named by South Florida Business Leader Magazine.

hal Daughdrill ’73 welcomed a new grandson, Grant Alan Flowers, on June 1. Grant is also the great-grandson of Dr. Jim Daughdrill ’52 and the nephew of Jim Daughdrill ’05.

hill Carrow ’73 has been named General Manager of the 2011 U.S. Figure Skating Championships to be held in Greensboro, N.C., in January 2011.

andy smith ’73 is co-founder, attorney, and Executive Director for the Apalachicola Riverkeeper, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. McCallie boys are welcome to join!

sims Propst ’74 retired from Wachovia after 21 years and is now working for Synovus Financial Corporation.

Joe sokohl ’74 invites his friends to check out his LinkedIn profile. He lives and works in Richmond, Va., where he is rediscovering a penchant for motorcycles.

Chris Gardner ’76 has returned to the electrical power industry, working for Exponential Engineering Company in Fort Collins, Colo. He invites friends to look him up on Facebook.

eric stengel ’79 began a lecture series in February on classical architecture with the support of the Institute of Classical Architecture and Classical America.

1980sUJC/Jewish Federations of North America has named Michael Lebovitz ’82 national campaign chair for 2010-2011.

shelby story ’85 bought a cast stone manufacturing business in 2007. In December, he and his son went to Mexico to build homes for the homeless.

William E. Phillips III was born to William “Red” Phillips II ’95 (right) and his wife, Erika. Will is the grandson of Bill Phillips ’65 (left) and the great grandson of the late J.O. Phillips, Jr. ’28.

Rich Simon Dwyer ’69 spent some time playing Santa this year. He writes: “Well, you know what I looked like in ’69. Now see what I look like in ’09 – just remember to be nice.”

Mills Gallivan ’69 is a Vice President in the Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel. He recently invited Jon Meacham ’87 to be keynote speaker for the group’s winter meeting in Kauai ,Hawaii. Pictured are Meacham, Mills’ wife Carol Anne and Mills.

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Bentley hines iii ’87 recently joined Air 2 Web, a mobile messaging company, as its Director of Channel Sales.

Parke Morris ’88 opened his own law firm. He currently lives in the Tri-Cities area in the northeast corner of Tennessee and is planning on opening a second office in Asheville, N.C.

Drew Read ’89 is Chief Operating Officer of Paul Anderson Youth Home in Vidalia, Ga. He has worked with teenagers and their families for 15 years.

1990starrell whiteside ’90 completed his first season as sixth grade football coach at McCallie.

adam neder ’91 was voted Most Influential Professor by his Whitworth University students, and recently wrote a book titled “Participation in Christ: An Entry into Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics.”

Richard Proctor ’91 graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree and seeks ordination to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church.

Kevin tugman ’91 is the Executive Vice President of Creative Services for Sunshine Media Group in Chattanooga.

svetang Desai ’97 is completing his chief resident year in medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He will begin his Gastroenterology fellowship at Duke University in July.

Brian Cope ’98 has joined the Business and the Environment program at Yale where he will study for the next three years to earn both an MBA and a Masters of Environmental Management.

sean huver ’99 graduated from LSU with a doctorate in physics and is heading back to California to work for a solar cell start-up company in the Silicon Valley.

Jay Lookabill ’99 writes, “I caught up with Reagan Wolfe and Tripp Polen at the Quail Hollow Championship in Charlotte a couple weekends ago. It was good to see those guys.”

Justin Mutter ’99 lives in Washington, D.C., and works in health policy. He will start medical school at the University of Virginia this fall.

Kevin songer ’99 works in Las Vegas on MGM’s CityCenter project.

Reagan wolfe ’99 writes, “I have just accepted a position as Vice President of Business Development for an Internet marketing firm called FullMedia. Anyone who is in Chattanooga, feel free to contact me, and let’s catch up!”

2000sMatthew Johnson ’00 works for Sherwin Williams Paint Company as Senior District Financial Manager in Nashville, Tenn.

John Livingston ii ’00 graduated from Armstrong Atlantic State in December 2008 with a BS in Information Technology. He volunteers with the American Red Cross disaster action team while looking for a full time job.

hunter McCord ’00 was accepted into the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery residency at Howard University Hospital, and will move to Washington, D.C., in June.

stuart Rymer ’00 works at TVA’s Watts Bar Nuclear Plant as a Systems Engineer. He writes, “I have yet to convince anyone to allow me to base-jump the cooling towers.”

Bryan tilson ’00 and his wife Kari moved from their home in New York City to Portland, Oregon, to accept a job with Wieden+Kennedy ad agency.

Clay Dudley ’01 serves as the Southeastern Development Representative for HOPE International, a non-profit microfinance organization.

Zach Jett ’01 graduated Cum Laude from Mississippi College School of Law in May.

austin wyker ’01 graduated Cum Laude from Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law.

anderson ellis ii ’02 graduated from Ole Miss Law School in April,. He is studying for the bar exam and plans to find a job in criminal law.

Binz hansen ’02 was chosen to lead Reinhardt College’s first men’s lacrosse team. Reinhardt is a private, liberal arts college in Waleska, Ga.

townes Maxwell ’02 graduated from Ole Miss Law School in December and works as a lawyer for U.S. Senator Roger Wicker in Jackson, Miss.

andrew einstein ’03 received his master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Cornell University in May. He plans to pursue a career in the aerospace industry.

eric Conn Jr. ’03 graduated from Duke with a degree in Physics and Environmental Science. He teaches Physics at Queen Anne School, a private high school in Washington, D.C.

Philip hammond ’03 is a student at the Charleston School of Law in South Carolina. He lives on Sullivans Island, is establishing his Estate Planning Law career in Charleston, and invites friends to visit him at the beach and go sailing.

Joseph Bromfield ’05 graduated from Rollins College in May. He is a Fulbright Finalist for a UK Study and Research Grant and will begin training at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts in September.

Phillip Goldberg ’05, co-captain of the University of Michigan gymnastic team, recently won a gold medal in the still rings event during the Big Ten Conference Championships in April. He is majoring in psychology.

andrew holloway ’05 spent last summer in Shanghai, China, setting up a software development team for Mintel International Group, a global research company. He lives and works in Chicago, Ill.

Dan Kovacs ’05 received honors recognition from Kalamozoo Honors College for his senior thesis, “A Precedent of Dissent: Regionalism in Antebellum Tennessee, 1815-1861.” He will attend the University of Chicago in the fall as a graduate student in the Social Sciences department.

Class NOTEScontinued . . .

Summer 2009

Members of the class of ’89 recently met for a golf outing. From left to right

are Will Ensign, Carter Hudlow, Jim Burns, Chris Ridgway, Ben Brock, Hamp

Johnston and Jonathan Siskin.

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Roll Call

Cleve Latham made every effort to have me eschew the easy choices and send me to one of the many obscure liberal arts colleg-es in seemingly-random locations across the country. After visiting Vanderbilt, I reluc-tantly broke the surely disappointing news to him that I was going “mainstream” and leaning towards Vanderbilt. He winced and reluctantly acknowledged, much to my sur-prise, “Oh. I went to Vanderbilt. You’ll love it there.” So I certainly didn’t end up as a prized lone pin on the college placement map, but Cleve served all of us quite well. –Ben J. Scott ’96

Both my father and my sister were engi-neers, so naturally, I was looking at pro-grams for engineering in my college search. After visiting Vanderbilt University, I found a major called Human and Organizational Development. This major excited me be-cause it was about working with people and leadership in organizations, but I did not know if it was a good option for me. My college counselor, Steve Bartlett, knew me well as a student in his class and as part of a Bible study he led. He encouraged me in the major, saying words that I clearly re-member, “This major was made for people like you.” That settled it in my mind. I now work in ministry with a church and with college students living what I learned both at McCallie and Vanderbilt.–Jerry Fourroux Jr. ’95

I remember Dr. Pressly’s advice on the im-portance of graduating. My senior year in 1950, Dr. Pressly called me into his office, asking if I knew what was going on in the Far East, the answer to which I had no clue! He then proceeded to tell me about the troubles in Korea, that the U.S. would be heavily involved and that non-high school graduates would be drafted and the first to go. I’ll always remember the concerned look as he said, “You could be drafted and killed in Korea having never passed my se-nior English class!”–Johnny Thorne ’50

More than anyone else, the teacher that had the biggest positive impact on my college decision process was Mr. David Cancelleri. It wasn’t anything specific that he did; rath-

er, he listened to my ideas and asked great questions about my goals and passions. See, I was enthralled with computer program-ming during my tenure at McCallie; I al-ways had a project to share, and Mr. Cancel-leri was an incredible resource for develop-ing my passion. When it came time to make decisions about college, it was the sum of my simple, straightforward interaction with him that made it easier for me to come to terms with my future. In fact, at the begin-ning of July of this year, I will be in Cairo, Egypt, presenting one of my programming projects for the finals of Microsoft’s Imag-ine Cup. There is no doubt that my rela-tionship with a committed McCallie teach-er made my success in college possible.–Marc Pare ’06

I have vivid memories of someone who helped me select a college. He was Dr. Spencer J. McCallie, one of the dearest and kindest men I have ever known. I was raised by my grandmother and had no fi-nancial resources. Fortunately, I was a good student and was at the top of my class. Dr. Spence was very much aware of my situa-tion, and throughout the fall of my senior year, he assured me that he would get me into a good college. One day, he walked up to me, put his arm around me, and said “Son, I’m going to nominate you for a Morehead.” He did and because of Dr. Spence, I received a Morehead Scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Cha-pel Hill in March, 1961. It was one of those moments that changed my life. Thank you Dr. Spence. Thank you, McCallie from the bottom of my heart. –Henry Aldridge Ph.D. ’61

I graduated from McCallie in 1980 and at-tended UNC-Chapel Hill on a Morehead Scholarship. My father was a UNC grad, so I grew up a Tar Heel fan and was thrilled to be able to spend my undergrad days there.When Dean Warren James found out I would be attending UNC (from which he received an M.A. in English), he had just one request for me. He asked me to go to the Graduate Library and check out his thesis on Somerset Maugham. I asked him if he thought I would enjoy it. Dean James responded, “No, I don’t care if you read it.

I just want to be sure there are a few names on the library checkout card.” –Gerry Cohn ’80

In February of 1949, Bill Pressly stood up in Chapel and said all seniors who had not seen him about col-lege should do so and make a line before the first class. When it was my turn he said, “Here is an applica-tion to Da-vidson. Send them $5.00 and let me know when you receive the accep-tance.” From where I began, my family was flabbergast-ed that he considered my potential for Da-vidson, and they were overwhelmed three weeks later when I was accepted. What a man and educator! Thanks to him both of my children went to Westminster where he was highly revered as well and did so much to grow that school. I am thankful for my exposure to such a class act. –William Bledsoe ’49

was someone at McCallie instrumental in your college selection process?

Bill Pressly

NExT QUESTION: while at McCallie, what was the one item you brought from home that you could not live without? Please share your thoughts with us.

Tell us at [email protected]!

to read more alumni submissions on this issue’s Roll Call question, please visit the news & events page on our website. scroll down to the box with the McCallie Magazine link.

Page 24: McCallie Magazine, Summer 2009

500 Dodds avenue, Missionary RidgeChattanooga, tennessee 37404

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Mccallie ScHoolnon-PRoFiT oRG.



Questions or comments?Feel free to contact McCallie’s Communications Office at 423.493.5615 or 423.493.5716 or e-mail [email protected].

ReCYCLaBLe PaPeRPRe & POst COnsuMeR COntentPRinteD with sOY BaseD inKs


David A. Stonecipher ’59ATLANTA, GEORGiA


James W. Burns ’89NEW YORK CiTY, NEW YORK

L. Hardwick Caldwell iii ’66LOOKOUT MOUNTAiN, TENNESSEE



E. Robert Cotter iii ’69NEW CANAAN, CONNECTiCUT



Robert F. Huffaker, Jr. ’78LOOKOUT MOUNTAiN, TENNESSEE


Michael i. Lebovitz ’82CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE

James P. McCallie ’56ROME, GEORGiA

Conrad R. Mehan ’77ASHBURN, ViRGiNiA



Colin M. Provine ’88TAMPA, FLORiDA


Daniel B. Rather ’53ATLANTA, GEORGiA

Robert J. Walker ’58NASHViLLE, TENNESSEE

HE ADM ASTERDr. R. Kirk Walker, Jr. ’69




2009 State Champions!!!Lacrosse and Tennis

McCallie won its fourth consecutive tennis State Championship »on May 21.

The Tornado defeated Knoxville webb 4-3 in the title match. »

The title marks the ninth State Championship for the tennis program. »

The state trophy was the sixth for McCallie under Head Coach »Eric Voges.

Eight seniors graduate from the team: william Disterdick, Thomas »Fanjoy, Ryan O’Boyle, Taylor Rogers, Chris Schlabach, Clay Shepherd, Sawyer Voges and Nathan winters.

During the team’s four-year run of state titles, the Tornado put together »a 56-5 match record which included 35 consecutive home victories and a 12-1 record in 2009.

McCallie claimed its ninth lacrosse State Championship in the program’s »20-year existence on May 10.

The Tornado knocked off Memphis University School 11-4 for the title. »

Zack ward scored four goals and was named the game’s MVP. »

Patton watkins earned the tournament’s Most Valuable Defensive Player »Award with 14 saves in both the semifinal and title matches.

Scott Hughes, T.J. Kemp and watkins were named U.S. Lacrosse High »School All-Americas.

Hughes, Kemp, ward, watkins and Charlie Graff were First-Team All-State »selections.

The Tornado, 13-2 on the year, have now won six state titles under Head »Coach Troy Kemp.