MC360 TM Precision Mold Master Class Workbook Basic Level

Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with your medical provider. MC360 TM Precision Mold Master Class Workbook Basic Level

Transcript of MC360 TM Precision Mold Master Class Workbook Basic Level

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Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational and educational purposes. This information is not meant

to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with your medical provider.

MC360TM Precision Mold

Master Class Workbook

Basic Level

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Table of Contents

Part 1: Mold Toxicity Symptom Checklist Questionnaire ....................................................................... 3

Part 2: Checking for Urinary Mycotoxins ............................................................................................... 6

Urine Mycotoxin Testing Differences and Notes – RealTime and Great Plains ................................. 6

MycoToxin Testing Instructions ......................................................................................................... 7

Part 3: Your Mycotoxin Detoxification Roadmap ................................................................................. 11

Detox Prep ....................................................................................................................................... 11

Binders ............................................................................................................................................ 20

Basic Steps to Calm Down Herx/Die Off Reactions ......................................................................... 25

Phase III Detox + Lymph ................................................................................................................. 26

Phase II Detox ................................................................................................................................. 29

Kidney Supports .............................................................................................................................. 31

Antifungals ....................................................................................................................................... 32

Detox Worksheet: Putting it all together ........................................................................................... 35

Part 4: Environmental Mold ................................................................................................................. 37

Mold Plate Testing ........................................................................................................................... 37

ERMI Testing through Envirobiomics or Mycometrics ..................................................................... 43

Remediation Tips ............................................................................................................................. 44

Part 5: Additional Resources............................................................................................................... 46

Changes Journal.............................................................................................................................. 46

Options to calm down die off reactions or flares: ............................................................................. 47

Courses ........................................................................................................................................... 48

Join the Facebook community ......................................................................................................... 49

Free Resources .................................................................................................................................. 49

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Part 1: Mold Toxicity Symptom Checklist


These worksheets accompany the video in the Mold Toxicity 101 lesson, “What is Mold Toxicity –


1. Which symptoms do you have that may be associated with Mold Toxicity? Mark all that apply

in each section

General Symptoms of Mold Toxicity X

Abdominal pain, IBS, constipation and/or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, stubborn chronic SIBO


Asthma, chronic sinus congestion, cough, shortness of breath

Changes in appetite (increases or decreases)

Difficulty with cognition: confusion, disorientation, “brain fog”, word finding, calculating numbers in head, concentration trouble, trouble with short-term memory


Eyes: excess tearing, blurred vision

Excessive thirst, frequent urination

Fatigue and/or weakness

Frequent colds/other viruses

Headaches, migraines

Impotence (men)

Infertility (men and women)

Interstitial Cystitis, urinary frequency, urinary urgency

Increase in static shocks

Joint pain, morning stiffness, muscle aches, cramps

Menstrual issues (painful periods, heavy periods, loss of period)

Metallic taste in the mouth

Mood swings

Night sweats, difficulty with temperature

regulation (too hot or too cold)

POTS, low blood pressure, dysautonomia

Sensitivity to bright light, sounds, and/or touch

Sensitivity to foods, supplements, and/or meds

Sinus issues, nasal polyps

Sleep Issues

Slow healing


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General Symptoms of Mold Toxicity X


Unusual nerve pains – sometimes described as a lightning bolt or ice pick sensation, numbness, tingling


Strongly Associated with Mold Toxicity X

Atypical presentations: Alzheimer's, autoimmunity, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's


Autism Spectrum Disorders and Sensory Processing Disorders

Biochemical anxiety, depression, depersonalization, derealization, mood swings

Cancer history

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic sinusitis

Cognitive impairment, OCD


Hypermobility, skin over-elasticity

Multiple chemical sensitivities

Nasal Polyps

Significant EMF sensitivity

Significant sensitivities to light, sound, and/or touch

Significant sensitivities to foods, supplements, and/or meds

Symptoms unique to Mold Toxicity X

Internal vibration/tremor

Nerve pain – lightning bolt or ice pick type pain

Strange skin sensations

Sensitivities to everything (chemicals, supplements, medications, sound, light, touch, EMFs, etc.)

Static shocks

2. What’s your total score? (How many did you check)


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Part 2: Checking for Urinary Mycotoxins

These worksheets accompany the 2 videos in the Testing lesson called Urine Mycotoxin Testing and

Urine Mycotoxin Testing Provocation

See for links to products and resources

for this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

Urine Mycotoxin Testing Differences and Notes –

RealTime and Great Plains

These tests can’t be compared apples to apples – due to different testing methods

This means you can’t compare Ochratoxin, for example, across these 2 methods

Best to get both, if possible, for the first round of testing

Then can follow the one with the best data

You’ll generally want to continue your detox protocol until BOTH tests are completely clear and 3

months afterwards

If you can only get 1 test due to budget, get RealTime. But still, it’s much better to get both if you

can at least for the first round.

In the Mast Cell and Sensitive population, many can’t excrete or detox toxins well. This means

you’ll often see very low levels in the first round of testing.

If it comes back normal or equivocal and there is a positive case history, DON’T discount the role

of mold toxins!

Retest every 6 months, as urine excretion changes with time. If you didn’t get much on the Great

Plains test, you can wait until the RealTime test is clear to recheck the Great Plains test.

With retesting, elevated levels can mean:

o New exposure, so be diligent!


o Improved excretion – a good thing!


o Antifungals are killing off mold colonization

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MycoToxin Testing Instructions

Do only what you can tolerate.

DO NOT do anything that makes you feel worse.

If you are doing both RTL and GPL Mycotoxin tests and are using glutathione, then do the tests in

this order:

1. Great Plains Mycotoxins. Don’t use glutathione for this test. Can use sweating and/or gentle

manual lymphatic drainage

2. RealTime Mycotoxins. Using Glutathione + Sweating (only if tolerated) and/or gentle manual

lymphatic drainage

If you aren’t using glutathione, you can collect urine for both the Great Plains and RealTime tests

on the same days.

NEVER do anything that makes you feel worse. If you don’t tolerate glutathione, sweating, or

lymphatic drainage, then you don’t have to do any provocation. Or only do what you can tolerate.

Provocation is helpful but certainly not required

Very sensitive people may not be able to provoke at all

Do NOT push provocation if you know you can’t tolerate it

1st morning urine is recommended to collect that urine (and mycotoxins) in the bladder and also

gives better apples to apples comparison across repeat testing.

RealTime Provocation Instructions

If you are doing the RealTime and the Great Plains tests and are using glutathione, then do the Great

Plains test first before you start the glutathione. If you aren’t using glutathione, you can do both tests

at the same time.

a. Binders - Ideally, stop any binders for 3 days before collection These are binders to stop, if


Activated Charcoal

GI Detox

Bentonite Clay

Humic/Fulvic Acid

Diatomaceous Earth


Saccharomyces Boulardii

These are prescription binders. Only stop these IF you have your licensed medical

provider’s permission. Always work under your licensed medical provider’s supervision.


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i. Many sensitive people don’t tolerate glutathione. If you don’t tolerate it, don’t use it.

ii. Start slowly with a tiny amount with sprinkles.

iii. Work with your health care provider on what you can tolerate. This may only be 50-

100mg or even less. A few people may be able to do more.

iv. Note: It is not necessary at all to go that high. Just go to what you tolerate.

v. Continue this amount for 6 days (or until you run out) then collect next morning


vi. If you feel worse at any point - achiness, fatigue, brain fog or any increase in

symptoms not explained by something else, stop the glutathione and collect first

morning urine the next day

vii. Glutathione is only used for the preparation for the test. Then it is stopped.

viii. DO NOT USE Glutathione BEFORE THE Great Plains TEST


Sauna (10-30 minutes), hot bath or shower (30 minutes), or exercise (30 minutes) only as

tolerated to sweat – do sweating 2 to 3 times throughout week, with last sweating would be

the day before collection. Collect first morning urine.

d. OPTIONAL: Lymphatic Drainage – ONLY IF TOLERATED:

If you don’t tolerate glutathione or sweating, you may replace them with gentle Lymphatic

Drainage Self-Massage done the day before the urine collection for about 20 minutes.

Many people feel comfortable doing this on themselves. Youtube has many videos on

methods, and any are fine. Or you can work with a licensed lymphatic drainage massage

therapist. I recommend sensitive people start slowly and not do a full hour.

If tolerated, deep tissue massage may be used as well, only as long as it is well tolerated.

Listen to your body – many people with mast cell sensitivities and hypermobility don’t

tolerate deep tissue massage. If you do tolerate deep tissue massage, this can replace

lymphatic drainage or sweating.

e. If you feel worse - achiness, fatigue, brain fog or any increase in symptoms not explained

by something else, stop and collect first morning urine the next day. DO NOT continue with

anything that might be making you feel worse.

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Great Plains Mycotoxin Provocation Instructions

If you are doing the RealTime and the Great Plains tests and are using glutathione, then do the Great

Plains test first before you start the glutathione. If you aren’t using glutathione, you can do both tests

at the same time.


Sauna (10-30 minutes), hot bath or shower (30 minutes), or exercise (30 minutes) only

as tolerated to sweat – do sweating 2 to 3 times throughout week, with last sweating

would be the day before collection. Collect first morning urine.

b. OPTIONAL: Lymphatic Drainage – ONLY IF TOLERATED:

If you don’t tolerate glutathione or sweating, you may replace them with gentle

Lymphatic Drainage Self-Massage done the day before the urine collection for about 20

minutes. Many people feel comfortable doing this on themselves. Youtube has many

videos on methods, and any are fine. Or you can work with a licensed lymphatic

drainage massage therapist. I recommend sensitive people start slowly and not do a full


If tolerated, deep tissue massage may be used as well, only as long as it is well

tolerated. Listen to your body – many people with mast cell sensitivities and

hypermobility don’t tolerate deep tissue massage. If you do tolerate deep tissue

massage, this can replace lymphatic drainage or sweating.

c. If you feel worse - achiness, fatigue, brain fog or any increase in symptoms not

explained by something else, stop and collect first morning urine the next day. DO NOT

continue with anything that might be making you feel worse.

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Part 3: Your Mycotoxin Detoxification


Detox Prep

Nervous System Supports

These worksheets accompany the video in the Detox Prep lesson called Supporting Nervous System.

See for links to products and resources for

this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

Nervous System Checklists

1. Do I have any Signs and Symptoms of Nervous System Dysregulation?

Nervous System Signs/Symptoms X

Startling easily

Weak gag reflex

Overly strong gag reflex

Trouble sleeping

Waking up tired

Feeling wired and tired

Feeling wired after too much conversation

Easily stressed with changes

Anxiety or depression

Loss of intestinal motility (chronic constipation or diarrhea)

High or low blood pressure

Asymmetry or dysregulation of soft palate movement

Light/sound Sensitivities

Supplement or medication reactions

History of chronic Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, etc.

Chemical sensitivities (paint, gasoline, new clothing, new furniture, etc.)

Constant food reactions

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Nervous System Signs/Symptoms X

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

EMF sensitivities

Mold sensitivities

Sensitivity to perfume or cologne


2. Which of these Stress Factors am I experiencing?

Stress Factors X


New significant relationship

New additions to your family

Death of a loved one

Witnessing violence





Financial concerns

Toxic relationships

Losing a job

Starting a new job

New relationship

Feeling isolated

Worries about political changes

Worries about safety

3. Have I experienced any of these traumas?

Trauma Events X

Experiencing or witnessing sexual, physical, emotional, or mental abuse (now or as a child)

Childhood neglect

Sudden loss of a loved one

Witnessing a traumatic event

Bullying, harassment, or abuse at school or work

Military Trauma

Having a family member with a serious illness or injury

Significant childhood medical issues (like surgeries)

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4. What’s your total score? (How many did you check)


If you checked more than 10 signs or symptoms above, or if you’re struggling supplement,

food, medication, or chemical reactions, you have an easier time if you the Mast Cell Nervous

System Reboot course to go into more depth on Nervous System Supports. You can learn

about it here:

Nervous System Basic Starting Points: 1. The best outcomes occur when people work on both the limbic and vagal systems in targeted


a. Limbic system supports

I would like to try (circle one):



b. Vagal Nerve Signaling Options

I would like to try (circle 2 or more):

i. Safe and Sound Protocol

ii. Brain Tap

iii. Frequency Specific Microcurrent

iv. Emotional Freedom Technique

v. Alternate Nostril Breathing

vi. Vuuuuuuu sound

vii. Humming/gargling/gagging

viii. Hot/cold showersAccessing the Healing Power of the Vagal Nerve - Tips on

these exercises

c. Vagal Structural Issues

i. Stanley Rosenburg Vagal Exercises – from his book linked in the page

ii. Upper Cervical Chiropractic (gently)

iii. Craniosacral therapy (gently) – may need Osteopathic

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Stanley Rosenburg Vagal Exercise Tips:

With these exercises, you may not sigh or yawn like it says in the book. May have a deep,

involuntary breath or a slight relaxation of muscle instead. Or you may not notice anything for

several weeks.

Regardless, don’t hold these for more than 30s. If holding eye position is a strain, don’t hold

that long or strain the eyes. Look gently with the eyes.

Build the exercises 1 at a time – will take about 7-10 mins/day to do them all once you build

them up. Be gentle!

These are the gentlest exercises you can try:

o The Basic Exercise – don’t strain eyes. Can do a gentler 45-degree angle with eyes, if it

bothers you looking more to the side.

o Neuro-Fascial Release Technique

o Four Minute Natural Facelift Part 1 and 2

o Migraine Release Points

o You may be ok with the upright Salamander Exercise, but be very gentle and go slowly.

You could instead do lying down with hands behind head or guiding your head with

hands. Again, be very gentle and stop if it bothers you.

o Don’t do if you have any neck or back injury:

Upright Salamander

Twist and Turn for the Trapezius

Salamander on all Fours

SCM Exercise for a Stiff Neck

Nervous System Support Tips:

Don’t do anything that feels uncomfortable

Keep it very gentle

Add only 1 nervous system support at a time. Take your time to onboard things.

Very sensitive people may need to start with just 1-2 minutes of a single modality and increase

time very slowly

Remember – if you find you need more nervous system support or would like more in depth

information on these supports, you can check out the Mast Cell Nervous System Reboot at

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My Notes from this MC360 Precision Mold Master Class lesson:

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Elimination These worksheets accompany the video in the Detox Prep lesson called Supporting Elimination –



(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

1. Do any of these apply to me?

Constipation Signs X

Do I have constipation?

Do I have less than 1 bowel movement daily?

Even if I have daily bowel movements, are they small and/or hard to pass?

Am I drinking enough water a day?

2. If I answered yes to any of the above, which elimination supports am I interested in trying?

(List them below)

Elimination Supports X

Increasing water

Magnesium Oxide

Other forms of magnesium?

Vagal nerve supports

Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational

and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with

your medical provider

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Mast Cell Supports These worksheets accompany the video in the Detox Prep lesson called Support Mast Cells

See for links to products

and resources for this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

Which of the mast cell supporting supplements am I interested in trying?

Mast Cell Supports X

Baking soda (avoid with high blood pressure)


Quercetin or Isoquerctrin

Chinese Skullcap Extract Tincture or Baicalin Powder


Remember – if you find you need more mast cell support, you can check out the Top 8 Mast Cell

Supporting Supplements Master Class at

Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational

and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with

your licensed medical provider with any medical concerns.

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Binders These worksheets accompany the videos in the Mycotoxin Detox lesson called Precision Binders and

Onboarding Binders.

See: for links to products and


(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

1. Answer Yes or No:

Am I ready for Binders? Yes/No

Am I having an easy to pass bowel movement each day? If no - go back to work on bowel movements. Work with your healthcare provider if necessary.

Am I drinking at least ½ my body weight in ounces of water every day, if safe for me? If no - increase water first as possible.

Am I supporting my nervous system?

Am I tolerating at least something for mast cell supports?

If you’re still not tolerating any supplements – remember check for environmental mold and work on the Mast Cell Nervous System Reboot next to help reduce sensitivities.

If you answered yes to all the above, then you may be ready to start binders slowly and gently.

2. Which Mycotoxins did my tests reveal?

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3. Based on this table, which binders do I want to try (list binders after the table)?

4. Of the binders I’m interested in trying, which ones are taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after

meals/meds/supplements (near a small snack is ok)? (Circle all that apply)

a. Charcoal

b. Bentonite

c. Chlorella

d. Zeolite

5. Of the binders I’m interested in trying, which ones are taken with food?

a. Saccharomyces Boulardii

b. L Rhamnoses

c. Welchol

d. CMS

e. NAC

f. Propolmannan

g. Aloe

Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational

and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with

your licensed medical provider with any medical concerns.

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Binder Tips and FAQs: 1. Generally better and worse tolerated binders

a. Often Better Tolerated:

i. Activated Charcoal

ii. Bentonite

2. Sometime Tolerated, Sometimes Not:

a. Saccharomyces boulardii

b. Propolmannan

c. L. Rhamnosus

3. Often Better Tolerated When Added Later:

a. Chlorella -

b. Welchol (Rx)

c. Zeolite

d. NAC

4. Sometimes More Difficult to Onboard for sensitive people:

a. Cholestyramine (Rx)

5. How long to stay on binders?

a. Generally, people stay on binders until Mycotoxin testing is completely clean + 3 months


6. How often to take binders?

a. It depends on the levels from testing. Usually for sensitive people, they are done 1x/day.

b. Some very sensitive people may do better with sprinkles every 3rd day.

c. For some very sensitive people, they may do better with rotating binders. For example,

only have a tiny sprinkle or charcoal on Monday. Then a tiny drop of bentonite on


d. There are many ways to take binders and it’s important that you find what works best for


7. How much binders to take?

a. This depends on sensitivities. Never take more than your body can tolerate.

Possible amounts are (usually 1x/day unless indicated):

Charcoal – 1-3 capsules

Bentonite Clay – ½ to 1 teaspoon

Chlorella – 1-2 capsules

Cholestyramine – ½ to 1 tsp

NAC – 300mg 1x/day

Propolmannan – ¼ to ½ tsp 2x/day

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Saccharomyces Boulardii – 1 cap 2x/day

Welchol – ¼ to ½ tablet 2x/day

Zeolite – ¼ to ½ teaspoon 2x/day

L. Rhamnoses – 1 capsule 1x/day

The most sensitive people may only take sprinkles. Or even a sprinkle (as

in a few granules) added to 4-6 ounces of water, stirring the water, and

drinking on a sip or two of the water.

b. Remember – No bowel movement that day – no binders that day!

i. Don’t take binders with constipation!

ii. The toxins will reabsorb across the intestinal wall.

iii. May need to increase constipation supports as binders are increased

Remember: 1. If you start trending toward constipation, back down on the binders and increase constipation

supports. Must not allow constipation because toxins will reabsorb.

2. Most people find it easiest to take binders when first waking or at bedtime, if nothing else is

being taken then.

3. Others prefer take binders in the afternoon between lunch and dinner.

4. Use the time that works best for you.

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Basic Steps to Calm Down Herx/Die Off Reactions

If flaring, these are steps you can consider:

1. Stop the binders and any other detox supports for 2 weeks

2. Re-introduce more slowly

3. Increase nervous system supports

4. Increase mast cell supports

5. Can consider baking soda in water, if tolerated and appropriate

6. Extra water

7. Extra sleep

Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational

and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with

your licensed medical provider with any medical concerns.

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Phase III Detox + Lymph

These worksheets accompany the video in the Mycotoxin Detox lesson called Phase III Detox –


See and for links to products and

resources for this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

1. Do I have any signs I might need bile supports?

Bile Signs X

Light color or yellow stool


Trouble with fat digestion

Stool that floats

Greasy stool or greasy film in toilet

a. If I checked anything above, which bile supports do I want to try?

Bile Supports X

Bitter Greens with meals


Turnip Greens


Broccoli Rabe



Dandelion Greens


Mustard Greens – chopped and chewed well

If you have gallstones, do not use these bile supports without medical supervision and


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Bile Supports X

Low histamine Bitters tincture

Phosphatidylcholine, oral sunflower based

2. Do I have any signs I might need lymph supports?

Lymph Signs X

Fluid build-up

Enlarged lymph nodes


Excess weight

Mold toxicity

3. If I checked yes to anything above, which lymph supports do I want to try?

Lymph Supports X

Drink ½ body weight in oz of water (i.e., 75 oz for 150 lb. person)

Gentle walking or other gentle movement

Gentle heel drops

Alternating hot and cold in the shower

Castor oil packs – Queen of Thrones


Gentle Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Dry brushing if no skin involvement (too harsh for some)

Sauna (if tolerated)

Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational

and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with

your licensed medical provider with any medical concerns.

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My Notes from this MC360 Precision Mold Master Class lesson:

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Phase II Detox These worksheets accompany the video in the Mycotoxin Detox lesson called Phase II Detox –


See for links to products and

resources for this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

1. Do I have any signs I might need Phase II Detox Supports?

Phase II Detox Signs X

Elevated b-glucuronidase on a stool test

Elevated AST or ALT (liver enzymes)

Elevated bilirubin on a Complete Metabolic Profile (CMP)

2. If I checked yes to anything above, or would like extra liver detox supports, which do I want to


Phase II Detox Supports X

Calcium d-glucurate (if elevated b-glucuronidase on a stool test)

Phosphatidylcholine, sunflower based (if elevated AST or ALT (liver enzymes)

If elevated bilirubin on a Complete Metabolic Profile (CMP) or liver feels “sluggish”:

Calcium d-glucurate

Dandelion root extract

Rosemary tea or on foods

Epsom salt baths

Cruciferous veggies (Arugula, Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Rutabaga, etc..

Onions and garlic

Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational

and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with

your licensed medical provider with any medical concerns.

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My Notes from this MC360 Precision Mold Master Class lesson:

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Kidney Supports

These worksheets accompany the video in the Mycotoxin Detox lesson called Phase II Detox –


Are there any kidney supports I want to try?

Kidney Supports X

Drink plenty of water

Avoid sugary foods and carbs (unless contraindicated)

Manage high blood pressure

Avoid alcohol

Avoid NSAIDs if possible

Avoid soft drinks

Eat foods that support the kidneys: blueberries, cabbage, garlic, onions, ginger, cilantro, parsley, dandelion tea

Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational

and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with

your licensed medical provider with any medical concerns.

My Notes from this MC360 Precision Mold Master Class lesson:

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These worksheets accompany the video in the Mycotoxin Detox lesson called Antifungals – Basic.

See for links to products

and resources for this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

1. Do I suspect colonization? Mark any that apply.

Signs of Colonization X

Do I have symptoms aren’t clearing up with binders after 4-6 months and I’m sure I’m not exposed to mold?

Do I have significant gut issues, i.e., SIFO or stubborn SIBO that aren’t clearing up?

Do I have positive fungal colonization markers on mOAT?

Do I have nasal, sinus, and/or ear congestion or swelling that doesn’t clear up with low histamine diet, mast cell supports, binders and being out of mold exposure?

Do I have what seem like vaginal yeast infections that aren’t improving?

Do I have persistent toenail fungus?

2. If I suspect colonization, which is my worst area (sinus or gut) I want to start with first?

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3. If I checked yes to anything in the table above regarding colonization, which sinus supports do

I want to try?

Sinus Supports X

Nanoparticle Silver Spray – can be started with 1 spray alternating nostrils or 1 spray in 1 nostril every 2-3 days, building as tolerated to 2 sprays per nostril 2x/day (This is a Salicylate free option)

Essential Oil Steam Inhalation (if tolerated) – mast cell supporting oils:

Organic Rosemary

Organic Holy Basil

Organic Tea Tree (do NOT use internally)

Organic Frankincense

Organic Eucalyptus (do NOT use internally)

Organic Lavender

L. sakei nasal probiotic

4. If I checked yes to anything in the table above regarding colonization, which gut supports do I

want to try?

Gut Supports X

Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tea

Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tincture

Ginger Tincture

Holy Basil Capsules

Biotin (candida)

Nanoparticle Silver, Orally – can be started with 1 drop; must go slowly; building to ½ teaspoon 2x/day with food

Olive Leaf Extract

Allicin Garlic Extract


Thyme Tincture


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5. If I have any trouble vaginal colonization or toenail fungus options, which gut supports do I

want to try?

Vaginal and Toenail Supports X

Vitanica Yeast Arrest


Always work with your healthcare practitioner and go slowly when trying anything new. This is provided for informational

and educational purposes. This information is not meant to be prescriptive or any person. Be sure to work closely with

your licensed medical provider with any medical concerns.

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Detox Worksheet: Putting it all together

Directions: Transfer your answers from the prior worksheets so you can build your personalized,

consolidated detox protocol.

1. The nervous system supports I’d like to start are:

2. If I need any constipation supports, I’d like to try:

3. I would like to target this much water a day:

4. I'd like to try these mast cell supports:

5. I’ll try onboarding these targeting binders (list in the order you want to try them in and potential


6. These binders are taken 2 hours before or 1 hour after meals/medications/supplements:

7. These binders are taken with food:

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8. If I need bile supports, I'd like to try:

9. If I need lymph supports, I’d like to try::

10. If I need Phase II liver detox supports, I’d like to try::

11. If I need kidney supports, I’d like to try::

12. If I have colonization, these are the antifungals I’d like to try:

13. If I have a detox reaction, these are steps I'd like to try:

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Part 4: Environmental Mold

Mold Plate Testing

These worksheets accompany the video in the Environmental Mold lesson called Environmental Mold

Testing: Mold Plates.

See for links to products and resources

for this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

a. Should I test my home for mold? Check all that apply.

Home Mold Testing Indicators X

High humidity regions (almost all areas outside desert regions)

Crawl space

Humidity >50% for more than 24-48 hours

Places that are closed for long periods (schools, dorms, churches)

Many workplaces and retail areas

Flood areas

Wet basements

Any history of leaks

Buildings constructed after 1976 (tighter construction traps humidity)

WIFI and other EMFs

b. How many mold plates and swabs do you need to order? Keep in mind 1 plate covers

about 10 square feet.

Order 1 swab for every area with visible mold growth.

Order 1 plate for:

# of Mold Plates and Swabs To Order



Order 1 swab for every area with visible mold growth.

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Total Swabs

Anywhere with a musty smell

Attic – 2 plates if full attic

Basement – 2 plates if full basement

Each Bathroom

Master Bedroom

Den/Great Room


Child's Bedroom

Office (Home & Work)

In Larger rooms – use 2 plates

Each pet (can have skin candida infections that can colonize people)

Carpet, if it has been shampooed or wet (tap method)

Upholstery that has been shampooed or wet (tap method)

Car Upholstery and carpet, if has had any water

Any areas with visible mold

Anywhere you sneeze or cough

Anywhere with suspected water intrusion (leaking roof, dripping pipes, etc.)

Total Plates

c. Should I test my pets? Yes, if they go outdoors (i.e., Indoor/outdoor cats and dogs).

Read the tap test information below before you order mold plates.

2. Mold Plate Ordering

a. You can get the same pricing while supporting Mast Cell 360 when you order mold

plates through this link for ImmunoLytics:

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Mold Plate Testing Instructions This is for Sensitive People and those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Immunolytics Mold Plates

Immunolytics Mold Plate Testing Notes – These instructions are more stringent than the instructions

in the box and tailored for those with more sensitivities and mast cell issues.

Be sure to save the box the mold plates were shipped

in for repackaging to mail the plates back to the lab.

When you receive the kit store in a cool dark place, away from light, in the shipping box until

ready to test. If you do not use the mold plates before the expiration date, then

contact Immunolytics for replacement plates.

Expiration Dates

Be sure to use your plates before the expiration date.

The expiration date can be found on the clear sticker on the bottom of each plate or on the outside of

the plastic bag. Also, be sure to store them at room temperature until you are ready to test. If the

plates are not going to be used within the first 30 days, it is recommended they be placed in the

refrigerator. The agar is 95% water so it can dehydrate especially in hot temps.

Collection Instructions

Review this preparation checklist before sampling.

1. You will need a permanent marker and aluminum foil. Keep the box the places came in to use

for return shipping.

2. Keep windows closed for at least six hours prior to testing.

3. Do not turn on the air conditioning unless that is part of your normal activity. However, do turn

on the central fan of the heating and air conditioning system. Turn air purifiers off.

4. Do not sweep or vacuum just before the test.

5. Rooms can be used as normal during sampling, including children and pets. Please ensure

pets or people do not touch or lick plates.

6. Place plates out of direct sunlight.

7. Go about your normal routine while the mold plates are open.

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8. Be sure to register your kit at with your unique kit number on

instructions sheet.

a. You may see a lot of growth or a very tiny amount (even pencil point size)

of growth. Send any plates with growth to the lab. 

Don’t panic if there is a lot of growth. Candida, bacteria and normal,

unharmful soil molds will also grow on the plate. You won’t know anything

about whether there is a mold issue until the analysis report is back.

You may contact Immunolytics for a free 20 minute consult. We recommend Brandon Guthrie

or Jeff Bookout, as these consultants have the best knowledge of how sensitive people can be

with mast cell issues.

See the page for discounts and links to products that

may be recommended. For example, you can save 10% off any Biobalance Mold Remediation

products with code mastcell360 .

Mold Plate Collection Instructions

If you have any questions about Mold Plate sampling, contact

Immunolytics directly. They can best help you.

1. Wash and dry hands before touching plates.

2. Remove plates from plastic wrap. Avoid touching the surface of plates.

3. Place plates at least 2 feet from the walls. Place plates on the floor. (This may be

different than instructions in your kit.)

4. Remove the lid and place the lid on the floor surface side down. Place the plate on top

of the lid with the agar side up.

5. Set a timer for 1 hour.

6. After 1 hour, place the lid back on the plate.

7. Use 2 stickers (provided in kit) to tape the lid onto the plate.

8. Write on the provided labels in permanent marker - you will make 2 labels for each


Date and Time


9. Place 1 of the labels with Date, Time, and Location on the agar side of the plate. The

other label goes on your Lab Analysis Form.

10. Repeat for all plates.

11. Stack the plates together and wrap them with aluminum foil.

12. Place the foil covered plates in a warm place (away from drafts) for 72 hours (3

days). Set yourself a reminder to check the plates in 3 days!

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13. After the plates have sat for 72 hours (about 3 days), remove the foil, and check for

growth. Hold up to light and look for any growth. It may be as small as 1-2 mm. If there

is no growth, re-wrap the plates in foil and check again after another 24-48 hours (about

2 days). Keep any plates with visible mold growth to send to the lab.

14. At the 7-day mark, you can discard any plates without visible growth.

15. Place the plates with any visible growth, no matter how small, (keeping them

wrapped in aluminum foil) in the protective foil bags and seal the bags.

16. Complete the analytical request form.

17. Place the sealed foil bags with mold plates and the Lab Processing Form back in the

box you received. Fill with additional packing material (bubble wrap, paper towels,

newspaper, etc.) to keep plates from shifting in shipping.

18. Follow shipping instructions below.

19. Be sure you allow for enough time for the plates to arrive at the lab by the 9th day

after you collected the sample, because the lab analyzes your plates on Day 10.

Swab test for visible mold

1. If you have visible mold in your home, you will need to order and use the Immunolytics

sampling swabs.

2. Swab the visible mold until the end of the swab is discolored.

3. Cover as much of the swab as possible.

4. Continue with instructions starting at #6 under Home Collection Instructions

above. Place sample labels on the swab with date, time, and location.

Tap Test for Furniture, Rug, Car Seat, Carpet, Pillow, Pet, or Textile Collection Instructions

1. Wash and dry hands before touching plates.

2. Remove plates from plastic wrap. Avoid touching the surface of plates.

3. Hold the bottom of the agar plate with your fingers wrapping around the edge of the

plate, without touching the agar.

4. Tap your fingers holding the plate against the object or pet 4 times to force mold spores

into the air and onto the plate. Do not touch the surface of the agar plate to the

object. This will cause overreporting of any mold spores from the object or pet.

5. Place the lid back on the plate.

6. Continue with instructions starting at #6 under Home Collection Instructions above.

Vehicle Collection Instructions – for vehicle seat and carpet testing – follow instructions under

Tap Test.

1. Wash and dry hands before touching plates.

2. Remove plates from plastic wrap. Avoid touching the surface of plates.

3. Remove lid from plate. Place the agar plate on a paper towel in the front passenger seat

with the agar facing up out of direct sunlight. Place the lid next to the plate with the lid

facing down.

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4. Turn on your engine with the AC or heat on recirculate. Blow the air on highest setting

for 30 minutes. Then turn the car off and let the plate sit for another 30 minutes. (60

minutes total)

5. Continue with instructions starting at #6 under Home Collection Instructions above.

Shipping Instructions

Ship the mold plates, with lids taped on, and wrapped in foil. Place in the box they arrived in.

Mail to:

Ship via any carrier (USPS (United States Postal Service), FedEx, UPS, etc.). The plates must

arrive at the lab before day 10 after testing. Ship immediately after determining which mold plates

to send off.

If you find growth on the plates by Day 5, you will want to use a guaranteed 3-day shipping method.

If you need to observe the plates for 7 days, you’ll want to use a guaranteed 2-day shipping method

so that the plates arrive on time.

Print and use this shipping label to use on your box:

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Mold Plate Interpretation Key This is for Sensitive People and those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

You’ll need your mold plate testing results for this section.

This Mold Plate Interpretation Key is more stringent than what Immunolytics uses

and is more tailored to people with sensitivities and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

For sensitive people, on a mold plate 1 or more counts indicate a problem:

o Mucor

For sensitive people, on a mold plate 2 or more counts of these indicate a problem:

o Alternaria

o Aspergillus

o Fusarium

o Penicillium

Also, 1 count of a combo of these on a mold plate indicate a problem

o Alternaria

o Aspergillus

o Fusarium

o Penicillium

High levels of bacteria (>10-15) also indicate a problem

Did any of your mold plates meet the criteria for toxic mold according to the Mold Plate Key above? If

so, which rooms showed problems?

ERMI Testing through Envirobiomics or Mycometrics

These worksheets accompany the video in the Environmental Mold lesson called Environmental Mold

Testing: ERMI. You’ll also need your ERMI test results if you are running an ERMI test.

See for links to products and resources

for this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

1. Follow the instructions that come with this kit

a. It is very important to perform both methods, so you don’t miss anything important

b. You can use one kit per home to save money

c. If budget is limited, start with mold plates

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2. Is your ERMI score 5 or higher?

a. Don’t just go by the HERTSMI score

3. Are there any toxic mold markers elevated (even if it doesn’t meet the total lab criteria)?

a. Alternaria

b. Aspergillus

c. Fusarium

d. Mucor

e. Penicillium

f. Stachybotrys

4. If you answered yes to c or d above, you need an Inspector who is trained and experienced

with significant mycotoxin illness (most mold inspectors won’t have this training).

5. If you have concerns about toxic mold in your home or work, which mold inspectors do you

want to contact?

6. See for links.

Remediation Tips

This worksheet accompanies the video in the Environmental Mold lesson called Environmental Mold

Testing: Remediation Tips.

See for links to products and resources

for this section.

(Mast Cell 360 makes a very small commission when you use our affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it helps

support Mast Cell 360 to continue producing free resources such as the blog posts, newsletters, and free FB Lives. Thank

you for your support!)

Which of these do you need to do?

Mold Remediation Checklist X

Is there any water intrusion to address?

Remove any water damaged materials 2 feet out from visible water damage

Encapsulate crawl space, if needed

Fog and/or spray with Biobalance Products (coupon code mastcell360 )

Add humidity gauges to each room of your home

Is humidity above 50%? If yes, add dehumidifiers. (Be sure to clean the collection bucket weekly with hydrogen peroxide)

Use water alarms and drip pans under sinks

Wash clothing in mold removing laundry detergent (preferrable to use top loader washers)

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Mold Remediation Checklist X

Get air purifiers than can filter down to .003 microns

Remove moldy carpet

If you’re very sensitive and mold was extensive, you may need to remediate possessions

Extra Tip: Don’t wet shampoo carpets – this encourages mold growth. Dry shampoo can be a better


Carpet Removal Tips

Do you need to remove carpet that contains mold? Here are carpet removal tips for sensitive people.

1. Tape off all doorways and vents in the area with plastic

2. Create negative air space if you can

3. Cut the carpet up and put in trash bags and take out through the window

4. Spray the floor where the carpet was with Haven Mist

5. Fog the room with Haven Fog

6. Run a good air filter for about 72 hours on high with room sealed

7. At that point, you can put in the new flooring.

Remediating Possessions (if needed)

Do you need to remediate possessions? Here are remediating possession tips for sensitive people.

1. Can use Biobalance Haven Wipes to wipe down hard sided surfaces

2. May need to replace:

a. Mattresses (see non-toxic options in mold-resources)

b. Upholstery

c. Leather furniture

d. Carpet, if moldy

e. Stuffed animals

f. Papers

g. Books

h. Antique furniture that retains a bad smell

(musty, dusty, urine-like)

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Part 5: Additional Resources

Changes Journal

This should only take about 60 seconds a day. Don’t list your entire protocol and all symptoms each

day. Just list any changes happening in your life and any whether any specific symptoms improved or

worsened that day.

List when you:

Add or stop a new supplement or medication

Increase or decrease dosages

Add a new food

Eat at a restaurant


Anything else that may affect your health


of Change

Food, Supp,

Med, or


Amount Symptoms & Severity Date/Time

of Symptoms

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Options to calm down die off reactions or flares: 1. Stop the binders for 2 weeks

2. Re-introduce more slowly

3. Increase nervous system supports

4. Increase mast cell supports

5. Can consider baking soda in water, if tolerated and appropriate

6. Extra water

7. Extra sleep

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Mast Cell Nervous System Reboot

This Master Class includes:

Recording of the live 3-hour video

class on Rebooting your Mast Cell-Nervous

System wiring with Beth O’Hara, Functional

Naturopath and Mast Cell | Histamine


Recording of the live Q&A

Full text transcription (available for


5 step by step mast cell wiring reboot


6 techniques that cost nothing that you will

learn how to do during the class and can start immediately

4 steps that I perform everyday

Mast cell nervous system quick lists

Read more and purchase online at

Top 8 Mast Cell Supporting Supplements Master Class

This Master Class includes:

2-hour Video Recording with Beth

O’Hara, Functional Naturopath and Mast Cell |

Histamine Specialist

Q&A Recording

Full text transcription

Quick lists of the top 8 mast cell

supporting supplements, benefits, and actions,

supplements to avoid with MCAS, steps to

introduce supplements, 7 things to do in a

reaction or flare up, and list of next steps of

you are still having symptoms

Read more and purchase online at

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Join the Facebook community We host free Facebook lives regularly and have a great community. We’d love for you to join us! Just

go over to the Facebook page and click the Follow Button (not the like button) to get the updates for

when the Facebook Lives happen. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Free Resources You can find more mold resources here:

You can find our Low Histamine, Low Lectin, and Low Oxalate Foods lists here:

You can find our Low Histamine, Low Salicylate foods list here:


You can find our Low Histamine, Low FODMAP foods list here:


You can find many more free resources on the website here:

You can sign up for our email updates so you don’t miss anything here: