MBA Preparation: Be an Early Bird


Transcript of MBA Preparation: Be an Early Bird

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MBA stands for Master of Business Administration, which is the most sorted after master's degree in business administration. The various areas of business are introduced to the students in the MBA program such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operation management etc.

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Its important how a candidate should go for the MBA entrance exam preparation. 12 months should be considered enough to prepare for it.

MBA entrance exam usually take place in the month of November. By the time, students should complete their preparation, do revision and take various mock tests to be fully prepared for the exam.

Here’s a month-wise preparation strategy guide for you to take the MBA entrance exam

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So you have decided to take the MBA entrance exam.

Know all the details about the subjects covered in the MBA entrance exam.

If you feel the requirement, you can go for a coaching institute. They will offer you the study material.

The MBA entrance will test you caliber so be prepared for it.

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You need to solve exam papers of last few years to prepare yourself.

Vedic math will help you get quick answers.

MBA entrance exam questions come with optional answers. Remember your answer need not be accurate but anything close to that will also do.

Work on Pie charts, Bar charts, Venn Diagrams questions as they are most likely to come in the exam.

Always mark the correct option and move to the next question. You would rather not waste time in unnecessary calculation.

Take those questions first which you sure you can answer.

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For QA, Maths is important. Go through the basic concepts of math till Class 10. For syllabus of MBA entrance exam, you can also find the study materials online or from your coaching institute.

You should first understand the concept rather than solving large number of questions.

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Always keep a calm mind. It will be helpful to practice better.

Usually the questions are very stereotype in the exam paper. So prepare accordingly.

Solving puzzles will your improve skills for this section.

Logical puzzles, logical data sufficiency, sequential output tracing are the important topics you should cover.

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For Verbal Ability section, the more you read the more you get is mantra.

You should work on your grammar but don’t waste too much time in revision.

Sections like Analogies, Anagrams will be the crunch part of this section.

Go through last few years question paper, check out the pattern and type of questions usually come in the exam.

This section is very straightforward, usually there are no surprises here so prepare carefully and this can your high scoring section.

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Reading comprehensions can be one of the toughest section in MBA entrance exam.

This section contains proper prose and poems, and that could be difficult to crack.

Read newspaper everyday. Go through online articles on various topics, business magazines, editorials, etc.

Go through old articles as well, it will be helpful to improve your skills.

Practice is the key in this section. Take sessions, set a time limit. Everyday you should decrease it by a minute to improve yourself.

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Usually the MBA exam paper covers general knowledge and happening of last one year.

Keep a check on all the Mergers and Acquisitions took place in last one year.

Books like Manorama, and other GK books will be helpful to keep up to date knowledge of it.

Make notes out of the daily Current Affairs and read them regularly.

Read business magazines on a regular basis.

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Now that you have covered all the subjects under MBA entrance exam look through past MBA entrance exam papers to understand the nature of questions that could appear in the exam.

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Now that you know the type of questions usually appear in the exam, its time for you to work on your speed.

You need to improve on your reading and thinking speed.

Practice verbal ability (grammar, etc) for at least 20 minutes daily.

For Quantitative Analysis section, do around 20-25 questions on a daily basis. Try to complete these questions within 40-45 minutes.

Try to achieve a reading speed of 250 words a minute. Set timer and check how many words you cover in one minute.

One should do around 3 to 4 Data Interpretation sets everyday and about 8-10 Logical Reasoning questions.

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Take Test! MBA exams are getting closer and its time for you to take tests.

First you can start with section-wise, take one section at a time.

Then come to the full length test. Student can take this in both forms –pen and paper as well as computer based test.

Students should keep the number of full length test to three per week.

Keep working on speed, while also improving your conceptual clarity.

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Just a month to go for the MBA entrance exam and its time to fine tune your skills.

Its very important to know your strength and weaknesses. Always attempt those section first which you are sure of you can score well.

Work out on strategy to solve the exam.

Keep taking mock tests as this will help you to strategize better.

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November should be strictly for the revision of concepts across Verbal Ability, Quant, DI & Analytical Reasoning.

Students should continue taking mock tests.

And finally take the EXAM!

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Follow all the tips and tricks month wise and you’ll see good results.

All the best for your MBA entrance exam preparation!

Created By:

AIMS Institutes, Bangalore