mb808 FAB manual - subatomicglue.comtester on your DMM. 9.) Connect the wires of the transformer's...

mb808 FAB manual http://www.eight-oh-eight.org

Transcript of mb808 FAB manual - subatomicglue.comtester on your DMM. 9.) Connect the wires of the transformer's...

mb808 FAB manual http://www.eight-oh-eight.org

Step one: Power Supply:

ATTENTION: You will be dealing with AC mains voltages in this part of the build, if you are not careful you can injure yourself, or worse! Keep a clean bench and *PAY ATTENTION* to what you are doing! 1.) Solder in all diodes except D41. 2.) Solder in the two 1K resistors and LED's 1 and 2. 2.) Solder in all 100n capacitors except c24. Any poly or lytic cap will work here and a voltage rating of at least 35v is reccomended. Place c24 on the top side of the board so it doesn't get in the way of the heatsink on the 5v regulator. Leave enough leads on the cap so that it will lie flat on the PCB and not get in the way of the front panel. 3.) Solder in the 4 pin connector for the transformer in with the friction lock on the north side of the board (this is in backwards on mine). 4.) Solder in the fuses. The PSU will still function without them, but do so at your own risk. 5.) Attach heatsinks to the regulators. You *must* use a heatsink on the 5v regulator, but you may be able to get away without them on the +15v regulators. In either case be aware that these IC's can and will get *very* hot! 6.) Solder in the Regulators with the metal tab to the north side of the board. 7.) Solder in the big lytic caps. These should all be at least 35 volts except c22 which can be as low as 6.3v because it is after the 5V regulator. It's not a bad idea to use a 2200uF 16v cap for c22.

8.) Double check that all components except D41 are soldered in. Check for solder bridges by using the continuity tester on your DMM.

9.) Connect the wires of the transformer's primary winding to the power jack and power switch. If you are using the Amveco transformer the wires should be connected Red and Yellow together to one pole of the switch and Black and Purple together to one tab on the power jack. Connect the other tab on the power jack to the other pole of the switch. In the Pic you can see that I soldered the power switch directly to the inlet jack. Obviously this won't work in a case, but while testing it kept the amount of wiring that was carrying AC mains to a minimum.

10.) Connect the wires from the secondary windings on the transformer to the connector in the order Blue, Brown, Red, Green. 11.) Place a 125v fuse in the power jack. 12.) Connect a power cable and test for AC voltage from Blue to Brown and Green to Red 13.) Connect the power connector to the PCB, power it on, and check for voltage across the two large capacitors. If there is at least 15v then check for +15v at the outputs of the regulators (the LED's should be on and stay on). 14.) Solder in D41. BE ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT THE CAPS ARE DISCHARGED. Place a 10K resistor across their terminals for 10 seconds first if you are not sure. 15.) Check the output of the 5V regulator.

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_PSU.sch at 5/10/2007 10:22:07p Qty Value Device Parts Notes

1 -15 volt regulator IC36 2 PCB mounted

fuse F1, F3

2 3MM LED LED1, LED2 1 3 Pin Header DC-OUT 1 4 Pin .156" spaced

header SV1

9 1N4004 Power Diode D29, D32, D33, D34, D35, D36, D37, D38, D41 22 10 Electrolytic

Capacitor C211, C212, C213, C214, C215, C216, C222, C223, C224, C225, C226, C227, C228, C229, C230, C231, C232, C233, C234, C235, C236, C237

1 78V 15 volt regulator IC2 1 78V 15 volt regulator IC37 6 100n Electrolytic

Capacitor C9, C23, C24, C25, C26, C112

2 470K Resistor R382, R383 2 2200uf Electrolytic

Capacitor C21, C22

2 2200uf Electrolytic Capacitor

C8, C10

1 MA02-1100

2 pin header

Step Two: The Core For additional information about the MidiBox Core module, see these pages: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/mbhp_coreR4d.html

1.) Solder in all resistors 2.) Solder in the 2 100n (104) capacitors 3.) Solder int he Crystal, it does not matter which direction 4.) Solder in the Diodes 5.) Solder in the 40 pin socket for the PIC and the 2 8 pin sockets for the Opto Isolator and the EEPROM 6.) Solder in the optional components R6, R7 and T1 which are used to adjust the brightness and contrast of the LCD screen. Transistor T1 is a BC337 so if you want to use a 2n3904 you will need to bend the leads as the pinout is different (I'll check the datasheet and make a diagram). 7.) Solder in the 2 33p capacitors next to the crystal 8.) Before putting any IC's in their sockets power the unit on and test for 5v across the 100n capacitors.

9.) Connect a MIDI cable to the output connector 10.) Using a program like MIDIOx or (preferably) MIOS Studio (http://miosstudio.midibox.org/) watch the input midi monitor when you power the unit on (remember to put the IC's in now). You should see a HEX message similar to F7 00 00 00 .. etc. If you see nothing start checking components around the MIDI out port. 11.) Alternately you can connect a LCD to the Core and see if the application boots up. If you can't see anything at first remember to adjust the brightness and contrast pots. I'll post some more detailed information about connecting the LCD's once I find it, but remember that this is all standard MidiBox stuff, so search the midibox forum and wiki! Be careful with a LCD hooked up.. in all likelyhood the 5v regulator is going to get *very* hot!

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_Core.sch at 5/10/2007 10:17:45p Qty Value Device Parts Mouser

2 3 Pin Header MIDI-IN, MIDI-OUT 538-22-03-2031 1 4 Pin Header SV3 538-22-03-2041 1 Dual 4 Pin header SV2 1 Dual 8 Pin Header SV4 1 Resistor R137 3 1K Resistor R10, R11, R18 1 1K2 Resistor R139 1 1N4148 Diode D1 1 10MHZ Timer Crystal XTAL 1 5K6 Resistor R142 1 6N138 OptoCoupler OPTO-ISO 2 10K Trim Pot R6, R7 2 10K Resistor R8, R143 1 10KB Pot SWING 1 24LC256P EEPROM IC1 2 33p Ceramic Disc Capacitor C19, C20 2 100n Mulitilayer Ceramic Capacitor C17, C18 3 220R R-US_0207/7 R138, R140, R141 1 BC337 Transistor T1 1 PIC18F4X2DIL40 Microcontroller MCU

Step Three: DOUTs For more information about these circuits check out these sites: http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/mbhp_doutR3.html http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_dout.html

The top two rows of IC's in the digital section are the Digital Outs which are responsible for controlling the LED's and sending the Instrument and Accent trigger pulses. TIP: It is not a bad idea to test for continuity between the 5v rail and ground after soldering in each Socket, it's much easier to identify solder bridges this way. 1.) Solder in the 16 pin sockets (Note, some early versions of the BOM have the count for 14 and 16 pin sockets mixed up, you will need 22 16 pin sockets total) 2.) Solder in the 100n (104) capacitors, one per set of sockets. Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_Dout.sch at 5/10/2007 10:20:00p Qty Value Device Parts

2 Lighted Tact Switch LED42, LED43 5 10K Resistor Network RN2, RN3, RN5, RN6, RN7 7 100n Multilayer Ceramic cap C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 7 74HC595N 74HC595N IC9, IC10, IC11, IC12, IC13, IC14, IC15 2 220R Resistor Network RN1, RN4 2 s14 LED3MM BAR-LED, BEAT-LED

Step Four: DIN's For more information about these circuits, please check out these sites: http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/mbhp_dinR5.html http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_din.html

TIP: It's not a bad idea to check for continuity between the 5v rail and ground after soldering in each IC socket. 1.) Solder in the 16 pin IC sockets. 2.) Solder in the 100n caps 3.) Solder in the in line resistor networks. They should have a marking on one end indicating the common pin. This pin should be connected to the 5v rail on the pcb (the thick trace) this pin is on opposite sides for each side of the IC. You can ignore the resistor that is silkscreend on the PCB. If your networks have an extra pin (or more) just bend the unused ones up out of the way. 4.) Don't solder in the switches, they will be the last components to go in the board. Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_Din.sch at 5/10/2007 10:19:43p Qty Value Device Parts 33 Lighted Tact

Switch A, B, EDIT, EXIT, FWD, GP-1, GP-2, GP-3, GP-4, GP-5, GP-6, GP-7, GP-8, GP-9, GP-10, GP-11, GP-12, GP-13, GP-14, GP15, GP16, LOOP, MENU1, MENU2, MENU3, MENU4, MUTE, PATTERN, PLAY, RWD, SELECT, SONG, STOP

12 10K Resistor Network

RN13, RN14, RN15, RN16, RN17, RN18, RN19, RN20, RN21, RN22, RN23, RN24

6 10K Resistor R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R27 6 10n Electrolytic

Cap C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16

6 74HC165N 74HC165N IC3, IC4, IC5, IC6, IC7, IC8 2 SNAPIN-

ENCODER Rotary Encoder


Step Five: Trigger Indicators TIP: Don't solder these components in right away if you think you might want to use the dual LCD's

TIP: DON'T SOLDER IN THE Capacitors or any components marked with a red dot on the diagram! 1.) Solder in the 100k and 1k resistors. Pay attention to their position, only most of them follow the same pattern. 2.) Solder in *ONE* transistor for each indicator. The second one (along with the cap) is there to make the LED blink brighter.. but it's not a very good circuit, so it's best you simply ignore it. Check back here for a pic showing which transistors not to solder in. 3.) Using LED spacers *carefully* solder in each LED so that it is completely straight and true to the PCB Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_TriggerLED.sch at 5/10/2007 10:22:51p Qty Value Device Parts 12 3mm


12 1K Resistor R442, R445, R448, R451, R454, R457, R460, R466, R469, R472, R475, R478 12 2N3904 Transistor T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 24 100K Resistor R440, R441, R443, R444, R446, R447, R449, R450, R452, R453, R455, R456, R458, R459,

R464, R465, R467, R468, R470, R471, R473, R474, R476, R477

Step Six: BD With the BD (and all the other instrument circuits) all you need to do is solder in the components, go by order of their height to make the physical assembly easier. DON'T solder in the pots, trim pots or switches, those will be the last things you solder in. Once you've finished each circuit check for continuity from the 15v rails and ground to be sure there isn't a bridge there. Note that the BOM lists the Op-Amp as a TL072. It will work just fine in this circuit, but the original uses JRC4558's

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_BD.sch at 5/10/2007 10:17:11p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch BD-RT 2 .47/50 Electrolytic Capacitor C27, C47 1 1uF 50 Volt Electrolytic Capacitor C50 1 1K Resistor R175 3 1M Resistor R156, R161, R167 2 1N4148 Diode D52, D53 1 2K7 Resistor R204 1 2SA733 PNP Transistor Q40 5 2SC945 NPN Transistor Q39, Q41, Q42, Q43, Q44 1 4K7 Resistor R155 1 4K7 Resistor R162 1 6.8K Resistor R173 1 6K8 Resistor R166 1 8K2 Resistor R157 3 10K Resistor R153, R154, R172 1 10KA Pot BD-TUNE 1 10KB Pot BD-TONE 3 15n Polyester Capacitor C40, C41, C42 1 22K Resistor R160 3 22K Resistor R152, R165, R168 1 33/6.3 Electrolytic Capacitor C43 1 33n Polyester Capacitor C39 1 47K Resistor R169 1 47K Resistor R164 1 82K Resistor R177 4 100K Resistor R159, R163, R174, R176 1 100KA Pot BD-LEV 2 100n Polyester Capacitor C38, C45 1 220R Resistor R171 1 220p Ceramic Capacitor C48 1 470K Resistor R170 1 500KB Dual Pot BD-DECAY 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin Header U$21, U$55 1 TL072P OpAmp IC17

Step Seven: SD

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_SD.sch at 5/10/2007 10:22:38p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch SD-RT 1 .47/50 Electrolytic Capacitor C37 2 1.8n Polyester Capacitor C51, C52 2 1K Resistor R19, R28 1 1M Resistor R22 1 1N4148 Diode D2 1 1n Polyester Capacitor C49 1 2.7n Polyester Capacitor C53 1 2K2 Resistor R40 1 2M2 Resistor R38 1 2SA733 PNP Transistor U$2 4 2SC945 NPN Transistor U$1, U$4, U$5, U$6 1 4K7 Resistor R13 3 6.8n Polyester Capacitor C28, C32, C33 1 8K2 Resistor R20 2 10K Resistor R9, R14 1 10KB Pot SD-SNAPPY 1 10n Polyester Capacitor C54 2 15K Resistor R30, R33 3 22K Resistor R12, R34, R36 1 22n Polyester Capacitor C55 1 27K Resistor R39 2 27n Polyester Capacitor C29, C30 1 33/6.3 Electrolytic Capacitor C36 1 33K Resistor R29 1 47/16 Electrolytic Capacitor C44 3 47K Resistor R23, R25, R35 2 47n Polyester Capacitor C31, C34 2 100K Resistor R15, R24 2 100KB Pot SD-LEV, SD-TONE 2 100R Resistor R32, R37 1 100n Polyester Capacitor C46 1 220R Resistor R21 1 220p Ceramic Capacitor C35 1 330R Resistor R31 1 470K Resistor R26 2 680R Resistor R17, R64 1 820K Resistor R16 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin Header U$57, U$71 2 TL072P OpAmp IC18, IC19

Step Eight: Noise

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_Noise.sch at 5/10/2007 10:21:50p Qty Value Device Parts

1 1uF 50volts Electrolytic Capacitor C152 2 1M Resistor R278, R284 1 2SC828 Transistor U$30 1 4K7 Resistor R281 1 18n Polyester Capacitor C154 1 20KB Trim Pot CB-TUNE3 2 22K Resistor R279, R285 1 39n Polyester Capacitor C153 1 47/16 Electrolytic Capacitor C151 1 100R Resistor R282 1 300K Resistor R280 1 330K Resistor R283 1 TL072P OpAmp IC31

Step Nine: LT

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_LT.sch at 5/10/2007 10:20:59p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch LT-RT 1 DPDT Switch LT/LC 2 1K Resistor R52, R57 1 1K5 Resistor R65 1 1MB Dual Pot LT-DECAY 2 1N60 Germanium Diode U$3, U$19 2 1N4148 Diode D4, D7 1 1n Polyester Capacitor C61 1 2M2 Resistor R63 1 2SA733 PNP Transistor Q5 2 2SC945 NPN Transistor Q6, Q7 1 3K3 Resistor R61 5 4K7 Resistor R41, R45, R46, R47, R59 1 6.8n Polyester Capacitor C56 2 10K Resistor R42, R44 1 12n Polyester Capacitor C58 1 15K Resistor R62 1 18n Polyester Capacitor C63 3 22K Resistor R43, R58, R206 1 33/6.3 Electrolytic Capacitor C62 1 33K Resistor R50 2 33K Resistor R49, R60 1 39n Polyester Capacitor C66 1 47K Resistor R54 2 47n Polyester Capacitor C59, C60 2 47n Polyester Capacitor C64, C65 1 56n Polyester Capacitor C57 2 100K Resistor R53, R55 2 100KA Pot LT-LEV, LT-RVB 1 470K Resistor R56 1 500R Pot LT-TUNE 1 820K Resistor R48 1 820K Resistor R388 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin Header U$58, U$72 1 TL074P Quad OpAmp IC20

Step Ten: MT

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_MT.sch at 5/10/2007 10:21:30p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch MT-RT 1 DPDT Switch MT/MC 2 1K Resistor R114, R119 1 1MB Dual Pot MT-DECAY 2 1N60 Germanium Diode U$22, U$23 2 1N4148 Diode D8, D9 1 1n Polyester Capacitor C116 1 2.7n Polyester Capacitor C99 1 2K2 Resistor R210 1 2M2 Resistor R209 1 2SA733 PNP Transistor Q8 2 2SC945 NPN Transistor Q9, Q10 1 3K3 Resistor R207 4 4K7 Resistor R86, R90, R91, R188 1 6K8 Resistor R92 2 10K Resistor R87, R89 1 12n Polyester Capacitor C101 1 15K Resistor R208 1 15n Polyester Capacitor C118 4 22K Resistor R88, R120, R213, R214 2 27n Polyester Capacitor C100, C102 1 33/6.3 Polyester Capacitor C117 1 33K Resistor R99 2 33K Resistor R94, R203 2 33n Polyester Capacitor C119, C121 1 39n Polyester Capacitor C111 1 47K Resistor R116 1 47n Polyester Capacitor C120 2 100K Resistor R115, R117 2 100KA Pot MT-LEV, MT-RVB 1 470K Resistor R118 1 500R Pot MT-TUNE 1 820K Resistor R93 1 820K Resistor R387 2 MA02-1100 2 pin header U$60, U$73 1 TL074P Quad OpAmp IC27

Step Eleven: HT

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_HT.sch at 5/10/2007 10:20:30p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch HT-RT 1 DPDT Switch HT/HC 2 1K Resistor R225, R230 1 1K5 Resistor R238 1 1MB Dual Pot HT-DECAY 2 1N60 Germanium Diode U$24, U$25 2 1N4148 Diode D15, D18 1 1n Polyester Capacitor C128 1 2.7n Polyester Capacitor C123 1 2M2 Resistor R237 1 2SA733 PNP Transistor Q11 2 2SC945 NPN Transistor Q12, Q13 1 3K3 Resistor R235 4 4K7 Resistor R113, R218, R219, R232 1 5.6n Polyester Capacitor C125 1 5K6 Resistor R220 2 10K Resistor R215, R217 1 10n Polyester Capacitor C130 1 15K Resistor R236 4 22K Resistor R216, R231, R239, R240 1 22n Polyester Capacitor C126 2 27n Polyester Capacitor C124, C131 1 33/6.3 Electrolytic Capacitor C129 1 33K Resistor R223 2 33K Resistor R222, R234 2 33n Polyester Capacitor C127, C133 1 47K Resistor R227 1 47n Polyester Capacitor C132 2 100K Resistor R226, R228 2 100KA Pot HT-LEV, HT-RVB 1 470K Resistor R229 1 500R Pot HT-TUNE 1 820K Resistor R221 1 820K Resistor R345 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin Header U$68, U$74 1 TL074P Quad OpAmp IC28

Step Twelve: CP

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_CP.sch at 5/10/2007 10:17:59p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch CP-RT 1 .47uF 50v Electrolytic Capacitor C85 1 1.8n Polyester Capacitor C81 1 1uF 50v Electrolytic Capacitor C77 3 1K Resistor R158, R179, R201 4 1M Resistor R68, R69, R192, R198 4 1N4148 Diode D19, D20, D21, D22 2 1n Polyester Capacitor C87, C92 1 2K2 Resistor R181 1 2K7 Resistor R190 3 2SA733 PNP Transistor U$7, U$13, U$14 4 2SC945 NPN Transistor U$8, U$9, U$12, U$15 3 4.7n Polyester Capacitor C79, C80, C82 1 4K7 Resistor R197 3 4K7 Resistor R67, R195, R196 1 5K6 Resistor R189 6 10K Resistor R66, R136, R145, R149, R187, R211 1 10KB Trimpot CP-OFFSET 3 15K Resistor R147, R180, R182 2 18n Polyester Capacitor C75, C83 2 22K Resistor R51, R194 1 22n Polyester Capacitor C84 2 27K Resistor R150, R193 1 27n Polyester Capacitor C88 1 33uF 6.3v Electrolytic Capacitor C90 1 33n Polyester Capacitor C78 1 39K Resistor R178 3 47K Resistor R151, R199, R233 1 47n Polyester Capacitor C76 2 68K Resistor R185, R186 1 82K Resistor R191 2 100K Resistor R148, R212 1 100KA Pot CP-LEV 2 220p Ceramic Capacitor C86, C89 1 330K Resistor R70 2 330R Resistor R144, R184 1 470K Resistor R200 1 470K Resistor R183 1 680R Resistor R146 1 LM3080N OTA IC22 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin Header U$61, U$75 1 TL072P OpAmp IC21 1 TLC339P Quad Comparator IC39

Step Thirteen: MA

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_MA.sch at 5/10/2007 10:21:14p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch MA-RT 1 1K Resistor R111 1 1M Resistor R107 3 1N4148 Diode D3, D5, D6 2 1n Polyester Capacitor C105, C106 3 2SA733 PNP Transistor U$11, U$16, U$20 3 2SC945 NPN Transistor U$10, U$17, U$18 1 3K3 Resistor R103 1 4K7 Resistor R96 1 6K8 Resistor R108 3 10K Resistor R95, R98, R102 2 10n Polyester Capacitor C104, C107 1 15K Resistor R202 2 22K Resistor R97, R105 1 33/6.3 Electrolytic Capacitor C110 1 33n Polyester Capacitor C103 1 47K Resistor R109 1 47n Polyester Capacitor C108 1 68K Resistor R104 1 100K Resistor R100 1 100K Resistor R106 1 100KA Pot MA-LEV 1 100n Polyester Capacitor C98 1 150K Resistor R112 1 220K Resistor R205 1 220p Ceramic Capacitor C109 1 470K Resistor R110 1 470K Resistor R101 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin Header U$63, U$77 1 TL072P OpAmp IC26

Step Fourteen: RS

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_RS.sch at 5/10/2007 10:22:24p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch RS/CL-RT 1 DPDT Switch RS/CL 1 .47uF 50v Electrolytic Capacitor C73 1 1K Resistor R72 2 1K Resistor R125, R503 1 1M Resistor R81 1 1M Resistor R390 4 1N4148 Diode D11, D12, D13, D14 1 1n Polyester Capacitor C69 3 2.2n Polyester Capacitor C70, C71, C72 1 2M2 Resistor R84 1 2SA733 PNP Transistor U$29 4 2SC945 NPN Transistor U$28, U$31, U$33, U$59 1 2SK30 FET Transistor U$56 4 4.7n Polyester Capacitor C67, C74, C95, C96 1 4K7 Resistor R123 1 5.6K Resistor R80 1 10uF 16v Electrolytic Capacitor C97 1 10K Resistor R135 7 10K Resistor R77, R83, R121, R124, R126, R129, R131 2 10n Polyester Capacitor C68, C91 5 22K Resistor R85, R122, R128, R133, R338 1 22n Polyester Capacitor C240 1 22p Ceramic Capacitor C93 1 33/6.3 Electrolytic Capacitor C94 2 33K Polyester Capacitor R75, R134 1 33K Resistor R73 3 47K Resistor R78, R132, R389 1 47n Polyester Capacitor C241 1 100K Resistor R130 1 100KA Pot RS/CL-LEV 3 220K Resistor R76, R82, R336 1 330K Resistor R127 1 390K Resistor R74 1 470K Resistor R79 1 470K Resistor R391 1 820K Resistor R71 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin header U$62, U$76 2 TL072P OpAmp IC24, IC25

Step Fifteen: CB

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_CB.sch at 5/10/2007 10:17:27p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch MA-RT1 1 .47/50 Electrolytic Capacitor C134 2 1uF 50v Electrolytic Capacitor C135, C142 3 1K Resistor R256, R260, R277 3 1N4148 Diode D10, D16, D17 2 2.2n Polyester Capacitor C138, C139 3 2K2 Resistor R252, R257, R258 1 2SA733 PNP Transistor Q1 4 2SC945 NPN Transistor Q2, Q3, Q4, U$27 1 3.3n Polyester Capacitor C140 1 4K7 Resistor R224 1 5K6 Resistor R262 1 8K2 Resistor R254 2 10uF 16v Electrolytic Capacitor C136, C137 4 10K Resistor R243, R250, R251, R261 1 10n Polyester Capacitor C141 2 10n Polyester Capacitor C148, C149 3 18n Polyester Capacitor C146, C147, C150 3 22K Resistor R241, R242, R255 2 22n Polyester Capacitor C143, C145 3 33K Resistor R259, R264, R267 1 100/6.3 Electrolytic Capacitor C144 3 100K Resistor R244, R245, R266 1 100KA Pot CB-LEV 2 100R Resistor R246, R248 6 120K Resistor R265, R268, R270, R272, R274, R276 1 150K Resistor R263 1 220K Resistor R269 2 250KB Trim Pot CB-TUNE1, CB-TUNE2 3 470K Resistor R247, R249, R253 2 560K Resistor R273, R275 1 680K Resistor R271 1 4584N Schmitt Trigger IC30 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin Header U$64, U$78 1 TL072P OpAmp IC29

Step Sixteen: CY

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_CY.sch at 5/10/2007 10:19:25p Qty Value Device Parts

1 SPDT Switch CY-RT 1 .47/50 Electrolytic Capacitor C160 6 1.5n Polyester Capacitor C159, C166, C170, C171, C185, C186 3 1uF 50v Electrolytic Capacitor C167, C173, C174 1 1K Resistor R326 1 1MB Dual Pot CY-DECAY 6 1N4148 Diode D23, D24, D25, D26, D27, D28 5 1n Polyester Capacitor C155, C175, C176, C179, C180 2 2.2/50 Electrolytic Capacitor C165, C172 1 2K2 Resistor R319 3 2M Resistor R290, R295, R305 1 2SA733 PNP transistor U$37 7 2SC945 NPN Transistor U$32, U$34, U$35, U$36, U$38, U$39, U$40 5 3.3n Polyester Capacitor C156, C157, C161, C177, C188 1 4K7 Resistor R301 1 6.8K Resistor R313 2 6.8n Polyester Capacitor C162, C163 5 10K Resistor R299, R304, R311, R323, R332 4 10n Polyester Capacitor C178, C181, C184, C187 1 15K Resistor R324 2 18K Resistor R314, R322 1 20KB Pot CY-TONE

11 22K Resistor R286, R294, R300, R302, R303, R308, R315, R317, R318, R328, R330 3 22n Polyester Capacitor C158, C164, C169 1 33/6.3 Electrolytic Capacitor C183 6 33K Resistor R289, R291, R296, R309, R310, R335 1 39K Resistor R316 3 39K Resistor R307, R320, R321 1 47/16 Electrolytic Capacitor C168 1 47K Resistor R327 3 82K Resistor R287, R292, R329 1 100K Resistor R331 1 100KA Pot CY-LEV 5 100R Resistor R288, R293, R297, R298, R306 1 220p Ceramic Capacitor C182 2 470K Resistor R312, R325 2 560R Resistor R333, R334 2 MA02-1100 2 Pin Header U$65, U$79 3 TL072P OpAmp IC32, IC33, IC34

Step Seventeen: HH

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_HH.sch at 5/10/2007 10:15:09p Qty Value Device Parts

2 SPDT Switch CH-RT, OH-RT 2 .47/50 Electrolytic

Capacitor C190, C192

6 1.5n Polyester Capacitor C195, C196, C197, C198, C199, C201 2 1K Resistor R374, R376 1 1M Resistor R355 1 1MB Dual Pot OH-DECAY 2 1N4148 Diode D30, D31 2 1n Polyester Capacitor C200, C202 2 2K7 Resistor R365, R366 2 2M Resistor R363, R364 2 2SA733 PNP Transistor U$42, U$44

12 2SC945 NPN Transistor U$41, U$43, U$45, U$46, U$47, U$48, U$49, U$50, U$51, U$52, U$53, U$54

2 4K7 Resistor R340, R347 1 10uF 16v Electrolytic

Capacitor C189

5 10K Resistor R337, R344, R350, R351, R353 8 22K Resistor R339, R341, R342, R346, R348, R349, R379, R380 2 22n Polyester Capacitor C193, C194 2 33/6.3 Electrolytic

Capacitor C205, C207

5 33K Resistor R343, R357, R359, R378, R381 2 39K Resistor R369, R370 1 47/16 Electrolytic

Capacitor C191

2 47K Resistor R371, R372 2 68K Resistor R367, R368 2 100K Resistor R352, R377 2 100KA Pot CH-LEV, OH-LEV 3 100R Resistor R358, R361, R362 2 220p Polyester Capacitor C206, C208 1 330K Resistor R360 2 470K Resistor R373, R375 2 470R Resistor R354, R356 2 470p Ceramic Capacitor C203, C204 1 HH-AC/TR 3 Pin Header SV12 2 MA02-

1100 2 Pin Header U$66, U$69

1 TL072P OpAmp IC35

Step Eighteen: Accent

Bill Of Materials Partlist exported from 808_production_Accent.sch at 5/10/2007 10:15:37p Qty Value Device Parts

1 3mm LED AC-SEL 2 .47/16 Electrolytic Capacitor C242, C243 1 1K Resistor R463 5 2N3904 NPN Transistor T2, T10, T16, T17, T18 3 4K7 Resistor R396, R397, R398 1 10K Resistor R393 1 10KB Pot ACCENT 1 22K Resistor R392 1 33K Resistor R395 1 47K Resistor R399 2 100K Resistor R461, R462 1 100R Resistor R400