
The Ambassador 1 June 2012 May 2014 O ver 200 years ago, our country’s founders gave us the first ever, best ever REPRESENTATIVE form of government... along with a solemn warning that it would take “eternal vigilance” on the part of the governed to maintain it! The citizens of the new “American Experiment” were repeatedly warned that government tends to self- corrupt, and MUST be held accountable to the will of the people to keep it clean! Well... whadoyaknow... THEY WERE RIGHT! Two centuries later, we’re beginning to wake up to the fact that the American people have failed to hold our elected officials accountable, and now “government of the people, by the people and for the people” has very nearly “perished from the earth!” For the past few months, we have joined with other good people of various religious backgrounds and political affiliations to promote the formation of a new and independent State of Jefferson in the North State from the southern border of Yuba County northwards all the way to the border of Oregon! While most folks have been very supportive of exercising our Constitutional Rights to appeal for new statehood, some passive souls have suggested that the whole idea may not jibe with a truly Christian world-view. Some wrongly feel that true Christianity must always be passive and go docilely along with “the powers that be” regardless of what the issues are. To these, I recommend a more careful reading of Scripture with an eye open toward the frequent revolutions of Israel and Judah as they were rallied by spiritual leaders (“Deliverers” or “Judges”) in casting off their oppressors. Also note the frequent confrontations in Scripture between godly Prophets and ungodly rulers, as well as the Spiritual Warfare motif of the entire Bible that clearly portrays us Christians as the emissaries and warriors of God’s heavenly kingdom that has come to earth to “destroy the work of the devil!” (1 John 3:8) and to “overcome evil with good!” (Romans 12:21). In the New Testament age, too, we see that the great heroes of the Christian faith boldly risked their lives to confront and overcome the evils of their age. They were not cowardly passivists that allowed evil to reign uncontested in their day! No indeed! Just the opposite By Pastor Dave Bryan Cont. on p. 9 is true! Whether it was Justin Martyr confronting Roman Emperor Antonius Pius regarding the wrongful persecution of Christians under Roman law, or Martin Luther risking his life by bucking the all- powerful politico-religious system of the Catholic Church by nailing his 95 points of protest to the church door, or William Tyndale resorting to clearly “illegal” tactics in order to get God’s Word into “Caught Serving” “MOM of the YEAR!” Page 17 “God at Work” Testimony Page 17 The Secret to JOY and PURPOSE Page 11 Page 15



Transcript of May2014Ambassador

Page 1: May2014Ambassador

The Ambassador 1

June 2012

May 2014

Over 200 years ago, our country’s founders gave us the first ever,

best ever REPRESENTATIVE form of government... along with a solemn warning that it would take “eternal vigilance” on the part of the governed to maintain it! The citizens of the new “American Experiment” were repeatedly warned that government tends to self-corrupt, and MUST be held accountable to the will of the people to keep it clean! Well... whadoyaknow... THEY WERE RIGHT! Two centuries later, we’re beginning to wake up to the fact that the American people have failed to hold our elected officials accountable, and now “government of the people, by the people and for the people” has very nearly

“perished from the earth!” For the past few months, we have joined with other good people of various religious backgrounds and political affiliations to promote the formation of a new and independent State of Jefferson in the North State from the southern border of Yuba County northwards all the way to the border of Oregon! While most folks have been very supportive of exercising our Constitutional Rights to appeal for new statehood, some passive souls have suggested that the whole idea may not jibe with a truly Christian world-view. Some wrongly feel that true Christianity must always be passive and go docilely along with “the powers that be” regardless of what the issues are. To these, I recommend a more careful reading of Scripture with an eye open toward the

frequent revolutions of Israel and Judah as they were rallied by spiritual leaders (“Deliverers” or “Judges”) in casting off their oppressors. Also note the frequent confrontations in Scripture between godly Prophets and ungodly rulers, as well as the Spiritual Warfare motif of the entire Bible that clearly portrays us Christians as the emissaries and warriors of God’s heavenly kingdom that has come to earth to “destroy the work of the devil!” (1 John 3:8) and to “overcome evil with good!” (Romans 12:21). In the New Testament age, too, we see that the great heroes of the Christian faith boldly risked their lives to confront and overcome the evils of their age. They were not cowardly passivists that allowed evil to reign uncontested in their day! No indeed! Just the opposite

By Pastor Dave Bryan

Cont. on p. 9

is true! Whether it was Justin Martyr confronting Roman Emperor Antonius Pius regarding the wrongful persecution of Christians under Roman law, or Martin Luther risking his life by bucking the all-powerful politico-religious system of the Catholic Church by nailing his 95 points of protest to the church door, or William Tyndale resorting to clearly “illegal” tactics in order to get God’s Word into

“Caught Serving”

“MOM of the YEAR!”

Page 17

“God at Work” Testimony

Page 17

The Secret to JOY and PURPOSE

Page 11 Page 15

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador2


Page 3: May2014Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador





Editor/Publisher - Seth Halpern - Advisory - Dave Kugelman - Design - James Halpern

The Ambassador is a free, monthly publication promoting unity and revival among the local Yuba-Sutter area Bible-believing churches.The Ambassador has a circulation of 6,000 - 7,500 and is distributed in local churches and businesses in the community.The purpose of The Ambassador is to pursue the great commission of Christ by making disciples and to encourage, inform, challenge and connect the local body of Christ.We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written word of God. We believe that God exists as One, in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.We believe that the atoning work of Christ (His death) on the cross and His resurrection is the ONLY means of salvation and the only way to Eternal Life in Heaven.We welcome editorial content from anyone wishing to promote the mission of The Ambassador. All articles and advertisement content is subject to the approval of the editor. Views expressed in The Ambassador do not necessarily reflect those of our sponsors or advertisers

Janis Maasenis an author

and ordained minister -available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

The Bride Church655 Colusa Hwy, YC

530-751-0505thebridechurch.orgSun. 9am & 11am

Craftsmen for Christ, Tue. 6:30

Church of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, Yuba City


Saturday 7pm - Sunday 10:00amWednesday 7pm

Samaritan Village OrphanageTanzania, Africa

You CAN help save the lives of

Call Tara (530-329-6619)or see page 16 to learn how

children in Tanzania!

Praise Chapel398 Aylor Avenue Yuba City

530-923-7204Sun. 10am, Wed. 7pmPastor Chris Madsen

WORD OF LIFE CHURCH1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville


Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pmPastor Stan Reynolds

Janis MaasenIs an author

and ordained misiter available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

Janis MaasenIs an author

and ordained minister available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

Agape LighthouseCommunity Church2106 Pepper Street, Sutter

Pastor BJ Wilson530-237-6351


A place to sleep, shower and eat a meal.

Hear the Word of God every night,

Daily Bible studies.

Noon Prayer Service Mon-Fri

JOIN US FOR SUNDAY SERVICE 11AM - 1PMWorship by Kings Clay, Reverend Joe Grinnell bringing us the Word of Truth.

Joe Grinnell, Executive Director

530-743-8777 – 940 14th Street, Marysville

Janis Maasenis an author

and ordained minister -available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

WORD OF LIFE CHURCH1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville


Sun. 10am & 5pm & Wed. 6:30pmPastor Stan Reynolds

Janis MaasenIs an author

and ordained misiter available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

Janis MaasenIs an author

and ordained minister available for

Speaking Engagementsand Weddings.

She can be reached at(530) 675-9663

Does your

church or ministry

partner with

The Ambassador?




for details

Bible College Tue/Thur 8:30am - 12:30pm


Con� dential AnswersFREE



Walk-ins welcome! CALL24 HRS

430 North Palora � Suite KYuba City, CA

Page 4: May2014Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador



INSPIRATIONThe Bitterness Game

By Jim Eliff

“Never pay back evil for evil to anyone,” God warns. Never? Like a man who has to move a water buffalo off the highway, “It ain’t all that easy.” After all, you’ve been deeply hurt, and the pain has been going on a long time. How would it be possible to keep from taking matters into your own hands? Some persons with rigid spines maintain their bitterness at military combat level for years. Others endure it as their sulking but undying companion till they pass off the scene. Some just coax it along at a simmer, nurturing it through the years, and are only riled up when the hurt is brought to mind through the occasional presence of their old foe. Many want to feel angry as often as possible, as if they are stabbing the person in the ribs every time they have a vengeful thought. However, the victim is really the one who cannot get rid of his bitterness. What does God say must be done? Interestingly, He says to act rather than feel. Here is how He puts it: Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. “But if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:19-21)

1. First, there is something NOT to do: Do not take your own revenge.

Why not? After all, the perpetrator is wrong and you are right. Reason: If we do take our own revenge, we do not leave room for the wrath of God. When you interfere with the justice of God toward wrongful actions done against you, you actually give the offending person more justification for his

actions toward you. But by remaining free of any negative actions toward him, you leave God to do the judging. And judge He will. “I will repay,” says the Lord. Leave room for God’s wrath to take care of the other person. After all, only God knows perfectly what the other person is due. He is the impeccable judge and you are not.

2. Second, there is something to DO: Overcome evil with good.

By doing so, you will “heap burning coals on his head.” Most likely the phrase describes the pangs of conscience and regret that will be heaped on the offending person’s head when you act lovingly instead of vengefully. God is not saying, “Heap it up so that you can make it worse for him,” but rather that acting lovingly toward him as you should will often have a shame-producing effect. When Joseph acted lovingly toward his brothers who had sold him into slavery, they felt more acutely sorry about their sin. Their consciences were stricken and they were made to think of God’s justice (Genesis 50). So with those who sin against you. Sincerely love the offending person through kind words and deeds, regardless of his thoughts and feelings. Peter wrote about this kind of action also:...not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead. (1 Peter 3:9) Now you have something to exchange for the bitter thoughts that you have been harboring. Do it now!

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I was confused. Normally, on the first Friday of the month, my mission organization has a time of intercession for the needs of each department, but this day we were instructed to attend an impromptu funeral. I did not know the bereaved or the circumstances of their loss, but I walked along with other missionaries to the church just down the road. The spacious sanctuary was dimly lit, silent, and glaringly empty even with all the full-time staff in attendance. It took me a minute to realize that two long boxes placed end to end across the front were caskets. "Who were they," I wondered, "and why are we here?" Then the heart-wrenching cries of a little girl echoed through the building. "Papa!" she wailed, again and again, even though the strong arms of Susanna, her house mother, enfolded her. "Finally," I sighed. "Someone I recognize. But what is going on?" The service was in Spanish, so it was later that the story unfolded for me. Inside one pine box was the body of fourteen-year-old Rosio's father. He had been terminally ill. Inside the other box were the fragments of eight-year-old Marvaline's father, evidence of a drug deal gone bad. Since the girls have no biological family support, the mission community stood by them in their loss. The kids here live in seven home-like situations called "casas." Rosio

and Marvaline both live in Casa 3 with Susanna and another staff member as house parents. "Oh, Lord, comfort sweet Susanna, Rosio, and Marvaline," I prayed often in the days following. "Give her the strength and wisdom to support the girls in their grief and still be the mom she has to be for the others in the casa." I know my prayers are being answered when Susanna squeezes extra tight in my hug or raises her hands high and sways in worship. She is a mother of the heart. So if I could give a Mother's Day award, I'd give it to Susanna. Mothering is hard work! I know. I've been there, and still am, even though the kids are grown. I'm glad Mother's Day is such a big deal. Moms deserve it! But this Mother's Day, I am going to be much more aware of those who mother from the heart. Some are Sunday School teachers or nursery workers, some are foster moms, some are grandparents raising their grandchildren; some, like Susanna, invest in the lives of the neglected, unwanted, abused, and grief-stricken. This month, as you see touching Hallmark card ads, displays in stores, and plan to honor your mother, will you whisper a prayer for mothers of the heart you don't even know? They are in churches, foster homes and orphanages worldwide. Let's care in our hearts for "Mothers of the Heart" and in doing so, represent the compassionate heart of God.

Mothers of the Heartby Paula McBride

Page 5: May2014Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador




By April James

How often I have felt so unworthy to come before the Lord, so undeserving of His mercy and grace, thinking how can He accept or use a person with my past? Not just my past before accepting Him, but having blown it so many times afterwards. I mistakenly viewed my heavenly Father through the lenses of how I saw my earthly father, how I felt my earthly father saw me – having little value, in the way, and obligation, unwanted. It was such a paradigm shift the day I glimpsed my heavenly Father’s heart, a heart of compassion. I find the grace of Jesus Christ so amazing. When I feel so undeserving, those times when I can’t begin to count how many ways I have blown it just in that one day; instead of lowering the boom, He picks me up not bothering to dust me off first, then tenderly holds me close as He pours out His extravagant love on me. He holds me near until I am strengthened, know I am forgiven, feel secure in Him and am able to stand facing what is ahead. I’m still not perfect, still blow it at times, but I know I don’t have to fear what He will do, that I can go back to my good heavenly Papa, admit what I’ve done (not that He didn’t already know) and know He will not reject me, but instead will forgive me and welcome me back into His presence, into His unfailing love. Grace, God’s unmerited favor; I am so thankful that it is based on who He is

and not on what I have done; I guess that’s why it is called Grace.

G – God’s

R – Redeeming/Restoring

A – And

C- Compassionate/Caring/Cleansing

E – Essence

May His great grace surround you this day my friends.





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The Ambassador Ministrywould like to thank the following people for their Individual Sponsorship

Marty BrownWarren & Lucy Campbell

Chuck DavidBob Gilbert

Pamela GivansRich & Joan Hackney

Tom HarrisMarie Hiebert

Brad IndelicatoSandi JuriSue Kochi

Carrie PedersonWendell Prine

Jeff RoyceJon & Pat Skillman

An out of state donor

God Bless Each of Youfor your support of this ministry and our community

If you would be interested in supporting The Ambassadoras an Individual Sponsor ($20/month)

please contact Seth Halpern at: [email protected] or call 530-933-1385

or visit us online

Page 6: May2014Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador6

CHRISTIAN BUSINESS ALLIANCE LUNCHEONEvery 1st Tue @ NoonBonanza Inn, Yuba CityJoin us for Lunch, Fellowship and God’s Word! For info contact Dave Kugelman 530-632-9292

FREE KARATE CLASSESFirst Baptist Church of OlivehurstMon 5:30pmFREE karate classes taught from a Christian perspective. 743-1831 for info, Pastor Miguel.

CELEBRATE RECOVERY Loma Rica Community Church - Moy Hall.Fri., 7pm.Call church office for more information 743-5435.

CROSSROADS CLOTHES CLOSETCrossroads Community Church, YCShop at our - FREE Clothes given away! Open Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm

AWANAWed’s, 5:45-7:45 PM during the school yearEvangelical Free Church3785 Olive Hwy., OrovilleFor information please call 533-6866Awana is a boys and girls club consisting of small group time, games, large group time.

PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE!Yuba-Sutter Right to Life is hosting peaceful, prayerful vigils in front of the Yuba City Planned Parenthood. All you need to participate is one hour and the desire to pray for LIFE. Please contact Heather Pugh at 751-9349 for date and time if you are interested.

KNIT & CROCHET WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIPFirst Baptist Church of Olivehurst, 1777 - 8th Ave.Mon 10am - NoonPractice your yarn craft or learn a new one with us. Knifty Knitters are welcome. Bring your own project or work on a charity item that we donate to those in need in the community. Email [email protected] for info.

SAMARITAN VILLAGE MONTHLY MEETINGCall 329-6619 for location3rd Tue of each month, 6:30pmThis meeting is open to all who are interested in helping with an orphanage in Tanzania. For info call Tara at 329-6619

DIVORCE CAREWednesdays 7:00 - 8:30pmHosted at: The Church of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, YCInfo:530-671-6069www.YubaSutterMarriage.comA Divorce Care group is a special place of encouragement, information and sharing. Weekly meetings provide you with an ongoing “support


If your church or ministry is having an outreach activity that you would like to promote in ourcalendar, please send your item via email to

[email protected] the 15th of the month for a listing in the

following month’s issue.

team” as you deal with the issues surrounding your separation or divorce

CELEBRATE RECOVERYPraise Chapel ChurchSun. 6:30 p.m.Join us for great worship and open share group.For more info call 530-923-7204 CELEBRATE RECOVERYCrossroads Community Church Mondays at 6:30pmWe are a Christ-Centered recovery group that provides a safe place to share your struggles, experiences, victories, and hopes with others who are also going through a Christ-Centered recovery.For more information contact Scott McCoy at 530-776-7602 or Follow us on Facebook @Celebrate Recovery Crossroads Community Church

GUITAR LESSONSTwin Cities Rescue Mission 940 14th St Marysville, CA 95901Mondays at 4:45pm-6:15pmWe are offering free guitar lessons led by Cliff Martin. Beginning and experienced guitar players of all ages are welcome. We practice chords as well as learn some Christian worship songs. All you need is a guitar! We hope to see you there.

BIBLE COLLEGETwin Cities Rescue Mission, in dining room 940 14th street, MarysvilleTuesday and Thursdays at 8:30am-12:30pmWe will be starting up our free Bible College again! Ephesians and James taught by Charlie Woods, 1st and 2nd Corinthians by Frank Weger, Gospel of John by Nancy Deeds, and 2nd Samuel by Roger Vaca.

ACE OVERCOMERSTwin Cities Rescue Mission in dining room. 940 14th Street, Marysville Mondays, starting January 6th at 10am-11amThis class will be taught by Joe Grinnell. The purpose is to overcome emotional, physical, and spiritual effects of abuse and dysfunction through biblical principles. Learning skills to help evaluate our strengths and vulnerabilities. Being able to control our emotions and have self-worth that no one can take away. Being able to trust God and rest in His promises.

AHOPAscending House of PrayerEvery Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday6:00 - 9:00 PMEmbassy of Heaven CampusChurch of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, Yuba City530-671-3160Praying and preparing for a new Jesus Movement, raising the Life of the glory of God in the face of Christ in America and in the nations. Come join us and experience the richness of His Love!

FCS PLAYERS PRESENT “CHARLIE’S AUNT”First United Methodist Church Fellowship HallApril 30 – May 3 / 7:30 p.m. and a special matinee and British High Tea on Saturday, May 3rd at 2:00 p.m.Open to the public. Tickets: $12 General and $10 Seniors, Students, & Active Duty Military and are available at the door or from the FCHS Library “Box Office” M-F 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call (530) 674-5474 for more information.

FAITH CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL SPRING CONCERT AND ART SHOWFirst United Methodist Church Y.C.Thursday, May 8 at 7:00 p.m.Student art and music. Open to the public, admission free.

MOVIE NIGHT“Gimme Shelter”Friday, May 9 - 7:00 PMEmbassy of Heaven CampusChurch of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, Yuba CityBased on a true story about Apple Bailey, a pregnant 15-year old who struggles to make a clean break from her troubled past by checking into a shelter for homeless teens. Power packed! Admission: FREE! Childcare provided for infancies through 5th grade.

RUMMAGE SALEFirst United Methodist Church, 3101 Colusa Highway, Yuba CityFriday, May 9th (7am - 4pm) Saturday, May 10th (7am - 2pm)Find everything under the sun at bargain prices such as Furniture, Clothes, Books, Toys, Household Items, and Jewelry. Funds will further our ministry partnering with community organizations such as CAN, A Woman’s Friend, Habitat for Humanity just to mention a few!

2014 WOMEN’S CONFERENCE “SILVER BOXES WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT”Feather River Baptist Church / 5400 Chestnut Rd. Olivehurst; Ca. 95961Saturday, May 10, 2014 at: 8:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.We would like to welcome all ladies to come and enjoy a wonderful time together. There will be a

SATURDAY NIGHT SERVICEWord Of Life Church 1229 Buchanan Street, Marysville6:30pmContemporary Worship led by Leanne Whitley & Robbie JellseyRelevant & Anointed Preaching- Pastor Stan Reynolds

ENCOUNTERING GOD9:30 - 11:30 AMEvery Tuesday MorningEmbassy of Heaven Campus1179 Eager Rd., Yuba City(Hwy 99 @ Eager Rd.)530-671-3160www.churchofgladtidings.comOur Tuesday morning meetings begin with a time of worship. Afterwards we rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us to minister to each other, encourage each other, and build our hunger and desire for the things of God. Childcare is provided.

WOMENS CLOTHES CLOSETTwin Cities Rescue Mission, 940 14th Street, MarysvilleTuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10am-4pmWe now have a womens clothes closet at the mission! It is free and available to everyone. We accept donations Monday-Sunday of women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing!

BETHESDA HEALING WELLSaturday, May 17 at 10:00 AMEmbassy of Heaven CampusChurch of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, Yuba CityInfo: Glen Bryan 530-713-3286Gathering for a time of soaking in God’s presence and then spending time to receive focused prayer for healing.

CRAFTSMEN FOR CHRISTThe Bride Church, 655 Colusa Hwy, YCMeets every Tuesday at 6:30pm Men’s fellowship around the word and worship. All in the Body of Christ welcome!

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador 7

WWW.AMBASSADORNEWSPAPER.COM CALENDARspecial inspirational and acoustic worship music. This is a FREE concert. For more information call (530) 329-6619

FAITH CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL BACCALAUREATE, SENIOR COMMENCEMENT, 8TH GRADE GRADUATION, & KINDERGARTEN GRADUATIONFirst United Methodist ChurchBaccalaureate: Sunday, May 25 at 3:00 p.m. - Senior Comm.: Friday, May 30 at 7:00 p.m. – 8th Grade Grad: Saturday, May 31 at 11:00 a.m. – Kindergarten Grad: Tuesday, May 27 at 7:00 p.m.

DIVINITY CODE CONFERENCEJune 6 - June 8Friday 7pmSaturday - 10am, 1:30pm, 7pmSunday - 10am, 1:30pmEmbassy of Heaven CampusChurch of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, Yuba [email protected] Bible-based guide to dream interpretation that reveals the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. Embrace your supernatural communications with God and go deeper into the things of the Spirit-today!

free Continental breakfast & Lunch provided. Cost: $10.00 a person pays for materials. For more information please call our office 530-742-2227. Special speaker will be Christine Woods.

FAITH CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PROJECT PRESENTATIONSFirst United Methodist Church Y. C.Monday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m.The top five students will present to the public and a panel of local judges. Open to the public, admission and refreshments free.

FAMILY NIGHTFirst United Methodist Church, 3101 Colusa Highway, Yuba City, CA 95993Tuesday, May 13th from 6-8pmJoin us for fun and fellowship as we play games and be creative with crafts. For more information see And don’t forget, all of this is at no cost to you!

A HAND UP MINISTRY Annual TRI-TIP Fundraiser DinnerFriday, May 16 - 6:30 PMEmbassy of Heaven CampusChurch of Glad Tidings1179 Eager Road, Yuba CityTickets $20 per person / $180 for table of 10Info: Ron Brasier 530-613-2859Tickets available at Glad Tidings (530-671-3160) or The Bride (530-751-0505)A Hand Up Ministry is that reaches out to the homeless, downtrodden people of our surrounding communities; to reach out in love and help by means of food, blankets, clothing, referrals, encouraging words and speaking God’s plan for people into existence. Come on out, enjoy a nice meal and help this ministry. Your financial assistance keeps this ministry going.

SAMARITAN VILLAGE ORPHANAGE BENEFIT CONCERTLogan Martin — featured guest artistCrossroads Community Church, YCSunday, May 25th, 2014 at 6:00 P.M.Logan Martin returns to Crossroads bringing his

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Page 8: May2014Ambassador

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador




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For decades preachers have touted from their pulpits that psychology is bad. Even within the last few years it has been preached, “psychologists don’t have the answer”. Psychology focuses on functioning; how well you are ‘functioning’ in society. Negative thoughts and behaviors are replaced with more ‘functional’ ones. Psychology looks at how you began to have poor reasoning skills and low self-worth. Then an attempt is made to create a healthy view of the self. The self, or identity, is evaluated by seeing how well you function in society. When God enters the scene, things look a little different. God created each person with a unique identity. Psalm 139 speaks about the intimacy of God’s creating each individual within the womb. Even identical twins are unique on the inside, they are not the other twin, no matter how similar they may seem. Hang around with twins long enough and you will be able to tell them apart. Each person to ever live had their own identity, or spirit, the part of them that makes them unique and not their neighbor. God made billions of unique identities, no two alike. God’s plan all along was that His identity in each person would be nurtured and supported by the two parents who birthed each child. It was God’s design that each child would

grow in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 4:6) and be trained in the way he should go (Proverb 22:6) and learn of God’s love from birth (Matthew 19:7). Each child’s identity would be cherished and fed, loved and nurtured until they reached maturity. Sadly, this is rarely the case. In the United States we have very high rates of single mothers and absent fathers. There is also abuse and neglect with unknown rates, as so much abuse is not reported. So, what happens to a child’s identity if it is not cherished and nurtured the way God intended? The labels we have are psychological in nature: depression, anxiety, obsessions, eating disorders, personality disorders, addictions, nervous compulsions, and more. When a child’s identity is abused, traumatized, or neglected, the ramifications are endless. Sadly, psychology only deals with the symptoms of identity abuse and not the cause itself. This is where the psychological field falls short. Christianity, however, has a wonderful answer; you’re identity was given to you and is still in tact! Due to identity abuse you may find this extremely hard, even impossible, to believe. Things in life that occur, or you observe, will blind you to the true spirit God put in each person. You will have a

lens of life that is tainted by your history. Thus, when God says, “I love you” you try to believe it. But, you find it easier to believe for others, rather than yourself. What would happen if we all started to believe that God gave us each a unique identity and it still exists today? Even with all the things that happened to us or that we did to others, we are still the same person inside that God created. And when He created you, He smiled and said,

“This is good!” Then we would be able to see all the psychological disorders in a different light. They would just be coping mechanisms for identity abuse. When we realize that our identity, or our spirit, was given by God, we can begin to heal our negative perceptions with the truth. The truth will set you free

Identity: Where Religion and Psychology Meet

Cont. on p.17

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The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

RESOURCESLincoln Author Features Family’s

Faith In New Fantasy Novel

Author D. K. Ogans announces the release of her new Christian fantasy novel, “The Enchanting Legends of Shiloh Mansion,” a story set in a fascinating place situated in the midst of a forest that continuously unfolds an intriguing revelation. “The Enchanting Legends of Shiloh Mansion” introduces readers to Eliza, Faith and Daniel who are marvelously creative, highly effective characters with phenomenal talents and gifts. They are a family of believers! Their faith in the great I AM opens a miraculous gateway that unlocks a secret portal allowing them to experience firsthand the many genuine captivating enchanting legends of the sacred book of I AM. The countless legends allow generation after generation to experience many invaluable, insightful, profound principles of truth. These bright, innovative smart teens responsibly dare to adventurously go and do the things that most only imagine. Sir Iverson and Lady Angelica are their wise, loving and nurturing parents, and they themselves too are quite an eclectic extraordinary pair. They have provided their super family with every possible modern convenience and gadgetry available. Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at

bookstore, or by visiting or Ogans is a prolific Christian writer with a plethora of published articles. She is a dedicated wife, ordained minister/pastoral counselor, life coach, mother of five, and grandmother of twenty-one grandchildren. She is the cofounder of Alpha 7 Ministries along with her husband, Randall. She is dedicated to creatively sharing the principles of truth to all ages. Deborrah will be signing copies of her new book at “Dinah’s on D Street” Book Store in Marysville on May 10th from 11:00 - 1:00 PM and Crosspointe Christian Books & Gifts in Yuba City on June 14th, 11:00 - 3:00 PM.

D.K. Ogans new book cover

the hands of the common folk of his day - they were all brave heroes committed to do whatever it took to see righteousness prevail over evil in their day. They were willing to risk everything, and their brave examples should be honored and emulated by us today! From Godly Noah to renowned Christian leaders such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Germany and 20th Century Christian activists Dr. Francis Schaeffer and Dr. Martin Luther King, we find that Scripture, church history, and the heroes of faith in our day all have this in common: They were stalwart “Christian” activists who recognized and confronted the evils of their day, and took both literally and seriously the command of Scripture to “overcome evil with good!” So... what about US? As Christian disciples, we have been charged by Christ Himself to “be the salt (healing agent) of the earth” (Matt. 5:13-14) and to “let our lights (redemptive influence) shine before men” (Matt 5”15-16) by actively and strategically “placing our light on a stand for all to see” (Mark 4:21-23)! We have also been commissioned by The Holy Scripture to pray that we might live “peaceful lives marked by godliness and dignity (1 Timothy 2:2). In the past, we have erred greatly in allowing ourselves to become passive and fatalistic, “hiding our light (influence) under a bushel” as evil has prevailed in our land without a contest! It’s time to repent of “being salt that has no savor”


(redemptive, preserving influence) and begin to be bold in standing up for truth and for righteousness! Now, here’s your chance to do the truly Christian thing by joining us as we boldly confront the issues that are undermining our family values, our economy, and our traditional form of American representative government! So, “let your light shine” and raise your voice to join us in petitioning Sacramento and Washington DC to recognize our Constitutional right to form a new and independent State of Jefferson built on conservative principles and dedicated to the ideals of “Lower Taxes, Smaller Government, and Personal Freedoms!” Let’s turn things around! Join us in this exciting and noble effort to form a brand new state where our voices will be heard again, and where we can “live peaceful lives marked by godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 2:2). For Christ’s sake, don’t be timid! Don’t be passive! Don’t be absent! Don’t hide your light under a bushel somewhere! It’s time for the true followers of the Lion of Judah to ROAR! Let’s all SHOW UP IN THIS SHOWDOWN, and make the Dream of Jefferson come true for us and for our children! RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW!


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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


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LEFT: Jesus followers

walking “The Way of Suffering Jesus” on

Good Friday

RIGHT: Boldly walking down

Plumas St. in Yuba City

The local community caught in the act of serving

LEFT: Kids, teens, adults, elderly- all consider the cross of Christ

Photo Credit: Lisa Ringelberg

Photo Credit: Lisa Ringelberg

Photo Credit: Lisa Ringelberg

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador



IN THE NEWS...Muslim Brotherhood Launches

Political Party in America

By Jim Denison Denison Forum on Truth and Culture

The Muslim Brotherhood is launching a political party in America for the purpose of electing Muslims and influencing legislation that is favorable to Islam. This development should come as no surprise: the number of mosques in the United States has escalated 74 percent since 2000. The government of Turkey is building a $100 million mega mosque in Maryland. There are now 66 mosques in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. According to a recent survey, 98 percent of mosque leaders say Muslims should be involved in American institutions, and 91 percent agree that Muslims should be involved in politics. We should expect to see a growing number of Muslim candidates for office, and a growing number of Muslims who will support them financially. Islam is not the only non-Christian movement to make headlines today, as this is “Humanism at Yale Week.” Monday was “Ask an Atheist” day; Tuesday was “Catholics & Humanists Together”; today features “Atheism, Storytelling, and Advice for Christians Who Wish to Talk to Non-Christians.” Chris Stedman, Assistant Humanist Chaplain at Harvard University, is the speaker. Ironically, both Yale and Harvard were founded by Christian ministers to

Lady Gaga Portrayed as Fallen Angel, Resurrects Jesus in Music Video

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train Christian ministers. Should believers be angry about these developments? Or should we view them as opportunities for the Kingdom? Cultural advances by atheists and non-Christian religions are obvious symptoms of the declining Christian influence on our culture. But I believe they are also an amazing opportunity for the gospel, for two reasons. First, growing secularist and anti-Christian movements are a wake-up call for believers to pray. Those who founded our nation and its earliest academic institutions were clearly shaped by the Judeo-Christian religious tradition. That worldview is in jeopardy today more than ever before. It is imperative that believers humble ourselves, pray together, seek God’s face, and turn from our sins—now (2 Chronicles 7:14). Second, the growth of atheist and other non-Christian populations in America means the world has come to us. Believers at Yale have an organized, accessible opportunity this week to share their faith with atheists. An Islamic political movement gives Christians in public service occasion to share Christ with Muslims of great influence. In Acts 1:8, Jesus commissioned his followers to “be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria,

Cont. on p.17

By Carrie Dedrick Editor,

Lady Gaga’s new music video for single “G.U.Y.” has Christians calling blasphemy. The semi-pornographic video, which can be seen on YouTube, features Gaga as a fallen angel. During one scene of the almost 8-minute video, the viewer sees Gaga resurrect a man clearly intended to represent Jesus and then clone him. The title “G.U.Y.” refers to “girl under you” which is a repeated phrase throughout the song. In the introduction to the song, Gaga speaks the words, “Greetings Himeros/God of sexual desire, son of Aphrodite/Lay back, and feast as this audio guides you through new and exciting positions.”

Throughout the rest of the video, dancers are shown mocking sexual intercourse while wearing little clothing to go along with the risque lyrics. Gaga describes her style of music as “Artpop” but Christians have been quick to voice the lack of art they see in this video reports Charisma News. Still, some support Gaga’s form of art. Pop singer Lily Allen was reported in Rolling Stone magazine saying, “If she’s not succeeding commercially because she’s standing by what she does as art, then that’s a (expletive) great thing. That’s to be commended. That’s what makes a martyr. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Lady Gaga in Fallen Angel Costume Courtesty of MTV

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The Ambassador



The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


By Vincent FunaroChristian Post Reporter

Mars Hill Bellevue pastor and award-winning photographer Thomas Hurst has created an innovative case for the iPhone that he hopes to use to generate money to support his wife’s cancer treatment. This accessory, named the COVR, case allows iPhone users to take pictures holding the device h o r i z o n t a l l y instead of vertically. It does this with a built-in sliding lens that allows photographers to shoot pictures without being noticed. “Everyone has become a photographer in the age of smartphones,” Hurst said, “But as easy as the technology has allowed photography to become, our iPhones still don’t allow us to be present without being obtrusive. As soon as we pull out our iPhones and hold them up to capture a picture, people become aware, they stare, shift, change ¬

the picture changes and what you wanted to capture for forever, is lost. This is why I created COVR Photo, so we don’t miss the images that really matter.” Hurst launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the project where he already raised about $20,000 of an $80,000 goal. Once the component goes into production, Hurst will use the money made from its sales to pay his wife’s medical bills, as she is suffering from late

stage colon cancer. “As many of you already know my wife Angela has been diagnosed with late stage colon cancer,” he said in a letter to family and friends. “Ultimately, our goal behind launching COVR Photo is to make enough money to either pay for

Angie’s alternative medical needs, which are out of pocket, or have enough money as a single dad to care for our boys if God calls Angie home.” Early adopters of the Kickstarter campaign will receive One COVR Photo case and the iOS app for $55 instead of the $69.95 retail price. Other backers will

Mars Hill Pastor Creates Innovative iPhone Case,Hopes to Support Wife’s Cancer Treatment With Profits

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get signed prints from Hurst’s collection of war photography. Those who are interested in the COVR Photo case can learn more on or place a pre-order with Kickstarter.

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties



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STATE OF JEFFERSON Cont. from p.7CA Town Drops City Council Prayers to Avoid Further Legal Costs

By Katherine WeberChristian Post Reporter

A small, coastal town in central California has settled a lawsuit regarding prayer at City Council meetings, ultimately agreeing to no longer hold any form of prayer, whether sectarian or non-sectarian, ahead of the local government meetings. City officials say they decided to settle the lawsuit to avoid further legal costs paid by taxpayer money. Pismo Beach city officials announced their settlement earlier this week, nearly six months after the Freedom From Religion Foundation [FFRF] and the local chapter of Atheists United San Luis Obispo filed a lawsuit against the city, arguing that it had violated the U.S. Constitution’s separation of church and state and the state Constitution’s “No Preference” Clause by allowing predominately Christian-themed prayers before city council meetings. The groups argued that the city had allowed its volunteer chaplain, the Rev. Paul E. Jones, to lead predominately Christian prayers ahead of city council meetings from 2008 to 2013. The lawsuit alleged that Jones often called on Pismo Beach citizens to live a “Christian lifestyle in accordance with the bible,” among other sectarian statements. As part of their settlement, city officials agreed to do away with the volunteer chaplain position, and Jones has resigned. The city has admitted no liability in the lawsuit, but said it would settle with the FFRF to avoid using taxpayer money to fund what would likely be a costly litigation process. “[…] in keeping with the city’s goal of carefully managing taxpayer funds, the City Council determined that it would not be a prudent use of public monies to contest the suit through trial,” City Attorney David Fleishman said in a statement, according to The San Luis Obispo Tribune. The city will be paying $47,500 in attorneys’ fees. David Leidner, a board member of the local Atheists United San Luis Obiso group, told the Times Press

Recorder that his group is “very happy the city of Pismo Beach has decided to end this exclusionary and unconstitutional practice and make their government meetings welcoming to all citizens.” The Pismo Beach ruling comes as the Supreme Court currently weighs the case of Greece vs. Galloway, in which residents of Greece, N.Y. are contesting their city council’s references to “Jesus Christ” during government meetings. A decision is expected to be reached by June. Another battle over prayer at government meetings is currently taking place in Carroll County, Md., where one city commissioner disobeyed a judge’s recent ruling to temporarily stop sectarian prayers when she referenced “Jesus Christ” and “God” in a prayer prior to a commission meeting. Carroll County Commissioner Robin Bartlett Frazier decided to deliver the sectarian prayer in spite of the judge’s injunction because she said the ruling was an “infringement on my First Amendment rights of free speech and free religion.” U.S. District Judge William D. Quarles Jr. had temporarily banned Carroll County commissioners from saying sectarian prayers at their government meetings after the American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit against the county, arguing their prayers were a violation of the Constitution’s Establishment Clause. Carroll County commissioners have since passed a resolution agreeing to comply with Quarles’ injunction as the lawsuit proceeds through court. If the Carroll County lawsuit is resolved before the Supreme Court rules on Greece vs. Galloway, the ruling could become moot depending on the higher court’s ruling.

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador “Mom of the Year!”

“Sarah Heltsley is raising and homeschooling five children ages four to fourteen, the youngest with cerebral palsy. Her husband Addam is the minster of the Peach Tree Lane Church of Christ. He’s gone much of the time taking care of the needs of the flock, preparing his lessons, and going to school, as well. Sarah raises chickens to have eggs for her family and is learning to raise other animals for sustenance, as well. They offer their home for people to stay when they need to get back on their feet. Through all this, Sarah maintains patience and honors her husband in all she does. Sure, things are a little crazy and out of place at their house! The abounding joy in Sarah, her husband and kids is all one notices, though. I would like to celebrate Sarah’s motherhood by nominating her for

Mother of the Year.” Submitted by Carol Dodds

This was truly the most difficult “contest” we have ever had the privilege to “judge”. I see this not so much like a “contest” or “pageant” where there is a winner, runner-ups and so forth, but more as a “delegate” to represent all of the moms who were honored. There were many honorable nominees who were equally worthy of this honor. It was obvious that each of the women nominated was a significant role model and example. It is awe-inspiring to read the stories of each woman, but that also made it difficult for me to choose. So I enlisted a team of people who had the unenviable task of determining one that would be “Mom of the Year”. We read about women who battled physical afflictions, yet continued their journey with Jesus and motherhood. There were others who survived darkness, addiction, and/or abuse and with God’s help endured while loving and shielding their children from the darkness. Others work tirelessly at a job to make ends meet and then come home not to relax but to tend to the needs of their family. Yes, there were many stories of wonderful, Godly women who each deserve to be the “Mom of the Year”. I am confident that they are considered that and more in the eyes of their loved ones. I’m glad that there is a day to honor those women who give sacrificially day after day. It is not simply a day for “Hallmark” as I used to cynically scoff. It is a day to remember those women in our lives past and present, living or not, who sacrifice their time, energy, desires, often their career, and sometimes their very lives for their family. They should be honored every day.

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1-May National Day of Prayer-Unity among churches2-May Localofficialsandcommunityleaders3-May Drought-Prayforrainandthosemostaffectedbylackofit4-May Adoptivefamilies&birthmoms-LifetimeAdoption(p.3)5-May Marriages,RestorationandStrength6-May Forboldness&protectiontostandforTruthwithout compromise7-May Daniel&otherorphanchildren-SamaritanVillage(seep.3)8-May Military,Allarmedforces&theirfamilies.9-May Addicted,Rehabministries-FeatherRiverMensCenter,Joshua House,CelebrateRecovery10-May Homeless/Poor-TwinCitiesRescueMission,AHandUp,R.E.S.T11-May Mother’s Day -Prayforyourmomtoday!12-May AreaYouth-LocalYouthministers/Youthgroups13-May AmbassadorRadioShow/KCYC104.7forlistenerimpact14-May Missionaries-Fruit,Provision15-May TeenDepression,Suicide16-May MarketplaceMinistries-Opportunitiestoshareatwork17-May TheAmbassadorNewspaper-IncreasedreadershipandImpact18-May Jobsforunemployed/underemployed19-May GlobalPersecution-Safety/CourageofBelievers20-MaySick/Afflicted,HealingandComfort21-May MiddleEast-ForthepeaceofJerusalem22-May SexTrafficking-prayforvictimsandtheirvictimizers23-May AWoman’sFriend-Unbornchildren/PregnantWomen24-MayLocalministries(seep.3)25-May ChildrenandChildren’sMinistries26-May Memorial Day-forsurvivingfamilies27-May ChristianBusinesses-AmbassadorSponsors&others.28-MaySingles,SingleParents,Divorcehealing29-MayCaregiversofelderlyanddisabled30-MayRussia/Ukraineandotherworldunrest31-May Graduations-prayforgraduatingseniors

Prayer Calendar for

May 2014


o C


t: Li

sa R



g Photo Credit: Lisa R


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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador



COMMUNITYSamaritan Village Orphanage

Tanzania, Africa

Daniel(DOB: March 1st, 2002)

Daniel is 12 years old (born 3/1/2002). He was abandoned in a bush when he was about two months old. People passing by found him and took him to a church. Church leaders then brought him to the Tanzania social welfare. After searching and being unable to find any relative, baby Daniel was transferred to Samaritan Village. Daniel is doing very well in his school work at Lady of Mercy school where he is in class 5. When he grows up, Daniel wants to be a tour guide. A gift of $60. monthly will provide for Daniel’s care at Samaritan Village Orphanage. A monthly sponsorship for a child is $60., but any amount - either one time, monthly or even yearly is greatly appreciated. Our website provides a link to Paypal and donations may be made online via credit card for your convenience, or checks may be

mailed to Samaritan Village at the address shown below. You may follow us on Facebook @ Samaritan Village Orphanage, on our website @ and through our quarterly Newsletter. The all volunteer Board and friends of Samaritan Village meet monthly and you are invited to attend the meetings to learn more about this life saving work. Please call Tara @ 530-329-6619 for information and meeting information. To sign up for our Newsletter, please drop us a note at the address below and include your name, mailing address and email address (if available). As always, we solicit and covet your prayer partnership for these little ones whom God has placed in our care. Samaritan Village Orphanage, Inc.P.O. Box 444Yuba City, CA 95992Tax ID#68-0214955 501c 3

Can You Sponsor Daniel?

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Deeper Into God!by David Kugelman

DIG. That’s right, DIG. DIG is an acronym for Deeper Into God. DIG (Yes, I wrote DIG again) is Yuba City High School’s student led Christian club. CBA recently joined them for their lunch meeting which is held in one of the school’s classrooms. I’m not sure of the total number of students but I believe there were approximately 20 in attendance at this particular meeting. Their format included pizza, a short message and prayer. The individual who shared the message, read the story of Lazarus and the rich man from the Gospel of Luke. He candidly shared his thoughts on the reality of eternity without Christ and the impact that that had on him personally. I was encouraged to learn (and you should be to) that there are young people who are dead serious about their commitment to Jesus. Honestly, there may have been a Christian club when I went to high school, but I certainly don’t remember it. So if it did exist, those who belonged to it didn’t do a good job of making their presence known. Christian clubs and individual Christians are to make Christ known by being salt and light wherever God places them. Many followers of Jesus work in an environment which is hostile or certainly oppositional to their faith. But my guess is high school students deal with far greater peer pressure than most adult Christians face in the marketplace. Pray that God will raise up a generation of bold courageous warriors who will stand strong for God and His Word regardless of their surroundings. And while you’re at it, pray for me too, because I need a heavier dose of Holy Spirit courage as well.Finally, join the CBA for their weekly meetings. We meet in (literally) dozens and dozens of locations across the Yuba-Sutter region praying for businesses and ministries and listening to powerful testimonies of what God is doing in individual lives. For more information on the Christian Business Alliance, contact me, David Kugelman at 632-9292.

David Kugelman is the president of the Christian Business Alliance which meets each Tuesday at noon at various locations. Dave welcomes your questions or comments on this article at [email protected]

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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

The Ambassador



COMMUNITY(John 8:32). When we truly believe the basic tenets of the Christian faith it will change us dramatically. Almighty God truly does love you; He sent Jesus to pay the price for your sins (which Jesus did, John 3:16); and God forgave you completely and instantly! The instantly part is where some people get hung up; they drag around their failures to show

IDENTITY Cont. from p.15


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God over and over. God does not see them anymore, if you were truly sorry and asked for forgiveness, period. The lies of evil will keep you believing that God doesn’t accept you and will keep you bound by dysfunctional coping behaviors and thoughts.

Jesus says, “Let’s go play!”

and to the end of the earth.” In Acts 8:1, “there arose . . . a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria.” Verse 4 adds, “Now those who were scattered went about preaching

the word.” And so Acts 8:1 fulfilled Acts 1:8. Does Jesus want to redeem the faith challenges of our day in the same way? How will you go about “preaching the word” today?

MUSLIM Cont. from p.12

Pastor Elaine is the Counseling Director at Hope Point Church of The Nazarene. She will be starting a 12 week group study on Freedom from Identity Abuse, June 2, 2014. For more information please call (530) 671-1130 x 16 or [email protected]

Through A Woman’s Friend

Laly Guerrero “I was alone, pregnant, and homeless.” These are the words our new friend Laly shared with us just before gushing about how much she loves A Woman’s Friend. Before we met Laly she had recently been rejected by her family and her boyfriend. From Laly’s own words she said, “I was devastated and I couldn’t begin to understand how my family could turn their back on me when I was in great need of love and support. So I did what I knew was best and contacted old friends. I bounced around from house to house with people that didn’t care about me let alone my baby. I tried everything possible to terminate the pregnancy without actually going to an abortion clinic, and it wasn’t working. Then someone suggested I go to A Woman’s Friend and ask for help. I went under the impression that they were an abortion clinic. Once again I was wrong and found that they are pro-life. They saved my life and most importantly my baby’s life. I received clothes that day and a lot of

If you would like to experience the peace and transformed life that God can provide through Jesus Christ and you are willing to commit your life to the only one who can truly set you free from your sin, you can pray to the Lord right now and ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Because of what His Son, Jesus, did by dying on the cross, your sins will not be held against you by God anymore. You can experience freedom for the rest of your life on earth and then have a life in Heaven with God for eternity. God’s part of the deal is already done. Your part is to confess your sins, repent (or change your ways) and believe that He is Lord. If your life is out of control, let Him take over control. For help, questions, or more information, contact us at The Ambassador or any of the churches listed on p. 3..

information on community resources. I was grateful for their help, yet I didn’t think much of it and continued to go on about my everyday business. It wasn’t until I received a follow up phone call from one of the volunteers, that I realized someone cared. I had heard from other agencies that ‘they cared’ and were ‘here to help’ but no one showed proof except A Woman’s Friend. When they called they genuinely sounded concerned. I was so thankful to God that I met these women and that He had put them in my path. They kept in contact with me even after they met me; they kept their word and showed me love. That motivated me to do better for myself and my unborn son. Things started happening and falling into place for me. My father asked me to come back home. I have two part time jobs, and my boyfriend is an active part of his unborn child’s life. I truly believe that had I not gone to A Woman’s Friend I would not be where I am at right now in my pregnancy, and life. I am very grateful for them.”

The Secret to JOY and PURPOSE!

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The Ambassador18

The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties


Seth Halpern - Editor

Saving Seats or Souls? We were out of town during Easter and decided to visit a large and very popular church. I knew we should get there early for the 10:30 service since it would likely be an unusually crowded. I was not surprised at the huge swell of people as we hurriedly maneuvered our way through the crowd to the sanctuary. It was packed, of course, but what surprised me was that what looked like open seats were merely “bulletin-saved” seats. It seemed like one person in the group sat down and put bulletins on the rest of the row of seats! This was the case for most all the rows. If there wasn’t a body in it, there was a bulletin. Yes, I understand that a family member might want to save a few spots for loved ones, but really? We were first time visitors and could not find a seat anywhere. “No room at the Inn”! Again, I understand that it’s Easter and it will be crowded, but here’s my complaint. Why don’t they have a row (maybe a few) in the back (where visitors often sit) reserved for “first time visitors”? What if someone who doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus decided to go to church on Easter (or Christmas- or any other time for that matter) to find out about Him? I saw

ushers at the door giving out bulletins (useful for seat-saving) but no one to lead me to a seat. We went outside and sat for a few minutes thinking of a plan B. We watched as throngs of people passed by. Suddenly, an angel appeared. No wings, just a name tag that read “Ministry Team” She stopped and “tended” to us in our despair. She went to look for seats for us and walked us hand in hand to them. After that, we were able to worship Jesus together with the saints. Please take two points from this diatribe: First, if God has blessed your church with growth so that seats are at a premium, please save some specifically for first time visitors. They may need to hear the Gospel. Members and regular attendees can stand or go to overflow rooms. Second, if you are a member or regular attendee, please look around for those who may be new, visiting or lost (geographically or spiritually). You might be the first “angel” that they ever see!


Question: What would you call a movement that forcibly suppresses all opposition and quashes all criticism? Does the word “Fascism” ring a bell? Well, it seems our friends in the gay rights movement have embraced such tactics in order to advance their agenda…an agenda, by the way that has expanded into the rights of others? One of the latest victims of said fascism is Brandan Eich, the now Ex CEO of Mozilla (a high tech software company). Brandan had the audacity to contribute to the Proposition 8 campaign some six years ago. This dastardly deed placed Brandan in the crosshairs of the Gay Gestapo and they quickly dispatched a platoon of cyberspace storm troopers to trample all over Eich’s First Amendment Right to freely express his personal beliefs. Mozilla classified Eich’s subsequent departure as a “resignation,” which is corporate speech for folding under pressure. It makes little difference that Eich co-founded the company and was the most tech savvy man for the job…n-o-o he had scruples, ethics and morality…he had to be destroyed. Well the internet was all a twitter as gay activists and their secular minions celebrated their victory over free speech. But there were a few voices of dissention. Andrew Sullivan, a gay blogger wrote: “You want to squander the real gains by becoming just as intolerant of others’ views as the Christians? You’ve just found a great way to do this. It’s a bad, self-inflicted blow. And all of us will come to regret it.” I was with him until that erroneous and bias Christian analogy. Fred Sainz of the Human Rights Campaign took issue with Sullivan. “I don’t believe this is a question of suppressing free speech. It’s a question of the market regulating itself. Had Eich stayed in his job, a tsunami of negativity was going to eventually overwhelm him.” Ah, hold on…that’s not the market regulating itself…that’s intimidation.

Justin Lee, founder of the Gay Christians Network…um, wait a minute, I’m pretty sure the term “gay Christian” might be an oxymoron or at least a contradiction of terms, but I’ll leave that debate for another day. Anyway Justin says he works to builds bridges with evangelical opponents of same sex relationships. Ah…Justin,…Christ opposes same sex relationships…you might want to start by building a bridge to Him. Justin does, however, exhibit a semblance of reason by stating he didn’t think Eich should have been pressured to leave. “This is America,” he said, “And I believe he has a right to support the political causes he believes in.” Amen to that, brother. How in the heck did we get to this place where perversion and immorality are defended while normalcy and righteousness are scorned? Take heed America… “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil...” Isaiah 5:20. And why are the gay activists so intent on silencing any opposition to their movement? It’s because…“The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.” Psalm 12:8. We have allowed tolerance and diversity to override truth, reason and now freedom.



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The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties

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A-1 Carpet Cleaning - (530) 673-3634 - www.a-1clean.comGeorge Barlow - The Crave - (530) 790-0792

Kathy Baum - Operation Christmas Child - (916) 747-2212 Ron Brasier - A Hand Up Ministry - (530) 671-1360

Marty Brown - KCYC-LP FM - (530) 674-5296Kathleen Caldwell - City of Live Oak - (530) 695-2112

Fred Cox - Richard's Tree Service - (530) 673-7993Chuck David

Carol Dodds - A Woman’s Friend - (530) 741-9136Dennis Gable - Operation Christmas Child - (530) 695-1495

Bob Gilbert - - (775) 722-1212Steve & Cash Gilliss - Crosspointe Christian Books - (530) 673-6188

Pamela GivansMarcos Gonzalez - Ultimate Business Maintenance - (530) 671-1564

John L. Guth - Attorney/Estate Planning - www.johnguthlaw.comJames Halpern - Remembrance Video Tributes -

Seth Halpern - Ambassador Newspaper - [email protected] Hobbs Painting - Cont. Lic#880562 (530)742-2428David Holycross - Holycross Memorial - (530) 751-7000Brad Indelicato - Dolco Packaging - [email protected]

Bill Jens - Yuba Sutter Healthy Marriage Project - (530) 671-6069Sandi Juri

Dave Kugelman - Proforma by Kug - (530) 742-2423Clay Maynard - Consultant - (530) 790-6611

Jerry Munz - JM Construction Co. - (530) 682-5316Jared Nunes - Sutter Health

Chuck & Miriam PageRonda Putman

Darrell Sayles - Love Unlimited Body of Christ - [email protected] Shadd - Shadd Janitorial Supply - (530) 673-0083

Robert Stark - Sutter county Auditor/Controller - suttercountyauditor.orgDwayne Tanabe - Taylor Accountancy Corp - [email protected] Tanabe - Jenine L. Tanabe, MD Dematology - (530) 743-0301

Kim Worthy - Stretch-A-Buck - (530) 674-2275

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