May UpdateMay Update -...

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 1 of 17 District Governor Melissa Baker (Daniel) P. O. Box 711 Milan, IN 47031 C: 812 - 621-8486 [email protected] Vice District Governor Ronald Bigham (Patricia) 1840 Randall Court Indianapolis, IN 46240 C: 317 - 695-0683 [email protected] 2 nd Vice District Governor Don Mullen (Meredith) 60 Coronado Road Indianapolis, IN 46234 H: 317-271-1135 C: 317-294-1790 [email protected] Cabinet Secretary Ed Harper 7775 Melbourne Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 H: 317 - 872-8229 C: 317 - 363-8333 [email protected] Cabinet Treasurer Patricia Bigham (1st VDG Ronald) 1840 Randall Court Indianapolis, IN 46240 C: 317 - 409-1029 [email protected] Public Relations Celeste Calvitto [email protected] Newsletter Current: Pat Henninger May Update May Update Hello to my ‘F’avorite Lions ‘F’amily: The 2018 State Convention is in the books! Thanks to all who attended - we were very glad to have you with us. If you missed it this year, next year we’ll be in Ft. Wayne. It was a true honor to be with 400 of my closest friends to host our International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal. Lots of Lions updates, project ideas and new information was available. Our first State Conven- tion Strides Walk for Diabetes was very successful. Special congratulations go out to International President award recipient Lion Shirley Bocock for her work to further our efforts in Vision Screening and KidSight. State Diabetes Chairman Lion Chris Reinhold will also be receiving an International Presidential Service Certificate for his exceptional work this year. What fantastic Lions we have in our District. Convention and cabinet meetings give the opportunity to meet your incoming officers while enjoying your current officers last “hurrah”! Our celebration included some great guest speak- ers, excellent food and a dance topped off by a king and queen contest. State Conventions are always special for me as they fall on my birthday. This year was no different. Receiving so many well wishes really warmed my heart - having everyone sing to me at lunch was great fun. State Convention is a wonderful event marking the wind down of a Governors year. The prep- arations begin in earnest to make the transition easier for incoming officers. It’s time for some spring cleaning - especially since Spring seems to have finally sprung! Let’s freshen things up to get ready for the upcoming year. < Continued on Page 2…> NOTE: Please send Newsletter content and requests to Celeste Calvitto at [email protected].

Transcript of May UpdateMay Update -...

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 1 of 17

District Governor

Melissa Baker (Daniel) P. O. Box 711

Milan, IN 47031 C: 812 - 621-8486

[email protected]

Vice District Governor Ronald Bigham (Patricia)

1840 Randall Court Indianapolis, IN 46240

C: 317 - 695-0683 [email protected]

2nd Vice District Governor Don Mullen (Meredith)

60 Coronado Road Indianapolis, IN 46234

H: 317-271-1135 C: 317-294-1790

[email protected]

Cabinet Secretary Ed Harper

7775 Melbourne Road Indianapolis, IN 46268

H: 317 - 872-8229 C: 317 - 363-8333

[email protected]

Cabinet Treasurer Patricia Bigham

(1st VDG Ronald) 1840 Randall Court

Indianapolis, IN 46240 C: 317 - 409-1029

[email protected]

Public Relations Celeste Calvitto

[email protected]

Newsletter Current: Pat Henninger

May UpdateMay Update

Hello to my ‘F’avorite Lions ‘F’amily:

The 2018 State Convention is in the books! Thanks to all who attended - we were very glad to have you with us. If you missed it this year, next year we’ll be in Ft. Wayne. It was a true honor to be with 400 of my closest friends to host our International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal.

Lots of Lions updates, project ideas and new information was available. Our first State Conven-tion Strides Walk for Diabetes was very successful.

Special congratulations go out to International President award recipient Lion Shirley Bocock for her work to further our efforts in Vision Screening and KidSight.

State Diabetes Chairman Lion Chris Reinhold will also be receiving an International Presidential Service Certificate for his exceptional work this year.

What fantastic Lions we have in our District.

Convention and cabinet meetings give the opportunity to meet your incoming officers while enjoying your current officers last “hurrah”! Our celebration included some great guest speak-ers, excellent food and a dance topped off by a king and queen contest. State Conventions are always special for me as they fall on my birthday. This year was no different. Receiving so many well wishes really warmed my heart - having everyone sing to me at lunch was great fun.

State Convention is a wonderful event marking the wind down of a Governors year. The prep-arations begin in earnest to make the transition easier for incoming officers.

It’s time for some spring cleaning - especially since Spring seems to have finally sprung! Let’s freshen things up to get ready for the upcoming year.

< Continued on Page 2…>

NOTE: Please send Newsletter content and requests to Celeste Calvitto at [email protected].

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 2 of 17

< ...continued from Page 1. >

Check that all reports have filed online by the Clubs Presi-dents and Secretaries as required after their elections and that all accounts are in order. Lions and their clubs can help with this through the use of MyLCI for membership and Service Activity Reporting in addition to keeping dues current with both the State and Lions Clubs International.

Not a President or Secretary? Make sure they are getting the information they need for accurate reports on activities you participate in and keep them informed of changes to your phone or addresses.

This is the time of year to review membership records so that we can start off with a bang in July.

New policy information from Lions Clubs International has come out today:

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: LCI credit for member drops made in July instead of June will no longer apply. Please do not wait until July to drop inactive members or those who have unpaid dues. Your club will be charged for the full six months dues, not a pro-rated amount. I have included a copy of the information LCI sent out to Presidents and Secretaries today.

Service Activity Reports for previous months can still be en-tered for this Lions year until June 30th. Still unsure about MyLCI and Lions responsibilities? Make plans to attend an upcoming training opportunity. ANY lion is welcome to at-

Service Activity Reports to LCI (SARs)

Club Presidents and Secretaries, please work together to enter these. This is our District’s first year at it – we can only improve. SARs will continue to be a focus for Lions Cubs International – it will NOT end on June 30. If you have questions or concerns about how to do these, contact me or Cabinet Secretary Ed Harper.

The Greensburg Lions challenged the 2 local academic team mem-bers (left to right), David Morrow and Connor Dean from South De-catur, and from Greensburg HS Nick Bailey and Ryan Johnson, to an academic contest. Over the past 6 years the Lions have a perfect score. No wins, 6 losses.

tend. A listing of dates is provided in this newsletter.

Lions around the world will be congregating in Las Vegas this July for another International Convention, This is a great opportunity to go if you’ve not been able to before. I am really looking forward to the great shows, buffets and events planned for us.

As always - take care of yourselves and each other -

DG Melissa Baker 812/621-8486 – Call, text, email.

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 3 of 17

It’s Great to See Lions Work Together 1st VDG Ron Bigham CW Trustee

Greetings Fellow Lions of 25F! The winter weather is not giving way to spring easily, but yet we Lions have things to do to serve as we always do to help those in need.

I have been to two Zone Meetings recently. The one at Clermont Lions Club put together packages of items for the homeless and children with cancer. The other held at Hope Lions Club had an auction with the proceeds raised to be split among Camp Woodsmoke, Vision Screening, and Eyeglass Recycling. Camp Woodsmoke Trustees held their meeting there and bought items to support the fund-raising project.

This is the type of Zone Meetings that I would appreciate visiting, seeing Lions working together to serve those in need by Clubs interacting with each other -- and not only from the Clubs in that Zone, but other neighboring Zones and Clubs giving support and encouragement to each other. These are great opportunities to meet fellow Lions in our District.

One issue that I had as VDG was that the information about fund-raisers and projects I found out about were already completed when I received the information. Part of my goals this year is getting information out through the Newsletter to the whole District of upcoming Lions events far enough in advance to attend a car show, a chili dinner, a Lions 4-H Fair, if you participate in a street fair. PDG Jack Salsbery will be the Newsletter Editor for 2018-2019. Please read his article in this newsletter which helps explain the way it will operate as long as the Clubs share this information. These are opportunities to meet other Lions. As always, if you have any questions after you read PDG Jack’s article, please contact him or myself for further explanations.

Thank you to many Lions who have stepped up to be leaders in their District. There are still opportunities for Zone Chairs, Zone Chair Trustees for Camp Woodsmoke, and I have just a couple of committees that need to be filled. One is Safety Coordinator and the other is for the Reading Action Program.

Please consider being involved on a District level. The way we survive as the world’s largest service organization is when we as Lions are not only active on the local level but also on a District level. It is just a matter of saying “I think I can do that” – that is what has motivated your current District leaders. There is always training within the District, LCI online webinars archives which usually last about an hour, and fellow Lions who will help guide you through the position that you hold if you ask.


Cell: 317-695-0683 e-mail: [email protected]

Tax Deadline Near Lion Patricia Bigham Cabinet Treasurer

April 1 was the deadline for filing of the Form 136. This needs to be filed every even year unless you have an ex-emption letter.

May 15 is the deadline for Business Tangible Personal Property Taxes -- Form 103, 104, and 106 if needed.

Let me know if you need help.

Lions end of watch roll call:

Ken Swanson - Rising Sun

Welcome new Lions members! Congratulations and thank you for joining us.

Kim Stillabower - Blue River

Jeffrey Plank - Greenfield

Vickie Plank - Greenfield

Damon Callis - Vevay Switzerland

Paul Levell - Vevay Switzerland

Welcome & End-of-Watch

The Beech Grove Lions donates to Beech Grove High School Renais-sance: The Renaissance Program is to promote, achieve, and reward excellence to students in the following areas: Academic excellence, Outstanding attendance, Exceptional citizenship, and Achievement. Pictured left to right: Lion Ross Barton; Lion Mike Hendrix, Presi-dent; Elizabeth Walters, Principal of Beech Grove High School; and Lion Don Stowers.

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 4 of 17

Dear Lion Leaders,

Starting on June 30, 2018, dues credits for membership drops will not be issued after the release of the semi-annual billings on July 1 and January 1.

In the past, Lions Clubs International has given clubs a grace period in January and July to adjust their club rosters and receive a credit for unreported membership drops. This practice has been a courtesy extended to clubs by Li-ons International despite rules governing the practice in Board Policy. The board of directors recently decided that enforcement of existing policy is necessary in order to be in compliance with Board Policy.

This will also provide greater alignment with district billing and create more accurate reporting that better reflects true membership growth. We realize that this will have an im-pact on some clubs, so we would like you to help them prepare for the upcoming billing cycle.

Here are a few best practices that can help you prepare your clubs for their July dues billing:

Remind club officers to update their membership rosters using MyLCI or their regional reporting system.

Club officers shall submit their membership roster to MyLCI or local reporting system prior to June 30, CDT.

Inform current and incoming leaders that membership dues credits will no longer be issued.

Please contact Accounts Receivable and Club Account Ser-vices at [email protected] if you have any questions. And thank you for all of the kindness and tre-mendous service that you bring to your community.


Tony Benbow International Director Chairperson Finance & HQ Operation Committee Lions Clubs International

2018 Law Camp Dates

Law Camps:, boys and girls entering 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades:

$150 Wednesday afternoon - Saturday afternoon

June 20th - 23rd Vincennes University Law Camp,

June 27th -30th Anderson University Law Camp,

Career Camps:, $250 week long

July 8th -13th Trine University Career Camp,

July 8th-13th Vincennes University Career Camp,

July 15th -20th University of Indianapolis Career Camp

More info at


Click on ‘camps’ (this site is for students paying their own way....using this link will cost an additional $5.

For students being paid for by a Lions club please request a copy from your Law Camp chairman or print a PDF ver-sion of the Camp Camp application at but please Note: There has been a problem with this site printing the PDF version. It requires a google email ad-dress and an account password to get it to print! The ISP is working to correct this issue.

Lions Law Camp applications for printing are available by clicking on printable forms on the Indiana Lions MD25 web site.

In addition, some scholarship monies are available to Lions clubs wanting to send students. Please contact me or PDG Betty always we ask that parents contribute something (if they can). Their financial contribution even if only $20 ensures the child attends.

By sending the application and payment with all checks made out to MD25 and the child’s name in the memo along wi name of camp attending to PDG Betty or me, we can also assist you in getting your money back if the child you sponsor doesn’t attend! We will process the applica-tion for you and your club will receive credit for participat-ing in the Law Camp program.

All applications should be received 2 weeks prior to Camp.

This is a great Camp for all age groups. Be sure to attend the seminar at Lions State Convention April 28, 2018 or call if you have any questions.

PDG Betty Wiess 765-623-3353 P.O. Box41 Markleville, Ind. 46056

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 5 of 17

Dear Lions,

Wherever we serve, we inspire others to make an impact. And when our clubs grow, our impact grows. That’s why l am asking every Lion to invite a friend or family member to serve with us. You can even earn a special prize of US$750 when you sponsor new members in your club.

Here’s how the new member sweepstakes works:

Sponsor a new member between April 1 and June 15, 2018 to be eligible to win.

You will receive one entry for each new member sponsored and be automatically entered into a draw-ing for your chance to win US$750.

Two winners per constitutional area will be select-ed at random and notified by email.* **

If we embrace this opportunity, we can make our clubs and communities stronger. Plus, we can make history together. Since 1982, we have been working to reach the ambitious goal of 1.5 million Lions. With your help, we can achieve this incredible milestone by our International Convention in Las Vegas in June.

So invite a new member between April 1 and June 15 for your chance to win US$750. But more importantly, you’ll make an important contribution to your club and the future of the greatest service organization in the world. Let’s reach a new membership record so we can serve more people than ever before. Let’s put the Power of We into action.


Dr. Naresh Aggarwal, Your International President

* Drawing takes place on or about June 30, 2018. You must be 18 or older at time of new member sponsorship. One entry will be awarded per confirmed sponsorship. Multiple entries permitted per registrant. Entries are non-transferable and non-refundable. New member must be reported to Lions Clubs International by Friday, June 15, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. CST. New member must be an active member on the day winners are an-nounced. Chances of winning based upon the total number of valid en-tries received in each Constitutional Area. Read full sweepstakes details.

Club Officer & Zone Chair Training

Club officer & zone chair training will take place in the fol-lowing locations for the new Lion’s year. New and sea-soned officers are encouraged to attend. In accepting their position, a Zone Chair commits to this training, which pro-vides needed information to make the year successful.

Wednesday May 30th – COLUMBUS – Sirloin Stockade meeting room, 3114 N National Rd, Columbus IN. Meet-

Newsletter Submissions Change

Effective with the July 2018 District Newsletter, all articles should be sent to PDG Jack Salsbery at [email protected]. Articles must arrive to the above address no later than the 20th of the month to ensure publication in the newsletter. Late articles will be returned.

Effective with July 2018 newsletter, clubs wanting to adver-tise events will submit in the following format, for example: “Lawrence Lions Club, Fish Fry, 4 July 2018, 11:00 AM to 7 PM. 12345 N. Franklin Road, Lawrence, IN 46226. Cost varies based upon food choices.”

This info will be combined with other clubs and placed in the newsletter in calendar type info, i.e. in numerical order. Full page, ½ page, ¼ page ads will not be used to cut down on size of newsletter.

Activities submitted should be for 6 weeks period. For ex-ample, items submitted by the 20th of June would cover July and first half of August; items submitted by 20th of July would be for August and first half of September, etc.

It is hoped this will reduce the size of the District Newslet-ter, making it easier to copy for club members who are not on email. Address questions to PDG Jack Salsbery, 317-409-5245 or [email protected].

ing commences at 6:30 pm – please feel free to arrive early if you would like to have dinner (at member’s expense).

Thursday May 31st – GREENFIELD – Ponderosa Steak House, 1585 N State St, Greenfield IN. Meeting will com-mence at 6:30 pm – please feel free to arrive early if you would like to have dinner (at member’s expense).

Saturday July 14th – CAMP WOODSMOKE – Organiza-tion Day. Meeting will commence at 9:00 am – pitch-in lunch starts around noon.

The Clermont training date will be announced soon.

Want to get a head start on the training? Club Presidents and Vice Presidents can review the Club President Module powerpoint and Club President Workbook on the website. Use the search feature and type it the respective titles listed above to direct you to the module/workbook. Club Secretaries and Treasurers can view a training book for their respective offices also on the same website – search for “Club Secretaries or Club Treasurers”.

Please bring all your questions and concerns – we look for-ward to seeing everyone!

PCC Reed Fish, District 25F Leadership Team 7402 Rockville Rd Indianapolis, IN 46214 317-501-0535 [email protected]

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 6 of 17

Camp Woodsmoke ‘The Best’ Report Ron Bigham DGE

Many new improvements were recently made at Camp Woodsmoke to be in compliance with required codes. Paul has been making sure the camp is safe and in proper order.

Camp Woodsmoke had a very successful Clean-Up Day despite the off and on rain (more on than off).

Many thanks to the Iron Order Motorcycle Club from Con-nersville, which moved 3 tons of new stone by buckets to restone the amphitheater in the pouring rain because the Bobcat was incapacitated. They painted the wood swings and frames which Paul had moved into the storage shed weeks before to make sure they were dry so the work could be done. Six loads of cut and split wood were hauled to re-stock the firewood racks in the pouring rain. Lights in the shelter house were replaced and glass covers installed, which are now required by code.

Lion Kaywin Lindsay from Greensburg brought his power washer and washed the inside the roll-up doors on the shel-ter house, which was really needed. I am told that the Mid-dletown Lions came to clean their cabin during the week. Betty prepared a wonderful lunch of her famous chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, rolls, and dessert with the help from the ladies of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club. Many thanks to Betty and Paul who planned this day to ac-complish so much at Camp Woodsmoke.

Many thanks to the Iron Order Motorcycle Club from Con-nersville for working in such nasty conditions.

The only downside to the day is that there were 35 members from the Iron Order and only 10 Lions to work, and I will admit I should have done more than I did.

I was disappointed that more Lions didn’t come to help on our District project. I want the Lions of 25F to know that we have a different situation at Camp Woodsmoke than we’ve had in the past several years. Betty and Paul Bowling are actively involved with Camp Woodsmoke. Paul, who knows the members of Iron Order, communicated to me that some Iron Order members come to help on various weekends at the camp. The camp is always open during the week for Lions to come help Paul with keeping the camp in shape. If you can’t do heavy work, that’s fine. Painting is always needed along with other light work. I recommend you contact Paul and let him know you’re coming and what your physical limitations are. If a Lion wants to go to work at the camp and spend the night at no charge, it is available if the camp is not being used by another group.

We’re all getting older and so is Camp Woodsmoke. It’s over 50 years old and needs constant attention and care. That’s why we need more Lions involved with the care of the camp and as Trustees. I still have several openings in various Zones for Trustees.

Lions made a commitment to start Camp Woodsmoke 50-plus years ago and they were involved to get this camp go-ing for those with physical issues to have a place to come and enjoy the outdoors.

So let’s roll up our sleeves the next Clean-Up Day and get active again for Camp Woodsmoke “The Best.”

Camp Woodsmoke helpers enjoyed a great meal of fried chicken, real mashed potatoes and much more prepared by Caretaker Betty and the Iron Order Ladies. (Photos provided by Lion Owen Menchhofer)

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 7 of 17

Beth Treaster, Director of the Centerville/Center Twp. Library, and Teresa Downs, Centerville Elementary teacher, receive the Communi-ty Service Award.

Committee member Phil Stevenson presents the Service Award to Teresa Downs.

Lions Club Committee member Jim Resh presents Beth Treaster with her award.

Beth Treaster, center, is joined by members of the Centerville Library Board of Directors and Staff to congratulate her for receiving the Service Award.

Community Service Awards At Centerville Banquet

The Centerville Lions Club annual Awards Banquet was held April 9 at the high school cafetorium, and three com-munity service awards were given. They were awarded to teacher Teresa Downs, Centerville/Center Twp. Library Director Beth Treaster, and to volunteer sports enthusiast Denny Jones.

Centerville teacher Teresa Downs became a teacher after raising two children. She taught third grade at Centerville Elementary. She brought her interest in history into the classroom, taking students on Civil War enactments, pa-rades and patriotic events. She said, "I have been fortunate to get to teach and help out in a very historically rich com-munity."

Hagerstown High School graduate Beth Treaster's interest in library science started in high school. She continued her education at Anderson University, where she earned a triple major in English, History, and Religion. She also received a master’s degree from the University of Illinois. She moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma and became head librarian for the larg-est hospital in the city for 11 years. Returning to Indiana, she accepted the position of Director of the Centerville/Center Twp. Public Library in 2009. Her daughter Anna, along with her husband Eric Friedman and son Michael, recently moved from California to Fishers, Indiana.

The third recipient of the Service Award was Denny Jones of Centerville. A lifelong resident of Centerville, he partici-pated in numerous sports in high school. A Bulldog sup-porter, he coached many different teams while his children were in school. He now attends sporting events through-out the year. He works several days a week as a computer programmer and keeps them running at the Centerville/Abington Senior center, where he serves on the board of directors and helps with the newsletter. Mr. Jones was una-ble to attend the banquet.

Teresa Downs and her family celebrate her Community Service Award.

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 8 of 17

Special dinner presentation for IP Aggarwal by the VisionFirst (Indiana Lions Eye Bank)

Special Convention Speaker Chris Perdue, Special Olympics Gold Medalist in Snow boarding.

DG Melissa Baker with IP Dr. Naresh Aggarwal and his wife Lion Navita.

Lions District 25-F Newsletter, May 2018 Page 9 of 17

USA/Canada Forum PCC Reed Fish Global Leadership Team – 25F

The 2018 USA/Canada Forum will be held in Columbus, Ohio, a couple of hours drive to most Indiana Lions. Recog-nized as the most comprehensive learning opportunity of-fered by Lions, this year’s Forum would be the one to attend. New and seasoned Lions alike will find many things of inter-est in growing a club, finding new service or fundraising pro-jects and strengthening leadership. Sign up prior to May to get the Early Bird rate. (See accompanying flyers for details.)

Dates for Baker DG year (2017-18) June 29

th- July 3

rd, 2018: International Convention

Las Vegas, NV USA

Is your Club event on the District Calen-dar? Check here: Email to: [email protected] or Call 812/637-0660

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Your ISBVI Lion Trustees are sponsoring a work day at the school in Indianapo-lis on Saturday, May 19, 2018. This is a great opportunity for you/family/friends to walk the walk and put our “We Serve” motto into action. Our sched-ule for the day will be:

8:30 am Registration and donuts (of course!) 9 am – 1 pm Morning work Session 1 pm Lunch (provided by the school) After Lunch Tour of the School for those interested After lunch Afternoon work session until done

Come and help us beautify and improve this campus! Interested? Contact…

Lion Charlie Crawford 260-359-9086

[email protected]

It’s a great day of fun, hard work and camaraderie and a chance to meet other Li-ons from around the state as well as visit this beautiful campus. This is one of your Lions State Projects…..take a few hours to help beautify and improve it. You’ll get great satisfaction from doing so….and of course, a free lunch! Hope to see you there.

PDG Pat Short - Chair

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Lions 101

Service Focus Areas

Lions Code of Ethics

TO SHOW my faith in the worthiness of my voca-tion by industrious application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of service. TO SEEK success and to demand all fair remuner-ation of profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part. TO REMEMBER that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another's, to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself. WHENEVER a doubt a rises as to the right or eth-ics of my position or action towards my fellow men, to resolve such doubt against myself. TO HOLD friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not because the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts ser-vice in the spirit in which it is given. ALWAYS to bear in mind my obligations as a citi-zen to my nation, my state and my community, and to give to them my unswerving loyalty in word, act and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor and means. TO AID my fellow men by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my sub-stance to the needy. TO BE CAREFUL with my criticisms and liberal with my praise; to build up and not destroy.

Lions Interna-

tional Objec-


TO CREATE and foster a spirit of under-standing among the peoples of the world.

TO PROMOTE the principles of good gov-

ernment and good citizenship.

TO TAKE an active interest in the civic, cultural, social, and moral welfare of the


TO UNITE the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual


TO PROVIDE a forum for the open dis-cussion of all matters of public interest,

provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debat-

ed by club members..

TO ENCOURAGE service-minded people to serve their community without per-

sonal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical

standards in commerce, industry, pro-fessions, public works and private en-


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DG Melissa Baker PO Box 711 Milan, IN. 47031

“Where There’s a Need, There’s a Lion.”

Lions District 25-F Newsletter May 2018— A publication of the Lions District 25-F Inc. —