May this booklet be a guide on your path for a


Transcript of May this booklet be a guide on your path for a

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Dedicated to you May this booklet be a guide on your path for a Newborn YOU!

This is our intention for you and for the world.


......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Foreword ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Sickness misunderstood ........................................................................................................ 9

Fungi, Bacteria & Viruses Contribution ......................................................................... 12

The stages of the disease ..................................................................................................... 15

The meaning of Incurable ................................................................................................... 18

Handedness ............................................................................................................................. 21

What is Flatulence? ............................................................................................................... 23 Flatulence causes ................................................................................................................... 23 Symptoms of flatulence ........................................................................................................ 25 Foods to limit to reduce flatulence .................................................................................. 25

YOUR HEALING PLAN............................................................................................................ 27 1. Type of emotional trauma generating flatulence ............................................................ 28 2. Healing specific symptoms & process.................................................................................. 31 3. Past & present tracks & their awareness ........................................................................... 33 4. Accept & closely assist automated healing program ...................................................... 37

Natural Remedies for Flatulence...................................................................................... 40

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 42

Biographies .............................................................................................................................. 43

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“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the


― Voltaire

39 Years ago, a 19 year old was accidentally shot and after 6 months of agony

he died. After less than a year, his father, at that time Head Internist of a cancer

clinic at the University of Munich, developed testicular cancer. That’s how he began

to investigate his cancer patients' histories and soon learned that, like him, they all

had experienced an unexpected shock of one sort or another. But he took his

research even further. Pursuing the hypothesis that all body processes are

controlled by the brain, he analyzed his patients' brain scans and compared them

with their medical records and personal histories. To his amazement, he found a

clear correlation between certain types of “conflict shocks”, how these shocks

manifest themselves on the organ level as specific symptoms and how all this is

connected to the brain. Until then, no studies had examined the role of the brain as

the mediator between the psyche and a diseased organ.

His name is Dr. Med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.

Dr. Hamer established that every disease originates from a shock or trauma

that catches an individual completely by surprise. The moment the unexpected

conflict occurs, the shock strikes a specific, predetermined area in the brain causing

a lesion.

The brain cells that receive the shock, send a biochemical signal to the

corresponding body cells causing the growth of a tumor, a meltdown of tissue, or

functional loss, depending on which part of the brain is involved. The reason why

specific conflicts are irrefutably tied to specific areas in the brain is that during the

development of the human organism each brain area was programmed to respond

instantly to situations that could threaten survival.

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Dr. Med. Ryke Geerd Hamer was born in 1935. He studied medicine, physics

and theology and in 1972 became a specialist in internal medicine. He worked as an

intern at the University of Tübingen where he spent years working with cancer


Firmly anchored in the science of embryology and in full accordance with

evolutionary logic, Dr. Hamer called his findings “The Five Biological Laws of the

New Medicine”. Over the years, he was able to confirm his discoveries with over

40,000 case studies.

The harassment of Dr. Hamer culminated in 1986, when a court sentence

stopped him from practicing medicine. Despite the fact that his scientific work

had never been disproved, he lost, at the age of 51, his medical license on the

grounds that he refused to renounce his findings on the origin of cancer and to

conform to the principles of official medicine.

Deprived of a medical license, Dr. Hamer now relied on other doctors to

obtain brain scans and patients' records. But he was determined to continue his

work. By 1987 Dr. Hamer had already analyzed over 10,000 cases and was able to

expand his discovery of the Five Biological Laws to practically all diseases known in


Meanwhile, the press and the medical establishment stopped at nothing to

attack him and his work. Tabloid journalists and medical “experts” portray Dr.

Hamer as a charlatan, a self-proclaimed miracle healer, a cult leader, an irrational

outsider, or an insane criminal who denies cancer patients the ‘life-saving’

conventional treatments.

In 1997, Dr. Hamer was arrested and sentenced to 19 months in prison for

having given three people free medical information without a medical license.

By contrast, in 1991, thirteen years after he had killed Dirk Hamer (Dr.

Hamer’s son), Victor Emanuel of Savoy had been sentenced to a mere 6 months

probation for illegal possession of a weapon.

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When Dr. Hamer was arrested, the police searched his patient files.

Subsequently, one public prosecutor was forced to admit during the trial that after

more than five years, of 6500 patients with mostly ‘terminal’ cancer, 6000 were still

alive and fully recovered. And so, ironically, it was his opponents that provided the

actual statistics attesting to German New Medicine's remarkable success rate. Yet, to

this day, the University of Tuebingen refuses, despite court orders in 1986 and

1994, to test Dr. Hamer's scientific work. Similarly, official medicine refuses to

endorse GNM despite its numerous verifications by both physicians and professorial


He also made a name for himself through medical patents: Dr. Hamer

invented the “Hamer Scalpel“, which made plastic surgery without bleeding

possible. His other inventions include a special bone saw.

This booklet is based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature…. Many of us do not

even know the fabulous discoveries made by this magical man and I will let you

decide for yourselves if all the propaganda against him is to keep you in doubt or if

it’s real.

The five biological laws open the door to a completely new way of looking at

health and illness. Conventional medicine is behind us; ahead of us lies nature in all

its glory and beauty and, in close relation to it, a New type of medicine which is both

scientifically logical and infinitely human. It’s ironic that conventional medicine has

to admit defeat in its own field through logical reasoning.

The 5 biological laws can comprehensively explain diseases (and psychoses)

and can be proven on any patient. Unlike conventional medicine it does not require

any hypotheses (unproven assumptions) whatsoever.

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In this way, we have prepared a booklet for a few important types of disease,

with specific measures, conflicts, symptoms and step-by-step keys for becoming free

of each and every sickness you’ve been diagnosed with.

The reasonable selling price was important to us as we did not want an

expensive textbook, but rather a “book for everyone“, that would be worth more

than its price.

This self-help and reference book is meant to accompany us into a new era:

an era full of uncertainty but one that we can look forward to. Our guiding principle

was that the booklet should be as simple as possible and as detailed as necessary.

We hope that therapists, as well, will find it useful and interesting.

We encourage you to read this comprehensive guide 3-4 times, until it sinks

into your mind and empowers you with the true understanding of the biological

functioning of US, Humans.

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The information on this document is not intended or implied to be a substitute for

professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics,

images and information, contained on or available through this document is for general

information purposes only. We make no representation and assume no responsibility for

the accuracy of the information contained on or available through this document, and

such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any

information obtained from or through this document with other sources, and review all

information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.




We do not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficiency,

appropriateness or suitability of any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments,

services, opinions, health care providers or other information that may be contained on

or available through this document.




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Sickness misunderstood

The old idea of the traditional medicine assumes that sickness is a wrong functioning of

our bodies and should be corrected by invasive intervention. Well, considering that

they cannot explain the cause of the most incurable diseases, thinking their way is

always the best, they are oblivious to the fact that there is no real chance to be healthy

once you seek out for traditional cures.

Actually the disease is a response of the brain to a major situation you cannot adapt to,

created by our organism for its survival. The conflict type (whether it is a shock of

losing our job, our life being threatened, finding out that our partner is cheating on us,

losing someone close, having an intense self-devaluation and so on…) determines

which area of the brain will be involved and what organ will be affected.

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These laws work, whether we are familiar with them or not and whether we believe in

them or not.

Let us offer you a detailed explanation:

Every “disease” – initiates with an emotional conflict/trigger (an unexpected,

highly acute, and isolating stress –for which we cannot determine an instant

solution) that occurs simultaneously at the psychological level, in the brain

and on a corresponding organ.

From a biological point of view, “unexpected” implies that, being unprepared

for the situation it could be detrimental for the one who was caught off-

guard. In order to support the organism during the unforeseen crisis, an

Adaptation Program (programs hard-wired in our brain, meant to adapt us to

shocking events that take us by surprise) that is on stand-by for exactly that

conflict will quickly activate. The significance of this meaningful program we

are born with is to improve the function of the organ, so that the individual is

in a better position to manage and eventually resolve the conflict. Since the

shock occurs at once in the psyche, in the brain, and on the corresponding

anatomical organ, we speak of biological conflicts rather than psychological


Biological conflicts are always linked to the function of the correlating organ.

For instance- the organs of the alimentary canal relate to “morsel conflicts”

(not being able to catch, swallow, digest, or eliminate a morsel) the uterus

and prostate to procreation conflicts, and the skin to separation conflicts, etc.

Animals suffer biological conflicts ONLY in real terms - for instance- when they lose

their nest or territory, or when they are separated from a mate or an offspring. On the

other hand, WE are capable of symbolic thought leading US to experience biological

conflicts ALSO in a figurative sense.

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For US, an interior attack can be brought by a series of FIGURATIVE CONFLICTS such

as: denigration by an offending remark, a territorial loss such as an undesired change

of home, starvation by income loss, sexual conflicts by an unwanted “mating” of our

partner with someone else, self-devaluing caused by abuse, death-fright conflict caused

by a shocking death-threatening diagnostic such as cancer, etc.

This association happens in a split second, and entirely on a subliminal level. Thus, it is

the subconscious reading and subjective assessment of the conflict situation that

determines which Adaptation Program will be activated. (E.g. when we are fired from

our job, some of us subjective experience a starvation conflict due to loss of sufficient

financial means, other experience a self-devaluation conflict due to loss of self-worth,

other a territorial loss due to his loss of influence field, and so on.)

Yet, HOW exactly the subconscious mind perceives that particular conflict is ONLY

revealed when the physical symptoms arise. Whether a person gets a sore throat, gets

a cold, has diarrhea, develops a skin condition or a certain cancer type is therefore

consequently dependent on how the conflict was experienced at the time the

distressing event occurred.

NOTE: We can also suffer a conflict with or on behalf of someone else. (E.g. when

we have a death-fright conflict for someone close to us.

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Fungi, Bacteria & Viruses Contribution

Fungi, bacteria, and viruses (nucleic acid-protein compounds) are NOT A

THREAT. They are in fact indispensable aids (symbionts) and fulfill defined tasks.

We know from the COMMON MEDICINE about the classification of microorganisms

into “good/symbiont“(e.g., coliform bacteria in the gut, mouth flora) and

“bad/antibiont“(e.g. tubercle bacteria, streptococci, viruses).

The “bad” was given the blame for various “diseases“, the “infectious diseases“.

This error occurred because in many "diseases", actually fungi, bacteria and viruses

(nucleic acid protein compounds) are found in the body.

But what COMMON MEDICINE likes to conceal is the fact that lots of microbes can

be found as well in healthy people, if one would look for them. When they are

found in patients, it is called “pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria– e.g. “Here,

we've found it!—It‘s an infection! “.

Why one and the same germ makes you ill sometimes and at other times not, it is

explained by COMMON MEDICINE with a good or bad “immune system.“

“Infection experiments “were repeatedly carried out in secret and always brought

the same result: germs are partially transferable without the associated diseases.

Microbes- The Firefighters

The Common Medicine concluded that microbes found at the infected area are the

“fire starters”, being blamed for causing an infection. This can be easily associated

with a crazy conclusion: If we find around a building on fire all the fire brigade

vehicles and firefighters –they might be to blame for starting the fire, right?

Everyone knows that this is nonsense, because the firefighters actually extinguish

the fire. Fungi, bacteria, and viruses (nucleic acid-protein compounds), do exactly

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the same. They “put out fires “and optimize healing. They are not to blame for

the disease.

Microbes- Loyal Companions

Microbes have been our faithful companions for a long time. Our body is

“penetrated” by them down to the very last cell (e.g. mitochondria). In nature,

nothing is “germ-free”. On the contrary, everything that lives is full of microbes

(such as humus). Since the beginning, we‘ve lived in perfect symbiosis with them.

Without them, we would be stone dead on the spot (cellular respiration, digestion).

It has been found out that the three microbial species (fungi, bacteria, viruses) are

controlled by different brain regions. From there, they receive orders for targeted

“operations. “

Important: Our “microsurgeons” (fungi, bacteria, viruses) work exclusively in healing


Microbes can only be a problem if they are not part of our “body flora”. We get

contact with “unknown „bacteria strains, for example, when traveling overseas.

They provide the body with the difficult task to integrate previously unknown

bacteria and fungi into the body‘s microbial pool.

Fungi and Fungal Bacteria

The brainstem in the first phase of our disease/illness gives the command to our

fungal bacteria to multiply (to produce an appropriate quantity for storage) and to

gather in the affected body area. If they are found in this (asymptomatic) COLD

PHASE, COMMON MEDICINE calls it “non-pathogenic bacteria”. During healing

phases, their task is to clean up the excess built tissue of the affected area (e.g.,

candida fungus in the gut and thrush fungus in the mouth). Night sweats means that

they are currently at work.

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There are many different types of bacteria. Each bacterium has a certain “specialty“,

for example, the gonococcus in the urogenital tract or Corynebacterium in the


A part of them is controlled by the cerebellum and builds tissue (“old brain“

principle), and another part is controlled by the cerebral medulla and builds tissue

(“new brain“ principle), e.g., help bacteria in bone—SBS in building bone substance.


To date, there is no direct evidence of viruses. The “COMMON MEDICINE Virus

evidences „are all indirect tests based on binding or non-binding of proteins to other

proteins. These tests are not calibrated, because you would need to know first all

the isolated virus.

Evidence that viruses cause disease also stands out. Undeniably, there are in the

blood and other fluids of the body, a large number of very small nucleic acid protein

compounds (globulins). These globulins can be equated roughly with the so-called


In principle, we still know far too little about the precise work of microorganisms,

because for over a century, research was conducted only in the direction of


How do we explain epidemics?

Simple- By collectively perceived conflicts in families (e.g., Mom needs to suddenly

go to work), school classes (e.g., severe mathematics exam), or entire regions (e.g.,

war, disaster). Here comes into play the common field of sensation of the group.

Similar stress and negative emotions lead to similar diseases in the healing


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The stages of the disease

Every “disease” has 3 stages:

1. Stress Phase

2. Healing Phase 1

3. Healing Phase 2

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1. Stress Phase/ The Cold Phase

This is the moment when we experience the emotional trauma (a distressing

event which takes us by surprise-of which we are unaware in most cases generated

by our inability to accept the shock we have experienced) and is the only reason we

get sick eventually. In this stage there are very few symptoms whatsoever.

In this way, our brain begins to prepare the organ or the function, related to the type

of emotional conflict that we have experienced, in order to help us deal with the

future similar events.

When the shock occurs, the normal day-night-rhythm is instantly interrupted and

the autonomic nervous system switches into a prolonged state of stress with

nervous restlessness, a fast heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, slow digestion,

frequent urination, and little appetite.

Since the blood vessels are constricted during stress, typical signs of conflict activity

are cold hands, cold sweats, and shivers. Therefore, we call this conflict phase also


The PSYCHE is in a compulsive thinking mode. The constant dwelling over the

conflict causes sleep disorders (waking up shortly after falling asleep, usually

around 3 o’clock in the morning). The extra waking hours and the total focus on the

conflict serve to find a conflict resolution as soon as possible.

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Many of us are living with hanging conflicts, with little or no symptoms since in the

conflict-stage symptoms are rare hardly noticeable. Lasting intense conflict activity,

however, drains the body out of energy.

2. Healing Phase 1/The Warm Phase

As soon as we get along with what happened, because either we “grew up” or it

has no meaning for us anymore, we feel relieved and free of burden. Now we are

getting ready for the good things to come, but we are not aware that our brain is

preparing for restoration of our organ or function that was previously put in alert


Here is when the symptoms first emerge (like - swelling, pain, night sweats, edema,

fever, etc. –depending on the type of trauma), and this is the moment when we visit

doctors, get diagnosed and thus, enter in a stage of panic.

With the conflict resolution, the autonomic nervous system switches into lasting

relaxation and a prolonged state of rest, with fatigue but good food appetite.

Reposing and having an increased appetite provide the organism with the necessary

energy for healing. If the healing phase is intense, the tiredness could be so

overwhelming that one can hardly get out of bed.

The need for sleep is particularly strong during the day (in conventional medicine,

persistent tiredness is diagnosed as “chronic fatigue syndrome”). Associated

symptoms are: slow pulse and low blood

pressure. During the healing, the blood

vessels expand causing warm hands and


Therefore, we call this healing phase also

THE WARM PHASE, in which the PSYCHE is

in a state of relief.

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3. Healing Phase 2

Now, the organism enters the second part of the healing phase. Scarring occurs

mostly through the production of collagen manufactured by dedicated cells, called

fibroblasts, located in the connective tissue around the healing area.

By the end of the Adaptation Program, the original function of the organ is restored

and the day-night-rhythm returns to normal.

The meaning of Incurable

”Incurable” is actually a relapse of an emotional conflict:

When we experience an emotionally distressing event, our mind is in a state of acute

awareness. Highly alert, our subconscious picks up all the DETAILS considered

relevant in connection to the conflict situation. We call the imprints that remain in

the aftermath of a distressing event, conflict tracks.

Tracks are, for example:

the location where the conflict took place

a person or a pet that was involved in the


the taste of a particular food

specific sounds or noises

the weather condition

a certain scent (perfume, flowers)

Certain words, a voice, a gesture, etc.

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Tracks can have high emotional charge. In fact, feelings such as fear, or distress

itself can become a track. Other tracks stored in the biological memory are subtler,

for instance, a food ingredient or certain pollen.

The biological purpose of the tracks is to function as a warning signal in order

to avoid experiencing the disease again. In the wild, these alarm signals are

vital for survival.

If we are in the healing phase and all of a sudden we encounter a track, either

through direct contact or by association, the original conflict is instantly reactivated.

Each conflict relapse interrupts and therefore prolongs the healing process –

on the organ and on the brain level – leading to a chronic condition. Persistent

skin conditions (dermatitis and psoriasis) are examples of a hanging healing. Like a

healing wound that is torn open again and again, when conflict relapses, the affected

organ heals, but very slowly. This is why we should try to resolve a conflict as soon

as possible.

NOTE: A new emotionally distressing event and extreme stress also interrupts

healing. This includes states of fear and panic.

Tracks also have to be taken into consideration when we are dealing with recurring

conditions such as recurring colds, skin rashes, diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Returning symptoms are always a sign that certain tracks, associated with a

particular conflict are still important, although the healing phase has been complete.

At that point, encountering a track activates a quick replay of the Stress Phase with

the conflict-related healing symptoms. Therefore so-called “allergies” are always

tracks signs.

NOTE: Dreams can trigger conflict relapses as well (e.g. nightmares, especially

the ones related to the same kind of distressing event).

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In the light of the significance of tracks, so-called “allergens” (pet dander, pollen,

foods, etc.) are important warning signals. Contrary to the standard theory,

antibodies do not, as assumed, fight the allergen (based on the construct of an

“immune system”) but put the organism on the alert by restarting the conflict. For

this reason white blood cells start to produce “antibodies” (really a misnomer) as

soon as the emotionally distressing event occurs. Their sole purpose is to set off an

alarm (the organ related symptoms) in the event of an encounter with a conflict

track. This is why an allergy test is “positive” if the applied antigen, for example a

certain food, happens to be a track.

We are able to explain why one and the same allergen, for instance a milk-track,

causes different symptoms in different people. It is the actual allergy symptom

(runny nose, red and itchy eyes, coughing, diarrhea, or a skin rash) that reveals the

nature of the original conflict.

Hence, we are not allergic to specific foods, cleaning agents, cosmetics, metals

(jewelry made of gold or silver), mold, or dust mites, but rather to what we associate

with it!

We can therefore also be “allergic” to a certain person, a specific location, or a

particular piece of music. Identifying the track(s) is of utmost importance, because

only then, will an allergy stop reoccurring. Being aware that the conflict was solved

and that the tracks are no longer a danger, we are able to achieve a complete healing

of the chronic conditions.

NOTE: Talking about the emotionally distressing event, can reopen the conflict


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In the practical application, it is of utmost importance to ascertain a person’s

biological handedness, because the handedness determines whether the conflict

impacts on the right or left side of the brain and whether a symptom (skin rash,

muscle weakness, rheumatic pain, breast cancer) occurs on the right or left side of

the body, taking into account the cross-over correlation from the brain to the organ

(the brain-organ relation is always unequivocal).

NOTE: The biological handedness is established at the moment of the first cell

division after conception.

This is why with identical twins one is biologically right-handed and one is left-

handed. Many left-handed people were retrained in early childhood in order to fit

into the right-handed world. The real ratio of right-handers and left-handers is

approximately 60:40.

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In addition for a right-handed person, the left side of the body is assigned to

“mother/child” related conflicts, while the right side of the body is assigned to

“partner” related conflicts. For a left-handed person, is the other way around - (see

nest-worry conflicts, separation conflicts, hearing conflicts, attack conflicts, self-

devaluation conflicts).

A partner includes a person’s spouse, siblings, relatives, colleagues, business

partners, neighbors, schoolmates, friends, or foes. For a man, his child is associated

with his mother/child-side when he is raising the child or when his father feelings

are very strong; otherwise the child is considered a partner. For a child, his/her

father is the first “partner”. By the same token, the mother can be perceived as a

partner when the child grew up with the grandparents or when the mother-child

relationship has deteriorated. If an adult cares for a sick father like for a child, the

father is most likely associated with the mother/child side.

A pet can be perceived as a child or as a friend (partner) - meaning that a conflict

related to one’s pet can be experienced in both ways, depending on the way the pet

is perceived. A conflict evoked by a partner, for example a separation conflict, is

mother-related if the subconscious mind makes a connection with the mother (“This

also happened to my mother”). What ultimately counts is with whom the conflict is

associated at the moment of the shock.

An easy way to establish the biological handedness is the clapping test - clapping the

hands like applauding in the theatre. The hand that is on top is the leading hand and

tells whether a person is right-handed or left-handed. Also, right-handers start

walking with the right foot, left-handers with the left foot. Left-handers are usually


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The principle of handedness: A right-handed person responds to a conflict with

his/her mother or child with the left side of the body and to a conflict with a partner

with the right side. With left-handed people it is reversed. Hence, a left-handed

person associates a conflict with his/her mother or child with the right side of the

body and a conflict with a partner with the left side.

What is Flatulence?

Excessive flatulence can be distressing. Instead of dashing to another room to avoid

embarrassment, help is at hand with the following flatulence cures.

Flatulence is a medical term for releasing gas from the digestive system through the

anus. It’s also commonly known as farting, passing wind, or having gas. It occurs

when gas collects inside the digestive system, and it’s a normal process.

Flatulence is very common. We all accumulate gas in our digestive system. Experts

estimate that most people pass gas about 10 times a day.

Flatulence causes

If you pass wind more frequently than this on a regular basis, you could have

excessive flatulence, which has a number of causes:

Swallowing air - It’s natural to swallow air throughout the day, normally

during eating and drinking. Typically, you’ll only swallow a small amount of

air. If you frequently swallow more air, you may find that you experience

excessive flatulence. It may also cause burping.

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Reasons that you may swallow more air than normal include chewing gum,

smoking, sucking on objects such as pen tops, drinking carbonated drinks,

and eating too quickly.

Dietary choices - Your dietary choices could lead to excessive flatulence.

There are some foods our bodies can’t absorb. This means that they pass

from the intestines to the colon without being completely digested first. The

colon contains a large amount of bacteria that then breaks down the food,

releasing gases as they do so. The buildup of this gas causes flatulence.

If your diet is high in foods such as beans, cabbage, broccoli, raisins, lentils,

prunes, and apples, you may have more flatulence. These foods can also take

a long time to digest, leading to the unpleasant smell associated with


Health conditions - Potential conditions underlying flatulence range from

temporary conditions, such as constipation and gastroenteritis, to food

intolerances, such as lactose intolerance. Digestive problems, such as

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and celiac disease, can also lead to flatulence.

Intestinal bacteria – the bowel contains a

host of bacteria that help digestion by

fermenting some of the food components.

The process of fermentation produces gas

as a by-product. Some of the gas is

absorbed into the bloodstream and

breathed out by the lungs. The remainder is

pushed along the bowel.

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Symptoms of flatulence

Passing wind is normal, but the amount varies between individuals and depends on

a number of factors including diet. Some people pass wind only a handful of times

per day, others up to 40 times, while the average seems to be about 15. Symptoms of

excessive (or embarrassing) flatulence include:

passing wind often

smelly flatus

loud flatus

abdominal distension and discomfort

rumblings in the lower abdomen

Foods to limit to reduce flatulence

A healthy diet requires plenty of variety. Foods that tend to produce large amounts

of flatus also contain essential nutrients and shouldn't be eliminated. Limiting their

consumption is a better option. Examples of foods that commonly cause flatulence


dairy products – such as milk, if lactose intolerance is present

dried fruit – raisins and prunes

fruit – apple, apricot, peach and pear

foods high in insoluble fiber – particularly seeds and husks

legumes – beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans and nuts

vegetables – carrot, eggplant, onion, Brussels sprouts and cabbage

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Citations from:

Did you know? Men fart more than women.

The original meaning of fart is forth as wind from the anus. This word was coined

in 1962.

An average person farts around 14 times a day.

Those 14 farts a-day are enough to fill up a balloon.

This is not something to be embarrassed about as it means that you are healthy. A

healthy digestive tract produces farts. If you are not farting at all go to the doctor.

Farts are made up of hydrogen sulfide that reduces mitochondrial damage.

Smelling farts can be healthy, thus next time you fart take a nice deep breath and

thank the person.

Female farts tend to be stinkier as females have higher concentration of hydrogen

sulfide. Female farts are healthier to smell.

Farts go as fast as 10 ft. /sec.

If you have very tight sphincter you will produce louder farts as they have smaller

tighter area to squeeze out from.

Gum and soda make you fart more, thus if you know somebody who farts a lot and

they drink a lot of soda and chewing gum, hide it from them.

Most of the farting happens at night when we sleep.

Termites are animals which produce the most fart. Camels, zebras, sheep, cows,

elephants, and dogs (especially labs and retrievers) follow next.

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Your healing journey started once you red and understood the real process that is

happening with your body, psyche and emotions. The first time you begin this

journey of SELF AWARNESS IS THE HARDEST ONE. But same as with every other


Therefore, in order for you to be as easy, quick and thorough as possible, we have

structured in this chapter the essential information.

1. Type of emotional trauma generating flatulence 2. Healing specific symptoms & process 3. Past & present tracks & their awareness 4. Accept & closely assist automated healing program

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1. Type of emotional trauma generating flatulence

The REAL ILLNESS called ACTIVE CONFLICT (or STRESS PHASE) begins due to an

EMOTIONAL TRAUMA (which is a distressing event that takes us by surprise-of which

we are unaware in most cases, generated by our inability to accept the shock we have


The emotional trauma is described as an unexpected, highly acute, and isolating

stress –for which we cannot determine an instant solution, which occurs

simultaneously at the psychological level, in the brain and on a corresponding organ.

Every digestive process results in the production of intestinal gas. However, most of

it diffuses into the circulatory system and is expelled through the lungs. Flatulence

denotes an excess of intestinal gas exceeding 0.5 to 1.5 liters per day.

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Possible causes

Pancreas or liver: Too little pancreatic juices or bile

means incomplete digestion which causes fermentation

and flatulence caused by anger conflict with family

members, the battle for the chunk or inheritance.

Emotional stress can play a role in worsening a flatulence problem. The

gastrointestinal tract is especially sensitive to anxiety, anger, and depression.

A network of nerves connects this area of the body to the brain, and when

you are under stress, muscles in the abdomen tighten. The results are painful

spasms. Eating while under stress can also contribute to flatulence because

you tend to swallow air.

Starvation-existence conflict - Existential or starvation conflict means fear

for own existence because of hardship, poverty and food shortage, fear of


A mother during World War II told her six-year-old daughter: “You have to

eat your milk soup or we can just order a casket right now. “ As with most

starving war children, the little ones develop liver cysts (recurring-conflict)

in the healing-stage.

The mother of a baby, must often drive long distances because of her job. It

often happens that the infant is alone for long periods. This causes him to

suffer an existential or starvation conflict.

A rich patient hires a cook for her household. Since the patient is always

interfering with her cooking, the cook quits her job. The next cook also quits

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after just a short time. One day—just before a big dinner party—another

cook quits. “Who‘s going to cook now for all these people? “

The patient, a small entrepreneur, is lying in the hospital and learns that the

rent on her shop is to be raised, contrary to what had been agreed upon. This

causes her to suffer an existential or starvation conflict.

Territorial-anger conflict One is annoyed because the territory or

territorial boundaries are not respected.

Let us give some eloquent examples:

Most of the time aggression from either oneself or the other plays a role.

Trouble with work colleagues or family members, boundary violations or

assaults of the neighbors. Fight over money. One is livid with anger.

A person is irritated or provoked. He is tempted

out of his normal reserve.

The family man and former policeman has been

retired for years. For some time, his liver has

been bothering him but he hasn‘t paid much

attention to it. The problem originated from past

anger at work. Adherence to law and order has

always been his highest duty and this has led to

territorial-anger conflicts. One day, he draws the last straw: He finds out that

his sister has misappropriated a large sum of money from his mother‘s estate

activating a great, recurring territorial-anger conflict. He breaks contact with

his sister, but that cannot alleviate his anger. The patient dies of a hepatic

coma (healing-crisis of the liver and bile ducts).

The 71-year-old married, right-handed woman has a 41-year-old, mentally-ill

daughter (seven suicide attempts), who often phones in the middle of the

night and threatens to kill herself. The mother then immediately gets into her

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car and drives the 40 kilometers to her daughter (26 years of chronic-active

territorial-anger conflict with regards of the bile ducts).

2. Healing specific symptoms & process

Our healing starts when the ILLNESS symptoms first emerge, and this is the moment

when we visit doctors, get diagnosed and thus, enter in a stage of panic.

An identity conflict refers to the inability to establish one’s position or place

(“territory”), literally or figuratively. An unwanted move, change of school, or

change of a workplace can activate the conflict.

Feeling unsettled, not knowing where to belong, not finding one’s place in a

relationship, within the family, the group at work, or in the culture and society at

large as well as discrimination against one’s belief or sexual orientation are

examples of what can evoke an identity conflict.

A seven-year-old boy loses his father. After that, his mother has different

partners, who treat the boy very badly; they even abuse him so he

experiences an identity conflict.

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The 69-year-old patient lets himself undergo chemotherapy for cancer of the

prostate gland. However, he becomes doubtful as to whether he is doing the

right thing. “Should I continue the treatment? “.

A married woman falls in love with another man. She doesn‘t know whether

she should divorce her husband for the sake of the other man so she

experiences identity conflict. Guiding thoughts: “I will make a definite

decision. “ “Then I will know where I belong. “

Impaired functioning of the small intestine or colon: Not enough air-

resorption due to degeneration of the intestinal mucosa (low resorption

capacity). Intestinal gases help to expand the intestine so that the “chunk“

can move further. Histamine or lactose intolerance can cause strong

flatulence, sometimes together with diarrhea is the result by an anger

conflict, ugly-indigestible-anger.

Incorrect nutrition: A high percentage of high-fiber foods or an unfavorable

combination of foods (e.g., fruit–sugar–grain) can encourage flatulence.

Legumes (sugar molecule rhamnose and stachyose) cause a definite rise in

gas production. The truth about most gas is that, in some way, you're causing

it. If you want to find out how, a food diary is one of the easiest ways to

recreate the events leading up to the noxious crime.

Toxification due to antibiotics and other chemo-therapeutics: damage of the

intestinal flora caused by incomplete digestion and fermentation which leads

to flatulence.

General Sympathicotonia: Gas in combination with diarrhea: signs of a

general sympathicotonia. The passage of food is accelerated which leads to

incomplete digestion, incomplete air resorption.

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Therefore, flatulence is a symptom of the active/ healing phase of any of above

conflicts or situations. All you have to do is first of all to identify which of them

is active for you and continue reading for the next steps of healing.

3. Past & present tracks & their awareness

What is a TRACK?

Once we experience and ACTIVATE an emotionally

distressing event (EMOTIONAL CONFLICT), our

mind is in a state of acute awareness. Highly alert,

our subconscious picks up all the DETAILS

considered relevant in connection to the conflict

situation (acting like a RECORDING CAMERA). We

call the imprints that remain in the aftermath of a

distressing event, CONFLICT TRACKS.

Why? To avoid the same conflict to happen again (survival function).

Tracks can have high emotional charge. In fact, feelings such as fear, or distress

itself can become a track. Other tracks stored in the biological memory are subtler,

for instance, a food ingredient or certain pollen.

The biological purpose of the tracks is to function as a warning signal in order to

avoid experiencing the disease again. In the wild, these alarm signals are vital for


Once we are in the healing phase and all of a sudden we encounter a track, either

through direct contact or by association, the original conflict is instantly reactivated.

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Therefore IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO IDENTIFY all possible tracks which were

present at the INITIAL EMOTIONAL CONFLICT ACTIVATION and cancel them.

Each conflict relapse interrupts and therefore prolongs the healing process – on the

organ and on the brain level – leading to a chronic condition (hanging healing).

Persistent skin conditions (dermatitis and psoriasis) are examples of a hanging

healing. Like a healing wound that is torn open again and again, when conflict

relapses, the affected organ heals, but very slowly.

NOTE: A new emotionally distressing event and extreme stress also interrupts

healing. This includes states of fear and panic.

Tracks also have to be taken into consideration when we are dealing with recurring

conditions (examples are: recurring colds, skin rashes, diarrhea and hemorrhoids,

and so forth). Returning symptoms are always a sign that certain tracks, associated

with a particular conflict are still important, although the healing phase has been

complete. At that point, encountering a track WITHOUT BEING AWARE THAT IS A

TRACK, activates a quick replay of the Stress Phase with the conflict-related healing

symptoms. Therefore so-called “allergies” are always tracks signs.

NOTE: Dreams can trigger conflict relapses as well (nightmares, especially the ones

related to the same kind of distressing event).

A recurrent nightmare is perceived by our PSYCHE and our SOUL as a REAL EVENT

(they cannot perceive differently a real event from an imaginary one)- with similar

or same trauma effects and it ACTIVATES again THE EMOTIONAL CONFLICT. So, a

nightmare should be treated with extreme importance in understanding if the initial

distressing event is STILL PERCEIVE AS UNSOLVED.

In the light of the significance of tracks, so-called “allergens” (pet dander, pollen,

foods, etc.) are important warning signals. Contrary to the standard theory,

antibodies do not, as assumed, fight the allergen (based on the construct of an

“immune system”) but put the organism on the alert by restarting the conflict. For

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this reason white blood cells start to produce “antibodies” (really a misnomer) as

soon as the emotionally distressing event occurs. Their sole purpose is to set off an

alarm (the organ related symptoms) in the event of an encounter with a conflict

track. This is why an allergy test is “positive” if the applied antigen, for example a

certain food, happens to be a track.

We are able to explain why one and the same allergen, for instance a milk-track,

causes different symptoms in different people. It is the actual allergy symptom

(runny nose, red and itchy eyes, coughing, diarrhea, or a skin rash) that reveals the

nature of the original conflict.

Hence, we are not allergic to specific foods, cleaning agents, cosmetics, metals

(jewelry made of gold or silver), mold, or dust mites, but rather to what we associate

with it!

We can therefore also be “allergic” to a certain person, a specific location, or a

particular piece of music. Identifying the track(s) is of utmost importance, because

only then, will an allergy stop reoccurring.

Being aware that the conflict IS SOLVED and that the tracks are NO LONGER A

DANGER, we are able to achieve a complete healing of the chronic conditions.

It is crucial to understand and acknowledge the fact that almost all of us, no matter

how “healthy” we consider ourselves, we have at least one or more active tracks

which are unconsciously manifesting. Therefore, we experience all sort of automatic

reactions/ healing effects THAT DO NOT DISTURB TOO MUCH OR TOO LONG OUR

NORMAL LIFE (like sneezing, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, all sort of allergies

or intolerances) making us believe that everything is OK, NORMAL and “IS JUST THE


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NORMAL should be considered ONLY AN


THE ABSENCE of all our symptoms and








anymore, WILL STOP the power of that track in triggering a further relapse/

activation of our illness.

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4. Accept & closely assist automated healing program





- THE FACT that the conflict source has ceased, because the external factors

generating it are not manifesting anymore (“THE DANGER IS SURPASSED”, “I’m in

no danger“, “Past is past! “, the people which caused our emotional trauma are not

present in our life anymore, we get over the incident, etc.);

- THE FACT that the conflict is becoming IRRELEVANT to our existence, because the

internal factors generating it - OUR EMOTIONS or SUBJECTIVE MANNER of

PERCEIVING REALITY ( being afraid, being ashamed, feeling abandoned, feeling

isolated, etc.) are SURPASSED;

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Warning! This type of closing our conflicts is very tricky, due to the fact that until

we will not become aware and we do not detect all its possible triggers, we have a

high possibility of repeating them or falling into their relapses. As well, just

remembering and sharing our emotionally distressing event (emotional conflict)

can reopen the conflict wound.


- YOUR AWARNESS and deep UNDERSTANDING of the fact that an event becomes

distressing based ONLY on YOUR SUBJECTIVE EMOTIONAL WAY of seeing and

feeling THE REALITY- that event;


DETACH without drawing any personal conclusion or grudge, THE FACTS STOP

AFFECTING YOU and the normal function of your body is undisturbed.

Once you accept the reality the way it is, your emotional active conflict is OFF, THE




Another advantage of your CONSCIOUSNESS and your LACK OF ATTACHMENT of

the present illness and its healing symptoms is the fact that you will experience

LESS AND MILDER symptoms as usual (called as conflict TRANSCENDENCE).

As well, throughout FINDING, DETACHING, thus CONTROLING all possible

TRACKS that were present at the time your emotional conflict was born and


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In order to avoid experiencing the flatulence, you must SEEK and FIND the conflict

that is recurring along with its tracks. The conflict must be solved starting at the

psychic level, as the real problem is the basis of the conflict. For this, you must

remember the element that you have experienced as a major mental trauma, before

the symptoms occurred. As soon as you will understand the reason for suffering,

you will be able to stop it the next time it happens, keeping in mind that your

flatulence is actually the active or healing phase of the major distress stage

(conflict). As soon as you will UNDERSTAND the reason for suffering, you will be

able to stop it before it will empower another automatic healing program the next

time you find yourself in the same or a similar situation.

Now that the conflict is understood and accepted, you have to go along with the

healing process.

You can improve the quality of your life and prevent conflicts from arising when you

become conscious of your body, thoughts and feelings. Even when a shock has

surprised you, becoming aware is the way to stop the big storm.

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Natural Remedies for Flatulence

Remedies for the flatulence for amelioration of symptoms:

Depending on the cause (e.g., diet change).

Movement/gymnastics. A mild exercise like walking, swimming, gardening,

or any other physical activity have great health benefits and, of course, a

massive help and an effective solution to reduce wind and flatulence.

Deep breathing, so that the gases can be released.

Hot full baths, possibly with whole salt or magnesium chloride.

Tea: anise, fennel, melissa, parsley, linden blossoms. Steep about 1/2

teaspoon in 1 cup boiling water, then add honey or lemon to taste. Drink one

to three times each day.

Hildegard of Bingen: bay leaf cookie powder special recipe

Build-up of symbionts with OMNi-BiOTiC®,

Symbioflor 2, EM.

Ginger is such a wonderful herb as it has tons of health benefits. One of them

is to control and cure flatulence and also to reduce burping and bloating.

Ginger is known for its digestive features and has been in use since ancient

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times. Simply grate ginger and leave it in the boiled water for around 5

minutes and then sip it.

Cardamom helps digest the food and the likelihood of gas in the stomach is

reduced. Cardamom can be added to tea, boiled water or simply chewed.

Peppermint contains menthol, which helps to reduce gas and bloating. It can

be used as tea bags or just fresh leaves to be added to boiled water. The fresh

leaves can also be chewed for the cure.

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which helps in digesting proteins

thus helps to reduce gas in the stomach. Papaya is also used in the tea form.

The tea is made of papaya leaves and can be purchased in the form of tea


Chewing fennel seeds after meals not only cure bad breath but also cure

wind. Half a spoon of fennel seeds can be chewed after meal to get the

desired result. The terpenoid anethole in fennel seed is great for digestion,

gas in the intestinal track, and for the relief of cramps.

Rosemary. If you're eating a gassy food, sprinkle on a little rosemary to cut

the effect. You can do the same with sage and thyme, too.

Lemon. Stir 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda into 1 cup

cool water. Skip the ice water; it can start digestive spasms that cause gas.

Drink after meals.

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Although we are being manipulated every single day about the necessity of modern

medicine in our lives we should better learn to see things from a different


No one is willing to offer natural and free alternatives when they can earn piles of

money out of your disease and misery. But the true fact is that the human body is

such an amazing machine capable of self-healing and restoration once it is offered

the right paths.

The human body and mind work extremely well together if only we know how to

control this great power. Once you understand your feelings and reactions and once

you learn how to manage them, you will also be able to send the right signals to your

body in order to help it regenerate and block all external enemies.

Flatulence causes guide provides extremely valuable information on the ways you

can use your mind and focus to heal all those annoying and unpleasant moments

caused by flatulence without the use of expensive drugs and treatments. Out body is

a highly intelligent machine that is able to fight any infections and diseases on its

own just by giving it the right directions.

Just follow these simple steps and try to relax, live a better, healthier life, conscious

of yourself and eliminate your problems. It will help you heal any unforgiving

disease and you will get your life back, shimmery than ever before.

May your Health Journey Begin!

This is our intention for you and for the world.

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Although Novel Human® products differ from German New Medicine®, we are

thankful to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s research and accomplishments, serving as a

substantial foundation. We are honoring his significant contribution towards

understanding the biological and emotional causes of illness.

Nevertheless, we are grateful for Mr. Bjorn Ebyl thorough work on applying The 5

Biological Laws of Nature and for case examples. Our deep appreciation for the

valuable studies of Mr. Charles F. Hannel on mind control, and for the

revolutionary approach on awareness of Mr. G. I. Gurdjieff.

Warm appreciation to our amazing team for their enthusiasm, love and profound

devotement in helping people to live freely and healthy!