May, tf New England Life Ins. fe b · liersburg, on Thursday, if you think you are taxed too...

f |e Journal. filter Osininier, Proprietors B. O. DEINIXOER. Associate Editor. \u25a0illheiin.Thui'sdai May, 24 Terms? Per Annum. f ' \u25a0 * . THE WAR IX TIIKEAST. Small Knttlen, bnt no tioßoral En- SCKemcnt m jet. Constantinople. May 20. An official bulletin announces that tho Turkish forces operating near .Snookgroom Kale were attacked by 5,700 Russians near Siel. The Turks completely annihilated a company of Cossacks. They took five prisoners, besides some arms and provisions. The fighting continues. The fleet has destroyed Bourgd- jardjare. Tho Russians lost 300 killed and wounded in the skirmish near Kara. The Battle of Artlnhnn. THE RUSSIANS CLAIMING A VICTO- RY?COURAGE OF THE SOLDIERS. St. Petersburg, May 20. The fol- lowing is the official account of the battle of Ardalian, telegraphed by General Melikoff to the Grand Duke Michael: "The outworks of Arda- lian, its fortifications, citadel, sixty guns, immense stores of provisions and ammunition and the camp for- merly occupied by fourteen batta- lions of Turks lie at the feet of the Czar. On May 17 the admirable lire of our artillery, between three and six o'clock in tlie afternoon, made a breach in the walls. At six o'clock the Erwan, Tills and Baku regiments and the sappers advanced to the as- sault. The enemy could not with- stand the onslaught and fled, leaving a great number dead. At nine o'clock our troors traversed the whole town and fortifications, the hands playing the national anthem. The troops are full of enthusiasm. Our loss is believed to be one officer and fifty soldiers killed, tour officers and one hundred and eighty soldiers wounded. I cannot find sufficient words of praise for the courage and coolness of our yourg soldiers, or for the good disposition of the trcc-ps made by the officers. A solemn ser- vice willbe held at the central point 0 f the fortifications.'' RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF TOWN- SHIP OFFICERS.? By W. It. BIEI:- LY, ESQ., of the AVillhunsport Bar. The only book of the kind issued. The Acts of Assembly and Supreme Court Decisions in relation to the rights and duties of Township Of- ficers, arranged and condensed. The volume treats of Assessor*, Auditors, Constables, Election Officers, Jus- t ices. Overseers of the Poor. School Directors, Supervisors, Road Com. missioners. Treasurers. Ta'k Collect- ors, and Town Clerks. Borough laws appended. The wholo careful- ly indexed, with marginal notes and references. For sale at all the book stores in the county. Price, bv mail, poaUpaid, 50 cents. Address tlio Publisher, Boxo9, Williamsport, Pa. The Bellefonte Republican says; The South renews its demand in rc- sious earnest for an appropriation of §100.000,000, for the repayment of war tax on cotton exported during the war, and tries to scare its readers with the idea that such little sum may be voted some tine day, to in- demnify our southern brethren. Nonsense. Bosh. There is not the slightest possibility that any such bill will ever pass,even if introduced, ana Mr. Tuten knows it, or ought to know it, as well as any other aver- age man. TIDE SUPREME J LDGKSIIIP.? Hon. C. A. Mayer, of Clinton county, is being prominently named as" the Democratic nominee for the Supreme Bench at the coming election. From what we hear of his ability and fairness upon the bench, anil his popularity as an officer and citi- zen, we are led to theconclusion that Judge Mayer would be a very strong and creditable candidate. ? Erie Ob- server. After the intense heat of last week, man, earth and vegetation were greatly refreshed by copious and seasonable rains. Grass and grain fields are making rapid strides and promise a plentiful harvest. Our hearts should overflow iu gratitude to our heavenly Father for sunshine and rain, as well as for many other blessings daily received. Do we all think of that, reader, as much as we should ? The Democrats came within four hundred and forty one votes of elect- ing their Governor in Rhode Island at the recent election, although Hayes had 5,000 in November. On Saturday afternoon our Band appeared for the first time on their new wagon. They passed through all the streets of town, North Mill- heim and Strasburg, showing their wagon, which we must say willbe a very substantial and tasty piece of mechanism when fullv completed. Of the Band itself and its perform- ances, it is needless to say anything, as they are fully able to do their own blowing. Boys,wont you come to Strasburg to-night ? REBERSBURG ITEMS. Another foot-raoe is talked of, to take place between Rebersburg and Rockville, stakes SSO. Our Sabbath Schools are very well attended this spring. The Union School alone numbering about one hundred and twenty-live. The Corner Stone of the German Reformed Church is to be laid on the 10th of June. Our gentlemanly landlord J. E. Roush has favored his customers with ice-cream for the first time this season. The young seemed to enioy it hugely. Daniel Sho'l, the well-known ma- son, while working at the Ger. Itef. Church about ten days ago, acci- dentally had a stone thrown upon one of his fingers, crushing it con- siderably. He at first did not expe- rience much pain, but in a few days inflamation set in, from the effects of which he has since died. We need a "Murphy Temperance Sensation" in our vicinity, having lia<l too many barrels of cider stored nway for luxury's sake last year. Axox. Mr. E. W. North of tho Fair- bank's Scale Works was in town this week. Geo. W. Foote, late publisher of the lifirichU r. has just started a job office at Mifflinburg. i \u2666 ? \u25a0- t. \u25a0 - A young man in Cambria county has been sent to jail for twenty-five days for fishing on Sunday. ?, 1 \u25a0\u25a0 <?? \u25ba ?? \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 Kurtz, of the Reporter thinks he is safe in saying that there is nota drunkard in Centre Hall or its sur- roundings. Good, if strictly true. Oregon has a new expedient for keeping her citizens sober. Every man who drinks is obliges I to take out a license costing s*>. It is a penal oHence for any liquor dottier to sell a drink to an unlicensed person. Twelve years ago McKim murder- ed Noreross on a railroad track near Hollidnysburg, Fa. The railroad tie at Hie immediate spot is marked on the end with across. When the tie rota the new one put in its place is muiked with a cross by the work- men. Our county commissioners will hold appeals in Gregg township next Monday, in Mil!hoim,on Tuesday, at Aaronsburg,on Wednesday, lte- liersburg, on Thursday, if you think you are taxed too heavily, come forward aiul you shall be heard. * - \u25a0 The Selinsgrove Times says that Christian liar man, of Beaver town- ship, was awakened on the night of the 17th by the screaming of one of his children, and upon an examina- tion he found a large black snake coiled up bv the side of the children. That snake don't go to bed with children any more.* * If Autumn don't do auv better than Spring did, we shall have but two se.vsous this year?Winter and Summer. The transition from the overcoat to the linen season was marked and sudden. Our Uterinum* etor indicated 90 degrees alnive, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and 93 on Sunday. What a blessing to the poor would be such a wholesome purifier and pre- ventive of contagion as Glenn's Sulphur Soap, could it be distributed among them. Why dont some philanthropist act oil this hint 3 De- pot C'ritteuton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. 11 ill's Ilair A: Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts. ? * 4w The highest musical authorities, AS well as all who have purchased the Beatty Piano, are equally charm- ed with it s beauty and purity of tone. The manufacturer has succeeded in imparting to it a roundness, fullness and richness of tone. jerfectiy aston- ishing. None should be without one. See his advertisement. Ad- dress Daniel F. Beatty, Washing- ton, X. J., U. S. A BKI.LEFONTE, PA., B Mo., 1,1873. Mr. DANIEL DEER: I have given your Adjustable Spring Bed a fair trial, and can truly say it is all you recommended it to bo. JXO. IRVIX, JR. I heartily concur in the above. TiIEODOIt E DESCH XE It. I use the patent Spring Bed sold bv Mr. Daniel Derr, and prefer it to any of the different varieties which I have tried. R. M. Magee, Bellefonte, Fa. PRICE OF WHEAT.? The Potts- town Ledger makes the following comparative prices of wheat in differ- ent years: 4 'ln 1867 wheat sold at $3.30 per bushel; m 1868. at $3 ;in 1869, at $1.85; in 1870, at $1.20 ; in 1871, at 51.45 ;in 1872, at 51.90 ;in 1873, at $1.90 ; in 1874, at $1.70; in 1875, at $1.25 ; in 1876, au $1.40 , and in 1877, at $2.15 per bushel. The highest price at which wheat was quoted during the past ten years was in April, 1867 when it sold at $3.30 per bushel. The lowest price for the same time was in February, 1870, when it sold at $1.20 per bushel. Ilarry Tomlinson lias bought out the MillhtiniGrocery and expects to run it on the most approved busi- noss principles. lie buys for cash and sells for cash or produce only, lie expects to keep regularly on hand a full supply of staple grocer- ies, fruits, candies, notions, &c. Harry is a j'oung man of substantial reputation, has exjierience in busi- ness, and we have no doubt will make the Millheim grocery a success. Let him have his share of the pub- lic patronage. We see as yet but very few people clothed in new Spring suits. The general reason for tiiis is that times are very hard and people must make their aid clothing do a while longer. But tin*special reason that new suits are not more general is that folks wait until business calls them to Bellefonte, where J. Newman, Jr., the popular King Clothier, can suit them in all respects, and at prices that aie very low even in these cheap times? Newman is your man for good and cheap clothing. Go and see for yourself. We had a private letter from Hon. W. C. Duncan, of Lewisburg last week, in which he says: "I was much surprised to learn of a report in circulation about Millheim that I was dead. lam very happy to in- form my old friends that my health is as good as 1 can expect it to be, for which blessing I am filled with gratitude to ail all-wise and merciful God." This is the second time Mr. Dun- can is reported as dead. Upon a former report the old church l>ell was even tolled for his demise. Ilis many friends in Centre county will be happy to learn that he is still in the land of the living, and in the en- joyment of good health. Spring Mills Items. Warm weather in this city, aud ice water in sharp demand. Henry Krumrine is having his house painted which is an improve- ment on water street. Chas. Miller does the same thing on Main street. 1 reshen up your homes. David Burrell's new house on High (Street is under roof and will he completed by July. That's right, gentlemen, let the city improve, the train willcome soon. Mr. Thomas Hicks, of Bellefonte, will likely put up a building and start a branch Hardware Store here. Welcome to such an active business man as Mr. Ilicks. There is room for more such. YOXEY. IV TRK BEAU MEADOWS. For years we had hoard so much of the beauties and curiosities of the Bear Meadows, that our mind was made up long since to embrace the first opportunity to go and see it for ourself. What could ho more wel- come, then, than a kind invitation by a party of friends from Penn I tall and Spring Mills, to accept a free passage to the great natural wonder. Our party started from Soring Mills early in the morning of Wednesday, tho 16th inst., in the best of spirits, high with anticipa- tion, and rigged out with nil the paraphernalia of a first class excur- sion party to the mountains. The party consisted of Henry Krooked- clean, Charles Ilennich, Yohannes Wald, Mormon Profit, .lake Fritz, S. .1. Fish, Esq., M. 11. Guise, 11. M. Trout, W. B. NerTlb, E. 11. S. Hook, Mr. Fish, Jr. a 1). I>. and the Associate. A more clever, whole-souled baker's dozen of men you could not well rake and scrape together anywhere. We arrived at the meadows in due time, but did not rush into an ex- ploration belter skelter. No. It is necessary that the mind should first become calm and serene. The tran- sition from a busy outside world in- to the deep solitude of 'a boundless mountain forest, is suddeu, and if you would enjoy the grand lesson that nature tearlies on such rare oc- casions, you must collect and con- trol your thoughts. Again, such commonplace matters as eating and drinking demand your attention. In a party of thirteen men there are always some who regard such car- nal matters as of primary importance and you can not ignore the matter if you would. Dinner over, the expedition start- ed out. Some went a fishing, some for evergreeus, rare aud curious plants, while others were there to see. All tastes were fully satisfied. The Fishermen got all the fishing they wanted ; the others had just as many black fir, silver fir, moun- tain ash and pitcher plants as their better halves could possibly desire, and the tourists proper had an oppor- tunity to feast their eyes with such varied and beautiful scenes of love- liness, as but seldom fall to the lot of mortal man to behold ! Bear Meadows are situated in the Path Valley Mountains, about due south from Boalsburg. Distant from said town, in a bee line, say three miles. But if you enter at Galbraith's Gap and travel the same road we did. vou travel about fif- teen miles and make angles and gy- rations enough to correspond to all the cardinal and most of the minor points or tnc compass. The mead-' ows are some five miles in length with an average width of about half a mile. A streamlet of about tho dimensions of a mill race filled with the finest trout and Jrout turtles, traverses tlie Meadows the entire length, and finally empties into Penns Creek at Spring Mills. The greatest part of the Meadows are covered with a dense forest of ever- greens, of every possible size, smalt enough for ornamenting yarns and large enough for building timber. There are open places of acres In ex- j tent, irregular in shape, level as a floor, covered with tall grass and wild flowers. Imagine yourself standing on the skirts of one of these meadows, encircled by dense growth of evergreens?more fresh and deep green.than you ever saw before; The meadow is as level as engineer- ing skill could make it, covered with tall grass and a rich profusion of wild flowers of every imaginable hue, from the most delicate tints to the most gorgeous and flashy colors: couple with this picture the deeu sol- itude of the scene, animated only by the sweet songs of nature's vocalists; the bright sun and clear azure of Ileaven above ?and you have the grandest panorama of your life lie- fore your enraptured vision! Vou should be filled with gratitude to a benevolent Creator, and veneration for His lieautiful and mighty works ! At about 4 o'clock we re-assem- bled and regretfully began to talk of leaving. The whole party was loth to depart, and so wo resolved ourselves into a committee of the whole on the state of Bear Meadows. Mr. Yohannes Wald in the cluiir. A committee on resolutions was appointed, which soon reported thus: Resoived, that we tender a vote of thanks to the Creator of the Universe, for having created such a beautiful spot of earth as Bear Meadows, and placing the samo in our native county of Ceutre. Resolved, tnat we are under a deep of obligation to l)r. I*. S. Fisher and Jesse, for having advised our excursion, but ru- gret verv much that they art) not present, as promised. Resolved, that the pleasures and exquisite enjoyments of this day will ever be a source of pleasant recollections during the remain- der of our lives. Resolved, that a full and minute account Ofoar excursion, together with these reso- lutions. be publish*! in the JIQXHBN .lorn- NAI., and a copy sent to each member of our party, gratis, in consideration of free pas. sage and board furnished the associate edi- tor. RESOLVED, that it is about time to go home. Alas ! how unfortunate that feel- ings and thoughts so elevated and pure, should l>e so harshly grated by the unreasonable t)eliaviour of a few chronic croakers. A minority re- port was presented and it was insist- ed that it must go on the record. The croakers knew their Parliamen- tary rights, and knowing, dared maintain them. Their report reads as follows; Resolved, That Rear called, is an unmitigated fraud and a first class hum- bug. Resolved, That the man who discovered the "Meadows," dese.ves the execration of mankind and ids name should be a hissing by-word in history for ail time. Resolved, That it is a shame on the civili- zation of the age, that two men, and one of them only a doctor at that, should be able to make fools of thirteen others. Resolved , That squire llering Is the great- est hound of a walker we ever saw. Resolved , That if we are so fortunate as to get home again without broken limbs, we will resent any probable impertinent ques- tions about the number and size of trout caught, as becomes men, Itesolwd, That no account of our foolhar- dy excursion be. published, and that the soon- er the whole affair can lie buried in oblivion and we ourselves be brought to forget the adventures of this terrible day, the better for all concerned. An animated discussion ensued. Party spirit ran high. It was all that Mr. Waid could do, (sick its lie was,) to preserve proper decorum and enforce the rules. It was well that we had wise and conservative j heads in our assembly. We saw all the while that the senior of our par- ty, Mr. Krookedclean, was laboring with big thoughts, as lie lay flat on his back. gaaing at the blue sky above, on an imaginary line at right angles with mother earth. Finally he moved. We knew something was coining. lie offered the follow- ing declaration as a substitute for both setts of resolutions: "i£i7 was sin dock die Menschc so ncerrish." This operated like a charm. It was instantaneously and unanimously adopted as the sense of the meeting. In a moment we had hitched and Were homeward bound. At Chur *V "VTOTICK TO STOCK HOLDERS.?The An- nual Meeting of the Stockholders of the LEWisnrno, CESTNE AND Spnrcit CRKKK It AILKOAD COMPANY will be held at the of- fice of the Company, No. 233, South Fourth Street, rhiladelpliia. Penna., on Tuesday, dune 12th. 1877, at 12 o'clock. M. Flection for President and Directors same day and place. J AM ES It. MoOLURE, 21 3w Secretary. QfFLEG ANT CAItDS all styles with name, 6dlO ct*.. post paid. J. B. Hinted, Nassau. Co., N. Y. 4w PTTVTI copy curious love letter, 1 pk. comic 1 UHearus 1 pack popping question cards; all for 10 ets. & stamp, hun Card Co., Mid- dleboro, Mass. 4w Bestliargalnsin America.rADMQ *'? Maps ami Catalogue frce.f illUilu MANCIIA, Dover, Del. 4 w LIEE & HEALTH 'WITHOUT BLUE AND t TrtTjrp [NOW READY J- 4Vjfri 1 - 'FOR AGENTS. The onlv book practically treating this now universally absorbing topic. Shows how to apply the treatment, and tells of many suc- cessful cures made by the use of this wonder- ful medium.' Circulars and best terms to earlv applicants. .1. M. STODDART & Co., 723 Chestnut St., l'hlla. 4w Miss L. Harter HAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF MILLINERY GOODS, whiclfsho offers to sell at the lowest prices. Dress Making a Speciality. A share of public patronage respectfully so- licited. 20-4w °" , v capital BHE S fi R I of required to start canvassing Oil if It for TYIARII TWAIN'S NEW Scrap-Book. Ap- .'l! &n* K'' H! illo wV\u25a0 11" CANVASSERS 139 East Eight St.., New York. 4w The Black Hills. I By 11. N. Maguikk, who lias spent 12 years in this region. Latest accounts of Gold and Sll /er prospects, Agricultural and Grazing resource*. Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indi- ans, and Settler's Adventures with them, Mining and Wild Western Life, the Water- falls. Boiling Geysers, noble Scenery, Im- mense Gorges, etc. With 27 line illustra- tions. and one map. l'rlee only lO eta. Sold L)V ALLNBPSIMSAJ.SK*. or sent post-paid for 12c. by DONTNELLY & CO.. Pubs, Chicago, ILL. 4W Kan \u25a0\u25a0 m. Tho Ttp Ten Package U t£a TI B|ffISr£g'SKSJRR4"YE if Envelopo#. Pencil, Pen-holder, Suld- §s \u25a0MI on Pen, Set of Elegant Gold Stone Ploovo Buttons, Gent*' Lake Ooorgo Diamond Pin, Ame- thynt Kluglnlald with gold, Amethyst Stone Scarf Pin. Gold plated Wedding King, Sot Koeebud Ea i-adles' Floworod and Silvered HatPtn, Ladles ranry Het Pin andProus, Oold nlatc Collar Button, Oeiita Uold-plat- nd Watch Chain end Sot of \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Three Gold-plated Ktud. J* tntirtLot sent fost-paidfor SO \u25a0 B . eents. J F.XTRAORDINAKYW \u25a0 A INDLTCFMF. NTS TOAGUNTS** " ..N fed. BRIQE, CMnton Place, Hwjforju WASTE YOUK MONEY WHY WASTE YOl'R MONEY WHY WASTE YOUK MONEY ' IN sum fIAUI) TIMES IN SUCH HARD TIMES IN bUCH IIAKL> TIMES IT WILL PAY YOU IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME TO OCR STORE TO COME TC Ul'K STORE For anytlrtng in the lino of Dry (ioodn, ('lolhinff. Oil Clothe, Hoot A Nlioos, DrCMM Uuodi, Notions, Trim- utlnit", Ac. We arc selling?LADlES SHOES at AI.OO cts Wc are selling?Ladies Button Shoes at $1.50 >Ve are selllug?Ladles White llosc at 5 cts We arc selling?Ladles Handkerchiefs at 5c We are selllng-DRKMS GOODS at $ cents We are selling?Dress Goods at 10 cents We are soiIing?CALICOES at 5 cents We arc seIIing?SHIRTINGS at i ccuU We are selling?Sl'OOL COTTON at 2 cents We are selling?LADlES DOLMANS $2.50e. We are selling? Ladles Trimmed Hats at 1.50 Wc arc selling?Dulles Trimmed Hats at 1.75 We are selling?Ladles Trimmed Hats at 2.00 We are selUng-CARPETS at eents We are seIIing?CARPETS at 25 cents Wo arc selling?lngralu Carpets at 30 cents Wc arc selling?Brussels Carpets at SI.OO We arc selling?MEN'S SUITS at r 00 Vv i In fact wc are selling everything usually kept in a large and well se- lected ttock for less than auy other house in Centre County. It will pay you to call and see for your selves. S. & A. LOEB. J. ZELLER & SON, Xo. 6. Brockcrtaoff Bow, BELLEFONTE, PA. DEALERS IN Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. 0 - A Full Stock of Goods of Superior Quality always on Hand. CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 cents and upwards. CARRIAGE SPONGES, 15 cents and upwards. A Share of the publio patron* age respectfully solicited. NOTICE.? Whereas letters testamentary on the estate of Sarah Zeigler, late of Gregg township, Centre eomUy, Fa., deceas- ed, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav- ing claims against the same, to present tlieni duly authenticated, for settlement. DAJUKL ZBIOI.KR. 6t Executor. C-VUTIOX.? All persons are hereby cau- tioned not to sell my son Harvey any- thing on credit as I will pay no debts of his contracting. MRS. SUSAN SMITH. Ij'cmi llall. May 17,1877. < 20-3 !! FRAMES!! PITI'RE & MOTTO FRAMES. Just received at WELCH'S CIIE AP HOGK and .ST AT ION AR Y STOHE next door to the Post OHicc, a large assortment of Motto and Picture Frames, embracing many New & Beautiful Designs in Rustic, Enam- eled and Solid Walnut, which will be sold at greatly Reduced Prices Motto Frames, with Back and Glass, 30 and :i5 cts. Rustic Frames, Bxlo, with back and glass, 30 and 35 cts. Mottos, many New Styles, 5 cents. Envelopes, 4, 6 and 6 cents per pack. Note paper, 5, 7 and 10 cents per quire. Fancy Box Paper, 2 Tints, only 13 cents a box, WALL PAPER A Great Variety of XKW STYLES just received, and selling lower than ever before. Good Styles of Brown Paper for 7 cents per Bolt. Best quality of White Paper 11 to 14 cts. per Bolt. Brown and White Splints, of all Sizes from 8 to 25 cents per bunch. Our Goods are all plainly marked in Figures and sold at one price only, and to do no injustice to auy, the terms are strictly cash to all. JAMES WELCH. THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Boots, Shoos, Gaiters, Slippers and Robbers TOO. SPRIXG AND SUMMER IS AT KAMP'S ! For Lndirs, Misses, and Children's French. Tvtd Button and Liced Shoes. AMERICAN KID AXD BUTTOXJ LACED SHOE. Calfskin, Kip, Goat anil Grain Leather, > Pegged and Sewed Shoes. Calf, Kip, Upper and Split Leather Boots and Shoes. Great Bargains for Cash Buyers ! NO OTHERS NEED APPLY. JACOB KAMP, LOCK HAVEN, I'KNXA THE ADJUSTABLE SPRING BED, Bartlett's Patent, Jnne 21,1870 A LIXIRIOIS BED WITH ONLY A SINGLE MATTRESS. For Durability, Cleanliness and Adjustment it has no Equal. Spiral Spring Elastic Slat. MANUFACTURED BY DANIEL DERR, Bellefonte, Centre Co.. Pa. DR. BANNING s permanently located at the ST. (MARIAS HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diseases and Deformities of the Spine, Ul- terine Displacements, Dysr.ejwla, Hernia and Piles successfully treated by the BAN- NING SYSTEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or sud for descriptive pamphlet r "Tlie House You Lfve In." Mailed free. BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA. F. 1). M ' CTL L 0 M , Late Chief Clerk of the Robinson House, Pittsbsu rg , Fen na \u2666 Proprietor. Only First Class Hotel in the City. Charges moderate. WAR ! AVAR ! WAR ! (n the Dry Goods Battle in Lock Haven tlx; BEE HIVE has conic off victorious on account of the wonderful low prices at which Dry Goods ale sold at this old and reliable store. The third immense stock of Dry Goods, Carpet#, &c., for the Sprint; and Hummer trade is just Iwiug opened at prices below any ever before known. 5000 yards all SILK GROGRAIN RIBBON beautiful- shades, only 15 cts. per yard. 3CO new PARASOLS, SPUING STYLUS, coir- meuclng at 18 cts. a piece. Large Ut BLACK KID GLOVES, all size., 25 cts. a pair. 500 Packs PINS, at 3 cts. a pack. 1000 yards DItKSS I.INKNS, ALL PLKB UN- KN, from 16 cts. a yard up. 3000 yards BEAUTIFUL SPRING STYLE PRINTS, warranted fast colors at Sc. sc. sc. sc. fc. sc, sc. sc. flc. per y. 200 Pair MENS* HALF HOSEat 5 cts. a pr. 200 Pair LADIES' HOSE at cts. Luge Stock beautiful ready made LA- DIES* SPRING SKIRTS, 37 cts. Immense Stock ready made LINENSUITS ron I ADIES, very cheap. Our Stock of STRIPED & PLAIN SILKS, BRI I.LIANTINES, AL l. WOOL, DK BAISIL KS. PLAIDS A SI MMER DRESS GOODS, comprises all the choicest styles in endless variety. The largest and chcajicst stock of PANT- INGS, SJIIKTINGS,TICKINGS, MIJSIJNH, TOWL- IXOH. TAMJE LI\RXS, Mass' & Bors' SI M MEK WEAK*, ever brought to Lock Haven, at the BEE HIVE just being ojcued this week. New Stock CARPET, Handsome INGKAIN CAKPET, only 28 cts. a yard. FLOOR OIL CLOTH, 2 yards wide, only 75 E. Large Stock of 3 PLY AND FINE CAKPET CHAIN and WINDOW CCBTINS, cheap. Remember the Great BEE HI7E DRY GOOD STORE, 03 MAIN STKELT, LOCK HAVEN, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. ?SOOO \K Good TUB WASHED WOOL in exchange for Dry Goods, for which the Highest Cash Price will be juiid. George Fehl, W agon-Maker, AAROXSBIRfi, PEWA. All kinds of Wagocs made to Order. BEATTY'SSHS Esfdln 18j6 The best and most lasting parlor organ now in use. No other parlor organ has ever attained the same popularity. It has been tested by thousands, many of them competent judges, and gives universal satisfaction to all. The music is adapted to the human voice, ranging from the softest tlute-ltke note to a volume of sound unsurpassed by auy instru- ment. This Instrument has all the latest Improve- ments, and cverv orrn is fully warranted for six years. Beautiful oil polish, black wal- nut panelled cases, which wltl not CKACK or VS ARP, and forms, in addition to a splen- did instrument o( music, a beautiful p'.eccof furniture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap- preciated, and Is sold at extremely low fig- ures for cash. Second-hand instruments taken in exchange. Agents wanted, male or female, in every county In the United States and Canada. A literal discount made to teachers, ministers churches, schools, lodges, etc., where I have no agents. Illustrated catalogue and price list Iree. Correspondence solicited. Agent discount given w here I have no agents. Bes 1 offer ever given now ready. Address, DAHEI. F.,BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A. READ THIS!! A chance for all to make or save money, ANDGKTTHV. DUST GOODS IN TIIF. MARKET. TEAS, COFFEES. &C. ( sold at lower prices than the same qualities can bo bought at any other house in tills country. All goods guaranteed to be satis- factory and as represented, or the money will be refunded on return of tne goods which may be done at oar expense. The reputation of our house for selling standard goods at Low Prices, (for 3dyears), has given us a standard in New York City and vicinity, that is not enjoyed by any other house In the trade. After mature de- liberation we have determined to offer our goods todiousekeepers in the interior, at the Lowest Wholesale Trade Prices, wlren a Club is formed large enough to make small case. The goods of each member of tlie club will te put in seperate packages, and mark- ed with name anil cost, so as to avoid con- fusion In distribution. Goods will tie sent by Express to Collect on Delivery, All wishing to save money dy purchasing family sup- plies at New York Wholesale Prices can talk the matter over among friends and nelgh- Uirs, and sepd to us for Club Circular, Price- list., &o. We give a present of either goods, or money to the person who gets up the club, to compensate for trouble cot. Samples of TEA & COFFEE sent by mail. Send for Price-list, and Club Circular. 4w Stiner's New York <te China Tea Co., M. H. MOSES, & CO., Pioprietors. 77, 79, 81, 84 andSG VESEY Streot N. Y., IViYTFn An old established N. Y. and AIL 1 LB Havana firm want a General Agent in Mitlheini, to control the sales of their Cigars. A permanent paying position for an acceptable man. Must bo energetic and reliable. Address RAMON, LOPEZ & Co., 147 Reade Street, New York. NERVOUSDEBILITY"; Vital Weakness or Depression, a weak ex- hausted feeling, no energy or courage; the result of Mental Over-worK, Indiscretion or Excesses, or some drain upon the system is always cured by Hymplirey's Homeopatliic Specific No. 28. It tones up and Invigorates the system* dispels the gloom and desopndency, imparts strength and energy?stops the drain and rejuvenates the entire man. Been used twenty years with perfect success by thous- ands. Sold by dealers. PI ice, *I.OO per sin- gle vial ; or *5.00 per package of live vials and *2.00 vial of powder. Sent by mail on I receipt of price. Address Humphrey's ' Homoepathic Medicine Company, 502 Broad -1 way, New York. 51xJ3ly. Alcott : s Waier-fbfcl ! Awarded Centennial The most practical, aim pie, and effective, It* so portor advantage at part? ? gate Is universally nr. knowr lodged. Address. C. T. AI.COTT A SON. Mfrs. of Wheels ana Mi Machinery, MOUNT IIOLLT, N. J. manufacturing riyhts. INSURANCE HEN! t,Vke notice. AOEA'TS WATTEI) ?FOR THE? New England Hntcal Life Ins. Ce. The oldc.-t mutual in the country, Chartered 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVBI*. MAKSTON A WAKELIN. General Agents, 133 South Fourth Street, Phlh.delphta. Daniel F. Beatty's iKyaKr^|g^^3tSßßSßSißnnAl CAUTION.? The reputation I liavc gained , nad the celebrity of mv Grgons, have induc- ed some unprincipled panics and agents to oopp my circulars, and misrepresent my Instrument*; against this the public ate hereby cautioned. .\JI my Organs bear my trademak, Golden Tongue, and all my Pia- nos have the word PIANO underlined,, and also have my teai? deure, DANIEL F. BKATTY, Washinton, N, J., without which none is genuine. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTT, Washington, X. J., U. S. A. BEATTY'S;; Parlor Organs. Messrs. Geo. P. Roweil ft Co., <N". Y.> Ne-.i spa per Reporter , says: "Daniel F. Realty, the organ builder, of Waxiilxgton, N. J., presses forward with greatest vigor." Prom Win. Peol.Nfagar-Falls N. Y. ?Vkswial mouths nse of the decent Parlor Organ you sent tue satisfies lue that it b or a of the best made, it has a rich tone; Its various tones are most |4eaant. i most heartily recommend vourorggus for parlor school, cliureh or other use." Best offer ever jiv<*. Money refumled upon return of organ and freight charges paid brine (Daniel F. Realty) b.tU wavs it unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five da vs. Organ warranted for five war*, send for viieuded list of testimonials before buying a pallor Organ. Address. * DANIEL F. BEATTY, TYn;liinffton, Xew Jersey, L\ M. A Awarded the Highest Kedaf c"t~TifHß. I & HTT. ANTHONY 6 CO: 501 Broadway, JVcw York, (Opp. Metropolitan note!.) Mannfacturcrs, Importers A- Dca lers iu EngrariiiEs. tamos oafi Frames. STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Graphoscopes, Fhotographs, And kindred goods?Celebrities, Actresses, PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS Wc are Headquarters for everything in the way of STEREOPTICOXSANB XACICIANTrEP, MICRO SCIENTIFIC I.AXTERX, KTEKKO PAXOPTICOX, CMVERBITY STEDF.OPTICOX, ADVERTISERS NTKR EOPTICR.V AIiTOPTICOM, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being the best cf its class In the market. Catalogue of with di rections for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man can make mouer with a Magic Lantern. fJ-Visitorstothe CenteMiial Exposition will do wisely to defer purchasing good* in our line until they come to our sto.e in New York, where they will find greater variety amd more moderate urires, and eau select more at their leisure. But we have a eon- cession to self some styles of onr pi-odsinthe building of ihc Department of Public Com- fort, and those not coming to New York are invited to call on our representation ll>iw A full stock of Views of the Expost. tion Buildings and their contents. *3J-Cut out thD ad. for refcrecce"¥t W4\TF,n Ve p|vc p "ergeti® i .*.i i ijir # aucti and women Business that will Pay from *1 to *S per day, can !> pursued m your own neighborhood, and Is strictly lon- orahie. /Particulars free, or s.aiu pies 'worth- several dollars that w ill enable you to go Ur work at once, will bo sent on receipt of fifty cents. Address LATHAM£ CO., Box 2.154. 419 Washington BL, Boston, Mar.* BEATTY'SPar^Orp^ Relieving it to be BY FAR the trest Tarlor and Orchestral Organ mannfactured. ww challenge any nianuractiirer to equal them. The celebrated Golden Tongue Reeds iu thia* organ in conjunction with the Perfected Reed Board* produce sweet, pure and pow- erful tones. Superb-cases of new and elegant deigns. Ministers, tcacltent, churches schiHds, lodges. etc., should send for price list and discounts. Dealers will find it to their advantage fo examine this Instrument. It has improve- ments found in n other. Corresivondeneo- SoliclUd. Best offer ever given. Monev refunded upon return or organ aud freight charge* paid by me (Daniel F. Beatty) both wavs if unsatisfactory, alter a test trial of five d'avs Organ warranted for six years. Agents dis- count given everywhere I hive no agent Agents wanted. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, Sew Jersey, V. . A.. &000 A Mo .". r J's AGENTS WANTED o:i our 1 HRKK GREAT *2 BOOKS.. The STORY of CHARLEY ROSS. A full account of this great Mvstery, written bv his Father, beats Robinson Crusoe in thrilling interest. The Illustrated hand-book to all religions, a Complete Account of al denominations and sects. 300 Illustrations.. Also the ladies'medical guide, by Dr. Pan- coast. 100 Illustrations. These books sell a c sight. Male and l einale Agents colnnionev on them. Particulars free. Copies bv mail *2eacin John E. Potter & Co., Piiila. PATENTS! Fee Retell. Entire Cost $55. Patent Office l ee *35 in advance, bjJaneo- *2o within G months after patentallow- ed. Advice and examination free. Patents ts<>i|. J. VANCE LEM IS dk CO., 18-dm Washington, D. O' set spiral studs, collar nuttun,' hea\y plalii wedding ring, and gects' Parisian diamond pin. The above articles sent, post-paid, for 50 CTS. have been retailed lor *6. Bank- rupt. stock and must he sold. Solid Milton Gold Watches, *lO each, for speculative pur- poses, good timers, equal iu appearance to a *2UO genuine gold. "His reputation- for honesty, fair dealing and liberality is uu- equaled by auy advertiser in this city."?,V? Y. l)m Book, Dec. Hi, 1876- POSTAGK ST AMPS TVKEN AS CASH; F. STOCKMAN 27 BOND ST.. New YoA.. ville wo left tho party having some business in that neighborhood. The rest of the party repaired home the same day. [lf our account wero not already too lenghty, we would give some un. oflicial notes. May do it in our next. J Mr. John Anderson and Mr. George Downing are each going to start up a l>mj)trance Restaurant, in Bellefonte. Good move. DIED. On the 17th Inst., in Fenn Twp., of pneu- monia, Adam Itraudt, aged Si years, 2 mouths ami 2 days. "Father, thou art gone before us, And thy saintly soul Is flown Where tears are wiped from every eye, And sorrow is unknown." In Gregg Twp., on tho 18th Inst, Mary Ellen, d aughter of Win. A. and Barbara Confer, aged 2 years, 6 months and 30 daya. CHURCH ifIRECTORY. Preaching in the Lutheran Church, Aaronsburg, next Sunday, at 2| o'clock, r. M m by the pastor. Rev. G. W. Rouse wilt preach in the M. E. Church next Sunday eve- ning. Rev. C. F. Peininger will preach in the Evangelical church, next Sun- day morning. German. Lodge aud Society Directory. The Millheim Cornet Band will meet in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of H,. meets in Alexander's block on the 2nd Saturday of each month at (U P. M. and on the fourth Saturday of each month at 1} P. M. The Irving Literary Society meets in the Town Hall, every Friday ev- ening. The Millheim B. & L. Association meets in Town Hall, on the evening of the second Monday of each month Millheim Council No. 309, O. U.' A. M. meets every Saturday at 8 o'clock, R. M.. in their Council Room, Wilt's Building. Degree Meetings will be held on Tuesday on or before the full moon of each month. B. F. MILLER, C. C'IIAS. It. HELO, Sec. Rellefonte Market. White Wheat, per bushel new $ 2 00 Red Wheat, jw?r bushel new No. 1... 2 o0 Rye. per bushel new 75 | Corn ears, per bushel .V) 1 Corn, shelled, per bushel 35 Oats, per bushel, new 35 Barley, per bushel 50 Buckwheat, per busnel 50 Cloverseed, per bushel (j 5Ct?7 .V) Potatoes, |Kr bushel new 1 50 Eggs, per dozen 10 Lard, per pound 10 Baeon?Shoulders 10 Sides 10 Hams 12 SurarCured Hams jo Tollow, per pound f. Butter, per pound 2 Rags, per pound 2 Ground Plaster per ton 10,00 MlfX!inlnrr Market. Butter * 20 Kpg* 1 Wheat 2 uo ltye 00 Corn 47 Oats 32 Barley Tyniothv Hay 15 00 Clover Hay 12 on Veal io Hams. 10 Sides lo Lard 12 Cloverseed SOO Tyimdhyseed , i 25 Flaxseed 1 40 Millbclm Market. Wheat ~. 190 Corn 50 Rye 30 oats 30 Barley 50 Tvmothyseed 2 50 Flaxseed 1 5n Cloverseed 9 00 Butter 16 Hams i;> Sides 10 Veal 8 Eggs 10 Potatoes 1 00 Lard 9 Tallow 7 Soap 7 Dried Apples 4 Dried Peaches Dried Cherries 6 HARDWARE JAMES HARRIS & CO., 7 i 1 Dealers in Hardware, No. 5. Brockerhoff How, M BET iT IEFOHTE, K tf " > rOLDET HARDWARE STORE I* CEXTRE (o.' fe '\u25a0 b 5 ?? M Complete lino of Hardware of ulf Kinds at the i! l M > LOWEST PRICES. M j| K " | ; Tie Celebrated Barley Sleaf Cook Store & Anclor Beater. |j CALL AND SEE. HH VAYCniV II

Transcript of May, tf New England Life Ins. fe b · liersburg, on Thursday, if you think you are taxed too...

Page 1: May, tf New England Life Ins. fe b · liersburg, on Thursday, if you think you are taxed too heavily, come forward aiul you shall be heard. *-\u25a0 The Selinsgrove Times says that

f|e Journal.filter Osininier, Proprietors

B. O. DEINIXOER. Associate Editor.

\u25a0illheiin.Thui'sdai May, 24

Terms? Per Annum.

f ' \u25a0 * .


Small Knttlen, bnt no tioßoral En-SCKemcnt m jet.

Constantinople. May 20.An official bulletin announces that

tho Turkish forces operating near.Snookgroom Kale were attacked by5,700 Russians near Siel. The Turkscompletely annihilated a company ofCossacks. They took five prisoners,besides some arms and provisions.The fighting continues.

The fleet has destroyed Bourgd-jardjare. Tho Russians lost 300killed and wounded in the skirmishnear Kara.

The Battle of Artlnhnn.


St. Petersburg, May 20. The fol-lowing is the official account of thebattle of Ardalian, telegraphed byGeneral Melikoff to the Grand DukeMichael: "The outworks of Arda-lian, its fortifications, citadel, sixtyguns, immense stores of provisionsand ammunition and the camp for-merly occupied by fourteen batta-lions of Turks lie at the feet of theCzar. On May 17 the admirable lireof our artillery, between three andsix o'clock in tlie afternoon, made abreach in the walls. At six o'clockthe Erwan, Tills and Baku regimentsand the sappers advanced to the as-sault. The enemy could not with-stand the onslaught and fled, leavinga great number dead. At nineo'clock our troors traversed thewhole town and fortifications, thehands playing the national anthem.The troops are full of enthusiasm.Our loss is believed to be one officerand fiftysoldiers killed, tour officersand one hundred and eighty soldierswounded. I cannot find sufficientwords of praise for the courage andcoolness of our yourg soldiers, orfor the good disposition of the trcc-psmade by the officers. A solemn ser-vice willbe held at the central point0f the fortifications.''

RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF TOWN-SHIP OFFICERS.? By W. It. BIEI:-LY, ESQ., of the AVillhunsport Bar.The only book of the kind issued.The Acts of Assembly and SupremeCourt Decisions in relation to therights and duties of Township Of-ficers, arranged and condensed. Thevolume treats ofAssessor*, Auditors,Constables, Election Officers, Jus-t ices. Overseers of the Poor. SchoolDirectors, Supervisors, Road Com.missioners. Treasurers. Ta'k Collect-ors, and Town Clerks. Boroughlaws appended. The wholo careful-ly indexed, with marginal notes andreferences. For sale at all the bookstores in the county. Price, bvmail, poaUpaid, 50 cents. Addresstlio Publisher, Boxo9, Williamsport,Pa.

The Bellefonte Republican says;The South renews its demand in rc-sious earnest for an appropriation of§100.000,000, for the repayment ofwar tax on cotton exported duringthe war, and tries to scare its readerswith the idea that such little summay be voted some tine day, to in-demnify our southern brethren.Nonsense. Bosh. There is not theslightest possibility that any suchbill willever pass,even ifintroduced,ana Mr. Tuten knows it, or oughtto know it, as well as any other aver-age man.

TIDE SUPREME J LDGKSIIIP.? Hon.C. A. Mayer, of Clinton county, isbeing prominently named as" theDemocratic nominee for the SupremeBench at the coming election.From what we hear of his abilityand fairness upon the bench, anilhis popularity as an officer and citi-zen, we are led to theconclusion thatJudge Mayer would be a very strongand creditable candidate. ? Erie Ob-server.

After the intense heat of last week,man, earth and vegetation weregreatly refreshed by copious andseasonable rains. Grass and grainfields are making rapid strides andpromise a plentiful harvest. Ourhearts should overflow iu gratitudeto our heavenly Father for sunshineand rain, as well as for many otherblessings daily received. Do we allthink of that, reader, as much aswe should ?

The Democrats came within fourhundred and forty one votes of elect-ing their Governor in Rhode Islandat the recent election, althoughHayes had 5,000 in November.

On Saturday afternoon our Bandappeared for the first time on theirnew wagon. They passed throughall the streets of town, North Mill-heim and Strasburg, showing theirwagon, which we must say willbe avery substantial and tasty piece ofmechanism when fullv completed.Of the Band itself and its perform-ances, it is needless to say anything,as they are fully able to do their ownblowing. Boys,wont you come toStrasburg to-night ?


Another foot-raoe is talked of, totake place between Rebersburg andRockville, stakes SSO.

Our Sabbath Schools are very wellattended this spring. The UnionSchool alone numbering about onehundred and twenty-live.

The Corner Stone of the GermanReformed Church is to be laid on the10th of June.

Our gentlemanly landlord J. E.Roush has favored his customerswith ice-cream for the first time thisseason. The young seemed to enioyit hugely.

Daniel Sho'l, the well-known ma-son, while working at the Ger. Itef.Church about ten days ago, acci-dentally had a stone thrown uponone of his fingers, crushing it con-siderably. He at first did not expe-rience much pain, but in a few daysinflamation set in, from the effectsof which he has since died.

We need a "Murphy TemperanceSensation" in our vicinity, havinglia<l too many barrels of cider storednway for luxury's sake last year.


Mr. E. W. North of tho Fair-bank's Scale Works was in townthis week.

Geo. W. Foote, late publisher ofthe lifirichU r. has just started a joboffice at Mifflinburg.

i \u2666 ? \u25a0- t. \u25a0-

A young man in Cambria countyhas been sent to jail for twenty-fivedays for fishing on Sunday.

?, 1 \u25a0\u25a0 <?? \u25ba ??\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

Kurtz, of the Reporter thinks heis safe in saying that there is notadrunkard in Centre Hall or its sur-roundings. Good, if strictly true.

Oregon has a new expedient forkeeping her citizens sober. Everyman who drinks is obliges I to takeout a license costing s*>. It is apenal oHence for any liquor dottier tosell a drink to an unlicensed person.

Twelve years ago McKim murder-ed Noreross on a railroad track nearHollidnysburg, Fa. The railroadtie at Hie immediate spot is markedon the end with across. When thetie rota the new one put in its placeis muiked with a cross by the work-men.

Our county commissioners willhold appeals in Gregg township nextMonday, in Mil!hoim,on Tuesday,at Aaronsburg,on Wednesday, lte-liersburg, on Thursday, if youthink you are taxed too heavily,come forward aiul you shall beheard.

* - \u25a0

The Selinsgrove Times says thatChristian liarman, of Beaver town-ship, was awakened on the night ofthe 17th by the screaming of one ofhis children, and upon an examina-tion he found a large black snakecoiled up bv the side of the children.That snake don't go to bed withchildren any more.*


If Autumn don't do auv betterthan Spring did, we shall have buttwo se.vsous this year?Winter andSummer. The transition from theovercoat to the linen season wasmarked and sudden. Our Uterinum*etor indicated 90 degrees alnive, onThursday, Friday and Saturday,and 93 on Sunday.

What a blessing to the poor wouldbe such a wholesome purifier and pre-ventive of contagion as Glenn'sSulphur Soap, could it be distributedamong them. Why dont somephilanthropist act oil this hint 3 De-pot C'ritteuton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue,New York.11 ill's IlairA: Whisker Dye, blackor brown, 50 cts. ?



The highest musical authorities,AS well as all who have purchasedthe Beatty Piano, are equally charm-ed with it s beauty and purity of tone.The manufacturer has succeeded inimparting to it a roundness, fullnessand richness of tone. jerfectiy aston-ishing. None should be withoutone. See his advertisement. Ad-dress Daniel F. Beatty, Washing-ton, X. J., U. S. A

BKI.LEFONTE, PA., B Mo., 1,1873.Mr. DANIEL DEER: I have givenyour Adjustable Spring Bed a fairtrial, and can truly say it is all yourecommended it to bo.


I heartily concur in the above.TiIEODOIt E DESCH X E It.

I use the patent Spring Bed soldbv Mr. Daniel Derr, and prefer it toany of the different varieties which Ihave tried.

R. M. Magee, Bellefonte, Fa.

PRICE OF WHEAT.? The Potts-town Ledger makes the followingcomparative prices of wheat in differ-ent years: 4 'ln 1867 wheat sold at$3.30 per bushel; m 1868. at $3 ;in1869, at $1.85; in 1870, at $1.20 ; in1871, at 51.45 ;in 1872, at 51.90 ;in1873, at $1.90 ; in 1874, at $1.70; in1875, at $1.25 ; in 1876, au $1.40 ,

and in 1877, at $2.15 per bushel.The highest price at which wheatwas quoted during the past ten yearswas in April, 1867 when it sold at$3.30 per bushel. The lowest pricefor the same time was in February,1870, when it sold at $1.20 per bushel.

Ilarry Tomlinson lias bought outthe MillhtiniGrocery and expects torun it on the most approved busi-noss principles. lie buys for cashand sells for cash or produce only,lie expects to keep regularly onhand a full supply of staple grocer-ies, fruits, candies, notions, &c.Harry is a j'oung man of substantialreputation, has exjierience in busi-ness, and we have no doubt willmake the Millheim grocery a success.

Let him have his share of the pub-lic patronage.

We see as yet but very few peopleclothed in new Spring suits. Thegeneral reason for tiiis is that timesare very hard and people must maketheir aid clothing do a while longer.But tin*special reason that new suitsare not more general is that folkswait until business calls them toBellefonte, where J. Newman, Jr.,the popular King Clothier, can suitthem in all respects, and at pricesthat aie very low even in these cheaptimes? Newman is your man forgood and cheap clothing. Go andsee for yourself.

We had a private letter from Hon.W. C. Duncan, of Lewisburg lastweek, in which he says: "I wasmuch surprised to learn of a reportin circulation about Millheim thatI was dead. lam very happy to in-form my old friends that my healthis as good as 1 can expect it to be,for which blessing I am filled withgratitude to ail all-wise and mercifulGod."

This is the second time Mr. Dun-can is reported as dead. Upon aformer report the old church l>ell waseven tolled for his demise. Ilismany friends in Centre county willbe happy to learn that he is still inthe land of the living, and in the en-joyment of good health.

Spring Mills Items.

Warm weather in this city, audice water in sharp demand.

Henry Krumrine is having hishouse painted which is an improve-ment on water street. Chas. Millerdoes the same thing on Main street.1reshen up your homes.

David Burrell's new house onHigh (Street is under roof and will hecompleted by July. That's right,gentlemen, let the city improve, thetrain willcome soon.

Mr. Thomas Hicks, of Bellefonte,will likely put up a building andstart a branch Hardware Store here.Welcome to such an active businessman as Mr. Ilicks. There is roomfor more such.



For years we had hoard so muchof the beauties and curiosities of theBear Meadows, that our mind wasmade up long since to embrace thefirst opportunity to go and see it forourself. What could ho more wel-come, then, than a kind invitationby a party of friends from PennItall and Spring Mills, to accept afree passage to the great naturalwonder. Our party started fromSoring Mills early in the morningof Wednesday, tho 16th inst., in thebest of spirits, high with anticipa-tion, and rigged out with nil theparaphernalia of a first class excur-sion party to the mountains. Theparty consisted of Henry Krooked-clean, Charles Ilennich, YohannesWald, Mormon Profit, .lake Fritz,S. .1. Fish, Esq., M. 11. Guise, 11.M. Trout, W. B. NerTlb, E. 11. S.Hook, Mr. Fish, Jr. a 1). I>. andthe Associate. A more clever,whole-souled baker's dozen of menyou could not well rake and scrapetogether anywhere.

We arrived at the meadows in duetime, but did not rush into an ex-ploration belter skelter. No. It isnecessary that the mind should firstbecome calm and serene. The tran-sition from a busy outside world in-to the deep solitude of 'a boundlessmountain forest, is suddeu, and ifyou would enjoy the grand lessonthat nature tearlies on such rare oc-casions, you must collect and con-trol your thoughts. Again, suchcommonplace matters as eating anddrinking demand your attention.In a party of thirteen men there arealways some who regard such car-nal matters as of primary importanceand you can not ignore the matterif you would.

Dinner over, the expedition start-ed out. Some went a fishing, somefor evergreeus, rare aud curiousplants, while others were there tosee. All tastes were fully satisfied.The Fishermen got all the fishingthey wanted ; the others had justas many black fir, silver fir, moun-tain ash and pitcher plants as theirbetter halves could possibly desire,and the tourists proper had an oppor-tunity to feast their eyes with suchvaried and beautiful scenes of love-liness, as but seldom fall to the lotof mortal man to behold !

Bear Meadows are situated in thePath Valley Mountains, about duesouth from Boalsburg. Distantfrom said town, in a bee line, saythree miles. But if you enter atGalbraith's Gap and travel the sameroad we did. vou travel about fif-teen miles and make angles and gy-rations enough to correspond to allthe cardinal and most of the minorpoints or tnc compass. The mead-'ows are some five miles in lengthwith an average width of about halfa mile. A streamlet of about thodimensions of a millrace filled withthe finest trout and Jrout turtles,traverses tlie Meadows the entirelength, and finally empties intoPenns Creek at Spring Mills. Thegreatest part of the Meadows arecovered with a dense forest of ever-greens, of every possible size, smaltenough for ornamenting yarns andlarge enough for building timber.There are open places of acres In ex- jtent, irregular in shape, level as afloor, covered with tall grass andwild flowers. Imagine yourselfstanding on the skirts of one of thesemeadows, encircled by dense growthof evergreens?more fresh and deepgreen.than you ever saw before;The meadow is as level as engineer-ing skill could make it, covered withtall grass and a rich profusion ofwildflowers of every imaginable hue,from the most delicate tints to themost gorgeous and flashy colors:couple with this picture the deeu sol-itude of the scene, animated only bythe sweet songs of nature's vocalists;the bright sun and clear azure ofIleaven above ?and you have thegrandest panorama of your life lie-fore your enraptured vision! Voushould be filled with gratitude to abenevolent Creator, and venerationfor His lieautiful and mighty works !

At about 4 o'clock we re-assem-bled and regretfully began to talkof leaving. The whole party wasloth to depart, and so wo resolvedourselves into a committee of thewhole on the state ofBear Meadows.Mr. Yohannes Wald in the cluiir.A committee on resolutions wasappointed, which soon reported thus:

Resoived, that we tender a vote of thanksto the Creator of the Universe, for havingcreated such a beautiful spot of earth asBear Meadows, and placing the samo in ournative county of Ceutre.

Resolved, tnat we are under a deep scr.seof obligation to l)r. I*. S. Fisher and Jesse,for having advised our excursion, but ru-gret verv much that they art) not present, aspromised.

Resolved, that the pleasures and exquisiteenjoyments of this day will ever be a sourceof pleasant recollections during the remain-der of our lives.

Resolved, that a full and minute accountOfoar excursion, together with these reso-lutions. be publish*! in the JIQXHBN .lorn-NAI., and a copy sent to each member of ourparty, gratis, in consideration of free pas.sage and board furnished the associate edi-tor.

RESOLVED, that it is about time to go home.

Alas ! how unfortunate that feel-ings and thoughts so elevated andpure, should l>e so harshly grated bythe unreasonable t)eliaviour of a fewchronic croakers. A minority re-port was presented and it was insist-ed that it must go on the record.The croakers knew their Parliamen-tary rights, and knowing, daredmaintain them. Their report readsas follows;

Resolved, That Rear called, isan unmitigated fraud and a first class hum-bug.

Resolved, That the man who discoveredthe "Meadows," dese.ves the execration ofmankind and ids name should be a hissingby-word in history for ail time.

Resolved, That it is a shame on the civili-zation of the age, that two men, and one ofthem only a doctor at that, should be able tomake fools of thirteen others.

Resolved ,That squire llering Is the great-

est hound of a walker we ever saw.Resolved , That if we are so fortunate as to

get home again without broken limbs, wewill resent any probable impertinent ques-tions about the number and size of troutcaught, as becomes men,

Itesolwd, That no account of our foolhar-dy excursion be. published, and that the soon-er the whole affair can lie buried in oblivionand we ourselves be brought to forget theadventures of this terrible day, the betterfor all concerned.

An animated discussion ensued.Party spirit ran high. It was allthat Mr. Waid could do, (sick its liewas,) to preserve proper decorumand enforce the rules. It was wellthat we had wise and conservative jheads in our assembly. We saw allthe while that the senior of our par-ty, Mr. Krookedclean, was laboringwith big thoughts, as lie lay flat onhis back. gaaing at the blue skyabove, on an imaginary line at rightangles with mother earth. Finallyhe moved. We knew somethingwas coining. lie offered the follow-ing declaration as a substitute forboth setts of resolutions: "i£i7 wassin dock die Menschc so ncerrish."This operated like a charm. It wasinstantaneously and unanimouslyadopted as the sense of the meeting.In a moment we had hitched andWere homeward bound. At Chur *V

"VTOTICK TO STOCKHOLDERS.?The An-nual Meeting of the Stockholders of

the LEWisnrno, CESTNE AND Spnrcit CRKKKItAILKOAD COMPANY will be held at the of-fice of the Company, No. 233, South FourthStreet, rhiladelpliia. Penna., on Tuesday,dune 12th. 1877, at 12 o'clock. M. Flectionfor President and Directors same day andplace. J AM ES It. MoOLURE,21 3w Secretary.

QfFLEG ANT CAItDS all styles with name,6dlO ct*.. post paid. J. B. Hinted, Nassau.Co., N. Y. 4w

PTTVTI copy curious love letter, 1 pk. comic1 UHearus 1 pack popping question cards;all for 10 ets. & stamp, hun Card Co., Mid-dleboro, Mass. 4w

Bestliargalnsin America.rADMQ *'?

Maps ami Catalogue frce.f illUiluMANCIIA,Dover, Del. 4 w



The onlv book practically treating this nowuniversally absorbing topic. Shows how toapply the treatment, and tells of many suc-cessful cures made by the use of this wonder-ful medium.' Circulars and best terms toearlv applicants. .1. M. STODDART & Co.,723 Chestnut St., l'hlla. 4w


MILLINERYGOODS,whiclfsho offers to sell at the lowest prices.

Dress Making a Speciality.A share of public patronage respectfully so-licited. 20-4w

°", v capitalBHE S fi R I of required to start canvassingOilifItfor TYIARII TWAIN'S

NEW Scrap-Book. Ap-

.'l!&n*K'' H! illowV\u25a0 11" CANVASSERS139 East Eight St.., New York. 4w

The Black Hills.I By 11. N. Maguikk, who lias spent 12 yearsin this region. Latest accounts of Gold andSll /er prospects, Agricultural and Grazing

resource*. Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indi-ans, and Settler's Adventures with them,Mining and Wild Western Life, the Water-falls. Boiling Geysers, noble Scenery, Im-mense Gorges, etc. With 27 line illustra-tions. and one map. l'rlee only lO eta.Sold L)V ALLNBPSIMSAJ.SK*. or sent post-paidfor 12c. by DONTNELLY & CO..Pubs, Chicago, ILL. 4W

Kan \u25a0\u25a0 m. Tho Ttp Ten Package U t£aTIB|ffISr£g'SKSJRR4"YEif Envelopo#. Pencil, Pen-holder, Suld-

§s \u25a0MI on Pen, Set of Elegant Gold Stone

Ploovo Buttons, Gent*' Lake Ooorgo Diamond Pin, Ame-

thynt Kluglnlald with gold, Amethyst Stone Scarf

Pin. Gold plated Wedding King, Sot Koeebud Eai-adles' Floworod and Silvered HatPtn, Ladles ranry Het

Pin andProus, Oold nlatc Collar Button, Oeiita Uold-plat-

nd Watch Chain end Sot of \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Three Gold-plated Ktud. J*tntirtLot sent fost-paidfor SO \u25a0 B .

eents. J F.XTRAORDINAKYW \u25a0 AINDLTCFMF.NTS TOAGUNTS** " ..Nfed. BRIQE, CMnton Place, Hwjforju







For anytlrtng in the lino of

Dry (ioodn, ('lolhinff. OilClothe, Hoot A Nlioos, DrCMM

Uuodi, Notions, Trim-utlnit", Ac.

We arc selling?LADlES SHOES at AI.OO cts

Wc are selling?Ladies Button Shoes at $1.50

>Ve are selllug?Ladles White llosc at 5 cts

We arc selling?Ladles Handkerchiefs at 5c

We are selllng-DRKMS GOODS at $ cents

We are selling?Dress Goods at 10 cents

We are soiIing?CALICOES at 5 cents

We arc seIIing?SHIRTINGS at i ccuU

We are selling?Sl'OOL COTTON at 2 cents

We are selling?LADlES DOLMANS $2.50e.

We are selling? Ladles Trimmed Hats at 1.50

Wc arc selling?Dulles Trimmed Hats at 1.75

We are selling?Ladles Trimmed Hats at 2.00

We are selUng-CARPETS at eents

We are seIIing?CARPETS at 25 cents

Wo arc selling?lngralu Carpets at 30 cents

Wc arc selling?Brussels Carpets at SI.OO

We arc selling?MEN'S SUITS at r 00

Vv iIn fact wc are selling everything

usually kept in a large and well se-

lected ttock for less than auy other

house in Centre County. It will

pay you to call and see for your


S. & A. LOEB.






























NOTICE.? Whereas letters testamentaryon the estate of Sarah Zeigler, late of

Gregg township, Centre eomUy, Fa., deceas-ed, have been granted to the subscriber, allpersons indebted to said estate are requestedto make immediate payment, and those hav-ing claims against the same, to present tlieniduly authenticated, for settlement.

DAJUKL ZBIOI.KR.6t Executor.

C-VUTIOX.? All persons are hereby cau-tioned not to sell my son Harvey any-

thing on credit as I will pay no debts of hiscontracting.

MRS. SUSAN SMITH.Ij'cmi llall. May 17,1877. < 20-3

!! FRAMES!!PITI'RE & MOTTO FRAMES.Just received at WELCH'S CIIEAPHOGK and .ST ATION AR YSTOHEnext door to the Post OHicc, a largeassortment of Motto and PictureFrames, embracing many New &

Beautiful Designs in Rustic, Enam-eled and Solid Walnut, which will

be sold at greatly

Reduced PricesMotto Frames, with Back and Glass,

30 and :i5 cts.Rustic Frames, Bxlo, with back and

glass, 30 and 35 cts.Mottos, many New Styles, 5 cents.Envelopes, 4, 6 and 6 cents per

pack.Note paper, 5, 7 and 10 cents per

quire.Fancy Box Paper, 2 Tints, only 13

cents a box,

WALLPAPERA Great Variety of XKW STYLESjust received, and selling lower thanever before. Good Styles of BrownPaper for 7 cents per Bolt. Bestquality of White Paper 11 to 14 cts.per Bolt. Brown and White Splints,of all Sizes from 8 to 25 cents perbunch. Our Goods are all plainlymarked in Figures and sold at oneprice only, and to do no injustice toauy, the terms are strictly cash to




Boots, Shoos, Gaiters, Slippers and




For Lndirs, Misses, and Children'sFrench. Tvtd Button and Liced Shoes.


Calfskin, Kip, Goat anil Grain Leather,

> Pegged and Sewed Shoes.

Calf, Kip, Upper and Split LeatherBoots and Shoes.

Great Bargains for CashBuyers !




ADJUSTABLESPRING BED,Bartlett's Patent, Jnne 21,1870


For Durability, Cleanliness andAdjustment it has no Equal.

Spiral Spring Elastic Slat.


DANIEL DERR,Bellefonte, Centre Co.. Pa.

DR. BANNINGs permanently located at the ST.(MARIAS HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Pa.Diseases and Deformities of the Spine, Ul-terine Displacements, Dysr.ejwla, Herniaand Piles successfully treated by the BAN-NING SYSTEM of Mechanical Supports.Call or sud for descriptive pamphlet r "TlieHouse You Lfve In." Mailed free.


F. 1). M ' CTL L 0 M ,

Late Chief Clerk of the RobinsonHouse, Pittsbsu rg

, Fen na \u2666


Only First Class Hotel inthe City.

Charges moderate.


(n the Dry Goods Battle in LockHaven tlx;

BEE HIVEhas conic off victorious on account of thewonderful low prices at which Dry Goods

ale sold at this old and reliable store.

The third immense stock of Dry Goods,Carpet#, &c., for the Sprint; and Hummertrade is just Iwiug opened at prices belowany ever before known.

5000 yards all SILK GROGRAIN RIBBONbeautiful- shades, only 15 cts. per yard.

3CO new PARASOLS, SPUING STYLUS, coir-meuclng at 18 cts. a piece.

Large Ut BLACK KID GLOVES, all size.,25 cts. a pair.

500 Packs PINS, at 3 cts. a pack.

1000 yards DItKSS I.INKNS, ALL PLKB UN-KN, from 16 cts. a yard up.

3000 yards BEAUTIFUL SPRING STYLEPRINTS, warranted fast colors at

Sc. sc. sc. sc. fc. sc, sc. sc. flc. per y.

200 Pair MENS* HALF HOSEat 5 cts. a pr.

200 Pair LADIES' HOSE at cts.

Luge Stock beautiful ready made LA-DIES* SPRING SKIRTS, 37 cts.

Immense Stock ready made LINENSUITSron I ADIES, very cheap.

Our Stock of STRIPED & PLAIN SILKS,BRI I.LIANTINES, AL l. WOOL, DK BAISILKS. PLAIDS A SI MMER DRESS GOODS,comprises all the choicest styles in endlessvariety.

The largest and chcajicst stock of PANT-INGS, SJIIKTINGS,TICKINGS, MIJSIJNH, TOWL-IXOH. TAMJE LI\RXS, Mass' & Bors' SI MMEK WEAK*, ever brought to Lock Haven,at the BEE HIVE just being ojcued thisweek.

New Stock CARPET, Handsome INGKAINCAKPET, only 28 cts. a yard.

FLOOR OIL CLOTH, 2 yards wide, only 75 E.


Remember the Great



J. J. EVERETT,Proprietor.

?SOOO \K Good TUBWASHED WOOL in exchange forDry Goods, for which the HighestCash Price willbe juiid.

George Fehl,W agon-Maker,


All kinds of Wagocs made to


BEATTY'SSHSEsfdln 18j6

The best and most lasting parlor organnow in use. No other parlor organ has everattained the same popularity.

It has been tested by thousands, many ofthem competent judges, and gives universalsatisfaction to all.

The music is adapted to the human voice,ranging from the softest tlute-ltke note to avolume of sound unsurpassed by auy instru-ment.

This Instrument has all the latest Improve-ments, and cverv orrn is fully warrantedfor six years. Beautiful oil polish, black wal-nut panelled cases, which wltl not CKACKor VS ARP, and forms, in addition to a splen-did instrument o( music, a beautiful p'.eccoffurniture.

This organ needs only to be seen to be ap-preciated, and Is sold at extremely low fig-ures for cash. Second-hand instrumentstaken in exchange.

Agents wanted, male or female, in everycounty In the United States and Canada. Aliteral discount made to teachers, ministerschurches, schools, lodges, etc., where I haveno agents. Illustrated catalogue and pricelist Iree. Correspondence solicited. Agentdiscount given w here Ihave no agents. Bes 1

offer ever given now ready. Address,

DAHEI. F.,BEATTY,Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A.

READ THIS!!Achance forall to make orsave money,ANDGKTTHV. DUST GOODS IN TIIF. MARKET.

TEAS, COFFEES. &C.(sold at lower prices than the same qualitiescan bo bought at any other house in tillscountry. All goods guaranteed to be satis-factory and as represented, or the moneywill be refunded on return of tne goodswhich may be done at oar expense.

The reputation of our house for sellingstandard goods at Low Prices, (for 3dyears),has given us a standard in New York Cityand vicinity, that is not enjoyed by anyother house In the trade. After mature de-liberation we have determined to offer ourgoods todiousekeepers in the interior, at theLowest Wholesale Trade Prices, wlren aClub is formed large enough to make smallcase. The goods of each member of tlie clubwill te put in seperate packages, and mark-ed with name anil cost, so as to avoid con-fusion In distribution. Goods will tie sent byExpress to Collect on Delivery, Allwishingto save money dy purchasing family sup-plies at New York Wholesale Prices can talkthe matter over among friends and nelgh-Uirs, and sepd to us for Club Circular, Price-list., &o. We give a present of either goods,or money to the person who gets up the club,to compensate for trouble cot. Samples ofTEA & COFFEE sent by mail. Send forPrice-list, and Club Circular. 4w

Stiner's New York <te China TeaCo.,

M. H. MOSES, &CO.,Pioprietors.

77, 79, 81, 84 andSG VESEY Streot N. Y.,

IViYTFnAn old established N. Y. andAIL 1 LB Havana firm want a General

Agent in Mitlheini, to control the sales oftheir Cigars. A permanent paying positionfor an acceptable man. Must bo energeticand reliable. Address RAMON, LOPEZ &

Co., 147 Reade Street, New York.

NERVOUSDEBILITY";Vital Weakness or Depression, a weak ex-

hausted feeling, no energy or courage; theresult of Mental Over-worK, Indiscretion orExcesses, or some drain upon the system isalways cured by

Hymplirey's Homeopatliic Specific No.28.

Ittones up and Invigorates the system*dispels the gloom and desopndency, impartsstrength and energy?stops the drain andrejuvenates the entire man. Been usedtwenty years withperfect success by thous-ands. Sold by dealers. PI ice, *I.OO per sin-gle vial ; or *5.00 per package of live vialsand *2.00 vial of powder. Sent by mail on

I receipt of price. Address Humphrey's' Homoepathic Medicine Company, 502 Broad -1way, New York. 51xJ3ly.

Alcott:s Waier-fbfcl

! Awarded Centennial

The most practical, aimpie, and effective, It* soportor advantage at part? ?

gate Is universally nr.knowr lodged. Address.

C. T. AI.COTT A SON.Mfrs. of Wheels ana Mi

Machinery, MOUNT IIOLLT, N. J.manufacturing riyhts.

INSURANCE HEN! t,Vkenotice.


New England Hntcal Life Ins. Ce.The oldc.-t mutual in the country, Chartered


MAKSTON A WAKELIN. General Agents,133 South Fourth Street, Phlh.delphta.

Daniel F. Beatty's

iKyaKr^|g^^3tSßßSßSißnnAlCAUTION.? The reputation I liavc gained

, nad the celebrity of mv Grgons, have induc-ed some unprincipled panics and agentsto oopp my circulars, and misrepresent myInstrument*; against this the public atehereby cautioned. .\JI my Organs bear mytrademak, Golden Tongue, and all my Pia-nos have the word PIANO underlined,,and also have my teai?deure, DANIEL F. BKATTY, Washinton, N,J., without which none is genuine.


DANIEL F. BEATTT,Washington, X. J., U. S. A.

BEATTY'S;;Parlor Organs.Messrs. Geo. P. Roweil ft Co., <N". Y.>Ne-.i spa per Reporter


"Daniel F. Realty, the organ builder, ofWaxiilxgton, N. J., presses forward withgreatest vigor."

Prom Win. Peol.Nfagar-Falls N. Y.?Vkswial mouths nse of the decent Parlor

Organ you sent tue satisfies lue that it b or aof the best made, it has a rich tone; Itsvarious tones are most |4eaant. i mostheartily recommend vourorggus for parlorschool, cliureh or other use."

Best offer ever jiv<*. Money refumledupon return of organ and freight chargespaid brine (Daniel F. Realty) b.tU wavs itunsatisfactory, after a test trial of five da vs.Organ warranted for five war*, send forviieuded list of testimonials before buyinga pallor Organ. Address.


DANIEL F. BEATTY,TYn;liinffton, Xew Jersey, L\ M. A

Awarded the Highest Kedaf c"t~TifHß.I & HTT. ANTHONY 6 CO:501 Broadway, JVcw York,

(Opp. Metropolitan note!.)Mannfacturcrs, Importers A- Dca

lers iu

EngrariiiEs. tamos oafi Frames.STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS,Albums, Graphoscopes, Fhotographs,And kindred goods?Celebrities, Actresses,

PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALSWc are Headquarters for everything in the

way of





Each style being the best cfits class In themarket.

Catalogue of with directions for using, sent on application.

Anyenterprising man can make mouerwith a Magic Lantern.

fJ-Visitorstothe CenteMiial Expositionwill do wisely to defer purchasing good* inour line until they come to our sto.e in NewYork, where they will find greater varietyamd more moderate urires, and eau selectmore at their leisure. But we have a eon-cession to self some styles of onr pi-odsinthebuilding of ihc Department of Public Com-fort, and those not coming to New York areinvited to call on our representation ll>iw

A full stock of Views of the Expost.tion Buildings and their contents.

*3J-Cut out thD ad. forrefcrecce"¥t

W4\TF,n Ve p|vc p"ergeti®i.*.ii ijir# aucti and women

Business that will Payfrom *1 to *S per day, can !> pursued myour own neighborhood, and Is strictly lon-orahie. /Particulars free, or s.aiu pies 'worth-several dollars that w ill enable you to go Urwork at once, willbo sent on receipt of fiftycents.

Address LATHAM£ CO.,Box 2.154. 419 Washington BL, Boston, Mar.*

BEATTY'SPar^Orp^Relieving it to be BY FAR the trest Tarlor

and Orchestral Organ mannfactured. wwchallenge any nianuractiirer to equal them.The celebrated Golden Tongue Reeds iu thia*organ in conjunction with the PerfectedReed Board* produce sweet, pure and pow-erful tones. Superb-cases of new and elegantdeigns. Ministers, tcacltent, churchesschiHds, lodges. etc., should send for pricelist and discounts.

Dealers will find it to their advantage foexamine this Instrument. It has improve-ments found in n other. Corresivondeneo-SoliclUd.

Best offer ever given. Monev refundedupon return or organ aud freight charge*paid by me (Daniel F. Beatty) both wavs ifunsatisfactory, alter a test trial of five d'avsOrgan warranted for six years. Agents dis-count given everywhere I hive no agentAgents wanted. Address,

DANIEL F. BEATTY,Washington, Sew Jersey, V. . A..

&000 A Mo.".r J's AGENTS WANTED o:iour 1 HRKK GREAT *2 BOOKS..The STORY ofCHARLEY ROSS.A full account of this great Mvstery, writtenbv his Father, beats Robinson Crusoe inthrillinginterest. The Illustrated hand-bookto all religions, a Complete Account of aldenominations and sects. 300 Illustrations..Also the ladies'medical guide, by Dr. Pan-coast. 100 Illustrations. These books sell a csight. Male and l einale Agents colnnionevon them. Particulars free. Copies bv mail*2eacin John E. Potter &Co., Piiila.

PATENTS!Fee Retell. Entire Cost $55.

Patent Office l ee *35 in advance, bjJaneo-*2o within G months after patentallow-

ed. Advice and examinationfree. Patents ts<>i|.

J. VANCE LEM IS dk CO.,18-dm Washington, D. O'

set spiral studs, collar

nuttun,'hea\y plalii

wedding ring, and gects' Parisian diamondpin. The above articles sent, post-paid, for50 CTS. have been retailed lor *6. Bank-rupt. stock and must he sold. Solid MiltonGold Watches, *lOeach, forspeculative pur-poses, good timers, equal iu appearance toa *2UO genuine gold. "His reputation- forhonesty, fair dealing and liberality is uu-equaled by auy advertiser in this city."?,V?Y. l)m Book, Dec. Hi, 1876-


ville wo left tho party having somebusiness in that neighborhood.The rest of the party repaired homethe same day.

[lf our account wero not alreadytoo lenghty, we would give some un.oflicial notes. May do it in ournext. J

Mr. John Anderson and Mr.George Downing are each going tostart up a l>mj)trance Restaurant,in Bellefonte. Good move.


On the 17th Inst., in Fenn Twp., of pneu-monia, Adam Itraudt, aged Si years, 2

mouths ami 2 days."Father, thou art gone before us,And thy saintly soul Is flownWhere tears are wiped from every eye,And sorrow is unknown."

In Gregg Twp., on tho 18th Inst, MaryEllen, d aughter of Win. A. and BarbaraConfer, aged 2 years, 6 months and 30 daya.


Preaching in the Lutheran Church,Aaronsburg, next Sunday, at 2|o'clock, r. Mm by the pastor.

Rev. G. W. Rouse wiltpreach inthe M. E. Church next Sunday eve-ning.

Rev. C. F. Peininger will preachin the Evangelical church, next Sun-day morning. German.

Lodge aud Society Directory.

The Millheim Cornet Band willmeet in the Town Hall on Mondayand Thursday evenings.

Providence Grange No. 217 P. ofH,. meets in Alexander's block onthe 2nd Saturday of each month at(U P. M. and on the fourth Saturdayof each month at 1}P. M.

The Irving Literary Society meetsin the Town Hall, every Friday ev-ening.

The MillheimB. &L. Associationmeets in Town Hall, on the eveningof the second Monday of each month

MillheimCouncil No. 309, O. U.'A. M. meets every Saturday at 8o'clock, R. M.. in their CouncilRoom, Wilt's Building.

Degree Meetings will be held onTuesday on or before the full moonof each month.


Rellefonte Market.

White Wheat, per bushel new $ 2 00Red Wheat, jw?r bushel new No. 1... 2 o0Rye. per bushel new 75 |Corn ears, per bushel .V) 1Corn, shelled, per bushel 35Oats, per bushel, new 35Barley, per bushel 50Buckwheat, per busnel 50Cloverseed, per bushel (j 5Ct?7 .V)

Potatoes, |Kr bushel new 1 50Eggs, per dozen 10Lard, per pound 10Baeon?Shoulders 10

Sides 10Hams 12

SurarCured Hams joTollow, per pound f.Butter, per pound 2Rags, per pound 2Ground Plaster per ton 10,00

MlfX!inlnrr Market.

Butter * 20Kpg* 1Wheat 2 uoltye 00Corn 47Oats 32BarleyTyniothv Hay 15 00Clover Hay 12 onVeal ioHams. 10Sides loLard 12Cloverseed SOOTyimdhyseed , i 25Flaxseed 1 40

Millbclm Market.

Wheat ~. 190Corn 50Rye 30oats 30Barley 50Tvmothyseed 2 50Flaxseed 1 5nCloverseed 9 00Butter 16Hams i;>Sides 10Veal 8Eggs 10Potatoes 1 00Lard 9Tallow 7Soap 7Dried Apples 4Dried PeachesDried Cherries 6


JAMES HARRIS & CO.,7 i 1Dealers in Hardware,

No. 5. Brockerhoff How,




fe '\u25a0 b5


MComplete lino of Hardware of ulf Kinds at the i! l


M j| K" | ; Tie Celebrated Barley Sleaf Cook Store & Anclor Beater.