May 27, 2012

PENTECOST POWER Acts 1:1-8 May 27, 2012 “You shall receive power.” POWER. Now that sounds good. Strength – support – maybe we can be recognized – exert a little authority around here. Maybe this means it is finally time for the Kingdom of God to take over – time for Israel to rise up and overthrow Rome. Lord, is it now finally time for you to restore the Kingdom to Israel? No. In essence Jesus says: “No. That is not your business. It is not for you to know the seasons of time the Father has established, but you will receive power. Oh. Power. Well, maybe He means power like the Spirit of God gave to our ancestors. To Samson when the Spirit came on him and he killed thousands of Philistines – to Gideon – to Saul – to David. Lord, do you mean the Spirit is going to come on us personally and we will be able to rise up and deliver our people? No, not that kind of power. Oh, well maybe you mean personal power like power to become better people – become leaders – grow strong and wealthy – have personality development and be self-assertive. No, not that kind of power either. Well, what then? What kind of power? Power to be my witnesses. You will receive power to witness in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria and to all the earth. Oh! Power to witness – well OK. I guess that sounds good except - hummm, well, Lord, that means I am going to have to talk about my faith. You know, like tell people who You are and why I am your disciple and I’m not that great at talking. How about, maybe just power to be a good committee member? I can always use that kind of power. I can work hard on a church committee and I don’t ever have to talk to anybody about what I believe. Or, if that’s not enough, how about power to reflect You? I’m OK with that too. I’ll just be my self and do my best and folks will figure it out, but I will never have to actually say anything about you. No, our scripture says today. You will receive power – to be my witnesses. 1. But Lord, witnesses? Witnesses have to be able to report things like when you see somebody rob a store and you have to tell the police what he looked like. Now, I know you were born in Bethlehem and all that, but as for the details? A personal description? If I talk about all that, that means I’m gonna have to talk about how you came from God and how you have touched my life. I’m gonna have to talk about love and Lord, I have a hard enough time telling my own children that I love them, much less talking to the guy across the street. Can’t I just pass out a pamphlet or something and talk about the weather? Jesus looks at us. You will receive power to witness. And I will be with you. (Matthew 28:29)


FCC Sermon

Transcript of May 27, 2012

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May 27, 2012 “You shall receive power.” POWER. Now that sounds good. Strength – support – maybe we can be recognized – exert a little authority around here. Maybe this means it is finally time for the Kingdom of God to take over – time for Israel to rise up and overthrow Rome. Lord, is it now finally time for you to restore the Kingdom to Israel?

No. In essence Jesus says: “No. That is not your business. It is not for you to know the seasons of time the Father has established, but you will receive power.

Oh. Power. Well, maybe He means power like the Spirit of God gave to our ancestors. To Samson when the Spirit came on him and he killed thousands of Philistines – to Gideon – to Saul – to David. Lord, do you mean the Spirit is going to come on us personally and we will be able to rise up and deliver our people?

No, not that kind of power. Oh, well maybe you mean personal power like power to become better people – become leaders – grow strong and wealthy – have personality development and be self-assertive.

No, not that kind of power either. Well, what then? What kind of power?

Power to be my witnesses. You will receive power to witness in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria and to all the earth.

Oh! Power to witness – well OK. I guess that sounds good except - hummm, well, Lord, that means I am going to have to talk about my faith. You know, like tell people who You are and why I am your disciple and I’m not that great at talking. How about, maybe just power to be a good committee member? I can always use that kind of power. I can work hard on a church committee and I don’t ever have to talk to anybody about what I believe. Or, if that’s not enough, how about power to reflect You? I’m OK with that too. I’ll just be my self and do my best and folks will figure it out, but I will never have to actually say anything about you.

No, our scripture says today. You will receive power – to be my witnesses.

1. But Lord, witnesses? Witnesses have to be able to report things like when you see somebody rob a store and you have to tell the police what he looked like. Now, I know you were born in Bethlehem and all that, but as for the details? A personal description? If I talk about all that, that means I’m gonna have to talk about how you came from God and how you have touched my life. I’m gonna have to talk about love and Lord, I have a hard enough time telling my own children that I love them, much less talking to the guy across the street. Can’t I just pass out a pamphlet or something and talk about the weather?

Jesus looks at us. You will receive power to witness. And I will be with you. (Matthew 28:29)

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2. But Lord. A witness? A witness has to testify to people – like on a witness stand in court with a

lawyer trying to confuse and embarrass you. What if I get confused? What if people make fun of me for being different? Can’t I just go along with the crowd – do what everybody else is doing – and read my Bible at home in the privacy of my house?

Jesus continues to look at us. You will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake. Do

not be anxious about what you are to say. The words will be given to you for it is the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. (Matthew 10:18-19)

You will receive power.

3. But Lord – a witness? A witness has to stand up for what is right when you see something and you know it’s wrong. A witness has to testify that it is wrong like Paul when he helped that slave girl and you know what they did to him. Bout beat him to death. I don’t like to get involved. People will think I’m a troublemaker. I don’t like to stick my neck out – be the one asking questions at the Town council meeting. People just want to go home anyway – get a drink and turn on the TV. I don’t want to be a witness!.

Jesus answers again: If you love me you will keep my commandments and the Father will send the Spirit of Truth. The world won’t recognize the Spirit, but you will know the Spirit because the Spirit will live in you. (John 14:15-17) And you will receive power to be witnesses.

You will receive power to be my witnesses. Ok, Lord, if this is the way it has to be, please send the power because we’re for sure going to need it. There are a lot of people in Jerusalem. This is gonna be tough.

And you shall be my witnesses in Judea. Oh, Judea too? Well, that’s a pretty big territory but we should be able to do it. I’ve got some friends over in Judea. We all speak the same language and we should be OK.

And you shall be my witnesses in Samaria. Samaria? But, Lord, there are different religions in Samaria. They worship the God of Abraham and Isaac, but not like we do. They talk funny. They have different political views and they only have half of the Bible. Are you sure you mean go and talk to the people in Samaria?

And to the ends of the earth. The ends of the earth? You mean Gentiles? Pagans? We’re supposed to witness to Gentiles and pagans? Hold up just a minute. Think this thing through. If we start letting just anybody and everybody in here, things could get pretty hairy around here. Those folks are different from us. They’re a different color. They don’t speak Hebrew. We don’t even eat the same food. I’m telling you this could be really bad for the church. People might start leaving us because they don’t want to associate with them. I don’t know how we can do it. We’re just a small church.

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You will receive power.

Power? Well I hope so because the Chair of the Board just reported Phillip baptized an Ethiopian Eunuch. You know what a eunuch is. Right? Sexually, umm deviant? This is not going to go over well at the Regional Assembly. And plus, they say Peter baptized a Gentile and he didn’t circumcise him first. I’m just afraid for your church, Lord. I’m afraid this will destroy us – prevent us from being able to – well – witness.

No. When the Spirit comes? You will receive power. Power from on high to

be my witnesses. Power to witness from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria to

the ends of the earth. Power – Power that will allow you to move forward. Power to speak.

Power to love.

Power to overcome differences.

Power to be my church.

Power to be my people. Thanks be to God today for Pentecost Power