May 24 2020 The Ascension of the Lord Congregation of Appleton€¦ · 05/05/2020  · Friday, Mass...

1617 W. Pine Street | Appleton, WI 54914 | 920.739.0331 Welcome and inspire all to share Christ’s love through faith and service. St. Bernard Congregation of Appleton The Ascension of the Lord May 24 2020 PRIEST: Father Jude Egbuna ACTIVE DEACON: Mike Eash RETIRED DEACONS: Don Nass Maury Reed Bob Vincent CONNECT: WEBPAGE FACEBOOK stbernardappleton/ EMAIL [email protected] MASS TIMES Mass will be live streamed Sundays 10:00 am Thursdays 8:00 am Beginning June 2, Tuesday- Friday, Mass will resume in Church, 8:00 am (8 person limit) RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00 pm All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Mt 28,18b-19

Transcript of May 24 2020 The Ascension of the Lord Congregation of Appleton€¦ · 05/05/2020  · Friday, Mass...

Page 1: May 24 2020 The Ascension of the Lord Congregation of Appleton€¦ · 05/05/2020  · Friday, Mass will resume in Church, 8:00 am (8 person limit) RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00 pm

1617 W. Pine Street | Appleton, WI 54914 | 920.739.0331

Welcome and inspire all to share Christ’s love

through faith and service.

St. Bernard Congregation of Appleton

The Ascension of the Lord

May 24 2020

PRIEST: Father Jude Egbuna


RETIRED DEACONS: Don Nass Maury Reed Bob Vincent




EMAIL [email protected]


Mass will be live streamed Sundays 10:00 am Thursdays 8:00 am Beginning June 2, Tuesday-Friday, Mass will resume in Church, 8:00 am (8 person limit)

RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00 pm

“All power in heaven and

on earth has been given to me.

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all

nations, baptizing them in the name of

the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.”

Mt 28,18b-19

Page 2: May 24 2020 The Ascension of the Lord Congregation of Appleton€¦ · 05/05/2020  · Friday, Mass will resume in Church, 8:00 am (8 person limit) RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00 pm

TO OUR PARISHIONERS FROM FATHER JUDE Greetings my friends in Christ, Over the last few months, many parishioners, due to the pandemic, have been participating in Mass through social media. Whoever thought this would be the norm for so many? Our 10:00 am Mass has had over 100 people participating on a given Sunday. Unfortunately it has not been possible to receive Holy Communion. During the livestream Mass we are all called to unite spiritually by making a “spiritual communion.” This is what brings us to-gether. GOOD NEWS! Bishop David Ricken has given permission for the “Distribution of Holy Communion” outside the Mass. What does that mean to the community of St. Bernard? Under the guidelines provided by the Diocese of Green Bay, we will be celebrating the Distribution of Communion outside Mass on Sunday after our livestreamed 10:00 am Mass beginning May 31. As we move gradually to making this possible, we will be providing you with some specifics. Let’s start: Specifics: • No Catholic is required to receive Holy Communion during the pandemic. It is your choice. • Those 65 or above and those with compromised immunity are encouraged to stay home. • In Christian charity, anyone with a fever, cough, or flu like symptoms should remain at home. • Prior to receiving Holy Communion, communicants are strongly encouraged to watch an online Mass, listen to

a radio Mass, or read the Scripture readings for that Sunday as a preparation to receive Communion. • Masks will be required. If you have a mask, please bring it. Otherwise a mask will be provided.

Because we care so much about your welfare, the reverence of Eucharist, and desire to do what is best for the parish, there will be a scripted process. This process is meant to keep people safe and mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. It is important that those participating carefully follow the guidelines. It is important that this reception of Jesus’ Precious Body be closely connected to the praying of the Mass. It’s about satisfying the deep hunger to be connected to the Lord and nurturing our relationship with Jesus.

Distribution of Holy Communion Outside Mass at St. Bernard-11:30 am to 1:00 pm

• There will be two locations in the Church for the prayer service and to receive communion (based on time slots and last name) • Eight individuals will be allowed in each location at a time • Individuals will be directed to the correct parking lot based on last name • There will be one entrance door and one exit door for each location • Low Gluten Hosts:

If you are in need of low gluten consecrated host, please call our Parish Office at 739-0331 by the Friday before you plan on attending.

• We ask that you park in the lot based on your last name and that you arrive on time.

11:30 to 12:15-Last name from A to G Front Parking Lot 11:30 to 12:15-Last name from H to N Back Parking Lot 12:15 to 1:00-Last name from O to T Front Parking Lot

12:15 to 1:00-Last name from U to Z Back Parking Lot

DETAILS UPON ARRIVING • Make sure you are in the correct parking lot • Follow the signs to check-in and maintain 6-feet social distancing. Signs will be on the posted.

Upon check-in • your temperature will be taken; • then we will ask you to put a mask on and sanitize your hands, before moving to the correct location for the

brief prayer service and communion.

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PRAYER SERVICE WITH COMMUNION There will be a 5 minute prayer service and receiving of Holy Communion. After you receive Holy Communion, please sanitize your hands and exit using exit only doors

As we prepare for this exciting time, we ask for your cooperation and patience. Jesus surely will be present to those who come. Blessings,

Fr. Jude

DAILY MASS LIVE AT CHURCH Tuesday through Friday at 8:00 am

• Beginning on Tuesday, June 2 • Social distancing will be in place • No more than 8 people in attendance • Call our Parish Office at 920-739-0331 in advance if you wish to attend Mass.


• Tuesday through Friday • 9:00 am to 12:00 noon • No more than 10 people in Church at the

same time

Family Ties It is hard to believe in this day and age, but I actually grew up knowing all of my grandparents and four of my great grandparents! Not just them being alive, but actually knowing them! It was only a few years ago that my last remaining grandparent passed away…my mom’s mom. As the oldest grandchild, I was asked to read her obituary at her funeral. I did really well until I got to the part that talked about her love of flowers. Instantly, a flood of memories came to mind and I got so emotional that it took me a couple of minutes to recover. I think some of it was the realization that I had to say goodbye not only to my grandma, but to an entire generation of my family. I have such great memories of my grandma even now, I still smell the tea brewing and the jar of homemade oatmeal cookies being opened. Good days and simpler times.

Today, we celebrate the feast of the Ascension. The time when Jesus is taken up to heaven and his followers are instructed that they are the ones who have to carry out his message and his mission. Even though Jesus is able to explain his departure in more detail than the first time, I am sure that some of the disciples were still not ready to see Jesus ascend to his father. Not just for the fact that they would not see him again, but also coming to the realization that they would be on their own and were the ones who would be in charge of the mission.

I think that there may be many of us who may be feeling that way about the times we are living now. We used to go about our lives taking so many things for granted like going to the store, going out to eat at a restaurant, or most importantly, coming to Mass. We have had to come to the realization that the church is not just the physical building where we meet, but that the church is us. Maybe more specifically, the church is you! And although we may not really want to take on that responsibility (just like the disciples) we have Jesus’ promise to us just as he promised them; I am with you always, until the end of the age. I pray that when we are able to come back together as a church family that we find that many of our members have “grown up” and are ready to take their rightful place in the church. Some speculate that this pandemic will change our lives forever…maybe so…time will tell. But if we rise to the occasion the world will never be in lack of the love of Jesus regardless of what happens in the coming months and years!

Can I move up from the kid’s table now? Deacon Mike

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Bookkeeper Barb Hoffman

Bulletin Editor Lisa Hecht

Business Administrator Dr. Colleen Sargent-Day

Care Ministry Coordinator Cathy Kulibert

Coordinator of Liturgy and Music Sherry Zwicky

Directory of Communication, A/V Tech. Rhonda Uschan

Evangelization Coordinator Emily Jenks

Faith Formation Coordinator Deb Holzem

Maintenance Supervisor Jim Piette

Office Manager Edna Ulrich


You are the Church of the Home...We are here to help!

• Mass will be lived streamed on Sundays 10:00 am.

To access the live stream Mass, go to

• The live Masses are available on Facebook. You do not need to have your own Facebook page. A video recording is also on St. Bernard Parish Appleton YouTube page

• Rosary with Father Jude on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm on Facebook. You can join Father Jude at

• Just want to talk! Isolation can be hard, so if you need someone to talk to and who has a good listening ear, come and see Deacon Mike. He will be available for one-on-one listening sessions in our Parish Lounge on Fridays, 6:00 pm-7:00 pm.

Please use the door near the carport. Please maintain correct social distance. There are chairs in our Narthex for you as you wait to visit with Deacon Mike.

• “Mary Challenge”-when you see something that reminds you of Mary...stop, pray and take a picture! Share your picture on social Media using #hailmarychallenge or email pictures to [email protected]

• Virtual Mom Meet-up: every Friday, 7:30 am-8:00 am on Zoom. Email Emily for zoom link [email protected]

• Monday Message: every Monday at 4:00 pm. A different “Messenger” every Monday

• Outdoor Eucharistic Adoration-Saturdays (weather permitting) 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm in our back parking lot. Eucharistic Blessing-5:00 pm. Please remain in your car or stand by your car. This is a beautiful experience.

• Ask the Priest-Do you have a question for Father Jude? Now is the time to ask him the one question or two questions you have for him. Join Father Jude on Thursday, 4:00 pm on Facebook. Send questions to

[email protected]

• Reconciliation in our Parish Lounge-Saturdays, 3:00 pm-4:00 pm Wait in the Narthex, use carport entrance, 10 people to wait at a time.


There are a set of videos in a program called Pass It On. As parents we wish to pass many lessons on to our children. In Season 1; Episode 11 you will hear from Tami Kiser, speaker, author, teacher and mother. She produces video programs for parishes and runs retreats for women, men, couple and families. With anxiety and depression running rampant among young adults, one essential element to pass on to our children is trust in God. Often the best way to help our children, is to model the example of what we are wishing to see in them. If children can learn to rely on God, then everything else will fall into place. Seeing mom and dad having certainty in Christ and their relationship with Christ growing, children seeing that trust can teach them to learn into that relationship as well. Ms. Kiser shares practical ways for the entire family to remember how to rest in the fact that “God is in control.” Submitted weekly by a St. Bernard Parishioner

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Weekly Giving 5/22/2020

Wk 46 Fiscal YTD Total

Env. $23,667 YTD Actual Env. $647,961

Budget Env. $16,538 YTD Budget Env. $760,769

Env. Over/(Under) ($112,808)

Loose YTD Loose $ 23,092

Budget Loose $ 712 YTD Budget Loose $ 32,731

Loose Over/(Under) ($ 9,639)



$ 37,843

St. Bernard Parish Bishop’s Appeal Goal $52,268

Gifts $51,436

Balance $ 832



“Special Thanks to E-Givers” St. Bernard Parish would like to thank the families who are currently giving electronically. Each month our Parish receives a steady and predictable stream of income from those donors who have made the commitment to give to God first by having a designated contribution automatically transferred to our Parish through our Online Giving Program. If you would like a link to WE Share please go to our website at

Thank you for continuing to support our parish financially, as you are able. Sunday offerings are by far the largest portion of our financial support to St. Bernard Parish. We encourage you to give online or

by mailing your Giving Envelope to our Parish Office (1617 West Pine Street, Appleton. WI 54914).

Weekly SCRIP Sales

Sold $5,650 Cost $5,413 Rebate $ 237

Scrip is available in our Parish Office. Please call ahead at 739-0331. Scrip is available after Adoration on Saturdays, 5:00 pm at the carport entrance.

St. Joe’s Food Pantry Our Parish is collecting food items and monetary donations thru the month of May. Donations are being collected in our Narthex or by the carport, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11:00 am-1:00 pm or Saturday, 4:30 pm. Monetary donations can be dropped off in our Parish Office or the chute by the coat rack. (Checks payable to St. Joseph’s Food Pantry) All donations are greatly appreciated and will help many in our Community.

St. Joe’s Food Collection