May 2020 Newsletter

L'NU SIPUK KINA'MUOKUOM Principal's Message... Ms. Kelly Oliver This current COVID-19 pandemic is history in the making. We will always remember these times. Remember when my parents were my new teacher. Remember when we stayed at home together for weeks. Remember when we only saw our friends on video. Remember when we couldn't go to school. Nova Scotia has announced School closures in Nova Scotia will be extended to May 19th and will be reassessed at that time. Take note that all students on track to passing will continue to pass. Students that are not on track to passing have been notified and it has been stated in their report cards there were distributed on Monday, April 20th. All learning accomplished will prepare students for their future learning and result in less struggles in the future. Everyone at LSK misses their students. We miss seeing their faces, hearing their excitement, stories and laughs. I am most grateful to be able to see our students faces and their excitement to see their teachers and peers through video meetings. To see the joy and excitement in their faces make these difficult times more pleasurable. We understand that these times are also difficult for parents and our youth. There is no right or wrong way to encourage your childr/ren to continue their learning journeys. Our staff are working diligently to assist our parents and students and to provide engaging learning activities. If completing all of the work assignments is too much at this time, keep in mind that one activity is progress towards learning new strategies and skills to prepare your child for their future learning opportunities. Working with your child on learning activities strengthens your relationship bond, provides for communication and spreads the message that education, strengthening skills, is important for their life long journey. As a parent, you may be overwhelmed by the Covid Closures and all of the resources and tips you are getting on Social Media. Mental health should be a priority for successful learning to be accomplished. Here are some tips to help to create positive learning and to be successful at home: Always make learning positive and enjoyable - As teachers we use a "sandwich" approach to encourage the development of skills. The sandwich approach is to begin by recognizing something students are doing well, then to provide a suggestion and end with something positive for encouragement to continue. The opportunity to work with your child/ren on learning activities will provide you the chance to strengthen the bond you have with your child/ren. Children will enjoy the extra attention and support you can provide. You are also demonstrating that learning everyday is important for continuous self improvement. Set up a learning space - It can be difficult to work from home. Some ways to help you be successful is to set a dedicated workspace in your home away from distractions. This can be your kitchen table or somewhere else that you feel suits your family best. Set a schedule for learning time. If that schedule does not work, be flexible and change it to best suit you. This could be a scheduled morning time and afternoon time, or all at once. Depending on the age of your child/ren, as a family you can create the scheduled learning together that best works for all. When you are going through big changes, it's helpful to stick to your normal routine. Do your homework every day, get some fresh air and exercise, and have regular mealtimes and bedtimes. These can benefit you and your child/ren. Children work well for rewards. Depending on the age of a student, they may not always see the lifelong benefits of learning new strategies and skills. Create a reward approach that works best for your family. Rewards do not have to be material items or require money. Rewards could be use of technology, having their favourite meal or spending quality time with parents. Together, you could develop a list of rewards they prefer. Less is More - During these difficult times, do not feel that you have to complete all of the suggested learning activities. Each learning activity you attempt is an accomplishment for your child. Teaching your child to positively express their feelings and performing life skills is also an accomplishment to prepare your child for their life journey. Reading, cooking, measuring items around the house, counting, finding patterns, reading a clock, are just some life skills that will prepare your child. All learning activities accomplished will result in less struggles for the next school year. Use Siblings to your advantage - Be honest with your older children. They are a great age to be able to understand others feelings and empathize with them. Say, " I am trying my best, but I'm feeling overwhelmed. I feel you would be great at helping me with _______." Asking for older siblings to help with learning will also help them to develop leadership skills. Sometimes a different persons approach can result in more success. Children's worlds have been flipped upside down, as has yours. Hug them tighter after the tantrum and be sure to take time to thank and forgive yourself. You are doing your best as a parent. Remember to take a deep breath and everyday work toward progress, not perfection. You got this! We are always here to help and support you in any way, even if you just need to vent. Stay safe, mentally and physically. May 2020 Newsletter

Transcript of May 2020 Newsletter


Principal's Message...Ms. Kelly Oliver

This current COVID-19 pandemic is history in the making. We will always remember these times. Remember when my parents were my new teacher. Remember when we stayed at home together for weeks. Remember when we only saw our friends on video. Remember when we couldn't go to school.  Nova Scotia has announced School closures in Nova Scotia will be extended to May 19th and will be reassessed at that time. Take note that all students on track to passing will continue to pass. Students that are not on track to passing have been notified and it has been stated in their report cards there were distributed on Monday, April 20th. All learning accomplished will prepare students for their future learning and result in less struggles in the future.  Everyone at LSK misses their students. We miss seeing their faces, hearing their excitement, stories and laughs. I am most grateful to be able to see our students faces and their excitement to see their teachers and peers through video meetings. To see the joy and excitement in their faces make these difficult times more pleasurable.  We understand that these times are also difficult for parents and our youth. There is no right or wrong way to encourage your childr/ren to continue their learning journeys. Our staff are working diligently to assist our parents and students and to provide engaging learning activities. If completing all of the work assignments is too much at this time, keep in mind that one activity is progress towards learning new strategies and skills to prepare your child for their future learning opportunities. Working with your child on learning activities strengthens your relationship bond, provides for communication and spreads the message that education, strengthening skills, is important for their life long journey.  As a parent, you may be overwhelmed by the Covid Closures and all of the resources and tips you are getting on Social Media. Mental health should be a priority for successful learning to be accomplished. Here are some tips to help to create positive learning and to be successful at home:

Always make learning positive and enjoyable - As teachers we use a "sandwich" approach to encourage the development of skills. The sandwich approach is to begin by recognizing something students are doing well, then to provide a suggestion and end with something positive for encouragement to continue. The opportunity to work with your child/ren on learning activities will provide you the chance to strengthen the bond you have with your child/ren. Children will enjoy the extra attention and support you can provide. You are also demonstrating that learning everyday is important for continuous self improvement.  Set up a learning space - It can be difficult to work from home. Some ways to help you be successful is to set a dedicated workspace in your home away from distractions. This can be your kitchen table or somewhere else that you feel suits your family best.  Set a schedule for learning time. If that schedule does not work, be flexible and change it to best suit you. This could be a scheduled morning time and afternoon time, or all at once. Depending on the age of your child/ren, as a family you can create the scheduled learning together that best works for all. When you are going through big changes, it's helpful to stick to your normal routine. Do your homework every day, get some fresh air and exercise, and have regular mealtimes and bedtimes. These can benefit you and your child/ren.  Children work well for rewards. Depending on the age of a student, they may not always see the lifelong benefits of learning new strategies and skills. Create a reward approach that works best for your family. Rewards do not have to be material items or require money. Rewards could be use of technology, having their favourite meal or spending quality time with parents. Together, you could develop a list of rewards they prefer.  Less is More - During these difficult times, do not feel that you have to complete all of the suggested learning activities. Each learning activity you attempt is an accomplishment for your child. Teaching your child to positively express their feelings and performing life skills is also an accomplishment to prepare your child for their life journey. Reading, cooking, measuring items around the house, counting, finding patterns, reading a clock, are just some life skills that will prepare your child. All learning activities accomplished will result in less struggles for the next school year.  Use Siblings to your advantage - Be honest with your older children. They are a great age to be able to understand others feelings and empathize with them. Say, " I am trying my best, but I'm feeling overwhelmed. I feel you would be great at helping me with _______." Asking for older siblings to help with learning will also help them to develop leadership skills. Sometimes a different persons approach can result in more success.  Children's worlds have been flipped upside down, as has yours. Hug them tighter after the tantrum and be sure to take time to thank and forgive yourself. You are doing your best as a parent. Remember to take a deep breath and everyday work toward progress, not perfection. You got this! We are always here to help and support you in any way, even if you just need to vent.  Stay safe, mentally and physically.

May 2020 Newsletter

UPCOMING EVENTS...10 – Mother’s Day18 – Victoria Day

Library...Mrs. Sharon Culbertson

I hope all are well and coping with our current situation. It has been a struggle to keep busy, but luckily I have been able to keep our website updated with all the outcomes and weekly activities. The big thing that I miss the most about begin away from school are all my morning hugs and smiles. Can’t wait to see everyone!!!

Next, I want to wish all the special ladies in our lives a very Happy Mother’s Day!! I hope your family spoils you on this special day. I look forward to having my little family cook me breakfast. Besides someone cooking for me, I also enjoy receiving homemade cards, especially ones that have lots and lots of drawings and bright colours. I know there are many of our students who love to draw and many who enjoying colouring.

Finally, don’t forget to talk and listen to each other. Everyone has something to say and now would be an excellent time to share how you are feeling. Stay home and stay safe.

High School Resource...Ms. Meredith Conrad


I hope all students and families of LSK are doing well at this time. I want to say thank you to all of my students in English 10 IEP for trying to follow along with our Google Classroom page as much as possible. We have begun our class novel study of "Touching Spirit Bear". I encourage my students to try to listen to 2 or 3 chapters per week.

"Everything negative, the pressure and challenges are all just an opportunity for me to RISE"- Kobe Bryant

Take care everyone, hope to see you soon.


Grade Nine...Mr. Steve DeLisle

Hello LSK students and parents!

Firstly, I hope that everyone is feeling safe and healthy during this unprecedented time in our modern history. It has been a challenge for everyone. Even though the school has been on lockdown there has still been a good amount of learning taking place through Google Classroom: the grade seven students have been working on adding and subtracting fractions; the grade eight students have been working on algebra and patterns; and the grade nine students are continuing work on polynomials.

I’m looking forward to seeing all my students in school as soon as it is safe to do so. Until then, be safe, be kind, and be well.

Elementary Resource...Ms. Leslie Paul


I am missing all my students! I am looking forward to when we can return to school and see each other again. I hope everyone has a Happy Mother’s Day and that we all get to enjoy some warmer spring weather soon! Please stay safe, wash your hands and enjoy some fun educational activities at this time with your family.

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” – Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to elementary resource support, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

Wela’lin/Thank you,Ms. Leslie Paul

Elementary Learning Centre...Ms. Mary Davies

Elementary Mi'kmaq Language...Ms. Tania Gould

Kwe. Hi! How is everyone holding up? I am doing my best to be okay. These are hard times and we have to listen. Staying home and keeping 6 feet apart is a good way to start. I keep adding videos and clips on the web site for everyone to enjoy. Stay safe and stay home. All this will pass. Keep trying to say the mi'kmaw words as much as possible, even one word a day. I miss everyone and please listen to your parents and guardians. Welian,Tania Gould

Grade Two...Mr. Tyler Schussler

Due to the challenging times schools have had to evolve and adapt to provide students with the education they deserve. This evolution has displaced in class learning with at home learning which has resulted in students and teachers prioritizing online learning. The province has recommended that elementary teachers provide students with 30 minutes of math and literacy a day.

For literacy the grade 2 students have focused on crucial components of literacy that include reading, word work and writing. Students were asked to explore a variety of texts that will help them build on information they’ve already learned in class. Epic and Raz-kids are a couple of online resources that were provided to students to help them maintain and practice their reading abilities. Focus was also put on writing as students were asked to complete writing/journal entries that included their daily activities or themes like Earth Day. Students were also asked to work on words such as nouns and verbs to reinforce their knowledge of context within a sentence. Literacy is an essential part of an education, which is why we’ve prioritized it during these challenging times.

Math has also been made a priority. The grade 2 students focused on measurement during the month of April. Students were asked to measure things around the house as well as things outside the house. To complete these measurements, students were asked to use non-standard units such as, pens, spoons, popsicle sticks or blocks. Students used these non-standard units to measure length, width and height. Once a measurement was completed students were to order their measurements from smallest to bigger to biggest and vice versa. Hopefully these activities helped grade 2 students become familiar with some of the vocabulary and functions that are related to measurement. These are no doubt challenging times but with the focus that has been placed on literacy and mathematics our students should have no problem hitting the ground running when schools return to normality.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

....Franklin D. Roosevelt

Grade Eight...Mr. Robert MacIntosh

Everyone goes through hard times and handles the situation differently. People cope in different ways but that is what makes us who we are. Some situations may be more hard than others, but that does not take away from the fact that you are going through a hard time. Whether you are the one going through the tough situation or the supporter of those going through the tough situation, this letter applies to you.

Here are some reminders to never forget while dealing with a hard circumstance. Do not forget to take care of yourself. Some people are too busy thinking about how to support their friend or family member that they lose focus on themselves. Make sure to stay up on your own schedule to ensure that you are okay too. Also, do not forget about all the people who are there to love, support, and help you. If you need help coping with anything, make sure to reach out for it because your family and friends are willing to do anything to help you. It will also help you take some stress away from you to put responsibility on other people instead of trying to take it all on yourself. Just remember, do not forget to take care of yourself and know that people will always be there supporting you.

It is easier to say than to believe, but everything

always gets better. Try to think more positively about the situation rather than to get caught up in the moment thinking that nothing will ever get better. It is a hard concept to fully believe but it will pay off in the end. There are always ways to handle the situation in a positive aspect. Positive thinking is not just a mindset, it will make a difference in the way you act, think, and help others. It is a huge factor to be a supporter or to go through a difficult time. When in doubt, just think on the bright side and remember the show must go on.

Weekly assignments have been posted for April and are as follows.Social Studies 71 Conflict2 Conflict and Peace3 Centralization4 Non Violence

Social Studies 81 Conflict2 Global Conflict3 The Cold War4 Media and Violence

Citizenship 91 Economic island2 Budgeting3 Money Matters4 Financial Planning5 Credit

Stay safe and stay strong! Mr. Mac.

Grade Four...Ms. Tabetha Stephens

I hope everyone is doing well. The grade 4s are adapting to homeschooling. They are learning lots of technology skills. They are working on many skills through some of the educational websites like  Prodigy, Epic, Raz-Kids, Khan Academy, Essential Skills and IXL. The grades 4 are expected to work one hour daily. Thirty minutes each for English language Arts and Math.  

Shout outs to Keon and Peyton for having the highest amount of books read on Epic with a 108. Way to go guys keep up the great work!

Grade Seven...Ms. Erika Hilchey

Hello everyone! We are weeks into our digital learning and after some tweaks I think we finally have it! Between uploading assignments, group and individual video chats and phone calls, I think I've made contact with almost every student in grades 7-9. We finished up or Novel studies and moved onto some work about current events and specifically Covid 19. I received some great writing pieces about what students have been doing, how they are spending their time, and what they think about digital learning. Many of the students have said they miss the classroom – and so do I! I hope everyone is staying safe and looking forward to when we can see each other in person again. Feel free to reach out for help with assignments or just to chat!

Ms. Hilchey

Teacher Message for High School Students MayELA 11 & 10

Hello my wonderful students!! I hope everyone is safe, healthy, and finding some things

Grade Twelve...Mrs. Nikki Maloney

Teacher Message for High School Students MayELA 11 & 10

Hello my wonderful students!! I hope everyone is safe, healthy, and finding some things to do to pass your time. I wanted to touch base with you all to let you know that, I too am missing you all, our typical routine, and the ability to check in with you in a classroom setting. As many of you know, we were given an update from Premier McNeil on April 28, 2020, that has extended the closure of schools until May 18th, 2020. I have not been given any new information on what this means for graduation activities / expectations. I am unsure as of now if we will be back together for June or working online for the rest of the school year. As soon as I receive any new information, I will let you know. They will have to make an official decision by May 18th I would think!

For now, ELA 11 & 10 students please continue to set aside time each day / week to go through to see if you have assignments that are not passed in. If you click on the little person icon, (see pic below) you can see the whole course, what assignments we have had in each category and what your marks are for each one. Please take some time to go through this, and also to check the assignments posted to see if you did not turn in any. If you have work outstanding, please complete it and pass it in.

For my graduates, my hearts go out to you. It frustrates me that we have no new information from the province. From my end I am planning and prepping for what I know I can still give you, regardless if it is in a graduation ceremony or if it is a scheduled pick up situation. I am working at trying to give you as much as I am allowed, while following the mandates by the health authority in our province, that you would typically receive on your graduation day. I am also working on a plan for alternatives means to ensure you receive graduation photos.

Please let me know, if you have any questions for me, Email- [email protected]. I will be in contact with you all again soon!

Please, stay safe everyone xoxo

1. Go to On a class card, click Your Work.

Physical Education...Mr. Gordon Pictou

It seems like we have all been cooped up in the house for so long now but I hope everyone is still finding ways to be active. Even standing up for 5 minutes out of every 20 when playing video games makes a huge difference in combatting sedentary behaviors and the many problems associated with it!


Take some dance breaks, help do some yardwork, walk a dog, garden, practice an instrument, sing, get a sibling and try doing some excercise videos together, or bake. There are lots of things you can do to be moving around your home and the more you move the better you will feel!

The PAL 11 class has a number of small assignments still outstanding from April on google classroom. In May we are learning about advertising and messaging around health products. 

I am not enforcing deadlines on google classroom so if you owe assignments you can still get full credit if you submit the work. If you want to improve work I already graded I will accept that too. I know it is challenging to keep up online and want to be as flexible and understanding as I can be. Students are encouraged and welcome to reach out to me by email, fb or google classroom if there is anything I can do to help you be more successful in these trying times! 

Grade Five/Six...Ms. Helena Sack

Hi Students, Parents, and Staff!

I hope everyone is staying safe. I know this is a confusing and scary time but we are all in this together. We are bigger and better than this virus and we're going to beat it!

I post the work for the week on the grade 5 and 6 Google Classrooms on Sunday's. It is usually a mix-up of work to be completed on an app and work to be completed on google docs and shared with me.

I miss everyone and can't wait to see you guys again *heart*.

Love,Ms. Helena

Grade Three...Ms. Ambrah MacNeil

Hello All, 

I was so happy when Mrs. Culbertson requested newsletter submissions from us staff. I thought to myself, yay, something different but familiar to do from school. 

I hope that everyone is doing ok. These are some hard times we are all going through. We are all going through different experiences but everyone is supporting one another which is key. I am really missing my students and colleagues. And I am not just saying that because all I do is cool and clean up after Réal and Rory all day


. I really truly mean it. What I am loving, though, is being in constant contact with so many of my students’ parents and also with my students. A couple have even added me to kids messenger which is a great way to communicate (kids, feel free to add me) and some text me from their parents phones. I love getting photos of any work you’ve done or anything you’re up to. Keep them coming. 

Please know that I am always here if you need any help logging in to a site or if you have any questions about assignments posted in the weekly activities. Those can be found in parent/guardian emails directly from me each week or on the LSK teacher page on the school website. Keep logging in, keep being engaged, help each other out and be kind and safe. 

Over and Out

High School Mi'kmaq Language...Mr. Greg Marr

Month of the Year: May – Etqulijuiku’s (Frog Croaking Time)

Theme: May Flowers, Picking Fiddleheads, Bass Fishing Time

Dear Students,

Usually during this time of the year, we hear the frogs croaking (Etqulijuiku’s), the birds singing and Ji’kaw (Bass) are just leaving Grand Lake and making their way up the Shubenacadie and Stewiacke Waterways. These rivers are the spawning grounds for the sea bass.

Around this time of the year, we are busy preparing our fishing rods, ordering sea worms, connecting with various organizations to plan for our yearly Outdoor Education Activity “Sea Bass Fishing.” But due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and the shutdown of LSK, our school may not be able to participate in this activity. Furthermore, we may not be able to participate in the activities planned for picking Mayflowers and Fiddleheads. However, on a positive note, someone in your home may have some knowledge or stories about picking Mayflowers and Fiddleheads. If you know someone in your family that knows how and where to pick Mayflowers or Fiddleheads, I encourage you to reach out to them for guidance.

In the meantime, our school will continue reaching out to you through online lessons. The planning day for Mi’kmaq language will be on Friday’s. I will have a new lesson planned for you to complete work and email, or fill in on Google Docs. We will also be planning a Google hangout where students can come join us and share your stories and activities.

Please do take the time to complete your online work and connect with us on the scheduled Google Hangout. I look forward to connecting with you all.

Greg Marr

Early Elementary Intervention... Ms. Angela Maloney

Hi All, I hope everyone is staying safe and is doing well during this difficult time.  I hope that we will all get to see each other real soon.  It has a been a bit of time that we have been working in your reading and writing groups. Remember to read every day for 10 minutes. I'm posting so helpful hints for parents and Guardians, to use when reading with their children. Family Literacy Tips:

1 Ask your child questions about the story you're reading to ensure comprehension.2 Book family time to read with your children every day.3 Create a special reading place in your home, with your child's favorite books within reach.

Here are some general tips on improving literacy skills: 1. Read. As much as you can. ...2. Keep notes. Whenever you find interesting words that are used in order to describe something more easily, write them down somewhere (have a notebook just for new words). ...3. Write. New words, lists, stories, 1-2 sentences, etc.4. Get interested in new things.

Grade One...Ms. Leanne Foster

Well, it had definitely been the most difficult school year I have ever experienced since I started teaching in 1997. The children have now been off over a month. It has been challenging times for us all. Grade 1 has a Seesaw account where the majority of our assignments are posted and completed. I am really happy to see that seven students have managed to log on to the site and a few children have completed quite a lot of assignments. I am very pleased to see the work, videos and voice recordings. I excitedly check Seesaw daily to see what my students have completed for me. The other main site we are using is the Reading A-Z kids or RAZ kids app. It is an excellent source of levelled just right books for kids to read. Assignments are based on your child's reading level. Seesaw and RAZ kids will be our main apps used. I have also provided prodigy and squiggle park for children to explore. I am happy to meet any student online for a meet - for any questions or just to chat and connect and remind them I am here and I miss them. We can and will get through this together.

Guidance...Mr. Bryan Brooks

Hope all is going well, Sipeknekatik!!

I created, along with Mary Davies, a Mental Health google classroom for grades 7-12.  We upload information about anxiety, depression, resilience, self esteem strategies, conquering negative thinking, etc.  They are all worksheets that the kids can work with from home.  All of the kids are invited.

We upload information on the LSK Facebook page on resources we find as well.  Feel free to take a peek and try them.

I also created a google classroom for my Psychology 12 class at the beginning of the semester.  All work for my students are uploaded on that site and is up to date.  

Thank you,Bryan BrooksSchool CounsellorPsychology 12 Teacher

Music...Ms. Bev Cheverie

Hello Dear Music Students,

I hope you are finding some time to enjoy some music activities. I have posted some great music websites for you to explore. There are some familiar songs posted as well. Soon there will be a link to that great song "Shine" by Keith Mullins. I will also be posting some new activities for yo soon on the music class page.

In the meantime, stay healthy and safe. I hope you will always let your light "Shine" for those you love.

Missing you!! Ms. Bev


04 - Roman Augustine12 - Thunder Thomas17 - Mackalen White21- Lathias Howe23 - Keiran Syliboy29 - Bailey Paul


Kopit- BeaverJujij - BugNmusti - My bellyNmal'tem - My bloodTepotk - BootsMakkot - DressWelta'si - I am happyMeskeyi - I am sorryPitewey - TeaSamqwan - Water

Grade Eleven...Mr. Robert Watson

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is staying safe and well is these crazy times. We have been put to the test this school semester with everything that has been happening but I know we will weather the storm and see brighter days. To all my students please know that I am here for you. To all those who have been doing their best keeping up to date with the online posted assignments, congratulations and keep it up. For those who have yet to begin, please give it a try. It is important to stay connected in these times. If you have any questions about any of the assignments, please feel free to contact me any time. I want you all to know that I am here to help. For all of us touched by the recent violence in our province, please take comfort in knowing that you have family and friends that truly care about you. Confide in them. Please stay safe and well everyone.

High School Mathematics...Mr. Morgan MacDonald

Hi Everyone!

We are in a challenging time for education. I know it is tough doing your math work on your own. You no longer have your teacher standing next to you to guide you. All you can do it try your best. There are many ways to solve a problem. What you should do is think about how to solve the problem, keep track of what you do (show your work) to solve the problem, and think about if the answer makes sense. You can always ask for help or look something up on the internet to help. And never think your work isn't good enough to pass it. We want to see anything and everything you have done.

Good luck and hang in there!Morgan MacDonald

Grade Ten...Ms. Carol Howe

Good Day, its finally May!

The high school students are missed each day, hard not to as I have been seeing them for 11 years every week, I hope these restrictions lift soon.

During this recent time the students in Canadian Families 12, have been investigating, Marriage history and terms and issues. The Family Studies 9 class worked on personal hygiene and are currently starting a unit called Mi’kmaq Cultural uses of Water. Our recent online lesson is how water is used building a Mi’kmaq Canoe.

The Visual Arts 10 class completed their projects on earthen clay-ware with Water as a focus. I am proud to that their work was displayed in an art exhibition in Halifax recently, see images below and click on the link to see a virtual tour. Keep working on your learning and dreams, Ms. C. Howe

Check out the online exhibition at they are in front of window at site. Thank you goes out to Dorota F, the art teacher for getting our Water vessels in the exhibition.

Grade Primary...Mrs. Sheri Brooks

Hi everyone, the nice weather is finally here! I am so excited to go outside and hear the birds and see the flowers and leaves starting to grow. I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather too. I hope everyone is enjoying the time they get to spend with their families and I hope everyone is doing lots of Reading and playing outside!

Technology 10/Learning Centre...Ms. Joanne Julian

Hi students and parents. I hope everyone is keeping well at home safe and sound.  I sure do miss the students in the Learning Centre and in Technology 10. There are some projects in Tech 10 that were lined up for the remainder of the school year, but just maybe we can accomplish some fo them when we get back to school.

I am looking forward to going back to school so I can see everyone again. I hope you are all doing very well and listening to your parents. Keep safe everyone. Stay home, wash you hands and keep your social distance. Everyone is doing a great job.

Stay safe everyone.