May 2018 -

School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world. Newsletter Term 2, Week 2 - 10th May 2018 77 Barton Avenue, Wallerawang NSW 2845 PO Box 21, Wallerawang NSW 2845 Phone: 6355 1210 Fax: 6355 7003 Website: Email: [email protected] Important Dates Dear Parents, Carers, We have had a settled and positive start to term 2. Thank you to students and staff for working together to create this atmosphere across the school. It has been lovely to see Miss Phelan and Mr Campling celebrate their wedding during the holidays and to enjoy some milestone birthdays with Mrs Brown and Miss Haslem. Last term we had some of our Rugby League boystrial at Western region. Congratulations to Mitchell Desch in his selection in the Possibles and Probables. On Tuesday afternoon we held our Aboriginal Community Meeting. All families are invited to come along to these as well as community members. The next meeting will be held on the 22 nd May. This will be to finalise arrangements for Sorry Day and to further discuss NAIDOC celebrations on the 5 th July. To those who attended and sent ideas to us, thank you for your valuable contribution. On Thursday Alexandra Fitzgerald, Gabby Dray and Paige Woolsey trial in Bathurst for Western Region selection in hockey. All the girls represented with Wallerawang pride. Congratulations to Paige who was selected in the Western Region hockey team to play later in the term. We add Paige to the growing list of students to receive the Allan Beecroft sporting award at our Education week assembly in term 3. On Friday we held the School Cross Country. Thank you to Ms Schenk for her organisation and Mrs Nancarrow for mentoring her through this. The weather stayed kind to us and the studentsparticipation was outstand- ing. Congratulations to the place getters in each age group who will par- ticipate in the district cross country at Lake Wallace on Friday 1 st June. You will receive information in coming weeks. Cooerwull PS is coordinat- ing this event. The parent attendance at the event was wonderful, par- ents and grandparents joining in the walk and helping record. May 2018 Tue 15th Wed 16th Thurs 17th Naplan Yrs 3 & 5 Fri 18th Naplan Catchup Yr 5 selective HS online applications close Tues 22nd Grip– student Leadership Course Thurs 24th Sorry Day ASSEMBLY 9.10AM Frid 25th ASSEMBLY 9.10am followed by: Infants athletics carnival RED DAY - canteen special items

Transcript of May 2018 -

Page 1: May 2018 -

School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

Newsletter Term 2, Week 2 - 10th May 2018

77 Barton Avenue, Wallerawang NSW 2845 PO Box 21, Wallerawang NSW 2845 Phone: 6355 1210 Fax: 6355 7003 Website: Email: [email protected]

Important Dates

Dear Parents, Carers,

We have had a settled and positive start to term 2. Thank you to students and staff for working together to create this atmosphere across the school. It has been lovely to see Miss Phelan and Mr Campling celebrate their wedding during the holidays and to enjoy some milestone birthdays with Mrs Brown and Miss Haslem.

Last term we had some of our Rugby League boys’ trial at Western region. Congratulations to Mitchell Desch in his selection in the Possibles and Probables.

On Tuesday afternoon we held our Aboriginal Community Meeting. All families are invited to come along to these as well as community members. The next meeting will be held on the 22nd May. This will be to finalise arrangements for Sorry Day and to further discuss NAIDOC celebrations on the 5th July. To those who attended and sent ideas to us, thank you for your valuable contribution.

On Thursday Alexandra Fitzgerald, Gabby Dray and Paige Woolsey trial in Bathurst for Western Region selection in hockey. All the girls represented with Wallerawang pride. Congratulations to Paige who was selected in the Western Region hockey team to play later in the term. We add Paige to the growing list of students to receive the Allan Beecroft sporting award at our Education week assembly in term 3.

On Friday we held the School Cross Country. Thank you to Ms Schenk for her organisation and Mrs Nancarrow for mentoring her through this. The weather stayed kind to us and the students’ participation was outstand-ing. Congratulations to the place getters in each age group who will par-ticipate in the district cross country at Lake Wallace on Friday 1st June. You will receive information in coming weeks. Cooerwull PS is coordinat-ing this event. The parent attendance at the event was wonderful, par-ents and grandparents joining in the walk and helping record.

May 2018

Tue 15th

Wed 16th

Thurs 17th

Naplan Yrs 3 & 5

Fri 18th

Naplan Catchup Yr 5 selective HS online applications close

Tues 22nd Grip– student Leadership Course

Thurs 24th Sorry Day ASSEMBLY 9.10AM

Frid 25th ASSEMBLY 9.10am followed by: Infants athletics carnival RED DAY - canteen special items

Page 2: May 2018 -

School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

The P&C meeting was well attended on Monday night. It was very fantastic to see the number and the great ideas being presented. It was also lovely to receive an acknowledgement myself from the P&C, but importantly to be involved in thanking Leanne Houlison for her many years of service to the P&C and in fact her commitment to the school. Leanne’s involvement started when her eldest child Dayne commenced Kindergarten in 2010. She has held executive positions of secretary and vice president and the uniform shop coordinator. Leanne works incredibly hard giving many hours to fund raising events that have benefited and will continue to benefit the school. Leanne will remain a part of the P&C general committee continuing to play a valuable role in the school. Thank you to fund raising coordinator Lauren Brown for organising the lovely gifts for Mother’s Day and to the volunteers Glenda Schroder, Andrea Alexander, Nicole Case, Kylie Williams, Katena Taylor, Amanda Dunn and Sheree Scanlan. It was a friendly and helpful atmosphere.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of watching the girl’s netball team play their first round against Coo-erwull. Thanks to Miss Bonnie Coady and Leanne Houlison for manag-ing and coaching the team. After their win they will now progress to the gala day in Orange. Congratulations to the girls for displaying out-standing sportsmanship.

The students and staff are delighted with the new play equipment, it is providing a great space for students to play and interact with each other. The commitment of the P&C association supported through local businesses and organisations and fundraising ventures is acknowledged for their valuable contribution in ensuring that this happened. The departments legal branch has advised the following:

Fixed Play Equipment after school hours

By all means, please chat and build some new friendships for yourself and your child after school finishes, however please keep in mind the following:

Children must stay with you, not run around on the concrete and if they play on our fixed equipment they must be actively supervised by a parent at all times.

There will be no staff supervision in the playground or near the fixed play equipment after 3:00pm

Use of our fixed play equipment after school hours is a privilege not a right and active parental supervision at all times is essential for this to continue

Access to the equipment outside of school hours will be limited if parents are not actively supervising their children.

Thank you for your support with this, it is about ensuring the safety of our students.

At the end of last term Ms Foster and myself, along with Road User Project Officer - Pru Britt, Chris North - Road Safety Education Officer and representative from Lithgow Council met to talk about options for the school carpark including safe drop off and pick up zones. We understand that closing the carpark has provided some difficulties and we are working with people on alternative arrangements. This is obviously not something that can be fixed short term but we are listening to what the community is telling us. The priority for everyone is the safety of our students. I have been in contact with representatives from the local police department to support us to ensure school safety with driving and parking safely near schools. Accompanying the newsletter is a guide to driving and parking safely near schools that I ask you to please adhere to.

Page 3: May 2018 -

School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

NAPLAN will occur next week from the 15th – 17th with a catch up day on Friday 18th for years 3 & 5. An information brochure is accompanying the newsletter. Should you require additional information please speak to coordinators Ms Foster and Mrs Fraser.

Lithgow High School transition -Yesterday an information session was held for High School transition 2019. It was great to welcome back to Wallerawang ex-students Keelee Fraser and Logan Ward as part of this program. Thank you to Mrs Fraser who coordinates our year 6 to 7 transition.

Professional Learning opportunities for our staff and leadership team is crucial in ensuring that we are up to date with the systems and structures within the department, current research and collaboration to support a progression of learning K-6. Our current priorities in line with the strategic direction of our school plan in Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Leadership are literacy, numeracy and wellbeing. The school plan was published on the website at the end of last term. As a leadership team we are currently working through the school planning process and will use this to guide our school priorities and initiatives. On Friday 11th May Ms Foster, Mrs Fraser and myself will attend a workshop in Bathurst for 2 hours and Friday 18th May we will attend the Lithgow/Bathurst network day with a focus on school planning.

Thank you to Mrs Dogger who is currently relieving in the Assistant Principal position until Mrs Brown returns from long service leave next week.

The school leadership team has had the pleasure of meeting the Lithgow Network School Director Debbie-lee Hughes. We welcome her to the area and look forward to working with her for the students of Wallerawang.

I am constantly reminded of what a great community we have through their acts of kindness. We all face different challenges every day in life and the simple act of genuinely caring for and about others is important in a world that is complex and every changing.

Yours in Education

Jenny Lamborn

Relieving Principal


There has been a report of whooping cough in the region please keep in mind when your child is


A brochure is provided for your information.

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School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

Public Speaking Competition

Our annual Public Speaking Competition is underway with students presenting and enjoying some wonderful speeches within their classes.

Once every child has delivered a speech, semi-finalists will be chosen from each class. Semi-finals will then be held for Stage teachers to select 3 finalists per grade. Class teachers will advise students if they are required to present their speech again in the semi-finals.

At a special assembly on Tuesday 5th June (Week 6), the 3 finalists from each grade will present their speeches before the school and a panel of 3 judges. The Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 finals will be conducted from 10.15 am. The Stage 2 and 3 Finals will be held following recess, commencing at 11.35 am. Parents of those children speaking in the finals will be advised by Week 5. Everyone is welcome to attend these special assemblies.

Susan Dick

Public Speaking Coordinator

Life Education Van – Advanced Notice

The Life Education Van, Healthy Harold and Maree will be visiting our school this term, between Wednesday, 7th June and Monday, 18th June. Each class will be attending a session appropriate to their stage. The cost is $7.50 per student which covers the session in the Life Education Van, a student workbook and a sticker for each child. (Please note that the usual cost is $10 per stu-dent and the school is providing a subsidy of $2.50 per child to help fund this worthwhile program).

The sessions address many of the components and objectives within the NSW PDHPE curricu-lum and follow up activities will be conducted during Life Skills lessons.

Permission notes will be distributed next week.

Students will have the opportunity to order ‘Harold’ Merchandise throughout the van’s visit to our school and an order form will be distributed later this term.

Susan Dick Life Education Van Coordinator

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School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

National Walk Safely to School Day - Advance Notice


It’s that time of year again when our school starts talking about walking!

Not only is walking a wonderful way to get you where you want to be, but it

also gets your health – and your child’s health on the right track too. So that’s

why this year our school is participating in National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday 18th May (next

week). Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to

incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the

way to school isn’t realistic for some of us, it’s quite easy to figure out how you can build a walk into

your family’s daily routine. You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by:

Walking with them the whole way to school

If they get the bus, walk past your usual stop and get on at the next stop

If you have to drive, park the car some distance away from the school and walk the rest of the


Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic problems like

obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes, it also gives you a great

opportunity to reinforce with your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic. Remember,

Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk Safely to School Day journey for next Fri-

day, 18th May!

Those students who participate will receive a ‘Walk Safely to School Day’ sticker.

'Move Ahead with Street Sense' gives the following advice to parents regarding child pedestrian safety in the traffic environment:

Children up to eight years old should hold an adult's hand on the footpath, in the car park, or when crossing the road; an adult is defined as a parent, caregiver, grandparent, sibling in high school or older, other relative or neighbour, or other adult as advised by the child's parents/carers

Children up to ten years old should be actively supervised in the traffic environment and should hold an adult's hand when crossing the road

This cartoon provides facts about

Children and Safety in the

Traffic Environment.

Page 6: May 2018 -

School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

POP! – Parent Online Payments is now available! Parents and caregivers can now make online payments to the school for amounts owing for students, via a secure payment page hosted by Westpac. Payments can be made using either a Visa or Master-Card Credit or Debit card, and can be made via computer, tablet or mobile phone. The payment page is accessible from the front page of the school’s website by selecting: $ Make a Payment.

School Website Address: [email protected] Items that can be paid include voluntary school contributions, excursions and sales to students. There is also a category called ‘Other’ which will be to cover items not covered in the previous headings.

Please note this online payment system is not for P&C payments i.e. uniforms, meal deals, fete wristbands or other P&C initiatives. This is a secure payment system hosted by Westpac to ensure that your credit/debit card details are captured in a protected manner, these details are not passed back to the school.

Cross Country

On Friday 4th of May, I had the pleasure of organising the Wallerawang PS Cross Country event. This was the first time I had organised this event and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The course was tough, beginning with a steep climb to the back corner boundary before the long, steep descent along the back fence and down to the oval. Our 5s, 6s and 7s completed a challenging 1 kilometre lap. 8s, 9s and 10s ran 2 laps or 2km of the course while our 11s and 12s ran 3kms. All children gave the course their all and there were some very pleasing results.

I would like to congratulate all of our participants and assure all District qualifiers that details for the District event, to be held at Lake Wallace on Friday 1st June 2018, will be sent home as they become available. I would like to congratulate all students for the Respectful, Responsible and Safe manner in which they conducted themselves. It was wonderful to see the large turnout of parents that came to support the students, on behalf of them and the staff I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude, without your assistance these events would not be the success that they are.

Ms Schenk

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School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

2018 School Contributions are now due

$30 for one student

$60 for a family

Lithgow High School Transition Talk

Today we had the pleasure of having Lithgow High School visit Year 6 to talk about transitioning to Year 7 and the wide array of opportunities on offer at their school.

It was lovely to have past students, Keelee Fraser and Logan Ward in particular, visit us and talk about their experiences in transitioning into LHS in Year 7.

The Year 6 students also had an opportunity to meet the Year 7 Advisor for 2019 - Miss Jones, the Principal - Mrs Caro, Deputy Principal - Mrs Mawhood and School Liaison Officer - Mrs Sam Luchetti.

The students were also given the opportunity to ask questions and watch a presentation on the School.

Year 6 students were all given an information pack today which included valuable information around orientation and also an application form for the enrichment class.

Parents / carers are encouraged to contact Mrs Fraser if they have any questions around Year 7 transition or the enrichment class


Alexandra, Paige and Gabriel travelled to Bathurst on the 2nd May to try out for the girls Western

Region Hockey team. Paige was successful in being selected in the team. We are very proud of the

girls for their sportsmanship and effort on the day.

Page 8: May 2018 -

School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.



Fri 11th Glenda Schroder

Kylie Williams

Gena Dray

Mon 14th Emma Giles

Vera Foong

Tues 15th CLOSED

Wed 16th Anna Fitzgerald

Mel Hughes

Thurs 17th CLOSED

Fri 18th Laurne Browne

Kerry Brown

Leasley May

Mon 21st Sonja Ward

Kristy McManus

Tues22nd CLOSED

Wed 23rd Jay Cameron

Andrea Alexander

Thurs 24th CLOSED

Friday 25th Karen Desch

Sheree Scanlan

Megan Hamilton


Uniform Shop will be open on

Thursdays on the even weeks from


Orders and payments can be left at the

front office anytime.







Lithgow Blast Furnace - Official opening will take place on Saturday 12 May immediately preceding

the first night of Lithglow Light Show.

Blinky Bill’s Children’s Disco - 9 Years or Younger,

Friday 18th May 2018, Time 5.30pm– 7.30pm

Portland RSL.

FOOD and DRINK available to purchase on the night include: $2 each - Sausage sandwich, Pop Tops

and water $1 packet chips. Tickets can be purchased at Blinky Bill before or at the door on the night


YR 5 selective HS online applications

close this Friday 18th may

Page 9: May 2018 -

School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

The Importance of Nose Blowing

Kindergarten have had a very special visit from a Department of Education Student Hearing

Support team to explain to students the importance of nose blowing.

Helen explained the connection between our nose and ears using listening games, story, mod-

els of the inner ear and puppet play.

It was explained that if you don’t blow properly your nose mucus can enter the inner ear via

the Eustachian Tubes. Kindergarten students and their teachers practised blowing their nose

to prevent ear infection and hearing loss. Remember if it’s hard to hear, it’s hard to learn.

Please read the Healthy Ears information in today’s newsletter and practice nose blowing at


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School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

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School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

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School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

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School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.

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School Vision: Learners are supported in becoming independent, self-regulated, respectful, safe and responsible citizens in a complex and ever changing world.