May 2013 RMN Poll


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Results of the May 2013 Red Maryland Poll

Transcript of May 2013 RMN Poll

Page 1: May 2013 RMN Poll

MAY 2013

May Gubernatorial Poll


Charles Lollar 21.4%

Dan Bongino 20.9%

David Craig 15.1%

Ron George 14.0%

Undecided 13.2%

Blaine Young 6.9%

Michael Steele 5.0%

Meyer Marks 3.4%


Charles Lollar

Dan Bongino

David Craig

Ron George


Blaine Young

Michael Steele

Meyer Marks

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Three Month Gubernatorial Tracking Poll: March-May


Dan Bongino 42.6%

David Craig 16.6%

Charles Lollar 13.9%

Undecided/withdrawn 12.3%

Blaine Young 6.1%

Michael Steele 3.9%

Ron George 2.7%

Meyer Marks 1.9%

Response Summary

Total Started Survey: 381

Total Finished Survey: 378 (99.2%)


1. Are you a member of your county Republican Central Committee?


Dan Bongino

David Craig

Charles Lollar


Blaine Young

Michael Steele

Ron George

Meyer Marks

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1. Are you a member of your county Republican Central Committee?


25.4% 96


74.6% 282

2. If the June 2014 Republican Primary for Governor were held today, for whom would you vote?

Dan Bongino

20.9% 79

David Craig

15.1% 57

Ron George

14.0% 53

Charles Lollar

21.4% 81

Meyer Marks

3.4% 13

Michael Steele

5.0% 19

Blaine Young

6.9% 26


13.2% 50

4. At this moment, who would be your first choice to be the Republican Nominee for President in 2016?

Former Governor Jeb Bush (FL)

7.4% 28

Governor Chris Christie (NJ)

11.6% 44

Senator Ted Cruz (TX)

14.8% 56

Former Governor Jon Huntsman (UT)

2.1% 8

Governor Bobby Jindal (LA)

6.1% 23

Former Governor Sarah Palin (AK)

3.4% 13

Senator Rand Paul (KY)

20.9% 79

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4. At this moment, who would be your first choice to be the Republican Nominee for President in 2016?

Governor Rick Perry (TX)

3.2% 12

Representative Paul Ryan (WI)

6.3% 24

Senator Marco Rubio (FL)

7.7% 29

Governor Scott Walker (WI)

4.2% 16


12.2% 46

5. Which of these bills, if any, should be the focus of any petition drive?

Gun Bill [SB 281]

21.4% 81

Death Penalty Repeal [SB 276]

7.1% 27

Fair Share Bill for Union Dues [SB422]

4.0% 15

Drivers Licenses for Illegal Aliens [SB 715]

6.6% 25

Same-day Voter Registration [HB 17]

6.3% 24

O'Malley Windmill Scheme [HB 226]

2.9% 11

Obamacare Implementation [HB 228]

8.2% 31

All of the above

32.0% 121

None of the above

11.4% 43

6. Would you vote to re-elect a Republican that supported the Rain Tax?


11.9% 45


88.1% 333

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7. Did you attend the Maryland Republican Party Spring Convention held April 19-20 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Timonium.


36.2% 137


63.8% 241

Why or why not?

Show Responses 168

8. Were you satisfied with the operation of the Maryland Republican Party Convention?


17.2% 65


26.5% 100

I Don't Know

7.9% 30

I Did Not Attend

48.4% 183


Show Responses 56

9. If you attended the 2013 Maryland Republican Party Spring Convention, please rate the hotel on the following merits on a scale

from 1-5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best:

1 2 3 4 5 Rating


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9. If you attended the 2013 Maryland Republican Party Spring Convention, please rate the hotel on the following merits on a scale

from 1-5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best:

Cleanliness 17.4%

(21) 13.2% (16) 21.5% (26) 28.9% (35)


(23) 121

Convenience 18.0%

(22) 18.0% (22) 23.8% (29) 23.0% (28)


(21) 122

Friendliness of



(26) 18.0% (22) 23.8% (29) 18.0% (22)


(23) 122

Guest Rooms 14.3%

(16) 16.1% (18) 29.5% (33) 22.3% (25)


(20) 112




(23) 16.0% (19) 33.6% (40) 19.3% (23)


(14) 119

Elevators 37.1%

(43) 15.5% (18) 25.9% (30) 10.3% (12)


(13) 116

Bar/Restaurant 25.0%

(27) 17.6% (19) 31.5% (34) 16.7% (18)


(10) 108


Show Responses 24

10. Are you considering running for office in 2014?


24.1% 91


75.9% 287

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9. If you attended the 2013 Maryland Republican Party Spring Convention, please rate the hotel on the following merits on a scale

from 1-5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best:

Which office?

Show Responses 69

11. Do you know who the members on your local Republican Central Committee are?

answered question


skipped question


3. What is the most important factor in determining the candidate you are supporting for Governor?

2nd amendment beliefs & plans to reduce out of control government spending!

2nd Amendment, Pro-life, No special rights for gays & lesbians

A business minded candidate that can bring jibs and less taxes to Maryland; the candidate must be

an energetic person that relates to the voters and can motive people to go to the polls and vote for


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A Conservative with honesty, integrity, fairness and enthusiasm

A credible Republican who can win statewide.

A non-politician, an outsider with a fresh new perspective and conservative values. A person who has

the backbone to stand solidly against the pressure from the left.

A real Republican and not a libertarian

A reasonable conservative candidate who can work with Democrats--we are in Maryland and can't

be as conservative as we could be in Texas. A person who wants the smallest government possible in

Maryland. No giveaways, pandering to groups.


Ability to beat the democrat

Ability to conduct grass roots

Ability to Lead and demonstrated executive experience

Ability to lead and make change in Maryland.

Ability to raise $$$$

Ability to run a winning campaign.

ability to WIN

Ability to win

ability to win

Ability to win

Ability to win

Ability to win Ability to change status quo

Ability to win general election

Ability to win the general.

Ability to win!!!

Ability to win.

abiliy to win

add Larry Hogan to your list, Immigration issues are the utmost importance and can't be ignored.

It's been ignored by most states and it is out of control. Do you realize how many are having anchor

babies for profit and in md it cost us more then $2billion a year? Ever wonder why Md is 4th highest

taxed state in the country?

administration experience, business friendly, tax reduction policies, and less regulations

An honest conservative

Anti status quo

Appeal to Independents, centrist Democrats, and minorities

background and experience.

Background, platform, ideas.

Be honest and no "BULL CRAP". Do the job of a Governor, unlike the current gov.

Being a conservative

Being able to win in Nov

Belief they can win the primary

Best candidate.

best chance to win general


Business acumen

Business and leadership experience - and not some neophyte who thinks they're coming to save us.

Business aptitude

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Business friendly

Business minded

Business minded and responsible taxes

Business sense

Can I just say...I'm beginning to wonder about the answer to this question? Of course legislative

experience is relevant, but should it be a prerequisite? I just don't know anymore. Is Governor too

high to shoot for for a 'newbie'? Who knows...head is spinning re: MD politics right now.

Can they run a credible, well-funded campaign designed to win in Blue state.

Can they win. Are they Conservative. Can this be someone I can trust?

Can they win? Who do they appeal too.

Candidate must clearly state and adhere to conservative principles.



Character and demonstrable commitment to the Principles enshrined in the Constitutions. Strength

and not compromising on those Liberty principles!

Charles has a lot of good business know how. He understands what it takes to be financialy sound.

Charles is a military man. He has family values. He loves his country.


Commitment to conservative principals and an ability to show non-conservatives how conservatism

will benefit everyone.

commitment to conservative principles

Commitment to constituents

Common Sense

Common sense reforms

competence and the ability to work with the Democratic leadership in the House and Senate.



Conservatism and intelligence




Conservative ambitions, not willing to take some chances. You might as well advance your cause even

if it's a long shot of winning. Why not? I think it actually increases your chances of winning instead

of trying to moderate according to MD politics.

Conservative and electable

Conservative and pro-liberty.

Conservative credentials

Conservative credentials

Conservative Honor

Conservative principles

Conservative principles.

Conservative record

conservative values

Conservative values

Conservative values...Low taxes, small government, minding your own business

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Conservative worldview, not just words, but the way they live. Dan Bongino is a close second.

Charles Lollar is a very close third. I just know Ron better.

conservative: fiscally and morally

Conservitive values & Less Government

Consistency in his actions and words.

constitutionalist, flat-tax support, low-low corp tax for job creation, lived in a red county, would have

to see voting record.

Creating a better environment for business in Maryland

Cut spending and reduce taxes, MD abstain from Obamacare, rescind rain tax, gun control,

legislation, gasoline tax and all the other crap this past legislature passed. Become more business

friendly. MD is becoming cost prohibitive for all citizens, especially senior citizens on very fixed


Cut spending lower taxes get rid of wind farm

cut tax and fees

Debt relief solutions.

Degree of probability of victory

Does he/she take the Maryland Constitution seriously.

Does the candidate have demonstrated experience as a leader

Economy and budgets

Economy and taxes

Economy, Job Creation

economy, job creation

Economy, Job Creation

Economy, Rain Tax

Economy, Rain Tax, Job Creation

Economy, Smaller Government




















Electable Fiscal Conservative

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Electable, Fiscal conservative

ending environmental restrictions

Ethics, truth and common sense leadership.

Executive Experience/Applied fiscal conservatism

Executive leader












experience and credibility

experience and knowledge of state

Experience and working with others

Experience as a businessman and experience in the legislature.

Experience Beating Democrats.

experience conservative voting record

Experience in fiscal responsiblity and fax taxation.

Experience in military and private enterprise, leadership skills, and confidence.

experience running a county government

Experience with county governments

Experience, wisdom, knowledge in running government on a local level.

Experience. The folks who've never held office should pack it up and go home.

exposure of the candidate

Financial stability


Fiscal and moral conservative

Fiscal conservative

fiscal conservative

fiscal conservative, more on the lines of chris christie and closer to a libertarian than the republican

party line.

Fiscal Conservative, Pro Life, Religious Freedom, 2nd Amendment Rights, Respect for our

Constitution, less government control, bring back the death penalty - no gay marriage Support Small

Business, Smaller Government,

Fiscal responsibility

Fiscal responsibility and bipartisan cooperation.

fiscal restraint/lower taxes

Fiscally conservative

fiscally conservative and willing to make difficult choices on programs and spending rather then just

increasing the budget

Fiscally responsibile businessman

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fisical policy.

freedom orientation

freedom, economy, the second Amendment. we need a smaller , less intrusive government and a more

robust economy. Current taxes are punitive. we now have a O'Malley RAIN TAX!

Fresh untainted meat

Friendly business environment, taxes (less) and jobs

Fundamental grasp of basic economic theory and practice.

Fundraising ability

Genuine person with genuine concerns and issues at the heart of their campaign.

getting our fiscal house in order and being open & honest with the people.

Getting state's fiscal house in order, eliminating 100% of the tax increases from owe'malley's

administration, getting rid of windmills, fighting obamacare. There is not one most important factor

- all of these are equally important!

Good record

gun control

gun rights

He should be someone committed to not raising taxes, repealing the gas tax, the rain tax and the flush

tax, among others, and upholding 2nd amendment rights.


His (or her) business acumen

His ability to win.

His ability to work on both sides of the aisle to get things accomplished!

His determination

His endorsements.

Honest and has the people's best interests at heart






Honesty and integrity!

honesty and less government control

Honesty Committment to conserv principles.

Honesty, Less Government, protection of Constitution and Amendment Rights

Honesty; sticking to your values and not letting outside factors change your views.

Howuch moolah they raise

I believe him.

i want someone who will not take no for an answer and can get things done the right way with a deep

blue legislature.

I want the most conservative of the bunch.

I will support whoever will best improve Maryland's economy.

I'd say, the most important factor in determining the candidate I am supporting for Governor is

whether they are fit for the job.

IF they are a true conservative,

If they can articulate their views without embracing ideas and idealogy that are outside the

mainstream of Maryland.

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If they're truly conservatives and will stand up for pro-Liberty issues.

Improving the business climate through lower corp tax rates rather than subsidies.

In touch with what the constitutions want and need.







integrity, results driven and enthusium

Integrity, trust,honesty.humility

Integrity; Repealing Gov. O'Malley's legislation


Job Creation



Leadership abilities defined by character and honor.

Leadership ability

Leadership ability and inspiration

Leadership and passion

Leadership and 'Sperience

Leadership skills.

Legitimacy as a candidate.

libertarian leanings

liberty and taxes

Like him


likely to win general

Limited Government

Limited government

lower taxes

lower taxes

lower taxes

Massive cuts in spending, regulation and nanny state type laws

Matching my ideals

message. supporters

Met him and really liked him. Also like his positions on many issues.



Moral (No Abortion, no Buggers, no gambling) I want a governor who will a servant of the citizenry,

not the top shakedown artist. Answer below I want a presidential candidate that hasn't sold his souls

to the joos.

Moral Convictions

Moral responsibility

Morality and implementation of natural law and logic in our legistlation.

Morally Conservative

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More libertarian views

Most likely to read and support the Maryland Constitution.

Must be a conservative businessman with leadership qualities, integrity and the fortitude to to get the

job done, regardless!


name recognition

No games, just dismantle the MD political machine.

No more status quo

no most important thing-- many things

Not a polition and never held any elected position. I am sick of the corruption.

Not an ass/not a party purist

Not an establishment member of the GOP -

Not being a political hack. Bongino and Marks are the only two that fit that bill

opposed to tax hikes

Outsider with strong communication to all Marylanders and not just party politics.

Personal Reputation and Popularity (well known)


Position on issues.

positions on issues, electable, character

Preserving the Second Amendment



Prior executive or administrator experience

Private sector experience.

pro-business & pro-life


Promotes freedom, liberty, & the constitution

Property rights

proven record of minimizing the costs to taxpayers

Proven track record of growth oriented policies

Qualifications and electability

Raising Money and a vision for the state to take control of education and reducing taxes.

Reasonability and Winnability


record, electibility

reducing taxing in Maryland and stop giving money away

Reforming firearms laws.

Reign in government spending/size by 10%. Term limits for all legislators by Grandfathering all

current legislators

Repealing all of Martin O'Malley's laws

Republican!!! David Craig!!

Running goverment like a business.

second amendment


Several factors small government Fiscal responsibility

Small government and pro- liberty agenda

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Small Government Conservative

Small government which includes no death penalty

Smaller government / lower taxes / retaining giving back liberties

Socially progressive policies with a history of fiscal discipline in elected office

Solid Conservative Record. Social & Fiscal.

Someone who can inspire the Grassroots.

someone who can relate to the people. AND, stop all these taxes. O'Mally is just trying to see how

much he can collect.

Someone who has a shred of fiscal understanding and will not continue on this path of tax and spend

Someone who is not David Craig.

Someone who will abolish excessive taxation, especially the estate tax

Sound Christian Conservative Constitutional values that will put Maryland on track to being truly

recognized as The Free State.

spending priorities

stance on social issues

Standing up for beliefs without being an ass

State-level government experience, business experience

Staying in touch with the people and making good business decisions, not political decisions.

Stick to economic issues

Sticking to conservative values.

Strong character and proven leadership.

strong economic experience and wisdom to make logical budget choices

Strong leader.

Strong leadership and business management

Strong person

Supporting the Constitution!

Supporting the US Constitution

Tax reduction

Tax reform, civil freedoms, and sensibility







That he/she understand fiscal responsibility.

That the candidate be Pro-life

That their name is Dan Bongino.

That they are a solid conservative and stand for those values an principles.

That they are principled and adhere to conservative principles of limited govenrment, real fiscal

responsibility not gimmicks, fight back against Dem undfunded mandates and for our natural rights.

That they will drastically cut spending and not have it be so easy for the entitlement crowd. Let

people earn their money, not just keep getting it for free.

The ability to get media attention, raise hell when needed and to not back down.

The ability to win against the democratic machine.

The ability to win.

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The ability to win...

The ability to work with Busch and Miller and fiscal responsibilty

The Buckley rule - most conservative ELECTABLE candidate

The candidate is willing to fight for every vote.

The candidate who gets my vote will be the one who best demonstrates his ability to humbly accept

the role of a servant to the people of Maryland.

The most important factor is experience and a proven record of success. There are many possible

candidates with no actual experience in public office who like to spout off about how things "should

be" without knowing how to achieve their vision.

The odds of a victory.

The way in which they address issues such as environmental protection by means of sound economics

liek George H.W Bush and the Clean Air Act Ammendments of 1990

Their ability to win!

their record

There ability to see both sides of the table and make smrt decisions

They are a part of the people.

They are actually a Conservative.

They be Conservative and have the ability to win

They would have to be willing to repeal taxes such as rain tax, gas tax (if possible), same day voting,

GUN BILL, Pretty much undo everything that passed during 2013 session.


Traditional values & conservative principles


tuned in to rural issues

understanding the private sector needs private sector to grow and will put in place initiatives to

reduce government taxes and regulations

Untainted, leader, git r done qualities

Unwavering conservative principles


Viability and demonstrated ability to win in blue areas of the state.


Views on the issues: I tend to lean libertarian insofar as civil liberties (including pro-immigration

reform). Low taxes, personal responsibility.

Views, electability. Take public financing...senseless to try and compete with Democratic money


We need a passionate candidate with a good knowledge of the issues, and a commitment to the


We need a proactive candidate for Governor who promotes a clear set of policies based on proven

Conservative principles and Economic ideas.

Whether or not they are truly conservative leaders or RINO's.

Whether they are willing to strictly adhere to the US Constitution in its entirety.

Who can best undo the damage that O Malley has done to us

Who I think has the drive and motivation to effect the change this state needs.

Who is able to get votes from white Dems in Howard, Baltimore, and Montgomery County.

Who will put the brakes on increased taxes and spending.

Whoever is the strongest conservative, most business experience, and can best beat the

Democrats...that's Charles.

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Winability :-)


winning in 2014

Working to keep senior citizens/retirees in their home state of MD by not taxing or running them out

of the state.

