Maximum Power Setting Parameters

Incorrect Power settings


Maximum Power Setting Parameters

Transcript of Maximum Power Setting Parameters

Maximum Power Setting ParametersSlide title 70 pt CAPITALS Slide subtitle minimum 30 pt
Incorrect Power settings
Almost in all circles, “maxtotaloutputpower” and “maximumtransmissionpower” values are wrongly set for majority of cells. So due to this, either available power at Antenna port is underutilized or Resource estimation function of HS scheduler is calculating wrong value for remaining power for HS.
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Q: What does “maxtotaloutpower” = -1 signify?
A: “maxtotaloutpower” is the outputpower of TPA device which is placed inside the RUW/RRUW. -1 signify that now maxtotaloutputpower is not defined by the TPA device but is the default RBS power.
Note: This default RBS power is not always 20 Watt, but it depends on the type of RUW/RRUW. For eg: “RRU22 21 IV 40” has default power 40 Watt and it doesn’t need any 40 Watt power amplifier license for this.
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Note: “If maximumtransmissionpower” is set more than 2 dB to the “maxdlpowercapability”, then an alarm: UtranCell_NbapReconfigurationFailure performance_degraded” comes for that cell.
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Q: Why “maximumtransmissionpower” should not be less than “maxdlpowercapability” power?
A: “maxdlpowercapability” is the total power which is available at the System Ref Point (SRP) and “maximumtransmissionpower” is the power which we set through OSS in RNC to be available for all DL channels for a cell. So available total power should be equal to the power used by all downlink channels. If we set “maximumtransmissionpower” lower than “maxdlpowercapability” then we are wasting the remaining power which can be available for HS to improve thpt as well as to reduce power blockings (if any).
Note: All admission control parameters like “pwradm” and “pwroffset” are relative to min( “maxdlpowercapability”, maximimumtransmissionpower”)
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Q: Why “maximumtransmissionpower” should not be greater than “maxdlpowercapability”?
A: The reason for this is that Resource estimation procedure in HSDPA Scheduler takes “maximumtransmissionpower” as the maximum downlink transmission power for cell to estimate power available for HS-PDSCHs.
P(HS) = 10^((10* log(Pmax) - hsPowerMargin)/10) - Pnon-HS [W]
So if “maximumtransmissionpower” is set higher than “maxdlpowercapability”, then Scheduler will overestimate the power and the above equation will be misleading.
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Wherever the change of “maxtotaloutputpower” is required to reduce power blockings, follow following steps:
Change maxtotaloutputpower
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