Maximizing School Funding - Weebly

Maximizing School Funding Connie Sliger and Matt Dailey Monday, March 14, 2016

Transcript of Maximizing School Funding - Weebly

Maximizing School Funding Connie Sliger and Matt Dailey

Monday, March 14, 2016

2002-2003 School Year:

$462 Billion on K-12 Education

STATE = 47.1%


FEDERAL = 9.1%

SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics as cited in Pasachoff, E. (2008). How the federal government can improve school financing systems. Brookings Institute: Center on Children and Families.

SOURCE: The Basics of School Funding - The Senate FIscal Agency. Rerieved from: .

SOURCE: The Basics of School Funding - The Senate FIscal Agency. Rerieved from: .

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