Max Simon’s 12 Golden Simon’s 12 Golden...


Transcript of Max Simon’s 12 Golden Simon’s 12 Golden...

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Max Simon’s 12 Golden Rules

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Max Simon’s 12 Golden Rules

How To Use The Right Words To Influence Instant Sales, Action, & Respect

Let’s be blunt: only one thing really matters in your marketing.

Your words.

The words you speak and the words you write influence the thoughts people have, and those thoughts determine whether someone will invest in your programs and services, join your mailing list, and give you the respect you deserve…

… or let them pass by like another bland and useless opportunity that doesn’t deserve another moment of their attention or energy (which happens every single day to millions of entrepreneurs).

If you want to be successful in the game of helping other people, you have to understand, embrace, and utilize these core ingredients in every piece of marketing you create.

Seriously. In EVERY single marketing campaign you create.

Use these unbreakable golden rules of copywriting to ensure that your words touch the heart of your reader and move them into fast action. Ignore them and you will watch as all your hard work and positive intentions go directly to waste.

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Address their main questions, fears and objections directly.

People have fears, concerns, doubts, insecurities, and all around miss-trust that your program or service can actually help them.

Not to mention that just about every person on the planet has the biggest and most painful level of miss-trust in themselves (because of their multiple failed attempts, their negative programming from parents and people of their past, and their uncanny ability to compare themselves to others).

Which means that you MUST fill in the blanks (i.e. address their concerns) with the benefits of what you do or they will with find all the reasons not to move forward with you.

Everyone has doubts, fears, insecurities, and miss-trust about you and your programs. If you do not take the time to gather and then answer every single one of them, people will add in their own answers and that won’t work out to your advantage.


If you are teaching people how to get a date, they will come up with objections for why your program won’t work like: “I’m not good looking enough. I don’t know where to find the right person. I don’t have enough style. Etc.”

In your marketing, you not only have to spell out these exact problems in excruciating detail so that people understand that you know them…

Like saying: “You probably think that you have to be super good looking and full of style for a woman to pay attention to you…”

But you also have to tell them why your program will help them get


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dates even if they have experienced these problems in the past or are still dealing with them now.

You could say something like: “But don’t worry because I’ll teach you how to use that charming insecurity to your advantage and make every woman fall in love with your slightly awkward style.”

The Bottom Line:

People don’t really believe that they can change.

Instead, they want to believe that they can accomplish their dreams and goals while working with the challenges and problems they have. So you MUST understand exactly what objections, fears, and insecurities your tribe has that would prevent them from moving forward in your program. Spell them out in your marketing and give specific and clear answers as to why these energies will not be a problem for you to work with and ultimately use to their advantage.

People buy benefits, not the process.

This might be the single most important sentence in the realm of marketing.

Meaning, nobody actually cares about your process or what you do. Like… • Meditation • Marketing • Datingcoach • Liveevent

Focus on the outcome2.

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People care about the benefits and the transformation of your offerings.

95% of your marketing copy should explicitly spell out these juicy outcomes. Taking the same exact points above, you would instead say:

• Instantabilitytoquietthemind’sendlesschatter • Fastsolutionstoreach10,000peoplewithyour message • Howtodoubleyourdatingwithoutbecomingany better looking • Wheretogotofindperfectlyalignednewhigh-quality joint venture partners

The difference is simple.

What you do only means something to you. The outcome of what youdomeanssomethingtothepeopleyouserve.Focusyourwordson the benefits and people will finally pay attention.

The simple tool to get clear is:

1) Whatyoudois…(meaninghowwouldyoudescribeit?)

2) The benefit to someone else is… (meaning how does it help?)

3) And the real outcome of that is… (meaning, what is the deepestbenefit?)


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Howcopylooksonapagemakes a difference as to whether or not someone will actually read through it.

As a general rule of thumb, don’t have more than 2 sentences of a copy in a paragraph. We get overwhelmed easily.

Use headlines to break up the flow, bold words that strike an emotional chord, and underline phrases that need to stand out.Sometimes it’s nice to add bullets or little graphics that indent the words. • Weliketoreadquickpoints • Theyfeeleasytounderstand • Doesn’tit?

Insert pictures that make me dream or make me relate. Not too many. But enough that I can remain visually engaged.

Do not get cheesy or make every other word capitalized. Yet don’t expect people will just sit and read your note if it visually looks like you just verbally threw up on paper.


Look at the copy in this second section above.

Thereisaheadline“Formattingmatters”.Therearenomorethan2 sentences of copy per paragraph. Certain words are bold and underlined to stand out.

This is an example of great formatting that will compel someone to read. Use it.

Formatting matters.3.

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Always speak to one person when you write… and that person is “YOU”. 4. Get a clear idea in your mind about exactly who you are influencing with your copy and write to them. Not to people, us, we, them, or any form of multiples. Speak to “YOU” the person reading this note and nobody else.

It actually helps you to pick a specific person. Think back to your idealclient.Whatwashisorhername?Whatspecificproblemsweretheydealingwith?Whatdidtheywant?

Pretend that you are writing to that person. Every word.


I write to a woman named Leisel. She is spiritual service provider with a huge desire to help people. She believes in herself and what she can do in the world. She is ready to play a bigger game. She is ready to finally start making the type of money she truly deserves. Foryears,shehasstruggledtogetbyfinancially.

When I write, I write directly to you Leisel. And every word is crafted to inspire you, to make you feel something deeply and profoundly, and to help you take actions that are in alignment with your bigger purpose and mission.

As long as I have you in my awareness as I write, I know that my words will influence you and ultimately move you to join my programs.


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Bad copy is vague and ambiguous.

It talks about huge subjects that sound nice and fluffy but are rarely what people are actually experiencing as problems or desires inside of themselves.

Like changing your belief systems, helping you get unstuck, and finding more balance.’

Great copy is laser specific. It addresses the EXACT problem, challenge, or desire someone is experiencing in excruciating detail.

For Example:

People aren’t just not sleeping at night; they are tossing and turning at night with less than 4 hours of sleep because they are worried about whether they can pay their kid’s cell phone bill and they don’t want to have to go back and get a job.

Feelthedifference?Themorespecificandfocusedyouarewiththeproblems you are addressing, the deeper the chord it will strike. Remember, you are in the business of solving problems, and you won’t be in business for very long if you don’t make it explicitly known which specific problems you are in fact solving.

Be specific.5.

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Give a reason to respond RIGHT NOW and make it easy for them to do so. 6. Getting the benefits of your program might not be enough of a reason to invest right now. So give them more.

Come up with creative “Fast Action” benefits for saying yes quickly. The undisputed king for this is:

• Extra prizes / bonuses

You could give additional support, two-for-one, free entry to programs or live events, private calls, group benefits, etc.Or maybe the reason to respond now is because something is expiring and this is their last chance. That could be:

• Special pricing is expiring • Launch is closing • Last remaining seats / spot • Bonuses are going away

It’s a basic psychological principle: people often do what they are told…

Plus, people don’t want to miss out on all of the juicy extras / benefits they get by taking action.

So if you want someone to buy, tell them to “register now” and then include a link right below it.

Do it many times throughout your copy. They say it takes 5-7 “nudges” to get someone to move into action

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People will not open your email, read your sales letter, or waste even one moment of their time unless you compel them to do so.

Use headlines and opening sentences that immediately draw people in.

People will jump away from your note in less than 5 seconds. Give them a reason to stay right up front.

Make the subject of your note or your headline something that would force the reader to keep engaging just because of the mere curiosity of what you’ve said.

Six figure in seven days?

Make bold claims. One’s that strike a deep “desire” chord with your reader.

It’s Time To Stop Suffering!

Pose interesting questions. One’s that are exactly what they are already thinking deep within their mind.

Want to double your mailing list fast?

This logic applies to the first few lines and paragraphs of everything you create. Email titles, headlines, the first few sentences of your emails, sales pages, etc.

Anything that you want someone to read needs to grab them from the start.

Grab people’s attention as fast as possible.7.

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Tell lots of personal stories.8. The truth is, we are sick of how-to information. Mostly because it either sucks or we don’t believe enough in ourselves to make it work.

So instead, focus a lot of your marketing on telling personal stories that make you a more likable character and have meaning and significance to the reader.

Talk about yourself not to be vain but because people buy from those they like and trust.

When did you experience the same problems and challenges of your tribe? How did you overcome these obstacles? What are your results now?

Share enough about you, your success, your failures, your learning lessons so that people know you are a real person with real life experiences they can relate to.

But always remember that you are telling these stories to prove a point, share a teaching lesson, or help them realize that if they take action, they too can have a success story just like yours.

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When you are speaking to a specific person / tribe, there are certain words and phrases that will strike a deep chord and build instant trust.

For example, these phrases resonate with our tribe of big-vision, spiritually-centered entrepreneurs (did you catch that?):

• Make a powerfully positive difference in the world • How to be in service & make a great living by helping others • While remaining in total integrity & authenticity • In the spirit of partnership and collaboration • Living your purpose and giving your gifts in a big way

The Bottom Line:

Find out the words and phrases that uplift and inspire your tribe and use them over, and over, and over again.

Use words that resonate.9.

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Make your value known.10. When talking about your time, your programs, or anything else that should be taken seriously, you must make your value known.

If you are talking about your coaching (which is $2,000 per hour), then make sure to say it.

If you are giving away an extra bonus like a live event ticket ($3,000 value), make it known.

If you are asking people to opt-in to get some free training (worth $441), add up all the bonuses you’re giving away inside and put a value on them.

• Videos from sold-out live event ($197 value) • E-book about effective marketing ($147 value) • Your favorite emails ($97 value)

Got it?

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Make it exclusive.11.

Everyone wants to be “on the inside”.

We want access to information that others can’t have. We want to spend time with people that other’s can’t get to. We want to feel like we are special and part of something unique.

So look for every opportunity to build exclusivity into your copy.

Are you putting on a small intimate event? Is your invite only going out to your best customers? Is this a one-time opportuni-ty? Are you limiting the amount of people who can get access?

And more importantly, what are the benefits of gaining access to this exclusivity?

Make it feel special and people will bend over backwards to be a part of it.

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Hold a BIG vision for them.12. Look, it all comes down to this.

People WANT to believe that it’s possible for them to break-through. They want to believe that a better life is waiting for them.

But most just don’t have the courage, the faith, or the self-worth to make it happen.

So instead, you have to do it for them.

Be courageous and bold with what’s possible for them. Be en-couraging and supportive that they can do it. Be the only person that truly believes in them… even if they cannot.

Say things like:

You can do this. I promise.

YES, it’s possible for you to make an amazing living doing what you love.

All you need to do is take one step forward and I’ll guide you.Hold a space bigger than they can hold for themselves… and mean it. People will read your words, feel your encouragement, and take the leap.

We all want to believe that it’s possible. Sometimes we just need an extra little

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So do you get it?

Can you see now how to write amazing marketing copy that strikes a deep emotional chord with the exact person you’re speaking to…

… and influences them to click, buy, and be happy?

Because the truth is that it does take practice. But it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Focus on the specific problems. Paint a clear picture about the outcome you help provide. Give reasons to respond now. Make what you’re doing sound special and valuable.

This Is It! The Grand Finale!

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Lay out the information in a way that makes me want to read it.

Follow these Golden Rules and you’ll have no problems filling up your programs, selling-out your events, helping the most amount of people, and living a rich and prosperous life.

Much love,


P.S. I’m not sure how you got this but make sure to go the web-site right above right now, enter your name and email address on the right side, get $541 worth of FREE cutting-edge money-making content, and then come to one of our live events.

How’s that for a final call to action? Haha…