Max factor false effect mascara

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Transcript of Max factor false effect mascara

  1. 1. My AdvertBy Tazmein Richards-Thompson
  2. 2. Max Factor False Lash EffectMascaraMy advert is about advertising Max factor false lasheffect mascara.
  3. 3. IdeologiesThe ideologies attached to this product is it createsvolume, lengths and thickness. It has a large brush to makeyour eye lashes extra long, make it thicker and catch everyshort lashes even at the ends. The mascara doesnt flake orsmudge while your wearing the mascara.
  4. 4. Primary Target Audience:The primary target audience for this product is aimed at females whentheir teenagers or adults also the product is for females who wearmascara.Secondary Audience:The secondary audience is for men because there are some men whoare a rock star or dress like a punk they also wear mascara. Alsosome men enjoy wearing make up so they are likely to buy thismascara.
  5. 5. Maslows HierarchyReferring to Maslows hierarchy the target audiencewill be for people who have esteem because to usethis mascara you need confidence because yourgiving yourself a complete makeover by using thismascara.
  6. 6. Persuasive Techniques The persuasive techniques I will using are: Catchy logo What colours will be Catchy slogan dominant? Appealing imagesI think bright colours willbe dominant because it will Beautiful people used in the advertcatch the audiences Facts attention also the audience Comparisonwill pay more attention tosomething which catches Flatterytheir eyes. Rhetorical question Sex sells These persuasive techniques I am going to use will helpadvertise my product so the mascaras can sell more.