Maundy Thurs., Apr 17, 2014 Knox Bulletin

KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH April 17, 2014 7:00 p.m. Minister: Rev. Mark Gedcke Music Director – Suzanne Strahan MAUNDY THURSDAY Minister: Jesus spent his life teaching us the meaning of love….Love God, love yourself and love one another. All: We gather in the name of Jesus and remember the way that he showed us. We gather to remember not just his death, but his life. HYMN: #357 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (v 1,2,4) Minister: The way of Jesus goes through the cross, but we are not there yet. It is close…We arrive for the Passover meal, to remember that God saved the people from slavery. All: God saved the Israelites at Passover and revealed that it is God who reigns, not the tyrants. Our God saved once. God saves forevermore. HYMN: #708 When Israel was in Egypt’s land (v 1,2,5) Minister: Even as they were sharing this sacred meal together, the disciples were not of one heart…All of the disciples were deeply saddened and they said: All: I would never betray you, Lord. It’s not me, is it?

Transcript of Maundy Thurs., Apr 17, 2014 Knox Bulletin

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KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHApril 17, 2014 7:00 p.m.

Minister: Rev. Mark GedckeMusic Director – Suzanne Strahan


Minister: Jesus spent his life teaching us the meaning of love….Love God, love yourself and love one another.

All: We gather in the name of Jesus and remember the way that he showed us. We gather to remember not just his death, but his life.

HYMN: #357 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (v 1,2,4)

Minister: The way of Jesus goes through the cross, but we are not there yet. It is close…We arrive for the Passover meal, to remember that God saved the people from slavery.

All: God saved the Israelites at Passover and revealed that it is God who reigns, not the tyrants. Our God saved once. God saves forevermore.

HYMN: #708 When Israel was in Egypt’s land (v 1,2,5)

Minister: Even as they were sharing this sacred meal together, the disciples were not of one heart…All of the disciples were deeply saddened and they said:

All: I would never betray you, Lord. It’s not me, is it?

Leader One & Leader Two share of Jesus’ words about the bread and the cup.

Leader One: And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ’s offering for us, as we proclaim the mystery of faith.

All: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

Minister: Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here and on these gifts of bread and the cup. By your Holy Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other and one in ministry to the world.

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HYMN: #548 Let us break bread together



Leader Two: When the holy meal had been shared, the disciples began to argue over which one would be the greatest….Peter boasted:

All: “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death”

Leader One and Two share about the end of the meal and what happened in the Garden of Gethsemene.

Minister: There was a brief skirmish at the arrest, but his disciples quickly scattered. Peter, who had only hours before promised to go with Jesus to prison, even death, followed from a distance. During the trial, Peter remained hidden in the shadows. First a servant girl saw him and said, “This man was also with him.”.

All: “Woman, I do not know him.”.

Minister: A little later someone else, on seeing him said, “You are also one of them.”.

All: “Man, I am not.”.

Minister: Then about an hour later still another kept insisting, “Surely thisman was with him; for he is a Galilean.”.

All: “I do not know what you are talking about.”.

Minister: At that moment, while he was still speaking, the cock crowed. The Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter rememberedwhat Jesus had said to him and he wept bitterly.

HYMN: #230 Go to dark Gethsemane


(This service was adapted from one written by Robb McCoy who is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church.)

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THANK YOU - to Bev Hider and Dale Bast for being our readers this evening.

SERVICES AT KNOX - Please join us for our special services this week as we get ready for Easter. Tonight, we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. On Good Friday at 11 AM, we journey with Jesus to the cross through scripture, song and drama. Easter Sunday at 11, we will share the good news that Jesus is risen from the dead. Come and join us as we celebrate together! You are encouraged to take share in the Special Easter Offering which supports the ongoing ministry and mission of our congregation.

SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY LUNCHEON – MAY 4 - Lunch will be served after this special worship service. We need help in preparing sandwiches, assistance with set-up and clean-up. Please contact Lori Speiran at 519-273-4926. Donations for this lunch will be divided between the Cancer Care Mission/Wig Room and the charity choice of Rev. Karen Horst.

NURSERY HELPERS NEEDED! - We are starting to have more little ones coming to church and it is time to start a rotation schedule again for the nursery. We need 2 persons per Sunday, and if enough come forward to help, it will mean your name would be down only once a month. Come out and meet the newest members of Knox.For more information and to add your name the list, contactBev. Hider at 519-271-4909 or [email protected]

KNOX SENIOR MENS’ GROUP - Please join this fun group for lunch at the Arden Park Hotel. They meet at 12:00 noon the first Wednesday of each month. This is a very informal gathering of friends. For further information, contact Gord Spandler at 519-273-1765.

YOUTH GROUP - Youth Group will meet again on Sunday, April 27th from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Banquet Hall. If you are able to bring a dessert for the gang, please let a youth group leader know.

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