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THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY JUNE 23 1907 DOM MIGUEL PEN OF THE MAN WANTS TO Bt KING OF PORTUGAL SKETCH WHO While the public on both skIes of tho Atlantic is familiar with the character the history of Don Carlos pretender- to the throne of Spain and of the Duhe of Orleans and Prince Victor Napoleon rival claimant of the crown of France little or nothing te known of Dom Miguel of Braganza the pretender- to the throne of Portugal Until a few weeks ago he has been content to live In relative obscurity In Austria where his ties of kinship with the Ilapeburgs have caused him to be treated as a relative of tho imperial family almost as one of Its members In fact he has received the colonelcy of a crack Huessr regiment und the Order of the Goidon Fleece pre- cisely as if he had been an Austrian archduke Born in Austria in 1SB and educated in that country he has been looked upon up till now as an Austrian in all but name and title and more- over believed to be so thoroughly con- tented with his lot that something akin to amazement has been created at Vienna by his public announcement that he has never renounced his claims to the throne of Portugal and that when the hour arrives he will be ready and delighted- to take possession thereof In one word he has blossomed forth as a full fledged pretender and since there Is a large party in Portugal that is championing his cause and clamoring for his procla- mation as lanE in the place of Dom Carlos whose position is critical in the extrme a brief sketch of Miguel may- be of timely interest Dom Miguel is often described as stand ing for legltimtem in Portugal in the same way that his fellowpretender Don Carlos does in Spain But their position Is entirely different True they both on JW the support of the clergy and reli- gious order to whom they have promised a restoration of the prerogatives power and property of which they have been de- prived by liberal governments For much the same reason they have the sympathy of the great territorial aristocracy whose c Mn rights have been reduced to a minimum by radical legislation But whereas on the other hand in Spain tie order of the succession to the crown was altered by King Ferdinand VII in of his daughter Isabella without nnv regard to the hereditary rights of Ms brother the original Don Carlos on the other hand the late Dom Miguel who reigned for a time as King of Portugal before being compelled to ab di i and to leave the country had paired possession of his throne by a vhlly indefeasible act of usurpation by tli violation of all his most solemn lodges to the meiabers of his family f i his people and to the great powers Moreover while there has never been any question raised as to the birth of the younger brother ft King Ferdinand- of Spain there are very serious doubts as to the legitimacy of Dom Miguels fdthT the reprobate exKing Miguel of Portugal nd th was FIr t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ As for the present Dom Miguel he ic only in part of royal Mood For his tvntlier who survives as a Benedictine rin did not belong to any of the reign ng louses of Europe but merely to one of the of the mediatized nobility bring a princess of Loweaatein Werthelm It was a nephew of hers Prince Ix wen of Wcrthelm who was killed in the Philippines in 1W while fighting in the ranks of the insurgents against the AmTican troops As stated above lorn Miguel was born in Austria Bonw twenty years after his fathers exile from Portugal and alt told he has spent but three days in Portugal whirh he visited secretly at the close of the BosnianHeraogovinlan campaign narrowly escaping arrest Of his six sisters the eldest is married- to Don Alpbonse of Bourbon the only brother of Don Carlos The second is Archduchess Maria Theresa widow of the Austria Emperors brother Charles Louis airl stepmother of the heir apparent- A third sister is the wife of Duke Charles Thpodore of Bavaria the celebrated ocu- list and a sisterinlaw therefore of the late Empress of Austria and of the of Naples Another sister of lv m Miguel is the consort of the reign- ing grandduke of Luxemberg while still a rift her sister has as husband Robert of Bmirbon exsovereign duke of Parma Dom Xiguel himself has been twice rcirrte his first wife having been a princess of Thurn and Taxis while his jr ent helpmate belong to the family as his mother namely that of Iiwnsteln WerUteim ITo has two sons sad it is to be hoped f r the sake of Portugal that neither of ti fin will ever be intrusted with the con- trol cf her destinies as King For the rvind son Prince Francis Joseph of Erganta was arrested in London Horrible offense he visited Eng- land at the time of King Edwards coro- nation Indignantly repudiated and dis- owned by his kinsman Archduke Francis Ferdinand the Austrian heir apparent who was there as the representative of Emperor Francis Joseph the young prince wan subjected to the ignominy of several appearances In the prisoners dock of an Enrltoh metropolitan pollee court before the case was finally hushed up and stifle and the prince bundled out of the country It Is needless to add that his dismissal fron the Austrian army In which he held a commission as lieuten- ant of the Seventh crack regiment of ITussars promptly followed and that that time he has been to all intents and purposes a social outcast excluded from every reputable dub both in Aus- tria and elsewhere As for the elder of th two brothers Prince Michael he is regarded by many as responsible for the death of Prince Albert of Saxony the youngest brother of the present King of Saxony Prince Michael had been dining not wisely but too well at a country house In the neighborhood of Dresden On his driving back to town he overtook the equipage of Prince Albert and either through carelessness or else in pursuance of some Sunken Idea of fun caught his wheels in those of Prince Alberts with so much violence that it was overturned into the ditch Prince Albert its occupant sustaining such injuriesthat he 5iccumoed thereto a few hours later Fo great was the penitence and sorrow ts iblted by Prince Michael for having lieon the cause of Alberts death that he vas permitted to retain his commission in the Saxon army But ho was per- emptorily dismissed a year later when It was brought to the notice of the German xovernment that during the absence of King Carlos of Portugal in England the prince had availed himself of the opportunity and of his own leave of absence to travel extensively through Portugal for the purpose of assisting in the organisation of an insurrection against King Claries Since then unable to secure a eomiateeton in any other army anti SHRertag from a social buy families me Co- ra hen tin r Queen inc car- riage > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = cott almost as severe as that against Ills younger brother ho might like the lAtter gladly avail himself of the oppor- tunity afforded by n change of govern ment at Lisbon to transfer his home to a country where the present generation of the Braganzas are not so known It is extremely probable that Dom Miguels recent proclamation of himself as an active pretender to the throne of Portugal will be followed by a demand on the part of Emperor Francis Joseph that he should resign his commission as colonel In the Austrian army For the Emperor while perfectly reedy to accord hospitality In his dominions and generous treatment to sovereigns who for one reason or another have lost their thrones and to their families refuses to permit his hospitality to be abused by or to allow them to plot on Austrian soil against sovereigns with whom he Is on terms of friendship The Duke of Braganza Is a strikingly handsome man and very accomplished being in this respect a great credit to the Jesuits who are responsible for his education Ha showed himself a dashing officer of Austrian cavalry in the sup- pression of he insurrection of Horzogo and Bosnia and is one of the clever- est sporting shots in Europe having hunted big game in India and in Cen tral Africa as well as in tho Rockies As for his claims to the throne of Portugal they can only be described as based on usurpation and I have before me as I write this the copy of a memorandum dated September 25 182S addressed to Emperor Francis of Austria by the great Prince Metterntch the most vigorous champion of the principles of legitimism In the nineteenth century and in which reviewing the situation Irf Portugal he declares in the most positive manner that Maria da Gloria was the only lawful heir to the Portuguese throne and that her uncle King Miguel father of the present of Braganza had no ves- tige of right of claim thereto and could only be regarded a a usurper In fact when the late nom Miguel proclaimed himself king at Lisbon in the place of his niece Austrian ambassador was at once withdrawn by the chancellor Prince Metternlch and all diploma tic in tercourse broken off with the court of Lisbon The Dom Miguel was the putative son of King John VI who had developed such a fondness for Brazil while living there as prince regent that he refused to quit Rio de Janeiro on his accession to the throne of the two coun- tries after the death of his crazy mother Queen Maria Franc In 1814 King John was fom happy In his marriage Iris wife a Princess Carlotta of Spain who preceded him to Lisbon was a most dissolute woman and made no pretense of concealing her animosity toward him and toward her eldest son Prince Pe- ter reserving all her affection for her youngest son Dom Miguel who it Is saW could not by any noseiWIIty have been the offspring of the King pretend- ers Duke the late far via ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ It WItS TOt until six years later King John sailed for Portugal his de- parture from Brazil being signalized bj the latter proclaiming Itself an indepen dent empire altogether separate from th mother country and electing his ekfe son Peter as its first emperor On John reaching Lisbon he hiimelf in favor of modifying the abso- lute character of tHe monarchy granted his people a parliamentary con stitutton on the English model found himself by the opposi Hon of his queen sad of her son Don Miguel who raised an Insurrection against him in the course of which his greatest friend the liberalminded Marquis 01 Louie author of the new constitution- was assassinated and his associates im- prisoned The king eventually succeedet in effecting his escape to an English man ofwar at anchor in the Tagus and wai subsequently restored to his throne bj the great powers of Europe who ex- pelled Dom Miguel and his mother Queen Carlotta A year later King John after establishing his daughter IsabelU Maria as regent sailed for Rio where he acknowledged his eldest son Dom as Emperor of Brazil and diet there a couple of years later On his de- mise Dom Pedro ruler of the indepen- dent Empire of Brazil found himself King of Portugal also But in deference to the Jealousies of his Brazilian sub- jects he resigned his throne of Portuga- to his sevenyearold daughter Maria tU Gloria on the condition that on attain- ing suitable age she should marry her uncle Dom Miguel whom he hoped to convert thereby from a source of dan ger to a source of strength to his child throne In 1827 Dom Pedro foolishly allowed himself to be persuaded by Miguel to nominate him regent during the of the little queen No sooner hat Miguel secured this appointment than IK proceeded to expel the child from country antI to proclaim himself king getting rid of all the political adherent and liberal statesmen who had identified themselves with the policy of King John and Dom Pedro Many of them were pul to death Executions were frequenL Thousands were deported to penal set- tlements in Africa and at one moment there were near H 8000 people in prison for political offenses Gen Villareal one of the ranking officers of the army de- clined to be a party to the use of the military forces for purposes of political prosecution and calling upon King Mig- uel demanded to be relieved of hit exclaiming From now on Portu gal will not need honorable soldiers but merely hangmen Beside himself with rage King Miguel let fly his fist In face of the general shouting Here if for your soldiers Before any one could Interfere and quick as lightning the vet aran returned the blow with the swinging box on the ears which sent the monarch reeling exclaiming And there is for your majestys hangmen The general was at owe seized tried by courtmar tial and sentenced to death But before the sentence could be executed the prison In which he was confined was stormed by it mob of students soldiers and citizens and he was set at liberty and enabled to escape from the country This is I be- lieve the only instance on record of a king having his ears publicly boxed Pedro was at length led by the condition of aftatrs at Lisbon to resign his crown of Brazil to his infant son lad sailed for Europe to champion the ause of his daughter as Queen of A civil war ensued which tested Tor nearly two years and finally in 19 Dom Miguel and the remnant of his army were captured and in consideration of Us life being spared he solemnly ab- jured all claims to the throne of and undertook never to set foot on Portuguese soil again Dom Pedro proclaimed his young daughter of ige and his fathers old friend the Duke of Palmclta as prime minister re that King pronounced and but confronted Pe- dro the com- mand the Dom Por- tugal Portu- gal there- upon minor- Ity ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ established a parliamentary form of gov- ernment on the basis of the constitution granted by King John and which had been suspended during Dom Miguels ab- solutist usurpation One of the first things that tho national legislature did was to declare Dom Miguel and his heirs forever Ineligible to succeed to the throne and enacted a law decreeing death againstany member of his familj who returned to Portugal Dom Pedro did not long survive the victory and died n low months later at Lisbon leaving o namo which is honored to this day nUke by Portuguese and Brazilians Maria de Gloria in the following year married Au gustus de Beauharnttls Duke of Leueh tonberg son of that Eugene ds Beauhar nals who was the son of Empress Jo- sephine After two months of marriage ho died and not long afterward Quoen Maria da Gloria contracted a second marriage with Prince Ferdinand of SAxeCoburgGotha This marriage a happy one Prince Ferdinand who was proclaimed king consort on his wedding day proved a wise counselor both to his wife and after her death to hit son King Louis The pres- ent King Charles is his grandson and there is still living an American lady a native of Boston who after the death of Queen Maria da Gloria became Ferdi nands second and morganatic wife She bears the title of Countess Edla KX ATTACH B- ONE RULE IS HELD SACKED Members of Swagger London Club Finally Fall However Shrewd Wniier Secure Tip When Lust of the 1lncc lit Broken Joseph H Choate adverted at a din- ner to the BngHafc club ruts that no club servant may over on any account be tipped reports the New York Telegraph When I lived in London said Mr Choate I heard of an amusing incident based upon this rule There was a certain club which did not permit gambling but leer members- at a loss one night for something to do decided to have a quiet game of bridge- a small game half a crown a hundred or something of the sort So they sought out a secluded corner and fell to Soon though they noticed one of the club waiters hovering around them casting stern and suspicious glances at Uie table He was a veter- an waiter 4 club landmark and they grew a little alarmed He might tell Finally they called the man over Joseph said the general what you suspect is true We are gambling And we want you to keep mum Alien all Joseph you have been with tb dab a good while and I dont suppose this is the lint time you have seen the rules broken General said Joseph qutatty I have served the club fortyseven years and I have seen air every broken but one And what one to Th one sir against Upping the club waiters Joseph then had Ute pleasure of see- ing that rule broken too was rule that Itegulni ion ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MATS REPUBLICAN Question Now as Timely as Whats a Democrat BOTH QUERIES ARE ANSWERED Corrcripiimlcnti Gives HI Vlorr ns to qualities Which Co to COUNt lute Ailvoonten of little of the Peo- ple on One Side nail little of the nit the Other Side Bdttor The WMfctacUm HmU Now that we have all read Mr Bryani description of a Democrat The Washing- ton Heralds Inquiry What is a Ropub II most timely It goes straight to the heart of things Our people are divided Into two groups one of which believes in the rule of the majority the peoples rule while the other believes in the rule of less than a majority the rule of the few The few are in power in this country as Is evidenced by the swarm of private monopolies termed trusts But in State and municipal affairs in Oregon the people have reestablished their sovereignty likewise in South Da- kota and Montana In these States the poople have reestablished a system whereby they can ballot direct on public questions the initiative and referendum The Declaration of Independence was promulgated under a majorityrule sys- tem of government for people In- structed at will This they did at town meetings In the rural districts of the North and elsewhere at mass meetings Mnjorlty little in Revolution And the Revolutionary war was suc- cessfully fought under this majorityrule system In the words of De Tocquevllle on democracy in America In New Lashed tavMhipa complrtflr tfeflnitay OtttfttaMI M Arty M 1GB The lade wtteh local tntcrwt pMMkm rigkti dtitk eoDertal sad rtoBg It IBM to the ettvttr of tttie l life tbcrii hlr democratic end KpibHcMi TIle ootoukt reropiiwd MpmuKT of Uw Mother coontry toonwehr vu- UU the taw cT state tat tbe rvp Wlc WM readr rtUMtabed to eveqr toroijx The AsMftaui Hrratatfcm broke out sad the doctrine of owwfeBtr of the people em out of till towMtaiM ud took iia mlott 01 the ctatr Ktety WM entitled in Ms t e battles were fowht rfctoriei obtained for it H BQMB the law cf- k But with the cessation of military oper- ations a resumption of foreign trade and the export of money followed by falling prices a net hard times and in 1787 a constitutional convention met be hind closed doors to frame a new sys- tem of government it was to the people they soon were pre- pared to vote it down for there was no bill of rights or other limitation upon the power of Congress the President or the Supreme Court In many of the States many of the constitutional con- vention leaders agreed that if the system should adopted they would help in the First Congress to remedy matters by constitutional amendments This compromise was agreed to in the State conventions by a close vote The First Congress submitted twelve amendments ten of which were adopted The ninth and tenth provided that the rights and r Few the and WIIdIDN fit the round the and teat still the tile elMs came When lie I hem were iceathis was the nucleus sue the sad sub- mitted sub- mitting ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ powers not delegated to the 1nlted States government were reserved to the States and to the people Thus the peo- ple retained their sovereignty the right to Instruct representatives and other powers This was the second contest In which majority rule triumphed Overthrown in 1708 In 17M the Federalist party gained con trol of the government and its officials refused to obey instructions Thus the majorityrule system Will overthrown In the next erection however that of 1K9 tbe voters reestablished their sover- eignty for they elected the nomine of the Republican party who were pledged- to majority Jefferson was their leader Here ws have a clearcut description of what constitutes a IteimbUcan la the days of Jefferson It meant majority roUst which is the eqvtvatoat of peo- ples rule The peoples role was so snccessfal that In in the Federalist party Mod nation- ally For eight years there one party the Republican and every one rule it existed but ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ VERSE WORTH READING answer you MR MsniiaMlnti Say tat M- Yw ease artcMafa hi thtt MR 0 rowndod WIlL till tUg Vovv tnrcM Oct far to aa a BK for lbs afttt To put you p It aint y jjenot ejsft To undfe traveler a bed an aaack tnwcer at I hafel forgot Jack Jack Oh teeth yaOtr sr tnt r nl land him an fctUtlwMl her We did stranger Mary Jnt tort o west to tad her am in SBM B- An that left me an Jatkjert MM aft M Jack cuteat little pup you sew e fright as a button btnjr a a bee An ewrjtnnV Id kft in gnC warU- Coae Ihnpta in OM aitemoo n cvM- tp in r armTon never eec ttefe ejw I done the tat I knmred how Sutomfra Bandaged the NwHn jmwtt taMBV ear nODe itan then Jeat prayed n caMeL r Inter tile night I bits Then I sew IVm Ja wa s IUnfar twant jilt isjt r Vi kn hoptaJack tart bald injured internal like MidttMtt b list Im MelD you Straager I t Jack Thin mneh nr mnthin hit aw teNse wts blest Srat y right OWT there hy render I An another grate there dont Mt Three ararr crow An ibM yew Mhhia tall m Cmiy MH an I onane They aint to fur off Mia tf set o date ThWrtn don hal seth WeB Ht pttn Me- An I mt bn T theses a me BMI here StrafMtr It o MejM Hk I wont IM lilt o q er T hi Nw Yerk Sea IX MI C TI3IB- No row teed to ay af oaeli My floor Per he ahan nrt it dowel end hamd t bin The arkft which I have known ittM be w MON And era their nmanry ahaN be iciest aad To aty wfll I rertatt VafeylaMt Where an eating yean Ufjntil and Hh eyelids dosed a btattOM ta My heal The May torrovwd Ma OH Ute night For when I rise naraner JWed the ak- I rarme no other pteee or roaM It cante like ahoKs of deed Mays deer I lookedand to the HUa wise fa hhMnt What of Arabia rise with tkt UA bridge lime with hot an odor awht And learn yen happr with A Mothers Wn- SUndiaK behind UM yean you sill MMt areetl- Nhwtu M Lowler Xew Veric 8 u- TO TUB S G G StMdtaK with rtradant f i At tile 4ttx1c amt Vbero the brook and liver mttt- rntc a sunset at tile swttt thickens jrirl aradwait- Standtne with retocua flit HSwht tk current RJT cad Ae down the Himm K Mtejl- Mre the brook cad riser seNt NOT taM the hMheap ekMC And to be et t Standing with rehtctant feet Where the hraokth sAcS mnat- Gtaajfe M looks Kattt- 1itre the brook sad me U- Shes a sfibtte these reset MM wont lanR ts wak Sttndfec with MMcbmt kit UM least and riser reset Xtw Y rfc W M hi it that when thine Mt islet Mwn there ta neither HK see rIM Ant IVMMl dir e t a Atf- Stin t toe i we in seas wart The IrtMdmt da with majearie rnt wnelehes haophly railroad sends his orders oteieaa And rrgtrtates our tewing beet IresWent k od ea the orteHtel Whe sorts the traUiM hiss ties Haul sods the stride nd mtf the ra l Make the storks Scat d 0r NMivf The Ire t- to ke s world frta pdw wiinsf 1 easer alt KIll tor ssag atos what he mar de atxtr JCt I this jr this see fat 118 Hutwell jest dices at GeM held l oIIIa MItt Poe fof Lair put IlIaD say lit begins at rim hive f foe k wise The Who the lets doubt If weedo tesed The UW Jlien14 I ea Wc wsy ep a Whoa a ec d LOt was died trip yes selse bee usepIy C din tie a cad fair east S licit alice she ike awl Asss WANe WHO Who Who there Sees Who the se Ity seeded while Pceeedeetiksgu > < > COCK nonix IOOT Wise kflM Cock Hokt- aV said the Sparrow twcstytnn lutoMi can prow I did JSftfcr the MkKtRe of a hrahwtonn with M ten law on the aide MnflthetkaBy Who sea bin 4k I MM tile My TIM aa I U wssbr sk mskt- a JL wtaeaa IM m way to HnuMQ laid tilt Mid the It apnee sates cm it- VmtV UB hit beaSt the lieS kW penakMta of tha AaBXsiM wins chW- MM Do- WM tway baoaMM w M- WnVB lie JIll thassaT I stM UK beth rUnhm UnnM ether etrihe in tile And all of the Wt sees a tnhsa sad sohbM- Fnr the TrW Katrae M the HKHK AM HBIIKAFTBH Parse seas other rotating sphere Swiiended M ether or seAt QMK I on MT jnuineringi T keep a millennial Vttk seAts or was It with ma And Ad I in tanneent Mirth Prepare at the plane I brpan Per such M nkftenee on earth w ilk in tin sea Sr stat fas tile MOMI ahape- Wa I aiwajii litnt to he Mr anrftasnr the f I Or WM I 1 xk M a snake Msarorbjc enemy to nd ytenishe adinnct to male TIle type beets n aMnkhntl I MtonnaUon My Mend IKeansa X ser pastors dtMMj- rHi yefiM that My spirIts eels trend ahonM be toward Heaien todny- Oh HMSt I inkiest devote To stnnMiihK tile hnps Mdea atrinil- 6r ready kamia to soat Abed on a feathery wtaft- AbM bee nmeraeM MT fate 1 Nataea tome wbem hat m slew And TIeaten for My sari does sot Vlien this trusties is thromn- Ah Me what a nd woeful seats Of eaetwr Mtitnee end What IMt xd ntttr not to MT taMe IM WIt for a world fast like I S Val rli w in Xevr Vatk Sea 3IOTIIBR WHST There k nwther aa kg nd nine Of Mothers qwne the kiM lw ten sturdy Twist Hkim and semitic ant She gins th a wealth hi aoedty She alma atonmllne health and More SIte ercn attIc Contentments doer Her name k Mother West 0 mother whose brwirtfctnew taO Thy children amply Me- Te foretm cAstes we mar set sell O r pilot strange unrest ttUl thr dma tnrn to Tag raiw thy hilts thy mrntetr And t the bet uses over sea Clue hone to Mother West Denver KcsMtMe- aaIIBIXCAHXATIOX tk seer tevelteeag Hfe sail nMctit- Be to the kiWi earth Manttss eea Wa l cad raeoMbtoed fndi HWMB m Muss thug Hatebcil and windiowr lemma nnaaene- Spm B ffosT an aneesUr- OWBWH ta start teed elemental ear Make mwdtanda as wo hash owe mat in IbM aUH Whew Seat r few loves MM Genuine his o r n aad w natMiei heart The TVTT tawee spirits tattt are dead Prism MM triamDeied Arid we have MMJI with tint txa ir- On the 1H Mans Pail Mail Gaccttt r tt t elM win t I I endseb jIi JtpartI8c cAl tileL cWt t h J Hill 1M in is bee lIt of 0 tilt tryst icky TIle today tIIItt this a willie ser rt < MIll n- or lien easeS na sews fAad ist an its it seed With tin sessase tin rne tse w blat tAut em 4 tie inset se wee em floe her While Snip ask ale eta em nit thee list tile- S slope frees > < Desirable Home Sites in Beautiful are offered now for the balance monthly in 3 to 5 years i HIS popcrty extends north from Bradley lane along the cast side of Connecticut avenue directly opposite Inn It has been carefully surveyed and all the lots are staked off and numbered A high rolling healthy location within easy reach of the city Excellent car service at all times The city is growing in this direction and those who buy here are not only securing beautifully located home sites but are making the most promising investments About fifty lots have been sold and the demand is steadily in creasing Take advantage of the first opportunity to ride out and view this ideal property Our representative will meet you and assist you to select the best lots A perfect sewerage system has been installed Electric lights available Secure a HOME SITE now in Chevy Chase Section III 1414 F Street N W Branch Office Chevy Chase D C Chevy Chase Section III 300 and Up at 1000 Casha- nd T J are Thos Fisher Co Inc 1 i J0 ¬ What emANate then an M lisT chMrfnlr the bK w lear What be tar frecfttM and ta ehfewers bate f aB taef mm- Ok daypr by the Ion o tar JM Md aa- eTherelt be a nnhHng every der And ilaahlii brhta to she y I fftM w wnmt be havpy hayT- Insewnr Ji- AhFOASO III- He1 never take k pleasure JIll Uw ardtmry seer now boyrtct tinei apiee- Us sews do tin Mtoehie that w eusen- aad did He he t tANg that isnt nice Meg seen heave a anorfkU at a ataar n rsU hat steal off seined ta the peal HeTi never r4 e thx n on tile laS of any lieS never phy at hookey Ilk school Uell error Hng a dmrbeU sued ge tfrtnung sway lies never punch an Uier urchins hoed BfcB MKT steal ta the way of pav hell seer clew leAse beatnd the died litit never think a thiifht that tmt f tteiatHd- IleM new a btwth tint iwt aoed HeU sever have the frolics that we aB ham end prfecd- Oh ym be AUoneo if yen could KirtMiend ThnfsI rJpate- hTAINTKI1 AM WOMAN I wWd act b mMKaoaira if Iw re piven ehc War MMtthini kM than socta a Id Wt- Ber ery dollar that I had tombed by wroan And save the heathen thug w nid tajMOt sad heel beck with lange And K I went to efc trthJ t salt tMs bears nix ir VM US The nahcr with tbe bundled BK imM jee I j s me 1y And worn to take a mHNan fiejn e hate a U- M I But UI were a nritneaaJre nbw I nibed at nfe- Mf irownl rwMMpa threncn BUT Banta v- Aad If she foMd a cleAN there Mt wiser I MtMP Shed hand it Not n year HU Shed cAt k up ta Iwwp IHUat News TO THE BEIOVED Yen Ueht at I HRhter kipfilest In the oM timer what Jar whet je t Ibtt sow the tines are sad sad new tad all cur teHGhter gnus with you The old times were er r the best You vrrr M wild as the W t The West Vlml thats wild cad kind Necking rotiM WAIl yon Bolhfcc keen Yen ire gone orvr the bIllie tt sleep lie free beloved as Wert yes gaze with both iwndi orer cad ever And story j or man nvt yonr lowe Vhoetcr turned front you nnfed- Hcarrbearted mKtrnfertedr- 2tar OeM repny yon seer cull orer O IJsnt cf Yonui tie we g- Itefcre the WittIer and the snow Hor wIse Mki think i f pee a manretr Aa old nag ta ehbBnty terser QAt giU f rest Yes LIght ef LavKhtcr TIM and But all GIll Ia sk4 r n s with yon Yon sued the l mng and the dew Th a sad woiM ef eare sal Eill iCatbfrUe Tynan l an kleeee t The Wa J A trute t Ja J Is De tile Let Ja Is easer n JIM cat Ute 11M rotE a fate take freed It Ute asat line dII whines hOt ute WAtt a aDd Altar tII ofHiJ Ii JltIes IJXI- iwen ic wIth- In ma Sower hideuk akit- Ia w Well Ibene sielk hear Igle PV4Nt re- Orbetthwttbtkebeqdie ea II weer lea emee Jemi a emmar Met em maer doles see ma Jim And 1 fee 1 ee Jim bee Ae14ieeld bed lieS ko a free lea apples may seaM a sea tst Is leases ap my deep sea s site teade sejiesaldy fet lack e HILt Wind you alder wise t sed In public life acknowledged that the pee pie were the ruling power But under guise of acquiescing In peoples rule it was secretly defeated a Is evidenced by the restoration of giant private monopoly termed United States Bank Under Jaokeon leadership people ruse up and re- established their power They the bankers trust and placed the govern meat money In the government vaults That was the fourth victory for ma- jority rule In this conflict the Dcmocratli party was b rn and its opponent known as Whig Illrtli of lUMMihlicnn Inrty Again the few crept back Into power They debased the convention system ai Institution bunt up by the people and through which they had regained their sovereignty Thus Democratic wee captured and then in conJnncUo with The Whit machine the country ruled by the Slavoeracy So abjectly the serve the nlaveboWers the people left the party and started peoples rule organization the Republican party Its leaders alt championed rule of the majority The referendum Wei became popular In the words of Lin com In a speech Febnujry 14 MH- M the BttJoritr ahouM not Ale who would b- Hkt fader Whnc it sneh a to be loud We sfconht all be knead by BMjaratr f Avnertau pMfne K not then the nBMML WenM that be rtshtt It emma AarareoV noC I nttmte that Malmfci IIi rnfe This us a dear description of what coo sUtuted a Republican in 1R145 But the of the civil war then was no ree tabitehment of a majority mte yatem a system of direct 01 public ifueaitions The ruled undo UM cloak of popular forme machine it its naaae ltv Xo v In Power The few have continued in power ex oept that in three States and in man ttiajs the people have restored the direct YUle system for public questions TIle rule of the few has reculted it private monopolies which have developed on every hand until our pockets picked continually The trust question a ajttentkm of sovereign power Shall rate of the few be replaced by majorit ride Mr Bryan ha boldly and fearless raised this issue lie is advocating Initiative and referendum And as he i the acknowledged leader of the Demo era tic party he claims and very that a Democrat is one who believe in the rule of the people and who desire to make the government the Instrument in the hands of the people to carry their wilt President Roosevelt objects to the of a directvote system for questions the peoples rule and a fundamental issue is raised In hi speech at Jaaa stown April JS Theodore Roosevelt said Thai treat republic of oars shell never her the iniiiiMMUt rf a pfatocrary and it ahan i butane the Kirimmiil cC a mob wRUng shaO mnthi whit onr Esther who fed it naea it to be The Presidents Definition Tb M according to President RooveveK a Republican is one who does not beltevt In majority rule peoples rule Such a one was a Federalist in Hamiltons day Mr Roosevelts books applaud Hamilton policies and belittle Jeffersons But Abra- ham Lincoln said The uhicit s of leases M are the detnittom sad of free society Letter tf Aprfl 6 InaX Thus Lincoln was a maJorityruUst And so is Robert M La Follette Shelby M Cullom and other of the presentday Republican leaders What Is William II view And what Is the attitude o Charles Warren Fairbanks Joseph Ben- son Foraker and Philander C Knox The in the Republican party should insist upon answers If the Republican voters will question candidates they will control the primaries and conventions But if the Republican national conven tion refuses to nominate a majority must then Mr Bryan will be our next President and the House will be Demo- cratic nrnjorityrulist As the Whig party suddenly went to pieces It is pos- sible for the presentday autocratic ma- chine to do so A peaceful revolution is at hand either inside the Republican ma- chine or from the outside OBUIIOB H EHIBLKY- tbtocton D C Indian SKI IniiRiuiKc- fic thee New Orleans TkaeaDtawent When an Indian paints his cheeks in scarlet lines awl daubs a yellow square n his fOrehead the world knows that he is m lowe When he covers his face with zlrzag- ttack lines upon an ochre base it is his purpose to ah Im almost ashamed to ay get Just as skated as he posed tly can When the red circles are on each tone and a rectangle of blue is on the oreheatl the young brave is going out a steel a paleface horse When he paints white rings around his j 8 he is running for oiftce he is a aadidato for medicine man or ceiraclior the white rIngs signify that he ought B he elected because ho hits the wisdom- f the owl the that the the dethrone becaMe party WItS did that the Its tile jIIIt tit rule are Is the out pub- lic this It Taft Itto cheek tad the JeSse Would be- er dii stress voting few the proper- ly res- toration GuS sale voters < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A DOUBLEBARRELED CANNON One Is at Athens the First Test Invented During the Civil War l y New Orleans Inn hut Irovcs The only doublebarreled caaoort the 10 OM UK historic curiosities of Ga says the New Orleans Times There is n binary of unique interest that goes along with this old cannon being the only doubtebarreled shooting ken of this Mod ever invent id it conceived WIth a peculiar idea the Inventor John Oltteland a of the Mitchell Thunderbolts a loral unitary company during the war The Mitchell Thunderbolts was a company men too old for acUve service in field and was organized purely for home defense Mr GiUeland the inventor believed that With a eaanoa of the double barrel pat be could mow down Yankees by hundreds He had hta cannon cast the Athens fouaary and wtean fin shed It wax hauled out to the outskirts the city where a test was made One was entirely sufficient to demon itrate that the cannon wee a rank failure A ttftyfoot chain with the ends attach id to the cannon balls was the charge were rammed Into the oed and hard It was the inventor s that when the cannon was firel chain would stretch taut and cut everything within its length Whn was properly loaded it was touched with great ceremony One of the balls got out a little f the other and the devil and Tom Jones to pay It had a kind of circular plowed up about an acre of- ound tore up a cornfield mowed down pttngs and the chain broke the two Us going in different directions f the hula killed a youns cow In t Istant Held while the other knock own a chimney from a tog cabin Th members of the Thunderbolts who vert to witness the test scattered he ugh the entire Yankee army hi j turned too in that vicinity The one test was enough to convir Inventor that his doubtebarr cannon was more disastrous to the rr u- ehlnd it than to the enemy in fron drawn back to the city and was i ed again except to celebrate De ratio victories the number of time f purpose bemg rather limited t State campaigns Several years g he old ennnon disappeared from in f- f the city hall and it was found i i shop from which it was rer i after being mounted was plac d little park on College avenue opr 3 Federal building where It now n I of the moat Interesting relics f civil war SOME PECULIAR SPECTAOLES laos Made l y Ancients Per fcctlj Transparent Did Nero wear spectacles asks the ago Tribune Pliny relates that the Er- eror Nero used a previous stone rhich he gazed on the gladiatorial tats Dr Magnus the latest autl riv- o examine the passage critically Ms hat this means that the Emperor w 3 i he heidI of gazing upon an en rj- chkh he used to carry with him fcT t i surpass of resting his eyes when t tecame tired of looking at the shows This view is corroborated by the b antiquity that green has a restful ej- ect upon the eyes Contrivances f r ringing the rays of the sun to a focus n- rder to produce combustion have ben employed almost from time immemori PunnIng glasses were used to kIndle these must have been of considera1- ilze even In a country like Greece wV he sun shines hot most of the Moreover we are told they were kept i heirists shops for the purpose Though the art of making glass of ala kinds is old spectacles had to he discovery or Invention of some meth 1 would produce it perfectly Specimens of glass have been four I- n Egyptian tombs more than 40W years and glees bottles are represented nn- ombs at least 1500 years earlier In- 4e i tamia the art of making glees Ti era traced for at least 2000 years B r But all the glass of antiquity was f Inferior quality and was almost usel purposes where the rays of light Wf- o be transmuted unbroken and with vti diminished Mirrors also were made In Egypt thoi lands of years before the Christian era I rfWit Moniinpr Circulation All advertising contracts made by The Washington Herald are btsd upon its sworn circulation a drcul tin In Washington larger ay than was ever before attained by say morning newspaper at Ui- sCplt l Its are open Only GaResult- of n Dlsuppotntiircnt In world of AtM Democrat Besides by mem- ber of the tern the at of tNt These Idea the down It off notion On- o 1 sot the I was this f- In punk end l the the the ot I thro g and w that r- ent old for MOlts was haIls can- non chest were at- one t it firs energy thou- sands > ¬ ¬ > <

Transcript of MATS DOM Desirable Home Sites Bt Whats Chevy Chase · 2017. 12. 21. · THE WASHINGTON HERALD...





While the public on both skIes of thoAtlantic is familiar with the character

the history of Don Carlos pretender-to the throne of Spain and of the Duheof Orleans and Prince Victor Napoleon

rival claimant of the crown of

France little or nothing te known ofDom Miguel of Braganza the pretender-to the throne of Portugal Until a fewweeks ago he has been content to live In

relative obscurity In Austria where his

ties of kinship with the Ilapeburgs havecaused him to be treated as a relativeof tho imperial family almost as one ofIts members In fact he has received

the colonelcy of a crack Huessr regimentund the Order of the Goidon Fleece pre-

cisely as if he had been an Austrianarchduke Born in Austria in 1SB andeducated in that country he has beenlooked upon up till now as an Austrianin all but name and title and more-

over believed to be so thoroughly con-

tented with his lot that something akinto amazement has been created at Viennaby his public announcement that he hasnever renounced his claims to the throneof Portugal and that when the hourarrives he will be ready and delighted-to take possession thereof In one wordhe has blossomed forth as a full fledgedpretender and since there Is a largeparty in Portugal that is championinghis cause and clamoring for his procla-

mation as lanE in the place of DomCarlos whose position is critical in theextrme a brief sketch of Miguel may-

be of timely interest

Dom Miguel is often described as standing for legltimtem in Portugal in thesame way that his fellowpretender DonCarlos does in Spain But their positionIs entirely different True they both on

JW the support of the clergy and reli-

gious order to whom they have promised

a restoration of the prerogatives power

and property of which they have been de-

prived by liberal governments For muchthe same reason they have the sympathyof the great territorial aristocracy whosec Mn rights have been reduced to aminimum by radical legislation Butwhereas on the other hand in Spain

tie order of the succession to the crownwas altered by King Ferdinand VII in

of his daughter Isabella withoutnnv regard to the hereditary rights ofMs brother the original Don Carloson the other hand the late Dom Miguelwho reigned for a time as King ofPortugal before being compelled to abdi i and to leave the country hadpaired possession of his throne by avhlly indefeasible act of usurpation bytli violation of all his most solemnlodges to the meiabers of his familyf i his people and to the great powersMoreover while there has never beenany question raised as to the birth ofthe younger brother ft King Ferdinand-of Spain there are very serious doubtsas to the legitimacy of Dom MiguelsfdthT the reprobate exKing Miguel ofPortugal













As for the present Dom Miguel he ic

only in part of royal Mood For histvntlier who survives as a Benedictine

rin did not belong to any of the reignng louses of Europe but merely to one

of the of the mediatized nobilitybring a princess of Loweaatein WerthelmIt was a nephew of hers Prince Ix wen

of Wcrthelm who was killed in thePhilippines in 1W while fighting in theranks of the insurgents against theAmTican troops As stated abovelorn Miguel was born in AustriaBonw twenty years after his fathersexile from Portugal and alt told hehas spent but three days in Portugalwhirh he visited secretly at the closeof the BosnianHeraogovinlan campaignnarrowly escaping arrest

Of his six sisters the eldest is married-to Don Alpbonse of Bourbon the onlybrother of Don Carlos The second isArchduchess Maria Theresa widow of theAustria Emperors brother Charles Louisairl stepmother of the heir apparent-A third sister is the wife of Duke CharlesThpodore of Bavaria the celebrated ocu-

list and a sisterinlaw therefore ofthe late Empress of Austria and of the

of Naples Another sister oflv m Miguel is the consort of the reign-ing grandduke of Luxemberg while stilla rift her sister has as husband Robert ofBmirbon exsovereign duke of Parma

Dom Xiguel himself has been twicercirrte his first wife having been a

princess of Thurn and Taxis while hisjr ent helpmate belong to thefamily as his mother namely that ofIiwnsteln WerUteim

ITo has two sons sad it is to be hopedf r the sake of Portugal that neither ofti fin will ever be intrusted with the con-

trol cf her destinies as King For thervind son Prince Francis Joseph ofErganta was arrested in London

Horrible offense he visited Eng-

land at the time of King Edwards coro-

nation Indignantly repudiated and dis-

owned by his kinsman Archduke FrancisFerdinand the Austrian heir apparentwho was there as the representative ofEmperor Francis Joseph the youngprince wan subjected to the ignominy ofseveral appearances In the prisoners dockof an Enrltoh metropolitan pollee courtbefore the case was finally hushed up andstifle and the prince bundled out of thecountry It Is needless to add that hisdismissal fron the Austrian army Inwhich he held a commission as lieuten-ant of the Seventh crack regiment ofITussars promptly followed and that

that time he has been to all intentsand purposes a social outcast excludedfrom every reputable dub both in Aus-tria and elsewhere As for the elder ofth two brothers Prince Michael he isregarded by many as responsible for thedeath of Prince Albert of Saxony theyoungest brother of the present King ofSaxony

Prince Michael had been dining notwisely but too well at a country houseIn the neighborhood of Dresden On hisdriving back to town he overtook theequipage of Prince Albert and eitherthrough carelessness or else in pursuanceof some Sunken Idea of fun caught hiswheels in those of Prince Alberts

with so much violence that it wasoverturned into the ditch Prince Albertits occupant sustaining such injuriesthathe 5iccumoed thereto a few hours laterFo great was the penitence and sorrowts iblted by Prince Michael for havinglieon the cause of Alberts death that hevas permitted to retain his commissionin the Saxon army But ho was per-emptorily dismissed a year later when Itwas brought to the notice of the Germanxovernment that during the absence ofKing Carlos of Portugal in Englandthe prince had availed himself of theopportunity and of his own leave ofabsence to travel extensively throughPortugal for the purpose of assisting inthe organisation of an insurrectionagainst King Claries Since then unableto secure a eomiateeton in any otherarmy anti SHRertag from a social buy




ra hen


r Queen

















cott almost as severe as that againstIlls younger brother ho might like thelAtter gladly avail himself of the oppor-

tunity afforded by n change of government at Lisbon to transfer his home toa country where the present generationof the Braganzas are not soknown

It is extremely probable that Dom

Miguels recent proclamation of himself

as an active pretender to the throne of

Portugal will be followed by a demand

on the part of Emperor Francis Joseph

that he should resign his commission ascolonel In the Austrian army For the

Emperor while perfectly reedy to accord

hospitality In his dominions and generous

treatment to sovereigns who for one

reason or another have lost their thrones

and to their families refuses to permit

his hospitality to be abused by

or to allow them to plot on Austriansoil against sovereigns with whom he

Is on terms of friendship

The Duke of Braganza Is a strikinglyhandsome man and very accomplished

being in this respect a great credit to

the Jesuits who are responsible for hiseducation Ha showed himself a dashingofficer of Austrian cavalry in the sup-

pression of he insurrection of Horzogo

and Bosnia and is one of the clever-

est sporting shots in Europe having

hunted big game in India and in Cen

tral Africa as well as in tho Rockies As

for his claims to the throne of Portugalthey can only be described as based on

usurpation and I have before me as I

write this the copy of a memorandumdated September 25 182S addressed toEmperor Francis of Austria by the greatPrince Metterntch the most vigorouschampion of the principles of legitimismIn the nineteenth century and in whichreviewing the situation Irf Portugal hedeclares in the most positive mannerthat Maria da Gloria was the only lawful

heir to the Portuguese throne and thather uncle King Miguel father of thepresent of Braganza had no ves-

tige of right of claim thereto and couldonly be regarded a a usurper In factwhen the late nom Miguel proclaimedhimself king at Lisbon in the place of

his niece Austrian ambassador was

at once withdrawn by the chancellorPrince Metternlch and all diploma tic intercourse broken off with the court ofLisbon The Dom Miguel was theputative son of King John VI who haddeveloped such a fondness for Brazilwhile living there as prince regent thathe refused to quit Rio de Janeiro on hisaccession to the throne of the two coun-

tries after the death of his crazy motherQueen Maria Franc In 1814 KingJohn was fom happy In his marriageIris wife a Princess Carlotta of Spainwho preceded him to Lisbon was a mostdissolute woman and made no pretenseof concealing her animosity toward himand toward her eldest son Prince Pe-

ter reserving all her affection for heryoungest son Dom Miguel who it IssaW could not by any noseiWIIty havebeen the offspring of the King


















It WItS TOt until six years laterKing John sailed for Portugal his de-

parture from Brazil being signalized bj

the latter proclaiming Itself an independent empire altogether separate from thmother country and electing his ekfeson Peter as its first emperor OnJohn reaching Lisbon hehiimelf in favor of modifying the abso-

lute character of tHe monarchygranted his people a parliamentary constitutton on the English modelfound himself by the opposiHon of his queen sad of her son DonMiguel who raised an Insurrection againsthim in the course of which his greatestfriend the liberalminded Marquis 01

Louie author of the new constitution-was assassinated and his associates im-

prisoned The king eventually succeedetin effecting his escape to an English man

ofwar at anchor in the Tagus and waisubsequently restored to his throne bjthe great powers of Europe who ex-

pelled Dom Miguel and his motherQueen Carlotta A year later King Johnafter establishing his daughter IsabelUMaria as regent sailed for Rio wherehe acknowledged his eldest son Dom

as Emperor of Brazil and dietthere a couple of years later On his de-

mise Dom Pedro ruler of the indepen-dent Empire of Brazil found himselfKing of Portugal also But in deferenceto the Jealousies of his Brazilian sub-jects he resigned his throne of Portuga-to his sevenyearold daughter Maria tUGloria on the condition that on attain-ing suitable age she should marry heruncle Dom Miguel whom he hoped toconvert thereby from a source of danger to a source of strength to his childthrone

In 1827 Dom Pedro foolishly allowedhimself to be persuaded by Miguel tonominate him regent during the

of the little queen No sooner hatMiguel secured this appointment than IKproceeded to expel the child fromcountry antI to proclaim himself kinggetting rid of all the political adherentand liberal statesmen who had identifiedthemselves with the policy of King Johnand Dom Pedro Many of them were pulto death Executions were frequenLThousands were deported to penal set-

tlements in Africa and at one momentthere were near H 8000 people in prisonfor political offenses Gen Villareal one

of the ranking officers of the army de-

clined to be a party to the use of themilitary forces for purposes of politicalprosecution and calling upon King Mig-

uel demanded to be relieved of hitexclaiming From now on Portu

gal will not need honorable soldiers butmerely hangmen Beside himself withrage King Miguel let fly his fist Inface of the general shouting Here iffor your soldiers Before any one couldInterfere and quick as lightning the vetaran returned the blow with the swingingbox on the ears which sent the monarchreeling exclaiming And there is foryour majestys hangmen The generalwas at owe seized tried by courtmartial and sentenced to death But beforethe sentence could be executed the prisonIn which he was confined was stormed byit mob of students soldiers and citizensand he was set at liberty and enabled toescape from the country This is I be-

lieve the only instance on record of aking having his ears publicly boxed

Pedro was at length led by thecondition of aftatrs at Lisbon to resignhis crown of Brazil to his infant sonlad sailed for Europe to champion theause of his daughter as Queen of

A civil war ensued which testedTor nearly two years and finally in 19Dom Miguel and the remnant of his armywere captured and in consideration ofUs life being spared he solemnly ab-jured all claims to the throne of

and undertook never to set foot onPortuguese soil again Dom Pedro

proclaimed his young daughter ofige and his fathers old friend theDuke of Palmclta as prime minister re





















established a parliamentary form of gov-

ernment on the basis of the constitution

granted by King John and which had

been suspended during Dom Miguels ab-

solutist usurpation One of the first

things that tho national legislature did

was to declare Dom Miguel and his heirsforever Ineligible to succeed to the

throne and enacted a law decreeing

death againstany member of his familjwho returned to Portugal Dom Pedro

did not long survive the victory and died

n low months later at Lisbon leaving o

namo which is honored to this day nUkeby Portuguese and Brazilians Maria deGloria in the following year married Augustus de Beauharnttls Duke of Leuehtonberg son of that Eugene ds Beauharnals who was the son of Empress Jo-


After two months of marriage ho died

and not long afterward Quoen Maria daGloria contracted a second marriage withPrince Ferdinand of SAxeCoburgGothaThis marriage a happy one Prince

Ferdinand who was proclaimed king

consort on his wedding day proved a wise

counselor both to his wife and after herdeath to hit son King Louis The pres-

ent King Charles is his grandson andthere is still living an American lady a

native of Boston who after the death ofQueen Maria da Gloria became Ferdinands second and morganatic wife Shebears the title of Countess Edla



Members of Swagger London Club

Finally Fall However

Shrewd Wniier Secure Tip When

Lust of the 1lncclit Broken

Joseph H Choate adverted at a din-

ner to the BngHafc club ruts that no club

servant may over on any account be

tipped reports the New York TelegraphWhen I lived in London said Mr

Choate I heard of an amusing incident

based upon this ruleThere was a certain club which did

not permit gambling but leer members-

at a loss one night for something to do

decided to have a quiet game of bridge-

a small game half a crown a hundredor something of the sort

So they sought out a secluded cornerand fell to Soon though they noticedone of the club waiters hovering aroundthem casting stern and suspiciousglances at Uie table He was a veter-

an waiter 4 club landmark and theygrew a little alarmed He might tellFinally they called the man over

Joseph said the general what yoususpect is true We are gambling Andwe want you to keep mum Alien allJoseph you have been with tb dab agood while and I dont suppose this isthe lint time you have seen the rulesbroken

General said Joseph qutatty Ihave served the club fortyseven yearsand I have seen air every brokenbut one

And what one to

Th one sir against Upping theclub waiters

Joseph then had Ute pleasure of see-

ing that rule broken too




Itegulni ion







Question Now as Timely as

Whats a Democrat


Corrcripiimlcnti Gives HI Vlorr nsto qualities Which Co to COUNt

lute Ailvoonten of little of the Peo-

ple on One Side nail little of thenit the Other Side

Bdttor The WMfctacUm HmUNow that we have all read Mr Bryani

description of a Democrat The Washing-

ton Heralds Inquiry What is a Ropub

II most timely It goes straightto the heart of things Our people aredivided Into two groups one of whichbelieves in the rule of the majority thepeoples rule while the other believes inthe rule of less than a majority the ruleof the few The few are in power in thiscountry as Is evidenced by the swarmof private monopolies termed trustsBut in State and municipal affairs inOregon the people have reestablishedtheir sovereignty likewise in South Da-

kota and Montana In these States thepoople have reestablished a systemwhereby they can ballot direct on publicquestions the initiative and referendum

The Declaration of Independence waspromulgated under a majorityrule sys-

tem of government for people In-

structed at will This they did at townmeetings In the rural districts of theNorth and elsewhere at mass meetings

Mnjorlty little in RevolutionAnd the Revolutionary war was suc-

cessfully fought under this majorityrulesystem In the words of De Tocquevllleon democracy in America

In New Lashed tavMhipa complrtflrtfeflnitay OtttfttaMI M Arty M 1GB The lade

wtteh local tntcrwt pMMkm rigktidtitk eoDertal sad rtoBg It IBM to theettvttr of tttie l life tbcrii hlr democraticend KpibHcMi TIle ootoukt reropiiwdMpmuKT of Uw Mother coontry toonwehr vu-UU the taw cT state tat tbe rvp Wlc WM

readr rtUMtabed to eveqr toroijx TheAsMftaui Hrratatfcm broke out sad the doctrineof owwfeBtr of the people em out of tilltowMtaiM ud took iia mlott 01 the ctatr Ktety

WM entitled in Ms t e battles were fowhtrfctoriei obtained for it H BQMB the law cf-

kBut with the cessation of military oper-

ations a resumption of foreigntrade and the export of money followedby falling prices a net hard times and in1787 a constitutional convention met behind closed doors to frame a new sys-

tem of government it wasto the people they soon were pre-

pared to vote it down for there was nobill of rights or other limitation uponthe power of Congress the President orthe Supreme Court In many of theStates many of the constitutional con-vention leaders agreed that if the systemshould adopted they would help in theFirst Congress to remedy matters by

constitutional amendments Thiscompromise was agreed to in the Stateconventions by a close vote The FirstCongress submitted twelve amendmentsten of which were adopted The ninthand tenth provided that the rights and





WIIdIDN fit the roundthe and

teatstill the









iceathis was the nucleus


















powers not delegated to the 1nltedStates government were reserved to theStates and to the people Thus the peo-

ple retained their sovereignty the rightto Instruct representatives and otherpowers

This was the second contest In whichmajority rule triumphed

Overthrown in 1708

In 17M the Federalist party gained con

trol of the government and its officials

refused to obey instructions Thus themajorityrule system Will overthrown

In the next erection however that of1K9 tbe voters reestablished their sover-

eignty for they elected the nomine of

the Republican party who were pledged-

to majority Jefferson was theirleader

Here ws have a clearcut description ofwhat constitutes a IteimbUcan la thedays of Jefferson It meant majorityroUst which is the eqvtvatoat of peo-

ples ruleThe peoples role was so snccessfal that

In in the Federalist party Mod nation-ally For eight years thereone party the Republican and every one



existed but






answer you MR MsniiaMlnti Say

tat M-Yw ease artcMafa hi thtt MR

0 rowndod WIlL till tUg Vovv tnrcMOct far to aa a BK for lbs aftttTo put you p It aint y jjenot ejsft

To undfe traveler a bed an aaacktnwcer at I hafel forgot Jack

Jack Oh teeth yaOtr srtnt r nl land him an fctUtlwMl herWe did stranger Mary

Jnt tort o west to tad her am in SBM B-

An that left me an Jatkjert MM aft M

Jack cuteat little pup you sew efright as a button btnjr a a beeAn ewrjtnnV Id kft in gnC warU-

Coae Ihnpta in OM aitemoo n cvM-tp in r armTon never eec ttefe ejwI done the tat I knmred how SutomfraBandaged the NwHn jmwtt taMBV earnODe itan then Jeat prayed n caMeL rInter tile night I bits Then I sew

IVm Ja wa s IUnfar twant jilt isjt rVi kn hoptaJack tart bald

injured internal like MidttMtt b

list Im MelD you Straager I t JackThin mneh nr mnthin hit aw teNse wts blest

Srat y right OWT there hy renderI An another grate there dont MtThree ararr crow An ibM yew Mhhia

tall m Cmiy MH an I onane

They aint to fur off Mia tf set o dateThWrtn don hal seth WeB Ht pttn Me-

An I mt bn T theses a me BMI here

StrafMtr It o MejM Hk I wontIM lilt o q er

T hi N w Yerk Sea


No row teed to ay af oaeli My floor

Per he ahan nrt it dowel end hamd t binThe arkft which I have known ittM be w MON

And era their nmanry ahaN be iciest aad

To aty wfll I rertatt VafeylaMt

Where an eating yean Ufjntil andHh eyelids dosed a btattOM ta My healThe May torrovwd Ma OH Ute night

For when I rise naraner JWed the ak-

I rarme no other pteee or roaM

It cante like ahoKs of deed Mays deerI lookedand to the HUa wise fa hhMnt

What of Arabia rise with tktUA bridge lime with hot an odor awht

And learn yen happr with A Mothers Wn-

SUndiaK behind UM yean you sill MMt areetl-

Nhwtu M Lowler Xew Veric 8 u-


StMdtaK with rtradant f iAt tile 4ttx1c amt

Vbero the brook and liver mttt-

rntc a sunset at tile swtttthickens jrirl aradwait-

Standtne with retocua flit

HSwht tk current RJT cadAe down the Himm K Mtejl-

Mre the brook cad riser seNt

NOT taM the hMheap ekMC

And to be et tStanding with rehtctant feet

Where the hraokth sAcS mnat-Gtaajfe M looks Kattt-

1itre the brook sad me U-

Shes a sfibtte these resetMM wont lanR ts wak

Sttndfec with MMcbmt kitUM least and riser reset

Xtw Y rfc W M

hi it that when thine Mt isletMwn there ta neither HK see rIM

Ant IVMMl dir e t a Atf-Stin t toe i we in seas wart

The IrtMdmt

da with majeariernt wnelehes haophly railroad

sends his orders oteieaaAnd rrgtrtates our tewing beet


k od ea the orteHtelWhe sorts the traUiM hiss ties Haul

sods the stride nd mtf the ra lMake the storks Scat d0r NMivf

The Ire t-

to ke s world frta pdw wiinsf1 easer alt KIll tor ssag

atos what he mar de atxtr


this jr thissee




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Wise kflM Cock Hokt-aV said the Sparrow

twcstytnn lutoMi can prow I didJSftfcr the MkKtRe of a hrahwtonn with Mten law on the aide MnflthetkaBy

Who sea bin 4kI MM tile My

TIM aa I U wssbr sk mskt-a JL wtaeaa IM m way to HnuMQ

laid tiltMid the It

apnee sates cm it-

VmtV UB hit beaStthe lieS

kW penakMta of tha AaBXsiM

wins chW-MM Do-

WM tway baoaMM w M-

WnVB lie JIll thassaTI stM UK beth

rUnhm UnnM

ether etrihe in tile

And all of the Wt sees a tnhsa sad sohbM-

Fnr the TrW Katrae M the


Parse seas other rotating sphereSwiiended M ether or seAt

QMK I on MT jnuineringiT keep a millennial

Vttk seAts or was It with maAnd Ad I in tanneent Mirth

Prepare at the plane I brpanPer such M nkftenee on earth

w ilk in tin sea

Sr stat fas tile MOMI ahape-Wa I aiwajii litnt to he

Mr anrftasnr the f IOr WM I 1 xk M a snake

Msarorbjc enemy to ndytenishe adinnct to male

TIle type beets n aMnkhntl

I MtonnaUon My MendIKeansa X ser pastors dtMMj-

rHi yefiM that My spirIts eels trendahonM be toward Heaien todny-

Oh HMSt I inkiest devoteTo stnnMiihK tile hnps Mdea atrinil-

6r ready kamia to soatAbed on a feathery wtaft-

AbM bee nmeraeM MT fate1 Nataea tome wbem hat m slew

And TIeaten for My sari does sotVlien this trusties is thromn-

Ah Me what a nd woeful seatsOf eaetwr Mtitnee end What

IMt xd ntttr not to MT taMeIM WIt for a world fast like

I S Val rli w in Xevr Vatk Sea


There k nwther aa kg nd nineOf Mothers qwne the kiM

lw ten sturdyTwist Hkim and semitic ant

She gins th a wealth hi aoedtyShe alma atonmllne health and MoreSIte ercn attIc Contentments doer

Her name k Mother West

0 mother whose brwirtfctnew taOThy children amply Me-

Te foretm cAstes we mar set sellO r pilot strange unrestttUl thr dma tnrn to

Tag raiw thy hilts thy mrntetrAnd t the bet uses over sea

Clue hone to Mother WestDenver KcsMtMe-


tk seer tevelteeag Hfe sail nMctit-Be to the kiWi earth

Manttss eea Wa l cad raeoMbtoed fndi HWMB

m Muss thugHatebcil and windiowr lemma nnaaene-

Spm B ffosT an aneesUr-OWBWH ta start teed elemental ear

Make mwdtanda

as wo hash owe mat in IbM aUHWhew Seat r few loves MM

Genuine his o r n aad wnatMiei heart

The TVTT tawee spirits tattt are deadPrism MM triamDeied

Arid we have MMJI with tint txa ir-On the 1H Mans

Pail Mail Gaccttt

r tt

t elM

win tI

I endsebjIi JtpartI8c cAl tileL

cWt t


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lItof 0tilt









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wee emfloe


While Snip



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S slope




Desirable Home Sites in Beautiful

are offered now for

the balance monthly in 3 to 5 yearsi

HIS popcrty extends north from Bradley lane along the castside of Connecticut avenue directly opposite Inn

It has been carefully surveyed and all the lots are staked off

and numberedA high rolling healthy location within easy reach of the city

Excellent car service at all timesThe city is growing in this direction and those who buy here are

not only securing beautifully located home sites but are making the

most promising investmentsAbout fifty lots have been sold and the demand is steadily in

creasing Take advantage of the first opportunity to ride out and view

this ideal property Our representative will meet you and assist you

to select the best lotsA perfect sewerage system has been installed Electric lightsavailableSecure a HOME SITE now in Chevy Chase Section III

1414 F Street N W Branch OfficeChevy Chase D C

Chevy Chase Section III

300 and Up at 1000 Casha-



J are

Thos Fisher Co Inc





What emANate then an M

lisT chMrfnlr the bK w lear

What be tar frecfttM and ta

ehfewers bate f aB taef mm-

Ok daypr by the

Ion o tar JM Md aa-

eTherelt be a nnhHng every derAnd ilaahlii brhta to she y

I fftM w wnmt be havpy hayT-

Insewnr Ji-


He1 never take k pleasure JIll Uw ardtmryseer now boyrtct tinei apiee-

Us sews do tin Mtoehie that w eusen-aad did

He he t tANg that isnt nice

Meg seen heave a anorfkU at a ataar n rsUhat

steal off seined ta the pealHeTi never r4 e thx n on tile laS of anylieS never phy at hookey Ilk school

Uell error Hng a dmrbeU sued ge tfrtnungsway

lies never punch an Uier urchins hoedBfcB MKT steal ta the way of

pavhell seer clew leAse beatnd the died

litit never think a thiifht that tmt ftteiatHd-

IleM new a btwth tint iwt aoedHeU sever have the frolics that we aB ham

end prfecd-Oh ym be AUoneo if yen could

KirtMiend ThnfsI rJpate-


I wWd act b mMKaoaira if I w re piven ehcWar MMtthini kM than socta a Id Wt-

Ber ery dollar that I had tombed bywroan

And save the heathen thug w nid tajMOt sad heelbeck with lange

And K I went to efc trthJ t salt tMs bearsnix irVM US

The nahcr with tbe bundled BK imM jee Ij s me 1y

And worn to take a mHNan fiejn e hate a U-


But U I were a nritneaaJre nbw I nibed at nfe-

Mf irownl rwMMpa threncn BUT Banta v-

Aad If she foMd a cleAN there Mt wiser IMtMP

Shed hand it Not n year HU Shed cAtk up ta Iwwp

IHUat News


Yen Ueht at I HRhter kipfilestIn the oM timer what Jar whet je t

Ibtt sow the tines are sad sad new

tad all cur teHGhter gnus with youThe old times were er r the best

You vrrr M wild as the W tThe West Vlml thats wild cad kind

Necking rotiM WAIl yon Bolhfcc keenYen ire gone orvr the bIllie tt sleep

lie free beloved as Wert

yes gaze with both iwndi orer cad everAnd story j or man nvt yonr lowe

Vhoetcr turned front you nnfed-Hcarrbearted mKtrnfertedr-

2tar OeM repny yon seer cull orer

O IJsnt cf Yonui tie we g-

Itefcre the WittIer and the snowHor wIse Mki think i f pee a manretrAa old nag ta ehbBnty terser

QAt giU f rest

Yes LIght ef LavKhtcr TIM and

But all GIll Ia sk4 r n s with yonYon sued the l mng and the dew

Th a sad woiM ef eare sal EilliCatbfrUe Tynan


an kleeeet

The WaJ

A trute tJa J


De tileLet




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asat line dII whines


ute WAtt

aaDd Altar

tII ofHiJ Ii JltIes


iwen ic wIth-In maSower hideuk akit-Ia w

Well Ibene sielk hear IglePV4Nt re-


II weer lea

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doles seema Jim

And 1 fee1 ee Jim

bee Ae14ieeld


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lea apples may



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alderwise t sed

In public life acknowledged that the peepie were the ruling power

But under guise of acquiescing In

peoples rule it was secretly defeated aIs evidenced by the restoration ofgiant private monopoly termedUnited States Bank Under Jaokeonleadership people ruse up and re-

established their power Theythe bankers trust and placed the governmeat money In the government vaults

That was the fourth victory for ma-jority rule In this conflict the Dcmocratliparty was b rn and its opponentknown as Whig

Illrtli of lUMMihlicnn InrtyAgain the few crept back Into power

They debased the convention system aiInstitution bunt up by the people andthrough which they had regained theirsovereignty Thus Democraticwee captured and then in conJnncUowith The Whit machine the countryruled by the Slavoeracy So abjectlythe serve the nlaveboWersthe people left the party and startedpeoples rule organization the Republicanparty Its leaders alt championedrule of the majority The referendum Wei

became popular In the words of Lincom In a speech Febnujry 14 MH-

M the BttJoritr ahouM not Ale who would b-

Hkt fader Whnc it sneh a to be loudWe sfconht all be knead by BMjaratr fAvnertau pMfne K not then thenBMML WenM that be rtshtt It

emma AarareoV noC I nttmte thatMalmfci IIi rnfe

This us a dear description of what coosUtuted a Republican in 1R145

But the of the civil war thenwas no ree tabitehment of a majoritymte yatem a system of direct 01

public ifueaitions The ruled undoUM cloak of popular forme machineit its naaae

ltv Xo v In PowerThe few have continued in power ex

oept that in three States and in manttiajs the people have restored the direct

YUle system for public questionsTIle rule of the few has reculted it

private monopolies which have developedon every hand until our pocketspicked continually The trust questiona ajttentkm of sovereign power Shallrate of the few be replaced by majoritride

Mr Bryan ha boldly and fearlessraised this issue lie is advocatingInitiative and referendum And as he i

the acknowledged leader of the Demoera tic party he claims and very

that a Democrat is one who believein the rule of the people and who desireto make the government the Instrumentin the hands of the people to carrytheir wilt

President Roosevelt objects to theof a directvote system for

questions the peoples rule anda fundamental issue is raised In hispeech at Jaaa stown April JS TheodoreRoosevelt said

Thai treat republic of oars shell never herthe iniiiiMMUt rf a pfatocrary and it ahan ibutane the Kirimmiil cC a mob wRUngshaO mnthi whit onr Esther who fed it naea

it to beThe Presidents Definition

Tb M according to President RooveveKa Republican is one who does not beltevtIn majority rule peoples rule Such aone was a Federalist in Hamiltons dayMr Roosevelts books applaud Hamiltonpolicies and belittle Jeffersons But Abra-

ham Lincoln saidThe uhicit s of leases M are the detnittom sad

of free society Letter tf Aprfl 6 InaX

Thus Lincoln was a maJorityruUstAnd so is Robert M La Follette ShelbyM Cullom and other of the presentdayRepublican leaders What Is William II

view And what Is the attitude o

Charles Warren Fairbanks Joseph Ben-

son Foraker and Philander C KnoxThe in the Republican party shouldinsist upon answers If the Republicanvoters will question candidates they willcontrol the primaries and conventionsBut if the Republican national convention refuses to nominate a majoritymust then Mr Bryan will be our nextPresident and the House will be Demo-cratic nrnjorityrulist As the Whigparty suddenly went to pieces It is pos-

sible for the presentday autocratic ma-chine to do so A peaceful revolution isat hand either inside the Republican ma-chine or from the outside


tbtocton D C

Indian SKI IniiRiuiKc-fic thee New Orleans TkaeaDtawent

When an Indian paints his cheeks inscarlet lines awl daubs a yellow square

n his fOrehead the world knows that heis m lowe

When he covers his face with zlrzag-ttack lines upon an ochre base it is hispurpose to ah Im almost ashamed toay get Just as skated as he posed

tly canWhen the red circles are on each

tone and a rectangle of blue is on theoreheatl the young brave is going outa steel a paleface horse

When he paints white rings around hisj 8 he is running for oiftce he is aaadidato for medicine man or ceiraclior

the white rIngs signify that he oughtB he elected because ho hits the wisdom-f the owl









Its tile







pub-lic this







Would be-

er dii

















One Is at Athensthe First Test

Invented During the Civil War l yNew Orleans Inn hut Irovcs

The only doublebarreled caaoort the10 OM UK historic curiosities of

Ga says the New Orleans Times

There is n binary of unique interestthat goes along with this old cannon

being the only doubtebarreledshooting ken of this Mod ever inventid it conceived WIth a peculiar idea

the Inventor John Oltteland aof the Mitchell Thunderbolts a loral

unitary company during the war TheMitchell Thunderbolts was a company

men too old for acUve service infield and was organized purely for

home defenseMr GiUeland the inventor believed that

With a eaanoa of the double barrel patbe could mow down Yankees by

hundreds He had hta cannon castthe Athens fouaary and wtean fin

shed It wax hauled out to the outskirtsthe city where a test was made One

was entirely sufficient to demonitrate that the cannon wee a rank failure

A ttftyfoot chain with the ends attachid to the cannon balls was the charge

were rammed Into theoed and hard It was the inventor s

that when the cannon was firelchain would stretch taut and cut

everything within its length Whnwas properly loaded it was touchedwith great ceremony

One of the balls got out a littlef the other and the devil and Tom Jones

to pay It had a kind of circularplowed up about an acre of-

ound tore up a cornfield mowed downpttngs and the chain broke the twoUs going in different directions

f the hula killed a youns cow In tIstant Held while the other knockown a chimney from a tog cabin Th

members of the Thunderbolts who vertto witness the test scattered

he ugh the entire Yankee army hi j

turned too in that vicinityThe one test was enough to convir

Inventor that his doubtebarrcannon was more disastrous to the rr u-

ehlnd it than to the enemy in frondrawn back to the city and was i

ed again except to celebrate De

ratio victories the number of time fpurpose bemg rather limited t

State campaigns Several years g

he old ennnon disappeared from in f-

f the city hall and it was found i ishop from which it was rer i

after being mounted was plac dlittle park on College avenue opr 3

Federal building where It now n Iof the moat Interesting relics f

civil war


laos Made l y Ancients Perfcctlj Transparent

Did Nero wear spectacles asks theago Tribune Pliny relates that the Er-

eror Nero used a previous stonerhich he gazed on the gladiatorialtats Dr Magnus the latest autl riv-o examine the passage critically Ms

hat this means that the Emperor w 3 i

he heidI of gazing upon an en rj-chkh he used to carry with him fcT t isurpass of resting his eyes when ttecame tired of looking at the showsThis view is corroborated by the b

antiquity that green has a restful ej-

ect upon the eyes Contrivances f rringing the rays of the sun to a focus n-

rder to produce combustion have benemployed almost from time immemoriPunnIng glasses were used to kIndle

these must have been of considera1-ilze even In a country like Greece wVhe sun shines hot most of theMoreover we are told they were kept i

heirists shops for the purposeThough the art of making glass of

ala kinds is old spectacles had tohe discovery or Invention of some meth 1

would produce it perfectlySpecimens of glass have been four I-

n Egyptian tombs more than 40W yearsand glees bottles are represented nn-

ombs at least 1500 years earlier In-

4e i tamia the art of making glees Ti

era traced for at least 2000 years B rBut all the glass of antiquity was f

Inferior quality and was almost uselpurposes where the rays of light Wf-

o be transmuted unbroken and with vtidiminished

Mirrors also were made In Egypt thoilands of years before the Christian era

I rfWit Moniinpr CirculationAll advertising contracts made by

The Washington Herald are btsdupon its sworn circulation a drcultin In Washington larger ay

than was ever before attainedby say morning newspaper at Ui-sCplt l Its are open

Only GaResult-of

n Dlsuppotntiircnt


world ofAtMDemocrat


by mem-













this f-


punkend l





thro g



that r-






haIls can-non














