Maths Yr 9 KH T3 Data Project

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  • 8/9/2019 Maths Yr 9 KH T3 Data Project


    Year 9

    Term 3 Key Homework

    Statistical Enquiry Project

    The aim of this key homework is for students to ask questions which can be

    answered by using statistical enquiry methods.

    For this keyhomework you will produce a final statistical survey report

    covering the all aspects of the statistical enquiry cycle:

    It will also include these key elements:

    - method- analysis- conclusion


    A.Specifying the problem

    In class, you will discuss with your teacher the exact topic of your project.

    In your final statistical report you will need to

    explain what question you asked (or hypothesis you tested) why you asked or decided to test it; what your initial expectation (or conjecture) was.

    B.Collecting dataDuring lessons, you will be allowed a certain time to collect your data.

    In your final statistical report you will need to

    explain what data you collected and why how you collected or sourced it how you made sure it was accurate and fair

    Analysing and Representing the data:

    C.Analyse data

    Specify the








  • 8/9/2019 Maths Yr 9 KH T3 Data Project


    You will need to calculate appropriate averages and measures of spread for

    your data. You will also need to present your data in appropriate charts and


    In your final statistical report you will need to

    show your calculations for all measures of average and spread; ensure that graphs and charts are correctly plotted and labelled explain why the graphs you have chosen are most appropriate for

    representing the data;


    D.Interpret findingsYou will need to explain what your analysis has shown about the data and what

    conclusions you can draw from it. You will need to explain what features of

    your charts and graphs support your conclusions. You will need to put all your

    comments into context by relating them back to the original problem you set

    out to answer.

    In your final statistical report you will need to

    Describe or explain your data using an appropriate measure ofaverage and spread (or correlation) to interpret or compare


    Draw a conclusion based on your findings which answers youroriginal question or hypothesis

    E.Statistical Enquiry Cycle (Level 7+)You will understand that the statistical enquiry cycle is continuous. You willuse your findings and experience from this cycle to identify additional

    questions to be investigated.

    In your final statistical report you will need to

    Critically evaluate your enquiry process identifying areas ofinaccuracy and proposing more accurate alternatives;

    Form secondary questions or hypothesis which will theninvestigated repeating the statistical enquiry cycle. (Level 8)

    Students will be supported in achieving a level appropriate to their target

    grade through class work.

    Attached for guidance purposes is

    - writing frame (level 3/4)- levelled criteria

  • 8/9/2019 Maths Yr 9 KH T3 Data Project


    Level 3 /4 Framework

    Hypothesis: Make a statement about what you expect your results to be and why


    More students are born in ____________ .I think this because.

    The favourite subject of students in Year 9 of Trafalgar School is

    _________ because.

    Method: Explain what data you need to collect and what you are going to do to

    understand and analyse it.


    I am going to collect data from

    I am going to record my results in a table because

    I am going to illustrate my results in a ___________ to show the number ofstudents who..

    I am going to find the modal class to help explain if my hypothesis is correct.

    Results: Collect and display data in suitable frequency tables

    Construct a bar graph to represent the data


    Favourite subject Tally Frequency (total)

    Conclusion: State theresults of your analysisExplain whether the data supports your hypothesis or not


    From my bar chart I see that the modal class is.

    My hypothesis is true/false because.

  • 8/9/2019 Maths Yr 9 KH T3 Data Project


    Level Criteria Peer



    assessmentLevel 3/4 I have collected and recorded discrete data

    Where appropriate I have grouped data in equal class intervals I have constructed a frequency table to summarise my data I have constructed a bar chart to represent the data I have calculated the mode and range I have interpreted and explained the data using features of the

    graph, the mode and the rangeLevel 5 I have asked a question which can be answered through

    collection, analysis and comparison of two sets of discrete data

    I have collected the appropriate data Where appropriate I have grouped data in equal class intervals I have constructed a frequency table to summarise my data I have calculated the mode, median and mean averages and the

    range of data of two sets of data

    I have compared two simple distributions using the range and anaverage

    I have interpreted my graphs and used my calculations to draw aconclusion that answers my initial question.

    Level 6 I have asked a question which can be answered throughcollection, analysis and comparison of two sets of continuous

    data I designed a survey to capture the necessary data and if necessary

    trialled and refined data collection sheets

    I have constructed a frequency table for large continuous sets ofraw data choosing suitable class intervals

    I have calculated the mode, median and mean averages and therange of data of two sets of data

    I have compared two simple distributions using the range and anaverage

    I have identified two variables which may be correlated andconstructed a scatter graphs

    I have communicated my interpretations and results of astatistical survey using selected tables, graphs and diagrams in


    Level 7 I have suggested a problem to explore using statistical methods I have framed questions and raised conjectures I have identified possible sources of bias and planned how to

    minimise it.

    I have constructed a frequency table for large continuous sets ofraw data choosing suitable class intervals

    I have estimated the mean, median and range of a set of groupeddata and determined the modal class selecting the statistic most

    appropriate to the line of enquiry

    I have selected and constructed suitable graphical representationsto progress an enquiry including frequency polygons and lines of

    best fit on scatter graphs

    I have compared two or more distributions and made inferences,using the shape of the distribution and measures of average and

    range I have examined critically the results of a statistical enquiry and

    justified the choice of statistical representation in written


    Level 8 As Level 7 I have estimated the median, inter-quartile range for large data

    sets, including using a cumulative frequency diagram and box


    I have compared two or more distributions and make inferences,using the shape of the distribution and measures of average and

    spread including median and quartiles

    I have interpreted scatter diagrams using the language ofcorrelation